Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Falling ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 24

Vegeta had been right in assuming that Goku would crouch and pull his arms in to protect his midsection, so when the blow landed square on the younger Saiyan’s jaw, it propelled him back through the hatch of the GR.

Goku stumbled from the gravity unit, his hand coming up to soothe the painful ache on his face. He was stunned that Vegeta had actually attacked him.

“What is wrong with you!?” Goku demanded, backing up as Vegeta advanced on him. “What is your problem!?”

“You are my problem, Kakkarot!” Vegeta retorted, gathering a mass of ki in his palm. “How can you be such a fool?”

Goku shook his head, dumbfounded by Vegeta’s reaction. Was the prince really planning to beat the life out of him?

“Vegeta, please,” Goku implored, desperately searching for some sign of compassion in the other’s eyes. “Please just talk to me about this. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

“Shut up!” Vegeta fired the ki at him. Goku considered dodging the blast, but chose instead to deflect it up toward the sky to save Bulma the damage to her property. Vegeta was already powering up for another attack.

“Please, Vegeta, don’t do this!” Goku held out his arms to his sides in a gesture of peace. “Let’s just talk about this. I know that you are capable of understanding. I know that you are just as hurt as I-”

“Don’t you dare try to compare my misery to anything you have experienced!” Vegeta’s rage was startling, jolting Goku as he shouted. The gold aura of the Super Saiyan rushed over the prince, changing his dark hair to blonde and lightening his eyes. He narrowed those bright blue-green eyes at the younger Saiyan who stood awestruck not six meters away from him. “You know nothing of me, you fool. You know nothing!”

“I know that you are hurting,” Goku replied with a soft voice. “I’m hurting, too.”

“You will be hurting worse when I finish with you!” Vegeta shouted, rushing him.

Goku pulled up his arms to block the punch. Even blocked, the connection of Vegeta’s fist rattled through him painfully due to the drastic difference in their ki levels. Goku had to rely on speed to keep him out from under Vegeta’s fist, twisting and dodging from each attack.

Vegeta struck hard and fast, but Goku was faster. Each missed blow only increased the prince’s frustration and irritation.

Goku could feel his heart pounding in his chest as adrenaline coursed through his system. He had to actively suppress his ki to keep from matching Vegeta’s. He didn’t know how long he could hold out against the Super Saiyan without ascending himself, but he didn’t want to stress his own system.

“Vegeta, please!” he shouted, dodging a punch that grazed his ear. “Calm down! You don’t know what you are doing!”

“I know exactly what I am doing!” Vegeta barked back at him. He aimed a kick to the younger man’s chest. When Goku ducked, Vegeta turned sharply and swept his feet out from under him. Goku landed on his back with a loud thud, but he quickly rolled back up onto his feet. Two back flips put much needed distance between himself and the prince, and he glared at him.

“That’s enough!” Goku stated firmly. “I’m not going to fight you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“What more could you do?” Vegeta asked him. Goku was taken aback by that statement. He had done nothing.

“Vegeta...I...” Goku began, but stopped as he observed his rival. Vegeta dropped his head and stared at the ground, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

“..I ...I don’t know what to do anymore, Kakkarot,” he spoke quietly. “This is just too much to comprehend.”

“I feel the same way, Vegeta,” Goku replied, a feeling of relief coming over him. Maybe he had finally gotten through. He approached the older Saiyan and laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not thrilled with this situation either, but I am determined to make the most of it.” Vegeta turned his teal eyes up to look into Goku’s deep, black ones. The taller man smiled down at him. “I think we are going to be okay...”

Vegeta smirked back at him.

I think you are an imbecile.”

With Super Saiyan speed, Vegeta grabbed the arm that Goku had extended toward him. He twisted the appendage without mercy, causing Goku to yelp in pain. Vegeta gathered ki into his palm and pulled back his fist. He was going to end this right now.

The thought of what he was about to do flashed quickly through his mind. Vegeta was going to harm this trusting being in hopes that it would force his body to reject the life growing inside of him. And that event might cause Goku more pain than anything Horenz could have dreamed putting him through. Was he now a complete monster? Did his evil know no limits? Was he even worthy of fathering this man’s child?

It only took a second.

In that one second that Vegeta hesitated, Goku felt fear grip his heart and force him into action. Ebony spikes of hair flashed gold, and he ripped his arm free of the prince’s hold. The burst of raw energy from Goku’s body forced Vegeta away from him. It also brought him back to his senses and the battle at hand. He pulled the fully charged sphere of ki back to take aim.

Goku was a fraction of a second faster.


Vegeta didn’t have time to launch his own attack as the energy struck him, his own ki blast exploding upon contact with the kamehameha wave. The impact sent the prince flying backward, colliding with the hard earth and marring the ground with a long, shallow trench.

The commotion outside drew both Bulma and Trunks onto the back patio to witness the end of the fight. Bulma gasped in shock at the sight, her hand clamping over her mouth. Trunks gaped openly in disbelief.

Vegeta pushed himself to his hands and knees, coughing out a mist of blood. He tried to focus his eyes, but his vision was still blinded by the brilliance of Goku’s attack. His body ached, and his chest stung with the familiar pain of broken ribs.

Goku dropped from ascended form as quickly as he had called it. His body trembled with anger and worry as he glared across the yard at the fallen prince. Goku raised his hand and pointed at the other Saiyan.

“Don’t you ever dare touch me again!” Goku shouted at him. “Ever! Do you hear me?” He brought his hand back to cover his stomach. “I will protect this life with my own! It is part of us! Maybe you have no trouble destroying part of yourself, but I will die again before I let my family’s blood be spilled!” Goku’s voice rose in pitch as he screamed. “You are insane, Vegeta!”

“I hate you!” Vegeta roared back, clutching his chest from the pain of speaking as he rose to his feet. “I fucking hate you!”

Goku frowned.

“No, Vegeta,” he answered, shaking his head. “I think you hate yourself. That’s what your problem is.”

Goku didn’t let another word pass between them before he powered up and took off toward his home. Vegeta stared after his retreating form.

“Damn you, Kakkarot!” he shouted after the fleeing Saiyan.

Bulma rushed to his side, trying to check his injuries.

“Are you alright?” she asked, concerned. Vegeta pulled from her, rebuffing her attempts to help.

“Leave me alone!” he snapped. “Just leave it!”

“Vegeta, you are hurt,” she stated, reaching for him again. “I want to see how badly.”

Vegeta jerked his arms forcefully away from her, causing her to stumble.

“What the hell did I just say?!” he railed at her, grabbing her arm and pulling her to him.

“Mother is just trying to help you!” Trunks shouted, wedging himself between his parents to dislodge his mother from his father’s grasp. “Leave her alone! Haven’t you hurt enough people today!?”

Vegeta felt all breath leave his body as he looked into the pure blue eyes of his son. His question was little more than a hiss.


Trunks turned, keeping his mother protectively behind him.

“How could you hurt Uncle Goku like that!” he shouted at his father, his muscles tensing from anger and fear. “How could you? When Goten told me that bad things had happened to his dad, I never guessed that it was from you!” Trunks voice broke under the emotion. “Why would you do that, Papa?”

The color drained from Vegeta’s face as his son’s words sunk into his brain. So he had known what had happened, and the boy believed it to be his fault.

Trunks felt the ivory pedestal, on which he had always placed his father, begin to crumble as the full-blooded Saiyan stared back at him with an emotionless face. Tears began to well up into his eyes, tears that he would normally fight to hold in check in front of his idolized father. Now he let them fall freely.

“How could you be so cruel?”

“Trunks,” Bulma spoke softly, coming around her son’s side. “You don’t know -”

“Let him speak!” Vegeta growled, silencing her.

“Don’t yell at her!” Trunk shot back. “Why do you keep treating people this way!? Damnit, Dad!” He swallowed hard, trying to keep from losing his control totally. “There are people that love you! How can you be such a bastard!”

Vegeta took a step toward his oldest child, and Bulma moved quickly between them.

“Don’t hurt him, Vegeta!” she said quickly, holding out her hands as if she alone could keep Vegeta at bay. “He’s just upset.”

“Let him, Mom,” Trunks spoke, his words thick with misery. “I don’t care. I give up.”

Vegeta pushed Bulma from in front of the youth and took hold of his arm as the demi-Saiyan continued to speak.

“I tried so hard to be a son you would be proud of, Father. At first, I thought if I trained hard enough, became strong enough, you would love me.” He shook his head sadly as he thought. “When I knew I would never be strong enough for you, I thought maybe if I was smart like Mom, then you would love me. But no amount of studying will ever impress you.” He turned his watery blue eyes up to Vegeta’s, whose expression was unreadable in the dark depths of his own eyes. “If I hurt people, then would you be proud?” he asked, bitterly. “If that is the case, then I don’t want to be your son.”

Vegeta scowled.

“Vegeta!” Bulma screeched as the prince pulled their child to him and blasted off from the yard. Bulma felt her heart trembling in her chest as she watched the figures of her husband and son slowly fade into the sky. “Vegeta!” she called again, in vain. He could not have heard her.

He probably would not have stopped if he had.


Chi Chi looked up, startled, from her baking when the front door slammed open. She rushed from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron as she went to investigate the sound. Goku stood in the threshold, looking guilty.

“Sorry about that,” he spoke. “I didn’t mean to open it like that.”

Chi Chi shook her head, assuring him it was okay but at a loss for any actual words. She took in his appearance, noting the sheen of sweat on his forehead and the red bruises on his arm.

“What happened?” she finally asked him. He sighed, shutting the door and walking into the living room.

“Vegeta and I fought,” he explained, slumping down on the couch. “I told him I was keeping...it...and he got angry.” He thought about that a moment before amending his statement. “Very angry.”

Chi Chi settled onto the couch beside her husband and place her hand on his trembling thigh.

“Fought how?” she asked. He stared down at her hand, replying:

“With fists. He wanted to hurt me.” Chi Chi’s brow furrowed in anger, but Goku finished before she could speak. “He wanted me to hurt as badly as he is hurting.” Goku gave a growl of frustration, running his hands through his hair. “He makes me so crazy!” he exclaimed.

“Goku,” Chi Chi told him, drawing his attention back to her. “You don’t need to think about Vegeta anymore. You need to worry about yourself now, and nothing else.”

Goku smirked. He wasn’t good at focusing on himself.

“I don’t think I will have to worry about him. I doubt he will want anything to do with me, anyway.”

Chi Chi ran her hand softly over the red marks on Goku’s arm. If she could just have ten uninterrupted minutes with that no-good, self-proclaimed Lord of all Saiyans, she would love to pay him back for every wound he inflicted.

Goku sighed, sensing where her thoughts had taken her.

“Don’t be mad at him, Chi,” he spoke. “It’s all he knows.”

“Please!” she retorted. “Like he hasn’t learned love or acceptance or compassion from Bulma? Or his own children? He is an arrogant you-know-what, and that’s that. I feel sorry for Bulma,” she stated, standing. “She has deluded herself, thinking that man will ever be anything but cold hearted.”

“I don’t think that is true,” Goku spoke thoughtfully. “I just think he is scared, that’s all.”

“Hmph! Vegeta? Scared?” She shook her head, placing her hands on her hips. “He’s not smart enough to know when to be scared. He thinks he is all powerful.” Her tone changed from harsh to loving as she reached out and touched Goku’s cheek. “But don’t think about it any more,” she repeated. “I’m making you a nice chocolate cheesecake. It will be out of the oven in no time.”

Goku smiled at her and watched her walk from the room before turning his attention back to his situation.

It was odd; he didn’t feel like he was in any special condition, but he couldn’t keep his hands from moving over his belly. As if there would be some magic indicator of what was going on inside. Since he couldn’t feel what was happening inside of him, he was concerned that he wouldn’t know if it was suddenly gone. He had gone Super Saiyan when he had tried not to. He didn’t know what effect that would have on his body in this state, and now he was afraid.

It was funny. He was so upset to learn of his fate, and now the thought of it changing was suddenly equally as frightening. Could he bear it? Could he stand having the prospect of this new life snatched from his grasp?

Could he ever forgive Vegeta if it was?

Goku gave a shuddering sigh, wrapping his arms around himself. He hoped that he would be alright. That the ascension had not injured him in any way. He didn’t want to go through another emotional ringer.

He didn’t want to hate Vegeta.


A/N: Well, I hope you all liked this chapter! I am coming out of the writer's block a bit, so I hope that I will be able to update more frequantly. Thank you to everyone for your kind reviews! I really appreciate it! And to my wonderful beta, Rowina: Arigato gozaimasu!!!! *bows to the ground* You rock!! (and, I think I posted the beta version this time!)

Fyrbyrd: Thank you so much for the AMAZING compliment!!!! Sorry this chapter is kind of a cliffhanger too....