Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Questions unanswered ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 4
Questions Unanswered

Bulma watched her son, who sat in front of the computer, typing furiously and stopping ever now and then to jot down notes. He was taking these turn of events pretty hard. Probably, she considered, since his lack of experience with such situations. In his eighteen years, he had only ever been directly involved in the Buu fiasco. What he didn’t know was that his father had gotten out of worse binds than this. Hell, being one of them.

But he wasn’t just worried about Vegeta, she knew that. But his best friend and baby sister as well. Trunks had a tender heart and she knew he blamed himself for what happened.

Crossing the room she put her arms around her oldest child and hugged him tightly. Trunks paused in his work to place a hand on her arm.

“Don’t worry about a thing, baby.” she murmured, kissing the back of his head. “Your father has seen worse than a unruly group of Saiyans.”

“I know...” he replied quietly. “But....Bulla...”

She squeezed him tighter.

“He won’t let them harm one hair on her head. Besides!” she stood up, looking to Gohan who sat opposite Trunks going through several sheets of data. “He has Goku to help him and those two always work well together.” The room was quiet and the two Saiyans looked at each other incredulously. “Well...” she finished. “When they have to, anyway...”

The trio was interrupted when the door to the lab pushed open. They turned, seeing it was Mrs. Briefs.

“Look who came ta’ visit!” she squealed happily, proceeding into the room with a large tray of goodies, Piccolo in tow.

“Piccolo!” Gohan greeted, his voice a mixture of happiness and relief. Piccolo gave a short nod in return before he spoke.

“I sensed a great disturbance but there was nothing there when I arrived. I can no longer sense Goku or Vegeta. What has happened.”

Gohan glanced to Trunks who, if possible, began typing faster. He moved from the table to join Piccolo near the door.

“They were abducted.” he spoke quietly. He knew Trunks had superior Saiyan hearing, like himself, but felt that hushed tones would make the rehashing of the situation sound less harsh. “By Saiyans.”

Piccolo frowned.

“Saiyans? How is that possible?” Gohan shook his head, shrugging.

“We don’t have any real facts. Just that a group claiming to be Saiyans, who appeared to actually to be Saiyan, appeared and grabbed Bulla. Goten and Pan tried to fight them, but they took Goten as well. Vegeta was the first to sense the battle and went to help, my father going to help him, and somehow they were both overpowered.”

“Impossible...” Piccolo stated, folding his arms. “I’m sorry, Gohan. Is your daughter safe?” Gohan nodded.

“Goten had sent her to get our father. She’s at home with her mother right now. She’s not hurt but a little upset.”

“Understood. What plan are you working on to retrieve them.” the two turned to Bulma and Trunks.

“Well,” Trunks began, since he was the only one of the two who had heard their conversation. “Using the same technology that my mother invented for the dragon radar, I’m programming this computer to detect the individual signatures of my father and uncle Goku.” he explained, turning from the screen. “I had to retrieve that information from the regeneration tanks that my parents fashioned after the Saiyan style tanks. Seeing as our fathers are the only ones ever to have need of them, their the only two I can actually scan for.”

“But, they are no longer on Earth.” Piccolo reminded him. Trunks nodded.

“I know. That is why I’m networking this computer to the one on the old capsule 3. My father used it to search space for uncle Goku. My mom is working on getting it flight worthy, again. Then, I can reroute the power from the gravity generator to the radar. I should be able to get quite a wide range. My mother built such a sophisticated system to handle the grav unit that I can essentially turn it in to one giant radar satellite.”

Piccolo turned this information over in his mind. It was at least one option.

“The ships weren’t styled for luxury, since only Vegeta and Goku ever used them.” Bulma continued. “But up to three people should be able to be comfortable enough for a two to three week period. But, I think we will definitely find them by then.”

“I will meet with Dende and see if there is anything he can do to assist.” Piccolo stated. “I will return when I have news.”

“Thank you, Piccolo.” Gohan spoke honestly, walking with him back to the door. Piccolo inclined his head again in farewell before leaving.

“Alright boys,” Bulma announced rolling up her sleeves. “I’m off to the hangar. As soon as you two are ready to upload, feel free.”

