Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ The Time Has Come ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 33
The Time Has Come

Trunks and Goten lay across the older teen’s bed, listening to music and pouring over a custom car magazine. For them, it was nice to get back to some semblance of normalcy, even though it was usually just for a short time.


The two teens turned from their reading to the bedroom door. Bulla was standing in the threshold, hands on her hips, and flanked by Marron and Pan.

“What do you need?” Trunks replied, sitting and motioning her forward. Bulla came into the room and stopped at his bedside.

“I can’t find Papa!” she told him in a piteous voice. “I looked in the gravity room, and I looked in the gravity capsule in the backyard. He’s not home, and Mama is not here, either.”

Trunks smiled at her in an attempt to raise her spirits.

“Well, I know that Mama is busy right now, and I’m sure Papa is around here somewhere. Tell me what you need, and I will see what I can do.”

Bulla glanced to Goten who smiled at her. She grinned before continuing.

“Marron and Pan and I want to go to the mall. There are these new puffy sweaters that we saw on the fashion channel, and I have to have one before they are all gone!”

Trunks looked from his sister to her friends. Marron nodded eagerly in support of Bulla’s claim. Pan smirked.

“I’d rather stay here and hang out with you two,” she declaired. Bulla turned glaring eyes her way that clearly shouted ‘traitor’.

“Well...” Trunks began. “You know that I can’t give you permission to leave the compound. And I can’t take you without Mama’s or Papa’s permission.” Bulla frowned, crossing her arms over her chest in dismay. “But I can help you find them to ask. Right, Goten?”

“Oh, right.”

Bulma looked between the two for a moment before giving a slow nod of agreement.

“Fine, I will go with Goten to look,” she instructed. “You can go with Marron and Pan.”

Trunks opened his mouth to speak but was silenced when Gohan’s daughter grabbed his hand with enthusiasm.

“Let’s go, Trunks!” Pan exclaimed. “And if we can’t find them, we can spar together!”

Trunks looked back to Goten as he was led out of the room by one youngster and followed quietly by the other. Goten chuckled.

“Well?” Bulla spoke to him, drawing his attention to her. “Can you tell where my Papa is?”

“Let’s see...” Goten concentrated on the ki signature of the prince. He was indeed still on Capsule Corp property, but was somewhere on the vast grounds. He would have to go outside to pin-point his location. “I think he’s outside, kiddo,” he told her. “You’ll have to get your coat.”

Bulla nodded and turned from the room. Goten followed her to the living room and grabbed his own jacket as well. As they reached the front door however, it opened and Bulma, Goku and Daikkon entered.

“Mom!” Bulla greeted, but quickly turned to admonish. “Where have you been!”

Bulma smiled at the child, her heart feeling too happy and light to correct her manners at the moment.

“We were over at the lab checking on something very important,” she replied, leaning down to kiss her daughter on the top of her head.

“Well, I need to go to the mall. That is very important, too!”

Goten looked between the three adults, curious about their good spirits. He refrained from questioning them in front of the ten-year old.

“Of course, sweetie,” Bulma replied. “I will take you in a little bit. Where’s your papa?”

“That’s who we were just going to find,” Goten explained. “He’s out on the grounds somewhere.”

Bulma looked to Goku, who nodded.

“I’ll be right back,” he spoke, bringing his fingers to his forehead.

Instantly, his surroundings changed. Instead of standing in the Briefs’ living room with Bulma, Bulla, Goten and Daikkon, he was in the middle of a field facing the prince. Standing with Vegeta were Trunks, Marron and Pan.


Pan rushed him, throwing her arms around his waist and embracing him tightly. Goku pulled her up into his arms and balanced her on his hip. The curious glance she gave to his stomach went unnoticed by him as his eyes locked with those of the Saiyan prince.

“Bulma’s looking for you,” he spoke to Vegeta. Vegeta’s face was expressionless.

“She, as well?" he asked.

“Well, Bulla’s with her...”

“Grandpa!” Pan interjected, wiggling out of his grasp. “Can we train today?” Goku looked down at her, trying his best to give her a stern look as he corrected her.

