Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Returning ( Chapter 31 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
It would seem that speaking his mind had a greater effect on him than he could have anticipated. As much as he had hated to admit it to himself, what he had was a real fear of putting himself in such a vulnerable state. But his woman had proved to him once again that he had made an excellent choice in choosing her. He should have never doubted. Love really did seem to be a healing force.
But now he was able to focus on nothing but the motion of his arms as he punched at his imaginary opponent. The feeling in his muscles as they flexed and contracted with the movements. The ki and the power that coursed through him, tingling his skin.
In his state of heightened awareness, he felt the pulse of Kakkarot’s ki as soon as the younger Saiyan began heading in the direction of the prince. Vegeta ignored the other Saiyan as he touched down and stood watching him.
Goku cleared his throat for attention but failed to gain it. Shrugging, he settled himself down on the ground, crossing his legs and watching the way Vegeta moved with such grace, yet deadly power.
Vegeta halted in his kata and turned to the younger man. Goku stared back but didn’t speak.
“What?” Vegeta demanded, conjuring up his usual irritated tone.
“Well,” Goku shrugged. “I was hoping we could...ya know...spar...”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow in question.
“You and I?” he asked, slightly amused.
“Sure,” Goku replied. “I mean...I don’t see why not. We can spar without raising our ki! I think it would be a fun challenge!”
Vegeta continued to stare at the other man incredulously.
“If you want to spar without raising your ki, why don’t you go find one of your little human friends?”
Goku seemed to color slightly as he replied.
“Well...Krillin is busy doing errands for 18, Yamucha is, well...busy....and for some reason Piccolo won’t spar with me....says he has to meditate...”
“And your sons?”
Goku sighed, seeming crestfallen at the thought of his boys.
“Goten has school, and Gohan has a job...” He looked up at the prince who continued to eye him suspiciously. “They’re busy...”
“Just like humans,” Vegeta grunted. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned from Goku to look out over the terrain of the desolate desert. “They take peace for granted....as if it will last...”
Goku leaned back on his palms, stretching his legs out in front of him.
“They hope it will last,” he explained. Vegeta narrowed his eyes, but didn’t turn back to the other Saiyan.
“Hope is a waste of time. One must always prepare for the worst. This planet is riddled with such nonsensical ideas. Hasn’t their own history taught them they should be more wary?”
Goku considered the prince’s words a moment before speaking.
“There is nothing wrong with hope. You can hope for the best, or fear for the worst. Neither will change what will happen, but at least hope will keep you positive.”
These words earned the older Saiyan’s gaze. Goku felt his chest tighten as he looked back at Vegeta’s dark eyes.
“At least fear keeps you prepared,” he spoke harshly. As soon as the words passed his lips, he shook his head and turned away. “It matters little what we say on the subject. You and I will not agree.”
“We can agree to disagree, Vegeta, and still hold a conversation,” Goku pointed out.
Vegeta ignored his last remark.
“I thought you came to spar?” Goku nodded.
“I did.”
Vegeta gave him a disbelieving smirk.
“You don’t fear what I might do?” he asked.
Goku shook his head, rising to his feet.
“You gave your word, Vegeta. That is all I need.”
Vegeta’s mouth twisted into a wicked grin.
“You hope that you are right?”
Goku smiled back.
“I’m not a scholar, but I have learned from our history. I trust you, Vegeta. I know that I am right.”
Vegeta sank down into an attack posture, watching as Goku did the same. Part of him wanted so badly to prove the naive fool wrong, to crush his pathetic faith in his conclusions. But that part quickly bowed out when the realization came to Vegeta that Goku wasn’t showing faith in himself, but showing faith in the prince.
Just as Bulma had said...his most trusted ally...
Goku launched himself at Vegeta. Vegeta let the punch land solidly on his jaw, testing the force behind Kakkarot’s attack without the benefit of ki. The force caused him to stumble back, but he quickly regained his footing and dodged the next blow.
Goku blocked Vegeta’s kick with his forearm, pivoting his body to duck the punch the followed. Adrenaline had begun to course through his body at the mere sight of Vegeta’s attack posture. His muscles twitched from the excitement of the fight, the exhilaration of battle.
No words passed between them.
