Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ All Too Real ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 32
All Too Real

It was incredibly frosty that November morning. The sun, still on its ascent into the sky, was blocked by crowds of billowing white clouds. And although it was an awfully cold time of year, it was a beautiful morning.

Chi Chi lifted the lid of her cooking pot, letting the puff of steam escape before stirring its contents. The savory aroma from the thick sausage gravy filled the kitchen and drew the youngest Son into the room.

“That smells great, Mom!” Goten exclaimed, sliding into his chair at the table. “Man! I love Sunday morning breakfast! You do realize, ya know,” he addressed his mother, tilting his chair back on two legs, “that if I ever get married, we will still be here every Sunday morning. Shoot! I may never even move out!”

Chi Chi smiled, pushing his chair back upright as she passed him on her way to the pantry.

“That would be fine by me,” she replied. She opened the pantry and retrieved the butter and the maple syrup, handing them to her son. “Did you see your father upstairs?” she asked. “Did he say he was coming down?”

Goten shook his head as he plucked a piece of biscuit from the covered tray on the table, popping it into his mouth.

“I mean, I saw him...he was getting dressed. He didn’t say anything, though.”

Chi Chi leaned out of the doorway and called up the staircase.

“Son Goku! Breakfast is on the table! Join us, or your portion will go to feed the birds!”

Goten chuckled, but fidgeted with his flatware as he waited. They never began eating until everyone was seated together.

Chi Chi pulled on her oven mitts and moved the pot of gravy from the stove to the trivet on the table.

“Goku!” she called, louder this time. “It’s ready!”

She seated herself next to her son, and they sat quietly, waiting.

Goten’s stomach growled audibly.

“I’ll be right back,” Chi Chi told him, rising and leaving the room. She couldn’t imagine what could be keeping Goku, unless he had gone back to sleep. However, his stomach was more accurate and reliable than any alarm clock when it came to meals.

“Son Goku,” she spoke sternly as she reached the top of the stairs, turning in to their bedroom. “What on Earth-” The rest of her words stalled in her throat at the sight before her.

Goku sat on the edge of the bed, clad in only a T-shirt and boxers. In his hands he held a pair of his gi pants. The bed behind him was strewn with several pairs of his jeans and slacks.

He stared back at Chi Chi, nearly matching her expression of shock and awe.

“They...they fit yesterday.” He spoke quietly, lifting the pants up for her view. “I swear...they all fit...”

Chi Chi smiled warmly at him, crossing to where he sat on the bed and took the gi pants from his hands..

“Well, there are quite a few darts in these...I can let a few out...”

Goku shook his head, in awe.

“They fit yesterday...” he repeated, numbly.

Chi Chi turned to the dresser and retrieved Goku’s largest pair of pajama pants and returned to him.

“Here, dear. Put these on and come down to breakfast. I will fix up your pants right after.”

Goku nodded, but frowned as he stood and pulled on the sleep wear.

Chi Chi patted his back tenderly as she followed him down to the breakfast table.

Goten must have be able to sense his parents’ unease, for he remained quiet about his father’s attire.

After breakfast was completed, Chi Chi let the pans and dishes wait in the sink and set about letting out a few of the pleats in her husband’s pants. Goku sat quietly at her side as she worked, his hands clasped in his lap.

“There,” Chi Chi announced, setting her sewing tools aside. “Try now.”

She handed the article to him and watched with hopeful eyes as he exchanged the sleep pants for the orange gi.

“Not...not too bad,” he told her quietly, adjusting the blue sash at his waist. He stared disapprovingly down at his abdomen before pulling his shirt out, letting the fabric hide the slight swell of his belly. “...I guess...”

Chi Chi smiled at him sympathetically.

“I should probably take your measurements and make a few things,” she told him, placing her tools back in her sewing kit. “You have a few shirts that will do well enough for now, but your pants, obviously, are a different story.”

She looked back up at him, and he was staring back, an odd expression on his face.

“They won’t take long,” she told him. “Don’t worry, dear.”

Goku nodded, absently tugging on the hem of his shirt. He ran his hands down his shirtfront, molding the fabric over his abdomen. Chi Chi watched him with concern.

“I swear they fit yesterday...” he repeated, more to himself this time.

“That’s how it works sometimes,” she told him, leaning up to kiss him gently on the cheek. “But it could be a number of things...”

“I know what it is...” he replied. “I just...just...” He shrugged and sat back down on the sofa.

“When are you seeing Bulma today?” Chi Chi asked him, changing the subject slightly.

“Ten.” He responded, absently.

