Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men.

Warning: This chapter contains LEMON.

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 20

Chi Chi smoothed out the wrinkles on the fresh sheets she had just placed on the bed. She could hear the shower in the adjoining bath cut off, signalling Goku was finished bathing. Pulling the comforter up over the bed, she smoothed it into place as well and fluffed up her husband’s pillow.

It had been a week now. A week since he had told her, anyway, and his normal sleeping patters were beginning to return to normal. He had never brought up the subject again, and she didn’t dare. If Goku didn’t want to talk about it, she didn’t want to force it. But it was hard for her. Hard for her to look into his beautiful face and know that someone had purposefully harmed him. It made her want to cry. And yell and shout and punch the living daylights out of whoever was responsible. Her precious Goku....

“Hey, Chi...”

She turned to him, a smile turning her lips at the sight of him clad only in boxers, vigorously rubbing a towel over his damp hair.

“...If you go into town tomorrow, get soap. The stuff in the bathroom smells funny.”

Chi Chi grimaced.

“It’s the kind I always buy,” she told him, watching the way he curiously sniffed at his own skin.

“Smells funny,” he mumbled. His eyes caught sight of the bed and his expression turned more joyful. “Hey! The fall comforter! That means it’s going to get cold soon.”

Chi Chi laughed at his mirth, taking the wet towel from his hands and placing it into the hamper.

“Yes, it’s supposed to be cool tonight, so I thought I would get it out early.” Goku tossed himself onto the bed and lay there a moment, enjoying the comfort of the bed. Chi Chi watched him, her smile slowly fading.

Goku noticed her now somber expression and sat up. He reached out a hand and took hold of hers, pulling her toward him. She looked down into his eyes and gently ran a hand over his damp hair.

“What?” he asked her, softly. Chi Chi pursed her lips together, trying to keep control over her emotions. Goku pulled her closer, resting his cheek against her breast, wrapping his arms around her waist. She continued running her fingers through his hair, each lock popping back up into its normal disarray.

“I love you,” he murmured. She kissed the top of his head affectionately and replied.

“I love you, too.”

Goku leaned his head back and looked up into her face. She was so beautiful to him. To care about him so much. To stand by his side. It seemed that their relationship had been pushed to every conceivable limit and yet remained. It took work, hard work and determination, but it still remained.

Chi Chi noticed the slight blush that began to color her husband’s skin as his eyes drifted down from hers, and he again laid his head against her. He was quiet though, one hand beginning to lightly stroke her back. Finally he spoke, but it was not much more than a whisper.

“Chi....make love to me...”

Chi Chi felt the emotion tighten her jaw. His words seemed so unsure, so questioning. True, they hadn’t been intimate since he had returned and certainly not after he told her what he had endured. She didn’t want to push him. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but it had never occurred to her that not attempting intimacy with him might be making him feel even worse. As if she no longer desired him.

“Goku...” she breathed, turning his face to her, cupping his chin in her hands. He looked so vulnerable to her. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She could feel his sigh, his arms relaxing from around her waist and moving to settle his hands on her hips. She poured her heart into that kiss, tilting her head, her lips opening to his. Goku felt a sense of relief from her reaction, enjoying the taste as her tongue coaxed his into action. And for a moment, they merely kissed, affirming their affection for one another, sharing one passionate breath.

Chi Chi slid her hands down from his face and over his chest. Her fingers slid over the now heated skin, tracing tiny circles around his nipples, hardening the flesh and eliciting chuckles from him. When she was done teasing one of his more ticklish spots, she placed the flat of her palms against the broad expanse of his chest and gently guided him onto his back.

She climbed onto the bed, straddling his thighs. She began to unbutton her nightgown, leaning down momentarily to kiss him again, before sitting back up and pulling the garment over her head and letting it drop to the floor, leaving her in nothing but a pair of satin panties.

Chi Chi leaned back down, her hair brushing across his skin and giving him goose bumps. She began to lay kisses on his shoulder, working her way down. His hands were heavy on her back, running up and down the length of her torso. She kissed down his abdomen, her tongue leaving wet trails over the chiseled muscles. Goku moaned in pleasure as she moved lower.

Chi Chi placed one of her feet back on the floor as she tugged gently on Goku’s boxers. He lifted his hips slightly off of the bed, aiding her in moving the fabric down his legs to the floor. Catching his eyes with hers, she wiggled her hips, slipping her panties down her thighs and leaving them abandoned with his own undergarment.

