Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Meditation ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 40

Goku arrived at Capsule Corp late in the afternoon the day after the party. He was eager to spar, to train, to learn whatever Vegeta felt he could teach him. Vegeta had never, in all the time he had known him, offered to show him how to do anything. And Goku was ready for a challenge.

He knocked on the front door, feeling it was best not to IT to Vegeta’s present location. The last thing he wanted to do was anger the prince before he got a chance to get any exercise. Vegeta’s ki signature was unusually high, but stable. He was obviously already into his training regimen for the day. Goku fidgeted impatiently, his ki coursing in anticipation.

He waited only a few moments before Bulma answered.

“Hi,” she greeted. “Come in.”

“Thanks.” Goku stepped into the foyer and removed his coat. Bulma took it from him and hung it on the rack by the door. “So...is Vegeta around?”

Bulma smiled.

“He’s a little busy at the moment,” she told him, leading him back toward the kitchen. “He’s been in the gravity unit since before sunrise, and who knows when he will be out.”

Goku frowned a bit at her answer, but he perked back up when she suggested a snack while they waited.

“Hey, Goku,” Yamucha greeted as he sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. “How are you doin’?”

“Good,” Goku replied sitting at his side. “Pretty good.”

Yamucha nodded, unsure of his next question.

“And...and...the..um...” Goku followed the path of Yamucha’s gesturing hand to his belly.

“Fine,” he replied. “We’re both fine.”

“Good,” Yamucha remarked before quieting himself by gulping down his coffee.

“So, what do you and Vegeta plan to be up to today?” Bulma asked, setting a glass of juice and plate of sandwiches in front of the Saiyan.

“Well,” Goku replied, “we were supposed to spar. And he was going to teach me some new things...” He shrugged. “But he seems to be busy...maybe he forgot.”

Bulma shook her head.

“No, he didn’t forget. He told me this morning before he went in there that he was expecting you today. Don’t worry. He will be out.”

“In the meantime,” Yamucha remarked, “we can talk about old times!”

Both Goku and Bulma smiled at the suggestion.

“We’ve sure come a long way,” Bulma stated. “I would have never, in a million years, imagined that we would end up like this. I thought I would have married you, Yamucha, then divorced you. Then remarried you. Then divorced you.” Yamucha smirked. “I never imagined I would be a mom or that Vegeta would become such a devoted husband and father...”

“Yeah," Yamucha agreed, "bizarre behavior for an evil alien lunatic.”

Ex evil alien lunatic!” Bulma retorted, giving him a playful punch in the arm. She shook her head, smiling. “Life is bizarre.”

Goku rubbed a hand across his belly.

“You’re tellin’ me...”

Silence descended upon the trio.

“So,” Yamucha began, trying to break the ice. “Have you thought of any names yet?” Goku grimaced at the thought.

“Not really...I mean, I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl...” He shrugged. “Gohan was days old before we found a name for him...and I wasn’t there to name Goten...I dunno...maybe Vegeta will have a preference.”

“Don’t count on it,” Bulma quipped. “If left to Vegeta, my children would be named ‘boy’ and ‘girl’, or ‘one’ and ‘two’.” Her explanation earned laughs from her friends.

Goku shifted in his chair as he felt Vegeta’s ki spike and then drop. He looked out the window toward the gravity capsule and then back at Bulma.

“Did Vegeta say what he was doing in there?” he asked.

“Um,” Bulma bit her lip as she considered her answer. “He...is trying to....fix something...” she explained.

“Oh.” Goku looked back out toward the capsule. He was ready to spar. Whatever Vegeta was doing in there, Goku hoped that he would finish soon.


Vegeta shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel off the rack, he wiped the water from his face and neck before pulling the cloth over his head and vigorously rubbing the water from his hair.

With a sigh, he dropped his hands, pulling the towel down his chest. Catching sight of himself in the mirror above the sink, he stared at his own reflection.

He didn’t look any different, not from this vantage point.

But he felt different.

Slowly, as if this moment were just a dream, Vegeta closed his hand around his tail, letting the soft, damp fur slip through his fingers as it moved, curling and stretching. The feeling was surreal, as if for a moment he were back in time. But he was keenly aware of where and when he was, and was more than a little bit surprised to feel that he felt no greater connection to who he was.

But he did feel intact. Complete. Oddly...comfortable.

The chestnut colored tail slipped up to coil around his waist as though he had never lived a day without it. He couldn’t stop the self satisfied smile that turned his lips.

He should have done this years ago.


Bulma, Yamucha and Goku laughed riotously as they continued to talk about their shared past. Goku, while still impatient to begin training, had given his full attention to his friends and was enjoying their company.

“Oh, my,” Bulma sighed, wiping a tear from her eye. “I was mortified when that happened! It takes a girl a couple decades to be able to laugh about that.”

“It took me a couple to laugh, too,” Goku admitted. “Back then I was too young to understand.”

“I wouldn’t say too young,” Yamucha remarked. “Too naive, maybe.”

Goku shrugged.


“It sounds like we came in just a bit late,” Trunks commented to Daikkon as they stepped into the kitchen.

“No, just in time,” Yamucha told him. “Believe me.”

“And just in time for lunch, too,” Bulma told him, standing from her seat and offering it to her son. “I’m making it right now.”

“Awesome.” Trunks sat down at the table and smiled at Goku. “How are you doing today?” he asked.

“Pretty good,” Goku replied. “Just waiting for your dad. We’re training today.”

“Do you mind if I join you? All the studying I’ve been doing seems to have my muscles aching to get a chance to work out, too.”

“Sure. I think that would be great.”

Yamucha sighed.

“Man, I sure miss the days when training with you all was something other than an exercise in humiliating myself.”

“Was that ever the case?”

The group turned to the prince, who was coming in through the patio door. Not one of them missed the new ‘accessory’ at his waist.

“...Vegeta...” Goku murmured, a little confused by this new development.

Bulma, on the other hand, stood gaping at him from the kitchen. Even though the appendage was pulled tightly in around Vegeta’s slim waist, it did not escape her attention, especially since it made him even more incredibly hot.

She should have had him do that years ago.

“You’re just in time for lunch,” she told him when she found her voice.

Vegeta gave a nod before turning to look at his son. Trunks’ brows were still raised in surprise.

“Dad....how...how did you...?” he stammered as Vegeta took his place at the table. The prince shrugged as though it were nothing.

“Concentrated ki direction,” Daikkon spoke for him. “When a Saiyan is past the age when a severed tail regenerates naturally, it takes focused ki direction and meditation for one to regrow.” One look from Vegeta, and he fell silent.

“That’s great!” Goku exclaimed. “I never knew that! Do you think that it would work for Goten?”

Vegeta shrugged, wanting to drop the topic. Goku turned to Trunks.

“It would probably work for you, too,” he remarked.

Trunks smiled uneasily. He was reminded again of the conversation he’d had with Goten the night before. If he was already uncomfortable telling people he was half Saiyan, he couldn’t imagine walking around with an extra limb.

“If you will shut up and eat,” Vegeta addressed Goku, “we can get on with this.”

Goku grinned and nodded, happily accepting the plate that Bulma placed before him. He didn’t speak as he was too focused on his meal and getting it into his stomach as quickly as possible, or he would not have stopped questioning Vegeta about his tail.

Bulma gently nudged her husband’s knee with her own. He glanced casually at her, catching her smile. She understood him, and he knew that...and appreciated it.


Goku took a wide stance and lunged side to side as he waited for Vegeta to signal the beginning of their spar.

Vegeta stopped in front of the taller Saiyan. Goku pulled himself upright and stretched his arms across his chest.

“The first thing you need to learn,” Vegeta announced, giving a disapproving glance to the way Goku’s tail swung happily behind him, it too feeling the anticipation of the fight. “...is meditation.”

Goku dropped his arms to his sides, his tail stilling its motion.

“Come again?” he asked, dejectedly. Trunks cleared his throat to cover up his laughter.

“Meditation,” Vegeta said slowly in a louder tone. “The art of meditation is infinitely important in the development of control of both strength and ki.” The prince’s eyes followed Goku’s tail as it began to snap back and forth in irritation. “And you obviously need to learn a little self control.”

Goku groaned.

“You sound like Piccolo...” he grumbled, “...and my wife...”

Trunks coughed loudly, and his father silenced him with a look.