The physical, primal language of the fight being all that they needed to communicate with the other.
The afternoon sun began to retreat from the center of the sky as the two Saiyans continued to pummel one another with punches and kicks, wearing each other down as the day progressed.
Goku felt the odd sensation of exhaustion heating his skin, the sweat rolling down his back and dampening his gi. Even without the added power of his ki, the exhilaration of the fight pleased him enough to keep going. He hadn’t had such a good workout in what seemed like months. Vegeta, too, was beginning to perspire, but seemed far from showing fatigue.
Goku pulled his hands up across his chest to block Vegeta’s oncoming punch. Before the blow landed, a tidal wave of nausea washed over the younger Saiyan and his body relaxed, his hands dropping to his gut. Vegeta’s fist connected with his collarbone, sending him careening backward toward a jagged outcropping of rock. Goku felt his breath leave him, and his stomach heaved. He was too overwhelmingly focused on the sickening feeling in his midsection to notice Vegeta’s ki flare before his backward motion came to a sudden halt.
Vegeta had used his ki to move himself into Kakkarot’s path, stopping the younger Saiyan from hitting the rock formation and halting him. As quickly as he had done it, the realization of his action struck him and he let go.
Goku dropped to his knees and tried to catch his breath. The nausea was still turning in his stomach.
“I..I think that’s enough for today,” Vegeta grunted. Goku nodded in agreement, his eyes squeezed shut as each deep breath lessened the sickening feeling.
Vegeta watched him, uncomfortable with the situation, but he did not know what to do or say.
Goku took one final deep breath before rising to his feet. He turned to Vegeta, who was watching him with a look of unease.
“I should probably go home...” he began, wiping the sweat from his forehead on his wristband. Vegeta nodded. “Thanks...for the spar...”
Vegeta gave another curt nod and watched as Goku began to walk slowly in the direction of his home.
“I won’t go so easy on you...next time...” Vegeta spoke, stopping the younger man in his tracks. Goku turned to him, a look of wonder on his face as he watched Vegeta staring back at him. Goku smiled.
“Sorry, honey,” he laughed, a hand coming to the back of his head. “I, uh, lost track of time.”
“I see,” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing him sternly.
“Please don’t be mad!” he implored. “I didn’t mean too...it was rather unexpected...”
“That is what you always say,” she sighed, shaking her head. “Well, inside with you! You need a shower before supper.”
Goku gave a salute and proceeded her into the house. Goten looked up from the homework that he had sprawled out before him on the coffee table.
“Hey, kiddo!” Goku grinned. Goten returned the expression, nodding his head in a knowing way.
“I see you got a little action today, Dad,” he said. “Piccolo?”
“Nope,” Goku replied. “Vegeta. We - ”
“Vegeta!” Chi Chi shouted, turning from the kitchen. “What on earth were you thinking!?”
“No, honey, you see - ”
Chi Chi didn’t give him the chance to finish his thought.
“Get into the shower this instant!”
Goku dashed for the staircase, and Goten buried his face in his book.
“Honestly!” Chi Chi stated, resting her hands on her hips as she stared after the retreating form of her husband. “Does that man have no sense? Picking a fight with Vegeta after....after all of this...”
“Mom,” Goten spoke cautiously, “I doubt Dad was picking a fight with him...you know how they are...”
Chi Chi looked down at her son. She knew that Goten revered Vegeta just as his father, Kami only knew why...
“Well, he’s in no condition for that nonsense,” she mumbled, turning back toward the kitchen to start their evening meal. “He should really be thinking of something other than his incessant need for fighting.”
“Mom,” Goten laughed. “He’s only Saiyan.”
Chi Chi shook her head but did not reply.
Goku returned to the living room shortly and settled onto the couch.
“Whatcha reading?” he asked Goten, peering at the book on the table.
“Uh, algebra...” he sighed, leaning his head on his hand. He added in a quiet tone, “It sucks.”
“Oh,” He wanted to offer his son help, but he knew he couldn’t. “What else?”
Goten shrugged.
“I got a bit of history and some French.” He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows. “It’s very popular with the ladies.”
Goku smiled back at his son’s antics until he was struck with a stinging ache in his lower back. He shifted in his seat, and Goten noticed his discomfort.
“You okay, Dad?” he asked concerned.