She crawled back to lay over him, her knees skimming his sides, sliding her arms under his neck and joining him again in a glorious kiss. Eyes closed, relying on nothing but sensation, the pair concentrated on the minute details of the other, nothing going unnoticed.

Goku began caressing her thighs, earning a moan from her in response. Chi Chi broke from their kiss, looking down into his face. His eyelids were heavy, and he observed her through half closed eyes.

“I love you, Son Goku,” she whispered. He smiled at her, taking her hands in his and lacing their fingers together. He brought one to his lips and kissed it lightly.

“Me too, Chi.”

Shifting her weight onto her hands, using his for leverage, she pressed her hips back against his. Goku let go of one of her hands and steadied his eager erection beneath her as she centered herself above. Slowly she moved down onto him, pulling his hand back into hers when she was fully seated around his aching flesh.

Goku let his eyes roll back into his head, closing his eyelids and groaning in satisfaction. He pressed up against her instinctively as she began to move, rising and lowering her body, giving slow, full strokes up and down his length.

Goku’s mouth opened in a gasp, his eyes squeezing shut. Each thrust of her hips down onto his increasing the strain in his groin.

Chi Chi shifted the angle of her hips, taking her cues from him when to increase the speed. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out loud each time she descended, taking him completely into her.

Goku pulled her down against him, lithely rolling her under him. His mouth claimed hers desperately, his tongue receiving not the slightest resistance, but challenged by her own. Chi Chi drew her knees up against his ribs, arching against him. There was no question for her whether or not she still desired him.

Goku began to pant, his thrusts becoming shorter and faster. He could no longer concentrate on the kissing, only on the intense pleasure looming on the horizon, drawing him in, moving his body to its will. Chi Chi was moaning softly against his ear, her own pleasure already approaching its peak. She ached more for his fulfillment then her own, however. Needing to know he could still find pleasure in their love through sex. She didn’t know what else to do for him.

“Goku...” she moaned, holding tight to him.

Goku felt the pressure reaching its zenith and after a few quick thrusts, his climax exploded in a rush of heat. After the spasms subsided, he pulled away from her, laying spent at her side.

Chi Chi snuggled up against his bare body, the room seeming quite cooler as the heat left them. She laid her head against his chest, listening to the steady thumping of his heart.

“Goku...” she whispered.

“Hm?” was his reply.

“Looks like I will have to be washing the fall comforter.”

Goku chuckled and blushed, pulling her into his embrace.

They lay like that for quite some time in the cool silence of the room. Chi Chi could tell by the steadiness of his breathing when he was asleep. She pulled away from him, gently rolling him onto his side, trying to right him on the bed so she could cover him with the sheet. She lay back down behind him, wrapping her arms around him and placing her cheek against the warmth of his back.

Was this it? Were they both just supposed to forget? In a way she wished that he would talk about it, so she would at least have some idea of how he was coping, because she sure as hell couldn’t think about anything else. Her days were spent alternating through sadness and anger. Just that morning she’d caught herself slamming dishes into the rinsing basin instead of laying them there, and it had caught Goten’s attention as well. He had asked her if they had eaten too much at breakfast. The very idea made her feel ashamed.

She had always had a hot temper, even as a little girl. Growing up as the one and only child of the Ox King had left her spoiled and impatient. She had always been given everything she asked for or desired, including the man now lying at her side. She had been attracted to him since the moment they met, even as young as they were. She wanted him to be hers, a strong, handsome husband and provider. Someone who could keep up with her, look after her and be a good father.

It was selfish of her to pursue him, as innocent as he was. Maybe she had taken advantage of that innocence? Attraction did lead to her truly falling in love with him, but somewhere as time went by, she had taken that for granted. She was short with him at times, a lot of times, always overriding his decisions and demanding her own way. She wanted him to be everything she had ever wanted, when she should have realized he was already everything she could ever need.

She was consumed by guilt at what had happened to him. If she hadn’t been so pushy, he could have lived a happy life with the freedom he enjoyed. He would have never had to put himself on the line for Goten’s safety. Goten would have never existed.

She felt guilty for that thought as well. Goten was the mirror image of his father, and her salvation when Goku had passed after the Cell games. That tiny child that looked so much like her beloved, with the same wild ways and the same laughing eyes. How could she ever want him not to be?