“So why does she want to see you on a weekend?” Chi Chi continued as she fished through her sewing supplies, retrieving the measuring tape. “Is she too busy during the week?”

“No,” Goku answered, standing to let her wrap the tape around his hips. “She said that she didn’t want to draw too much attention to my being there. There aren’t so many employees there on the weekend...”

“I guess that makes sense.” Chi Chi jotted down the measurements she took in a tiny notebook. “Well, I’ll get started on these right away.”

Goku looked down at her with an awkward smile.

“Thanks, honey...”

Chi Chi smiled back warmly and leaned up on her toes to kiss him again, this time on the lips. The gesture made Goku’s smile more relaxed and natural.

“I’m going to head over to Capsule Corp. now.” He sighed. “Might as well get this over with...”

Goku pulled his coat from the rack by the door and was putting it on when Goten entered the room.

“You goin’ to Capsule Corp.?” he asked his father. Goku gave a nod in reply. “You mind if I fly with you?”

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Cool!” Goten cheered. “See ya later, Mom!”

Goten pulled on his own winter coat and headed out into the cold with his dad. Chi Chi waved to them from the front door for a moment before the frigid wind forced her to shut it.

She turned from the door, leaning back against it and staring at the sewing box she had on the sofa.

“How am I supposed to modify a man’s clothing pattern for...pregnancy...” she asked herself. She didn’t have an answer, but she knew she would have to think of something.


Bulma peered into the den, making sure Vegeta was alone before heading inside. The prince was seated on the sofa, absently thumbing through a magazine. Bulma was happy to have caught him before he left for the gravity room.

“What do you want, woman?” he asked without turning her way. Bulma smiled widely, settling down by his side.

“Did you get enough to eat this morning?” she asked, ignoring his question.

Vegeta kept his attention on his reading as he answered.

“I’m adequately sated for now,” he replied coolly. He gave her a sly sideways glance as he continued. “In terms of food, anyway."

Bulma gave a small squeal, pushing his magazine to the side and climbing onto his lap. Vegeta pulled her to him.

“Kiss me,” she demanded, pressing her lips against his before he could comply. But he did, hungrily, his hands coming up to the sides of her face. Bulma slipped her arms around his neck.

Vegeta broke from her, taking a deep breath, looking into her eyes.

“What is it that you want?” he questioned her. “I know that you don’t have time for me right now.”

Bulma shrugged, running her fingertips along the line of his jaw.

“Just because I don’t have time for the main course, doesn’t mean I can’t have a little appetizer.” Vegeta smirked.


Bulma laughed, leaning down, alternating between kissing and nibbling at the flesh on his neck.

Vegeta closed his eyes, tilting his head to giver her better access. He enjoyed the sensation for a moment before speaking again.

“I’ll ask one more time, woman...what is it you want?”

Bulma straightened up, resting her hands on his shoulders.

“Goku is coming over this morning,” she began. “I’m going to do an ultrasound, and I wanted to know if you wanted to be there...”

Vegeta’s face lost its look of playfulness.

“...don’t you think that is something that you should be asking him?” he replied. “But even if he doesn’t mind, there is little reason that my presence would be required.”

He tried to shift her off his lap, but she gripped his shoulders and tightened her legs against his thighs.

“But don’t you just want to see - ”

“I will see it when it is born,” he spoke, shifting his weight and tipping her onto the sofa. “I’ll be in the gravity room.”


Vegeta didn’t look back as he replied.

“You’re the only one who can see that mess of crap those machines spit out, anyway.” He grumbled. “Call me when it actually has a face or distinguishable genitalia.”

Bulma smiled and shook her head.

“It has a face!” she called after his retreating form. “And I’ll see you in another seven or eight weeks for the other...” Bulma lay back against the sofa and looked at the clock. Goku would be by in less than half an hour. Maybe she should have entertained the prince a bit longer before asking him if he wanted to watch the ultrasound...

“Hey, Mom.”

Bulma turned to her son who entered the den.

“Hey, sweetie. Have a full day planned for your afternoon off?”

Trunks shrugged, sitting next to her on the couch.

“Goten is supposed to come over, and we are going to hang out....nothing really.”

Bulma reached out and brushed the hair off of the young man’s forehead. Even after eighteen years it amused her how much the boy looked like his father.

“Goku is coming over today, too,” she told him. “Maybe it would be nice if you and Goten asked him and your dad to do something together.”

Trunks raised an eyebrow, the expression making him resemble his sire even more.

“Mom....are you feeling alright?” he asked, incredulous.

“It’s just a suggestion.”

At that moment, the doorbell drew their attention.

