Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Flahsbacks in this chapter are noted by three astrisks at the beginning and end of the passage.

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 46

Bulma woke at her usual time the next morning and, after seeing her children off to school, returned to her bed and her husband’s side. Vegeta had opened his eyes but closed them again upon seeing her and fell quickly back to sleep. Bulma contented herself with being snuggled close at his side and softly combing her fingers through his hair.

The clock flipped to eight am, and the subtle click of the device caused Vegeta to stir. He stretched and gave a groan as his muscles resisted. Bulma leaned up on her elbow and looked down into his face.

“Good morning, handsome,” she spoke in a sultry tone. Vegeta gave a smirk, rolling onto his side, mirroring her posture. His eyes didn’t meet hers, but he took her hand and brought it to his lips. Bulma smiled, but knew that no matter how much Vegeta truly wanted to change, he had to be embarrassed by last night.

He was indeed.

Bulma slipped her hand out of his and ran her fingers along his jaw, tilting his chin so she could look into his face.

“I love you,” she told him. “More and more every day.” Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but she quickly interrupted. “Wait...don’t speak. I have something to say.” He raised an eyebrow, but closed his mouth and waited. “I know that you’ve had a lot on your mind lately,” she began. “And I know that this has been as hard on you as anyone else, but I don’t want you to feel you have to make anything up to me. I want you to be happy. That is all I ever wanted...”

Vegeta sighed.

“This would be a lot easier if you were less nice about it,” he stated.

“Well, love was never known to make anyone meaner.” She gave a short laugh. “Or smarter, obviously.”

“The concept of love is truly mind boggling,” he spoke, lying back on the bed. “I will never understand how you ‘fell in love’ with me.”

“Me either...” she mused. “I think, after quite an enormous dose of lust, it became companionship...then love...”

Vegeta smirked again, staring up at the ceiling.

“How did you fall in love with the man that I was?”

Bulma sat up and shrugged.

“I fell in love with the man you were, the man you are...the man you could become...” She leaned over him to look him in the eye. “I fell in love with the same man I see when I look right here. The one that lives on the other side of these beautiful black eyes.”

Vegeta’s eyes stared steadily into hers before he asked:

“How do you know he is real?”

Bulma smiled seductively.

“I’ve made love to him,” she replied. “I’ve seen him watch our children with pride. I’ve seen him feel true pain...That man is you, Vegeta. He always has been. I’m just waiting for you to realize that it is okay to be him.”

Vegeta shook his head.

“You give me too much credit.”

“And sometimes, not enough,” she added. “But we all do that to ourselves. Just...please know that you are not alone in this, honey.”

He gave a nod.

“I will try to stop making you repeat yourself.” She shrugged.

“I will say it as many times as necessary to get through to you.”

Vegeta frowned.

“Kakkarot says you talk until you are blue in the face...”

Bulma laughed.

“I will if I have too.” She leaned down and kissed his mouth. Vegeta ran his hand through her hair, tenderly returning the kiss.

“Blue suits you,” he murmured. “but not in the face. Don’t say anymore...”

“Then we’ll make a deal,” she smiled, kissing him again. “Neither of us will say another word about it. You do what you feel you need to do...and I will support your decisions.”

“And I yours,” he agreed.

Vegeta looked up at his wife, so beautiful and perfect to him. He wanted to ask her if she was ashamed of him, disappointed in his behavior. Would she still love him if he changed...of course, she said she would.

“Talk to me,” she whispered, a slight hint of concern in her voice.

Vegeta gave her a small smile.

“I was just thinking...” he spoke quietly. “About how lucky I am that you love me...and how much I love you...”

Bulma smiled brightly in return, tears of happiness misting her eyes. She knew that he loved her, but it was more beautiful to hear it. She didn’t have any words for him. She lay down against him and hugged him tightly. Vegeta wrapped his arms around her and held on.

No, she was not the problem. He would never have to worry about what she would think. No matter what he said or did, how he chose to act, she would still love him. He had always known that and taken it for granted. She never held back with him. He wanted to give the same to her in return. Embarrassing or not, no matter how loudly his ego would roar in protest, this woman would be treated with every bit of love and respect that she had shown him.

“I have some appointments to take care of this morning,” she said, her voice muffled against his neck. “But...I would love to have a nice, quiet dinner with you tonight.”

“Whatever pleases you,” he replied.

“Oh.” She leaned up and looked down at him again. “Then I will want so much more than dinner...or quiet.”

The prince smirked.

