Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ WTF?! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 6

Daikkon starred at the two Saiyans starring back at him. Goku, wide eyed and mouth agape, and Vegeta, hands trembling with rage. Daikkon fought the urge to run.
“Daikkon,” Vegeta’s voice was strained as every muscle in his body was tight with anger. “What did you say?”
The young Saiyan took a cautious step back.
“In essence, since he can’t use the children to supply an heir....he will use the two of you.” he answered.
Goku made a sharp noise that sounded as though he were choking.
“He was going to use our children!?” he exclaimed. “That....that-”
“I’m very sorry to be the one who had to tell you this...” Daikkon lowered his head. “I’m sure you will want some time to think this over...I will be in later with your meal...”
Goku sunk back into his seat, barely noticing the other Saiyan leave the room. He wasn’t sure if he were ever going to be able to eat again. Did Daikkon just tell him that he was supposed to....to have a baby?....with Vegeta?!
Vegeta began to howl again, tearing about the room and smashing whatever he could get his hands on. He slammed his back against the farthest wall from Goku and slid to the floor. What the hell was happening here?
The two sat in the quiet together. Neither able to look at the other. Neither able to speak.


“I think we’re ready for the smoke test!” Bulma called from the hatch of the capsule ship to the computer station on the other side of the room where Trunks and Gohan stood. Gohan gave her the thumbs up and keyed in the appropriate codes to begin the computer driven launch sequence.
Trunks folded his arms over his chest and watched expectantly as the computer screen began to count down. This had to work. His father and sister were counting on him. Not to mention Goten and Goku.
“Initiation sequence started!” Gohan yelled to Bulma. “Launch in ten seconds!”
Both watched the computer screen countdown from ten to one. When the zero lit up the screen, the capsule jets released and the capsule began to hover about five feet from the floor. Bulma’s voice could barely be heard over the engines.
“Wooohooo! Test one is a success! I’m setting her down, guys!”
Gohan turned to Trunks and smiled. Trunks tried to return the gesture, but it looked weak and forced.
Once the ship was again resting on it’s tripod legs, Bulma jumped out and jogged over to meet them at the console.
“So, we know it will lift off again.” she stated. “The only thing that we need to test is the radar. How soon can we start a test on that?”
“The program is still compiling.” Trunks told her. “I believe it still has a few hours to go.” Bulma nodded her head, giving him a supportive squeeze on the arm.
“So we can test it first thing in the morning. So in the meantime, we have to select our flight crew.”
“I have to go.” Trunks said. “I have to.” Gohan nodded.
“Well, count me in. There is no such thing as too many super Saiyans.” Bulma agreed.
“Right. I would go...but to be honest I think that I will be better use to you all down here at base in case we need to remote uplink the computers. How about we ask Krillin?”
“Mom, do you think he will?”
“Why not! After all that Goku and Vegeta have done for Earth, he sure as hell better not say no!”
“I’ll go.” The three turned, shocked by the sudden new presence.
“Piccolo!” Gohan greeted. “You’re back! What did Dende say?”
“He is meditating on the situation. He says if he cannot locate Goku himself within the next few hours, he will hold an audience with the Kais.”
“That’s great!” Bulma said, clapping her hands once together. “Let’s go in for a break and get something to eat. A brain cannot sustain on an empty stomach!”
“You all go on ahead,” Trunks told them. “I want to shut this system down proper so it will be ready for the tests in the morning.”
“Right.” Gohan replied before the three left the hangar together.
Trunks turned to the console and began the shutdown sequence. As the code scrolled over the screen, he felt his eyes unfocus as his mind drifted back to the fight that afternoon. What if he had stayed? Was there some way he could have prevented his father’s abduction? Or what if he had just taken Bulla home himself? Then his little sister would not be in the hands of another. Would his father ever forgive his incompetence.
The soft voice and the light touch on his arm brought him from his thoughts like a shot. Bulma smiled warmly at her son, lightly brushing the hair off of his forehead.
“Everything is going to be just fine...” she told him.
“What if it isn’t?” he asked in a strained, hushed voice. “What if something happens to papa or...or to Bulla...” the words were almost too painful to say. “I don’t know what I will do, mom!”
“Hey, listen to me.” Bulma looked up into her sons gentle blue eyes. The only one of his features that was not exactly identical to Vegeta’s. “Your father is a strong man. Stronger than any of us will ever realize. No matter what happens, he will be okay.”
“He will never forgive me if....if...”
Bulma gave a sad smile as she continued.
“You are so much like him. If anything does happen, he will not blame you. He will blame himself, just as you will blame yourself. And you both will be completely wrong. The fault rests solely on those jerks that started all of this. They are the ones who need all of the grief.....huh?”
Trunks took a deep breath and nodded.
“Good. Now, come on inside. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”


