Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Separation Anxiety ( Chapter 56 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
When Chi Chi went to his room that morning, she found her husband sitting on the side of the bed, dressed and ready to go.
“Goku,” she frowned, crossing her arms. “Did you sleep at all last night?”
“A bit,” he answered her with a smile. “Vegeta stopped in after midnight and stayed until about six... I got about five good hours combined. More than enough! After I get in the tank, I’ll feel fine!”
She shook her head, not exactly surprised by his behavior, but amazed just the same.
“Well, I was just going to get your breakfast. Do you have any requests?”
He shook his head.
“Just a lot of whatever.”
“But of course,” she smiled, turning from the room and heading into the kitchen. Not one to trust the fancy kitchen bots, she personally cooked Goku’s meal, piling his tray with generous portions of steak, eggs and toast before heading back upstairs. She found her husband now sitting in the chair, soothing the little blonde twin.
“He sure cries a lot,” Chi Chi observed, setting his tray down on the end of the bed.
“He likes to be held, it seems,” Goku explained. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“Here,” Chi Chi spoke, holding out her hands, “I’ll take him so you can eat.”
Goku gratefully handed the child over before digging into his meal.
Chi Chi patted the young Saiyan to reassure him, hugging him against her shoulder. The baby was quiet, his tail gently whipping behind himself.
“How long will the regeneration tank take?” Chi Chi asked
Goku swallowed his mouthful of food before replying.
“Bulma said an hour or two. So, not too long.” She nodded, glancing to the warming cradle that held the second infant.
“Would you like me to watch them while you’re in there?” she asked. Goku smiled.
“You wanna help?” he asked cheerfully. “Vegeta said he would be up here to look after them when it was time.”
Chi Chi reddened slightly at the idea.
“Well, I don’t want to intrude on Vegeta’s first opportunity to bond alone with his sons. I’m just glad you have help.” The child in her arms began to squirm and fuss. She bounced him lightly to try and calm him. Goku explained.
“Vegeta’s coming.”
No sooner had the words left his lips, there was a sharp knock on the door.
“Bulma wants you in the lab!” the prince announced. “The sooner you leave, the sooner you are finished.”
“Okay!” Goku called. “You can come in, you know.”
There was some hesitation before the door opened. Vegeta took only one step inside of the room before he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. He gave Chi Chi a nod in greeting, and she gave a small nod in return.
The three were silent as Goku finished his meal. Chi Chi tried to calm the now crying infant, but her attention was divided by her own thoughts. Through Goku’s entire pregnancy she had prepared herself for the inevitability that Vegeta would not be a part of these children’s lives. She was definitely taken aback by his active participation thus far, and a small part of her wished she had been right. There were possibly more complications with the prince's involvement than without.
“Here,” Vegeta said gruffly, drawing her attention back to the present. “You don’t have to... I’ll take him.”
Without a word, Chi Chi turned the baby over to his father. The baby was barely to Vegeta’s shoulder when his crying ceased, his tail trying to loop around the prince’s bicep.
“Well, I’m going,” Goku said, standing. He leaned into the cradle to kiss Ninji’s forehead before turning to Vegeta. “Be good,” he whispered, bending to kiss the top of the child’s blonde head, oblivious to Vegeta’s flush of embarrassment at such close contact. “Wish me luck!” Goku said to Chi Chi, before kissing her as well.
“Good luck,” she replied, giving him an encouraging smile before he left the room. There was silence a moment between those who remained.
Chi Chi picked up the tray and walked toward the door. She stopped next to the prince.
“If there is anything I can do...” she began slowly. “... I would love to help.” Vegeta gave a nod before she left, feeling awkward with her offer.
Once alone with the children, Vegeta crossed to Ninji’s cradle and looked down upon the ki-less infant. Ninji stared back at him, his large, dark eyes gazing into Vegeta’s.
The prince raised an eyebrow as he really examined the child’s face. The eye shape might be his own, but those soulful, ebony, puppy-dog eyes were Kakkarot’s, without a doubt.
“Just don’t have Kakkarot’s brain,” he spoke to the little Saiyan.
Vegeta turned to the door where Bulla was peering around the door frame.
He motioned for her to come inside. She smiled brightly at him and stepped into the room, crossing to his side.
“Can I help you with the babies?” she asked, patting Vejita’s back.
“Of course,” he replied. “But they won’t do much but sleep.”
Bulla nodded, picking up a small panda with a rattle on its belly and shaking it over Ninji. She smiled in delight as the sleepy eyed infant watched the toy as it moved. Sitting on the side of the bed, Bulla leaned into the cradle to kiss her baby brother. She turned to her father, giving him a smile.
“I’m glad you and Uncle Goku decided to have a baby,” she told him.
Vegeta stared at his daughter a moment. Better me than her, he reminded himself.
Reaching out, he touched her hair affectionately.
“So am I.”
“I sure am!” Goku said, clapping his hands together. “I’m ready to get back to being me!” Bulma chuckled at him, shutting the door.
“Well, the tank will heal your incision, but as far asgetting you back to ‘you,’ we’ll see.”
Goku noticed Daikkon then. The younger Saiyan had been sitting at a computer station, but he stood upon Goku’s arrival.
“Good morning, Mr. Goku,” he said. “I hope you are feeling well.”
“Daikkon!” Goku exclaimed, his face lighting up. “Where have you been?! You haven’t come to see my babies! Don’t you want to see them?” Daikkon’s returned smile was slightly sad, and he averted his eyes.
“I saw them at their birth, which was a great honor to witness. I... I was just trying to give you space to visit with your friends and family.”
Goku continued to smile.
“But you are my friend, Daikkon,” he reassured. “You should come see them. They won’t stay this small for long, you know.”
Daikkon nodded.
“I’m afraid that such a visitmight not be in accordance with his highness’ wishes. And might not be with yours either, once you hear of my failures,” he explained. Goku’s smile faded.
“What failures?” he asked. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
The younger Saiyan looked to Bulma. She put a hand to Goku’s back and gestured towards the tank.
“Why don’t we get you prepped, huh?”
“But I want to hear what Daikkon has to say,” Goku insisted. “What do you think you’ve done? What does Vegeta think you’ve done?”
Daikkon sighed.
“Really...do not feel concerned with my feelings. His majesty has every right to feel the way he does.”
Goku frowned. He knew Vegeta, so he knew he should hear this story for himself.
“Daikkon, I insist,” he said. “I want to hear and judge for myself.”
Daikkon was quiet a moment, before finally giving a shake of his head.
“I have to admit I am hesitant to repeat it...there are so many mistakes that I have made throughout this trial...I let my own desire endanger you and your children’s lives,” he replied. “But...I suppose it started with what I kept from you...”
Goku narrowed his eyes, intent on what the younger man was saying. Daikkon held his head up as he spoke, but his eyes turned from his audience.
“There was a third class Saiyan on board before you...and he was expecting...I was not aware until... too late... He died in childbirth...as did his baby.”
Goku took a sharp breath.
“How?” he asked, mortified by the very idea. Daikkon kept his eyes downcast.
“Those the General had attending him were not doctors, did not have medical training... Kaul must have been quite uncomfortable with the situation...I have no information how he came to conceive or why...but he obviously had retreated to be by himself ... bearing the pain alone...” He shook his head sadly. “... My mother and I performed the post mortem examination... it appeared the child’s ki spike damaged the surrounding organs...”
“What about the regen tanks?!” Goku asked desperately, as if there was some way to change the outcome of the tale. Daikkon shook his head gravely.
“They were both beyond that by the time they were found...” Bulma closed her eyes, Goku’s obvious emotion adding to hers. Daikkon continued quietly. “I did not share this story at first, for I did not want to add any more duress to your already distressing situation. I didn’t want to give you anymore to weigh on your mind...I know that I should have said something. I wanted to...Then after the prince’s reaction to my telling him that I designed the ki inhibitors, I feared his wrath at thinking Kaul’s death, or even Horez’s plan, to be my doing. He was so angry! Even though I had not made them with the intention of them ever being used against you! I was puzzled and confused by his behavior...I still am...I began to conduct myself in a manner that I felt would least offend his highness. In a manner that would give him the least to be displeased with. But no matter what I did, or do, -- even down to speaking of a heritage we both share -- I continue to incite his majesty’s wrath...I admit that is cowardice, and I am ashamed.” He looked to Goku then, his expression unreadable. “When you went into labor, I intended to tell her highness... we just became so busy...”
Bulma frowned.
“... You did... didn’t you...” Bulma said softly, remembering the moment in the lab. “I’m so sorry...”
“Please do not be,” the young Saiyan asked her. “It is my failure alone.”
Goku was staring at the two, a look of uncertainty on his face.
“So...why is Vegeta mad about this?” he asked. Daikkon appeared shocked by the question.
“It was wrong of me to withhold information that could have jeopardized your health, your life or the lives of the young princes,” he explained. “And he is well within his right to be angry. Even if you had survived, the children would have suffocated had we not found you in time.”
Goku blinked at that statement.
“Well... that doesn’t take a genius to figure out, Daikkon, no offense. The thought had crossed my mind as a possibility if you and Bulma weren’t there. And even I didn’t think of that when I left! I mean, I didn’t leave because I was in labor; I left because...I was upset.”
“Why were you upset!?” Bulma exclaimed. Goku blushed.
“Well... Chi Chi and Vegeta were fighting, and I just wanted to get away for a minute, and I didn’t want anyone to bother me...”
“But you hid your ki from us...” Bulma continued.
“So no one would bother me!” the tall Saiyan insisted. “But when I realized I should go back, the pain came so quick and so strong...I was afraid to raise my ki. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to control it, and it would hurt the baby. I’ll admit I was scared. And I would have never left if I had known the labor would happen so fast...even though you warned me.” He turned to Daikkon, placing a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “So it was my mistake, not yours. I mean, your story would have told me nothing more than thatI could die too. And that is something I thought about anyway after we talked about surgery...” He gave a short laugh. “And I’ve never been afraid of my own death. That wouldn’t have kept me from leaving. I knew it was dangerous, but I thought I had more time. I mean, the first part took so long.”