“Yeah,” Goku replied, rubbing the smarting section of skin with his hand. “Yeah, just...just a muscle cramp, I think...”
Goten watched him carefully until his smile returned.
“It’s nothing!” He laughed, reaching out to ruffle his son’s hair. Goten went back to his school work but didn’t seem convinced.
The trio ate dinner in silence. Chi Chi was still obviously irritated by Goku’s sparring match, and the two male Saiyans never did much talking when there was food involved. When the meal was over, Goten retreated to his room, Chi Chi set about cleaning up and Goku retired to the sofa. With his stomach pleasantly full, he seemed more aware of being incredibly exhausted. His muscles felt rubbery, and his back ached.
Goku looked up at his wife as she came around the couch to sit at his side.
“Are you okay?” she asked, taking his hand in hers. “I mean, are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah,” he answered, letting her cuddle up to his side. He slipped his arm around her and closed his eyes, leaning his cheek against the top of her head.
Chi Chi’s voice was almost too quiet when she spoke.
“He...he didn’t hurt you, did he?”
Goku opened his eyes but remained as he was.
“No,” he spoke, reassuringly. “We just sparred. We didn’t even use ki. Really, honey, you don’t have to worry about him.”
“You’re awfully trusting,” she replied. She moved her hand from his, resting it gently against his abdomen. The muscles contracted beneath her delicate touch. “I just don’t want to see you get your feelings hurt...”
“Chi Chi...” he murmured, placing his hand over hers. “I will be fine.”
Chi Chi sat quietly with him, relaxing against his strong body. He tightened the embrace in which he held her, his hand gently stroking her arm. She wanted to believe that he would be fine, but she had been through two pregnancies. Even though she had been well informed, the first time was still not without surprises.
When she found out she was pregnant with Gohan, the world was all beauty and miracles and happiness. She read books and went to classes, but nothing had prepared her for the reality: the exhaustion and the weight gain and the general discomfort of being in your own skin, and those were just a few of the less objectionable side effects. Naturally, she also remembered the good things that were beautiful and miraculous. But she had wanted Gohan. Both she and Goku had been thrilled by the prospect of creating a life together. But this baby...did Goku really know what he was getting himself into? She had no doubt in his ability to be a father or to love his child. But he was used to being the fun parent. The one who was carefree, good at horseplay and hardly ever dealing out discipline.
How would he handle having to be a mother? Not just to have to deal with the physical demands of nurturing a life within his own body, but to bring it into the world and be its primary support system. She would help him in any way she could; it wasn’t as if he would be receiving any help from Vegeta.
“You ready for bed?” she asked, hugging him.
“More than,” he replied.
Hand in hand, the two left the living room for their bedroom, stopping only to say good night to their son. Goku was so tired he didn’t bother with pajamas; he merely stripped from his clothing and lay down in his boxers. He rolled over onto his back and pulled his arm across his eyes to block the overhead light as Chi Chi picked up his clothing from the floor before retrieving her nightdress from the dresser.
Chi Chi changed in the bathroom before returning to the bedroom. She stopped, her hand poised over the light switch as she watched her husband sleep. His broad chest rising and falling with each breath, one hand resting lightly on his abdomen.
She snapped off the light and moved to the side of the bed, looking down at the flat, even plane of his stomach. Gently, she brushed her fingers over his exposed skin, noting that the rippling muscle of his abdomen with a little bit more...round than chiseled.
Chi Chi sighed. Goku was in for more than he was bargaining for, of that she was sure. And while a highly anticipated delivery from the stork seemed to stretch on for a lifetime, she had a feeling that this little bundle would be on them in no time at all...
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 31
Vegeta found that with time, his concentration had begun to return, and he could focus on his training. Begrudgingly, he had to admit to himself it had been the same way when Bulma was going to have their little ones. Even though they were intentionally created, he was disoriented and distracted the first several weeks, until the idea became concrete and established in his mind. He had given up stressing over that; he was now resigned to the fact that he would be a father once again.Chapter 31
It would seem that speaking his mind had a greater effect on him than he could have anticipated. As much as he had hated to admit it to himself, what he had was a real fear of putting himself in such a vulnerable state. But his woman had proved to him once again that he had made an excellent choice in choosing her. He should have never doubted. Love really did seem to be a healing force.