“Then whatever pleases me as well, I see...” Bulma returned his amused expression.

“Well, whoever gets pleased first wins.”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

“I always win.”

“Please,” Bulma scoffed, pulling herself from the bed. “By the time you’re pleased, I’ve been pleased at least twice.” She held up her hands. “So I say I win. But suit yourself. You can please your little heart out. I look forward to it.”

Rolling onto his side, Vegeta propped his head on his hand and leered at her. Bulma licked her lips as she watched his tail seductively sway behind him. She had nearly forgotten he was wearing nothing but the sheet.

“You save that thought,” she advised him, backing from the room. “We will continue this debate tonight...after dinner...over dessert.”

You will be dessert, woman.”

Bulma smiled. As long as he didn’t change that part of his personality, she thought she could handle just about anything else.


Krillin stared into the forest canopy, admiring the way the sun shone the pine needles. In a few months, the leaves would sprout in the deciduous trees, providing shade when the sun burned brighter. Today, the bare branches allowed the sun to provide a pleasant warmth in the late winter afternoon.

“Sorry ‘bout that!” Goku said cheerfully as he emerged from the trees, adjusting his jacket over his belly. “That happens a lot lately. Seems this little guy is sitting right on my bladder.”

Krillin smiled, trying to look more understanding than disturbed.

“No prob,” he replied, “but don’t you think we should take a rest? We’ve been walking for a good half hour.”

“I like the walk,” Goku assured him. “It’s good exercise. And to be honest,” he sighed, “it’s beginning to be about all I have the energy for.”

Krillin nodded as he watched Goku, hands on his lower back as he stretched out a bit. It was just such a...a...pregnant posture. He looked away.

“So...I thought you were training with Bulla?” he asked, trying to make conversation. He sat down on a small boulder and motioned for Goku to join him on another.

“Oh yeah, she’s great,” Goku said happily. “It’s just...well...” He sighed. “I’m not getting any smaller, ya see.”

Krillin smiled and shook his head.

“I know, but...you’re Goku! You’re Saiyan! Surely that helps.”

Goku shrugged. “Yeah, but she’s Saiyan, too. And she is not carrying an anvil in the waistband of her pants.” Krillin gave an uncomfortable laugh. Goku gave another sigh. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?”

Krillin grimaced, running a hand through his hair. “No, man...not...not like you think. I don’t mind that you’re...you’re...”

“Pregnant?” Goku supplied.

“Yeah...pregnant...” The shorter man rubbed his palms across his pant legs as they suddenly seemed very wet. “I just...” He shook his head. “I just don’t know how you are doing this...I mean...coping. I’m glad that you are!” he added hurriedly. “Don’t get me wrong. I just...don’t see how...”

Goku smiled.

“I take it day by day. It gets easier. I mean, I’m sad it had to happen. Mad, I mean, too. But... I can’t think of what I would do differently, if I had to do this all over again. Okay,” he corrected, “if I had to do it all over again, I would have had a more lengthy discussion with Vegeta...”

“Vegeta.” Krillin sighed. “I can’t believe it was Vegeta.” Goku’s voice was quiet as he replied.

“I’m glad it wasn’t anyone else.”

Krillin felt like he had been punched in the gut. He had no response. He hadn’t meant to make his friend uncomfortable. He tried to think of something else to say to quickly change the subject. Goku beat him to it.

“Bulma wants to have a get together in April to celebrate spring,” he said. “I think that will be fun.”

Krillin didn’t feel any better about this topic. He knew that it was Bulma’s cover for the baby shower.

“Um... Yeah. Can’t wait.”

“Me, either. I love when we all can get together. She says she wants this to be a big, fun event.”

Krillin rubbed his forehead wearily.

“Goku,” he began hesitantly, “there is something I gotta tell you, man.”

Goku’s eyes widened.


Krillin looked back at his friend’s cheerful face, and a small war began inside him. Did he keep his dear friend in the dark about a possibly embarrassing and emasculating baby shower or did he risk Bulma’s wrath?

“I’m really glad that you’re holding up okay,” he finally said. Goku smiled.

“Thank you. And really, it’s not so bad.” Krillin smiled, even though he disagreed.

“Hey guys!”

The two turned as Yamucha dropped in, shouting his greeting jovially. “What’s up?” The smile on his face froze a second as he looked upon Goku as though he had forgotten the man was pregnant. He recovered quickly as the other two returned his greeting.

“What are you up to?” Goku asked.

