Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Receiving Royalty ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 55
Receiving Royalty

Goku had been right about sleeping like the dead. The moment his head hit the pillow, he was in a deep, peaceful slumber.

He attributed his peaceful sleep partly to exhaustion, but more importantly to his trust that his babies would be safe in their father’s care.

It was nearing seven am when Goku was roused from his dreamless sleep. Someone was gently but firmly shaking his arm, and he could hear a baby fussing quietly. He squinted up at the prince.

“Kakkarot, are you awake?”

Goku nodded, blinking several times to bring the prince into focus.

Vegeta was still holding little Vejita in one arm, but now he also had Ninji over his other shoulder. The source of the crying was coming from the dark haired infant.

“Whassamatter?” Goku asked, rubbing his weary eyes. In response to his voice, Ninji’s fussing became more insistent, and he gave a pitiful wail.

“Well, he’s not tired and his diaper has been changed,” Vegeta informed him sourly.

Goku grimaced, pulling himself into a sitting position. His chest had already begun to ache just hearing the baby cry. He reached out and took the infant into his arms.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he mumbled, a blush heating his face in the dim room as he cradled the baby against him.

Vegeta retreated to the opposite side of the room, sitting on the window-seat.

Goku supposed it was pointless to be embarrassed in front of the prince. Vegeta had seen him in a lot worse situations, and it wasn’t as if Goku was ever modest. So dutifully, he adjusted his shirt to allow the rooting infant access to the nourishment he craved. Goku watched him a moment to make sure the baby was properly attached. It was bizarre to him that this was even possible. He had tried to explain to Bulma that it would be impossible for him to feed his children in such a manner, as he was lacking the necessary equipment, but his friend had calmly assured him what he had was enough. That was at least some comfort to Goku, that he wouldn’t suddenly develop something drastically feminine. He would gladly accept looking flabby any day over developing breasts.

Goku closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. He was still so tired, he could possibly fall asleep right now. He opened his eyes just barely to check on the feeding infant. As he lifted his eyes, he could see Vegeta sitting at the window, staring out into the yard. The prince’s tail was uncoiled from his waist and entwined with the tiny blonde tail of his son. He seemed to be able to sense Goku’s eyes on him, for his tail pulled slowly away to wind around his hips.

Goku gave a small smile and looked back down to his son. The infant continued to feed contentedly, falling asleep and waking with a start when he realized the food supply would stop. Goku chuckled, snuggling the baby Saiyan closer. He supposed there could be worse things than this. He sighed, closing his eyes again, and was soon back to sleep. He was awakened again by the prince, who exchanged the sleepy and satiated infant for the newly wailing blonde.

Goku fell asleep again, but the next time he awoke, he was alone in his bed. Panicked, he looked to the cradles.

“Here,” Vegeta stated, drawing Goku’s attention to where he sat across from the bed in a chair, little Vejita sleeping soundly over his shoulder.

Goku blushed, realizing Vegeta must have taken the infant from him while he slept, fixed his shirt and placed the blanket over him.

“Thanks,” he mumbled. Vegeta shrugged.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Bulma called through.

“Good morning! Are you awake?”

“Come in,” Goku responded, sitting and running a hand through his hair.

Bulma entered the room, smiling at Goku.

“Hello.” She turned to the prince. “So this is where you are.” Vegeta frowned, standing and placing Vejita in his cradle.

“I’m going to eat,” he informed them before leaving the room. Bulma turned to Goku.

“Was he in here all night?” she asked.

“Well...since really early this morning. He held the baby for me so I could sleep.”

“Ah.” She grinned at him, coming to the bedside, setting down a medical kit on the nightstand. “I just want to take a quick peek at your incision,” she told him. He nodded, letting her inspect the site and redress the wound. Afterward, she examined his abdomen, feeling how the macogestum was progressing back to its normal size.

“You’re doing great,” she told him. “We can probably have you in the tank tomorrow. It should only take an hour, two at the most.”

“That’s great!” Goku exclaimed. “And... and how soon can I get back to sparring?”

Bulma smiled, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Well... whenever you feel up to it, I guess. I would just take it easy to begin with.” Goku’s face lit up with joy upon hearing this. “Just remember that you have to take care of the babies, so don’t go getting hurt!”

“Oh, I won’t. Just light sparring, Bulma...” he explained. “Light sparring....”