But now he was able to focus on nothing but the motion of his arms as he punched at his imaginary opponent. The feeling in his muscles as they flexed and contracted with the movements. The ki and the power that coursed through him, tingling his skin.
In his state of heightened awareness, he felt the pulse of Kakkarot’s ki as soon as the younger Saiyan began heading in the direction of the prince. Vegeta ignored the other Saiyan as he touched down and stood watching him.
Goku cleared his throat for attention but failed to gain it. Shrugging, he settled himself down on the ground, crossing his legs and watching the way Vegeta moved with such grace, yet deadly power.
Vegeta halted in his kata and turned to the younger man. Goku stared back but didn’t speak.
“What?” Vegeta demanded, conjuring up his usual irritated tone.
“Well,” Goku shrugged. “I was hoping we could...ya know...spar...”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow in question.
“You and I?” he asked, slightly amused.
“Sure,” Goku replied. “I mean...I don’t see why not. We can spar without raising our ki! I think it would be a fun challenge!”
Vegeta continued to stare at the other man incredulously.
“If you want to spar without raising your ki, why don’t you go find one of your little human friends?”
Goku seemed to color slightly as he replied.
“Well...Krillin is busy doing errands for 18, Yamucha is, well...busy....and for some reason Piccolo won’t spar with me....says he has to meditate...”
“And your sons?”
Goku sighed, seeming crestfallen at the thought of his boys.
“Goten has school, and Gohan has a job...” He looked up at the prince who continued to eye him suspiciously. “They’re busy...”
“Just like humans,” Vegeta grunted. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned from Goku to look out over the terrain of the desolate desert. “They take peace for granted....as if it will last...”
Goku leaned back on his palms, stretching his legs out in front of him.
“They hope it will last,” he explained. Vegeta narrowed his eyes, but didn’t turn back to the other Saiyan.
“Hope is a waste of time. One must always prepare for the worst. This planet is riddled with such nonsensical ideas. Hasn’t their own history taught them they should be more wary?”
Goku considered the prince’s words a moment before speaking.
“There is nothing wrong with hope. You can hope for the best, or fear for the worst. Neither will change what will happen, but at least hope will keep you positive.”
These words earned the older Saiyan’s gaze. Goku felt his chest tighten as he looked back at Vegeta’s dark eyes.
“At least fear keeps you prepared,” he spoke harshly. As soon as the words passed his lips, he shook his head and turned away. “It matters little what we say on the subject. You and I will not agree.”
“We can agree to disagree, Vegeta, and still hold a conversation,” Goku pointed out.
Vegeta ignored his last remark.
“I thought you came to spar?” Goku nodded.
“I did.”
Vegeta gave him a disbelieving smirk.
“You don’t fear what I might do?” he asked.
Goku shook his head, rising to his feet.
“You gave your word, Vegeta. That is all I need.”
Vegeta’s mouth twisted into a wicked grin.
“You hope that you are right?”
Goku smiled back.
“I’m not a scholar, but I have learned from our history. I trust you, Vegeta. I know that I am right.”
Vegeta sank down into an attack posture, watching as Goku did the same. Part of him wanted so badly to prove the naive fool wrong, to crush his pathetic faith in his conclusions. But that part quickly bowed out when the realization came to Vegeta that Goku wasn’t showing faith in himself, but showing faith in the prince.
Just as Bulma had said...his most trusted ally...
Goku launched himself at Vegeta. Vegeta let the punch land solidly on his jaw, testing the force behind Kakkarot’s attack without the benefit of ki. The force caused him to stumble back, but he quickly regained his footing and dodged the next blow.
Goku blocked Vegeta’s kick with his forearm, pivoting his body to duck the punch the followed. Adrenaline had begun to course through his body at the mere sight of Vegeta’s attack posture. His muscles twitched from the excitement of the fight, the exhilaration of battle.
No words passed between them.
The physical, primal language of the fight being all that they needed to communicate with the other.
The afternoon sun began to retreat from the center of the sky as the two Saiyans continued to pummel one another with punches and kicks, wearing each other down as the day progressed.
