Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ The Stand ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 23
The Stand

“Mrs. Briefs?”

Bulma shot a look of annoyance at her intercom. She had been trying diligently to work on a new droid diagram for the better part of the morning, but couldn’t concentrate on anything. Distractions were not making it any easier.

She punched the return button and spoke.


Her secretary’s voice seemed cheerful.

“Mr. Son Goku is here to see you.”

Bulma nearly tipped over her chair in her hurry to get up. She threw open the lab door and rushed out into the reception area where Goku was standing in front of the desk. He smiled at her, and she returned the gesture, relief washing over her that he was no longer too upset.

“I hope I’m not interrupting...” he began.

“No! No, Goku. Please,” she motioned for him to proceed her back into the lab. “Please come in.” She directed her next words to her receptionist. “Hold every call I get until further notice.”

Bulma joined Goku in the lab, shutting the door behind herself. Goku settled into the chair across from her desk.

That she was surprised to see him was an understatement. After their previous encounter at the beginning of the week, she was afraid that it might be several more weeks before she could persuade her friend to return to Capsule Corp. She sat across from him on the edge of the desk, mirroring his smile.

“So...” she began. “I’m so glad to see you! How...how are you doing?”

“Good. I think that I am good.” A nervous sort of laugh escaped him as he continued. “I mean, still a little shocked, I think...but....” He shrugged. “What can I do?”

Bulma nodded, her expression becoming more serious.

“Like I told you, Goku,” she reminded him. “I will take care of you. Whatever you want to do, Daikkon and I will work something out.”

“Thank you,” he replied, his smile turning a bit more thoughtful. “I know that you want the best for me, Bulma. But I can’t do what the two of you suggested. I...I think I’m going to go ahead and let nature take its course.” He took a deep breath before finishing. “I mean, I know I am.”

Bulma’s own smile seemed to morph into something resembling shock.

“Goku,” she asked him, “are you...sure that is for the best? What about Chi Chi...and Vegeta?”

“I told Chi Chi. She says she will stand by my decision. As for Vegeta…” He took a deep breath, shrugging his shoulders. “Well, I’m sure you probably know how he feels on the subject.”

“He’s slept in the gravity room since...” Bulma told him with a frown. “I can’t actually say for sure that he sleeps. I just know that he doesn’t come to bed before I leave for the lab. He doesn’t appear to be taking the news well.”

Goku’s eyes dropped to his lap, his hands fidgeting with the sash on his gi.

“I don’t want to hurt or upset your family, Bulma.” He spoke quietly. “But I can’t...can’t convince myself to get rid of this...this.” He indicated his stomach, placing his hands there. “It’s just not right for me.”

“I understand, Goku.” She slipped from the desk and began to pace in front of him. “I mean, I can’t exactly say that I will be thrilled with having to explain this to Trunks or Bulla...hell, to my parents. But I suppose you have those same fears.” Goku nodded.

“I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. But, no, I don’t look forward to telling Goten and Gohan they will have a half sibling that is also half Vegeta.” His dark eyes looked deep into hers, stopping her in her tracks. “But that is preferable to telling them that I terminated it.”

Bulma brought a hand to her forehead. She suddenly felt very warm.

“Bulma, I realize that you might choose differently than me if you were in my place, but please know that I have really thought about this. I came here today hoping that you and Daikkon could give me some idea of what I am getting myself into, what I can expect.”

Bulma nodded.

“Of course,” she told him. Daikkon had told her a few things about the process, and she hoped that maybe enlightening Goku on pregnancy may open his options up again. She just couldn’t imagine how this could turn out positively.

She had Daikkon summoned to her lab, and he was not five minutes in answering her call. He, too, seemed surprised to see Goku, but welcomed him warmly.

“How are you feeling?” the younger Saiyan asked.

“Well...about the same,” Goku replied honestly. “Sick, tired and sick some more. But I have many more moments of energy and well-being.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

“Daikkon,” Bulma addressed him. “Goku would like for you to tell him a little about Saiyan pregnancy.”

“Oh.” Daikkon looked from Bulma to Goku and back. “Well, I only know the basics,” he began, seating himself across from the other two. “But I believe that I may be of help there.” Goku smiled.

“Thank you.”

“Where should I begin?” he asked. Goku shrugged, settling back in his chair.

“The beginning, I suppose. I was with my wife when she was going to have Gohan, so I know a little bit about what goes on, but this is rather...different....”

“I agree,” Daikkon nodded, “the first thing being the gestation period. Humans tend to gestate from 38 to 40 weeks. A Saiyan pregnancy can run from 40 to 43 weeks, sometimes 44.” Bulma took note of the way Goku’s eyes widened upon hearing this.

“Wow,” he spoke, amazed. “That's...that’s a long time. Like...ten months.”

“Yes,” Daikkon replied. “Saiyans are bred to emerge from the womb more alert and capable than humans, so they spend more time developing inside.”

“Now that you mention it..." Goku asked, a slight blush spreading across his face. “How...how exactly does it...come...out...”

Daikkon tried not to smile in amusement.

“Not how you are thinking, I assure you,” he replied, drawing forth a relieved sigh from the other. “You see, the fetus is growing in a sac that very closely resembles the womb of a female.” He pulled a sheet of paper and a pencil from the desk and began to sketch a picture for him. “Instead of having an exit through an...ah...external opening, it has a roughly eleven centimeter opening that is pressed flat within the lowermost portion of your rectus abdominus.”

“Your tummy,” Bulma clarified when she saw Goku’s mouth turn down.

“Oh...abs...right.” His hand came to rest on his stomach as he listened to Daikkon’s explanation.

“After the required length of time, the abdominals are so far stretched that the opening of the womb is pressed down against the fatty tissue under the skin. One of the last events in pregnancy is the thinning of this fatty tissue that allows for an incision to be made just through the surface skin and the dermis underneath.”

“Like a C-section,” Bulma again chimed in.

“Oh.” Goku sat back in his chair and let the information sink in. “So you just cut me open and take it out,” he summarized. Daikkon shook his head.

“Not exactly. The incision is only through the skin, not into the womb itself. Once your body has deemed it the appropriate time, the fetus will begin to consume ki through, to use words you are familiar with, the placenta. This will start the actual labor process. After it has completely transformed its previous food source into ki energy and depleted that source, the contractions will separate the opening of the womb and the child will begin to force its way into the world.”

Goku was beginning to look a little pale.

“That sounds painful….” He spoke quietly. Daikkon nodded.

“I would expect that it is quite painful. As I only have female examples to speak from, the consumption of ki can last anywhere from ten to thirty six hours.”

Goku’s mouth fell open, and he inhaled sharply.

“Do you need something to drink, honey?” Bulma asked, pouring a glass of water from a pitcher on her desk as she spoke. She placed the cup in Goku’s hands and brought it to his lips. Goku took a sip before asking:

“And then you cut me open?”

“Yes.” Daikkon appeared thoughtful as he finished. “The pain from the deterioration of the placenta into ki is quite a bit less intense than the pain of the child trying to emerge into the world. That is when the incision is made and the birth takes place.”

Goku brought a hand to his forehead and sipped a bit more water. Bulma placed her hand on his knee, leaning toward him.

“Goku, you can still change you mind....” she spoke. Goku shook his head.

“No. I...I’ve been in pain before. I can handle it.” He turned back to the young Saiyan to finish his questions. “Is there anything else that I should know? Should I eat anything different? Do anything different?”

“There is nothing of significance I can add. Since you are already a father, I believe you know what to expect, for the most part. You will continue to feel nausea and fatigue until your body adapts to the hormonal changes. You will gain weight, most noticeably in the midsection. You will have a heightened awareness of scent, sound and the presence of ki. I would continue as you have been. You might not want to engage in activity that is strenuous to a Saiyan.”

“I won’t,” he stated. “Thank you, Daikkon. I...well, I’m nervous, but at least I know that I have you two to help me out.” He turned to Bulma as he finished. “I do, right?” he asked. Bulma tried to smile at him, but inside she was still unsure.

“Of course, Goku.” He smiled back at her, making her feel guilty for trying to change his mind. If Goku thought this was the best thing to do, wasn’t it?

“I would like to see you at regular intervals, if that is alright?” Daikkon asked Goku. Goku shrugged.

“Sure. As long as you don’t use any needles, that would be fine.” Goku nervously rubbed his stomach as he turned to Bulma. “Bulma, could I....if it’s okay...could I talk to...Vegeta...”

Bulma’s eyebrows raised in surprise. He wanted to talk to Vegeta? That really shouldn’t shock her, she supposed.

“I don’t see why not,” she replied. “He’s still in the GR. I wouldn’t use instant transmission. That might just make him angry.” Goku laughed lightly, while on the inside wondering if Vegeta wouldn’t end up angry regardless of how he appeared. “You can go through the house, if you want.”

“Thank you,” he said as he stood. “Thank you both.”

Bulma stood with him and walked by his side to the door.

“Goku,” she spoke quickly as he reached for the handle. “If you change your mind, it’s okay too. I will help you out with whatever you need.”

Goku looked down at her, hating to see the turmoil in her eyes.

“Nothing will make me change my mind, Bulma,” he told her. “I can’t make this right by doing something that is totally wrong. But thank you.”

She didn’t say anything more to him. She merely smiled and watched him walk away.


Vegeta could feel Goku’s ki long before he reached Capsule Corp. property that afternoon. He hadn’t seen him since the day of their confrontation on the riverbank. Vegeta had been unable to concentrate since. He kept himself locked within the GR, hoping that the confining space and the isolation would force him into training. But it hadn’t worked. He could do nothing but pace the floor or lie on it, staring up at the grey metal ceiling as his thoughts ran rampant. Now the isolation did nothing but prevent him from evading the constant nagging of his own mind.

His thoughts had run the gamut of his entire miserable existence. He’d had enough time to replay in his mind every act of oppression, every instance of abuse, every sting to his pride. The tumult of emotion had left him irritable, tired and longing for release.

Vegeta rolled his head from one shoulder to the next, the cracking of his vertebrae ringing in the cold silence of the chamber.

Kakkarot was coming.

He had better be bringing good news.

Vegeta ignored the polite knock on the GR door. He continued to pace, stretching out his muscles, twisting out the kinks. When he did not answer, the door opened and Goku stepped hesitantly inside.

Vegeta drew a sharp breath. The scent that struck him was a heady combination of apprehension, unease and something distinctly Kakkarot...yet not. It reminded him of the way the earth smelled when the seasons transitioned from one to the next, and Bulma would remark in a wistful voice that it was beginning to “smell like spring”. When the snow would melt and nature would begin anew. Like the warmth of sunshine and fresh air....and life.

Vegeta exhaled forcefully, trying to rid his nostrils of the offending odor as he turned his coal black eyes to his not-so-welcome guest.

Goku smiled sheepishly, holding up his hand in greeting.

“Uh...hi, Vegeta...” he spoke, his discomfort blatantly obvious. “How are you?”

A small warning growl rumbled in Vegeta’s throat as he crossed his arms, glaring at Goku.

“I doubt you are here for pleasantries, Kakkarot,” he snapped. “So get on with it!”

Goku frowned.

“There is no reason to skip pleasantries altogether, Vegeta,” he replied, unconsciously mirroring Vegeta’s stance, crossing his arms defensively. “I came here to talk to you.”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

“So talk.”

Goku licked his lips, nervously biting the lower as he thought.

“Vegeta,” he began slowly. “I know that you want me to...‘get rid’ of this situation that we find ourselves in...and I have given it a lot of thought over the last several days....” Goku’s eyes began to roam around the small space, taking in the sights, focusing on anything but the object of his conversation. “It wasn’t easy. There are so many people that will be affected by the decision that I make. I’m not proud to admit that once or twice I really considered that it might be best to take care of this the way you want me to….” His eyes closed and he sighed. “I wish I could give you the answer you want, Vegeta. But I can’t...”

Goku kept his eyes closed and his head downcast as he waited for Vegeta’s reply. When none came, he cautiously raised his eyes to the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta’s posture was possibly more tense and taut then just moments ago. He stared at Goku, his eyes wide with shock and rage. Which is why it was all the more surprising to Goku when he spoke.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Goku’s eyebrows arched, and his breath caught in his throat. Vegeta’s voice was rushed and panicked.

“Why?” he stressed. Goku shook his head emphatically in reply.

“No, Vegeta! I’m not doing this to you!”

Vegeta’s features contorted in a mask of pain at the response.

“You are not supposed to be a being of revenge, Kakkarot!” he shouted. “You admitted as much yourself! How can you not kill the one who is responsible and yet force me to suffer the consequences of his crimes? Do you blame me for this? Is this your way of making me pay?”

Goku couldn’t believe his ears. How could Vegeta twist reality so easily against himself?

“Vegeta, you’re wrong! I’m not trying to punish you! I don’t blame you!” He spoke hurriedly, trying to assure the prince of his sincerity. “I just can’t get rid of it like that! I can’t kill anyone without reason!”

“Without reason!” Vegeta eyes sparked with fury. “That I ask it of you should be reason enough! I should have some say in this, you traitor!”

“Traitor?” Goku found himself asking before he could even think of what Vegeta might mean.

“How dare you insult me with your pathetic facade of friendship and then force this upon me!” Vegeta’s hands were clenched into fists at his side, his body trembling with anger. “You are thinking only of yourself! You care nothing of how this will affect anyone else!”

“That isn’t true!” Goku shouted back. “I have thought about it! It hurts me to think how uncomfortable this is for a lot of people, but I cannot let that overshadow what I believe in my heart. It is wrong to do what you ask.” Goku took a deep breath then, trying to return a sense of calmness to himself. “Vegeta, the last thing I want to do is cause you pain -”

“Shut up!” Vegeta barked. “I have had enough of your charade of kindness! You have taken your last pleasure in mocking me! We will come to no agreement on this matter! If I have to take care of this myself - ” His posture changed from immobile to one on the offensive. His ki sky rocketed, and he launched himself toward his startled companion. “So be it!”

Goku had only the tiniest fraction of a moment to defend himself, pulling his arms in against his core, before the first blow struck.


A/N: No, the writer's block is not gone. It's just as ever-present and annoying. I've got mandatory overtime this weekend, so I thought I would post this a tad early. Hope everyone likes it. Poor Goku, putting him in uncomfortable situations always makes me giggle a bit. ^-^ Alas, it might be a while before the next update, but hopefully no more than another week. You all have been great and loyal readers! I hope I am entertaining you!!!! Enjoy!

Of course, as always, I bow down before my beta-goddess Rowina. You rock!! - B°

A/N Part 2: Okay, let's try this one more time!!! Thank you, Pixelgoddess, for pointing out that I posted the wrong version of this chapter. This one should read alot better. Rowina had nothing to do with that mess that I posted earlier. That junk was all me. This one, I believe, is the beta version. It had lots of red highlighting when I found it. I should probably put all of my documents in one place! LOL!! Let's hope this is the right copy... ^-^ -B°