Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Classes ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 5

When Vegeta finally woke, he didn’t speak, but paced the room in agitation. Goku could see the trembling in his limbs and knew it was probably pent up rage. Someone was going to get hurt and he had a feeling it might be him.

“Vegeta,” Goku spoke softly, so not as to provoke any wrath. “Can I ask you a question?”

“That is a fucking question, Kakkarot!” Vegeta snapped, kicking a stool out of his way. Goku grimaced. Two down, two to go...

“Can I ask....um....can I ask you about Saiyans?”

A low growl rumbled in Vegeta’s throat but he didn’t refuse.

“What does third class Saiyan mean?”

Vegeta stopped pacing and turned to the other.

“Third class is the lowest class of Saiyan. Peasants, workers, infantry....You, Kakkarot.” he grumbled. “You are a third class Saiyan.”

“I know that.” Goku replied, trying to conceal his frustration. “But why? Because I’m poor? Cause I’m not that poor Vegeta, Chi-chi and I just like to live a simple life...”

“Because you are simple.” Vegeta replied. “You could have all the riches of the universe but you would still be a third class.”

Goku grimaced. He didn’t want to say anything, but maybe Vegeta didn’t know what it meant either. He just accepted the answer and leaned back against the wall.

“This is Daikkon.” the young Saiyans voice broke the silence coming from speakers that the two had yet to locate. “I’m coming in.”

Goku sat back up and Vegeta only rolled his eyes and moved to stand by the wall.

The door opened and Daikkon entered, carrying with him a flat metal device that looked like a laptop computer. Eagerly, Goku met him in the middle of the room.

“As promised,” Daikkon said with some satisfaction in his tone. “A vid screen to speak with your children.”

“I can’t imagine what we could possibly want after this.” Vegeta growled out sarcastically. Both Goku and Daikkon turned to regard him with frowns. Vegeta rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, I cannot leave it with you, but you can use it for now. Another guard is with the children. I told them to be waiting.” Daikkon told them as he sat the computer on the table and punched the controls.

Vegeta came to join them around the screen as it snapped to life. Goten was starring blankly into the screen, his face appeared weary but he looked unharmed.

“Goten!” Goku exclaimed.

“Dad! What is going on?” he asked quickly. Goku shook his head.

“Don’t worry, son. Are you alright? Have you been hurt?” Goten mirrored his father, shaking his head in the negative.

“No, not including the fight. They did some strange scans but that is about it. I mean, other than holding us hostage!” he grimaced.

“Where is Bulla?” Vegeta snapped, a little harsher than he actually wanted to. Goten’s eyess widened upon hearing Vegeta’s voice. He didn’t have time to answer before he suddenly fell out of frame and the screen was filled with the blue haired adolescent.

“Papa!” she shrieked, leaning toward the camera. “What is going on here! Do you know what they gave us to eat?! There are no walls around the toilet!! I’m sharing a room with Goten!” the more she spoke the higher pitched her voice became.

Vegeta grabbed Daikkon by the front of his shirt.

“You have her in the same room as the boy!?” he said, giving him a rough shake.

“For her protection, I assure you, sire..” Daikkon whispered.

“Then put her in here with me.” Vegeta returned. Daikkon adverted his eyes from Vegeta’s.

“Trust me. She is safer where she is.”

Vegeta didn’t have time to question him when his attention was pulled back to the computer screen. Bulla was slapping at some hands that appeared to be adjusting the controls.

“I’m not done yet!!” she shouted. “Leave that alone!” the hands retreated from frame and Bulla turned her flushed face back to her father.

“Be nice to Goten...” Goku spoke gently.

“That wasn’t Goten!” Bulla snapped. “That was that STUPID IDIOT GUARD.” she was apparently addressing the afore mentioned as she had turned offscreen again. “Yeah, you heard me!”

“Bulla.” Vegeta’s voice captured his daughters attention. She looked at him with a serious face. “Have they hurt you?”

“No, papa.” she answered shortly.

“Have they...tried to hurt you...”

“Sire...” Daikkon breathed in shock as Bulla looked puzzled over the question.

“No papa. Why would they when you are here?”

Vegeta nodded and moved outside the range of the camera, pulling Daikkon with him.

“I swear to you, man” he hissed menacingly. “If anyone, anyone even thinks of harming her in even the most minute way...You will all die - ki or no ki - you will all die.”

Daikkon nodded, swallowing hard.

“I will do everything I can to assure her safety, sire.” Vegeta shoved the man from him and returned to the computer.

“Goten!” he snapped. Within seconds, Goten was sharing the screen with the hot tempered princess.

“Yes sir?” he replied quickly.

“Take care of her.” Goten nodded.

“Of course.”

“Take care of yourself too, son.” Goku added. “Don’t try anything heroic.”

Goten had nodded and the screen died to black. Goku closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as Vegeta let out a thundering growl and kicked a pillow across the room. Goku discreetly used his foot to move the remaining stools under the table.

Daikkon closed the computer screen and turned to the two captives. His face seemed rather pale. He held the thin computer console to his chest for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.

“I am afraid that I have....news that might be rather disturbing to you both...” he began. Goku cocked his head to the side and Vegeta turned weary eyes his way. Daikkon licked his dry lips nervously before continuing. “I think it would be best if you sat down, my lord.”