Daikkon shook his head, unconvinced.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Goku, as much as my intentions were to keep such an ugly tale from you so you wouldn’t worry needlessly, I have to admit that I was just as equally keeping that information from the prince. He already dislikes me... I should have done my duty and informed him without thought of myself.”
Goku smiled.
“It takes at least ten years to get Vegeta to stop disliking you.” He glanced to Bulma then. “Or... less than three, if you’re lucky.” Bulma smiled.
“Goku’s right, Daikkon. Okay, sure, there was a bit of extra information you could have shared, but like Goku said, I was already aware that if we were not present to surgically intervene,the baby would eventually suffocate. That’s why I insisted Goku stay here. You had no reason to believe that we wouldn’t keep a close watch on him. We checked on him almost every half hour, and someone was constantly by his side. Under different circumstances, I fully believe you would have told me.”
Daikkon was silent a moment after she finished speaking.
“You are gracious, my lady,” he finally spoke. “I had intended to tell you...and there were so many opportunities to speak that I cannot justify my silence. I let my personal feelings interfere with my duty to my king and his family.”
Goku frowned at the younger man’s melancholy.
“I understand he’s the prince, Daikkon, but why should you care if he likes you or not? Vegeta is very, very hard to get to know. And as rewarding as his friendship is, you have to remain true to yourself first. So what if he grumbles a bit?”
Daikkon’s eyes were wide with shock at Goku’s words.
“Because...” he began uncertainly, “it is my place, as a Saiyan, to serve my king... And if I do not have favor with him, I...” His eyes darted to Bulma, before turning back to Goku. “I have... nothing.”
“Gods,” Bulma gasped. “Daikkon! I never even considered that! Shit.” She folded her arms across her chest, her expression a cross between anger and sympathy. “We’ve not given a second thought to how this has affected you.”
“I do not need your sympathy, my lady,” he replied. “I am not worthy.”
“Don’t say that, Daikkon,” Goku insisted. “We all make mistakes. Your silence didn’t put me in any more danger than I already knew. And... and you’re right...” He frowned. “Knowing that some other Saiyan was in that position, and who knows under what circumstances, and he died... I think that could have bothered me my whole... pregnancy...” Goku was struck with morbid curiosity then, and hesitantly asked: “...Was it... a boy or a girl?”
Daikkon took a breath.
“A girl, sir.”
Goku felt an ache in his chest for that poor baby. Yes, he was glad that he didn’t have that information while he was carrying his own.
“Well, look,” Bulma announced suddenly. “What’s done is done. Goku and I forgive you, Daikkon. And Vegeta will, too, in his own time. You don’t need to worry about having a place. Your place is here.” The brown-haired Saiyan opened his mouth to protest, but she continued. “I am Vegeta’s wife, so you have to listen to me, correct?”
Daikkon gave a slow nod.
“Yes, my lady.”
“Good.” She smiled warmly at him. “Well, I say that you have a home here. I, personally, am very sorry that I’ve never taken the time to appreciate your own loss.”
“Changes are a part of life, majesty,” he replied, but with a look of gratitude on his face. “Even the difficult ones.”
Bulma gave his arm a quick squeeze before turning to Goku.
“Well, are you ready for a good change?”
“I sure am!” he replied, his elated smile returning. His eyes locked with Daikkon’s, and the younger Saiyan saw the reassurance within.
“Well, hop in, Goku,” Bulma spoke, as she set the controls of the tank for the desired effect as Goku stripped down to his boxers. “You will be out before you know it... you know, I just may add music to the next model...”
“No music needed,” Goku laughed, climbing into the regen tank and seating himself in the chair. “I’ll have no problem taking a quick nap.” Bulma nodded in agreement, watching Daikkon attach the sensors to Goku’s temples and chest.
“Sleep well,” she said as the hatch closed. Once the tank was activated, Goku gave thumbs up before closing his eyes.
“No, she didn’t. And I have no idea, really. But you know my mom. I’m sure it will be something interesting.”
“Yeah!” Goten agreed, smiling. “And totally kick-ass. What kind of cool stuff has Capsule Corp been working on lately?”
“All kinds,” the lavender-haired teen replied. “Of course, I’ve been busy with the nursebot, so I haven’t seen the fall product line yet.”
Goten grimaced, giving a sad shake of his head.
“You’re killing me with that nursebot, man... that voice...” He shivered dramatically. “Hey, maybe my prize is a sexy female nurse bot, ya think?”
“Considering I haven’t finished the original prototype,” Trunks replied, “it’s doubtful.”
Goten sighed and followed his friend into the Capsule Corp building. Both Bulma and Daikkon were working quietly as Goku continued to heal in the tank. Daikkon gave a small bow in greeting which Trunks returned. Goten merely frowned.
“Well, hello, you two,” Bulma smiled. “Are you here for anything in particular?”
“Yes!” Goten exclaimed. “What cool gadget do you have for me, Auntie B?!”
Bulma gave a laugh as she crossed to her desk.
“Well, it’s not a gadget, but I hope you won’t be disappointed.” She opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a small silver case. From that, she produced a shiny, red capsule. “It was one of two concept prototypes at last season's expo. Yamucha’s been begging me for it forever, which is why I was going to offer it up for a prize.” She grinned widely. “So you have to rub it in that you won it, okay?”
Goten nodded eagerly, taking the small capsule into his hand. As he read the print on the outside of the case, his look of elation faded.
“Aunt B...” he began slowly. “Capsule ZM70...” She nodded as he looked up to meet her eyes. “This is...”
“I know!” Bulma exclaimed with a laugh. “Capsule Corp's latest sky sports vehicle, the Zoom 70! It’s been knocking the socks off the competition since its release!”
Goten shook his head in disbelief, holding the capsule back out to her.
“I can’t accept this... it’s too much...too expensive.”
“Nonsense!” Bulma spoke, giving a dismissive wave of her hand. “With all of the publicity it received at the unveiling, it really didn’t cost me one zeni. Besides, the Capsule Corp logo is twice as big on the concept vehicle, so you’ll be giving me even more publicity -- unless you want to paint it, which I fully understand -- so don’t worry.” She pushed his hand away. “I was going to give it away, anyway, so take it. You were the only one who came remotely close.”
Goten stared down at the capsule case in his hand.
“Are you sure you don’t have a radio or... camping set or something else less... un-freaking-believable?”
“Nope,” Bulma answered assuredly as she moved back toward the regen tank that was announcing its completion. “That was my final prize. Sorry.”
Goten turned to Trunks, who shrugged and turned to his own work station. Bulma pulled Goten from his state of awe.
“Could you grab me one of those bath towels, please?”
Goten hastily snapped the capsule back into its security case before grabbing the oversized towel and rushing to her aid.
The regen tank opened with a hiss as the airtight seal was broken.
“How do you feel?” Bulma asked Goku as he emerged, taking the towel from his son.
“Pretty good!” he replied happily. “And wet. But otherwise good.” He ran his hand along the lower portion of his abdomen, feeling the newly healed flesh. “I think this machine did the trick!”
Bulma motioned him toward the exam table.
“Get dressed. Then we’ll see if the tank did its job.”
“Well go ahead and look now. Once I put my clothes on, you’re just going to make me take them off again,” he reasoned. Bulma gave a weary yet amused shake of her head.
“Get dressed, nature boy,” she replied. Goku shrugged, tossing the towel over his shoulder and ruffling Goten’s hair before moving past to where his clothes sat piled on a chair.
Bulma didn’t make him undress again, but she did make him move his pants enough to let her examine where the surgery site was.
“Any pain or tenderness?” she asked, pressing her fingers into his skin.
“None,” he answered, peering at the printout of the tank’s final scan that Daikkon had just handed his friend.
“Then I have to say you are back to, well, not normal, but you are perfectly healthy.”
“Great!” he exclaimed. Bulma placed a hand on Goku’s thigh, stopping him before he could stand.
“That does not mean you can go out and work yourself half to death. Your body had been as inactive as it’s ever been these last few months. Give yourself time to build back up to where you were, and the babies will take up a lot more of your time than you realize.”
“I know, I know,” he answered, rising from the examination table. “Thanks, Bulma! I’m going to get back to the babies right now. I’m sure Vegeta will want the help.”
Bulma sighed as Goku jogged from the room. She knew he would probably ignore her warning, but it was nice to see him looking so well. He may still have twenty pounds to lose, but knowing him, it would take less than a month.
“So, my dad is okay?” Goten asked, picking up the regen scan sheet and squinting at the data.
“Yes, sir,” Bulma told him. “He might need a few more weeks until he’s back to his usual self, but he has made an excellent recovery.”
“Good.” Goten scowled at Daikkon. “We’re all lucky for that.”
“Listen, Vegeta,” Bulma said in a reprimanding tone. Goten raised an eyebrow, but didn’t take the address as an insult. “Daikkon didn’t keep anything from me that wasn’t something I should have already known.” Goten gave a snort of disbelief.
“Oh, no?”
“No,” she stressed. “Daikkon, your father and I have talked about this and there is nothing left to discuss, okay? Trust me.”
“Oh, I trust you,” he replied.
“I don’t blame you, Mr. Goten,” Daikkon spoke. “I understand that your trust must be earned. I made a grievous error, and I only hope someday I can rectify that.”
Goten remained silent, his cold gaze fixed on the older Saiyan. He turned back to Bulma.
“Thanks for the car, Aunt B,” he said honestly. “I appreciate it. I hope I can make it up to you someday.”
“It’s a gift, sweetie,” she answered. “Just put it to good use...”
Goten crossed to where Trunks sat at his work station and gave him a pinch on the arm.
“Let’s get outta here. I want to play with the babies.”
Trunks gave a weak smile toward Daikkon as he followed his friend from the lab. Daikkon watched them leave in quiet contemplation.
“Hey,” Bulma said to him, pulling him from his thoughts. “Don’t worry about Goten and Vegeta. They understand that we all make mistakes... they’ll come around.”
Daikkon nodded before returning to his work station. It was now Bulma who watched silently as the Saiyan continued with the tasks she had given him.
