Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ universal highschool ❯ an ending ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey everyone here is the newest chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I believe I will be ending this story soon for there is not to much more to add. However, this summer I will revise it more since I have found many mistakes that need fixing. Regardless I hope you enjoy.


Vegeta felt his blood and strength leaving him, but he refused to pull away. He could not stand to lose her and would rather fall with her then bare being without her again. Looking down at her as she sucked his blood felt his heart sting with pain. It was still hard for him to comprehend just how much she had gone through, that would have driving her to this point.

After about a half an hour Bulma felt her energy return, it was no where as strong as it could be but it would keep her alive. Slowly lifting her fangs out of the saiyan prince she looked into his eyes they where full of questioning and worry. Smiling a little she spoke through a cracking voice. "I will live," then laying her head on his chest she whispered "I love you." Shortly after the dream world claimed her as her body rested to regain the rest of it strength.

When she had lifted her fangs out of Vegeta's arm he had been concerned that she could not get enough. The looking in her eyes however said that all would be ok, along with her cracking voice. As she laid her head on his chest he put his arms around her and pulled her close. He barely caught her last words as sleep clamed him as well. The last though he had was that she was back and safe never to leave again.

Two days later the duo awoke much to the relief of there friends who refused to leave their side.

Vegeta was the first to wake and look around his room questioningly as everything came back to him. Remember Bulma he looked down in his arms to see he was still holding her tight. Smiling lightly he turned his attention to Kakarott and Chi-Chi who had stayed waiting for them to awaking. He could not help but question how long he had been out.

As if reading Vegeta's mind Goku answered with a smile. "We found you not long after the brothers fell. You where both completely knocked out though we could not discern way we knew you where alive. So you placed you in here where you have been for a week sleeping."

With a nod Vegeta acknowledge the answer, before looking down to Bulma and kissing her lightly on the forehead. As he did her eyes slowly fluttered open to look at the saiyan prince with a mix of emotions that even he could not make out. Lightly moving some hair out of her face he sat her up beside himself.

At that moment Bulma looked around the room to find Kakarott and Chi-Chi looking at her with concern and happiness. Taking a moment to find her voice Bulma spoke as tears came out of her eyes. "Chi I'm so happy to see you again, oh and Goku I hope you have been good to her. I have missed you guys so much; there is so much I have missed."

Chi-Chi ran over to her cousin and hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear. "It is ok I will fill you in later. I'm just happy you are back."

Then Goku came and gave her a deep hug and a smile. "I'm happy to see you are ok Bulma. I think we will leave you two alone now. But, I will have some food sent out side your door. It is good to have the two of you back." Taking Chi-Chi around the waist they left.

Once the door was closed Bulma slummed back into Vegeta chest as the last of her strength was used up. He responded by pulling her closer and giving her a deep kiss. Before speaking in a caring voice "I'm happy to have you back onna."

Turning her face to Vegeta Bulma smiled and spoke softly. "I'm happy to be back."

Before anymore could be said there was a knock on the door. Vegeta propped Bulma against the back of the bed carefully and then went to go get the food. Caring the large tray to the bed he set it down and started to eat along with Bulma.

The whole time she ate he could not take his eyes off of her. He knew that he had missed much during her 3 years with Frieza and Cooler. What the two had done to her was more then he cared to imagine. Even now he could tell that what ever had occurred during those years had changed her much. Vegeta just hoped he could get her back to herself in time, he would love her regardless. But, he felt a great pain in his soul every time he looked at her knowing that he had caused her such pain.

Bulma looked up from her eating to see Vegeta looking at her in concern. There was so much she wanted to say, but yet much she was not ready to say. During her 3 years of hell she had lost her sanity and though she had now regained some of it she could still feel the madness, it wished to reclaim her and this terrified her. Not to mention the many acts of shame she had gone through again and again causing her, her insanity.

As she finished eating Vegeta looked at her in concern. She had eating next to nothing and looked to be contemplating over many troublesome thoughts. There was also a hind of the madness he had seen in her when he first found her again. Looking over to her he decided it would be best to voice his concerns. Bulma had still refused to open the bond to him so this was the only way to get answers.

In a concerned voice Vegeta stated "onna you have got to eat more."

Looking to Vegeta Bulma smiled sadly and drank a sip of water to clear her dry mouth before speaking. "Vegeta there is that is more food then I have eating in the past month."

Vegeta for a second stared at her in disbelief before closely examining her body and noting that indeed she had lost much weight sense he lost saw her. In truth she was practically a skeleton. He had known the brothers would be harsh, but so much so as to starve her to death, he could just feel the anger rising with in him.

Seeing Vegeta's anger Bulma decided to stop it before it got out of control. Nothing could be done about something in the past. Softly she spoke to him "Vegeta it is done Frieza is gone along with Cooler." Leaning over the tray she kissed him lightly on the lips and added "thanks to you."

Her actions had shocked Vegeta out of his trance and he just stared at her in knowing that the words she spoke where true. Not really knowing what to say now Vegeta just finished of the rest of the food before setting tray back outside the door and walking back to Bulma.

In all truth the two had no idea what to say to each other. All that had happened could not be forgotten yet it was not ready to be released. Both had so much to say and tell the other but no words would come they just stared at each other, seeing emotions and feelings flutter across the others eyes.

Bulma was the first to speak and break the silence. "Vegeta would you mind helping me take a bath I have not had a good one in ages. I would go myself, but…."

Before she could say anymore Vegeta just picked her up gently and carried her into the bathroom. Gently setting her on a near by chair he started to draw the water. When the bath was finished he gently took the thin clothing off of Bulma and placed her in the tub. Sitting down in a chair close by, he watched as she slid further into the water and closed her eyes. Looking through the clear steamy water he could see many scares all over her body. It just made his heart wrench with pain but he remained silent just watching Bulma relax.

