Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Progress ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 47

Bulma had been right.

Vegeta did have some sort of breakthrough; she just wasn't able to get out of him what it had been, exactly. But she noticed a change in him. A subtle, slight change, and it was for the better. Better for Vegeta.

He'd had several days of being quietly civil to everyone, so Bulma decided it was time to test his new resolve to be a changed man. She collected a few papers from her desk and went down to the lab. Vegeta and Daikkon had been in there for hours, and she figured he could use a break anyway.

"Hello," she jovially greeted the two Saiyans, who were in the midst of assembling the tank.

"Your Highness," Daikkon returned. Bulma gave a small smile at Vegeta's attempt to not roll his eyes.

"Hi, sweetheart, " she said to the prince, kissing his cheek. "Can you take a short break?"

He gave a nod, and she linked her arm through his and led him to the other side of the room.

"What is it?" he asked.

She grinned wider.

"I want to tell you about a little get-together I'm planning." Vegeta raised an eyebrow, but let her speak. Bulma laid the papers she brought onto the table. Vegeta gave a cursory glance over them. They were what appeared to be invitations, each one themed with various baby items.

"What...are these?" he asked warily.

"Baby shower invitations!" she replied cheerfully, scaring Vegeta with her close resemblance to her mother at that moment.


"For Goku!" she continued. "I thought it would be a nice gesture to throw a baby shower - you know, so he can get the things that he needs. And to celebrate."

Vegeta took a deep breath and released it slowly through his nose. She could tell it was taking every bit of his will power not to freak out.

"If it pleases you..." he told her evenly.

"I'm glad you said that!" Bulma smiled. "I was thinking of having it in the middle of next month, before he gets too big to be comfortable at a party. I was going to take him out shopping beforehand to get an idea of the things that he wants so I can start a registry for our friends to shop from. I was thinking that we could buy the crib and changing table - oh, and possibly a swing or something else - "

Vegeta listened intently to what she was saying, but felt the need to break in.

"Whatever pleases you, Bulma," he repeated. "You don't have to tell me."

Bulma's smile turned a little sheepish as she clarified.

"Well...I mean, I wanted to tell you because I thought we could host this together...you and I..."

Vegeta stood so suddenly she was afraid his chair would tip over. She spoke quickly.

"I mean, honestly, this shower is as much for you as it is for him, and you should be there!""Do you have any idea how...how..."

"Awkward?" she supplied.

Vegeta pursed his lips together.

"I don't want you to feel awkward, honey," she said softly, taking his hands, and he sat back down. "I want you to be able to celebrate this baby also. To celebrate the good that has come out of a bad situation."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he exhaled.

"You won't have to participate in any of the games if you don't want to."

His eyes opened.


Bulma smiled.

"Yeah, shower games! They’re loads of fun! I'm making everyone else play. But you can be exempt, if you want."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

"Who...who is going to be there?" he asked.

"Oh, the usual lot," she explained. "Yamucha, Gohan and Videl...Piccolo."

The thought of the Namek participating in a degrading game did give a little bit of intrigue to the idea, but he still wasn't sure.

"The kids are excited..." Bulma commented.

Vegeta didn't want his children to wonder why he wasn't there. And abandoning a celebration for his soon to be born child was not a great way to start their relationship.

Resignedly, he gave his answer.

"I...will be there..." he choked out. Bulma's smile became wide.

"Great! Then I just have one job for you!" She pulled the shower invitations toward them and looked back to him. "Pick which ones we should send out!"

Vegeta grimaced as he looked over the decorated cards. There were four designs to chose from. Vegeta wanted to groan. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Well...?" Bulma prompted.

"I'm thinking!" he snapped. She tried not to giggle. "This one." He tapped the invitation that was blue with silver lettering. The picture on the front was an embossed silhouette of a baby cradle. "Now go away!"

Bulma stood and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks, honey." She collected the invitations. "See you later, Daikkon."

The younger Saiyan bowed.

Vegeta was growling when he returned to the regen tank, so Daikkon thought it best not to ask him what Ms. Briefs had wanted.

"How much more of this do we have left?" the prince grumbled.

"Once I make the proper pin setting, I can start the programming. Most of the code in the old tank was correct, but it will still take a little time to adjust...eight hours or so. Once the code is written, the program will begin synthesizing the Saiyan DNA structure and the fluid base in which it will be carried. After the reserve tanks are filled, we will only need a test."

Vegeta nodded.

"I will take care of that," he stated. "I've been in these things plenty of times. I will be able to tell if it is working properly."

"Sire, you would have to sustain a severe injury to properly test the tank's regenerative abilities. Please, let me be the test subject instead."

"Question my decisions one more time, and it will be you," Vegeta warned. "My daughter may use this, and it will be me that who tests it. Let me know when it's ready."

Daikkon bowed.

"Yes, sire."


Goten pulled the headphones from his ears and looked at his best friend as the older boy continued to study. The two had been passing the afternoon in Trunks' bedroom, but the younger of the two was becoming restless.

"Hey, man," Goten spoke, gaining Trunks' attention. "I'm bored."

"I'm studying," Trunks replied. "I can't entertain you."

"Sure you can!" Goten exclaimed, reaching over and pulling Trunks' anatomy book toward him. "Tell ya what, I'll quiz you!" He cleared his throat dramatically. "What is the technical term for 'boobies'?" he asked.

Trunks tried not to smile.

"Give me the book."

"Wrong," Goten replied. "The correct answer would be 'knockers'. I would have also accepted 'jugs'."

Trunks shook his head, amused in spite of himself.

"Now, question two," Goten continued. "List, in descending order of importance, the vital organs of the human body. I'll give ya a freebie. Number two is: 'Jugs'."

Trunks reached over and snatched the book out of Goten's hand.

"You have too much time on your hands. Maybe you should go train with Dad?"

Goten lay back on the floor, placing his hands beneath his head. "I don't want to steal any of Bulla's quality time," he admitted. "She seems to be getting a real kick out of training."

Trunks gave a snort of laughter.

"You're just trying to avoid her scoring another kick to your 'vital organ number one’, I think."

Goten grimaced.

"That, too..." Goten watched Trunks turn back to the page he’d been on’? and continue to work. It was obvious that he would have to find other means of entertainment today.

He left Trunks in the room and headed down into the living room. The large house seemed rather deserted as he passed through the living room and into the kitchen.

Bulla was sitting at the bar between the dining room and kitchen, sipping on a milkshake and flipping through a fashion magazine. She smiled at the teen as he entered the room.

"Hey, Goten," she greeted.

"Heya, sport," he returned, sitting across from her. "What's up?"

The preteen shrugged.

"Nothing much. Just reading while I wait for Papa to come back from the lab."

"Oh. What's he working on in there?"

Bulla grinned.

"It's a secret," she replied in a conspiratorial way. Goten smiled.

"I see. So... what's to stop me from going down there and finding out for myself?" he asked. She didn't hesitate to answer.

"My papa."

"Right. Well... when he comes back, are you two sparring?" She shook her head, causing her pony tail to bob back and forth.

"No. Today is a rest day. We're going to watch a movie. You want to watch with us?"

"Sure, I ain't got nothing better to do."

"That must be your tag line."

Both Bulla and Goten smiled as they greeted the prince. Vegeta's eye twitched slightly upon seeing them together, the sight bringing a fresh memory of the nightmare, but it passed quickly and neither of the younger Saiyans noticed.

"Goten's going to watch with us, Papa," Bulla told him.

"Yep," Goten agreed. "Right after you tell me about the secret project in the lab."

Bulla's eyes shot daggers into the teen.

"No secret," Vegeta shrugged. "Since we have a Saiyan trained in the extra terrestrial sciences now, I'm having him reprogram the regeneration tank into a properly functioning medical tool." He looked to his daughter. "There is nothing secret about the tank." Bulla nodded, understanding.

"Oh," Goten said with a grin. "I guess it's just habit to believe the lines of a pretty girl."

Bulla blushed a furious shade of crimson, but gave a self-satisfied smirk.

"I'm going to go pick the movie." she said haughtily, turning from the room.

Goten chuckled, shaking his head.

"She's going to be a heartbreaker someday," he mused aloud. "And watch out! 'Cause she'll be a head-breaker as well."

Vegeta nodded in agreement but remained silent.

"But I'm sure she's a handful for you, Uncle," Goten continued. "I bet you don't look forward to her becoming a teenager."

Vegeta didn't look terribly enthusiastic about the idea of Bulla growing up.

"She inspires me, though." Goten sighed. "Makes me remember how much I loved training when I was young, how awesome it felt to be in control of so much power."

"You are in a position to accommodate the flights of fancy that divert you from training," Vegeta told him with a slight frown. "There are more important things in your lives, I suppose."

Goten shook his head.

"Ya know, I used to think that you and Dad were nuts for all the non-stop training, but I've come to realize we can't just let the bad guys have the good fighters. There's got to be a balance. I'm not smart like Trunks and Gohan, but I think I have potential as a fighter."

"You sell yourself short, boy," Vegeta told him honestly. "You are capable of great things. You have proven yourself more than capable in your time."

Goten grinned happily at the compliment.

"Thank you. But I'm serious. I think that I need to focus more on my skill in the battle field than in the classroom."

Vegeta considered his words before speaking.

"This change of heart wouldn't be to fill the absence left by the departure of your female companion?" he asked.

Goten blushed.

"No, sir."

"Good," the prince stated. "Because, as I told Bulla, I cannot accommodate your changing whims. If you train with me, you will train."

Goten nodded.

"I understand."

"I'm glad to hear that," Vegeta told him with a smirk. "Because don't think that physical improvement will be something to excuse you from the monotony of your school work. One of my key principles for improving your skills is 'discipline.' I expect you to discipline yourself to completing your schooling with the same exemplary results as your training with me. Your parents want you to have a proper education, and you will respect their wishes."

Goten wondered for a fleeting moment what he had gotten himself into.


"You will find," Vegeta told him, "that high marks in school do not require special talent, but a disciplined mind."

"Yes, sir."

Vegeta watched the young man staring back at him, and he knew this was his opportunity to keep the nightmare from ever coming true. He would train the children the way he wished he had been trained, by principles that he could be proud of, yet still prepare them for the undesirable prospect of ever having to fight.

"I want you to know that I am serious about this," Goten said confidently "'Cause I'll be damned if I ever let anyone hurt my family again."

Vegeta felt pride in the boy's words, but sighed.

"You are too young to worry about such things. It is mine and your father's job to worry about that right now." He motioned the teen ahead of him and toward the living room. "We must not keep the princess waiting."

"Of course not, 'cause we wouldn't hear the end of it."

Vegeta nodded in agreement.

"You have no idea."


The sun shone cheerfully bright the next morning as Goku made his way to Capsule Corp. As the month of March was coming to a close, there were several days that were more cool than cold. This was one such day.

Goku let himself into the the building and headed for Bulma's private lab. She was seated at her desk, deep in thought as she shuffled through some papers.

"Good morning!" Goku greeted, startling her.

"Oh! Uh, hi." Quickly, she opened a drawer and shoved the papers into it before standing. She smiled warmly. "How are you doing?"

"Good," Goku answered, pulling off his coat and laying it on a chair by the door.

"Good." She picked up the chart on which she kept his visit statistics and notes and followed him to the exam table.

"Where's Daikkon?" he asked. Bulma smirked.

"Vegeta is being a slave driver. He was finishing some lines of code when I saw him last."

"Oh," Goku mused. "What is Vegeta working on - or rather, what is Vegeta having Daikkon work on?"

"The regen tank. Goodness knows, I could never get it to work right. I may be a genius, but synthesizing DNA and getting the right protein compound for the fluid base... Well... let’s just say I didn't get it done." She smiled. "But Vegeta wants it operational in case Bulla gets hurt training. Isn't that cute?"

"Yeah... but she sure is pretty tough."

Bulma nodded.

"That's my girl," she stated proudly.

Bulma went through the normal routine of checking Goku's vital signs and jotting the information down onto his chart. She was about to move on to the physical examination when Daikkon joined them.

"My apologies for being late," he addressed them both.

"No problem." Bulma replied. "I just finished taking his vitals."

Daikkon nodded.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Goku.

"Good. The baby moves a lot... My stomach itches... but that's about it."

Daikkon wrote something down on his own personal notepad.

"And how is your energy level?"

Goku grinned.

"Great... well... except in the afternoon, but I've always been a nap-taker."

Daikkon nodded again, scribbling into his book. Bulma motioned for Goku to lie back.

"Have you started to think about where in your house you're going to put the baby?" Bulma asked. Daikkon seemed interested as well.

"Um... no, not really," Goku admitted. "I was kinda waiting for Chi Chi to tell me where she wanted him to be... I'll have to go up to the Ox King's and get Gohan's crib. He's stored it for us after Goten was three, she says."

"I'm glad you mentioned that!" Bulma spoke happily. "Vegeta and I, um, talked about it, and we wanted to buy you a new crib for this baby."

Goku's eyes widened.

"You and Vegeta," he said.

"Yep." She turned back toward her desk and returned with a small catalog. Goku sat up.

"What do you think of this?" she asked.

Goku could barely examine the sleigh-style, walnut crib because of the price.

"Bulma! This is 800 zeni!" he exclaimed.

Bulma shrugged.

"So what?" She turned the page to a lovely white painted crib with a canopy design. "How about this one?"

Goku's mouth remained wide.

"Bulma, that one is 900 zeni," he replied.

"So?" she repeated.

"I take it," Daikkon interjected, "that those are large sums of money."

The two answered simultaneously.



Goku grimaced.

"Maybe not for Bulma, but for 98 percent of the Earth's population," he clarified. She shrugged but didn't refute his claim.

"Then in Mr. Goku's defense," Daikkon continued, "it does seem rather unnecessary to spend such a large sum on something you won't use for very long."

"What!?" Bulma exclaimed.

"Well, how long were you able to keep the young prince and princess in one of those? Four months... five maybe?" Daikkon asked. Bulma's eyebrows drew together, and she folded her arms across her chest.

"Trunks was in a crib until he was a little over two, and Bulla was only 22 months when we had to give in and get her a bed." Daikkon's eyebrows drew together as well. He looked back to the wooden crib in the catalog.

"This is made of wood?" he asked.

"Well, yeah," Bulma admitted. "But it's very sturdy."

Daikkon nodded.

"It would have to be, to contain a Saiyan..." he spoke aloud, but more to himself. "But I cannot see it holding one for two years."

"Maybe," Goku broke in quietly, "he means full-blooded Saiyans, Bulma." The other two looked at him as he spoke. "As opposed to half Saiyans."

"Oh," Bulma replied. "Do Saiyans grow differently than half Saiyans?"

"I cannot say exactly," Daikkon replied. "While I have done research on the human reproductive system and the birth process itself, I have not researched anything on the development of the infant outside the womb."

"Well, can you tell us what you know’ about Saiyan infants?" Bulma asked. Daikkon gave a nod of agreement. "I mean," Bulma continued as he pulled a chair closer, "we might as well hear it now."

"I suppose I should begin at birth," he stated. Bulma and Goku watched intently. "Being such a hearty race, Saiyan infants are really only helpless for a few days after birth - er, days on our planet, I mean. Planet Vegeta had two suns, making our 'days' much longer than here on Earth. Also, our planet was larger, making its rotation take longer as well. So…" He began quietly working calculations on his notepad. "I would say, in Earth terms, a Saiyan child would be moving around independently within a couple of months, walking by 4 or 5 months and communicating in clear, but limited languages by its first year - Earth year, that is."

When the young Saiyan looked back up from his notes, both Bulma and Goku were wearing identical expressions of shock and disbelief.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Are you telling me," Goku exclaimed, "my baby won't be a baby for very long!?"

Bulma turned quickly to him and spoke happily to ward off any rush of anxiety he might feel.

"Don't worry about it, sweety!" she said. "Don't you remember how boring babies are when they just lie there?"

"Certainly," Daikkon added. "As highly evolved as humans are, Saiyans hybrid children are not a lot different." His voice sounded almost hopeful as Goku continued to look stunned. "I mean, especially when humans, as mammals, nurse their young."

Bulma grimaced, turning to Daikkon.

"Trunks nursed until he was eighteen months and when I tried to ween him, you'd thought I was trying to kill the child. He wailed and howled when I tried to give him a bottle... He would take it from Vegeta though... probably too afraid to cry..." She smiled then. "It was damn cute."

Goku swallowed a bit nervously.

"Um..." he began hesitantly. "So... Saiyan babies don't feed from their... parent?"

Daikkon nodded in the affirmative.

"Yes, they do. But only until they can begin to eat solid food for a majority of their sustenance, and that is likely to be about..." He glanced at his calculations. "Four months, give or take. It depends on the child."

Goku wearily lay back on the table. This was a lot to ingest. Just when he was comfortable, somewhat, with the idea of having a baby, he finds out that it won't be a baby for long.

He would be fooling himself if he didn’t admit that he felt a bit cheated.

"We can still buy a new crib, Goku," Bulma told him. "The little rascal will need someplace to sleep in the beginning."

"I don't want to waste your money, Bulma," he replied, glumly.

"Nonsense. I let Bulla do it every day," she said, trying to raise his spirits. He smiled weakly. "Remember," Bulma said gently, "all that really matters is that you deliver a healthy, full term baby."

"If you don't mind my adding, Mr. Goku," Daikkon spoke next. "While Saiyan infancy is of a shorter duration than you are accustomed to, it is for the best of our species."

"What do you mean?" Goku asked. He certainly wanted what was best for his child.

"Depending on your belief," Daikkon continued, "Saiyans were created, or evolved, to be a strong, sturdy race. A Saiyan infant must grow rapidly to decrease its chances of falling victim to illness or predators. But once they reach a full cycle - a Saiyan year - their growth rate decreases just as rapidly. I would say four times that of a human."

"So are you saying," Bulma asked, "that during its first year of life, it will grow three or four times as fast as a human, but then four times slower?" Daikkon nodded.

"Essentially. Those are rough approximations. Saiyans are warriors. Before long, we can fight and fend for ourselves. That is why even our children were sent out to conquer planets."

Bulma looked thoughtfully at her oldest friend.

"I wonder how old you really were when your Grandpa Gohan first found you...or how old you really were when we first met, for that matter."

Goku shrugged and remained silent.

Daikkon spoke.

"I apologise for not mentioning it sooner," he said honestly. "I truly did not think that there would be such a drastic difference in our species... I hope to not make such a regrettable error in the future."

"Don't worry about it," Goku replied.

The rest of the examination went on in near silence. Bulma declared that Goku was progressing nicely, and the Saiyan thanked her before leaving. When he was gone, Bulma let out a sigh.

"Vegeta never mentioned this," she spoke quietly to no one in particular.

"Again, I apologise, my lady," Daikkon told her. Bulma smiled weakly.

"Don't, Daikkon. None of this is your fault."

She collected her chart and baby catalogs and crossed to her desk.

"I would like for you to write up as much as you know about Saiyan children and their development," she continued. "Start right at birth. Maybe by the time he delivers, we will have a better idea of what we are dealing with." She looked back up at the young man who was making notes of what she said. Another smile turned her lips, but this one was warm. "I'm so sorry, Daikkon."

Daikkon looked up at her, puzzled.

"For what?"

"For this," Bulma explained, holding out her hands. "For treating you this way. As if you were one of my employees. For putting so much on you, asking so much, when Vegeta is already more than occupying your time."

Daikkon's brow still wrinkled in confusion.

"What better way to would I use my time than serving my king and queen? This is an honor that Saiyans have waited years to be able to reclaim." It was he who smiled then. "I will have the information for you as soon as possible.


Goku didn't feel like going directly home after his check-up.

He didn't know how to feel about this new information, but he did know he needed to think about it. There were plenty of places he could go to think, but only one that would keep him from the chilly evening air. So he flew to the sparring field and settled himself inside the cave.

It was cool inside the stone room, but after Goku used some dry wood and ki to start a fire, it was pleasantly warm. Using his coat as a cushion, he sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall.

Daikkon's words swirled in his mind as he sat, his hand soothing over his stomach. His baby would grow quickly. Could he handle that? Even though it seemed his own children had grown up way too fast?

The baby twisted and gave a small, sharp kick in excitement as Vegeta's ki moved toward them. Goku watched the cave entrance until the prince appeared.

"Hey, Vegeta," he greeted.

"Kakkarot," Vegeta returned. "What are you doing here?"

"Thinking," Goku replied. "Why?"

Vegeta shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. There was silence a moment before Goku spoke again.

"I thought tonight was a movie night?" he asked. Vegeta smirked.

"The girl fell asleep. As did the boy. Yours, I mean."

"Oh, Goten? Hm... good. He's been a little wired lately."

"He's asked me to train him. I agreed. I trust that is acceptable?"

It was Goku's turn to shrug.

"I'm in no condition, I guess."

The two fell into silence again. Goku absently stroked his belly.

"What... what troubles you?" Vegeta forced out.

Goku sighed.

"I dunno... Daikkon told me today that full blooded Saiyans grow rapidly in their first year: four times faster than humans. So essentially, in a year I'll have a preschooler instead... instead of a toddler..." He shook his head. "It's stupid, I know... but I guess it doesn't surprise you."

Vegeta remained silent. He had no experience with Saiyan children. He could barely remember being one.

"I just..." Goku continued, "I just want something to be normal."

"There can be no normalcy in such an extraordinary situation," Vegeta stated. "Certainly you have learned that lesson well in life."

"I suppose."

Vegeta studied him a moment more before speaking.

"But if I know you, Kakkarot, you will be more adept at dealing with a young warrior within a year than with a baby who still needs to be fed and changed. I know I certainly prefer ki training to toilet training."

Goku laughed.

"You got that right!" he said happily. "I mean, it would be nice to get to train him since I will be ready to train again. I bet he'll be amazing..." His smile faded slightly, and his face took on a wistful quality. "But I hope he won't get too big to hold... not that they really ever do..."

Vegeta leaned against the wall and did not comment. Goku sighed heavily.

"I guess it's for the best," he announced. "You're right ,Vegeta. This baby is extra-ordinary. I shouldn’t expect things to happen in a certain way.

"It is very Saiyan of him," Vegeta observed, “to grow so quickly that you cannot take any development or milestone for granted. A Saiyan will not be predictable."

Goku chuckled.

"That reminds me of when Gohan was a baby. I swear, I should have known there was something supernatural about that child." He related to Vegeta two occasions when his young son had used Saiyan powers before either of them knew what they were. "And he's only half Saiyan."

"Gohan has a lot of potential," Vegeta agreed. "It's a shame to see him waste it." Goku nodded.


Much to Goku's surprise, Vegeta settled on the other side of the fire. Goku smiled, and the pair fell into a third moment of silence.

"Was that all?" Vegeta finally spoke.

"All?" Goku asked. Vegeta hesitated slightly before continuing.

"All that was troubling you after your appointment."

Goku nodded.

"Yeah,” he answered. "Other than that, we're doing as well as one could hope. The baby’s movements are getting really strong now. Oh, and... thank you, for wanting to get a crib."

The light of the fire hid the embarrassment on Vegeta's face as he mumbled his reply.

"It's nothing."

"Well, it's something to me. I appreciate it."

Goku narrowed his eyes at the prince, who looked as though he had something he wanted to add. Goku prompted him.

"What is it?"

"Do you think something as basic as a bed is something I could not - would not - provide my own child?"

The question both shocked and surprised the younger Saiyan.

"No, Vegeta! That's not what I meant," he hastily replied. "What I meant... is... " He fell silent when the realization struck him that he really didn't know what he meant. Yes, this child was both his and Vegeta's, but he always simply assumed that everything it needed would be provided by him alone.

"I suppose I deserve that..." Vegeta shrugged, leaning back on his hands. "I've done nothing to demonstrate otherwise."

"No," Goku stated firmly. "You apologized, and I should treat that as a new beginning. I trust that you will be a good father to this baby, as you have been to Bulla and Trunks. I know you won't blame this child for what we've been through."

Vegeta stared down at the dusty cave floor before responding quietly.

"I want you to understand... My previous behavior had nothing to do with you."

Goku gave a small smile.

"I know. Thank you. I just hope I can be a good father to an all Saiyan child... but I feel better knowing you will be here to help me." It gave Goku a pleasantly warm feeling to just speak the words.

"Well," Vegeta said, frankly. "It's not like we'll be exchanging vows soon or anything."

Goku's mouth slackened in shock before a loud, hearty laugh escaped him. The prince, so accustomed to holding in such mirthful reactions, managed a slightly amused smirk.

Goku continued to laugh heartily until his sides hurt. He cradled his belly in his arms as his laughter subsided.

"...ha... understood," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "I think I'll survive."


A/N: I love Goten. Just wanted to say that. Anyway, hope ya'll liked this chapter!!! I am currently finishing up the beta on 48 and writing the baby shower!! Fun stuff! Thanks to everyone who is still reading this mammoth. I love you!! *huggles* -B