It had been hours since Daikkon had left the two Saiyans alone to mull over their predicament. Vegeta still sat on the floor where he had come to rest after his tirade, his knees pulled up to his chest, his head resting on his folded arms. Goku was still setting at the table, hands folded in his lap and body hunched forward as if the room was impossibly cold. Neither had spoken a word.
“This is Daikkon.” the announcement shattered the silence. “I’m bringing your meal.”
The two captive Saiyans didn’t twitch a muscle as the door slid open and Daikkon stepped inside with his tray. As he entered, two Saiyan guards followed, carrying a large metal basin.
“Your bathing tub, as I promised.” he spoke to them as he set the dishes out onto the table.
Vegeta lifted his head and eyed the items.
“No wine?” he smirked. “Just when I really needed some...”
Daikkon appeared visibly embarrassed.
“No...I did bring tea.” he poured a cup of the steaming amber liquid and held it out to Goku. “Here...it’s good for the system.”
Goku smiled weakly and accepted the beverage.
“Is it good for the stomach, ‘cause I’m not feeling so well...” he mumbled.
“Maybe food will do you well,” Daikkon suggested. “I have medical training, so if you do need anything I am here to help.”
“He’s disgusted, you fool!” Vegeta snapped, but not rising from the floor. “He doesn’t need medical attention, he needs to see your general roasting on a spit!” Daikkon looked from the furious prince to the quiet Saiyan seated at the table. Goku was starring into the swirling cup.
The guards left the room, having set the tub by the ‘bathroom’. Goku looked up at Daikkon and spoke in a whisper.
“Isn’t there anything you can do to help us?” he implored. Daikkon went about moving the dishes about the table and preparing a plate. He too kept his voice low and barely moved his lips.
“I could be killed for even discussing this with you.” he told him. “I am not here on my own will, either. There are too many who support the general because of their hate of Frieza and what happened to our home.”
Goku’s head dropped again in frustration and discouragement.
“But know this,” Daikkon finished, setting a plate before the Earth raised Saiyan. “As the opportunities present themselves, I will help you in anyway I can.”
Goku looked up at him.
“Thank you.” Daikkon nodded.
The three were again alerted to the door as it slid open. This time it was not the guards, but General Horenz.
Vegeta jumped to his feet.
“No need to stand, my King. It is I who should be bowing to you, isn’t that right?” Vegeta didn’t speak, he merely snarled openly. Horenz turned to Goku as he continued. “Not because you think you are our monarch, of course, Vegeta. But pay no mind.” Goku swallowed nervously under the older Saiyan’s gaze. He was speaking in human speech and Goku understood every word. “You will always be revered by the people as the father of the new world.”
Goku felt his stomach bottom out but he stood from his chair in defiance.
“What you are doing is wrong!” he spoke sternly. “Vegeta has done nothing to you and I - “
“Quiet, Kakkarot!” Vegeta silenced him. “This twisted bastard won’t understand a word from you. You are nothing but justice and honor and this pathetic excuse for a Saiyan is nothing but a coward and a traitor!”
“How dare you speak of treason to me!” Horenz retorted. “You didn’t lift a finger to help your people when they needed you the most!” his dark eyes sparked with hatred and his lip curled into a snarl as he regarded Vegeta. “It must have been far too comfortable being the kept bitch of the Aisujin.”
Vegeta’s eyes widened in rage and he sucked in a ragged breath. How dare he?! He had only been eight years old! But he didn’t defend himself with words.
“You BASTARD!!” he yelled, launching himself at the general. They exchanged blows for a fraction of a moment before Horenz again had the better of the prince. This time, he didn’t let his boots touch the ground.
“Not a quick learner, are we Vegeta? That’s okay, your friend seems to have learned the rules.” He glance over to where Goku stood rooted to the spot. “Maybe your genes will dominate in that respect.”
Goku frowned as Vegeta struggled in the general’s grip.
“You....fuck....you....” he rasped, prying at the generals hand around his throat.
“Eager, aren’t we little king? That’s good. I would hate for your action to cause anything unfortunate to befall your lovely daughter.”
Vegeta’s body went rigid, his nails digging into the general’s gloves.
“If... you... kill her....” he managed to voice brokenly. “...You....die...”
The general smiled at the Saiyan he had dangling in his grasp and replied to him in an oily tone.
“I never said I would kill her, my dear King.” Goku clenched his eyes closed, praying to Kami that he was as naive as he was thought to be. Unfortunately, he understood the general’s threat clear as crystal. The general continued. “She is a princess after all. And a very pretty one at that. Must take after her mother. It has been sometime since the men have seen a female of such beauty.”
“She’s only ten!” Goku couldn’t hold in his outburst. The look in Vegeta’s eyes was so pained and so.....scared. Goku felt his heart lurch.
Horenz flicked his wrists and sent Vegeta flying, where he tumbled unceremoniously over the bed.
“Please, don’t hurt her!” Goku knew that years of trials had locked away a part of Vegeta that controlled his emotions, but he was not above begging. “Please....”
“You’re friend seems to be the smarter of the pair, King Vegeta.” Horenz smirked. Vegeta pulled himself to his feet but he looked utterly defeated. General Horenz tone became more severe and serious. “I do not have time to play your games! You will either comply with our plans by twenty-two hundred hours or we will find another way to conceive a royal heir, even if it is only three quarter Saiyan.” he growled. Goku was shaking his head in disbelief. “Don’t worry, Kakkarot is it?” he said, eyeing the gentle Saiyan. “Our king has quite the reputation. I’m sure he can give you some pointers so you will fully enjoy the task set before you.” Goku felt his mouth go dry and he looked from the evil general to the Prince. Vegeta had his head hung, eyes downcast, arms slack at his sides.
The general turned and strode toward the door.
“See to their needs, Daikkon!” he snapped as the door slid open. He stopped before crossing over the threshold to address Vegeta one last time. “You should cherish this moment, my King. This will be the last Saiyan to ever be on their knees for you again.”


A/N: Sorry this is short. I've been busy with work and classes. As always, I hope everyone is enjoying this. Thanks you very much to those who have reviewed. Ya'll are awesome. Will try to get the next chapter up before the end of the week. Happy reading!