The hot water was a great relief and helped to calm Bulma down. In the past she would have never asked for help or not have blushed at being undressed. But, after all she had been through it did not matter. Vegeta was not going to make fun of her being weak and he had seen her before. It was only when she let her mind wander; that she realized that he would see her new scares. Of those she was ashamed but it was to late now and he would have found out sooner or later.

Opening her eyes slowly she saw Vegeta looking over her body in concern. It made her want to say something but what. She was not yet ready to tell what had occurred to her during the last 3 years of her life.

Looking hack to Bulma's face Vegeta saw that she had her eyes open and staring at him in thought. He knew she was debating what to tell him, with is eyes he pleaded that she just tell the truth and let it all be out. Then maybe they could try to put things back together.

Bulma knew the look in his eyes it begged for her to spill, but was she ready. Sighing Bulma decided to just get it over. As her eyes filled with tears recounting how many of the scars had been formed. All Bulma could do was looking into the steamy hot water before closing her eyes and speaking quietly.

Before Bulma could talk however Vegeta gently pulled her out of the tub and tried her off with his ki. He then dressed her in a light silk dress and cared her to the bed. Sitting against the back holding her tight he waited for her to begin.

Once inside Vegeta's soft yet vice like grip she felt herself calm. She smiled lightly to herself that he had been so thoughtful, as to know she would want to be held through out this. Looking strait a head Bulma began to speak before she lost her nerve.

"At first when I got to Frieza's and Cooler's ship they just gave me my old room and the privileges I had before, minus of course the use of a private lab with in my room. After a year however the duo became angry at me for not producing an heir. So they threw me in a small room in the low part of the ship taking away all of my rights. I stayed in that room for two years."

Sniffling a little as tears started to fall from her eyes she went on choking out the words between sobs. "It was during these two years that they lost all care for me as a person. They would come and go at all hours of the night betting and raping me as they saw fit. I still refused to give them an heir. This pissed the off even more and they started to take away much of my food a lot meant, till I was eating about one meal a weak."

Then putting her hands to her tear stained face she got to the part that made her the saddest. "About a year ago I started to slowly go insane from the beatings and lack of food. My mind had just given up there was nothing there but the darkness of the room and the comings and goings of the brothers and maybe food." Shaking her head as if in denial she went on, "I tried so hard to stay sane but it just did not happen."

Uncovering her eyes she turned to look at Vegeta's reaction to see that he had a look of concern and reverence of her. Not really knowing what to say she just braved on. "I lost all sense of what was real, I dare not contact you for by this time I thought you had moved on. My mind played tricks on me daily telling me the bad things I should do, how I could end the pain, how no one cared. After I time I stared to believe it, I just wanted to the pain to end."

"Just before we came here I had decided to end it all. I shoved some glass in my arm so it would not be found for I was searched often to make sure I made no such attempt. My plan was to wait till my last meal then kill myself. This plan was interrupted by coming here. When I saw you and the others I felt so joy full. But, my mind was far gone with thoughts of ending the pain. After I was unable to save Chi-Chi I decided to run. Then you found me. You restored by sanity how I do not know."

Shivering a little Bulma spoke even softer then before "But, I can still feel the madness with in me want to get out." Turning to Vegeta once more with her tear stained eyes that pleaded for help. "You are the only one you can keep this at bay."

At then end of Bulma's story Vegeta just held her tighter and whispered in her ear. "I will help you in any way I can and I will never let you go."

These words prompted Bulma dropped the wall into her mind; and let Vegeta into her memories and thoughts again. Feeling his presence in her mind drove the insanity back even further.

Speaking through their bond that they had not used in many years Bulma said. `I love you Geta.'

`I love you to onna, now is the time for our lives.'

Bulma placed a mental image of a smile in his head.

`Though onna we must defeat Cold first for then and only then will all this be done.'

`I know but he is no problem, you and Goku are Super Saiyans he will be an easy victory. When he is gone me and Chi will take the empire.'

`Yes you will princess, yes you will.'

`Do not worry Vegeta I will never leave you, we can rule together. Chi will give her half to me never being inclined to rule and then we can make the universe a better place.'

`That we will onna that we will.'

`I'm so happy to be back I have missed so much.'

`And you will have plenty of time to make up for it.'

`Yes I suppose I will thank you Vegeta thank you so much.'

`For what?'

`Being you, then only man I will ever love and trust, well besides Goku the lovable oaf.'

`I love you to onna, lets get some rest now.'

Nodding in agreement Bulma snuggled further in to his broad chest let sleep take her. She knew the future would be bringer. Vegeta was with her yet again and loved her, there was nothing more she could want in life. With a smile darkness claimed her.

Vegeta just held her close having never felt so grateful in his life. He did not know what he would do with out the blue haired angel but, he hoped he would never have to find out. Letting his thoughts drifted to he future he feel into a deep restful sleep knowing Bulma was with him yet again and safe.


Alright people I'm deciding to end this story here. I know I could write more and have Bulma me Gohan and have them go battle Cold and all this stuff. But, really I think it is just best to end her before this story becomes overly long.

I thank you all for reviewing


Adbzfan2K03 thank you much for your multiple reviews I like your stories as well keep writing




Vegitas Venus

Chibi saiyan sarah

Trunksvegetafrodo thank you so much for telling me when my chaps where out of order I really need to learn to watch that




And at MM

Dark Bulma- I loved your comments thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the ending







And others thank you as well.

And many more, later peps I hope you liked the story. I will be editing it over the summer ciao.