“Now,” Vegeta continued, “I want you to concentrate on my ki.”

“And we’ll spar after, right?” Goku asked.

Vegeta scowled.

“If you master this first lesson, we’ll spar. If you don’t, I will beat your ass into the dirt.”

Goku frowned.

“Now,” the prince began again, “concentrate on my ki.”

Goku nodded, taking a deep breath and becoming serious. His eyes locked with Vegeta’s, and the two stared at each other. Goku could feel the steady thrum of Vegeta’s ki at its base level. After a moment, it began to climb in it’s intensity. Goku broke his concentration as he felt his own ki begin to rise to match it.

“Don’t!” Vegeta barked.

“But I don’t want to raise my ki,” Goku stated.

“Then don’t,” Vegeta replied simply. “One of your major problems,” and he added to himself, ‘if not the only one’, “is your inability to keep from meeting your opponent’s strength. To you it may seem like a challenge to match and surpass your opponent.” Goku felt a sense of understanding as Vegeta continued. “But your ultimate challenge is to remain calm and in control in the face of intense levels of ki. That is what will help you control what is at the core of your Saiyan heritage. That is what will help you control the Ozaru transformation.”

Goku felt a sharp pang of emotion at Vegeta’s words. He did, indeed, need to learn to control it.

“Understood.” He spoke firmly. Vegeta gave a sharp nod.


Trunks brushed the snow off a tree stump, settled on it and watched the two older Saiyans as they faced off, his father’s ki starting off at its normal strength and rising and falling in unpredictable patterns. Goku’s remained relatively static, but wavered unsteadily in his fight to gain control over it. Trunks could feel the drive in his own ki to match the changes in his father’s, and he was struck with the realization that his father had been right. While his own power level didn’t change much, it did surge when he felt a change in those around him. But his father’s ki signature never changed unless he directed it.

While watching the pair, Trunks concentrated on his own power level, trying to keep it at its constant, base level. It was quite challenging as his own concentration was split between maintaining his own levels, while assessing both of theirs.

It remained that way for over an hour. Goku focused on nothing but Vegeta’s ki and trying to keep his own in check. It wouldn’t have been too difficult a task had Goku’s entire being not ached for a battle, had he not longed to let his ki soar and ascend.

Vegeta took note of how Goku’s control over his ki was lessoning with the passing moments. The younger Saiyan had never really had it in him to hold himself back, and Vegeta didn’t want to push him into ascending. So he dropped his ki to its normal level and turned to his son.

“You could benefit from this training as well,” he commented. “...If you chose...” Trunks smiled.

“I would appreciate your time.”

Vegeta stared at him a moment, looking as though he had something he wanted to say. But the look quickly passed, and he nodded in agreement.

“Wooo!” Goku exclaimed, dropping onto the ground and sighing. “That was harder than I thought! So...now we spar?”

Vegeta quickly considered the idea. He didn’t want to admit to himself, let alone to the expecting Saiyan, but he was concerned about putting added stress on the other man’s already taxed system. Kakkarot seemed slightly worn out, but the prince had promised him a match. Good thing he didn’t promise with whom.

“I wouldn’t exactly say that you mastered today’s lesson, Kakkarot,” Vegeta informed him as Goku scowled. “But I suppose you have progressed as far as possible for one day. You can spar with the boy. These low level matches are a waste of my time.”

Trunks suppressed a grin. He knew too well his father enjoyed beating on Goku in any kind of battle environment to consider it a waste of time. He could only imagine what his real reason was.

Goku looked at the teen a moment before shrugging and beginning to stretch again.

Trunks stood from the tree stump he was perched on, and Vegeta took the spot.

The spar was quick paced. Trunks seemed to assume Goku could take more than his father had.

Vegeta’s eyes caught every move. Every punch and every kick observed and critiqued. It had been a long time since he saw his son from the sidelines of a fight. The boy still had untapped potential, but his form was correct, although a little hesitant, and his aim was accurate. Not perfect, but Vegeta was proud.

Goku conceded the battle long before he wanted to, but almost two hours after they had begun.

“I think my ankles aren’t working right anymore!” Goku whined, dropping onto the ground where their battle had cleared the snow.

