Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Father ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 25

Trunks tried to tell himself that today was the day he was going to die. But as angry and disappointed as he was in his father, he found it hard to believe that he would really kill him. Of course, after what he had done to Goku, anything was possible.

They flew for what seemed like hours. A dull pain was building under Trunks’s arm where his father was holding him, but he ignored it. He could possibly be in more pain soon. They had flown so far, there would be no one to hear him scream.

Vegeta came to a sudden halt and descended sharply toward the ground. Trees limbs and leaves smacked at them as they broke through the forest canopy, landing with a jolt on the ground.

Vegeta released Trunks from his grasp and paced away from him, stopping several meters away. Trunks watched wearily as his father stood silent, hands on his hips.

“Sit,” Vegeta commanded after a short moment, not bothering to turn to him.

Trunks looked around, spotting a fallen tree and settling onto it. He watched Vegeta, waiting for his next move, his next words. Trunks looked down at the dirt and leaves beneath his boots, pondering whether or not he should speak first.

The silence between them was deafening.

It took quite a while, but Vegeta finally turned to the boy. Their eyes locked, coal black boring into pale blue. Trunks desperately tried to decipher the emotion in those dark depths, but his father’s face was unusually passive and relaxed.

“You think I am capable of harming anyone in the way you accused me, concerning Kakkarot?”

When his father finally spoke, Trunks looked away, ashamed, wishing he hadn’t spoken at all. Vegeta watched him a moment before asking again.

“You think I am capable of this?”

Trunks shook his head, taking a deep breath to calm his emotions. He looked back up at his father.

“What am I supposed to think?” he asked back. “Goten tells me that he thinks...that...happened to his dad, and then Goku tells you that his child is yours....” Trunks noticed the way his father visibly flinched at the word ‘child’. “And...you were being so...mean….”

Vegeta rubbed his hand across his chin as he considered his son’s words. Trunks looked back down at the earth, embarrassed now by his accusation. He should have known there would be some other explanation, something that had yet to be revealed.

“And...” Vegeta spoke quietly again after a moment. “...you believe...about me...”

Trunks looked back up, hearing the hesitation in his father’s tone. Vegeta’s brow was furrowed in what almost appeared to be...concern.

“...You think that I do not...care?”

Trunks’ eyes closed on their own, and he hung his head. It was the first time in his life that he had ever heard his father sound hurt. Trunks’s own words had actually pained him.

“I’m so sorry, Papa....” he spoke, his jaw trembling. “I’m sorry.…I know that you love Mom...and Bulla.…I just...just….” He couldn’t find the words he wanted in the jumble that was his brain at this moment. He was overwhelmed with feelings: confusion, anger, fear, regret. Years of pent up emotion broke forth from him, and he dropped his head into his hands. His shoulders shook from the tears that he tried to hold back, ashamed to be displaying such weakness.

He was surprised when strong arms came around him, pulling him close. A hand brushing gently once over his hair.

His father was actually hugging him.

Sobs wracked the young Saiyan’s body as he reached out and held tightly to his father. Vegeta closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he held his child, his control over his own emotions shaking. Trunks trembled, feeling ten years younger than he actually was, but at that moment he really couldn’t give a damn about appearances.

“That’s enough now,” Vegeta spoke, not unkindly, but did not make a move to pull away. The last time he had held his son flashed through his mind. Why had he made the same mistake again? Why had he waited so long?

Trunks sniffed back the forthcoming tears and turned his face up to look at his dad’s. Vegeta was looking down at him, his dark eyes no longer seeming so severe.

Vegeta brushed the hair from the boy’s forehead, a small smile coming to his lips. Their features were virtually identical, from the shape of his eyes to the sharp angle of his royal nose. His smile was replaced quickly with a frown.

They were features that he shared with his own father.

Trunks looked concerned by his father’s change of expression.

“Papa?” he spoke quietly. Vegeta turned his concentration back to the demi-Saiyan.