“Right,” she said incredulously, walking over the warming cradles. “Good morning, sweethearts,” she cooed. Vejita continued to sleep, but Ninji stared up at her with wide eyes. “How did the night go?” she asked, scooping the infant into her arms.

“Good,” he replied, smiling at the very sight of his child. “Vegeta watched them. I slept a lot.”

“You getting the hang of nursing alright?” she asked, blunt as ever. Goku blushed.

“Um, yeah...”

“Good.” She cuddled the infant in her arms. “They look like they’re doing well. We can give them baths today. And I’m sure you’ll have plenty of volunteers to help watch them if you need more sleep.”

“I really would like to eat,” Goku told her. “If someone could watch them while I do that, that would be great!”

Bulma laughed. As if knowing his father would be leaving, Vejita began to wail.

“Well, it looks like little twin number 2 is awake,” Bulma said. Goku pulled himself from the bed and went to pick up his son.

“Oh, they have names now,” he told her proudly. Bulma’s eyebrows rose.

“Really?! Well, let’s hear them.”

“This, is Ninji,” Goku said, reaching over to gently touch the baby Bulma held.

“Awww...” she responded, “that is so cute.”

Ninji opened an eye to look at his father before closing it again to sleep.

“And this,” Goku continued, leaning down to kiss the now quiet blonde on the forehead, “is Vejita.”

Bulma’s eyebrows rose again, but this time less out of curiosity and more out of disbelief.

“Are you serious?” she asked. “Have you told Vegeta?”

“Oh, yeah,” he replied. “He said we’d talk about it today, but I think it’s fitting... and he did tell me I could name any baby after the first one ‘Vegeta’.”

Bulma blinked, unsure if she had heard him correctly.

“Um... any baby after the first?”

Goku nodded.

“Yeah. Since he didn’t want me to name the baby ‘Vegeta,’ he said any ‘children, grandchildren or pets’ after this baby could be Vegeta. Meaning never.” He ran a fingertip down the baby’s cheek affectionately. “But you showed him, hm?”

Bulma smirked.

“So he wouldn’t let you name your baby Vegeta, either... I got that speech once, too.”

“But it’s such a good name! And the variants are all just as good...” Goku frowned. “Where’s Daikkon?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

“He’s lying low,” Bulma told him. Goku frowned.

“Lying low? Why?”

Bulma rolled her eyes.

“It’s a long story.”

A knock at the door interrupted them. Bulma opened it.

“I brought breakfast,” Chi Chi stated, holding up a tray laden with food.

“Great!” Goku exclaimed. “Thanks, hon!”

Chi Chi crossed to set the tray on the bed, giving Bulma a smile in greeting.

“How are you this morning?” Chi Chi asked her husband. “Well, I hope. Did you get enough sleep?”

“Enough sleep, I guess. As much as I want, I’m not too sure.” He looked from the food to the baby in his arms. “Can you hold him for a bit?” he asked his wife.

Chi Chi stared at the baby a second, quite unsure of how to respond.

“Uh... sure. Of course.”

Goku moved the child into his wife’s arms and sat down on the bed to eat. Chi Chi looked down at the tiny Saiyan who stared back at her with Vegeta’s eyes.

Vegeta had started out just as innocent once, she told herself. It was the circumstances that shaped him. Hopefully, having Goku for a father and Gohan and Goten, not to mention Trunks, for brothers would ensure this child a healthy environment in which to thrive.

Vejita’s tail waved toward her, beckoningly. She smiled. It reminded her of Gohan when he was a baby, and she had learned to translate that motion as an invitation for affection. She let the tiny tail curl around her wrist, and she patted the baby’s stomach. When she looked up, Goku was smiling broadly, his entire face lit up with joy. Inwardly, Chi Chi felt miserable about that. Did he think she wasn’t going to care about the children? She knew it would be stressful on their relationship, but she wasn’t going to let him down.

“Well, the kids are already asking to see the babies,” Bulma told Goku. “So if you want to sneak off to the shower after you eat, I’ll stick around to watch them.”

“Sounds good, thank you,” Goku replied.

“I should probably go to the house and get some of the baby clothes and other items you might need,” Chi Chi spoke next. “I mean, we did only pack enough for one, originally...”

“Thanks!” Goku spoke around a mouthful of food. “Don’t worry about getting too much. Bulma says I should be better tomorrow.” He quickly set about finishing off his meal and retrieved Vejita from Chi Chi’s arms. “You’re gettin’ a bath today!” he told the infant happily. The women smiled at each other over Goku’s antics. Chi Chi picked up his empty tray.

