Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Reluctant Disclosure ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Chapter 22
Reluctant Disclosure

Gohan and Piccolo increased their air speed when they felt Vegeta’s ki rise drastically not ten meters from Goku’s present location. They pressed on against the wind, heading toward the pair of signatures, one that fluxed with an increasing rate of power. Before they had reached their destination, however, Vegeta’s ki spiked and began a swift retreat.

The two touched down on the grass seeing the lone figure of Goku, sitting on the ground, staring into the space that Vegeta had just vacated.

Gohan broke into a jog, hurrying to his father’s side. The state in which Goku sat, the look on his face, struck Gohan with concern and confusion.

“Dad, are you alright?” he asked. He knew the two Saiyans were not together long enough to have fought, and Vegeta probably didn’t know words enough to cause such pain in his father’s eyes.

“I’m fine,” Goku replied evenly, standing. He pulled up the front of his gi and used the material to wipe his eyes. When finished, he inclined his head toward Gohan’s companion.

“Piccolo,” he greeted, a bit uneasy at having the warrior see him in this state. Piccolo was just as uneasy to witness it.

“Goku,” he replied.

“Dad,” Gohan began again, taking his father’s arm. “What was wrong with Vegeta? What happened here?”

Goku sighed.

“Vegeta is angry,” he replied plainly.

“That was obvious,” Piccolo remarked, falling into step beside father and son as they began walking in the direction of the Son family home. Goku’s voice was thoughtful as he spoke.


Gohan watched his father as they walked. He had never seen him like this before. Never. Not once in his entire life had his eternally optimistic father ever shown this much negative emotion. He looked exhausted and weary and utterly defeated. It scared him.

“Dad, what is the matter? What could Vegeta possibly be that upset about? What did he say to you?”

Goku paused in his stride, turning to his son and opening his mouth to speak. But just as quickly, he closed his mouth and continued walking.

Piccolo and Gohan exchanged concerned looks behind Goku’s back.

“Did he want to fight you?” Piccolo ventured to ask. Goku shook his head.

“No....no, Vegeta didn’t want to fight,” he replied and left it at that.

“Dad, something odd is going on here! What is it?”

Goku stopped again, turning to his son.

“Yes, it is odd,” he admitted. “But please understand that I cannot talk to you about this right now.” His face, despite his bloodshot eyes and pale color, was set in a mask of determination. “I have to speak with your mother,” he continued. “Go home, son.”

Gohan stood, dumbfounded, as he watched his father turn, take a few more steps and then ascend above the trees heading towards home.

Piccolo laid a hand on Gohan’s shoulder.

“Your father is a strong man, Gohan.” He spoke, trying to take away the younger's unease. “I am sure whatever this is, he is going to be able to handle it.” Gohan nodded.

“I hope you are right, Piccolo,” he replied. “I just...I have never seen him like that before.”

“It was troubling, indeed,” the Namek agreed. The two began their pace again toward the Son home, neither sure if that was truly their desired destination anymore. “But Goku never lets situations get the better of him.”

Goku crossed the distance between the river and his home in a matter of minutes. Once he touched down outside the small domed house, he walked into the house without breaking his stride.

Chi Chi was sitting at the table writing a letter when he arrived. Dropping her pen, she stood and went to him. His appearance shocked her and sent a bolt of panic through her.

“Goku!” she gasped. “What happened? Are you okay?”

Goku gave a nod of his head and turned her around back toward the kitchen.

“We need to talk,” he stated plainly.

Chi Chi’s mind reeled with hundreds of horrible scenarios for what he could have to say as she waited for him to speak. He pulled out a chair for her and motioned for her to sit. She did, watching him with horrified fascination as he sat down beside her and took her hands.

For a moment, they just sat there like that. Goku kneaded her hands in between his own, trying to calm the trembling flesh. Chi Chi finally spoke, her voice thick with fear.

“...Goku...are you...ill?”

Goku shook his head, looking up at her with such calmness in his eyes.

“No. I’m perfectly healthy,” he told her.

“I don’t understand!” she exclaimed. “You look so...so...not right....Are you sure that you’re okay?”

A smile finally warmed Goku’s face. He sniffed back tears that had long since been trying to dry.

“I know, I look horrible. But I am okay. Really.” He took a deep breath next, steeling himself to reveal what was on his mind. “Chi Chi, I can’t guarantee that you won’t be upset or angry about this....” he began.

“Goku,” she broke in quickly. “I told you-”

“Yeah, I know what you told me,” he assured her before she could finish. “But that was different. Please, I need to tell you something, and it’s not very easy.”

“I’m listening.”

Goku squeezed her hands one last time before standing. He rubbed the back of his neck, thinking on how to begin. He realized now why it was always important to tell the whole truth up front, so there were no awkward amendments such as this.

“I...I didn’t tell you the whole story about what happened to me while I was gone,” he began.

Chi Chi’s hand came up to rest at her throat. What more could they possibly have done to him?

“You see...there is a reason they did what they did....” he continued. “I know this is going to sound weird.” A small laugh escaped him at the very thought of what he was about to say. “Very weird....” He sat back down across from her. Her eyes were intent on him. He had her undivided attention. “It would seem that I have a special...difference that most Saiyans don’t,” he told her. “I’m not exactly sure of the whole story. I was told only the main idea of it at the time, but there is something in me that lets me...well...” He swallowed hard. He didn’t realize it would be so difficult to get past his own lips. “...lets me have babies...”

Chi Chi’s eyes narrowed, her brow furrowing as she tried to process his words.


Goku grimaced uncomfortably. He didn’t want to upset her.

“They wanted me to...to have a baby...in me….” His hand came to his stomach as he spoke, as if partly to emphasis his words, party to protect his midsection. “...and I do.…” he finished quietly.

“What!?” Chi Chi stood quickly from her chair. “How is that possible!? How...How are you so calm?! What are we going to do?!”

“Chi Chi, please,” he spoke, standing and taking hold of her arms. “I need you to be calm, too. I know it’s hard...I...I’m not exactly sure how I feel about this yet, either....”

“Not sure how to feel?” she asked, incredulously. “How could you feel anything but utterly disgusted!” The blood rushed to her face, coloring her cheeks a bright red. It was at that moment that her resolve broke and she cried out, sobbing against him.

“It’s okay….” he whispered, stroking her hair gently as he held her.

“This isn’t right....” Her voice was muffled against his chest and from her tears. “What kind of monsters do this to good people?”

“The desperate kind, Chi Chi,” he told her. “Sweetheart, please don’t cry.”

Chi Chi’s body shook from her emotion as Goku held her in his arms.

“What are you going to do, Goku?” she asked him quietly. “What can be done to help you?”

The silence caused Chi Chi to look up into his face. His expression was serious, determined and not in the least bit sad, and that confused her.

“I’m not going to do a thing,” he stated simply. Chi Chi pulled back from him.

“What? What do you mean? Isn't there anything Bulma can do? With all of her degrees and expensive machines, isn’t there one thing she can do to help?”

“Don’t talk that way,” Goku said, turning from her and rubbing his weary eyes. “I don’t need help. Other than your support, Chi Chi, I don’t need anything else.”

“Goku, listen to reason.” She turned him back to look at her, her eyes desperately seeking his. “You shouldn’t have to do this! What they did to you was wrong! Horrible and wrong, and you shouldn’t have to suffer for that. It’s bad enough that you had to be subjected to...to what that Saiyan did to you....you shouldn’t have to suffer this as well!”

Goku sat down at the table, clasping his hands in his lap.

“Chi Chi,” he started, his voice calm and even. “In every battle situation I have ever fought, it has always come down to two options for me. I could be a victim....or a volunteer. I can let them beat me, or I can accept the situation and see where I can go.”

“That’s ridiculous!” she snapped at him. “You cannot make me believe that you volunteered to be violated in such a way!”

“No, it’s not that simple,” he replied, keeping his cool. “The options were to do nothing and be a victim of the situation, or to volunteer myself for the least objectionable outcome. I stand by the decision we made. It was the right thing to do.”

“Goku, that is no decision!” she spoke passionately, dropping down on her knees by his side. “Just because you resigned yourself to a horrible fate does not mean you chose it!”

“No, I did,” he told her. For the first time since the conversation started, his voice reflected pain and anger. “It was the children or us. We chose.” Chi Chi recoiled from him at his statement.

“They were going to....”Goku nodded, not needing her to finish.

“You see? What else could we have done?”

Chi Chi shook her head, trying to dislodge the horrible idea of someone taking advantage of her baby.

“Regardless, Goku! That doesn’t mean you have to carry the child of some bastard Saiyan.”

Goku sighed, his body relaxing against the chair. His hands once again came to rest over his abdomen.

“Even if it were just some Saiyan,” he told her softly, “I couldn’t be the one responsible for ending its life.”

His words sank slowly into her brain.

“What do you mean?” she asked. Goku didn’t look up at her as he spoke, but kept his eyes downcast on his midriff.

“The general in command wanted to make a new royal Saiyan to lead the people. He despised Vegeta and treated him cruelly. He demanded that Vegeta and I produce this heir, or he was going to do so with Bulla.”

Chi Chi gasped in shock. She wasn’t sure which idea enraged her more.

Vegeta,” she hissed. “Vegeta did this to you!?” Goku’s tone back to her was harsh.

“No! Vegeta tried to protect us, to protect me...but there was nothing we could do except comply. Believe me.” Goku shook his head sadly. “Vegeta is in a lot of pain himself.”

Chi Chi gave a snort of disbelief.

“Oh really!? I don’t see how this situation could possibly be as painful for him. He has always treated you badly, Goku! He just used you to suit his needs.”

“That is enough!” Goku shouted, standing. His swift motion caused the chair to tip unsteadily before righting itself back on the floor. “Vegeta is not like that. I know no one wants to take the time to look deep enough into Vegeta’s soul to see what he truly is. He is not the monster you believe him to be.”

Chi Chi’s hands fisted into the front of Goku’s gi, desperately trying to get him to understand what she meant.

“Goku, what Vegeta went through is no where near as horrible as what they subjected you to. You are the one who paid and is paying still.”

A slight crimson tinged Goku’s cheeks as he looked down at his wife.

“Are you ashamed of me? That it was I who was forced to submit to Vegeta to save our son?” His voice nearly broke with sadness. “...Does this make me weak in your eyes now?”

“No, Goku...no.” Tears began to spill anew from her eyes, and she pulled Goku close to her.

“I didn’t want to…but I had to...” he continued. Chi Chi shook her head, berating herself internally for how she had just pained him.

“I know, Goku. I didn’t mean that. I just don’t want you to suffer anymore. I just....”

Goku sighed.

“I know that this is unfair to you, Chi Chi.” He spoke quietly. “That this will disrupt our household and our family. I really don’t want to do this alone...but I will, if I have to.”

Chi Chi looked up into his eyes and saw the determination there. She nodded slowly, her shoulders releasing the tension they held. She understood what he meant. She could never force him to deny his beliefs.

“You won’t have to, honey,” she replied to him, seeing relief soften his features. “I will be here....”


Bulma climbed the stairs to Trunks’ room after she left the GR. She didn’t know what she was going to do with that man. Of course, she wasn’t so sure if she were in his place she wouldn’t feel the same way. The whole matter was starting to feel a bit surreal to her. It just wasn’t possible that Goku was, at this very minute, carrying Vegeta’s child.

Bulma sighed upon reaching the landing on the second floor and walked to Trunks’ door. Quietly, she pushed it open and peered in at the two teenagers still sleeping inside. Someday, these two would have a sibling in common. The thought struck her as incredibly odd.

Having made her way to Goten’s side of the bed, she leaned over the dark haired boy and gently nudged his shoulder.

“Hey, kiddo,” she whispered, rousing him. “Your dad wants you to come home.”

Goten blinked twice and nodded before snuggling himself back into the sheets. Trunks was awakened by his movements, and he looked up into his mother’s face.

“G’morning,” he mumbled, stretching his arms above him. “What’s going on?”

“Goku wants Goten to come home now,” Bulma replied. “I’m just trying to wake him up.”

“Good luck,” Trunks told her, then grabbed the younger boy’s arm and began shaking him. “Goten!”

Goten recoiled from the action and turned his sleepy eyes toward his friend, a look of serious annoyance on his face.

“What!?” he snapped. It was then he noticed Bulma standing at his side. “Oh...hi….”

“Time to go home, sweetie.” Bulma smiled at him.

“How’s my dad?” he asked. Bulma had to forcefully keep the smile on her face.

“He’s okay,” she told him. “I’ll just leave all of details to him, but he’s in perfect health...”

If it was anyone other than Bulma, they would have received a ‘Bullshit’ in response. Goten chose instead not to reply to her statement at all. Bulma continued,

“Would you like me to drive you home?”

“No, Aunt B. I think I’ll be fine to fly,” he replied. She smiled at him and gave his arm a supportive squeeze.

“Okay, well, be careful.”

“Of course,” he responded. Goten and Trunks waited until she was gone to speak. “That was a load if I ever heard one,” Goten mumbled, irritated. He threw back the sheet and got to his feet.

“My mom doesn’t mean to lie to you, Goten,” Trunks defended her, propping his head on his hand as he watched the younger teen survey his closet for clothes.

“No,” Goten agreed. “that’s just the adult way of speaking around the truth. It’s not a lie, but it as sure as shit ain’t the whole story either.”

Trunks shrugged and lay back against the pillows.

“You really can’t expect her to come right out and tell us your father’s business, though,” he mused. “If...if it is what you think...your father may not want that to be publicized. Particularly to his children.”

Goten slid into a pair of Trunks’ khaki pants and pulled a T-shirt from the closet.

“I’m not trashin’ your mom, bro,” he told his friend. “I just think this whole situation is so wacked.…I...I don’t even know what to think.” Trunks had to admit to himself that he felt the same way. “I hope you won’t miss these boots too much,” Goten stated, pushing his bare feet into a pair of brown hiking boots. He hopped up onto the window sill and smiled at Trunks. “You shouldn’t really,” he said in parting. “They’re ass ugly.”

Trunks could only smile as he watched his young friend jump from the window and coast out of sight. Once Goten was gone, Trunks pulled himself from the bed and selected his own attire for the day. After a quick shower, he headed downstairs to make his way to the labs. Since today was a work day he probably should be working on something instead of sleeping in so late.

It surprised him to see Bulma in the kitchen, making a cup of tea.

“Why aren’t you in the lab?” he asked her. Bulma smirked and pointed out the back door. Trunks looked to where she indicated. Capsule 3 was trembling from the commotion going on within its domed walls, bright lights flashing periodically behind the red convex windows. If he listened closely, he could hear the hum of electricity as it flowed and surged under the stress of the program.

“I should be able to take time off when I want, anyway,” Bulma told him when he turned back to her. “I mean, isn’t that one of the perks of owning the place?”

Trunks settled down on a stool next to the counter.

“How long has he been in there?” he asked.

“Oh, he just went back in about five minutes ago, actually,” she replied, pouring a glass of juice and setting it before him. “But goodness knows where he was before that.”

Trunks was thoughtful a moment as he drank his juice. The thought that his dad had been through anything remotely close to what Goten had suggested, made his stomach turn.

“Mom,” he began after a moment of silence. “Is...Dad okay?”

Bulma looked at him with wide eyes as if that were an unusual question.

“Um, what do you mean?” she asked.

Trunks shrugged, fidgeting with his glass.

“Is he alright.…Did something upset him?” Bulma sighed heavily and came around the kitchen counter to sit on a stool beside her son. She took his hand in hers as she spoke.

“Honey, I love your father very, very much. But I don’t pretend to understand everything about him or the way his mind works. He’s so angry about a lot of things right now that I think we need to just give him time to cool off about them.” She squeezed his hand affectionately and continued. “Your father has had some strong enemies in his life, and he has had more than his share of tough situations. But he is strong and tough himself. You shouldn’t worry.”

