Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Interruption ( Chapter 61 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
The teen sighed, rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as he thought about the previous night. He wasn’t surprised that he didn’t feel uneasy or embarrassed about what happened between him and his best friend, but he was more than a little confused. He loved Trunks more than anyone, but he had never thought of him in a romantic way.
Correction: He had not thought of him in a romantic way since they were kids. But that’s what first crushes were, right? Kid stuff? He wasn’t attracted to guys -- he just wasn’t. But he couldn’t explain to himself why kissing Trunks felt so natural and so... right.
Hence the confusion. Did it feel that way to Trunks?
Goten sighed again and pushed the covers off. Hopefully Trunks would be home soon, and the two could laugh this whole thing off. Or, his friend would say something intelligent and insightful, and everything would be okay again.
After taking a few moments to wash up, Goten trekked out of Trunks’ side of the house toward the kitchen. Bulma was at the table, reading a Capsule Corp business report and drinking coffee. She smiled broadly at the teen as he entered the room.
“Good morning, sweetie,” she greeted. “You and Trunks must have had quite some time together last night, hm?”
Goten froze, his eyebrows rising.
“...Oh?” he managed to respond. “What makes you think that?”
Bulma continued to smile as she answered.
“Well, this is the first day in nearly six years that I’ve had to wake my son up, and I wouldn’t have even realized he was running late if I hadn't come back there to ask him a question.”
Goten looked thoughtful.
“He was running late?”
“Yep. He didn’t even eat breakfast.” She patted the chair at her side and stood. “So I would assume that you had a late night. Sit. I’ll have a bot make you something.”
Goten took the offered seat, his mind occupied with what his best friend's mom had just told him. Trunks was never late. He never overslept. How long were they kissing last night? He thought it only seemed like forever...
Bulma set a plate of ham and eggs in front of the teen.
“Thanks, Aunt B,” he said, distracted. Bulma frowned, looking down at Goku’s son.
“You two didn’t drink last night, did you?” she asked. “You know that I don’t really mind when you do it here, but out in town --”
“No, Aunt B!” Goten insisted with a laugh. “No drinking, honest. Just a long night... I’m still a little sleepy.”
Bulma’s frown softened, and she ran a hand over Goten’s disheveled hair.
“Okay, I guess I’ll believe you...” Her smiled returned, and she picked up her papers and coffee. “I’m off to the lab. I’ll see you later, though.”
Goten nodded, but couldn’t answer around his mouthful of food. He waved as Bulma left the room.
When his plate was cleared, he dropped his dishes into the sink before heading back for Trunks’ room. He raided the older boy's closet for something to wear so he could take a quick shower. Each time he tried to construct a scenario in his mind of the conversation that he was sure was to come, his brain would replay last night... the smell of Trunks’ skin... the feel of his hair... the taste of his mouth...
Goten blasted the cold water, shocking his system back to the present moment. Why on earth would he think about his friend like that?!
Was Trunks thinking about him?
Goten didn’t wait to be completely dry before pulling on his clothes. He had to get home and make sure he had a clean uniform to wear to work. He paused at the door, looking back into the room. He only had a half hour before he had to be at work.... could he risk waiting for Trunks?
Deciding he couldn’t wait around, he made his way through the house and out into the yard. He was just barely in the air, heading for his home, when his cell phone rang.
“Yeah?” he answered, cupping his hand over the device to block the wind flow.
“Hey,” Trunks replied. There was a slight hint of uncertainty in his tone. “Where are you?”
“On my way home,” the younger teen responded. “How was class?”
“Fine... I’m heading home myself.... I was kind of hoping that you’d still be there.”
“I have to work,” Goten told him. “I have just enough time to get home and change before I have to head back out. What’s up?”
Trunks grimaced.
“I... I think we need to talk...” he replied. “Don’t you?”
Goten landed outside of his house, but decided to finish his conversation before going inside.
“I guess...”
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Trunks assured him. “I mean... it’s no big deal...”
Goten frowned, digging the toe of his shoe into the dirt.
“Nah, it’s cool... You wanna get together after work and grab something to eat? I have to work until five.”
“Sounds good,” Trunks agreed. “...Maybe I’ll see you at the lab?”
“Nah, we blue collars aren’t allowed near the brains,” Goten laughed. “Not unless we want to be used in experiments.”
“Oh, come on,” Trunks chuckled.
“No, seriously dude. The supervisor told us not to talk to the ‘inside’ employees. Not even the secretaries. We can talk to building maintenance, though.”