“I think it would be best if you just spit it out, damnit!” he grumbled in reply.

Goku gave a small smile of support.

“Go ahead, Daikkon,” he spoke. “This is obviously difficult for you to say, as well.”

“You are too kind - “

“Get the fuck on with it!” Vegeta roared, actually causing both younger Saiyans to flinch. Daikkon took a deep breath.

“I have been given the command to inform you of the purpose you will fill in our leaders plan.”

That got Vegeta’s attention and he paced back toward the table, but still stood several feet away. Goku pulled out a stool and sat down, eager for the explanation.

“You see...” Daikkon began again. “After the destruction of our beloved home planet, there were two types of Saiyan’s left in the universe. Those who were sent away by the great King Vegeta himself and those that had not yet returned from missions they had been deployed on by Prince Frieza.” Vegeta’s mouth turned from frown to scowl upon hearing the name. “General Horenz was one of those returning to planet Vegeta on Frieza’s command. Had he not been sidetracked by a computer malfunction, he would have been on planet when it exploded.”

“Bully for him.” Vegeta snapped. “This is all a very lovely and thrilling tale, Daikkon, but what the fuck does this have to do with me or my daughter.”

Daikkon swallowed nervously again.

“You see, it is Horenz grandest desire to see the rebirth of the Saiyan people. He has tirelessly combed the galaxy for any Saiyans that might have survived. There were whispers and rumors that the son of the King himself still lived....among other stories of his exploits.” Vegeta’s face twisted in disgust. There was no telling what those in the galaxy might tell about him.

“So, you all came to Earth to retrieve Vegeta to lead you?” Goku asked supportively trying to propel the rest of the story. Daikkon turned to him.

“Not exactly.” his next words came out in a quick stream as if he were afraid if Vegeta would hurt him before he could finish. “Horenz always had his suspicions about your loyalty to your people, highness. He sent spies to track you down on Earth and was delighted to hear that you had heirs; a son and a daughter. But now that he has found out that their blood is mixed, I am afraid that their existence no longer pleases him.” Daikkon’s grimaced as if he were fighting back the telltale heat of nausea rising in his throat. “But, he has a new plan for you both...” his eyes locked with Goku’s. Goku blinked in confusion.

“I’m not royal.” he replied a bit nervously. “I’m a third class Saiyan.” Daikkon nodded gravely.

“Do you know what that means?” Goku glanced to Vegeta whose face was unreadable.

“That...that I’m simple...and low class....and a soldier?” he answered as best he could.

Daikkon sighed.

“You must know that there are three classes of Saiyan. The first class; royalty, nobility, most elites. The second class: commoners, tradesman, artisans, warriors...some are lucky enough to become elites. Then there is the third class: peasants, infantry...while few, very very few became elite soldiers, the third class were nothing more than livestock.” Goku’s mouth fell slack from shock. Vegeta raised an eyebrow, but showed no other sign of interest in the tale.

“Livestock?” Goku breathed. “What does that mean?”

“It means they were regarded as nothing more than property, a natural resource for any job that was at hand. But, the third class also was different for another very unique, very special reason.” Daikkon continued. Goku leaned forward in his stool, expectant of the answer. “Like all Saiyan’s, their genetic makeup made them a very robust, strong and durable beings. They could toil and survive in the worst of conditions for extended periods of time. However, if need arose...” he took another deep breath before finishing. “The males of the third class could also be used to conceive and bare children if the population was in danger, in effect doubling the rate at which our numbers recovered.”

Even Vegeta’s mouth was agape upon hearing this news. Goku blinked again.

“I’m sorry,” he spoke. “....What?”

“That’s ridiculous!” Vegeta exclaimed. “I’ve never heard anything more ridiculous in my life!!”

“I wish it were not true, my lord.” Daikkon admitted to him. “But, it is not just as bad as that.”

“What could be worse!” Goku nearly shrieked as the information soaked into his brain.

“Horenz does not respect or honor our great King, as I do.” he said turning to Vegeta. “He thinks you are a traitor and coward. For someone to bend to the will of the aisu people and then to hide amongst the humans, stripping themselves of the every last remnant of our heritage....”Daikkon placed a protective hand over the bristling tail curled tightly at his waist. “..he thinks that there is nothing left in you worth salvaging.....save one thing.”

“And that would be?” Vegeta growled. Daikkon sighed.

“Horenz believes himself to be a purist. For him to want a true leader of the Saiyan people, he needs your ability to produce a first class royal Saiyan heir.”

“If he thinks that my daughter will go along with any ideas he has, he has another think coming!!” Vegeta roared. “My children are first and foremost loyal to me before any race of people.”

Daikkon shook his head wearily.

“After examining the two children, Horenz was incredibly disappointed to see that their blood had been diluted with that of the human race. However, he still feels he can use them to obtain what he wants.”

“Use them to do what?!” Goku demanded, standing. Daikkon frowned, his face looking haggard as though the explanations were taking a toll on him.

“As leverage to obtain two things.” he explained, looking cautiously between the two Saiyans in front of him, first to Vegeta and then to Goku. “One of first class royal blood to supply an heir.....and one with the capacity to bare it.”


A/N: *Cue dramatic soap opera music* So, what do ya'll think?? Well, I'd sure like to know! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, it just seeped like the best place to stop. Hopefully chapter 6 will be up shortly. Hope everyone is liking it so far!