She pulled closer to Goku for warmth and the strong desire to hold him. She sighed, exhausted from the length of the day and the emotional fatigue. How was she supposed to help Goku recover if she could not keep herself from the pain and the creeping sense of responsibility? If there was ever a time she needed to be strong, it was now, but all she felt was powerless.


Vegeta couldn’t sleep. He had tried training, but his heart wasn’t in it, so he lay in bed next to his woman, starring at the ceiling in the dark. He had been like that for hours, wondering when he would finally fall into sleep, but it just wouldn’t come. He turned to the beautiful creature next to him, in a peaceful slumber, her creamy skin taking on an ethereal sheen in the moonlight. He supposed he could wake her up and have her entertain him a bit. But no, he was in no mood for that, either.

Careful not to wake her, he sat up and stood from the bed. He moved in silence across the room, opening the bedroom door and entering the hallway.

The house was quiet, but he could hear sounds coming from the kitchen on the floor below. He reached out with his ki, trying to sense who it would be at this late hour. The children were in their beds, and the ki was too strong to be human. It must be the Saiyan.

Vegeta took the stairs down to the living room and turned, entering the kitchen. Daikkon looked up, shocked to see him.

“My apologies if I have disturbed you, my lord,” the younger proclaimed. “Her highness assured me that the kitchen could be utilized at any time of the day -”

Vegeta held up a hand to silence him as he sat down on a bar stool at the kitchen counter.

“What are you making?” Vegeta demanded in a none-too-friendly tone. Daikkon looked with reluctance to the oven before turning back to the prince.

“…It will not please you to hear,” he began as the oven timer ‘dinged’, punctuating his statement. Vegeta gave a sour looking smirk and raised an eyebrow. Daikkon, donning an oven mitt (which only made Vegeta roll his eyes) opened the oven. He pulled from within a terracotta baking dish. Setting the item on the counter, he removed the lid, releasing a cloud of steam.

Vegeta leaned forward and peered into the red clay dish. Simmering in dark crimson juice were large quantities of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and cherries. Vegeta raised his eyes to the young Saiyan.

“You asked me to never mention anything Saiyan again,” he reminded the Prince.

“Doesn’t look Saiyan to me,” Vegeta replied grumpily, setting back on his stool.

“Well,” Daikkon answered, retrieving the plastic bear shaped container of honey. “It is the closest I have.”

Vegeta watched him as he spooned some of the warm berries into a dish, drizzling the honey over the top.

“For you, my lord,” he stated, setting the dish in front of Vegeta. Vegeta stared down into it as though he had never seen food before. Daikkon filled his own plate and leaned back against the counter as he began to eat.

Vegeta picked up a spoon and poked at the dessert a moment before speaking.

“This reminds you of your home world?” he asked

Daikkon gave a small smile.

“It reminds me of my mother. She was a wonderful woman....” His features darkened as he finished. “She very much wanted to meet you, but it was not the will of the Gods, I guess.”

Vegeta gave a snort of amusement at his idea of ‘Gods’.

“She didn’t miss out on much,” Vegeta said, his voice laced with disdain. “Would have just been another Saiyan ashamed and disgusted by me.” Daikkon’s reply was passionate.

“That is not so, my lord! She loved you! She d-” Daikkon snapped his mouth closed at the look of disbelief on Vegeta’s face. He swallowed. “She would have died for you, sire.”

The two were quiet after that. Daikkon returned to consuming his food, Vegeta to examining his own. Vegeta finally spoke.

“How did she die?” he asked. Daikkon visibly paled at the question.

“There is so much to that story that will greatly displease you, your Majesty. I fear what you will feel when it is done.”

Vegeta frowned.

“How did she die?” he repeated.

Daikkon sighed, his shoulders falling as he began.

“It was a little over one Standard year ago." he said, his tone quiet. “General Horenz came to our planet, looking for Saiyans there. It did not take him long to discover my mother’s loyalty to the king and queen, and thusly, to you. But he told us that he was searching for you. Told us of the rumors that you still lived. Told us that he wanted to return your line to glory.”

Vegeta felt the heat of anger warming his skin as he listened. Daikkon had now set the dish aside, folding his arms across his chest, his eyes downcast, avoiding the prince’s gaze.

“Horenz treated us with such hospitality, such...consideration. He assured us that he had heard of the fall of the Aisujin from many abandoned posts across the galaxy, and that soon the rightful leader of the Saiyans would be restored.”