She liked Daikkon. Sure, he was a little over-eager at times, and less physically aggressive than any other Saiyan she had met, but Vegeta had to be wrong in thinking that the young man had any ulterior motives. Wasn’t he a victim, too?
The room was just as quiet as the rest of the house. Bulla was laying sideways across the bed, staring at the peacefully sleeping Ninji at her side. Vegeta was sitting in the window seat, Vejita resting against his shoulder. Goku couldn’t tell if the blonde was sleeping or not, but he was obviously content.
“Hey,” Goku spoke in a hushed tone. “How’d it go?”
Bulla smiled at him as she sat.
“They slept most of the time,” she informed him. “They’re really cute.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, giving her a pat on the head.
“Your wife asked us to relay a message to you,” Vegeta spoke then, his tone even. Goku gave him his attention. “She and Gohan have gone to your home to make sure it is prepared for... for the children.”
“Oh, okay,” Goku responded. “I’m sure it is, though. Chi Chi always has things ready ahead of time.”
Bulla frowned as she watched the exchange between her father and her ‘uncle.’
“Why can’t the babies stay here?” she asked, concerned.
A look of alarm quickly crossed Goku’s features, and he looked to the prince for an answer.
“Infants need to be with their mother when they are newborn,” Vegeta explained. Bulla smirked.
“Uncle Goku’s not a mom, Papa!” she laughed. Goku looked triumphantly at Vegeta until Bulla continued. “He’s... well... hmm... I guess he is a mom.” Goku frowned. “So why can’t Uncle Goku live here? We have enough room. And Aunt Chi Chi can come and... and Goten, too,” she added casually.
“Well, thank you, Bulla,” Goku said. “But that wouldn’t work, I don’t think.”
“Why not?” she pressed. “We’re all family, right?”
Goku shrugged.
“Of course... it’s just...”
“We are two separate families,” Vegeta finished. “Two separate households. One that belongs to Kakkarot and Ms. Chi Chi, and one that is your mother’s and mine.” Just as Vegeta was finishing his explanation, Goten and Trunks entered the room. They didn’t speak, however, as they could feel the tension in the room as Bulla considered the response given to her.
“Well... what about the babies’ family?” she asked. “What about the family that is yours and Uncle Goku’s?” Her delicate brows drew together as she thought. “That family belongs to everyone... doesn’t it?”
Vegeta frowned as he felt all eyes on him as he stared back at his daughter. Damnit, why did they think he had all the answers?
“Of course it does, sport!” Goten told her happily. “But the babies will only be at my house while they’re little and only cry and poop. And you can come over whenever you like. And they can come over here.”
Bulla smiled back at Goten, but she voiced her uncertainty.
“But I know I wouldn’t want to have my mama and papa in different houses,” she explained. “And our house is really big.” She looked back to Vegeta and Goku. “I mean... didn’t you think of that before you decided to have a Saiyan baby?”
Trunks felt a start of panic when his father and Goku both visibly paled.
“Bulla,” he spoke hurriedly, “Goten and I are going to take a spin around the compound in the ZM70. You want to come along?
Bulla could tell he was attempting a diversion. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and she turned the conversation over in her mind.
“... Sure...” she agreed, rising from the bed. “Is that alright, Papa?” Vegeta gave a nod, and the three left the room together. Goku and Vegeta stood in silence a moment.
“You didn’t tell her the truth?” Goku asked quietly, his eyes focused on the infant sleeping in the middle of the bed.
“I didn’t tell her a lie,” Vegeta retorted, offended by Goku’s question.
“Well, what did you tell her?” the younger Saiyan asked, folding his arms across his chest. “’Cause she thinks we did this on purpose.”
“We did do this on purpose!” Vegeta snapped as harshly as he could without upsetting the child on his shoulder. “Just because it was on purpose doesn’t mean it wasn’t forced.”
Goku looked confused by the answer.
“So what did you tell her?” he insisted. Vegeta frowned.
“I told her we were informed of your procreative ability, and we were given the... opportunity to conceive a child. Just because she assumes that it was in a lab and not under threat of harm to her, doesn’t mean that I have to tell her otherwise.”
Goku gasped.
“But that’s a lie, Vegeta!” he exclaimed. Vegeta’s face flushed with anger.
“And how am I supposed to tell my child what her father was forced to do? Why her brothers are really here?!” Vegeta quickly fell silent as the baby in his arms began to squirm and whine. Inwardly the prince berated himself for disturbing the little one. He patted the tiny Saiyan soothingly, changing his position to cradle Vejita in the crook of his arm. The blonde’s crying ceased. “She’s too young to hear of such things,” Vegeta added in a low voice.
Goku sighed and sank down to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t want her to think that we’re not a family...” he said absently.
“Location doesn’t change what we are,” the prince grumbled. Goku looked up, surprised and touched by the statement. He felt his irritation soften as he considered Vegeta’s position. The prince wanted to keep such unpleasant realities from his daughter, which was admirable, however uncharacteristic of Vegeta. But then again, maybe not.
“We have to tell her something,” Goku sighed. “I don’t want her to think I’m keeping them from you all.”
“For her to assume that, you must at some point stay away from us,” Vegeta informed him pointedly. “And you haven’t let a day pass between visits in at least ten years.”
Goku couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not here that often,” he said, gently laying down next to his son. The baby blinked his eyes and turned to him. Goku ran his fingertip over Ninji’s tiny hand. “But... that’s all gonna change now. Our children are all one family...”
“Yes, Goten,” Gohan told him for the third time. “I have done this a few times. Who do you think used to put your car seat in the car?”
Goten shrugged, moving away from the vehicle. Goku, Chi Chi, Trunks and Bulma were coming from the house with the babies and the things that Goku had brought with him, or received, while at Capsule Corp.
Vegeta stood in the threshold of the front door, his hands in his pockets and Bulla clinging to his side.
“We’re all good, Dad.” Gohan told his father. “Mom’s going to drive, and Goten and I will follow behind.”
“I can fly fine now,” Goku replied. “Goten can drive.”
“It’s just a short trip, dear,” Chi Chi said, placing a few things in the trunk. “Besides, you’ll want to be close to them in case they cry.”
“They did cry on their first truck ride,” Bulma recalled. “You can wait a bit to get back in the air.”
Goku shrugged, agreeing, and made no further comment on the subject. He moved past the group to place Vejita in his seat and buckle him in.
“Here you go,” Bulma said, giving Ninji a kiss on the forehead before handing him to Goku.
“Thanks.” Goku moved to the other side of the car and placed the infant in his car seat as well. “Where’d the second seat come from?” he asked.
“I borrowed it from a friend,” Gohan explained. “Their baby just grew out of it, and you’ll only need it for a few weeks, right?”
Goku frowned.
Bulla tightened her grip on Vegeta’s arm as he watched the group around Goten’s car. She frowned and laid her head against her father’s bicep.
“Don’t you want to go say goodbye to them?” she asked.
“It is not ‘goodbye’,” he assured her. The two fell quiet, watching as Goku and Chi Chi got in the car and Bulma and Trunks began walking toward them.
Bulla waved to the Sons, receiving waves in return. Vegeta merely gave a nod.
The four stood watching as the Sons and Goten’s car disappeared into the distance. Bulma sighed.
“So, what do you all want to do now?” Before Trunks or Bulla could respond, Vegeta spoke.
“I’m going to the gravity room. If either of you wants to train, you may join me.”
None of his family looked happy with that answer.
“The babies weren’t here for very long,” Bulla said quietly. Bulma reached out and gently touched her cheek.
Trunks remained silent, but his blue eyes looked imploringly at his father.
“Maybe after your father is done training, we can all watch a movie and order dinner in, hm?” She looked to her children for responses.
“Sure, Mom,” Trunks agreed. Bulla looked up at her father.
“Are you going to train long, Papa?”
Vegeta felt a pang of guilt as he looked back down, his daughter’s sweet face convincingly angelic even when he knew it could be ruthless.
“I suppose if I don’t train long, there is no point in training,” he replied gruffly, earning smiles from all three.
“I’ll pick a movie,” Bulla announced. “Trunks, you find the menus.”
Once left alone, Bulma turned to her husband. She didn’t know what he was feeling at this moment, but he had to feel some sense of loss. Slipping her arms around his neck, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Vegeta placed his hands on her hips, his eyes closing as he accepted the kiss. He knew she was trying to console him. Why was it that, after all that he had been through in the past several months, he was surprised at how helpless he felt at this moment?
As the two tiny boys slept quietly at opposite ends of the crib, Goku crept across the hall to his room. He hoped he could manage a few hours of sleep himself before they awoke.
“Here are your pajamas, dear,” Chi Chi said, handing him the two piece sleep wear.
“Thanks,” he replied, taking them and disappearing into the bathroom. He was exhausted and couldn’t wait to slip into bed. He had thought once he was out of the regen tank,he would be back to the man he remembered being. Instead, only his wound was healed and the skin restored... it did nothing for his energy... or the rest of him.
After he took off his clothes and tossed them toward the hamper, he paused to look at himself in the mirror. It reminded him of the first moment he looked upon his reflection and actually saw physical evidence of his pregnancy. Once rock hard, chiseled muscle was now muted by a layer of fat, rounding some of his defined lines. His abdomen was still very slightly protruding and his chest, while still mostly retaining the distinct form of well trained pecs, now looked rather...puffy. It was the word he would use to describe his overall appearance. Puffy. His hands, his face...
Vegeta was wrong.
He has no idea how this felt.
Goku gave a tired sigh, shaking his head and putting on his pajamas. He was too tired to dwell upon his discomfort. He has just enough energy to wash up before falling into a coma for the night. Or, until the babies woke him.
When finished in the bathroom, he snapped off the light and moved into the bedroom. He stopped just inside the room, his eyes transfixed as he watched his wife. Chi Chi was sitting on the side of the bed, running a brush through her long ebony hair. When she noticed him standing there, she stopped, giving him a warm smile.
“Tired?” she asked.
‘No,’ he wanted to say, but he nodded the affirmative, getting into bed beside her. Chi Chi turned off the bedside lamp, placing the room into total darkness. There was silence a moment before Goku spoke.