“Grandpa was talking to Vegeta, sweetie,” he said. “You have to wait your turn to speak. We can train later. Why don’t you race Trunks back to the house?”

Pan frowned, rolling her eyes.

“’Cause Marron can’t fly, and Trunks had to carry her out here. If we race, she’ll have to walk back.”

“Well, have a foot race then!” Goku suggested, giving Marron a wink. “Let me see how fast you are on the ground!”

Pan turned to Trunks and Marron.

“This will be a cinch! Come on you two!”

Trunks and Marron exchanged amused looks before jogging after the rapidly retreating youngster.

Goku watched them for a moment before turning his attention back the older Saiyan. Vegeta spoke first.

“You need something as well?” he asked.

Goku smiled, in spite of trying to remain neutral.

“I heard his heartbeat, Vegeta,” he spoke, the happiness apparent in his tone. Vegeta began walking slowly back toward his house.

“So it is a ‘he’ now, is it?” he asked dryly as Goku fell into step beside him.

“I don’t know, really,” Goku explained. “The ultrasound machine thingy couldn’t read through my ki that was protecting my stomach. But the heartbeat was fast, really fast, and Bulma said that is sometimes an indication of a boy....a son...”

Vegeta didn’t comment, so Goku continued.

Canyabelieveit, Vegeta? A son? Do you know how strong he will be?”

“Just about as strong as those layabouts that we have now, considering that the younger generation has more interest in dating than in fighting,” he replied bitterly. Goku laughed.

“Well, Pan sure has the passion for it. And I know that she will want to play with him and teach him to fight.”

Vegeta stopped walking and turned to the taller man.

“And when exactly do you plan to tell her about ‘him’?” he asked. Goku’s smile became sheepish, and he looked down at himself. His jacket was unzipped, showing his untucked shirt.

“It can’t be kept a secret much longer, Vegeta,” he spoke, patting his exposed midsection. “And that reminds me,” he began again, hesitantly, a vulnerable look in his eyes as he looked at the prince. “Do you mind if I tell people? I mean, they are going to find out, and I want the circumstances to be perfectly clear.”

Vegeta wrinkled his nose and gave a huff of disgust as he began walking again.

“Tell whomever you wish,” he replied. “I don’t care what they think.”

“They aren’t going to ‘think’ anything,” Goku explained. “I told you I want to make this perfectly clear.” The tone in his voice brought Vegeta to a halt once again. “I will not let people think badly of you in this, Vegeta.” He shook his head. “I won’t.”

Vegeta was both touched and revolted by the sentiment. Wasn’t he once the destroyer of worlds? Shouldn’t people think badly of him?

“I don’t care what they think,” he repeated, walking away. He shook his head in dismay at Goku’s behavior. First, the younger Saiyan wasn’t even acknowledging that the child was even a child, and now he was giddy over the very same fact. Could he not comprehend that in eight months’ time he would be responsible for this life? Vegeta predicted he was in for a rude awakening...sooner or later...

Everyone was assembled in the kitchen when Vegeta and Goku reached the house. Bulma smiled at her husband, but he didn’t return the gesture. Bulla leapt at him before he was three feet into the door.

“Papa! I need to go to the mall.”

“Bulla!” Bulma admonished. “I just told you I would take you later.” Bulla visibly deflated at her words. Vegeta laid a hand on her head.

“I will take you,” he told her, earning shocked expressions from just about everyone in the room. Bulla smiled triumphantly.

“Yay! Come on Pan, Marron--we can buy those sweaters now!”

“But,” Vegeta barked, halting the child, “anyone who does not behave or talks incessantly will be thrown from the vehicle.”

Bulla shrugged as if that was understandable. Marron spoke quietly.

“Um..Bulla...I...I don’t think I need a sweater today...I think I will stay here with your mom and brother...”

Bulla grunted in disgust.


“I’ll stay, too,” Pan added. “We can spar then, right, Trunks?”

Bulla pursed her lips in fury, but her expression relaxed when her eyes rested on her father. Since everyone in the room was focused on her reaction, they didn’t see the small smile that he gave to her. She shrugged.