“Oh, just on my way to Capsule Corp,” he replied, his eyes shifting to Krillin. “Bulma wanted some help with some... stuff.”

“Oh,” Goku mused. Krillin closed his eyes and shook his head. “Well, that’s awfully nice of you.”

Yamucha mumbled something about having no say in the matter before speaking up.

“So, how... how are... you doing?” he asked. Goku grinned, partially from maternal pride and partially because he knew his friend was asking in spite of dreading any kind of answer.

“Good,” he answered. “I’m good.”

“Good,” Yamucha echoed. The two fell into silence. Krillin and Yamucha glanced at each other occasionally as if both were willing the other to be suddenly psychic.

Goku tugged at his jacket, moving it aside to attack an itch on his stomach. He gave a grunt of discomfort when his back protested the movement.

Both Krillin and Yamucha paled and rushed toward him.

“Are you okay!?” Krillin shouted as Yamucha nearly shrieked.

“Is it coming!?”

Goku’s eyebrows drew together, and he observed his friends with an incredulous expression.

“Of course not,” he stated. “It’s too early, and I’m not in pain, just a little stiff. Besides,” he blushed, “where would it be ‘coming’ from?”

His friends’ expectant faces told him that this was exactly what they wanted to know, yet not know at the same time. Goku sighed.

“When it is time,” he explained, “they will cut me open.”

“But is that...” Krillin searched for a word. “...natural?”

Goku shrugged.

“It’s what Daikkon said would happen. Just here.” He drew an imaginary line low on
his abdomen. Yamucha frowned.

“But what do Saiyans do... in the wild...?”

Goku tried not to be offended by the remark.

“I mean, “ Yamucha continued, “what would have happened if Daikkon didn’t come back with you? How would you have... had... it...”

Goku tried to remember exactly what the younger Saiyan had told him, but now that he tried, he wasn’t sure.

“I... I don’t know,” he admitted. What would have happened?

“Well, it sure is lucky that he did come along then,” Krillin remarked. “He seems to know a lot about it.”

Goku continued to frown as he considered. Daikkon admitted that he didn’t know everything. That most Saiyans didn’t. What did that mean?

The baby began squirming animatedly, and Goku turned toward the approaching ki signature of the prince.

Vegeta touched down several feet away and resisted the urge to cross his arms over his chest as he approached them. Instead, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

“Hey, Vegeta,” Goku greeted, surprised, yet pleasantly so, to see him.

“Kakkarot” he replied with a small inclination of his head in greeting. He turned next to the others. Bulma’s tag along friend and the android’s husband. His jaw almost refused to move. “Good afternoon,” he greeted tightly.

“Uh... Hi,” Yamucha returned, stunned. Krillin couldn’t find words.

Vegeta addressed Goku.

“I trust you are well today?” he asked.

Goku nodded, his tail swaying happily from the attention.

“Yeah. Just out for a walk with Krillin.” The prince nodded.

“Since we did not get to your ki training yesterday, I thought we might work on that now, but if you are busy...”

Before Goku could speak, Krillin answered.

“We were done. Goku and I were just taking a rest before heading back.” He turned to his oldest friend. “This training is important, Goku. I’ll fly back with Yamucha.”

“Oh... Really?” Goku asked. “Well, okay. Thanks.”

“No prob. Have fun training, Goku.” He looked uncertainly to Vegeta. “...Vegeta.”

The prince gave a small nod in return before the two fighters powered up. Goku turned to the older Saiyan.

“How are you?” he asked.

Vegeta frowned. He had debated with himself all morning on how long he should wait to face Goku again. He had finally decided there was no point in putting it off. He would have to face the man sooner or later, and he would show no fear.

“I’m well,” he replied, although a bit stiffly.

“Good,” Goku stated. “I knew you would be...”

Vegeta knew he was trying to compliment him, ease his battered ego. He and the woman had too much in common.

“Let’s get to training.” Vegeta started walking past. He was not four feet away when he noticed he was not being followed. He turned back.

Goku’s cheerful expression was gone, and one of serious contemplation was in its place.

“What is it?” the prince demanded.

Goku looked up.

“Actually, Vegeta... do you mind if we just... talk?” The older Saiyan felt his mouth go dry. Goku continued. “I have some things on my mind.” Goku watched his companion as he stared back. Vegeta pushed his hands back into his pockets but didn’t speak. Goku took that as acceptance.