“Thank you...for...everything, Chi...” he whispered, his voice sounding loud to himself in the quiet room. Chi Chi rolled onto her side to face him.
“You’re welcome, dear,” she replied, reaching out to touch him. She ran her fingers down the length of his arm and took his hand in hers. “It’s no trouble.”
Goku wanted to argue that point, but instead he accepted her generosity without debate. He also wanted to take her into his arms and hold her while he slept...but that was also something he refrained from doing. He was too tired...and too self-conscious.
Goku closed his eyes and relaxed against the bed, feeling the pleasant weight of sleepiness fall over him. He has just begun to drift into unconsciousness, when a small cry carried through the monitor next to the bed. Goku blinked, waiting to see if it was just his imagination.
The next cry was loud enough to make the monitor unnecessary. Goku pushed off the sheet and pulled himself from the bed. Something told him it was going to be a long night.
The house was dark and quiet, but he couldn’t relax enough for even a light sleep to come.
Being careful not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and left the room. If he were human, he might try to blame his unease on the warmth of the evening, but to a Saiyan, the temperature was quite comfortable. He wished he could delude himself into thinking it was nothing, that it was merely another restless night, but he was increasingly aware of what was bothering him. He had two brand new children in theworld who were outside of his protection.
Maybe he was growing soft in his older years -- growing more like a human -- or maybe he was just growing up. Maturing into a proper adult, a proper father. If only he hadrealized how immature he was 20 years ago, he could have been a better father to Bulla and Trunks. Especially to Trunks.
The prince stopped in front of his daughter’s door, connecting with the calm, constant ki on the other side. Her words of concern over the babies and their ‘family’ unit had caused him more guilt than he had anticipated. But he was still torn on whether or not to elaborate on the details of their conception.
Vegeta walked quietly through the house to the corridor that held Trunks’ bedroom suite. His ki, too, was calm and stable in sleep. Vegeta cautiously opened the door and crossed to looked upon his child. The moonlight filtering through the sheer navy curtains cast a blue hue over the room, making Trunks’ lavender hair appear a deeper purple than normal. He was beautiful, like his mother...even though his features favored the prince.
When Trunks was only a few weeks old, Vegeta had left him and his mother to go into space and train. He had told Bulma that she and the infant were a distraction from his training that he could not afford. Being separated from them proved even more distracting as he found himself frequently wondering about their wellbeing. At the time, when he was so much younger, those thoughts angered him. He had returned to them after achieving Super Saiyan,so confidant that it was his anger and pure evil that had helped him to ascend. But now... he wondered if it wasn’t fear, after all.Fear for his family.
If only he had it to do over again...
Vegeta reached out and gently brushed the hair offhis son’s forehead. His heart ached for all that he should have done for this child. And even though fate, or the powers of the universe, weregiving him a second chance to be a good father, he would never get the opportunity to raise Trunks the way he deserved.
Vegeta gave an imperceptible sigh, turning from the room and returning to the other end of the house.
The room that Kakkarot and the twins had occupied was back to its picture perfect state, ready for the next houseguest. Vegeta stood in the doorway, his mind still in chaos. So many thoughts running through his brain, he couldn’t focus on one thing. He crossed to the window-seat and sat down, leaning onto the glass and staring out into the night.
He was uncertain of how much time had passed, but the moon was already beginning its descent when Bulma came into the room. She looked sleep weary, carrying the cordless telephone in her hand.
“Goku’s on the phone,” she told him, holding out the receiver to him.
Vegeta frowned as he stood and took it from her.
“Kakkarot?” he spoke, hearing the sound of a baby crying on the other end.
“Uh...hey, Vegeta,” came the third class’ voice. He sounded tired, nervous and a tiny bit aggravated. “Sorry to wake you.”
“You didn’t,” the prince responded. “What is the matter? Where are you?”
“Um...Vejita and I are taking a little walk outside,” the younger Saiyan sighed heavily, his tone bordering on desperation. “I just can’t get him to quit crying, Vegeta! He did for a little bit when I picked him up...but, now he won’t stop! He won’t eat...I don’t know what else to try!”
“I will be there in a few minutes,” Vegeta told him. “Stay where you are.” He hung up the phone and handed it back to his wife. “I’m sorry that woke you.”
“No prob,” she told him. “Is Goku alright? And the babies?”
Vegeta shrugged, moving past her and returning to their room. He quickly dressed before speaking.
“I will be back.”
“If you need me,” Bulma said to him, “if it is something medical, call me.”
“I will,” he assured.
It didn’t take but a few minutes to fly to Kakkarot’s coordinates. He was pacing a small patch of earth between his shed and the surrounding forest, the baby over his shoulder. Vejita’s eyes were soaked with tears, and he wailed in the most pitiful manner. When Goku saw the prince land, he gave a sigh of relief.
“Thank you so much, Vegeta!” he spoke gratefully. “I didn’t know what else to do! Goten and Chi Chi tried holding him for a bit before I told them I’d take him for a walk, and that was hours ago. I don’t know what I’d do if Ninji started crying, too!”
Vegeta held up a hand to quiet the frustrated third class.
“Where is Ninji?” he asked.
“In his crib,” Goku replied, adjusting the still wailing infant into his arms. “I have the monitor here,” he finished, indicating the small receiver clipped to his pajama pants. “But I can’t put Vejita back down with him, or it will wake him up. And he’ll be up soon enough to eat as it is.”
Vegeta could tell by Kakkarot’s manner and appearance that he was exhausted, probably more emotionally than physically. The prince frowned, trying his best not to sound overly concerned.
“You need to sleep. Here, hand me the child, and I will watch him while he cries. You will be no good to anyone if you are in a sleep deprived delirium.”
Goku looked grateful, handing the infant over to the other Saiyan. Vegeta cradled the infant in his arms before adjusting him over his shoulder.
Goku watched, amazed, as the crying child squirmed animatedly before turning his face toward the exposed skin of Vegeta’s neck and curling himself close, his cries turning from shuddering sobs to silence.
“He...” Goku stammered, “...he just wanted his dad...”
The prince blushed.
“He...I...” Vegeta attempted to explain it away before stating: “Nonsense. He’s just spoiled already...Anyway, you get back to bed. I’ll walk with him.”
Goku grimaced.
“You don’t have to stay out here. Come inside. I was only out here so I wouldn’t keep anyone awake.”
Vegeta appeared hesitant, so Goku continued.
“If it will shut you up,” the prince replied testily. “I’d prefer the child’s whining to yours.”
Goku led the way back to his house. Chi Chi was sitting on the sofa, waiting. She stood as the door opened.
“Did he finally settle down -- oh.” She was taken aback to see the prince. “Good evening, Vegeta.”
Vegeta gave a nod, feeling just as awkward as she.
“I didn’t know what else to do but call him,” Goku explained, “but it sure did the trick!”
“Of course,” she said, before turning to address Vegeta. “Can I make you some coffee?”
“No, that is not necessary,” he replied stiffly.
“Well...if I can get you anything....let me know.” Chi Chi felt an odd stab of unease as she looked from the prince to herhusband. Could it be....jealousy? “I’m going back to bed, Goku. Good night...to you both.”
“Good night, Chi,” Goku replied. “Sorry I woke you.”
“No trouble,” she assured him, before heading for the stairs. Goku watched her leave before he turned back toward Vegeta.
“Well....good night to you, too,” Vegeta said, as if commanding him to follow her. Goku frowned.
“What if this happens every night, Vegeta?” he asked, concerned.
“Why worry about that?” Vegeta asked dismissively.
“Because he’s cried every night so far,” Goku answered.
Vegeta peered down at the infant sleeping contentedly on his shoulder. Trunks had been what Bulma had always called a ‘happy baby,’ whereas Bulla cried if she was conscious. Vejita must be taking after his sister.
“I mean...” Goku spoke, reaching over to gently touch the baby’s back, “I would hate to have to bother you every night.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment, carefully considering his answer.
“Why are you concerned?” he asked. “You don't give a damn about bothering me with your incessant begging for a spar.”
Goku grinned widely, his concern momentarily disappearing.
“Can we spar tomorrow?” he asked excitedly. Vegeta smirked.
“Not if you don’t get any sleep. I refuse to be harassed for killing your pathetic hind end because you were tired.”
Goku nodded.
“I’m going to sleep then,” he decided. “Help yourself to anything you want. There is juice and milk in the fridge if you’re thirsty. There is also plenty of meat in there, too, and bread in the box by the stove.”
“I’ll be fine, Kakkarot,” Vegeta assured him, irritated and flustered by the consideration.
“Well, good night.” Goku leaned over and gave the baby a kiss on the head before taking off to his room.
Vegeta sat in the dim, quiet room, following Kakkarot’s ki to the upper level. When he was certain he was alone, he moved Vejita to cradle him in his arms.
“What are you playing at?” he asked the sleeping child. “Why should you care who holds you, as long as you are being held, hm?” The infant stirred and gave a yawn, curling himself comfortably into his father’s embrace. Vegeta couldn’t help the smile that quirked his mouth, even though he felt uncomfortable in his surroundings.
What would he do if Vejita cried for him every night? And if he did, how long would the phase last? Vegeta didn’t want to spend every night in the Son’s living room, but there was no other alternative. The children could not stay at Capsule Corp while Goku was their sole source of sustenance, and Goku staying at Capsule Corp was out of the question. Yes, they were family now, but this...this was much too complicated to think about in one night.
Vegeta leaned down and brushed his lips against Vejita’s smooth forehead. He just needed to get through tonight, and hopefully tomorrow would be an easier day.
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 56
Separation Anxiety
Goku was so incredibly excited about getting to use the regeneration tank, he wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night even if the babies hadn’t kept him up.Chapter 56
Separation Anxiety
When Chi Chi went to his room that morning, she found her husband sitting on the side of the bed, dressed and ready to go.
“Goku,” she frowned, crossing her arms. “Did you sleep at all last night?”
“A bit,” he answered her with a smile. “Vegeta stopped in after midnight and stayed until about six... I got about five good hours combined. More than enough! After I get in the tank, I’ll feel fine!”