“Whatever. I’m used to being the only one ahead with fashion in West City. Come on, Papa.” The young girl folded her arms across her chest and led her father from the room.

Pan addressed Trunks.

“So...wanna spar?”

Trunks opened his mouth to answer, the pain of not wanting to reject the child on his face.

“Sweetie, I think that Trunks and Goten want to continue what they were already doing,” Bulma broke in. “You and Marron are welcome to watch television or play games in the den, though.”

Pan looked almost as disgruntled as Bulla when Bulma told her she couldn’t go immediately to the mall. Marron took the eight-year old by the hand, and they left for the den.

“How did it go?” Trunks asked once the children were gone. Bulma smiled and turned to Goku. Goku grinned as well.

“We heard the heartbeat,” Goku told him. “It was really fast and strong.”

“That’s great,” Trunks replied. “How big did the fetus measure?”

“Well,” Bulma spoke next, “we’re not sure exactly because of the ki interference with the machine. But general estimates are about two and a half to three inches for how far along he is.” Trunks nodded.

“And the due date?” he asked. Bulma grinned.

“Roughly the middle of July.”

“Holy Hell!” Goten exclaimed. “That’s a hundred years from now! Trunks, you will have graduated from pre-med by then!” The young Son shook his head at their conversation, but he didn’t comment on how odd he found it. His father actually seemed rather pleased.

“It will get here before you know it,” Bulma told him, giving him a quick hug, “and then you will be a big brother.”

Goten’s eyes went wide, and then he, too, smiled like everyone else was.



“Honey! We’re home!”

Goku’s booming voice brought Chi Chi downstairs to greet her husband and son as they entered the living room. Both appeared in good spirits. She smiled at them.

“Just in time for lunch, I see,” she chided them. “Well, get cleaned up. It will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

Goten disappeared into his room, and Goku retired to his own. Chi Chi followed him and watched wordlessly as he collapsed onto the bed.

“Tired?” she asked him.

“Exhausted!” he replied, rolling onto his back and looking up at her. “My energy really crashes in the afternoon.”

She nodded at him, unsure of what to say or ask next. Goku saved her the trouble of deciding.

“Do you wanna know how my appointment went?” he asked her.

“Sure.” She settled on the side of the bed and looked down into his bright eyes.

“We couldn’t see anything because ki interferes with ultrasound, I guess. But everything else was good. I got to hear the heartbeat. That was really cool.”

Chi Chi smiled. She could remember the first time she heard the heartbeats of her own little ones.

“That’s wonderful,” she commented. Goku’s face became serious, and he sat up, taking her hands in his.

“I gained eight pounds, Chi Chi,” he said gravely. “That’s why my pants don’t fit.”

“Eight pounds is not enough for you to outgrow all of your pants,” she told him, patting his belly. “But I’ve been working on some patterns, so hopefully I can put something together before you gain another eight. I would hate to see you running around here in a toga.”

“A toga...” Goku repeated mournfully, laying back down on the bed. “...that’s like a dress, isn’t it?...”

“Not exactly,” she replied, standing and crossing the room. “...Goku...” She spoke again, picking up a book that was on top of the dresser. Goku rolled onto his side and propped his head up with his hand.


“I...I was going through some things, and I found something you might want to look at.” She returned to his side and handed him the book. Goku scanned the cover. “It’s about...pregnancy...” It felt weird to speak the word, but she knew there was no getting around that fact. “It tells you about the different things that are going on in your body and about the...the baby...” Goku’s lips pursed together as he opened the cover and looked over the contents page. “But I suppose that it’s totally different for Saiyans!” Chi Chi spoke hurriedly, reaching for the book. “It was dumb of me, never mind. Give it back.”

“No,” Goku replied, pulling it out of her reach. “I want to read it....thank you, honey...”

She fell silent and watched him as he flipped idly through the first chapter.

“I’m already to this part,” he spoke quietly, stopping a few chapters in. “Twelve weeks...” His eyes scanned the page that showed a line drawing of the tiny fetus inside of the womb. “Right now the baby has hair and taste buds...and nails on its fingers and toes...” A small smile pulled at Goku’s mouth. “Do you remember how little Gohan’s fingers and toes were when he was born?” he asked. Chi Chi smiled as well, nodding.

“Of course.”

Goku sighed, shutting the book and laying his head down.

“I miss those days...” He spoke wistfully. “When we were young, and things were so simple.” Chi Chi lay against him and he placed his arm around her. “I...I think that it is time to start telling people...our friends...”

Chi Chi could feel his heart beat a little faster when he said that. As if he were nervous at what she might say.

“If you feel that is best,” she replied.

“I do,” he told her. “I want everyone to have enough time to get used to the idea before the baby comes....” His voice lowered as he finished speaking. “I don’t want them to treat this baby different...I don’t want them to feel weird around him...so I think they will need the time...”

Chi Chi silently agreed with him. She had known for quite some time, and she still wasn’t sure how she would react when this new, full blooded Saiyan emerged into the world. Of course, she knew she couldn’t feel anything but love for something that looked like a miniature version of her beloved Goku.

Unless it was a miniature version of Vegeta.

The thought made her grimace, and she sat back up, looking down at Goku, whose eyes were closed. He was probably already falling asleep.

Quietly, she stood and kissed his cheek. She would wake him when lunch was ready. He needed all the sleep he could get.


“My dad told Gohan that he could tell Videl and Pan,” Goten told Trunks over the phone later that night. “I would sure love to be a fly on the wall when that conversation takes place.”

“Hm,” Trunks replied. “I think Videl will be okay with it. She’s been pretty cool about everything else.”

“Yeah,” Goten agreed with a laugh. “Like aliens and mystical powers and parents coming back from the dead...I guess pregnant father really isn’t too much of a stretch.”

Trunks chuckled in spite of the poor humor.

“Your dad seems to be doing really well, though,” he observed. “My dad is a little more at ease also...why fight the inevitable, I guess.”

“They’re taking it like warriors, I suppose,” Goten told him. Trunks shook his head, even though he knew his friend couldn’t see the gesture.

“They’re just taking it like people....I think...” He grinned, and leaned back onto his bed. “I can’t wait to see my dad hold the baby. It’s been so long since Bulla was little, and I really can’t remember him holding her much...As she got older, it always looked more like she was holding him.” Both teens laughed at the visual that statement produced. “I dunno...he’s kind of mellowed a bit over the last couple years...I think this baby will be good for him - ”

“Who’s having a baby?”

Trunks nearly dropped the phone as he bolted upright and looked to his sister, who was now standing in his doorway. She narrowed her blue eyes at him as he sat, as still as a statue.

“B....Bulla...” he spoke, not knowing what else to say. How long had she been standing there? Why didn’t he notice?

“Who’s having a baby?” she repeated, coming into his room and setting a stack of clothes on the end of his bed.

“You’re in the shit now, man,” Goten told him. “I think I’ll let you go. Have fun in class tomorrow.”

Trunks mumbled his goodbye and set the phone down next to his bed. Hoping to redirect her attention, he pointed to the clothing she brought.

“What’s that?” he asked her. She smiled widely, pulling the top item into her hands. It was a fluffy, pink sweater with delicate embroidered flowers on the hem and cuffs.

“New clothes!” she squealed. “Papa bought me lots of new things!”

Trunks smiled.

“Show me,” he stated.

Happily, Bulla held up each item one at a time. Trunks listened with enthusiasm as she rattled off the name of each article of clothing from one major designer item to the next.

“When I thanked Papa for taking me shopping, do you know what he said, Trunks!?” she asked earnestly as she folded the last item, powder blue corduroy pants, and placed them back on the stack.

“No,” Trunks told her. “What?”

“He said that I deserved to have everything my heart desired ‘cause I am a princess.” She beamed happily as she spoke. “So, now tell me who is having a baby?”

Trunks felt his heart stop beating.


“Is it someone I know?” she pressed.


“Trunks!” she shouted. “I am asking you something!”

Trunks got up and moved to stand in front of her. He knelt and took her hand.