Trunks nodded his head, even though in his mind he heard Goten whisper ‘bullshit’. He didn’t have the nerve to call her out for not answering his question. It could quite possibly be an answer he didn’t want to know, or couldn’t stand to know. It tore at him inside to think of his father hurting without someone to comfort him, not that Vegeta ever appeared in need of comfort from anyone. But then again, Vegeta never seemed in need of anyone for anything at all.

“You make sure that you eat breakfast before you go to the lab, okay?” Bulma interrupted his thoughts.

“Okay, Mom.” He nodded, smiling at her. She smiled in return before rising from her seat, kissing his forehead and leaving him alone.

Trunks sighed and looked back out the glass door at the gravity capsule, a small feeling of helplessness swirling in his chest. He didn’t know why he even bothered feeling anything at all. His father had never needed him before now, so he was nearly certain he wouldn’t need him ever.


Goten touched down near his home. Gohan and Piccolo were sitting together on a log by the side of the capsule house speaking to one another. Their conversation ceased when they saw the newest arrival. Gohan smiled at his younger brother.

“If it wasn’t in the middle of the day, I would assume you got dressed in the dark.” He laughed, noting Goten’s baggy slacks and boots combo. The t-shirt didn’t fit that well, either. Goten merely smiled back, giving Piccolo a small inclination of his head in greeting before he replied to his brother.

“Actually, I did,” he clarified. “But what’s your excuse?”

Gohan smirked in annoyance, not only at his brother’s snappy comment, but also at the smile it produced from his Namekian companion.

“Where have you been?” Gohan tried changing the subject.

“Slept over at Trunks’ place,” the younger replied, resting his hands in his pockets. “It’s...uh...it’s a long story.”

“You boys seem to have some things to discuss,” Piccolo spoke, standing. “I will be returning to the Lookout. If you need anything,” he looked back down to Gohan. “don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, Piccolo,” Gohan replied. Goten nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, thanks, man.”

Piccolo gave a short nod in parting before he flew up toward the blue sky above them. Goten settled into the spot next to his brother that the Namek had just vacated.

“What’s going on, Goten?” Gohan asked. Goten ran a hand through his long, unruly hair, stopping at his neck to massage out a knot that was forming under the skin. He sighed heavily, giving a shrug before he answered.

“I dunno, man. Just so many weird things...I don’t know the whole story...Hell,” he threw his hands up in frustration. “I don’t think I know half of the story.”

Gohan placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“What kind of weird things?” he asked. Goten frowned.

“...Mostly Dad….” he began quietly. He looked up into the older’s eyes. “He’s been acting really weird since we came home....When you ask him, he says he is okay, but Gohan,” he shook his head slowly. “I don’t think he is okay.”

Gohan was troubled by his brother’s words and by his demeanor. He suddenly felt a pang of guilt for not coming to see them as often as he should have. He was starting to lose touch with them, focusing instead on his wife and child.

“What makes you think that he isn’t okay?” Gohan asked for clarification. Goten opened his mouth to reply, but both boys were startled by their father’s voice.

“I am okay,” Goku stressed. The two younger Saiyans looked up at him, and he smiled warmly back. “But I really need to talk to you both....”

Gohan and Goten stood from their seats and followed their father as he turned and strolled toward the forest. Goku had his hands clasped behind his back, and he took slow, even footsteps as he considered how to begin. Once they were quite a distance from the house, he stopped and turned to them.

“I think we should sit,” he began. Goten and Gohan exchanged weary looks, but heeded their father’s advice and settled on the cool grass of the forest floor. They sat quietly, expectantly, waiting for Goku to speak. Goku took a deep breath before he began again. “First, I would like to thank you both for the concern that you have shown for me,” he said, his eyes and his smile reflecting his gratitude. “I couldn’t ask for better, more caring children.”

“We just want you to be well, Father,” Gohan told him. Goten remained silent, waiting for the axe to fall. There had to be something bad in this....

“I am, I assure you,” Goku replied. He turned to address Goten specifically. “I know that I told you before that I was okay, and I apologize for that. I wasn’t, and I shouldn’t have lied to you.”

“What happened?” Goten asked softly.

Goku didn’t answer him right away, drawing Gohan’s intense gaze in addition to Goten’s.

“It’s not important,” he answered with a sigh. “It’s not important now, anyway. But I need you two to know that I am alright.” He paused a moment, biting his lip as he thought. “There are some things that I can’t tell you about just now. Things that concern other people, and it is not my place to be speaking of them just yet. But soon, I promise, I will tell you everything that you need to know.” Goten frowned.

“That we need to know?” he asked. Goku nodded.

“Yes, Goten. That you need to know. Regardless, you are still my children, and I am your father. There are some things that I will not tell you, because frankly...you don’t need to know them. These are decisions that parents have to make.” Goten continued to grimace over the answer, but Gohan seemed to take it just fine.

“But you are okay?” Goku nodded.

“Yes. I can’t say it any more plainly. No, I was not okay before...but I am now.” He smiled at them. “Please don’t think about it anymore.” He reached out and gave Goten’s knee an affectionate pat. “It’s alright....”

Goku stood then, and Gohan did as well. Goten remained motionless, sitting cross legged in the grass.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t been around much, Dad,” Gohan told him, voicing his earlier thoughts.

“Don’t be. Not that I don’t appreciate having you around.” Goku looked back down at his younger son, then turned to Gohan. “You want to go on ahead? We’ll be there shortly.”

Gohan nodded in understanding before turning back toward the Son home. Goku kneeled down in front of Goten.

“Hey.” He spoke softly, gaining the boy’s attention. “What’s on your mind?”

Goten frowned, looking into his father’s deep black eyes.

“...I...I think I know what happened, Dad,” he spoke, his voice barely a whisper. “I think I know what happened, and I don’t see how you can be anything but...mad….”

Goku’s own smile faded, and his brow creased in dismay. He reached out and placed his hands on Goten’s shoulders.

“You don’t know the whole story, son.” He spoke emphatically. “Things are not always as they would seem. Situations such as these are very complicated. Please respect my authority as your father that I will reveal these things to you when I believe it is best.”

“But, Dad -” Goku spoke before Goten could finish.

“Son, what good would it do you to know what happened? Shouldn’t you just be satisfied that now we are safe?”

Goten searched his father’s face for an answer. What good would it do him to have his father tell him what had occurred? Looking into Goku’s kind, gentle face made him think twice about hearing of such events from his own father.

“I’m sorry....” Goten mumbled, his eyes turning to focus on the lacing of his boots. “I just...want you to be fine, Dad.”

“And I am.” Goku stood and pulled the younger to his feet as well. “There are things in this world that take time, and no amount of impatience will make them happen before they are ready.” He placed his arm around Goten’s shoulders as the two began to follow Gohan’s route back home. “That is how we learn patience. There is a lesson in everything, Goten, to those who will only stop to learn.”

Goten nodded, but he wasn’t so sure that he understood. What was the lesson in the atrocity that his father had been put through? Who could possibly stop to think of what could be learned when they should be totally pissed off? Of course, his father did seem to be taking things much better than he would imagine himself taking them. But what more could there be to the story that would paint it as anything other than a hideous tragedy?

Goten glance up at his father from the corner of his eye. It would take all of his willpower to let this subject lie. But he loved and trusted his father, so he had little choice but to do exactly what Goku had asked of him. To trust...and to have patience.


A/N: Well, here is my next chapter! I hope you all liked it. I'm still suffering with the writer's block a bit and my work schedule has changed to the longest shifts in history, but I am trying to write this stuff as fast as possible without sacrificing what little quality it has to begin with! ^-^ Vegeta is certainly a hard one to write for when you are blocked, that is for sure. It's like typing out a one man drama. But, anyway, I hoped you all like this one. Sorry that it took a while to come out and the next one is probably looking like it will be next Friday or Saturday as a posting date. BIG thanks to my wonderful readers who have shared their thoughts with me in their reviews and emails. I totally appreciate it! And a SUPER BIG thanks to Rowina, my lovely and talented beta reader, for her wonderful additions to my little story. Rowina, I thank you...and so do my blue-eyed Saiyans... ^-^ Enjoy! -B°