“Well, I will be back shortly,” she told him. “I’ll take Goten’s cell phone with me in case you think of anything you need while I’m gone.”

“Okay,” he agreed, but was only half listening as he was more transfixed by Vejita’s wide, dark eyes.

“Why can’t I just take him in the shower with me?” Goku asked Bulma after Chi Chi had left. “Wouldn’t that be killing two birds with one stone?”

Bulma shook her head.

“Because he’s a newborn,” she explained. “You can’t put a newborn in the shower. Neither of you would get very much bathing done.”

“Oh...” Goku leaned down to give the blonde a kiss on the nose. “Then I’ll be right back, I promise.” He stood and placed Vejita in Bulma’s arms with his brother. “Right back,” he assured her. Bulma settled down in a chair with the twins, smiling down upon them.

“Oh, take your time!”


Not until Goku showered and dressed did Bulma let the older children into the room. Bulla was peering into the cradle at Ninji while Pan, who had arrived early that morning with her parents, sat at Goku’s side, letting little Vejita grasp at her hand.

“He sure is strong for a new baby!” Pan exclaimed. “What would you say his power level is?”

“Oh, there’s no telling the exact number,” Gohan told her, reaching down to run his fingers through Vejita’s soft blonde hair. “And numbers aren’t always accurate. He’s pretty strong, though.”

“I want to hold one,” Bulla announced. “Uncle Goku, may I?”

“Sure,” Goku smiled. Bulma halted her before she could reach down for the baby.

“Sit down and I’ll hand him to you.”

Bulla grimaced, but did as instructed, sitting in the chair across from the bed. Bulma lifted Ninji and turned to place him into Bulla’s cradled arms.

“He sure is cute,” Goten remarked kneeling at the young girl’s side. “I can really tell which parts look like Dad and which look like Uncle Vegeta.”

Bulla looked up to her mother.

“Where is Papa?” she asked.

Bulma smiled, folding her arms.

“Papa is taking a nap. He was up late with the little ones.”

Videl tried to hide her shock when she asked.

“Vegeta was up with them?”

Goku nodded.

“Yeah, Vejita cried anytime I put him down, so Vegeta held him.” Bulma smiled, feeling a great sense of pride. Maybe now everyone would learn what a great man she knew Vegeta to be. She could remember plenty of times after Bulla was born when she awoke to see her husband walking the floor, soothing his infant daughter. Vegeta was a sucker for his offspring; he just didn’t want to admit it.

“Is this where the party is at?!” Yamucha exclaimed, poking his head into the door. He carried with him half a dozen helium filled balloons that read, ‘It’s a boy!’ and ‘Congratulations!’.

“Hi, Yamucha!” Goku greeted happily. “Come in.”

Yamucha deposited the weighted end of the balloons on the bedside table and leaned to give Goku a hug.

“Congrats, man.”

“Thank you!” Goku beamed proudly. “What do you think of them?”

“Just as cute as the others,” Yamucha assured him. “I’m just glad they aren’t identical, ‘cause I would hate to try and tell them apart. This way’ll be a cinch.” He pointed to the twin Goku held. “Little Vegeta-one,” he said before turning his hand to point to Bulla and her brother. “Little more Goku-y one.”

“They have names now, Uncle.” Bulla informed him. “This one is Ninji, and that one is named after Papa.”

Yamucha raised an eyebrow.


“Vejita,” Goku explained. “But it's spelled ‘V-e-j-i’ instead of ‘V-e-g-e’.”

“Ah,” Yamucha remarked, the look of surprise still on his face.

Krillin, 18 and Marron arrived soon after Yamucha, but it was nearly 11:30 when Gohan finally convinced Piccolo to come inside. Chi Chi returned shortly after that with baby clothes, soaps and the infant tub. When she saw Goku had company, she excused herself to begin making refreshments for the guests. Bulma felt a small sting of guilt at the younger woman’s action and left to help, taking Bulla with her. 18 and Videl followed with Pan and Marron, deciding to let the men have their moment to ‘aw’ over the babies without a female audience who would tease them later.

Krillin watched Goku adjust the infant in his arms, pressing a hand to his belly as he did, to protect his wound.

“Did... did it hurt?” Krillin asked.