Trunks frowned.
“Mom isn’t going to be happy to hear that,” he stated. “She works hard to ensure that everyone at Capsule Corporation feels equally valued... Besides, doesn’t he know how important you are to my family?”
Goten shrugged, even though he knew the gesture went unseen.
“I don’t care. I wouldn’t want anyone treating me differently because I'm your friend.”
“I know there is an insult in there somewhere,” Trunks said grimly. Goten laughed.
“Nah, that would have been too easy.”
“I see... so... later then?”
Goten agreed.
“Yeah. I’ll give you a call when I get off -- if I don’t see you before.”
“Right. See you later.”
“Oh hey,” Goten said quickly, before his friend could hang up. “I borrowed some of your clothes, I hope you don't mind. I mean, you shouldn’t really. They’re ass ugly.” Trunks smiled.
“If my things are so ‘ass ugly,’ why do you pick them?”
“It’s all I have to chose from,” Goten explained. “Later.”
Trunks shook his head in amusement as he shut his phone. Goten sure was a character. He had almost forgotten what it was they needed to discuss. Interacting with Goten was always so natural and easy... He supposed kissing him should feel that way, too. They were best friends, even though he’d never heard of best guy friends behaving like that.
Trunks made a brief stop at his house to drop off his school books and grab a bite to eat before heading over to the lab. The receptionist at the front desk greeted him with a smile.
“Good morning, Mr. Briefs,” she said. “You have a few messages from product development and testing.” She handed him several slips of paper.
“Thanks,” he responded, giving the notes a quick glance. “Is my mother in?”
“Yes, sir,” she told him. “She came in almost a half hour ago.”
“Thanks,” Trunks said again, politely returning her smile and continuing on into his mother’s primary lab.
“Good morning, your highness,” Daikkon spoke as the teen entered. Trunks was happy to see the other Saiyan, but at the same time wished he had somewhere to spend time other than the labs.
“Good afternoon, Daikkon,” he returned.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Bulma added. “How was school? Did you make it on time?”
“Seventeen seconds to spare,” he answered with a grin.
“Well,” she continued, giving him a suspicious smile, “Goten wouldn’t give up the goods on what made last night so spectacular.” She noticed her son pale slightly, his grin faltering. “And I can tell by the look on your face that it was something pretty good. You two didn’t spend all night at that big gentleman’s club in Central City, did you?”
“Mom,” Trunks spoke, taken aback. Bulma giggled.
“I’m just teasing,” she told him with a wave of her hand. “So when is your next big evening on the town?”
“Tonight we’re going to have dinner somewhere, but it’s no big deal.”
Bulma grimaced at his answer.
“Tonight?” she asked. “If it’s ‘no big deal,’ can I get you to make it some other time?”
Trunks could see that she really wanted him to agree, but he couldn’t come out and say, ‘Gee, Mom, I’d love to, but Goten and I need to have a talk about the two hour kiss-fest we had in my bed last night’.”
“Why, what’s going on?” he prompted casually.
“Chi Chi is going to make dinner for us tonight, and...” She smiled broadly, putting her arm around her son. “We have something special for you kids after. Okay?”
Before Trunks could answer, the sound of a lawn mower rumbled from outside. Bulma and Trunks looked out the window to where Goten was maneuvering the large machine across the expansive lawn. Trunks felt a tug of indecision. But, he supposed, he and Goten could talk afterward.
“Sure, Mom. No problem.”
Bulma gave him a squeeze.
“Thanks, honey. Trust me. You will be happy you came!”
Trunks smiled back.
“I’m, uh... I’m going outside for a second,” he told her, turning toward the door. He gave the receptionist another polite smile as he crossed the lobby and walked out onto the front lawn.
The teen prince placed his hands in his pockets as he approached his friend, stopping a few feet away and waiting to be noticed.
Goten looked up from the neat paths he was cutting into the lush law and grinned at his friend as he cut the engine.
“What’s up, man?” he asked as Trunks came closer. “To what do I owe the honor of speaking with the boss-man himself?”
“The only boss is Mom,” Trunks replied.
“Seriously, man,” Goten said, pulling off his work gloves. “I mean, I’m glad I get to talk to you, but what’s going on?”
“Did... did you need to talk to me?” Trunks returned. The younger boy nodded.
