Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Sayian ❯ A look back on pat's life ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: In case if anybody forgot, this is fanfiction. Anything can happen. But I decided to make this chapter dedicated on how Pat became A super Sayian Level 2. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ

Unknown sayian 4: A look back on Pat's life

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Pat's POV:

I am in my room. I look up into the ceiling. I remember certain key points in my life.

{Pat's Memory, age 5}:

"Mom, you have to let me train. If nothing else, I think I could make use out of it. I can feel the need to. I don't mind spending my life down here, but at least let me train, so I can protect you, when you need it" I said. I begged for my wish. It took mom a minute, but she realized that there was no harm.

"I guess I see no harm in it. Just try not to kill yourself while doing so" My mom said to me. I was ecstatic

"Thank you" I said.

{Pat's memory, age 9}:

"I will never give up. Keep the gravity increasing. I want 200" I said. If I was to truly test my maximum, I had to push myself. No matter what the cost.

"I don't think this is the best idea, you're very tired" My mom said over the intercom. It's true, I was tired, but far from finished.

"DO IT NOW!!!!!!! I don't care about the injuries I might sustain. Please. I'm doing this for you, and me" I said. The gravity was currently at 150. I was tired, but not finished. I had gotten used to the gravity, but I was spent before hand. I however, had to hide it. I knew no limits. I don't know of the word quit. Mom reluctantly increased the gravity.

"C'mon Pat. Don't give up. This is your destiny. To be the best. What will people think of you when you get out. I will never be left BEHIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Bulma's POV

I saw his heart rate drop when I increased the gravity. I was just about to turn off the gravity, but I noticed something. His status went up. His heart rate quadrupled. I saw the massive power he was emitting. Not only did he master flying, but he had transformed. A form that looked like Goku's super sayian form.

"How could this be. He's a Super Sayian, but he's not a Sayian. Is he?" I asked myself. I was shocked to say the least.

Pat's POV:

I felt this power flow through me. This gravity was nothing to me. I was floating. I had become somewhat of a superhuman. I could see the shade of my black and blue hair go gold. Suddenly, I collapsed.

{Pat's memory, age 14}:

I had trained in my super human form for weeks. I couldn't sleep because of the massive bad dreams I got after the Cell games. I knew Cell was dead, from another superhuman named Gohan. I couldn't help but think that Cell wasn't dead, and he would kill mom. I was furious for my weakness. I heard the door open to my underground home. I got dressed, still in superhuman form. I knew it was my mom. I went to my gravity room, where I saw her, prepared to activate the gravity to 600 times earth's gravity. I punched the air furiously, imagining Cell, crumbling to every single punch I had laid out. I suddenly stopped, maniacally laughing. I heard mom over the intercom.

A few minutes later.............

"What. Are you telling me I'm not human?" I asked my mom.

"No sweetie. You're not entirely human. Don't be mad" My mom said to me. I wouldn't take this lightly

"Really. Well now I really feel rejected. My own father wanted nothing to do with me. Told you to get rid of me. So you had no choice but to take me here. Unacceptable. I WILL NOT BE REJECTED FROM ANYBODY!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I once again felt a massive energy rush that I hadn't felt since I was nine years old. I felt like I was transforming again.


To say my mom made the wrong choice of leaving me underground was not true. I'm glad she did. My father didn't even know about me. I guess I was an experimental child, for living underground. Since mom didn't know who my father was and my blood just wouldn't be identified. I would eventually find out I was a super Sayian, from the last memory.

"Huh???? Oh S***. The spawn of the devil is at it again" I said. I could sense Trunks about to pull a prank on Vegeta, who was sleeping after a long day of training. I crept downstairs, and noticed Trunks was going to play a classic prank. He was about to fill Vegeta's hand with shaving cream.

"Vegeta. Mom needs you to go Shopping" I yelled. Vegeta shot up, and trunks accidentally sprayed his face with the cream.

"I don't think so" Vegeta said. I laughed a bit.

"No shopping man. But look at trunks, and you can thank me later from what could have happened to you" I said. Vegeta looked at A very embarrassed Trunks, with the whitest beard available. If my hearing is going bad, then I must have heard Vegeta laugh. No wait, he was laughing.

"I think I will thank you now. Good call Pat. Let's just hope he doesn't embarrassed himself at the tournament" Vegeta said. I agree man. I agree