She shook her head, not exactly surprised by his behavior, but amazed just the same.
“Well, I was just going to get your breakfast. Do you have any requests?”
He shook his head.
“Just a lot of whatever.”
“But of course,” she smiled, turning from the room and heading into the kitchen. Not one to trust the fancy kitchen bots, she personally cooked Goku’s meal, piling his tray with generous portions of steak, eggs and toast before heading back upstairs. She found her husband now sitting in the chair, soothing the little blonde twin.
“He sure cries a lot,” Chi Chi observed, setting his tray down on the end of the bed.
“He likes to be held, it seems,” Goku explained. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“Here,” Chi Chi spoke, holding out her hands, “I’ll take him so you can eat.”
Goku gratefully handed the child over before digging into his meal.
Chi Chi patted the young Saiyan to reassure him, hugging him against her shoulder. The baby was quiet, his tail gently whipping behind himself.
“How long will the regeneration tank take?” Chi Chi asked
Goku swallowed his mouthful of food before replying.
“Bulma said an hour or two. So, not too long.” She nodded, glancing to the warming cradle that held the second infant.
“Would you like me to watch them while you’re in there?” she asked. Goku smiled.
“You wanna help?” he asked cheerfully. “Vegeta said he would be up here to look after them when it was time.”
Chi Chi reddened slightly at the idea.
“Well, I don’t want to intrude on Vegeta’s first opportunity to bond alone with his sons. I’m just glad you have help.” The child in her arms began to squirm and fuss. She bounced him lightly to try and calm him. Goku explained.
“Vegeta’s coming.”
No sooner had the words left his lips, there was a sharp knock on the door.
“Bulma wants you in the lab!” the prince announced. “The sooner you leave, the sooner you are finished.”
“Okay!” Goku called. “You can come in, you know.”
There was some hesitation before the door opened. Vegeta took only one step inside of the room before he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. He gave Chi Chi a nod in greeting, and she gave a small nod in return.
The three were silent as Goku finished his meal. Chi Chi tried to calm the now crying infant, but her attention was divided by her own thoughts. Through Goku’s entire pregnancy she had prepared herself for the inevitability that Vegeta would not be a part of these children’s lives. She was definitely taken aback by his active participation thus far, and a small part of her wished she had been right. There were possibly more complications with the prince's involvement than without.
“Here,” Vegeta said gruffly, drawing her attention back to the present. “You don’t have to... I’ll take him.”
Without a word, Chi Chi turned the baby over to his father. The baby was barely to Vegeta’s shoulder when his crying ceased, his tail trying to loop around the prince’s bicep.
“Well, I’m going,” Goku said, standing. He leaned into the cradle to kiss Ninji’s forehead before turning to Vegeta. “Be good,” he whispered, bending to kiss the top of the child’s blonde head, oblivious to Vegeta’s flush of embarrassment at such close contact. “Wish me luck!” Goku said to Chi Chi, before kissing her as well.
“Good luck,” she replied, giving him an encouraging smile before he left the room. There was silence a moment between those who remained.
Chi Chi picked up the tray and walked toward the door. She stopped next to the prince.
“If there is anything I can do...” she began slowly. “... I would love to help.” Vegeta gave a nod before she left, feeling awkward with her offer.
Once alone with the children, Vegeta crossed to Ninji’s cradle and looked down upon the ki-less infant. Ninji stared back at him, his large, dark eyes gazing into Vegeta’s.
The prince raised an eyebrow as he really examined the child’s face. The eye shape might be his own, but those soulful, ebony, puppy-dog eyes were Kakkarot’s, without a doubt.
“Just don’t have Kakkarot’s brain,” he spoke to the little Saiyan.
Vegeta turned to the door where Bulla was peering around the door frame.
He motioned for her to come inside. She smiled brightly at him and stepped into the room, crossing to his side.
“Can I help you with the babies?” she asked, patting Vejita’s back.
“Of course,” he replied. “But they won’t do much but sleep.”
Bulla nodded, picking up a small panda with a rattle on its belly and shaking it over Ninji. She smiled in delight as the sleepy eyed infant watched the toy as it moved. Sitting on the side of the bed, Bulla leaned into the cradle to kiss her baby brother. She turned to her father, giving him a smile.
“I’m glad you and Uncle Goku decided to have a baby,” she told him.
Vegeta stared at his daughter a moment. Better me than her, he reminded himself.
Reaching out, he touched her hair affectionately.
“So am I.”
“Well, don’t you look excited!” Bulma said as she opened the door to the lab, allowing Goku to pass.“I sure am!” Goku said, clapping his hands together. “I’m ready to get back to being me!” Bulma chuckled at him, shutting the door.
“Well, the tank will heal your incision, but as far asgetting you back to ‘you,’ we’ll see.”
Goku noticed Daikkon then. The younger Saiyan had been sitting at a computer station, but he stood upon Goku’s arrival.
“Good morning, Mr. Goku,” he said. “I hope you are feeling well.”
“Daikkon!” Goku exclaimed, his face lighting up. “Where have you been?! You haven’t come to see my babies! Don’t you want to see them?” Daikkon’s returned smile was slightly sad, and he averted his eyes.
“I saw them at their birth, which was a great honor to witness. I... I was just trying to give you space to visit with your friends and family.”
Goku continued to smile.
“But you are my friend, Daikkon,” he reassured. “You should come see them. They won’t stay this small for long, you know.”
Daikkon nodded.
“I’m afraid that such a visitmight not be in accordance with his highness’ wishes. And might not be with yours either, once you hear of my failures,” he explained. Goku’s smile faded.
“What failures?” he asked. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
The younger Saiyan looked to Bulma. She put a hand to Goku’s back and gestured towards the tank.
“Why don’t we get you prepped, huh?”
“But I want to hear what Daikkon has to say,” Goku insisted. “What do you think you’ve done? What does Vegeta think you’ve done?”
Daikkon sighed.
“Really...do not feel concerned with my feelings. His majesty has every right to feel the way he does.”
Goku frowned. He knew Vegeta, so he knew he should hear this story for himself.
“Daikkon, I insist,” he said. “I want to hear and judge for myself.”
Daikkon was quiet a moment, before finally giving a shake of his head.
“I have to admit I am hesitant to repeat it...there are so many mistakes that I have made throughout this trial...I let my own desire endanger you and your children’s lives,” he replied. “But...I suppose it started with what I kept from you...”
Goku narrowed his eyes, intent on what the younger man was saying. Daikkon held his head up as he spoke, but his eyes turned from his audience.
“There was a third class Saiyan on board before you...and he was expecting...I was not aware until... too late... He died in childbirth...as did his baby.”
Goku took a sharp breath.
“How?” he asked, mortified by the very idea. Daikkon kept his eyes downcast.
“Those the General had attending him were not doctors, did not have medical training... Kaul must have been quite uncomfortable with the situation...I have no information how he came to conceive or why...but he obviously had retreated to be by himself ... bearing the pain alone...” He shook his head sadly. “... My mother and I performed the post mortem examination... it appeared the child’s ki spike damaged the surrounding organs...”
“What about the regen tanks?!” Goku asked desperately, as if there was some way to change the outcome of the tale. Daikkon shook his head gravely.
“They were both beyond that by the time they were found...” Bulma closed her eyes, Goku’s obvious emotion adding to hers. Daikkon continued quietly. “I did not share this story at first, for I did not want to add any more duress to your already distressing situation. I didn’t want to give you anymore to weigh on your mind...I know that I should have said something. I wanted to...Then after the prince’s reaction to my telling him that I designed the ki inhibitors, I feared his wrath at thinking Kaul’s death, or even Horez’s plan, to be my doing. He was so angry! Even though I had not made them with the intention of them ever being used against you! I was puzzled and confused by his behavior...I still am...I began to conduct myself in a manner that I felt would least offend his highness. In a manner that would give him the least to be displeased with. But no matter what I did, or do, -- even down to speaking of a heritage we both share -- I continue to incite his majesty’s wrath...I admit that is cowardice, and I am ashamed.” He looked to Goku then, his expression unreadable. “When you went into labor, I intended to tell her highness... we just became so busy...”
Bulma frowned.
“... You did... didn’t you...” Bulma said softly, remembering the moment in the lab. “I’m so sorry...”
“Please do not be,” the young Saiyan asked her. “It is my failure alone.”
Goku was staring at the two, a look of uncertainty on his face.
“So...why is Vegeta mad about this?” he asked. Daikkon appeared shocked by the question.
“It was wrong of me to withhold information that could have jeopardized your health, your life or the lives of the young princes,” he explained. “And he is well within his right to be angry. Even if you had survived, the children would have suffocated had we not found you in time.”
Goku blinked at that statement.
“Well... that doesn’t take a genius to figure out, Daikkon, no offense. The thought had crossed my mind as a possibility if you and Bulma weren’t there. And even I didn’t think of that when I left! I mean, I didn’t leave because I was in labor; I left because...I was upset.”
“Why were you upset!?” Bulma exclaimed. Goku blushed.
“Well... Chi Chi and Vegeta were fighting, and I just wanted to get away for a minute, and I didn’t want anyone to bother me...”
“But you hid your ki from us...” Bulma continued.
“So no one would bother me!” the tall Saiyan insisted. “But when I realized I should go back, the pain came so quick and so strong...I was afraid to raise my ki. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to control it, and it would hurt the baby. I’ll admit I was scared. And I would have never left if I had known the labor would happen so fast...even though you warned me.” He turned to Daikkon, placing a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “So it was my mistake, not yours. I mean, your story would have told me nothing more than thatI could die too. And that is something I thought about anyway after we talked about surgery...” He gave a short laugh. “And I’ve never been afraid of my own death. That wouldn’t have kept me from leaving. I knew it was dangerous, but I thought I had more time. I mean, the first part took so long.”
Daikkon shook his head, unconvinced.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Goku, as much as my intentions were to keep such an ugly tale from you so you wouldn’t worry needlessly, I have to admit that I was just as equally keeping that information from the prince. He already dislikes me... I should have done my duty and informed him without thought of myself.”
Goku smiled.