“It’s about Saiyans, anyway.” He took note of the slight twitch in Vegeta’s eye, but continued. “If third class Saiyans are supposed to have babies, why isn’t there, you know, a place for them to come out? I’ve never seen nature make a mother that needed to be cut open for their young to emerge.”

“You’re asking the wrong man,” Vegeta replied with slight irritation. “I wasn’t aware of that particular... feature.”

Goku grimaced.

“How come it was not something that most Saiyans knew? Why was it kept secret?” Goku asked earnestly. “And how?”

“I feel your frustration, Kakkarot,” the prince replied calmly. “But I still don’t have an answer. I... I was not raised amongst Saiyans. I was still quite young when the planet was destroyed.”

Goku’s brows drew together, and he seated himself on the ground. Vegeta perched himself on the bolder where Krillin had sat earlier.

“It just doesn’t make any sense...” Goku spoke. “Did... “ He looked up at Vegeta. “Did my brother know?”

Vegeta was stunned by the question, and his mind raced through every conversation he had ever had with the soldier.

“If he did know, he did not say.” Vegeta’s features darkened as he finished his statement. “And it was probably safer for him to keep it quiet.”

Goku felt a lump form in his throat that was hard to swallow. He didn’t want to venture a guess at what Vegeta meant. Vegeta watched the younger Saiyan wearily rub his eyes. He wished the third class would shake off this melancholy and get on with training. He didn’t want to answer any more uncomfortable questions.

Goku pulled his hand from his eyes. With a sigh, he leaned back against a tree and looked to the prince. Vegeta could see the indecision on his face as he debated whether or not he should ask more of the prince.

“What?” Vegeta prompted.

“Was he... “ Goku asked, almost emotionlessly. “Was he really a good man... deep down? ... like you are?”

Vegeta’s mind again scrolled through his memories of the young Radditz, of his cruelty and destruction, but also of his bravery, dedication and loyalty. He was a little surprised that he could not speak but merely nodded the affirmative.

Goku gave a small smile. He didn’t know if Vegeta was telling him the truth or lying to spare his feelings. Either way, it made him feel warmer inside.

“Well,” he replied, pulling himself from the ground. “I’ve had enough rest. Let’s go to that training.”

Vegeta gave another nod before standing and following Kakkarot toward their usual training spot. He was sure that the other man would probably prefer talking about his brother or asking other questions about the Saiyan people or Vegeta’s past. What he wasn’t sure about was whether or not Kakkarot had chosen to train to please him, or to spare his feeling and give him more time to adapt to answering these types of questions. Either was, it made him feel warmer inside.


Yamucha and Krillin parted ways shortly after leaving Goku and Vegeta. Yamucha continued on to Capsule Corp as planned, lest he suffer Bulma’s displeasure for keeping her waiting. She was in an unusually good mood when he found her.

“Hi, honey,” she greeted, hugging him. “Thanks for coming. I know you don’t really want to help me.”

Yamucha hugged her back, grinning at her frankness.

“One of these days I’ll learn to say no,” he replied. Bulma rolled her eyes.

“Whatever. So! I wanted your help selecting the menu.” She took his hand and led him into the dining room. Spread out on the table were several cook books and catering menus. “My bots can whip up anything, but I want this to be special. I’m having a cake made special in Central City; my tailor knows a really great pastry chief.”

She settled at one of the chairs, pushing a colorful catalog towards him while ordering them both cups of coffee from a nearby domestic bot.

Yamucha seated himself at her side and flipped through the pages. It was a catalog showing pictures of many specialty treats of complex construction.

“She does all kind of cakes. Wedding, birthday - you name it! I’m not exactly sure what I want yet, because I have not settled on a theme.” She pulled a stack of cards closer to them and spread them across the table. “But I’ve narrowed down the designs to these four.”

Yamucha examined the cards. They were shower invitations, each with a distinctly unique look. The first had cute caricatures of baby animals, the second had pink and blue pairs of baby booties, the third was pale blue with an embossed silver cradle, and the last had pictures of babies in flowered hats, sleeping in large terra cotta pots.

“Bulma,” he groaned, pushing the cards away, “this isn’t going to work.”

“No?” she asked, examining the invitations. “But these were the best of all of them.”

Yamucha shook his head. “I mean this shower,” he clarified. “Do you know how uncomfortable this will make Goku? Not to mention everyone else?”

“Please!” she scoffed. “I think you might be focusing too much on how you feel. But tell me, what baby brought into this world doesn’t deserve a shower? What parent shouldn’t be showered with attention? Certainly not Goku! He deserves the best. And so does this baby. They are victims, Yamucha. We shouldn’t make them feel like outcasts.”