“Thanks for the workout,” Trunks said, brushing his sweat dampened hair from his forehead. “I’ll need a long shower now.”

“I need a long nap,” his opponent grumbled in reply.

Trunks turned to his father.

“We’ll spar next time, okay, Papa?”

“Of course” were his father’s words, but his eyes said: “It’s a promise.”

Trunks waved to them before taking off to the sky, heading back to Capsule Corp.

Vegeta and Goku sat a moment in silence.

“So...” Goku began, hesitantly. “How did I do?” Vegeta shrugged.

“To be honest, you have more control than I expected - since I have never see you demonstrate it in battle...but overall...” He shrugged again. “You need work.”

Goku chuckled.

“Well, I’m more than willing to work on it...when my body is willing!”

“Good.” Vegeta stood. “Because controlling the Ozaru transformation is not an easy task. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to practice more meditation than anything else. Avoid the full moon until you can perfect your skills, and we can adequately test them.

Goku perked up. The thought of battling Vegeta in their transformed state was almost too thrilling an idea.

“I can’t wait!”

“That, of course,” Vegeta sighed, “will have to take place after....”

Goku frowned. Slowly, he brought his hand to his belly.

He had almost forgotten.

“Until then,” Vegeta continued, “we will practice in the manner that we have today. It is not the most efficient, nor the most challenging...but it will have to do for now.”

Goku nodded. He was staring absently at his stomach as his hand moved in small circles.

“...just avoid six full moons...” he mumbled to himself. “...so long...”

Vegeta watched him a moment before he was overcome with the feeling that he should look away, as if Goku’s condition was personal only to himself and not something Vegeta was a part of.


The prince turned back to the younger man, whose hand stilled as his eyes grew wide.


Goku took a deep breath and exhaled sharply before he replied.

“I...I think I just felt it...move...”

Vegeta could not think of a response, and the two stared at each other with identical, wide-eyed expressions. Vegeta quickly recovered and looked down at the snow.

“It...it wasn’t much, but...oh...” Goku got to his feet and paced back and forth a few steps. It would seem that such intense concentration of his power left his body acutely sensitive. Vegeta watched him from the corner of his eye. “Wow...I ...I guess that...the book said I might soon, but...”

The idea of six full moons seemed rather short now, as opposed to so long. Bewildered, he looked back at the prince, who averted his eyes.

“So, tomorrow…” Vegeta paused, considering Goku’s condition before he continued. “I will be training with my son. The day after, you will meet me here...if you are inclined to continue training.” Goku nodded. “Fine,” Vegeta stated, giving one last look, hesitating slightly as if wanting to speak. However, he said no more and turned to leave.

Goku stared after him, one hand clutched to his abdomen. He stood quietly, waiting to see if the odd flutter in his belly would return.

It didn’t.

He shoved his hands down into the pockets of his coat and turned toward his home.

The cold wind went unnoticed as he walked. For the moment, the focus of his entire existence was the movement, and now lack thereof, in his belly.

He had surprised himself by how often he could forget his condition and then be hit with it like a ton of bricks at each new stage of its development. However, the times when he could forget were becoming few and far between.

Vegeta paused and turned back to see Goku’s retreating form. He sighed, shaking his head wearily. Like it or not, he felt sorry for Kakkarot. Sorry for his trials and felt responsible for them and their consequences. He could tell the younger Saiyan was becoming more disheartened every day by his waning stamina and the prince’s disinterest. But Vegeta knew, try as he might, that there was no separating himself from Kakkarot now. Events were set into motion that were beyond changing. And in a series of months that were sure to feel like only minutes of time, their relationship would be secured.

Vegeta’s tailed flexed restlessly at his waist, and he turned back, starting again toward his home.

Vegeta knew he would not abandon Kakkarot....he just didn’t have to let him know it...


A/N: Okay, I think this one is short too, so sorry about that! I hope you all liked it anyway. I've been having some trouble writing, not writer's block or anything, just finding time to write! I will try to make the next chapters longer, it's just really hard to. When the chapter seems over, it's over...But, I think the next chapter is quite good so far. It made me laugh, at least. Okay! I'm off to write more! Thank you all for your reviews and feedback! It is greatly appreciated! ^-^ -B°