“It takes at least ten years to get Vegeta to stop disliking you.” He glanced to Bulma then. “Or... less than three, if you’re lucky.” Bulma smiled.
“Goku’s right, Daikkon. Okay, sure, there was a bit of extra information you could have shared, but like Goku said, I was already aware that if we were not present to surgically intervene,the baby would eventually suffocate. That’s why I insisted Goku stay here. You had no reason to believe that we wouldn’t keep a close watch on him. We checked on him almost every half hour, and someone was constantly by his side. Under different circumstances, I fully believe you would have told me.”
Daikkon was silent a moment after she finished speaking.
“You are gracious, my lady,” he finally spoke. “I had intended to tell you...and there were so many opportunities to speak that I cannot justify my silence. I let my personal feelings interfere with my duty to my king and his family.”
Goku frowned at the younger man’s melancholy.
“I understand he’s the prince, Daikkon, but why should you care if he likes you or not? Vegeta is very, very hard to get to know. And as rewarding as his friendship is, you have to remain true to yourself first. So what if he grumbles a bit?”
Daikkon’s eyes were wide with shock at Goku’s words.
“Because...” he began uncertainly, “it is my place, as a Saiyan, to serve my king... And if I do not have favor with him, I...” His eyes darted to Bulma, before turning back to Goku. “I have... nothing.”
“Gods,” Bulma gasped. “Daikkon! I never even considered that! Shit.” She folded her arms across her chest, her expression a cross between anger and sympathy. “We’ve not given a second thought to how this has affected you.”
“I do not need your sympathy, my lady,” he replied. “I am not worthy.”
“Don’t say that, Daikkon,” Goku insisted. “We all make mistakes. Your silence didn’t put me in any more danger than I already knew. And... and you’re right...” He frowned. “Knowing that some other Saiyan was in that position, and who knows under what circumstances, and he died... I think that could have bothered me my whole... pregnancy...” Goku was struck with morbid curiosity then, and hesitantly asked: “...Was it... a boy or a girl?”
Daikkon took a breath.
“A girl, sir.”
Goku felt an ache in his chest for that poor baby. Yes, he was glad that he didn’t have that information while he was carrying his own.
“Well, look,” Bulma announced suddenly. “What’s done is done. Goku and I forgive you, Daikkon. And Vegeta will, too, in his own time. You don’t need to worry about having a place. Your place is here.” The brown-haired Saiyan opened his mouth to protest, but she continued. “I am Vegeta’s wife, so you have to listen to me, correct?”
Daikkon gave a slow nod.
“Yes, my lady.”
“Good.” She smiled warmly at him. “Well, I say that you have a home here. I, personally, am very sorry that I’ve never taken the time to appreciate your own loss.”
“Changes are a part of life, majesty,” he replied, but with a look of gratitude on his face. “Even the difficult ones.”
Bulma gave his arm a quick squeeze before turning to Goku.
“Well, are you ready for a good change?”
“I sure am!” he replied, his elated smile returning. His eyes locked with Daikkon’s, and the younger Saiyan saw the reassurance within.
“Well, hop in, Goku,” Bulma spoke, as she set the controls of the tank for the desired effect as Goku stripped down to his boxers. “You will be out before you know it... you know, I just may add music to the next model...”
“No music needed,” Goku laughed, climbing into the regen tank and seating himself in the chair. “I’ll have no problem taking a quick nap.” Bulma nodded in agreement, watching Daikkon attach the sensors to Goku’s temples and chest.
“Sleep well,” she said as the hatch closed. Once the tank was activated, Goku gave thumbs up before closing his eyes.
“What do you think it is? Did she tell you?” Goten asked Trunks as they walked across the grounds of Capsule Corp toward Bulma’s lab. Trunks shrugged.“No, she didn’t. And I have no idea, really. But you know my mom. I’m sure it will be something interesting.”
“Yeah!” Goten agreed, smiling. “And totally kick-ass. What kind of cool stuff has Capsule Corp been working on lately?”
“All kinds,” the lavender-haired teen replied. “Of course, I’ve been busy with the nursebot, so I haven’t seen the fall product line yet.”
Goten grimaced, giving a sad shake of his head.
“You’re killing me with that nursebot, man... that voice...” He shivered dramatically. “Hey, maybe my prize is a sexy female nurse bot, ya think?”
“Considering I haven’t finished the original prototype,” Trunks replied, “it’s doubtful.”
Goten sighed and followed his friend into the Capsule Corp building. Both Bulma and Daikkon were working quietly as Goku continued to heal in the tank. Daikkon gave a small bow in greeting which Trunks returned. Goten merely frowned.
“Well, hello, you two,” Bulma smiled. “Are you here for anything in particular?”
“Yes!” Goten exclaimed. “What cool gadget do you have for me, Auntie B?!”
Bulma gave a laugh as she crossed to her desk.
“Well, it’s not a gadget, but I hope you won’t be disappointed.” She opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a small silver case. From that, she produced a shiny, red capsule. “It was one of two concept prototypes at last season's expo. Yamucha’s been begging me for it forever, which is why I was going to offer it up for a prize.” She grinned widely. “So you have to rub it in that you won it, okay?”
Goten nodded eagerly, taking the small capsule into his hand. As he read the print on the outside of the case, his look of elation faded.
“Aunt B...” he began slowly. “Capsule ZM70...” She nodded as he looked up to meet her eyes. “This is...”
“I know!” Bulma exclaimed with a laugh. “Capsule Corp's latest sky sports vehicle, the Zoom 70! It’s been knocking the socks off the competition since its release!”
Goten shook his head in disbelief, holding the capsule back out to her.
“I can’t accept this... it’s too much...too expensive.”
“Nonsense!” Bulma spoke, giving a dismissive wave of her hand. “With all of the publicity it received at the unveiling, it really didn’t cost me one zeni. Besides, the Capsule Corp logo is twice as big on the concept vehicle, so you’ll be giving me even more publicity -- unless you want to paint it, which I fully understand -- so don’t worry.” She pushed his hand away. “I was going to give it away, anyway, so take it. You were the only one who came remotely close.”
Goten stared down at the capsule case in his hand.
“Are you sure you don’t have a radio or... camping set or something else less... un-freaking-believable?”
“Nope,” Bulma answered assuredly as she moved back toward the regen tank that was announcing its completion. “That was my final prize. Sorry.”
Goten turned to Trunks, who shrugged and turned to his own work station. Bulma pulled Goten from his state of awe.
“Could you grab me one of those bath towels, please?”
Goten hastily snapped the capsule back into its security case before grabbing the oversized towel and rushing to her aid.
The regen tank opened with a hiss as the airtight seal was broken.
“How do you feel?” Bulma asked Goku as he emerged, taking the towel from his son.
“Pretty good!” he replied happily. “And wet. But otherwise good.” He ran his hand along the lower portion of his abdomen, feeling the newly healed flesh. “I think this machine did the trick!”
Bulma motioned him toward the exam table.
“Get dressed. Then we’ll see if the tank did its job.”
“Well go ahead and look now. Once I put my clothes on, you’re just going to make me take them off again,” he reasoned. Bulma gave a weary yet amused shake of her head.
“Get dressed, nature boy,” she replied. Goku shrugged, tossing the towel over his shoulder and ruffling Goten’s hair before moving past to where his clothes sat piled on a chair.
Bulma didn’t make him undress again, but she did make him move his pants enough to let her examine where the surgery site was.
“Any pain or tenderness?” she asked, pressing her fingers into his skin.
“None,” he answered, peering at the printout of the tank’s final scan that Daikkon had just handed his friend.
“Then I have to say you are back to, well, not normal, but you are perfectly healthy.”
“Great!” he exclaimed. Bulma placed a hand on Goku’s thigh, stopping him before he could stand.
“That does not mean you can go out and work yourself half to death. Your body had been as inactive as it’s ever been these last few months. Give yourself time to build back up to where you were, and the babies will take up a lot more of your time than you realize.”
“I know, I know,” he answered, rising from the examination table. “Thanks, Bulma! I’m going to get back to the babies right now. I’m sure Vegeta will want the help.”
Bulma sighed as Goku jogged from the room. She knew he would probably ignore her warning, but it was nice to see him looking so well. He may still have twenty pounds to lose, but knowing him, it would take less than a month.
“So, my dad is okay?” Goten asked, picking up the regen scan sheet and squinting at the data.
“Yes, sir,” Bulma told him. “He might need a few more weeks until he’s back to his usual self, but he has made an excellent recovery.”
“Good.” Goten scowled at Daikkon. “We’re all lucky for that.”
“Listen, Vegeta,” Bulma said in a reprimanding tone. Goten raised an eyebrow, but didn’t take the address as an insult. “Daikkon didn’t keep anything from me that wasn’t something I should have already known.” Goten gave a snort of disbelief.
“Oh, no?”
“No,” she stressed. “Daikkon, your father and I have talked about this and there is nothing left to discuss, okay? Trust me.”
“Oh, I trust you,” he replied.
“I don’t blame you, Mr. Goten,” Daikkon spoke. “I understand that your trust must be earned. I made a grievous error, and I only hope someday I can rectify that.”
Goten remained silent, his cold gaze fixed on the older Saiyan. He turned back to Bulma.
“Thanks for the car, Aunt B,” he said honestly. “I appreciate it. I hope I can make it up to you someday.”
“It’s a gift, sweetie,” she answered. “Just put it to good use...”
Goten crossed to where Trunks sat at his work station and gave him a pinch on the arm.
“Let’s get outta here. I want to play with the babies.”
Trunks gave a weak smile toward Daikkon as he followed his friend from the lab. Daikkon watched them leave in quiet contemplation.
“Hey,” Bulma said to him, pulling him from his thoughts. “Don’t worry about Goten and Vegeta. They understand that we all make mistakes... they’ll come around.”
Daikkon nodded before returning to his work station. It was now Bulma who watched silently as the Saiyan continued with the tasks she had given him.
She liked Daikkon. Sure, he was a little over-eager at times, and less physically aggressive than any other Saiyan she had met, but Vegeta had to be wrong in thinking that the young man had any ulterior motives. Wasn’t he a victim, too?