Yamucha ran a hand through his short black hair.

“I know,” he stated. “It’s just... Goku is a guy.”

“Goku loves parties,” she replied stubbornly.

“True. But he’ll only feel bad when Vegeta doesn’t show to this one. I mean, you know how bummed he gets when Vegeta plays invisible at regular get togethers. Do you want his feelings hurt?”

Bulma was quiet a moment before speaking.

“I think Vegeta will be there,” she said. Yamucha released a great sigh.

“Baby, don’t do this to yourself,” he implored. Before she could respond, he continued, taking her hands. “Look, I know you want him to change, but this may not be the time. And I know you love him. God help me, I love him, too. I couldn’t watch you two be together this long if there was nothing redeemable in him. But Bulma, the man is not like the rest of us.”

Bulma smiled at her friend and squeezed his hands.

“That’s sweet, Yamucha,” she told him. “Really... ugh, you’re such a sweet guy!” She leaned over and hugged him. “But I think you’re just a bit wrong.” She sat back, her smile growing. “Vegeta is like us. Just as uncertain, just as complex, just as emotional... and he’s changing, Yamucha. Even you have to admit he’s not the same man he was twenty years ago - hell - even five years ago. And he wants to change.” She lowered her voice as if there were someone around who would be listening. “This whole ordeal hurt him a lot.”

“Understandably,” he remarked.

“And Goku may be the one physically pregnant. But emotionally, so is Vegeta. He has something inside of him - growing. A new life, a new him... the old him... I don’t know... I just know that there has always been two. The one you see and the one I see. Well, I think he’s about to bring a new life into this world as well.”

“Vegeta’s situation strikes me as less like pregnancy and more like constipation.”

Bulma scowled.


“Hey, that’s what happens when you hold it in,” he reasoned. Bulma wrinkled her nose in disgust, but couldn’t deny his analogy was just as accurate.

“Well... he’ll be there,” she stated firmly. “You’ll see.”

“I’m glad,” he told her. “Honestly. I just don’t want him or Goku to feel uncomfortable, and I don't think you understand how potentially painful this could be.”

It won't be," Bulma stressed. “It will be a time when we can all get together to show our support for Goku and his decision to keep this baby. If we were to try and avoid the issue, to act as though this isn’t happening, that might be more potentially harmful.”

Yamucha put his face in his hands.

“You don’t understand because you’re not a guy.” Bulma smirked.

“No, I’m not. You don’t understand because you are not a woman.” She stood from her chair, but Yamucha caught her by the hand.

“Goku and Vegeta may be friends, but they are not lovers. This is not something that should have happened. If it had been you,” he asked quietly, “if you had been forced to sleep with Goku, or Goten, or even me, and then got pregnant, would you want people throwing you a shower to celebrate your baby?”

Bulma frowned as she looked down at her friend.

“It would still be my baby. And if I were going to keep it, I would want my friends’ and family’s support... What is so hard to understand? It’s not like I want to videotape the birth, or make Goku and Vegeta hold hands or something. I think you are the ones having the problem. I think if it had been me, or even Bulla, you all really wouldn’t give a shit what kind of party we had.”

“Don’t go there, Bulma,” Yamucha implored. “It’s not that.”

“Isn’t it?” she demanded. “You all act like this is somehow more heinous because they are both men.”

“No!” Yamucha exclaimed. “B, that’s not it at all!”

“Look,” Bulma spoke, trying to regain some of her composure. “I understand how weird this is, whether or not you think so. Vegeta is my husband, and Goku is my best friend. I’m devastated for them. But babies are gifts, Yamucha. And when Goku decided to keep it, I don’t think he meant, ‘but I won’t enjoy or love it’. The baby itself should be celebrated.” She slid back into her seat. “I think Goku would agree.”

“Then we should ask him if he wants a shower,” Yamucha suggested. Bulma groaned.

“No. He won’t want us to go through any trouble on his behalf; he’s too sweet. Besides, it’s just going to be our friends. It’s not like there will be strangers there. And if his friends make him uncomfortable... then shame on you...”


A/N: Ahhhh!!! Finally! An update!! Sorry, everyone, this has been a really crazy month. And to top it off, my C drive crashed and I had to reload windows and all of the jazz. Bastard. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter and, unless I am hit by a train, I will try to have the next up sooner. *hugs* -B