“What, the delivery?” Goku replied. “Oh, yeah! It was pretty bad... but... now that I think about it... not too bad.”

Krillin shook his head in disbelief. He knew he couldn’t have done it. Goku turned to Piccolo. The Namek was staring down at Ninji, who was being held by Yamucha.

“And whaddaya think of that?” Goku asked him. “No ki. I’ve only felt ki from him three times, all when he was crying. Otherwise, zip.”

Piccolo’s brow creased as he thought. The little infant opened his large, obsidian eyes to him momentarily before falling back to sleep.

“I wouldn’t say ‘no ki’ so much as... very low... almost...” He shrugged. “It will take a bit more meditation before I have a suitable response.”

Vejita began to stretch and whine in Goku’s arms, his face instinctively turning to the warmth he was laying against. Goku blushed furiously, trying his best to soothe the baby by gently rocking him.

“Is he tired?” Goten asked innocently, giving a scrutinizing look at the infant. “I mean, he’s been sleeping most of the day!”

“Maybe he needs a diaper?” Yamucha suggested, reaching into the bag by the bed and producing a diaper and a box of wet wipes. He handed them to Goku.

“Uh, thanks,” Goku told him, laying the infant back on the bed and removing the tiny garment he was wearing. The baby howled in protest, his arms and legs shaking as he cried. Goku grimaced, trying to re-diaper his son as quickly as possible. Vejita was unconsoled.

“I think I’m going to go see what the ladies would like for lunch,” Krillin announced as the reason for the child’s crying sunk into his brain. “Why don’t you boys come with me?”

Goten and Trunks knew when they were being asked to leave. Goten frowned.


“Because sometimes babies just need some quiet time,” the shorter man answered. “It’s probably quite over-stimulating to have so many people in the room.”

“I think you’re right.”

The group turned to the doorway where Vegeta stood, his hands in his pockets and a neutral expression on his face.

“Mmm, lunch,” Yamucha spoke, returning Ninji to his cradle and moving past the prince. “Later, Vegeta.” Krillin followed without another word.

Piccolo looked down upon Goku.

“I will get back to you if I can figure out the child’s ki,” he spoke. “Rest well.”

“Thanks, Piccolo,” Goku replied, patting the infant who cried on his shoulder. Vegeta stopped the Namekian at the door.

“I would be interested in that information as well,” he told the green-skinned warrior. Piccolo gave a nod before he left.

“Are you gonna kick us out, Uncle Vegeta?” Goten asked. “I’ll be quiet.”

“You are family; you have every right to stay,” Vegeta spoke, much to Goku’s surprise. “But, so you know, the child cries for nourishment more than silence. There is no reason you can’t witness that.” Both teens frowned.

“Ugh,” Goten grunted. His older brother blushed but said:

“It’s a natural part of life, Goten.”

“And, naturally, Dad would like privacy for that,” Goten remarked. “We’ll see you later, Dad.”

“I’ll bring you up some lunch,” Gohan added as he followed the teens from the room.

Vegeta shut the door once he and Kakkarot were alone. He ignored the younger Saiyan and crossed to the crib that held the first born twin. The baby was curled contentedly beneath a blanket, sleeping peacefully. Vegeta reached out a hand to him, as he heard Vejita’s crying cease.

“Learn to speak up for yourself, little one,” he spoke in Saiyan to the dark haired child. “You must learn to assert yourself... and where is your ki, hm?” He ran his fingers over the child’s unruly hair. “I suppose we have Radditz to thank for this?” he said to Goku.

“That hair?” Goku asked. “Yeah... but who do you suppose we owe for this one’s hair?”

Vegeta turned. He paused momentarily as he looked upon the third class. Goku’s face was still flushed pink in embarrassment, but he dutifully held the child close to his chest. Vegeta sighed.

“I suppose it’s impossible to conceal my knowledge with that verbally incontinent, second class historian lurking about.” Goku grimaced at Vegeta’s description of Daikkon, but chose not to argue so he could hear the story. Vegeta licked his lips, surprised his insult went unchallenged and that he would have to continue. The prince looked back down at the dark haired Saiyan infant.

“My... mother had such golden hair... it surprised me the first time I saw myself ascended...”

“Wow,” Goku breathed, looking back down to his child. “I thought all Saiyans were dark haired...”

“Most,” the prince replied. “It is rare.”

Goku nodded as he thought on that information.