Goku felt the odd sensation of exhaustion heating his skin, the sweat rolling down his back and dampening his gi. Even without the added power of his ki, the exhilaration of the fight pleased him enough to keep going. He hadn’t had such a good workout in what seemed like months. Vegeta, too, was beginning to perspire, but seemed far from showing fatigue.
Goku pulled his hands up across his chest to block Vegeta’s oncoming punch. Before the blow landed, a tidal wave of nausea washed over the younger Saiyan and his body relaxed, his hands dropping to his gut. Vegeta’s fist connected with his collarbone, sending him careening backward toward a jagged outcropping of rock. Goku felt his breath leave him, and his stomach heaved. He was too overwhelmingly focused on the sickening feeling in his midsection to notice Vegeta’s ki flare before his backward motion came to a sudden halt.
Vegeta had used his ki to move himself into Kakkarot’s path, stopping the younger Saiyan from hitting the rock formation and halting him. As quickly as he had done it, the realization of his action struck him and he let go.
Goku dropped to his knees and tried to catch his breath. The nausea was still turning in his stomach.
“I..I think that’s enough for today,” Vegeta grunted. Goku nodded in agreement, his eyes squeezed shut as each deep breath lessened the sickening feeling.
Vegeta watched him, uncomfortable with the situation, but he did not know what to do or say.
Goku took one final deep breath before rising to his feet. He turned to Vegeta, who was watching him with a look of unease.
“I should probably go home...” he began, wiping the sweat from his forehead on his wristband. Vegeta nodded. “Thanks...for the spar...”
Vegeta gave another curt nod and watched as Goku began to walk slowly in the direction of his home.
“I won’t go so easy on you...next time...” Vegeta spoke, stopping the younger man in his tracks. Goku turned to him, a look of wonder on his face as he watched Vegeta staring back at him. Goku smiled.
“Where have you been!” Chi Chi exclaimed as she threw open the front door. She had been checking out the front window every twenty minutes for the past two hours, worried over where Goku could be. When she saw his form strolling toward home, she had rushed out to greet him on the lawn. His sweaty and disheveled appearance only somewhat alarmed her. She had seen him in far worse states, without a smile on his face.“Sorry, honey,” he laughed, a hand coming to the back of his head. “I, uh, lost track of time.”
“I see,” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing him sternly.
“Please don’t be mad!” he implored. “I didn’t mean too...it was rather unexpected...”
“That is what you always say,” she sighed, shaking her head. “Well, inside with you! You need a shower before supper.”
Goku gave a salute and proceeded her into the house. Goten looked up from the homework that he had sprawled out before him on the coffee table.
“Hey, kiddo!” Goku grinned. Goten returned the expression, nodding his head in a knowing way.
“I see you got a little action today, Dad,” he said. “Piccolo?”
“Nope,” Goku replied. “Vegeta. We - ”
“Vegeta!” Chi Chi shouted, turning from the kitchen. “What on earth were you thinking!?”
“No, honey, you see - ”
Chi Chi didn’t give him the chance to finish his thought.
“Get into the shower this instant!”
Goku dashed for the staircase, and Goten buried his face in his book.
“Honestly!” Chi Chi stated, resting her hands on her hips as she stared after the retreating form of her husband. “Does that man have no sense? Picking a fight with Vegeta after....after all of this...”
“Mom,” Goten spoke cautiously, “I doubt Dad was picking a fight with him...you know how they are...”
Chi Chi looked down at her son. She knew that Goten revered Vegeta just as his father, Kami only knew why...
“Well, he’s in no condition for that nonsense,” she mumbled, turning back toward the kitchen to start their evening meal. “He should really be thinking of something other than his incessant need for fighting.”
“Mom,” Goten laughed. “He’s only Saiyan.”
Chi Chi shook her head but did not reply.
Goku returned to the living room shortly and settled onto the couch.
“Whatcha reading?” he asked Goten, peering at the book on the table.
“Uh, algebra...” he sighed, leaning his head on his hand. He added in a quiet tone, “It sucks.”
“Oh,” He wanted to offer his son help, but he knew he couldn’t. “What else?”
Goten shrugged.
“I got a bit of history and some French.” He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows. “It’s very popular with the ladies.”
Goku smiled back at his son’s antics until he was struck with a stinging ache in his lower back. He shifted in his seat, and Goten noticed his discomfort.