“Right.” they replied in unison. Gohan gave Trunks a hearty clap on the back before he settled across from him again. Trunks took a deep breath, looking back to his computer screen of code. He hoped this was going to work. He had to make things right...


The smell of food, even alien food, got the better of Goku and he had finished off the meal that they were provided all by himself. He had offered to Vegeta at various stages of it’s diminishment, but the older Saiyan declined, sometime rather forcefully and with colorful language. Goku was now stretched out sideways across the bed, starring at the ceiling. Vegeta stood, still, by the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

Goku rolled his head to the side and watched his companion. He wanted to ask what the other was thinking, but he feared the verbal backlash. Oddly, it seemed without their ki energy, Vegeta just might have more actual physical strength than the taller of the two.

Rolling onto his side, Goku propped his head up with his hand. He needed to know what Vegeta was planning. Without his strength he had little idea on his own how to get the kids back.

“Vegeta,” he began, earning himself a look of extreme irritation. “What do we do now?”

Vegeta continued to glare for a moment. He didn’t want to admit that at the moment, he really had no idea.

“We could always play cards, Kakkarot.” he sneered. Goku grimaced. He didn’t have any cards. “I’m not serious, fool.” Vegeta grumbled as if reading his mind. “Not shut your wind-hole before I do it for you.”

Goku frowned.

“That’s not very nice...”

Without warning, the door to their cell slid open. Instead of the young Saiyan, Daikkon, it was an older man. His face was weather beaten and scarred, his dark brown beard peppered with gray. His eyes were narrowed menacingly as he looked between the two.

Vegeta had again crouched down into a defensive stance. Goku had rolled back over to sit up on the bed, but made no other move.

The man moved swiftly into the room toward Vegeta. Vegeta threw a punch that was quickly deflected, and in a flash the man had the prince pinned to the wall by his neck. Vegeta struggled again the restraint, digging at the hands at his throat, the tips of his boots barely scraping the ground.

Goku jumped to his feet, the guard at the door shouted something incomprehensible.

“Let him go!” Goku demanded, grabbing the man by the arm and yanking with all his strength. The Saiyan barely registered Goku’s attack, but turned and shoved him to the ground. Goku landed with a loud thud, his hip bone jolting with pain upon connecting forcefully with the hard floor.

The Saiyan turned back from Goku to Vegeta, who still struggled against him.

“The children,” the man sneered, tightening his grip. “are halflings!?” Vegeta’s eyebrows drew together in confusion and he gasped for greatly needed breath. “Half-breeds!” his attacker pulled back his other hand and gave a crushing punch to Vegeta’s midsection before his fist opened and closed down on Vegeta’s shirt, giving him leverage with which to haul the powerless prince over his head and throw him across the room. Vegeta crashed into the opposite wall and dropped in a heap on the floor.

Goku watched with mouth agape, waiting for a sign of movement. He realized he had been holding his own breath when he saw Vegeta take a sharp, gasping inhale. He wished, however, that Vegeta had been knocked unconscious. He knew from experience that no matter how out matched or out numbered, Vegeta refused to give up. Even when he was at such an unfair handicap.

Vegeta rolled onto his back and pulled himself to his feet. He spat on the floor the blood that pooled in his mouth when he had bit his tongue upon colliding with the wall. Slowly, he crouched back down, his hands drawing back, ready for the next move. Goku knew that stance, it only said one thing: Bring it on.

“You are more pathetic than we first assumed, your highness.” the man continued. “Not only did you abandon your people to hide amongst the humans, you bred with them as well. How could you share the blood of the noble Saiyan’s with such an unworthy race. You have no honor.”

“Do not talk to me about honor!” Vegeta rasped. “You show your cowardice by refusing to fight me Saiyan to Saiyan. Using spineless methods of stealing our energy. You know nothing of honor!!” The old Saiyan shook his head in disgust.

“I want nothing of what you think is honor, King Vegeta. You, who contentedly played the part of Freiza’s whore while your people suffered.”