Goku went directly to the guest room upon returning to the Briefs' home. He was starving, but he knew his children had to be hungry, too.The room was just as quiet as the rest of the house. Bulla was laying sideways across the bed, staring at the peacefully sleeping Ninji at her side. Vegeta was sitting in the window seat, Vejita resting against his shoulder. Goku couldn’t tell if the blonde was sleeping or not, but he was obviously content.
“Hey,” Goku spoke in a hushed tone. “How’d it go?”
Bulla smiled at him as she sat.
“They slept most of the time,” she informed him. “They’re really cute.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, giving her a pat on the head.
“Your wife asked us to relay a message to you,” Vegeta spoke then, his tone even. Goku gave him his attention. “She and Gohan have gone to your home to make sure it is prepared for... for the children.”
“Oh, okay,” Goku responded. “I’m sure it is, though. Chi Chi always has things ready ahead of time.”
Bulla frowned as she watched the exchange between her father and her ‘uncle.’
“Why can’t the babies stay here?” she asked, concerned.
A look of alarm quickly crossed Goku’s features, and he looked to the prince for an answer.
“Infants need to be with their mother when they are newborn,” Vegeta explained. Bulla smirked.
“Uncle Goku’s not a mom, Papa!” she laughed. Goku looked triumphantly at Vegeta until Bulla continued. “He’s... well... hmm... I guess he is a mom.” Goku frowned. “So why can’t Uncle Goku live here? We have enough room. And Aunt Chi Chi can come and... and Goten, too,” she added casually.
“Well, thank you, Bulla,” Goku said. “But that wouldn’t work, I don’t think.”
“Why not?” she pressed. “We’re all family, right?”
Goku shrugged.
“Of course... it’s just...”
“We are two separate families,” Vegeta finished. “Two separate households. One that belongs to Kakkarot and Ms. Chi Chi, and one that is your mother’s and mine.” Just as Vegeta was finishing his explanation, Goten and Trunks entered the room. They didn’t speak, however, as they could feel the tension in the room as Bulla considered the response given to her.
“Well... what about the babies’ family?” she asked. “What about the family that is yours and Uncle Goku’s?” Her delicate brows drew together as she thought. “That family belongs to everyone... doesn’t it?”
Vegeta frowned as he felt all eyes on him as he stared back at his daughter. Damnit, why did they think he had all the answers?
“Of course it does, sport!” Goten told her happily. “But the babies will only be at my house while they’re little and only cry and poop. And you can come over whenever you like. And they can come over here.”
Bulla smiled back at Goten, but she voiced her uncertainty.
“But I know I wouldn’t want to have my mama and papa in different houses,” she explained. “And our house is really big.” She looked back to Vegeta and Goku. “I mean... didn’t you think of that before you decided to have a Saiyan baby?”
Trunks felt a start of panic when his father and Goku both visibly paled.
“Bulla,” he spoke hurriedly, “Goten and I are going to take a spin around the compound in the ZM70. You want to come along?
Bulla could tell he was attempting a diversion. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and she turned the conversation over in her mind.
“... Sure...” she agreed, rising from the bed. “Is that alright, Papa?” Vegeta gave a nod, and the three left the room together. Goku and Vegeta stood in silence a moment.
“You didn’t tell her the truth?” Goku asked quietly, his eyes focused on the infant sleeping in the middle of the bed.
“I didn’t tell her a lie,” Vegeta retorted, offended by Goku’s question.
“Well, what did you tell her?” the younger Saiyan asked, folding his arms across his chest. “’Cause she thinks we did this on purpose.”
“We did do this on purpose!” Vegeta snapped as harshly as he could without upsetting the child on his shoulder. “Just because it was on purpose doesn’t mean it wasn’t forced.”
Goku looked confused by the answer.
“So what did you tell her?” he insisted. Vegeta frowned.
“I told her we were informed of your procreative ability, and we were given the... opportunity to conceive a child. Just because she assumes that it was in a lab and not under threat of harm to her, doesn’t mean that I have to tell her otherwise.”
Goku gasped.
“But that’s a lie, Vegeta!” he exclaimed. Vegeta’s face flushed with anger.
“And how am I supposed to tell my child what her father was forced to do? Why her brothers are really here?!” Vegeta quickly fell silent as the baby in his arms began to squirm and whine. Inwardly the prince berated himself for disturbing the little one. He patted the tiny Saiyan soothingly, changing his position to cradle Vejita in the crook of his arm. The blonde’s crying ceased. “She’s too young to hear of such things,” Vegeta added in a low voice.
Goku sighed and sank down to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t want her to think that we’re not a family...” he said absently.
“Location doesn’t change what we are,” the prince grumbled. Goku looked up, surprised and touched by the statement. He felt his irritation soften as he considered Vegeta’s position. The prince wanted to keep such unpleasant realities from his daughter, which was admirable, however uncharacteristic of Vegeta. But then again, maybe not.
“We have to tell her something,” Goku sighed. “I don’t want her to think I’m keeping them from you all.”
“For her to assume that, you must at some point stay away from us,” Vegeta informed him pointedly. “And you haven’t let a day pass between visits in at least ten years.”
Goku couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not here that often,” he said, gently laying down next to his son. The baby blinked his eyes and turned to him. Goku ran his fingertip over Ninji’s tiny hand. “But... that’s all gonna change now. Our children are all one family...”
“Are you sure those are in right?” Goten asked his older brother as he leaned into his car’s open window.“Yes, Goten,” Gohan told him for the third time. “I have done this a few times. Who do you think used to put your car seat in the car?”
Goten shrugged, moving away from the vehicle. Goku, Chi Chi, Trunks and Bulma were coming from the house with the babies and the things that Goku had brought with him, or received, while at Capsule Corp.
Vegeta stood in the threshold of the front door, his hands in his pockets and Bulla clinging to his side.
“We’re all good, Dad.” Gohan told his father. “Mom’s going to drive, and Goten and I will follow behind.”
“I can fly fine now,” Goku replied. “Goten can drive.”
“It’s just a short trip, dear,” Chi Chi said, placing a few things in the trunk. “Besides, you’ll want to be close to them in case they cry.”
“They did cry on their first truck ride,” Bulma recalled. “You can wait a bit to get back in the air.”
Goku shrugged, agreeing, and made no further comment on the subject. He moved past the group to place Vejita in his seat and buckle him in.
“Here you go,” Bulma said, giving Ninji a kiss on the forehead before handing him to Goku.
“Thanks.” Goku moved to the other side of the car and placed the infant in his car seat as well. “Where’d the second seat come from?” he asked.
“I borrowed it from a friend,” Gohan explained. “Their baby just grew out of it, and you’ll only need it for a few weeks, right?”
Goku frowned.
Bulla tightened her grip on Vegeta’s arm as he watched the group around Goten’s car. She frowned and laid her head against her father’s bicep.
“Don’t you want to go say goodbye to them?” she asked.
“It is not ‘goodbye’,” he assured her. The two fell quiet, watching as Goku and Chi Chi got in the car and Bulma and Trunks began walking toward them.
Bulla waved to the Sons, receiving waves in return. Vegeta merely gave a nod.
The four stood watching as the Sons and Goten’s car disappeared into the distance. Bulma sighed.
“So, what do you all want to do now?” Before Trunks or Bulla could respond, Vegeta spoke.
“I’m going to the gravity room. If either of you wants to train, you may join me.”
None of his family looked happy with that answer.
“The babies weren’t here for very long,” Bulla said quietly. Bulma reached out and gently touched her cheek.
Trunks remained silent, but his blue eyes looked imploringly at his father.
“Maybe after your father is done training, we can all watch a movie and order dinner in, hm?” She looked to her children for responses.
“Sure, Mom,” Trunks agreed. Bulla looked up at her father.
“Are you going to train long, Papa?”
Vegeta felt a pang of guilt as he looked back down, his daughter’s sweet face convincingly angelic even when he knew it could be ruthless.
“I suppose if I don’t train long, there is no point in training,” he replied gruffly, earning smiles from all three.
“I’ll pick a movie,” Bulla announced. “Trunks, you find the menus.”
Once left alone, Bulma turned to her husband. She didn’t know what he was feeling at this moment, but he had to feel some sense of loss. Slipping her arms around his neck, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Vegeta placed his hands on her hips, his eyes closing as he accepted the kiss. He knew she was trying to console him. Why was it that, after all that he had been through in the past several months, he was surprised at how helpless he felt at this moment?
It felt nice to be home. Although it had only been two days, Goku felt like it had been weeks. Chi Chi had cooked him an excellent ‘welcome home’ meal, and Goten helped him ready the babies for bed.As the two tiny boys slept quietly at opposite ends of the crib, Goku crept across the hall to his room. He hoped he could manage a few hours of sleep himself before they awoke.
“Here are your pajamas, dear,” Chi Chi said, handing him the two piece sleep wear.
“Thanks,” he replied, taking them and disappearing into the bathroom. He was exhausted and couldn’t wait to slip into bed. He had thought once he was out of the regen tank,he would be back to the man he remembered being. Instead, only his wound was healed and the skin restored... it did nothing for his energy... or the rest of him.
After he took off his clothes and tossed them toward the hamper, he paused to look at himself in the mirror. It reminded him of the first moment he looked upon his reflection and actually saw physical evidence of his pregnancy. Once rock hard, chiseled muscle was now muted by a layer of fat, rounding some of his defined lines. His abdomen was still very slightly protruding and his chest, while still mostly retaining the distinct form of well trained pecs, now looked rather...puffy. It was the word he would use to describe his overall appearance. Puffy. His hands, his face...
Vegeta was wrong.
He has no idea how this felt.
Goku gave a tired sigh, shaking his head and putting on his pajamas. He was too tired to dwell upon his discomfort. He has just enough energy to wash up before falling into a coma for the night. Or, until the babies woke him.
When finished in the bathroom, he snapped off the light and moved into the bedroom. He stopped just inside the room, his eyes transfixed as he watched his wife. Chi Chi was sitting on the side of the bed, running a brush through her long ebony hair. When she noticed him standing there, she stopped, giving him a warm smile.