“Know this, son.” He spoke sternly, his hands coming up to either side of the child’s face. Trunks’s eyes were intent on Vegeta’s as he spoke. “You, your mother and your sister are the most important things in my world. Never doubt that….” Trunks thought he heard his father’s voice falter, but Vegeta finished in his normal commanding tone. “Even if I don’t give you good reason to believe...never doubt.”

Trunks nodded, taking a deep breath, feeling his control returning. Vegeta pulled his hand back and turned from Trunks, folding his arms across his chest as he stared into the darkness of the forest around them.

Vegeta spoke again, his voice still strong, but quiet.

“I have never in my life felt the need to defend my actions to another,” he began. “But I will not have my only son thinking I am a monster.”

“Papa, I -”

Vegeta turned back to him.

“Do not interrupt me. I will not repeat myself.”

Trunks nodded. So much for tender moments, although he was grateful for the one he had. Vegeta turned away again, finding it easier to speak when not looking at his face.

“I don’t know what Goten knows, or what he has told you, but yes...what Goku carries within him is my fault. I was told if I did not...they would harm your sister in a heinous manner.” Trunks gasped.

“Those sons of -” He couldn’t finish his reply when the meaning of it hit him fully. “...I didn’t get there in time….Papa, I’m so sorry....”

Vegeta turned, stunned by Trunks’s statement.

“You are not to blame, child. It was my crimes that got me into that situation. It is Kakkarot who was innocent in the matter.”

Trunks’s face twisted in disbelief at his father’s words.

“Dad...” he breathed, his voice pitched with concern. “You are a victim, too. What they did to you is just the same as what happened to him. No different.”

Vegeta felt uncomfortable under the child's gaze so he again looked away.

“You know little of the world, Trunks,” he stated flatly.

“That may be so, but I know what is right from what is wrong,” Trunks defended himself. “I know that you didn’t deserve that. I know that you shouldn’t feel responsible.”

Vegeta scowled, but Trunks couldn’t see since his back of to him.

“How do you know what I feel?”

Trunks shrugged.

“You say Goku is innocent, yet you are angry at him...for wanting to keep the baby, I presume.” Vegeta’s shoulder’s visibly tensed. “Do you think you are being punished, having a living reminder of what you had done?”

Vegeta turned his scowling face to his son.

“You are a know-it-all brat, do you know that?” he sneered. Trunks felt his heart stop beating for the fraction of a second it took his father to continue speaking. “That is a fairy tale, son. I merely want nothing to do with Kakkarot or his bastard offspring. But no, I don’t want a reminder.”

Trunks frowned.

“Dad...” he spoke softly. “Don’t think like that -”

“What am I supposed to think, boy!” he snapped at his son, a lot harsher than he wanted to. “That we will be one big happy family? The prince of all Saiyans and the earth-loving clown?” Vegeta shook his head in disgust. “If I have let you down by not sharing my affections, how do you think this child will feel when asked how he came into the world? What would you have me tell it?”

Trunks was thoughtful a moment as he considered his father’s words.

“...Sometimes,” he began slowly, “very bad things happen to good people. And sometimes, their despair is offset by the universe, giving them something very special...the great spirits’ way of making amends. Joy for pain. Life for death. That is what you will say. It’s the truth.”

Vegeta sighed.

“Where do you come up with these strange ideas, boy...” Trunks shrugged, blushing a bit.

“...It’s what I imagined why I came into the world..” Vegeta narrowed his eyes at Trunks’s reason. “Mom told me once that you had a very hard life, but it would be okay because you had a family now.” Trunks grinned in nervous embarrassment that he was actually sharing this story with anyone, let alone his own father. “She said that it was a once-in-a-lifetime shot that someone like her would fall for someone like you, so it must have been arranged by the gods to ease your pain....I dunno. I mean, the gods must have arranged it, since I was kind of a surprise.”

Vegeta’s look of disgust was still in place.

“What makes you think your life was brought about by anyone but me?” he questioned. Trunks gave a short laugh.

“Dad, I may be a genius, but it really doesn’t take one to calculate that I was eighteen on my birthday last year, yet Mom just made you celebrate your fifteenth wedding anniversary this past April.”

It was Vegeta’s turn to chuckle in amusement.

“Just because I do not follow human traditions does not mean that I am careless,” he told the younger Saiyan. “You were very deliberate. I....” His smile faded, and the words were forced from his throat before he could still them. “…wanted you.”

Trunks smiled, filled with pride at his father’s confession.

“You wanted me?” he asked, awed.

Vegeta turned away, in case the heat he felt rushing to his face was coloring his skin as well.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he grumbled. Trunks shook his head. He was amazed by his father’s admission.

“Then why do you always tell Mom that you weren’t cut out to be a father?” he asked.

Vegeta sighed, turning back to the boy.

“Trunks, this is a story that I don’t know if I have the time or the patience for today.”

“But I would like to hear it,” Trunks told him. “...if you don’t mind….”

Vegeta looked at the boy for a moment, fatigue and exhaustion wearing on him. He reached out, gently placing his hand on the young Saiyan’s cheek.

“Another day, perhaps.” he said, quietly. Trunks nodded, not wanting to press the issue. Vegeta pulled his hand away, folding it back with the other across his chest. “You should return home.” he grimaced. “Your mother is most likely believing that I am digging your grave.”

Trunks blushed.

“No, she’s not,” he replied. “She just worries sometimes...” His explanation died off as he watched his father. “You’re coming with me, right?” he asked.

Vegeta shook his head, but did not speak.

“Dad, you’re hurt -”

“I will be fine,” Vegeta replied. “Go home.”

Trunks lingered a moment, not wanting to leave his father alone. Vegeta kept his back to the boy as he stared absently into the woods around them.

Trunks moved around to his father’s side, catching his eye.

“Please, come home soon.” Vegeta frowned but committed to the idea with a short nod. Trunks smiled, nervously reaching out and giving Vegeta’s arm an affectionate squeeze. “I love you, Dad.”

Trunks turned and took flight before he or his father could feel properly embarrassed by the display of emotion. Vegeta watched the youth disappear into the approaching dark wall of clouds.

He sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head slowly as he thought about recent events. His head throbbed miserably and now that the adrenaline was leaving his system, his chest was burning like a wild fire.

“What am I supposed to do now?” he asked himself, rubbing his weary eyes with his hand. “Just what in the hell am I supposed to do! Is this really the life that I was destined for? Is this what the fates carved out for the Prince of Saiyans?” His own question evoked a short laugh from himself.

The fates. The ‘Gods’, his son had said. Was there even such a thing? Sure, he had been to the underworld, but were there really beings that were controlling his every move, plotting each moment in his life?

If there were, he wanted words with them. Words that proceeded a brilliant blast of ki.

Vegeta gave a groan as his body seemed intent on alerting him to its broken state. He ignored the pain, settling himself beneath a large tree, resting his back against the trunk.

Less than an hour ago he had been so angry he could have killed. The way he was born to. The way he was trained to. The way that he was used to, to rid himself of his problems. But the moment he looked into his son’s eyes and saw the disappointment and the hurt there, his anger disappeared and something even more hideous took its place.


Guilt for everything that he had done...and what he hadn’t.

He had only ever had three goals in life: become the legendary Super Saiyan, defeat Freiza and to never become as bad a father as his own. He had always hoped to achieve the last goal by remaining childless, and that idea died when he began to consider his mortality before the android attack. He had wanted a child to continue his legacy, to carry on his royal bloodline...to love, maybe?

But now, here he sat. Soon to be the owner of one child per broken goal.


A cold wind whipped though the clearing, raising the hair on his arms and sending a chill up his spine. He hated the cold and knew he should probably return to Capsule Corp., but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He didn’t want to face them. Didn’t want to face Bulma. She was probably more angry at him at this moment than anytime he could remember. And he couldn’t blame her. He was pretty angry at himself as well.

But the rage was gone, and nothing remained but the guilt of his poor judgment. He wanted so badly for Kakkarot to do his bidding that he was blind with fury when the younger Saiyan had refused. He should have known better. Kakkarot didn’t seem to take himself into consideration when weighing the importance of a decision. He relied on his heart. Vegeta’s didn’t have the same level of experience. He relied on his pride, and he was starting to wonder how much he had left...

