Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Sayian ❯ Points of authority, Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ Or the Linkin Park song 'Points of authority'

A/N: Decided to write another Songfic. My first one for this story. And since I couldn't get the song, Points of authority, out of my head, I decided to use that song

Unknown sayian 8: Points of authority part 1

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Pat's POV:

"Would Goku and Black Stryker please report to the ring for their match" The ring announcer said. Finally. I will find out who is stronger. But I already know who is

"Pat. Make sure you kick his ass. If part of me is in you, then use it to your advantage" Vegeta said to me. I smiled at that.

"Thank you for the comment. But I will defeat my father. It shouldn't be much of a problem. Moms experiments on me have made me more powerful then anybody could ever realize"

{Forfeit the game
Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame
Puts your name to shame
Cover up your face
You can't run the race
The pace is too fast
You just can't last }

I entered the ring. Goku was already there. Since Goten and Trunks broke gohan's promise not to go Super Sayian, all restraints were off. I raised my right hand to my face. Palm side out, and only the finger bent down, while the others were strait out. With my left, I formed a chop position, and had it slightly outward to my body. It was my personal stance before the fight.

{You love the way I look at you
While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through
You take away if I give in}

I powered up to Super Sayian, Dad had no choice but to follow. We began to fight, when dad was frozen. From what I could tell, it was from that Shin character.

"Hell no" I said, before my eyes flashed red, and dad was free from the constraints. Spopovitch and Yamu tried to get to my dad with this device, but I blew them away easily with some black lightning.

"Be prepared for me to use that attack on you" I said. We actually began to fight this time. He camer up and punched me hard in the face. I retaliated with my own. Then, I furiously punched him in the chest. He couldn't breath at that.

"Not bad. Pat, I'm impressed" dad said. I spat on the ground.

"Blow me. I don't need your comments" I said. I was about to use black lightning, but dad had kicked me in the head. It was a solid blow.

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!!" Dad shouted. I know this attack. I smirked.

"Not so fast" I said, as I countered with my own. It was a power struggle. Niether one of us letting up.

"I didn't know you knew this attack" Dad said to me. I laughed at that.

"Only through blood. But This struggle is OVER" I said. I powered up to SS2, and my Kamehameha overpowered his.

{My life, My pride is Broken}

Dad was hit hard with my own blast.

"Whoa. But if that's the way you want it, then so be it" He said. he to, powered up to SS2.

"I underestimated you. But you don't know nothing about me" I said. I leaped up into the air, and prepared an attack.

"Here's my Jenova rocket" I said. I flew at a very fast pace, and crashed into the ring. When I did that, the ring was filled with a massive amount of energy, with a dark effect.

"What happened to the ring?" Dad said. I smirked.

"My jenova rocket is a powerful ability. I can turn a selected area into an energy drainer. But if I hit my intended target, then I will have destroyed it completely. That's why I missed. I want to actually fight you. You just simply can't touch the ring. You must rely on your KI to avoid it. For if you touch it, your energy will become mine" I said. I was laughing like a maniac. Dad Didn't like it at all.

"Well, then. I'll have to get rid of the ring" He said. He fired a powerful Kamehameha at it, but it didn't destroy the ring. But it fed me his wasted energy.

"Sorry, but it doesn't work like that. Stay in the air, if you want to win" I said.

"But why?" Dad asked me. I calmed down a bit.

"I'm truely testing your endurance. You see, I play by longest lasting. And since I'm combined with the power of you, the Dark beast Jenova, and Vegeta, My endurance is virtually limitless" I said. this raised another question from dad.

"Even during........?" He asked. I got what he meant.

"I wouldn't know" I said. We both vigorously fought. I was beginning to show some exhaustion. I had to do something to show my true power