“You okay, Dad?” he asked concerned.
“Yeah,” Goku replied, rubbing the smarting section of skin with his hand. “Yeah, just...just a muscle cramp, I think...”
Goten watched him carefully until his smile returned.
“It’s nothing!” He laughed, reaching out to ruffle his son’s hair. Goten went back to his school work but didn’t seem convinced.
The trio ate dinner in silence. Chi Chi was still obviously irritated by Goku’s sparring match, and the two male Saiyans never did much talking when there was food involved. When the meal was over, Goten retreated to his room, Chi Chi set about cleaning up and Goku retired to the sofa. With his stomach pleasantly full, he seemed more aware of being incredibly exhausted. His muscles felt rubbery, and his back ached.
Goku looked up at his wife as she came around the couch to sit at his side.
“Are you okay?” she asked, taking his hand in hers. “I mean, are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah,” he answered, letting her cuddle up to his side. He slipped his arm around her and closed his eyes, leaning his cheek against the top of her head.
Chi Chi’s voice was almost too quiet when she spoke.
“He...he didn’t hurt you, did he?”
Goku opened his eyes but remained as he was.
“No,” he spoke, reassuringly. “We just sparred. We didn’t even use ki. Really, honey, you don’t have to worry about him.”
“You’re awfully trusting,” she replied. She moved her hand from his, resting it gently against his abdomen. The muscles contracted beneath her delicate touch. “I just don’t want to see you get your feelings hurt...”
“Chi Chi...” he murmured, placing his hand over hers. “I will be fine.”
Chi Chi sat quietly with him, relaxing against his strong body. He tightened the embrace in which he held her, his hand gently stroking her arm. She wanted to believe that he would be fine, but she had been through two pregnancies. Even though she had been well informed, the first time was still not without surprises.
When she found out she was pregnant with Gohan, the world was all beauty and miracles and happiness. She read books and went to classes, but nothing had prepared her for the reality: the exhaustion and the weight gain and the general discomfort of being in your own skin, and those were just a few of the less objectionable side effects. Naturally, she also remembered the good things that were beautiful and miraculous. But she had wanted Gohan. Both she and Goku had been thrilled by the prospect of creating a life together. But this baby...did Goku really know what he was getting himself into? She had no doubt in his ability to be a father or to love his child. But he was used to being the fun parent. The one who was carefree, good at horseplay and hardly ever dealing out discipline.
How would he handle having to be a mother? Not just to have to deal with the physical demands of nurturing a life within his own body, but to bring it into the world and be its primary support system. She would help him in any way she could; it wasn’t as if he would be receiving any help from Vegeta.
“You ready for bed?” she asked, hugging him.
“More than,” he replied.
Hand in hand, the two left the living room for their bedroom, stopping only to say good night to their son. Goku was so tired he didn’t bother with pajamas; he merely stripped from his clothing and lay down in his boxers. He rolled over onto his back and pulled his arm across his eyes to block the overhead light as Chi Chi picked up his clothing from the floor before retrieving her nightdress from the dresser.
Chi Chi changed in the bathroom before returning to the bedroom. She stopped, her hand poised over the light switch as she watched her husband sleep. His broad chest rising and falling with each breath, one hand resting lightly on his abdomen.
She snapped off the light and moved to the side of the bed, looking down at the flat, even plane of his stomach. Gently, she brushed her fingers over his exposed skin, noting that the rippling muscle of his abdomen with a little bit more...round than chiseled.
Chi Chi sighed. Goku was in for more than he was bargaining for, of that she was sure. And while a highly anticipated delivery from the stork seemed to stretch on for a lifetime, she had a feeling that this little bundle would be on them in no time at all...
A/N: Hehehehee...Little pregnant Goku makes me giggle! I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a little short... I would love to thank everyone who is continually reviewing. It is so cool to see how you feel about the story as it unfolds. I cannot thank you enough for your support! And to those who have left your first review, thanks for reading all the way through! I never imagined this story would be so long! LOL! I hope you all are looking foreward to what happens next as much as I am! Well, it is 3:30 am on this Easter Sunday, so I should probably....write the next chapter! Hahaha!! Happy Holiday! - B°