Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Sudden Change ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men.

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 21
Sudden Change

It had to be the first time Bulma had ever seen Goku not smile. But that morning, when she greeted him at the front door of the Capsule Corp. lab, he merely returned her greeting and followed her inside.

“How is Goten?” was his first question as they walked through the halls.

“He’s fine. A little upset because he’s worried about you,” she replied. “He and Trunks were still sleeping when I last looked. I think they were up most of the night.”

Goku nodded. He was up most of the night himself.

Bulma opened a door and gestured him inside. Goku stepped in and looked around the room. It wasn’t like her normal lab, but looked more like a doctor’s examining room with several different machines on a table by the far wall. Goku felt his heart leap into his throat and he turned back for the door.

“It’s okay, Goku.” Bulma placed her hands on his chest, stopping him. “It’s okay. No needles, I promise.”

Goku took a deep breath and turned back into the room. It was then that he noticed Daikkon standing by the desk.

“Good morning, Mr. Goku,” he greeted.

“Morning...” Goku mumbled, a feeling of uneasiness washing over him.

“Sit down, Goku,” Bulma asked him. “I just want to take your blood pressure.”

Goku looked between the two a moment before perching himself on the edge of one of the chairs. Bulma strapped a small device to his arm and within seconds, it beeped.

“Honey, you need to relax,” she advised him, checking the reading. “Just relax.”

“That is so easy for you to say, Bulma,” he replied, leaning back in his chair. Bulma looked to Daikkon, who cleared his throat and sat down in the chair next to Goku.

“How are you feeling?” Daikkon asked him. Goku smirked.

“Horrible. How would you feel?” Daikkon nodded.

“Can you pinpoint any symptoms for me?” the younger Saiyan elaborated. “Nausea, vomiting, fatigue...?”

“Yes,” Goku answered. Bulma leaned against the desk and addressed him.

“Anything else?”

Goku took a deep breath as he thought.

“Um...I get dizzy sometimes...and...and I can’t sleep...but, I think that is from the nightmares.” Bulma felt her heart ache for him. She could remember a period of time when Vegeta fought nightmares of his own.

“I need a urine sample for analysis,” Daikkon spoke, standing. “It will give us a general idea of your health since we won’t be taking any blood.”

Goku frowned at the cup he was given, but went into the bathroom and provided the required sample.

“I really think I am fine,” Goku told them both as Daikkon set about placing the sample into various test tubes and placing the tubes into a machine. “I really feel fine. Just a little tired from not sleeping. But I don’t feel...um...sick.”

Daikkon turned the machine on and came back to sit beside Goku.

“At such an early time as this, you really wouldn’t be feeling much different than normal,” he explained. “If you are indeed pregnant, it would explain the nausea and fatigue.”

“Please don’t say that word,” Goku said quickly, shutting his eyes and trying to catch his breath. Bulma patted his shoulder supportively.

“Honey, you need to prepare yourself for that reality, should it come to be.”

“But…it can’t be...” he whispered.

Daikkon returned to the machine and removed the graph it had printed out. He took a pencil and began to circle points on the graph as Bulma leaned over his shoulder.

“It is very hard to get an accurate reading in this manner,” Daikkon told her, pointing to the sheet. “The sample shows three elevated hormone levels in his urine which are usually a positive indicator for pregnancy. I cannot guarantee you, however, that I would not get this same result during the most fertile time in his cycle. A blood test would show a fourth hormone that is not excreted in waste and that is critical to maintain a pregnancy. At this point I would only be able to go with my best judgment of the results at hand, which is that he is indeed pregnant.”

Goku, who had heard everything that he said, made a choking gasp.

“But you can’t say for one hundred percent sure, right?!” he demanded.

“Not without a blood test, no,” Daikkon replied.

“Then do one!” Goku replied with a strained voice. “Just do it!”

Bulma snapped up a syringe quickly before Goku changed his mind.

“This will just hurt for a second,” she spoke, opening an alcohol wipe and cleaning a small patch in the curve of his arm. Goku covered his eyes with his hand and tried to control his breathing.

Once there was enough blood in the syringe, Bulma quickly removed it and covered the site with a cotton ball.

“It’s over!” she said, with mock cheerfulness. “You can open your eyes!”

Bulma smiled at him as he blinked her back into focus. He didn’t look so good. His skin had paled at least three shades since he walked in the door, and his lips were losing color too.

“Can I get you something to drink, Goku?” she asked, leaning over and pressing her palm to his forehead.

“I’m fine.” He turned to Daikkon who was standing at the machine. He watched in anticipation until the younger Saiyan turned back and came to sit down next to him once again. Daikkon licked his lips, not eager to speak.

“The blood test only confirms my earlier diagnosis.” He spoke plainly. “You are, indeed, pregnant.”