The throbbing behind his eyes only seemed to increase with each new thought that assaulted his mind. How could he have treated his fellow Saiyan so disgustingly after what he had done to help the prince and his family? Kakkarot had put himself on the line to try and protect Bulla, and this was Vegeta’s way of thanking him? Rewarding him for his selfless loyalty?

Thunder rumbled across the darkening sky and seemed to rattle the clouds, causing the rain to sprinkle down to earth. The tiny drops were ice cold against Vegeta’s skin as they began to soak into his clothes and dampen his hair.

Vegeta ignored the weather, his focus lost to anything but the pain in his mind.


The rain beat steadily down on the small domed roof of the Son family home. Although it was still early in the evening, the dark rain clouds shut out what little light was left from the setting sun and enveloped the tiny house in murky darkness.

Goku stood for a moment outside Goten’s bedroom door, his fist poised to knock when he felt it to be okay. He was nervous, to say the least, but with Trunks having witnessed what had happened between Vegeta and himself this afternoon, it would probably not be too long before Goku’s youngest son would have the information. Goku would rather it come straight from himself.

Gathering his courage, Goku tapped lightly on the door with the back of his hand. There was the slight sound of movement inside the room before the door opened.

“Hey, Dad.” Goten greeted him, holding his cell phone face down against his chest to block the speaker. “What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you about something important...” Goku replied to him. “... if you don’t mind.”

Goten searched his father’s eyes a moment, noting the unusual look in them.

“Uh...sure...” he answered, pulling the phone back up to his ear. “Hey, Paris...I gotta go, can I call you back?”

Goku followed Goten into the room as the teenager made his promises and said his goodbyes. Goku shut the door behind them.

Goten turned off his phone and turned to his father.

“What is it?” he asked.

Goku sat down on the edge of the bed, motioning for Goten to join him.

“I wanted to talk to you...tell you something before it got to you by other means,” Goku explained. Goten raised an eyebrow in interest.

“Yeah?” he spoke, settling down at his father’s side. “Like what? You and mom gettin’ me a new car for graduation?”

Goku smiled at the grin on his son’s face.

“I wish we had the money for that, son. But no...” he told him. “It’s nothing like that.”

Goten’s grin turned back into a line of concern.

“What is it?”

Goku took a deep breath before beginning.

“First, I would really have liked to tell you and your brother this together, but I can’t wait much longer. You see, Trunks found out this afternoon, and I really couldn’t blame him for saying something to you. But, I told you that I would be the one to tell you when the time was right...not that the right time is now, but...I think you understand, right?”

Goten nodded his head, his eyebrows drawn together.

“Oh, yeah...clear as mud...”

Goku took another deep breath.

“Son...” he began again. “The first thing I want you to know, and really know this, is that I am okay. I am one hundred percent fine.”

Goten’s eyes became wide in alarm. That was not a good start to whatever Goku had to tell him. Goku reached out and took his hands.

“Don’t panic. Let me finish,” he told him. Goten nodded. “Those Saiyans that took us had plans for us to rebuild a Saiyan empire. They were hoping Bulla would be a full blooded Saiyan so she could be queen and have an heir...I guess...”

Goten frowned.

“That’s really stupid,” he grumbled. “She’s only ten.”

“Well, they didn’t like that she was half human, either.” Goku continued. “So they had to take a...um...different route...”

“Let me guess,” Goten smirked. “They said that Saiyan guys could have babies, and they wanted Uncle Vegeta to ‘service’ some of their flunkies.” His smirk became a grin, not noticing his father pale at the words ‘Vegeta’ and ‘service’. “I bet they couldn’t wait to get their ruler between the sheets -”


Goten flinched at his father’s outburst and fell silent. Goku brought his hand to his mouth, shocked that he had reacted in that way.

“I’m sorry,” he said quickly. Goten stared at him.

“Dad...what’s the matter?”

Goku stood from the bed and paced to the center of the room.

“You’re half right, though I don’t know how.” He turned to Goten then, looking earnestly into the young boy’s eyes. “They didn’t try to hurt you, did they? You can tell me if they did.”