“Tired?” she asked.
‘No,’ he wanted to say, but he nodded the affirmative, getting into bed beside her. Chi Chi turned off the bedside lamp, placing the room into total darkness. There was silence a moment before Goku spoke.
“Thank you...for...everything, Chi...” he whispered, his voice sounding loud to himself in the quiet room. Chi Chi rolled onto her side to face him.
“You’re welcome, dear,” she replied, reaching out to touch him. She ran her fingers down the length of his arm and took his hand in hers. “It’s no trouble.”
Goku wanted to argue that point, but instead he accepted her generosity without debate. He also wanted to take her into his arms and hold her while he slept...but that was also something he refrained from doing. He was too tired...and too self-conscious.
Goku closed his eyes and relaxed against the bed, feeling the pleasant weight of sleepiness fall over him. He has just begun to drift into unconsciousness, when a small cry carried through the monitor next to the bed. Goku blinked, waiting to see if it was just his imagination.
The next cry was loud enough to make the monitor unnecessary. Goku pushed off the sheet and pulled himself from the bed. Something told him it was going to be a long night.
Vegeta couldn’t sleep.The house was dark and quiet, but he couldn’t relax enough for even a light sleep to come.
Being careful not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and left the room. If he were human, he might try to blame his unease on the warmth of the evening, but to a Saiyan, the temperature was quite comfortable. He wished he could delude himself into thinking it was nothing, that it was merely another restless night, but he was increasingly aware of what was bothering him. He had two brand new children in theworld who were outside of his protection.
Maybe he was growing soft in his older years -- growing more like a human -- or maybe he was just growing up. Maturing into a proper adult, a proper father. If only he hadrealized how immature he was 20 years ago, he could have been a better father to Bulla and Trunks. Especially to Trunks.
The prince stopped in front of his daughter’s door, connecting with the calm, constant ki on the other side. Her words of concern over the babies and their ‘family’ unit had caused him more guilt than he had anticipated. But he was still torn on whether or not to elaborate on the details of their conception.
Vegeta walked quietly through the house to the corridor that held Trunks’ bedroom suite. His ki, too, was calm and stable in sleep. Vegeta cautiously opened the door and crossed to looked upon his child. The moonlight filtering through the sheer navy curtains cast a blue hue over the room, making Trunks’ lavender hair appear a deeper purple than normal. He was beautiful, like his mother...even though his features favored the prince.
When Trunks was only a few weeks old, Vegeta had left him and his mother to go into space and train. He had told Bulma that she and the infant were a distraction from his training that he could not afford. Being separated from them proved even more distracting as he found himself frequently wondering about their wellbeing. At the time, when he was so much younger, those thoughts angered him. He had returned to them after achieving Super Saiyan,so confidant that it was his anger and pure evil that had helped him to ascend. But now... he wondered if it wasn’t fear, after all.Fear for his family.
If only he had it to do over again...
Vegeta reached out and gently brushed the hair offhis son’s forehead. His heart ached for all that he should have done for this child. And even though fate, or the powers of the universe, weregiving him a second chance to be a good father, he would never get the opportunity to raise Trunks the way he deserved.
Vegeta gave an imperceptible sigh, turning from the room and returning to the other end of the house.
The room that Kakkarot and the twins had occupied was back to its picture perfect state, ready for the next houseguest. Vegeta stood in the doorway, his mind still in chaos. So many thoughts running through his brain, he couldn’t focus on one thing. He crossed to the window-seat and sat down, leaning onto the glass and staring out into the night.
He was uncertain of how much time had passed, but the moon was already beginning its descent when Bulma came into the room. She looked sleep weary, carrying the cordless telephone in her hand.
“Goku’s on the phone,” she told him, holding out the receiver to him.
Vegeta frowned as he stood and took it from her.
“Kakkarot?” he spoke, hearing the sound of a baby crying on the other end.
“Uh...hey, Vegeta,” came the third class’ voice. He sounded tired, nervous and a tiny bit aggravated. “Sorry to wake you.”
“You didn’t,” the prince responded. “What is the matter? Where are you?”
“Um...Vejita and I are taking a little walk outside,” the younger Saiyan sighed heavily, his tone bordering on desperation. “I just can’t get him to quit crying, Vegeta! He did for a little bit when I picked him up...but, now he won’t stop! He won’t eat...I don’t know what else to try!”
“I will be there in a few minutes,” Vegeta told him. “Stay where you are.” He hung up the phone and handed it back to his wife. “I’m sorry that woke you.”
“No prob,” she told him. “Is Goku alright? And the babies?”
Vegeta shrugged, moving past her and returning to their room. He quickly dressed before speaking.
“I will be back.”
“If you need me,” Bulma said to him, “if it is something medical, call me.”
“I will,” he assured.
It didn’t take but a few minutes to fly to Kakkarot’s coordinates. He was pacing a small patch of earth between his shed and the surrounding forest, the baby over his shoulder. Vejita’s eyes were soaked with tears, and he wailed in the most pitiful manner. When Goku saw the prince land, he gave a sigh of relief.
“Thank you so much, Vegeta!” he spoke gratefully. “I didn’t know what else to do! Goten and Chi Chi tried holding him for a bit before I told them I’d take him for a walk, and that was hours ago. I don’t know what I’d do if Ninji started crying, too!”
Vegeta held up a hand to quiet the frustrated third class.
“Where is Ninji?” he asked.
“In his crib,” Goku replied, adjusting the still wailing infant into his arms. “I have the monitor here,” he finished, indicating the small receiver clipped to his pajama pants. “But I can’t put Vejita back down with him, or it will wake him up. And he’ll be up soon enough to eat as it is.”
Vegeta could tell by Kakkarot’s manner and appearance that he was exhausted, probably more emotionally than physically. The prince frowned, trying his best not to sound overly concerned.
“You need to sleep. Here, hand me the child, and I will watch him while he cries. You will be no good to anyone if you are in a sleep deprived delirium.”
Goku looked grateful, handing the infant over to the other Saiyan. Vegeta cradled the infant in his arms before adjusting him over his shoulder.
Goku watched, amazed, as the crying child squirmed animatedly before turning his face toward the exposed skin of Vegeta’s neck and curling himself close, his cries turning from shuddering sobs to silence.
“He...” Goku stammered, “...he just wanted his dad...”
The prince blushed.
“He...I...” Vegeta attempted to explain it away before stating: “Nonsense. He’s just spoiled already...Anyway, you get back to bed. I’ll walk with him.”
Goku grimaced.
“You don’t have to stay out here. Come inside. I was only out here so I wouldn’t keep anyone awake.”
Vegeta appeared hesitant, so Goku continued.
“If it will shut you up,” the prince replied testily. “I’d prefer the child’s whining to yours.”
Goku led the way back to his house. Chi Chi was sitting on the sofa, waiting. She stood as the door opened.
“Did he finally settle down -- oh.” She was taken aback to see the prince. “Good evening, Vegeta.”
Vegeta gave a nod, feeling just as awkward as she.
“I didn’t know what else to do but call him,” Goku explained, “but it sure did the trick!”
“Of course,” she said, before turning to address Vegeta. “Can I make you some coffee?”
“No, that is not necessary,” he replied stiffly.
“Well...if I can get you anything....let me know.” Chi Chi felt an odd stab of unease as she looked from the prince to herhusband. Could it be....jealousy? “I’m going back to bed, Goku. Good night...to you both.”
“Good night, Chi,” Goku replied. “Sorry I woke you.”
“No trouble,” she assured him, before heading for the stairs. Goku watched her leave before he turned back toward Vegeta.
“Well....good night to you, too,” Vegeta said, as if commanding him to follow her. Goku frowned.
“What if this happens every night, Vegeta?” he asked, concerned.
“Why worry about that?” Vegeta asked dismissively.
“Because he’s cried every night so far,” Goku answered.
Vegeta peered down at the infant sleeping contentedly on his shoulder. Trunks had been what Bulma had always called a ‘happy baby,’ whereas Bulla cried if she was conscious. Vejita must be taking after his sister.
“I mean...” Goku spoke, reaching over to gently touch the baby’s back, “I would hate to have to bother you every night.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment, carefully considering his answer.
“Why are you concerned?” he asked. “You don't give a damn about bothering me with your incessant begging for a spar.”
Goku grinned widely, his concern momentarily disappearing.
“Can we spar tomorrow?” he asked excitedly. Vegeta smirked.
“Not if you don’t get any sleep. I refuse to be harassed for killing your pathetic hind end because you were tired.”
Goku nodded.
“I’m going to sleep then,” he decided. “Help yourself to anything you want. There is juice and milk in the fridge if you’re thirsty. There is also plenty of meat in there, too, and bread in the box by the stove.”
“I’ll be fine, Kakkarot,” Vegeta assured him, irritated and flustered by the consideration.
“Well, good night.” Goku leaned over and gave the baby a kiss on the head before taking off to his room.
Vegeta sat in the dim, quiet room, following Kakkarot’s ki to the upper level. When he was certain he was alone, he moved Vejita to cradle him in his arms.
“What are you playing at?” he asked the sleeping child. “Why should you care who holds you, as long as you are being held, hm?” The infant stirred and gave a yawn, curling himself comfortably into his father’s embrace. Vegeta couldn’t help the smile that quirked his mouth, even though he felt uncomfortable in his surroundings.
What would he do if Vejita cried for him every night? And if he did, how long would the phase last? Vegeta didn’t want to spend every night in the Son’s living room, but there was no other alternative. The children could not stay at Capsule Corp while Goku was their sole source of sustenance, and Goku staying at Capsule Corp was out of the question. Yes, they were family now, but this...this was much too complicated to think about in one night.
Vegeta leaned down and brushed his lips against Vejita’s smooth forehead. He just needed to get through tonight, and hopefully tomorrow would be an easier day.
A/N: I don't really have much to say about this chapter, except that I hope you enjoyed it. I think I am going to stop speculating on when I will update, as I think that jinxs me!! LOL. Anyway, hopefully I will get the next chap out soon. Thanks for reading!!