Goku slowly leaned back in his chair, his hand coming again to cover his eyes. Bulma watched him in silence, her mouth open in shock. Daikkon felt uneasy being in the room with them. The two were such close friends, and he an outsider.

In the very next moment, Goku leaned forward in his chair, holding his head in his hands, and began to sob. Heart wrenching, gut twisting sobs. Bulma dropped to her knees at his side and embraced him.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” she said soothingly, her own tears falling for him. “We’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of you.…”

Goku wrapped his arms around her and held tightly to her. Bulma patted his back, trying her best to comfort him, not knowing what else to do besides chant, “It’s okay”.

It took almost twenty minutes before Goku could take a normal breath. Every now and then his breathing would shudder, but he had regained most of his composure.

Bulma sat in the chair opposite him. She handed him another tissue.

“I’m so sorry, Goku,” she spoke quietly. “I will think of something. Daikkon and I together can certainly think of something.” The other Saiyan nodded in agreement.

Goku shrugged, wiping his eyes and shaking his head.

“What can be done?” he asked.

Bulma took hold of his hands in hers.

“Nothing is impossible,” she told him, looking hopefully to Daikkon.

“She’s right, Mr. Goku,” Daikkon replied. “Since it is such an early stage, merely depriving your system of the one essential hormone would be cause for termination. The fetus would simply be reabsorbed into your system. You would notice no difference.”

Goku lifted his puffy, red eyes to the younger man and observed him with confusion.

“Termination...” he repeated. “You mean...like, abortion?”

“No!” Bulma added quickly. “It will be more like a...miscarriage.” Daikkon continued.

“Yes. It would be just as if what your body would do naturally in the event that the pregnancy could not be sustained.”

Goku looked at the two of them in disbelief.

“There is nothing natural about what you just said,” he snapped, standing. Bulma rose to her feet as well.

“Goku, I know that you are really upset right now. We are just giving you some options.”

“Well, I can’t stay and listen to them. I need to talk to Chi Chi...I….” He sighed. “I don’t know. I will talk to you later.”

Bulma called to him as he moved from the room.

“What do I tell Goten?” she asked. Goku paused in the hallway, before continuing on.

“Tell him to come home.”


Vegeta had locked himself in the gravity chamber that morning shortly after breakfast. Bulma had informed him last night that the idiot Kakkarot would be over today, and he had very little desire to see the oaf. Their last encounter had been quite enough to last him several good lifetimes.

So Kakkarot had broken the news to his wife as well. Vegeta had a feeling he may not have told her everything there was to know, or he would be defending himself against the harpy’s frying pan by now.

He paused in his series of push-ups, letting himself sink all the way to the floor and rolling onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

He had wanted to protect him. He had wanted to protect them all. Wasn’t that his job as their prince? But when it came down to the wire, he was going to protect his child. Kakkarot should understand that.…

A softly clunking tap on the glass of the GR door drew his attention. Bulma waved at him when he looked up, and soon the hatch was open.

Vegeta picked himself up off the floor, folding his arms across his chest. Bulma stopped a few feet away from him, nervously wringing her hands. Vegeta raised an eyebrow. Clearly what she was there to tell him was news that she wasn’t happy about sharing.

Vegeta gave a snort of annoyance, turning from her. She smelled like him again.

“Vegeta,” she began. “I...I have something to tell you....I...I think maybe we should go inside and sit down.”

“Spill it already, woman,” he snapped. “I don’t have time for tea parties.”

Bulma took a deep breath, her tongue trying in vain to wet her dry lips. She tried again to speak.

“Vegeta. Goku came by today....I...I really don’t know how to say this to you….”

Vegeta turned to her and narrowed his eyes.

“What is the problem now?” his voice bit with sarcasm. “He was taking this all so well. Last week it was all very lovely.” Bulma frowned at his behavior, her voice showing no humor as she returned:

“Last week he didn’t know he was pregnant.”

There was silence between the two as he just stared at her. Bulma sighed, shaking her head.

“Honey, I’m sorry. I...I don’t know what to say.”

“What did you just say?” he asked her with a calmness that raised the hairs on her arms.

“He’s pregnant, Vegeta,” she repeated. “Daikkon did a blood test.”

Vegeta lowered his head, bringing his hands to his temples. How could this have happened? Why was this happening to him?

“There are options, Vegeta.” Bulma told him, going to his side. “Goku wants to think things over, but,” she placed her hand on his back. “...there are options.”

Vegeta looked back up to her.

“Leave me,” he demanded. “I have to get back to training.”

“Training for what?!” she spoke, exasperated. “Honey, did you hear what I just said?”

“Yes, I heard you, woman!” he shouted back. “Now go away and leave me in peace!”