Goku couldn’t imagine what the Saiyan could have possible said to earn such a reaction from Vegeta. The attack was soundless as Vegeta crossed the room in the blink of an eye and landed as many as ten solid punches before the other could react. But when he did, this time it did leave Vegeta unconscious. Goku’s hands balled into fists as the Saiyan turned his eyes upon him. He spoke so Goku would understand.

“The male....is yours?”

Goku gave a slow, unsure nod.

“Yes.” he replied. “My son...”

“So you are a third class as well.”

Goku never understood the meaning of that, but he had heard it enough times in his life not to doubt it’s truth.


The Saiyan kept his eyes on Goku for a moment longer than was comfortable before turning and striding from the room.

When the door shut, Goku dropped to his knees and pulled Vegeta into his arms. He placed the prince on the bed, wishing to Kami that he had a senzu bean at this moment.

Goku turned, surprised when the door opened again. He found that he sighed relieved to see Daikkon.

“I apologize for General Horenz.” Daikkon spoke as he crossed the room to stop at Vegeta’s side. “He’s not a man of words.”

“Are many Saiyan’s?” Goku asked sadly. Daikkon’s expression was regretful.

“No. I suppose not. But surely, you must know that there exceptions, as you appear to be one yourself.”

Goku shrugged.

“My brother said it was because of a blow to the head I suffered an a child. I suppose I’ll never know. But you,” Goku returned. “You don’t seem to be the average Saiyan either.”

Daikkon remained quiet a moment as he attended to Vegeta’s wounds.

“I suppose not.” he replied quietly. “But my mother was not your average Saiyan as well, I guess.”

“Wow.” Goku laughed. “I never really thought about it, but I guess there are Saiyan women!” Daikkon didn’t meet his eyes as he spoke.

“No. There are not.”

Goku sobered up quickly.

“I’m sorry, I...”

“Don’t be. My mother died an honorable death. She is surely in Kathor now, with the great King.”

Goku’s brow creased with confusion.


Daikkon did smile now.

“What human’s would call the otherworld, or Heaven I suppose. Where the mighty and righteous Saiyan’s spend eternity.”

“Oh! Otherworld!” Goku exclaimed. “Yeah, it’s nice. Hm...I didn’t know Saiyan’s believed in an afterlife.”

“Very much so.” Daikkon told him, placing a bandage on the last of Vegeta’s wounds. “You are an odd Saiyan who does not speak our language and who asks such questions.”

“I was raised on Earth, by humans.” Goku explained. “I didn’t meet my first Saiyan until I was in my twenties. And, huh,...” he rubbed the back of his head as he remembered. “That didn’t go over so well.”

“Very interesting.” Daikkon said as he stood. “I would love to share more with you.” Goku’s voice became serious.

“Well, we don’t intend to be here very long. Vegeta will find a way to get us out of here.”

Daikkon’s expression was grave and he shook his head.

“I’m afraid that escape might not be possible for even the son of the great King.” he spoke solemnly. “Not when those around me are as determined as they are and who will stop at nothing to secure their plans.”

“What are their plans.” Goku whispered in earnest. “Daikkon, I know you don’t want harm to come to us. Please, what are they planning.”

Daikkon’s eyes darted back and forth between Goku’s and Goku could see the struggle within him.

“I...I cannot say. Just know that you are in no mortal danger. They...they need you alive.”

Goku frowned.


“I believe the children no longer factor into the equation...or, at least I hope....” he seemed pained a moment before he continued. “But you are the last of the third class. And you are of full blood.”

Goku brought his hands out to his sides in exasperation.

“But what does that mean?” he insisted. Daikkon regarded him with wide eyes a moment.

“I will bring you a vid to speak with your children. We will talk more then.”

Before Goku could utter another syllable, he had left.


A/N: I giggle everytime I read the part where Vegeta tells Goku to shut his 'wind-hole'! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Dark things are on the horizon for our hero's, so please heed the posted warnings. Again, thank you to SuperSaiyanJoy and Webtester01 for reviewing! You both rock! Hope to hear from more of you if you like...or if you don't. Just please don't be mean!!! I am always open to suggestions on how to improve the writing. Enjoy. : )