“He didn’t mean me.” Vegeta spoke, his voice void of emotion. Daikkon shook his head sadly.

“My mother, being the kind mother she was, boasted to the General of my aptitude for the sciences, inventing and building things. He told me that he wished for a device that could hide one’s ki signature, dampen our energy to allow us to conceal ourselves within the population of any planet, in case there were still followers of Frieza loyal to him or his brother.”

“You made those!” Vegeta growled, rising to his feet.

“I never intended them to be used against you, sire!” Daikkon spoke imploringly. “I believed that I would be helping you. It is what she wanted.”

Vegeta glared at the other Saiyan, feeling the sharp sting of betrayal, and began to pace the room like a caged wild cat.

“Continue,” he snapped.

“It was not long after I completed the devices that there was word that you had been found here on Chikyuu...Earth... Horenz made the mistake of feeling confident that my mother was more loyal to his command over the Saiyans than to the true heir and son of the king. He told her of his plan.”

“That he was going to kidnap my daughter!” Vegeta spat, his eyes burning with hatred just upon hearing the general’s name. Daikkon shook his head slowly.

“No, sire...”

Vegeta stopped in his tracks and looked upon the young man.

“What do you mean?” he demanded. Daikkon looked up to him.

“It was not his plan in the beginning, your Highness. He was not even aware until months later that your daughter even existed. He was going to use my
mother as the means to secure your offspring.”

Vegeta’s mouth pulled in a grimace of disgust.

“What?” he asked.

“He was going to force my mother to...to do, in essence, what he had in mind for Mr. Goku. She refused. He threatened many horrible things...but she remained resolute that she would resist. The general only laughed at her. She was on his ship and under his power. He felt he had the upper hand. He had told her that if she was not careful to appease him, he would kill her after the child was born and bury you both together....” Vegeta shook his head, amazed by what he was hearing. Daikkon took a deep breath and straightened himself as he finished. “My mother refused to be a part of any plot against you. We tried several times to escape, to persuade others to our side. Ultimately, we failed. My mother knew that it was next to impossible for the General to continue his treachery without her. Before we were even ten months from Earth, she slit her own throat, giving her life in a testament to her loyalty to you and your family.”

Vegeta felt both touched and disgusted by the sentiment. Yet another death because of him, and a Saiyan at that.

“Why don’t you despise me?” Vegeta asked the young man. Daikkon looked directly into his eyes.

“Because I love her. Her death was honorable. As a Saiyan, I cannot refute that it was as glorious an end as possible without being in battle.”

Vegeta felt his head beginning to ache, and he returned to sit on the stool by the counter.

“I am sorry if you feel deceived by me, my lord. Please know that I would never have intended my creation to be used against you.”

Vegeta dismissed his statement with the wave of his hand. Daikkon watched him a moment, before turning from the room.

“Good night, my lord.”

On the stairway landing he passed Bulma. She smiled at him, sheepishly, hugging her arms to herself in an attempt to cover herself in her sheer nightgown.

“Didn’t know you were up,” she giggled, embarrassed as he blushed and turned down the hall to his room.

Bulma shook her head, moving into the kitchen. She tilted her head when she saw Vegeta, elbows on the counter, head in his hands. Concerned, she moved to his side, placing a hand on his back.

“Honey....you okay?”

“Mm..” he nodded affirmatively, looking up at her. “Did I wake you?” Bulma smiled.

“The absence of you woke me, always does.”

She pulled up the stool next to him and sat down.

“What were you and Daikkon talking about?” Vegeta tried to smirk, but it came off as a grimace.

“He was telling me a bed time story,” he remarked. Bulma’s smile widened as she picked up the spoon and poked at the fruit mixture.

“And made you a midnight snack, I see. Didn’t you want to eat it? It looks awfully cold now.”

Vegeta looked down into the dish. He was quiet a moment, contemplating before speaking in a quiet tone.

“...It’s better warm...”


Goku sat bolt upright in bed. He shuddered violently as the remnants of the nightmare pulled from his brain, leaving behind nothing but the faint impression of fear and despair. Nausea bubbled in his stomach, and he pulled the covers from his body, sweat causing them to stick uncomfortably as he tried to sit up. Trying to take a deep breath only caused him to choke, emotion tightening his throat. He tumbled from the bed, clamping a hand over his mouth, rushing to the bathroom.

Chi Chi was awaked by the loud thump of Goku’s knees hitting the floor when he rolled out of bed.

“Goku…” she spoke, concerned. He didn’t reply, disappearing into the adjoining bath. Chi Chi pulled the sheet around her body and quickly followed him. She paused in the doorway, feeling her own emotions rise, watching him kneeling on the floor, purging his body.

With a calmness that she could not believe she possessed, she ran a washcloth under the cool water and kneeled by his side, gently pulling the hair off his forehead.

“It’s okay,” she spoke quietly. “It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not!” he replied hotly, his voice almost a sob. “It’s not okay! I want this to go away!”

“I know,” she continued, running the damp cloth over his face, her other hand stroking his back.

Goku sat back, leaning heavily against the wall. He brought a hand over his eyes, sadness and anger and embarrassment overwhelming him.

“Why did this have to happen to me?!” he demanded, his voice shaky. “Why did they do this!? Why couldn’t they just fight me?...” Tears burned in his eyes, but he fought against them. “...Why couldn’t they just fight?....”

Chi Chi felt her own tears forming, but ignored them as they slipped down her cheeks.

“I don’t know, sweetie. I don’t know.” She tried to speak calmly, using the cloth to wipe the sweat from his neck and shoulders. “Goku...” she began, hesitantly. “You need help, honey. We can’t do this alone.”

“What can anyone do?” he asked. “It can’t be undone...”

Goten stood rooted to the spot outside of his parents’ bedroom door. Although it was nearly two in the morning, he had yet to be in bed and was drawn to their room upon hearing the commotion. His Saiyan hearing picked up everything they had said.

It was all starting to make sense to him. The weird behavior....Daikkon’s writing....damnit. It all made sense...

He turned from their door and back into his room. Throwing open the window, he leapt out into the cool night, not bothering with a coat or even shoes. He flew straight and quickly toward Capsule Corp., the biting chill of the wind sinking unnoticed through the fabric of his pajamas.

Trunks’ window was dark, but that didn’t stop Goten from landing on the sill and rapping harshly on the glass. It was barely a minute’s time before Trunks opened it.

“Goten?” he asked as the younger hopped into the room. “What are you doing here? What’s wrong.”

“I’m gonna fuckin’ explode!” Goten hissed, pacing about the room. “You won’t fuckin’ believe it, Trunks! You won’t believe it!”

Trunks’ eyes were wide in confusion as he watched his friend. Goten’s skin was pale from the cold, but flushed at the same time, making it appear twice as red. It didn’t help Trunks to understand him when periodically he would break into a ranting stream of obscenities.

“Goten, calm down,” Trunks advised, taking hold of the other’s shoulders. Goten stared back into Trunks’ eyes, his breathing shallow and forced. “What happened?” Goten spoke through gritted teeth

“I...I think they raped him.”

Trunks’ mouth went slack, his eyes snapping back and forth between Goten’s, which were wet and red.

“Who...” he breathed.

“My dad!” Goten choked out. “My dad....Hell, maybe your dad too. Kami damnit! Those fuckin’... fuckin’.. FUCK!” The younger of the two threw up his arms, jolting Trunks’ hands from his shoulders. Trunks was shaking his head in disbelief.

“Why...why would they do that, Goten? How do you know?!”

Goten’s face was twisted by fury and rage as he replied.

“Because they wanted more Saiyans. My dad said so himself. But what we weren’t told is that guy Saiyans can have babies, too.”

“That’s impossible!” Trunks tried to reason. “It’s not biologically possible. Males don’t have the necessary vital systems to support a pregnancy.”

“Oh no!?” Goten shot back. “Try asking Daikkon! He’s writing a rather interesting little paper on it!”

Trunks couldn’t believe his ears. Was he dreaming this?

“I read it on his computer a week ago when we were asking him about the Saiyans. My dad was under extreme duress, my ass! That sonofabitch knew what was happening to them, and he didn’t do shit to stop it!”

Trunks felt the strength leave his legs and he sat down on the side of his bed. Could this really be the truth?

“My dad’s at home now, pukin’ his guts up.” Goten told his friend bitterly. “And frankly, I don’t know if it’s because of what he went through or because he’s sick now or what. But I’m pissed as hell, and I want someone to fuckin’ pay for this.”