Bulma stood rooted to the spot. She wasn’t sure she should listen to his command and give him some time alone, or to stay and comfort him as he really needed.

“Woman,” he growled, his eyes closing as he took a slow, measured breath. “Do not pick this moment to defy me.”

Bulma half expected to be angered by his words, but was actually shocked to feel hurt instead. She frowned, trying to keep back her tears.

“Fine, Vegeta,” she replied softly. “But, please know that I am here for you...you’re not alone....”

Vegeta looked up to watched her leave the capsule. His head was throbbing, and his stomach had twisted itself uncomfortably somewhere up by his heart.

Kakkarot's scent still lingered faintly in the air.

Vegeta huffed loudly in the empty chamber. His anger was so overwhelming. His rage was so strong, he didn’t know whether to scream or blast something or just to simply self destruct where he stood. How in the hell could this be happening? After everything in his life that he had been through, after all that he had to overcome, why? Why did this have to happen now?

Vegeta’s breaths were coming in angry, heavy pants as he turned and strode toward the exit.

The woman had said that there were options.

For him, there was only one.


Goku changed course midway on his way back home. He needed to think. His mind was foggy, and his emotions seemed to cloud his judgment. He wanted to discuss the turn of events with the appropriately involved parties, namely Chi Chi and then Vegeta, but he found that right now, he just wanted to be alone. So he banked off to the east, through the forest, and ended up by the side of the river.

As soon as his feet touched the earth, he dropped to his knees and sat there, still and quiet. His thoughts were moving so fast, it was hard to concentrate on any one thing. His eyes wanted to continue to cry but his chest felt hollow, as though it could not possibly give up one more sob. So the tears fell, steadily, down his face but he ignored them and didn’t attempt to dry them.

He was pregnant? That is what Bulma and Daikkon said, wasn’t it? How was he supposed to tell Chi Chi this? Or his sons?

Bulma had mentioned options. Could he deny to himself that really the only two options laid before him were life...or death?

Goku took a shuddering inhale, releasing it slowly. He concentrated on stilling his mind, clearing it, trying to focus.

He was pregnant. That was the first fact that he had to work from.

With some hesitation, he brought his hand up to rest over his abdomen.

Growing inside of him was a life. A very tiny spark of life, but a life just the same. Part of him.

Part of Vegeta.

But they hadn’t asked for this. This had happened by no fault of their own. Why should they both have to suffer the consequences? Why should they have to pay for the rest of their lives?

The hand over his stomach gripped at the fabric of his gi. He and Vegeta made a conscious decision. This tiny life had done nothing.

Goku sank down on to the grass. He head hurt badly, and he was tired beyond belief. If he closed his eyes now, he was almost certain he could sleep for years. He wanted to save thinking for another time. Save debating for when he was more lucid, more aware. He wasn’t sure, however, if more time or more thinking could help him.

This was part of himself and part of Vegeta. He just couldn’t willingly and purposefully let that die.

Goku turned his head to look into the southern sky. He felt a huge ki presence heading his way. From the west, two other ki signatures were also on a collision course with his present location, but not coming in as fast....or as powerfully.

It took only a few seconds for the glowing orb in the sky to grow into the figure of the Saiyan prince. Vegeta dropped down, his landing causing a slight tremor in the earth. The two stared at each other. Goku’s face was expressionless, his eyes red-rimmed and his mouth drawn in a line as he watched the other.

Vegeta’s brow was furrowed in fury, his nose crinkled and his mouth set in a scowl. A growl rumbled audibly in his throat. Although animosity was obvious in his posture, something about the sight of him brought Goku comfort.

Goku opened his mouth, attempting to speak to the older Saiyan.


“End it!” Vegeta barked back, silencing the younger with his words. Goku’s mouth stayed slack as he watched Vegeta turn on his heel and power back up to take flight. He stared after him, no longer caring about the two other ki signatures rapidly approaching him.

For the second time in two weeks, Vegeta expected him to kill.

Goku knew for the second time, Vegeta would be disappointed as well.


A/N: Sorry I didn't update sooner. I have the most hideous case of writer's block. It might be a while before the next one as well. I hope everyone that is reading this is liking it so far. I don't think the content of this chapter should have shocked anyone, at least I hope it didn't anyway. Of course, I don't see how anyone who is reading this didn't see Goku's predicament coming a mile away! LOL! Anyway, I am doing my best to get the creative fire burning. I appreciate all of the wonderful comments and reviews! You all rock! Thank you, Rowina, for being a wonderful beta and keeping me in line (They are BLACK, damnit! I get it now!! ^-^). Enjoy!

Webtester01: Thank you for the information! I'm not really sure how I am going to proceed on that matter, but I appreciate the support! I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic!