Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Goku's News ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 34
Goku’s News

The following Saturday, Goku had made plans with his closest friends to meet and talk. He wasn’t exactly sure how his news would be received, but knowing his friends, he knew he would be treated kindly. He wasn’t so sure how they would regard Vegeta at the end of the tale, but he would make certain that the prince was treated with the same amount of respect and consideration as he was.

His first stop of the morning was Roshi’s island. He had called in the middle of the week to set up the meeting, and Krillin was genuinely happy to hear from him. He was looking forward to seeing his friend as well. It was unfortunate that they only saw each other on rare occasions in peace-time, and he really wanted to remedy that.

Goku landed on the tiny beach island where Kame house stood. He could feel a large knot twisting in his stomach, and he knew that it was just his nerves. Very seldom in his life had he ever felt nervous, but it seemed that lately his life was full of many moments of unease.

Self consciously, he tugged at his shirt, pulling it down over his belly. While his abdomen only protruded slightly in actuality, in his imagination he felt that he appeared huge. Without the comforting presence of his sash or some type of belt, it seemed his mid section had taken over his entire body. He couldn’t fathom how he was going to feel in the coming months. And he was certain Krillin would guess the meaning of his visit before he even opened his mouth.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled his nerves and strode toward the tiny house.

Before reaching the porch, the door flew open and Master Roshi appeared.

“Heya, Goku!” he called cheerfully, bringing a smile to the Saiyan’s face. “Long time no see, my boy!”

“Yes, it has been,” Goku agreed. The old man clapped him heartily on the back and led him inside.

“Hey, bro!” Krillin greeted. He got up from his place on the sofa and crossed to Goku, shaking his hand. “How ya been? I have to admit, I was surprised to hear from ya! I couldn’t believe that it had been a whole year since Bulma’s last barbecue already!”

Goku laughed along with his friend, but feeling slightly uncomfortable. Wasn’t it obvious to everyone why he was there?

Krillin continued.

“I was pretty relieved to hear that a year hadn’t passed. Now I’m just awful curious as to what you wanted to tell me!”

“Well...” Goku replied. “It..it’s a bit of a....long story.”

Krillin nodded.

“Well then, let’s grab a couple drinks and take this outside.”

Goku had to politely refuse the beer that Krillin offered him several times, even resorting to the lame joke:

“No thanks, I’m flying.”

When Goku assured him it wasn’t Chi Chi’s insistence that he didn’t partake of the alcoholic beverage, Krillin relented and poured him a glass of lemonade. It relieved Goku on two counts: one, he wasn’t worried about the effect, and two...citrus calmed his stomach.

“So,” Krillin began again. “What’s up?”

Goku rolled the glass between his palms.

“Not...a whole lot...how are you and the girls?”

Krillin leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head.

“Not too bad. Roshi’s been talking about spending the winter in the south islands, which would be great.”

“Oh that’s nice...” Goku agreed.

“Yeah...18 and I don’t get many opportunities to be alone. But, hey! You can’t beat free room and board!” Krillin chuckled while Goku merely added:

“You got that right.”

Krillin took a long drink of his beer, watching Goku as he seemed intent on the swirling ice cubes in his lemonade.

“No offense or anything, man,” he addressed the Saiyan. “But you seem like you have something heavy on your mind.”

Goku shrugged.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, I do...”

Krillin sat forward, a bit uneasy about his normally lighthearted friend’s serious manner.

“You know you can tell me anything.”

Goku smiled at him.

“Yeah...yeah, I know...”

Goku took a deep breath, trying to think of the best way to phrase his news. A small smile came to his lips as he began.

“Krillin, there will soon be a new addition to the Son family...”

Krillin blinked.

“What!?” he exclaimed. “Really?”

Goku nodded.

“You see -” he began speaking before Krillin’s shouts cut him off.

“18! Honey, come hear Goku’s great news! Chi Chi is gonna have a baby!”

“No!” Goku stressed, but his friend wasn’t listening.

18 came from the house with an unamused look on her face.

“What is all this racket about?” she asked.

“Chi Chi is going to have a baby!” Krillin continued, despite Goku’s waving his arms in protest. “See, I told you we weren’t too old!”

18’s expression became, if possible, more unamused.

“No, Krillin!” Goku shouted, drawing the attention of both. “Not Chi Chi,” he clarified.

18 frowned.

“Goku, you certainly didn’t -”

“Don’t be crazy, 18!” Krillin interjected. “Goku wouldn’t do that.” Goku agreed.

“No...it’s not like that...” The Saiyan sighed, unsure of how to continue. He voiced as much out loud to them. “I really don’t know how to break this to you, Krillin...”

Krillin felt his blood run cold. Why was Goku hesitant to tell him? Babies were always good news...what could be bad that would upset him...about a new Son family member...?

“It’s...it’s not Goten, is it?” Krillin cried out.” Goku’s eyes became wide. “And you don’t want to tell me because it’s with Marron! That’s it, isn’t it?!"

Goku was so shocked by the accusation that he couldn’t speak. Krillin grabbed fistfuls of his own hair as he wailed. “My baby! How could this happen!? She’s only fourteen!”

18 gave her husband an odd look at his behavior. She knew such accusations were ridiculous. She had told Marron that any boy that dared approach her would die a slow and painful death. Besides, it wasn’t even Goten that Marron was interested in.

The blonde turned her attention from her husband’s breakdown to her guest. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the Saiyan, one hand pressed to his forehead, the other absently rubbing his belly. She took a chance in asking.

“How far along are you?”

Goku looked up at her, his expression one between shock and relief.

“Almost thirteen weeks,” he replied.

Krillin paused in his outburst to look from one to the other in confusion.


Goku’s expression was serious.

“It’s me, Krillin,” he explained. “I am going to have a baby.”

Krillin blinked his eyes. He could not have just heard him right.

“You?” he stated. Goku nodded, pulling his shirt taut against the lower portion of his abdomen, accentuating the very subtle swell of his stomach.

Krillin blinked again, as he looked back and forth between his best friend and his wife, then back to Goku’s rounded abdomen.

“What!?” he exclaimed, jumping from his seat. “Is this a joke? I mean, it is a joke, right? You’ve just had...too much to eat...right?” He spoke the words with little conviction, knowing it was less likely that he had ever eaten too much.

Goku took a deep breath and began again, calmly.

“No, it’s not a joke. I’m going to have a baby.”

18 remained thoughtful while Krillin just shook his head.

“How...why...how...” he mumbled in confusion. “...who...who is the...father?”

Goku took another deep breath before answering.


Krillin’s eyes grew wide, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. 18 sat slowly in the chair beside him.

“It’s not what you think,” Goku started again before Krillin’s mind or mouth began to work too much. “Vegeta and I have both remained faithful to our wives...it...it’s a long story, and I hope that you will hear me out.” He blushed at the thought of not only having to relate the tale to Krillin, but in front of 18 as well.

Krillin nodded his reply.

“You see,” Goku began, focusing on his belly instead of the intent stares of his friends. “It all began when the Saiyans attacked...”


“Dude, I’m exhausted!” Goten exclaimed, stretching his arms above his head. “School takes up too much time!” He turned to his best friend, who walked at his side. “Ya know it? How is it that college is not totally kicking your ass?”

Trunks shrugged.

“Because I like it, I guess,” was his reply. Goten wrinkled his nose in disgust.

“You’re a freak.”

Trunks merely smiled.

“Oh, come on, Goten, it’s worth it. The girls love a guy in pre-med. They let you practice on them with your stethoscope, and there are naked pictures in the text books.”

The boys laughed together. Goten knew full well he was being teased.

Trunks stopped walking when he realized Goten was no longer at his side. The younger teen was stopped in front of a store window peering inside. Trunks joined him.

Painted in pastel colors on the window was the store name: Special Deliveries: All you need for your special delivery.

The items displayed were an assortment of coordinating nursery furniture, toys and infant layette. Dozens of infant and toddler toys were crowded into the display, each one adorned with a adult size price tag.

“Man, babies are expensive!” Goten exclaimed. “For something so small you wouldn’t think they would take up so many zeni...” He turned to his lavender-haired friend. “You wanna go in?”

Trunks couldn’t think of a reason not to.


Inside of the store was quieter than they expected, the overhead P.A. playing soft instrumental tunes. Only occasionally was there the sound of a baby fussing or crying.

The two teens walked closely as if they were in some sort of bio-hazard zone or an alien land. The entire store was nothing by children’s clothing, accessories and furniture.

“So,” Trunks began as they stopped by a table filled with tiny folded baby shirts. He picked one up, and let it unfold in his hands as he held it out. “What did Videl say? Did you hear?”

Goten watched his friend refold the tiny shirt and place it neatly back on the pile.

“Gohan said she was a little freaked out...concerned for Dad and all that.” He too picked up one of the infant sized Ts, but had trouble recreating the two folds to put it back correctly. Trunks took the item from his hands.

“But....she understands, right?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Goten replied as they moved from the table toward the accessories area. “Gohan told me that she was a little concerned about trying to explain the situation to Pan. But, from what he said, he just told her, ‘Grandpa and Mr. Vegeta are going to have a baby together. It’s growing in Grandpa’s belly.’ And Pan was all like, ‘Cool, I’m gonna spar with it.’” Trunks chuckled at the tale. Goten smirked. “Of course, I don’t know what the problem was for Videl. It’s not like anyone makes a big deal about Buu and Mr. Satan.”

Trunks paused.

“Excuse me?” he balked. Goten shrugged.

“Well, I don’t know for sure,” he replied. “But it’s awful suspicious....”

Trunks grimaced.

“I could have lived my whole life without that visual to haunt me,” he told his younger friend.

“Hey, I’m just sayin’...” Goten explained.

The two browsed a bit more of the store in silence, looking over toys and bouncers and other such things. Goten stopped in front of the bottles and pacifiers, shaking his head at the countless variety.

“I’m never having kids,” he stated. Trunks grinned, picking up a doctor-approved and recommended bottle. “I mean, how is anyone supposed to know what the difference is? Or what’s best? How do kids survive when they have idiots for parents!”

“Taking care of babies if just something you ‘know’,” Trunks assured him. “I can’t wait. I mean...I can...but I look forward to it.”

“Only because you won’t be the one squeezing them out of your body...” Goten grumbled. Trunks turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

“Something you want to tell me?” he asked.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” Goten punched him in the arm. “I meant...I dunno...” He picked up a box from the shelf and scrutinized the picture on the side. “What the Hell do you suppose this is for? Looks like an air horn.”

Trunks grinned, yet blushed as he moved away.

“It’s a breast pump,” he answered.

“It’s a-excuse me?”

Trunks chuckled as his friend dropped the merchandise as if it had caught fire. They moved on to the next section.

“Ah man, my poor dad!” Goten lamented. “I could never do this! I sure hope he’s okay with all of this. I mean, he hasn’t even gotten to the difficult part yet.”

Trunks’ smile faded, and he shrugged.

“I think the difficult part has passed...” he spoke. Goten bit his lip, feeling embarrassed by his words.

“Well...you know...I mean...the baby comin’ out. That’s gotta hurt, Trunks...” He grabbed his friend by the sleeve and pulled him close. “Where do you think it’s coming from?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Trunks tried to reassure him. “My mother told me it would be delivered by a cesarean section. They’re going to cut him open here.” He drew an imaginary line with his fingertip across his lower abdomen. “And when the baby is out, they will sew him back up. I read that document that Daikkon was writing. It was very interesting. I want to ask him more about Saiyans when I get the chance. I think he still might be afraid of Dad’s wrath if he talks about it, though."

Goten pressed his hand to his belly as though he had a stomach ache.

“Oh man...” was all he could say. “My body is starting to hurt. Let’s go find some place to sit down and have a soda.”

Trunks threw an arm around his younger friend’s shoulders, directing him back toward the front of the store.

“Don’t worry, Goten,” he told him. “You will feel much better when I pay for the drinks.”


Goku had kept his eyes downcast the entire time he spoke. He ignored the sounds of shock and disbelief that his audience uttered, and kept on with his tale until he came to the end. The events of the story seemed to feel so far away, as if they had not happened little more than three and a half months ago. Goku felt like he had been dealing with it for an eternity.

He had made sure to stress Vegeta’s innocence in the matter, and how he had given his decision to keep the baby a lot of thought. He decided, however, to keep his minor skirmish with Vegeta over that fact to himself

“So,” he said quietly, in closing, “I’m thirteen weeks...and due in July...”

He took a deep breath and looked up. 18 had an expression of sympathy, while Krillin just looked plain shocked. The shorter man shook his head, his mouth clamped shut as he was not sure what to say. Without a word, he stood from his chair and crossed to Goku, pulling the Saiyan into an embrace.

“I’m so sorry, man,” he spoke tightly. “We will be here for you. For whatever you need...”

“Thank you, Krillin,” Goku replied as his friend pulled away. “But what I would really like from you all is a promise that we will keep in touch better than we have been.” Both Krillin and 18 nodded in agreement.

“Oh, gah!” Krillin exclaimed suddenly. “And I offered you beer! I’m such an idiot!”

Goku chuckled.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know. Although...I’m not sure how you could have missed it.”

“I...I just thought...” Krillin was visibly flustered as he tried to reply. “...that your shirt was untucked, I don’t know...”

Goku stood, stretching his muscles from sitting so long. His back was starting to feel sore again, and he felt an afternoon nap was long overdue. But he had another person he wanted to talk to after this.

“Thanks for hearing me out, Krillin...18...” Goku said to them.

“None needed. Anytime, man,” Krillin replied.

Goku gave a small wave and turned to leave when he stopped to the calling of his name.


He turned, surprised that 18 would have addressed him. He watched her, wide-eyed, as she considered her words.

“Marron...wasn’t your average pregnancy either...” She spoke hesitantly. “If you...need to talk...”

Goku smiled widely.

“Thank you, 18. I just might take you up on that.”

She nodded, and he turned again, taking to the sky to head to his next rendezvous. When Goku was no longer visible in the afternoon sky, she turned to look down at her husband.

“You okay?” she asked, quietly.

Krillin shook his head, running a hand through his hair.

“I don’t know, baby. This is just so...”

“Weird?” she supplied, kneeling by his side.

“No,” he replied, looking to her. “Wrong. Goku is the last person on Earth, Hell - in the universe - that deserves something like this to happen. I can’t even imagine how his boys must feel. And Vegeta - gah!!”

“Krillin,” she spoke, slipping her hand gently across his neck, drawing his attention. “There are a lot of people who have had bad things happen to them that they didn’t deserve...and received more than compensation for it.” He sighed, and she continued. “Goku seems okay, even happy, about this baby. Don’t dwell on how it came to be.”

“How can I not?” he asked her. “Goku is my oldest and best friend...the most gentle person I have ever met...”

“Then all we can do is what he asks of us,” she explained. “To be there for him and his family. To give him enough good times to make up for the bad.”

Krillin nodded in silent agreement, wrapping his arms around her as she hugged him.

“Do you really think that Vegeta...was forced...?” he asked, quietly. 18 pulled away from him, sitting back on her heels.

“Vegeta is an idiot and a jerk...but he’s not a rapist,” she spoke plainly. “He has more honor than that. More pride.”

“But he used to be such a monster.” 18 smirked.

“And now he is a person with a baby girl. Believe me, that can change anyone.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. He took hold of her arm before she could move away again.

“You weren’t a monster,” he told her. 18 raised an eyebrow in reply.

“You better believe I was,” she warned, giving a slight smile as she stood. She ran her hand lovingly over his hair, feeling sorry for his sympathy pain. “Can I get you anything?”

Krillan leaned back in his chair, and sighed.

“Just another beer.”


Yamucha watched Bulma with intense curiosity. She had barely spoken a handful of words to him since he arrived, and she was the one who invited him. And she seemed on edge. He couldn’t tell if it was in a good way or a bad way.

The former bandit leaned across the table and wiggled his eyebrows at her until he caught her attention. She smiled.

“Why are you smoking that down so fast?” he asked her, giving a jerk of his head toward the cigarette in her hand.

“Ah, no reason!” She took another deep drag on her cigarette before crushing it into the ash tray on the table.

“Bulma,” Yamucha spoke firmly, drawing her attention. “What is it? Are you okay?” He suddenly got a worried look on his face. “It isn’t the children, is it?”

Bulma smiled at his care for her and Vegeta’s offspring.

“No, honey. It’s just...” She sat down next to him. “This is really Goku’s news to tell...”

Yamucha’s brow furrowed.

“He is okay, right? I mean...he’s not sick or anything?” he asked, suddenly struck with the idea of some new virus, like the one that attacked the Saiyan’s heart.

“No...nothing like that...really...” she replied. “You want more coffee?”

“Mm,” he answered affirmatively, sliding his cup toward her. Bulma filled both mugs and settled down at his side.

“Bulma?” Goku’s voice called from the living room. “I let myself in, is that okay?”

“Of course! We’re in the kitchen.”

Yamucha sat up expectantly as the Saiyan came into the room. Bulma grinned widely at him, his condition obvious to her eyes not just because she knew what his abdomen looked like under that shapeless T-shirt, but from the self-satisfied glow of his skin. But his eyes appeared tired, and his shoulders curved wearily.

“Hi, Goku!” Yamucha greeted. Goku appeared perfectly normal to him. “What’s up? Bulma said you had something you wanted to tell me.”

Goku sighed, leaning his hands on the back of a dining chair.

“Yeah...” he began, one hand moving to firmly massage the ache in his lower back. “I do...” He took another deep breath and sighed again. “I’m sorry, I really should have called you when I was feeling better...”

Yamucha shook his head.

“But Bulma said you weren’t sick,” he insisted, looking between his two friends.

“Oh, I’m not,” Goku assured him. “It’s just...well...it’s such a long story.” And one Goku didn’t particularly feel up to repeating again. Certainly not today. “But the short version is that I am pregnant....by Vegeta...and I’m super tired, so I think I’ll just take a nap.”

Yamucha blinked at him.

“Well, okay. Congratulations.” He nodded at his younger friend. “Have a nice nap.”


“You can sleep on the sofa in the den, sweetie,” Bulma told him. “Or you can sleep in Trunks’ bed if you like.”

“Sofa’s fine.” Goku mumbled, turning back and leaving the room.

Yamucha turned to Bulma and spoke seriously.

“So he’s on drugs....is that it?”

Bulma buried her face in her hands.

“Or it’s some kind of Saiyan brain fever? Tell me I’m right?”

Bulma sighed.

“I’m going to tell you because it appears Goku has expired his drive to tell the story one more time,” she began. “And I hope you don’t have a lot of questions because there are really no answers.” Yamucha nodded. Bulma laced her fingers together. “The Saiyans that kidnapped them forced them to...well...try and conceive a royal full-blooded Saiyan....’cause it would appear that certain male Saiyans are capable of that. Goku is one of them.”

Yamucha’s tone was straight forward.

“You’re fucking kidding me?”

Bulma shook her head slowly.

“So...they made Vegeta and Goku...” Yamucha's voice trailed off when Bulma nodded again “And now Goku is pregnant...by Vegeta...”

Another nod.

Yamucha brought a hand to his mouth, uncertain what to say. This was impossible, wasn’t it?

“And before you ask,” Bulma continued, “Goku’s keeping it. They’ve already...talked about it...”

“I would expect nothing less from Goku,” Yamucha replied. “...poor Goku...”

“And before you even think it,” Bulma spoke defensively, “no, Vegeta didn’t hurt him. He didn’t want to do it, and he didn’t enjoy it.”

“Bulma,” Yamucha said, taking her hand. “I wasn’t going to say that! Even I know Vegeta’s pride wouldn’t allow him to commit such an act. He’s the kind of guy who wants the glory in seducing those he wants...”

Bulma caught the hint of bitterness in his tone, and she patted his hand.


Yamucha let go of her hand and stood, pacing a small space on the floor.

“I can’t believe this. I had no idea! At the party, everything seemed so fine...so...normal...”

“He was trying to be strong...” she answered. “...he still is.”

“I would still be keeping company with my friends ‘Jack’ and the ‘Captain’ if it had been me.”

Alarm suddenly filled his eyes, and he turned to Bulma.

“Bulla and Goten - ”

He didn’t have to finish before Bulma was already shaking her head.

“No. They’re fine. Vegeta and Goku did what they did to keep them safe.”

Yamucha ran his hands through his hair and over the taut muscles in his neck. How could this have happened?

“I wish there was something I could have done...I mean, I know that even if I had been around, I wouldn’t have done any good...not if these Saiyans were too much for Goku and Vegeta. But damn...” He sighed in his frustration, his fists clenching. “...damn...”

“Well, when Goku told me that he was going to be sharing this news with everyone, he mentioned that he wanted you all to know that he misses you. Really. And he wants us all to spend more time together...like old times...”

Yamucha nodded absently as a sick feeling twisted his gut.

“Of course...” He looked up at Bulma who was watching him with an expectant face. “I think I’ll stick around until he wakes up...if that’s okay?” Bulma smiled.

“I think he would like that.”


A/N: Okay, so I guess it wasn't too terribly long till an update...I hope you all liked this chapter. It is one of my favorites. Of course, I would like to thank you all for the wonderful reviews and I would especially like to thank you all for your kind words and well wishes for my health. Okay! I am off to get back into the writing groove! The pain killers are wearing off and I think I just may be able to sit upright for a while! LOL!!! Anyway, thanks again, you guys!!! *HUGS* - B°