“I guess I haven’t seen many Saiyans... Radditz’s hair was black like mine... and Goten and Gohan could very well get their coloring from their mother... Nappa didn’t have hair...” He squinted at the prince. ”And your hair is really... dark brown... in the light... Hmmm... I never really thought about it.”

There was a firm knock on the door, followed by Bulma's voice.

“Goku, Dr. Clarke is here to see you. Is it an okay time?”

Goku grimaced, looking down at the still nursing infant. Vegeta casually handed him a baby blanket that he accepted, situating it gently over the child.

“Yeah, Bulma,” he replied to her when ready. “It’s okay.”

Dr. Clarke grinned broadly at Goku as he followed Bulma into the room.

“And how are we doing today?” he asked.

“Fine,” Goku told him. “The babies are fine, too.” Dr. Clarke nodded.

“Good, good... Good morning, Vegeta.” Vegeta gave a nod. “You’re looking well today, I see. But fatherhood always suited you, I’ve said.”

Bulma put a hand to her mouth to contain the giggle over Vegeta’s sour look. Dr. Clarke moved to examine Ninji. “Are their appetites good?” he asked, picking up the infant.

“They are Saiyan,” Goku answered. “They do like to eat... a lot.”

“Even with human twins, you feel like all you do is nurse and change diapers,” the doctor chuckled. “This one’s hair is much more impressive dry. I’ve never seen a baby with such hair.” Goku gave a small smile.

“I think he gets that from... my brother.”

“It’s always fun to see what relations decide to pop up in a newborn.” the doctor chuckled.

“Yeah.” Goku gave a peak underneath the pastel yellow blanket. It was too bad Radditz couldn’t have seen his nephews... or the Queen her grandchildren... but it was nice to see that they were there in some way.

“I brought the birth certificates,” Dr. Clarke told them as he opened his bag to retrieve a stethoscope. “Thanks to Trunks’ attention to detail, I’ve been able to fill out the times of their birth. Date and place are also completed. All I need now are your names and the names you’ve given the boys, and I can file them at the city office. I’ll have my office manager make you some nice keepsake certificates as well...” He paused, listening to the baby’s heart and lungs. “Very good.”

“We have names for them,” Goku informed him, watching as the doctor retrieved two sheets of cream colored paper from an envelope. “The first born is Ninji... N-i-n-j-i.” Dr. Clarke filled the name in the appropriate space before asking.

“Middle name?” Goku’s brow furrowed as he tried to recall.

“Vegetave... geta...” he stammered, trying to remember what Vegeta had shared with him.

“No,” the prince stated firmly. “If they are to have any ‘middle’ name, it should not be that.” Goku frowned.

“But Vegeta, you said --”

“I said Saiyans followed glory,” he spoke plainly. “And it is obvious which of the two of us is more deserving.” Bulma watched the exchange in confusion. “Besides... they are merely identifiers.. not true names.”

“I take it you still need some time?” Dr. Clarke asked.

Vegeta and Goku continued to stare at each other wordlessly. Bulma placed a hand on her husband’s arm. She didn’t know what the two were debating, but it obviously was uncomfortable for the prince.

“Look, it doesn’t have to be decided today,” she told them. “Dr. Clarke’s office has 10 days to file the birth record. You two can discuss this more later.”

They both gave a nod of agreement.

“I’ll just leave these then,” the doctor spoke, placing the certificates on the table. “Is that next little one available for me to examine? I’d hate to take him from his mother if he’s not ready.”

Goku balked, his mouth dropping open.

“I... I’m not a mother,” he said defensively.

“I meant no offense,” the doctor explained. “It is, after all, merely the label for the parent who has given birth.”

“But I’m not a woman...not a mom,” Goku pressed, but he felt ridiculous making such claims with an infant at his breast. He flushed hotly.

“Of course you are not a woman,” Vegeta snorted. “The doctor said it was a label, nothing more.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Goku snapped. “I don’t see anyone calling you a mother.”

“Don’t see it as male and female, Goku.” Bulma suggested in a gentle voice. “It’s just a role. Vegeta sired the children so he’s called the ‘father’; you bore them, so you're the ‘mother.’ You should be proud of that. We are proud of you.”

Goku frowned as he looked to each of them. He was proud of himself, too, for making it through. But he had been hoping that the circumstances that affected his gender identity would finally cease. Now they seemed even more troublesome.

When Vejita was done nursing, Goku handed him to the doctor for evaluation, and he was declared just as healthy as his brother. Dr. Clarke also checked Goku’s incision site before setting a follow up appointment and being led out by Bulma.

Goku was still frowning, staring at his arms folded across his chest. Vegeta grimaced.

“Are you still bemoaning the ‘mother’ thing?” he asked in mild irritation. “You, someone who shouldn’t care about labels of any kind?”

“It’s not just that,” Goku replied. “I’m a man, Vegeta! It’s hard to feel like one when I’ve had to pee sitting down and give birth, and now I’ve having to breast feed and be called ‘mom’!”

“And why must you define yourself by gender?” Vegeta asked. “Why must you limit yourself to one small category?”

“What do you mean?” Goku sighed. The prince shrugged.

“You’re broader than such a narrow description. True, you are a man, but that does not define what or who you are. One is defined by the honor of his actions and the roles he has accepted. You act as though motherhood is a derogatory position. Do you not respect those who assume that role? Your wife? Or your own mother?”

Goku shook his head.

“No, Vegeta, you misunderstand me!” he insisted. “But... they are women. Motherhood is natural to them.”

“And if your son decides one day that it is his destiny to bear a child for a man, will you still have this view?”

Goku’s brow furrowed at the idea.

“Vegeta... I really think Goten and Trunks are just friends.” Vegeta sighed.

“You miss the point, Kakkarot. The point is, it takes a strong person to do what you have done. To do what you are doing... You are this planet’s savior... this planet’s and many others'. You should be proud to be these children’s mother...and they should have your name. You are the more celebrated.”

Goku looked at the two cradles that held his sons.

“Regardless of what I have done, you are a prince -- should be a king -- and they are princes, too.”

Vegeta looked unimpressed by the statement.

“Princes of what? They have no authority over our older children. Trunks and Bulla are of the same royal blood, without any familial name from me.”

Goku turned back to face Vegeta.

“There are Saiyans that did not die. Maybe not just those on that ship. Maybe many more! Don’t you wonder about them, Vegeta? Don’t you wonder where they are and how they are doing?”

Vegeta didn’t respond. Yes, he did wonder about them. How many of his people had been scattered across the galaxy. How many waiting for their empire to return. But they probably felt about him the way Horenz and his men did. Blaming him for his father’s mistakes and for Frieza’s supreme control.

“Why must you fight with me?” the prince asked.

“You’re the one being difficult,” Goku informed him. “Besides, it’s traditional for the children to take the father’s name. And if I have to be their mother, the least you can do is... is... well... as I say!”

“Just like Trunks and Bulla’s mother,” he said. He sighed then, shaking his head. “But Kakkarot, I tell you I have no surname. There is no reason that they should not have yours, so they can at least feel a family connection to Goten and Gohan...” It saddened Vegeta slightly that these babies would have no name connection to his older children, but Briefs was not his name, and he had no reason to pass it on.

“Well,” Goku announced, “maybe we will find a compromise.”

“Like we did on the given names?” Vegeta asked wryly.

“Ex-actly.” Goku grinned. “Now it’s time to bathe the babies. Since I’m sure you’ve done this a few times in your life, I will let you help.” Vegeta grimaced.


“Well, I’ve never bathed a baby that wasn’t big enough to put in the tub with me!” Goku explained. “Chi Chi was always afraid I’d drop Gohan, and to be honest, so was I!”


With so many gathered at Capsule Corp, Bulma had Yamucha fire up the grill and set the kitchen bots busy making a big lunch.

The older guests sat on the patio sipping drinks and conversing while the younger ones sat at the dinning room table playing the card game ‘I Doubt It.’ Goten preferred the game by its classic title ‘Bullshit’, but he didn’t want to incite his mother’s wrath. That, and there were children around.

“I have four tens,” Goten announced, placing his cards in the discard pile. Bulla smiled widely, her eyes sparkling as she addressed him.

“I doubt it,” she declared.

Goten frowned and returned his cards to his hand, taking with them the whole of the stack beneath. He grumbled as he sorted the cards in his hand, irritated with finding out who before him had lied.

“Man! I never catch a break! I can’t even win at cards against kids.”

Bulla’s expression changed into a scowl.

“I’m not a kid,” she stated.

“Of course not, I didn’t mean you, princess,” Goten said absently, arranging his cards. “I meant Trunks.”

Bulma, who had been preparing drinks in the kitchen, came up and placed her hands on Goten’s shoulders.

“Speaking of,” she said happily. “You did win the big prize at the baby shower.”

“No shhhh-stuff?!” Goten exclaimed, turning.

“Yep!” She laughed. “How on Earth did you guess twins?!”

“Dad was huge!” he explained. “How couldn’t I? My next guess woulda been full-on Oozaru.”

Bulma laughed again and patted his shoulders.

“Come by the lab tomorrow,” she told him. “And you can pick it up.”

“What is it?” he asked excitedly. Bulma only grinned and shook her finger at him.

“You’ll see,” she sing-songed. Goten groaned, but had a smile on his face.

“Do I smell food?” Those in the dining area turned to the door where Goku had just entered. He carried Ninji, who was dressed in the pale blue christening gown, cradled in his arms.

“I didn’t say you could come out,” Bulma reprimanded him.

“Ah, c’mon, Bulma,” Goku replied as the girls swarmed to his sides. “I’m starved. I’ll take it easy.”

“He’s fine, woman,” Vegeta said gruffly, strolling in behind Goku, one hand in his pocket and the other holding Vejita to his shoulder. The tiny blonde prince was dressed in the pink christening gown.

Bulma almost melted from the sight.

“Awwww,” she breathed. “How sweet.”

Vegeta willed himself not to blush as he grumbled.

“One of you boys take your brother.”

Both Trunks and Goten leapt to their feet at the command. It was Trunks, however, that lifted the infant Saiyan from his father’s grasp.

“Aww,” Trunks echoed his mother. “They’re so cute. I can’t wait to have a baby.” Vegeta gave his oldest son a pat on the back.

“Yes, you can,” he spoke seriously. “And you better.” Trunks nodded, giving his father a smile.

“Here, Goten,” Goku said, holding Ninji out to the teen. “You can help me out, too. I need to eat!”

Goten happily accepted, holding the infant in his arms.

“He’s so light!” he commented, snuggling the baby close. “And his ki! I mean, there is none! ...Ya think that’s why he’s so light?”

Trunks smirked.

“It’s doubtful.”

“Why don’t you boys take the twins out onto the patio to mingle,” Bulma advised. “I’ll activate the sun-shade.”

The teens did as instructed, and in typical fashion, the girls followed where the boys went.

“Ah, the guests of honor!” Yamucha exclaimed. “All hail the princes of Saiyans.”

“All three of them,” Goten remarked, giving Trunks a grin.

Goku followed the children onto the patio. Chi Chi rushed to his side.

“Goku! You should sit!” she insisted.

“It’s okay, Chi Chi, I will.” He put his arm around his wife and let her lead him to a table. Goku watched happily as his friends made over his infant children. “Ah... they are wonderful, aren’t they?” he asked.

“Of course,” she replied, turning to the patio door where Vegeta stood watching the assembly through the glass.

Bulma slipped her arms around her husband's waist and leaned her chin on his shoulder.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Must I be thinking something?” he asked dryly.

“Of course,” she replied. “You must be thinking something the day you present your new babies to friends.”

“They care because those children are from Kakkarot,” he remarked. “If they had been born to me and some other unfortunate Saiyan, they wouldn’t give a damn. Nor would I expect them to.”

Bulma gave him a kiss on the ear.

"Don't say that, sweetheart," she murmured. "It's not true."

Vegeta watched as the guests gave great attention to the children, fawning over them. Those two tiny infants were princes, descended from kings. They would be treated like royalty...not because they were sons of a prince, but simply because they were sons of Kakkarot.


A/N: *bows low* Sorry this took SO long. I have a list a mile long of all the things that kept me from getting this posted. The most annoying, was my lack of motivation to write! I worked so hard to get the birth chapters finished for the year anniversary mark, that I exhausted myself. I got the flu, then my father was in the hospital, there was a death in my family, and I am just a lazy, lazy author sometimes...Anyway, I hope you all liked this chapter. There are quite a few bits that I especially love (I squirm for poor Goku every time he has to feed a baby! lol) and I am working furiously on the next chapter as we speak! Honest! This is also supposed to be the last month we have to work over time at work, so...we shall see if that frees up some of my time for UB. I shit you not, all I do is write on this fic or think about it. So, I hope you liked, if you did let me know...if you didn't...let me know that too! But, I hope you liked it and I hope to see you back here next week! (not this weekend...but hopefully the one after... ^_^) - B