“No, Dad.” Goten answered honestly. “They didn’t. What happened? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Goku turned away from him again. “This isn’t easy for me to say...and the details are really unimportant now. But....” One final breath was taken before he spoke in a rush of words. “I’m going to have a baby, and Vegeta is the father. It’s not something that we wanted to happen, but it did. We had no choice in the matter if we wanted to protect you both, and there is nothing to be done, but it’s really okay and we will both be fine.”


Goku turned slowly to look at the wide-eyed, mouth agape expression on his son’s face. Goku sighed and crossed back to sit down at his side.

“Goten,” he began.

“What!?” Goten jumped to his feet, his hands coming up to his head. “HOLYFUCKINSHIT! What?!”

Goku grimaced.

“Watch your language,” he reprimanded softly, taking Goten’s arm and pulling him back to the bed. “It’s okay.”

“Are you mental?” Goten stressed. “This is not okay! What the - What does Uncle Vegeta think about this?” The boy’s eyes snapped down to Goku’s belly, and he was out of his seat again. “Holy Hell! This is crazy!”

Goku laced his fingers together and rested his hands in his lap as he watched the agitated youth pace the floor.

“What did Mom say? What are you going to do? How can this be happening? Can’t you do anything? Can’t you do anything!”

“Are you finished?” Goku asked him calmly. Goten’s shoulders dropped, and he crossed back to his father’s side.

“Dad. You shouldn’t have to...to live through this. You shouldn’t have to let this happen to you.”

Goku frowned at his son’s words. So much like Vegeta’s.

“Goten, I know that you are just worried about me and that this is very shocking news,” he spoke, his tone soothing. “But there is nothing that needs to be done. I will be okay. I have Aunt Bulma and Daikkon to help me. And your mother is being very supportive. I just want you and your brother to be okay with this, too.”

Goten’s mouth was still slack from disbelief, his eyes wide and unblinking.

“Dad...” he began with sigh. “You can’t mean that. This is not right. You should not have to do this. What did Uncle Vegeta say?”

Goku looked away from his son’s intent gaze.

“He...said about the same thing you are...” he told him. “But he is just upset right now, too. Goten,” He brought his eyes back up to his son’s. “I know that you know in your heart that I am doing what is right. It is the only decision for me to make.” The two were quiet a moment, letting the words sink in. “You still love me, don’t you?” Goku asked.

“Of course, Dad!” Goten exclaimed, leaning over and embracing his father. Goku held him close. “I just...just don’t want you to suffer, that’s all.”

“I can’t suffer when I have the love and support of my family.” Goku released his son and held him back at arms length. “Okay?”

Goten nodded absently, still stunned by the news and his father’s reaction.


“Good. I will tell your brother, if you don’t mind.”

“By all means...” Goten shrugged. He know he certainly didn’t want to be the one to break the news to Gohan. He didn’t want to share the news with anyone. He just barely wanted to discuss it with Trunks.

Goku pulled Goten back to him, embracing him one last time.

“If you need to talk...” Goku told him. “I will listen. But I don’t want you to worry or be angry.”

Goten nodded numbly, giving Goku a small smile as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

In a flash, the young Saiyan was out the window and speeding toward the Capsule Corp. compound.


A/N: I am totally surprised at how many people are behind Vegeta on this one! Poor Goku! :( Anyway, I hope that ya'll like this chapter. I, too, feel sorry for our Saiyan Prince. He seems to be quite exhausted and weary from all of this...come to think of it...me too...If you have read this far....I love you!!! Thank you to all of my wonderful reviewers. I am so happy that you are enjoying this. At least, I think it's enjoyment. ;)
Addict606, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Goku's decision is much heavier than even he can imagine...as he will soon find out. And when I say soon, I really hope it is soon because this writer's block is starting to piss me off!
And last, but certainly not least, a huge Thanks to my beta, Rowina. Not just for being a great beta, but for everything!!!
I'm off to work on the next chapter. Enjoy! -B°

BTW: Did ya'll know that the spell check does not have any suggestions for "HOLYFUCKINSHIT"? He he he he....I love Goten...