Trunks stood again. This time he took Goten’s shoulders and guided him to sit down on the bed.

“Stay here and wait for me,” he spoke, pulling his robe off the bed post and slipping into it. “I will be right back.”

Trunks left the room and headed down the corridor to his parents’ room. The door was slightly ajar, which was unusual, so he peered inside. The bed was empty. He used his ki to sense where his parents were.

Trunks grimaced and continued down the hall to the stairs. Before he even reached the kitchen, he could hear his parents speaking to one another. His father made some comment along the lines of:

“The boy is coming.”

Trunks entered the kitchen. His father kept an expressionless face, but his mother smiled.

“What is it, sweetie?” she asked. “You can’t sleep either?”

“Can I talk with you a moment privately, Mom?” he asked.

Vegeta spoke next.

“What’s wrong with Kakkarot’s brat?” he asked.

Trunks should have known his father would be aware of Goten’s presence.

“He’s upset about...something,” he explained. “Mom, could you come with me?”

Vegeta looked a bit irritated at being dismissed from the conversation. Bulma nodded, and stood to follow her son.

Once outside the kitchen door, Trunks removed his robe and placed it around his mother’s shoulders. She rolled her eyes and grinned, embarrassed, but didn’t speak. Trunks moved up the stairs and stopped when he felt he was out of Vegeta’s earshot.

“Mom,” he said seriously. “Did Daikkon tell you that Saiyan men could bear children?”

The look on her face answered his question.

“Is that what they wanted Dad and Goku and Goten for?”

Bulma let out a long sigh.

“Honey, it’s a very long story...” She felt her heart breaking at the concern in her son’s eyes.

“Did they...hurt...Dad and Uncle Goku?”

Bulma put her arm around Trunks and led him back to his room. Goten was laying on the bed and sat up when they entered.

“Um...hi..” he greeted weakly, a little uncomfortable at her seeing him not only in nothing but his sleep pants, but with a tearstained face. Bulma smiled at him and crossed the room to sit down at his side.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?”

Goten’s eyes moved to Trunks, who nodded to him, giving him the signal that it was okay to talk.

“My…my dad is sick...and…um…I think something is wrong with him....”

“Sick how?” Bulma asked, taking his hand for support.

“Sick, uh, throwing up...” he replied, uneasily. “I think something bad happened to him, Aunt Bulma. I...I don’t know..”

Bulma gave his hand a squeeze.

“It’s okay, Goten. I will make sure that he is alright. You two stay here.” She stood and left the room, giving Trunks a pat on the shoulder as she passed. She returned downstairs to the kitchen. Vegeta was lingering in the doorway.

“Is the boy okay?” he asked in a casual way.

“I think he knows what happened,” she spoke regretfully, picking up the phone. Vegeta frowned.

*This is it* he told himself. *Now, it can get no worse...*


Chi Chi hung up the phone when she was through talking with Bulma. She turned to her husband, who had cleaned himself up and was now sitting at the kitchen table, staring into the cup of tea she had made for him.

Quietly, she settled in a chair at his side.

“Goten is at Trunks’ house,” she told him. “Bulma said that he thought that Saiyan could help you if you are sick.”

“They don’t think that I am sick, Chi Chi,” he told her gravely, his entire countenance seeming tired.

“Well, maybe you should see him just in case. Bulma said that he was trained in Saiyan medicine.…”

Goku sighed and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. He looked up at his wife. She looked so concerned for him.

“It couldn’t hurt...” she said. “Please, Goku....”

“Fine,” he replied, defeated. “I’ll go.”

“Bulma said you could come over first thing,” Chi Chi continued. She touched his hand, lovingly. “...Just in case, Goku. I don’t want you to be sick as well….”

Goku wanted to smile reassuringly at her, to show he was okay. But he wasn’t. He didn’t want to smile. He didn’t want to do anything. He wanted one uninterrupted night’s sleep. He was so tired.

“I understand,” he said finally. “First thing in the morning....I’ll go.”


A/N: Yay, a new chapter!! I hope you all like it. To all of you who have been faithfully reading and reviewing, Thank you very much!!!! It pleases me to see that my work is entertaining for you all (instead of just me!). I am off to write some more. As always, I would like to give an incredibly huge THANK YOU to my wonderful beta reader, Rowina, for not only correcting my many errors, but encouraging me with her kind words. You rock, Rowina! -B°