“I’ll get it!” came Mrs. Briefs’s cheerful voice from the adjoining room. Bulma and Trunks rose and moved into the living room. “Oh! Goku!” Mrs. Briefs squealed in delight upon seeing him. “And little Goten! How nice of you to stop by.”

“Good morning, Mrs. B.” Goten smiled at her, pulling off his coat. “Hey Aunt Bulma, Trunks.”

“Well, you’re early,” Bulma commented, and Trunks returned the greeting. Mrs. Briefs collected his coat.

“Can I take yours, too, Goku dear?” she addressed the taller Saiyan.

“Uh, no...no thanks..” Goku replied, trying not to sound uneasy. “I’ll be heading back out in a second.”

Mrs. Briefs made a sound of disappointment.

“You won’t stay for tea? Or maybe a small snack?”

There was a slight hesitation of indecision for Goku before he replied.


“We’re going right now, Mom,” Bulma explained, pulling her own coat from the rack by the door. “We’re just going over to the lab. We’ll be back for brunch.”

“How delightful!” the older woman, who still retained quite a bit of her youthful exuberance, turned now to the two teens. “I bet you two would like a snack,” she spoke.

“Heck ya!” Goten agreed.

Bulma opened the door and guided Goku along in front of her. Once the door was closed behind them and they started for the commercial portion of the compound next door, she spoke.

“So how are you feeling this morning?”

Goku grimaced, pushing his hands down into the pockets of his coat.

“Fine, I guess...”

“You guess?” she prompted. Goku sighed.

“I...I don’t fit any of my pants...anymore...” His voice was quiet, but she heard him well enough.

“I see...” she commented, giving him a once over look. “So...those pants are an illusion?”

Goku couldn’t help but chuckle, but he wasn’t really amused.

“..Chi Chi had to fix ‘em a bit before they would fit...and I can’t tuck my shirt in ‘cause that just looks horrible!”

Bulma had to bite her lip to keep from smiling. She couldn’t wait to get him in the lab and out of his jacket to see if it was truly as lamentable as he made it out to be.

When they reached the lab’s main entrance, Bulma punched in her security code and led him inside. Daikkon was waiting for them.

“Good morning,” he greeted Goku. “How are you doing?”

Goku frowned at having to answer that question again, but replied just the same.


Bulma took off her coat and held her hand out for his. With some reluctance, he pulled the bulky jacket off and handed it over. Once free of the covering garment, he crossed his arms self-consciously over his stomach.

Bulma grinned widely as she dropped the coats onto her desk.

“Awwww!” she gushed, crossing back to him and placing her hands on his belly. “You didn’t have this when I saw you last!” Goku blushed as she patted the tiny bump that was now his abdomen.

I don’t think I had it yesterday,” he replied.

“I didn’t think you would start showing this early,” she commented, walking with him to the scale. “But you don’t have much on you but muscle, so I’m sure every little change is going to show.”

“Joy,” he replied, grimacing. He had shed his weighted boots and wristbands and stepped onto the scale.

“You’ve gained a whopping eight pounds this month, boy,” she told him, reading the machine.

“I know where it went,” he replied, stepping down.

“It is really not very surprising for your condition to be so outwardly visible,” Daikkon told them as Goku sat down on the edge of the examining table. “The macogestum - the uterus in female terms - lies much closer to the abdominal wall in the male. It’s much easier in delivery that way. It should not be unusual for you to be ‘showing’.”

“Hm,” Bulma remarked. “Very interesting.”

Goku grimaced.

“Can we hurry this up a bit?” he asked. “I really gotta go...” Bulma rushed to his side.

“Of course!” she told him. “Go ahead and lay back. Daikkon, would you dim the lights, please?”

Goku took a deep, unsteady breath as he lay back on the table. He knew this was inevitable and that it was best to be making regular checkups on the...baby...but he was still having a hard time placing that in concrete terms. Bulma assured him that after an ultrasound, it would be easier for him.

“Okay,” Bulma began, pushing Goku’s shirt up over his stomach. She grinned a bit and giggled at his protruding belly. “I guess that’s why I’m not a practicing doctor,” she told him. “Terrible bedside manner.”

“Well, I’m glad it’s you and not someone else,” he replied. She smiled.

“That’s sweet...can I just get you to pull your gi down a bit there?”

Goku frowned as it he were now regretting his words, but he obediently hitched the orange fabric down his hips. Bulma placed a large paper towel over him and tucked it into his pants.

“To keep you clean,” she explained. Goku couldn’t keep the panic from his voice.

“Why!? What’s gonna happen?!”

Bulma gave him an odd look.

“Didn’t you go to any of Chi Chi’s ultrasounds?” she asked.

“Yes!” Goku replied, sitting. Bulma quickly placed her hands on his shoulders.

“Honey, this is external only! Don’t panic,” she assured him. “The towel is to keep the ultrasound gel off your pants. I’m just going to rub this across your belly...nothing else.”

Goku gave a weary look between his best friend and her Saiyan assistant. Slowly, he settled back onto the table.

“...okay...” he mumbled.

“Good.” Bulma typed a few things into the machine to begin the test. “This is a little cold,” she warned, pouring a sizable amount of the gel onto his stomach. Goku grimaced but he didn’t remark. Next, Bulma placed the ultrasound wand against the gel and began to move it across his skin.

Goku watched with wide eyes at the black and grey swirls on the computer screen and tried not to focus on the urgency he felt to empty his bladder. Somewhere in the murky picture....was his child...

Daikkon leaned over Bulma’s shoulder at the monitor. Both of them were quiet as they observed the motions on the screen.

“What?” Goku spoke. “What is it?”

Neither turned to him, but Daikkon asked,

“Could you try suppressing your ki level?”

Goku furrowed his brow but did as asked, relaxing and letting his ki signature dip. Bulma moved the probe smoothly across his stomach, pressing and twisting the device as she tried to get a clear image.

Goku winced.

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” she told him. “I know it’s uncomfortable....gimmee just a second...”

He tried not to squirm.

“Is...is something wrong?” he asked. Bulma shook her head, but her expression was serious.

“Nothing is wrong...” she began. “We just can’t really see what’s going on.”

“You shouldn’t be alarmed,” Daikkon advised. “The concentration of ki is interfering with the signal that this machine is receiving. All that is being returned is the texture of the macogestum itself...which appears very healthy, I might add...”

Goku didn’t look convinced.

“So..you can’t see...” his voice grew quiet. “..the baby...”

Bulma wiped off the probe and placed it in its holder as she stood.

“Don’t worry, I want to try something else,” she said, ignoring the blue-ish tinge that colored Goku’s face at her words. “Stop panicking. This,” she explained, placing another machine on a tray by the table, “is a Doppler. This will let us hear the baby’s heartbeat. And then we will know that everything is okay.”

Goku nodded, remaining quiet as she placed a new device against his belly. He was quiet as she moved the wand, almost holding his breath in anticipation. The room itself was heavy with the sound of nothing but silence and the faint hiss of static from the Doppler’s speaker.

Goku chewed on his lip as he waited, his eyes intent on Bulma’s face, watching for any reaction from her as she adjusted the controls, moving the probe across his skin again at a different angle. Heat began to build up behind his eyes at the agonizing thought that the little being inside of him, rounding his abdomen from its normally flat state, did not have a heartbeat.

For an eternity, there was silence.


As soon as the sound emanated from the machine’s speaker, there was a collective sigh of relief from the trio. Bulma even had to place a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. Her watery eyes met Goku’s, and they smiled at each other. The tiny, fast thudding sound was like music.

“That sounds very healthy,” Daikkon commented. “And very strong.”

Goku pulled his eyes from Bulma’s to stare down at his belly. She was right. It was all too real to him now. He had spent the last twelve weeks feeling detached from this life, just as Vegeta had said. Wanting to give it a chance, yet dreading its existence just the same. Not only for what it would put him through physically...but from what he had already physically suffered from its conception.

Now it was hard to not feel that the little being with the rapid pulse was a part of him. And that thought awed him, and he was surprised to find that it also pleased him.

His eyes roamed to the door, feeling the familiar ki on its other side, but it quickly withdrew when he mentally reached for it. But he understood and let the two that were physically present in the room fill the void.

“Oh my gosh, honey, I’m sorry!” Bulma exclaimed, pulling another towel from the box and wiping the gel from his stomach. “You probably want to go pee.”

Goku nodded in agreement, but he was also sad to have the sound of the fetus’s heartbeat no longer filling the room. As much as he had been dreading this appointment, now he couldn’t wait for the next time he could hear that sound again.


A/N: I hope ya'll liked this one. I really enjoyed writing it. I know it's short...sorry about that. I hope to have another update by next weekend. I have alot going on in real life (damn it all!), but I will try. I cannot thank you all enough for the words of encouragement. I'm glad to be entertaining you! Oh, and I wanted to share with ya'll a typo from this chapter that had me rolling for hours. It went something like this:

/Goku blushed as she patted the tiny bump that was not his abdomen./

Damn straight, I'd have blushed too!!! LOL! Maybe I need more sleep....Anyway, I'm off to write some more!