“I can’t tell you,” he told her in a gentle tone. “You shouldn’t have been listening to my phone call. This is something that Mom and Dad need to talk to you about.”

“Mama is going to have a baby!” She screeched, pulling her hands away from him. “Why didn’t you say so?”

Trunks was momentarily stunned as his sister sped from the room. He quickly recovered and took off after her.

“Bulla, wait!”

It seemed that his speed did nothing to help him indoors, as she was smaller and could navigate around furniture with greater ease. Trunks banged his shin on one of the decorative side tables and fell to his knees.


“That was graceful.” Trunks looked up at his father, who had Bulla clinging to his side. He sighed loudly and made a quick prayer that his father was indeed more mellow than before.

Vegeta looked down at his daughter.

“Why is he chasing you?”

“I don’t know,” Bulla replied, with innocent eyes. “But, Papa, Trunks said Mom was going to have a baby - ”

“I did not!” Trunks defended himself quickly. “Dad, she was listening to my conversation with Goten! I didn’t tell her who was having a -”

“Enough.” Vegeta spoke, disinterested in his explanation. He knew this was coming sooner or later. He had only hoped it would be later. “I’ll take care of this,” he stated, leading Bulla by the hand into the den.

“Dad, I’m sorry...” Trunks told him, ashamed. Vegeta shook his head.

“Don’t be.” Vegeta shut the door and turned to his baby girl. She looked incredibly guilty.

“I didn’t mean to,” she began, giving him a pouty face.

“Sit down, little one,” he instructed her. She quickly complied, dropping onto the sofa. Vegeta ran a hand over his neck, feeling the tension pooling there. He lowered himself to sit beside the child, giving her a sideways glance. “What did you hear your brother say--and you better tell me everything,” he said.

“I only heard him say that a baby would be good for someone!” she answered quickly. “That’s all, Papa, honest! I wasn’t listening, I just wanted to show him my new clothes!....Thank you again for shopping with me, Papa,” she added in a sweet tone.

Vegeta smirked, raising an eyebrow at her attempt to manipulate him.

“You’re not in trouble, child,” he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest. “Don’t be concerned.”

Bulla frowned.

“You seem mad, though,” she explained. “Are you mad?”

Vegeta shook his head.


Bulla scooted across the couch and invited herself into his lap, as was her way. Expectantly, she looked into his face.

“What did you want to tell me?” she asked.

Vegeta considered her words a moment. What did he want to tell her?

“Bulla,” he began, slowly, “you know that I am a Saiyan, correct?” She nodded and replied back to him.

“You are the Prince of Saiyans, Papa.”

“Yes,” he said a smirk. “and you know that your mother is not. She is human.”

“Uh-huh.” Bulla nodded.

“Well,” Vegeta continued, taking a deep breath. “There are very, very few Saiyans left. The ones that took us thought there should be more. They told me that it was possible for - er - your...Uncle...Kakkarot...to have Saiyan babies. So...” He couldn’t think of any other way to phrase it. “..so he is having mine.” Not a lie, not exactly the truth. But enough for the tender ears of his ten-year old daughter.

Bulla grimaced as she thought about it.

“Uncle Goku is going to have a baby?” she asked, receiving a nod in reply. “In him?” Again, he nodded. Bulla raised her hands in confusion. “Well, how does that work!?”

Vegeta brought a hand to his forehead. Was ten more mature than it was when Trunks was that age?

“It is not something that you need to worry about now,” he told her. “It is nothing to be concerned about.”

Bulla narrowed her eyes. Vegeta had a bad feeling that she wouldn’t take that as an answer.

“....are you telling me...” she recapped. “...that you put a baby in Uncle Goku?”


Bulla raised an eyebrow. Vegeta shrugged.

“Essentially, yes...that is what I am telling you.”

“How!?” she pressed, her expression twisting in her confusion. “But you and Uncle Goku are both men.”

“But we are Saiyan, so it is different,” he explained quickly, standing, sliding Bulla from his lap. “That is all that you need to know. It is not a cause for concern.” He grimaced, as he spoke the response he had always felt was a ridiculous way to run from the truth. “I will tell you when you are older.”

Bulla shrugged, but didn’t look completely convinced. She stared up at her father a moment, debating whether or not to challenge him.

“Oh...okay..” she conceded, dropping her eyes from his.

Vegeta reached out and placed his hand on the top of her head, prompting her to look back up at him.

“This...is happy news...” he spoke. “I want you to know that.”

She nodded, but remained quiet. Vegeta watched her as she stood, staring at the floor in front of him. Her beautiful little face was the picture of serious contemplation. His heart twisted within his chest, but he knew that this was not the worst thing he could be facing with her. Explaining why this happened to him was far better than the prospect of explaining why this had happened to her.

“Papa...” she began again slowly, lifting her eyes back to his. Vegeta took a deep breath and awaited her next words. “Mom said...that...um...”

Vegeta sat back down and took her hand, giving it a small squeeze of encouragement. Bulla continued.

“...that she had Trunks and me ‘cause you two loved each other with all your hearts and wanted to make babies...” Vegeta nodded, affirming Bulma’s words. Bulla’s lower lip twitched as she thought, her eyes blinking as if maybe she wasn’t exactly sure of exactly what she wanted to say...or wanted him to reply. “Papa...are...are you in love with Uncle Goku?”

He wasn’t expecting that. He took a deep breath and shook his head.

“No, Bulla....no.”

“Then why do you want him to have your baby?” she demanded. “Don’t you make love when you are in love, and that makes babies?” she pressed. Her absolute knowledge of her father’s dedication to her mother was beginning to shake. If Vegeta could love someone other than Bulma, could he love another child more than he loved her?

Vegeta took hold of her arms and looked straight into her eyes.

“I did not make love to him,” he said firmly, trying not to sound harsh. “I do not love him. He does not love me. We were given the...opportunity...on that Saiyan ship...to...combine our genetics to create a new life. This was not a matter of romance, little one, but a matter of...responsibility.” He sighed heavily. “It is complicated,” he explained. “Very complicated...”

Bulma watched him with curiosity as he stared down at her hands in his.

“It’s not that complicated, Papa,” she spoke, causing him to look at her with surprise. “Really,” she insisted. “After the egg and the sperm are combined in a petri dish, they are placed in an incubator, and then after they are placed inside the girl...” She wrinkled her nose as she considered. “..or Uncle Goku...or whatever...”

Vegeta couldn’t stop the huff of laughter that escaped him.

“Really?” he replied. She nodded.


Vegeta considered setting her straight on the matter, as he wasn’t entirely comfortable with lying to her. However, he wasn’t too uncomfortable with perpetuating the misunderstanding.

“So....” he said to her, standing. “Do you have any more questions for me?” Even as he asked the question, he hoped that she did not.

“Well...when will the baby be born?” she asked.

“Not for quite some time...” he replied. “In the summer, I think ...” Bulla nodded.

“Is it going to live here with us?”

Vegeta felt an odd sensation twist his stomach at her inquiry. While he had come to terms with the fact that this child would be born...he never really thought much beyond that.

“Regardless, you can spend as much time as you want with it. But it is still quite far off,” he told her. “Are you satisfied with this information?” She shrugged.

“I guess. I’m looking forward to being a big sister,” she told him. “Just make sure that it is not a girl. I want to be your only little girl, Papa.”

Vegeta chuckled at her self-centeredness.

“You need not fear for your place in my heart, Bulla. Even if I were to have many daughters.”

“Ugh! Don’t do that!” she groaned. Vegeta gave a nod of his head.

“In that, you have my word.”


A/N: Ah, another short chapter. I hope you all like it, though. I'm not sure how soon I will be able to update as I will be having some surgery in two days. Hopefully it won't be able to keep me from in front of the computer for long. Thanks you so much to those who have reviewed. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel! Well, I am off to see how much I can get written while I am still at home!

ChibiGoku: Don't feel bad, I've never had kids either! I'm honored to get such praise!

IlovTrunks16: Still with me? Don't get caught!!!! ^_^