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you that my mom put the kibosh on our plans tonight. Apparently, she and Dad invited your family to dinner. I can’t imagine what the occasion is, but she seemed a little worked up about it.”
Trunks took a deep breath, looking back over his shoulder at the building.
“That’s what I just came to tell you,” he said.
Goten watched Trunks as the older boy wearily ran a hand over his neck. He wonderedwhy Trunks wanted to talk to him so badly. He knew what about but... but why so insistently? He didn’t seem angry.
Nerves caused an unsettled feeling in the younger teen's stomach. Trunks turned back to him.
“We can hang out after dinner, I guess... if you want to?”
“Sure,” Goten agreed. “Do you have an early class tomorrow?”
“No. I have to be at the lecture hall at ten... Do you want to catch a movie tonight or something?”
Goten narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t you want to talk?”
“Of course!” Trunks replied quickly. “I just thought we could hang out, too...”
“That’s cool...” Goten stated. “Well... I gotta get back to work.... I’ll see you tonight at supper.”
“Right... later.”
Goten gave him a weak smile, starting the lawn mover back to life. Trunks waved and backed away before turning back to the lab.
Both boys were thinking the same thing, with the same feeling of unease.
It was their first awkward conversation.
Goku paused in his push-ups to address her.
“It’s just Bulma’s family, honey,” he said. “Why are you so nervous?”
“I’m not nervous!” she insisted, watching him as he continued his exercise. She couldn’t help but smile. Clever Goku -- multitasking.
On a blanket beneath him lay his two youngest sons, who he would kiss or coo over on every descent. Ninji would smile sleepily while Vejita nearly managed a giggle of delight. They were growing so fast.
A knock on the door drew their attention. Vejita gave a gurgling squeal.
“Yep,” Goku told him, dropping his knees to the floor and sitting up. “It’s Papa.”
Chi Chi opened the door and welcomed the prince and his family inside.
“Good evening!” Bulma greeted. “We brought dessert: chocolate cream pies.”
“You shouldn’t have,” Chi Chi told her, accepting the container.
“Don’t worry,” Vegeta said dryly. “She didn’t make them.” Bulma gave him a frown as he moved past her and into the living room. Bulla joined the twins on the floor, and Trunks crossed to sit beside his father.
“You wanna spar?” Goku offered to no one in particular.
“No!” Chi Chi exclaimed. “Not before dinner.” Goku was frowning now. Bulla gave him a pat on the thigh.
“Maybe after dinner,” she suggested. He chuckled.
“Uncle Goku,” Trunks began, “is Goten still at work?”
“Nope. He’s in his room,” Goku replied, picking up the dark haired baby and placing him in Vegeta’s lap. “He just got home about twenty minutes ago, covered in grass and dirt. Chi Chi made him hose off outside and wash in the tub before she’d let him in. I think he’s dressing.”
Trunks nodded, but made no move to leave his spot beside his father. Bulla thought about offering to fetch the other teen, but she decided her father might not like her offering to go after the possibly undressed older boy.
As it happened, neither needed to go after him at all.
“So, what’s the big surprise?” Goten asked loudly as he came into the room.
“Yeah,” Bulla chimed in. “I want to know!”
“We’ll talk about it after supper,” Bulma replied with a mysterious smile.
“The suspense is killing me, Aunt B,” Goten told her, glancing over at her son. He also wanted the night over as soon as possible.
“In due time,” she responded with a wink. “Patience is a virtue.”
The passage of time was extremely relative to those in the room. To the younger of them, it was an eternity from tea until dinner was served. To the older of them, except for Bulma, dinner was barely set before it was time for dessert.
As Goten helped his mother clear the table, Trunks asked if he could help serve dessert. Chi Chi wanted to decline his offer and point out that he was a guest, but she knew that with the coming conversation, it might seem odd.
“So then,” Goten spoke, sitting back into his chair. “What is up?” He didn’t miss the look that passed between all four parents.
“We have some good news to tell you all,” Bulma answered for the group. “Do you three care if I tell them?” When no one objected, Bulma turned in her seat to speak directly to the three children. “We talked about what would be best for Ninji and Veji and for all of us... and we decided it would be easier, and just happier, for everyone if --” She smiled widely. “-- if we could all live together at Capsule Corp.”
Not a split second later she had her response.
“Sweet!” Bulla exclaimed, followed by the teens who chorused:
Bulma laughed lightly.
“You heard me. Goten and his family are going to come live with us.” Goten and Trunks exchanged looks of surprise. “Goten,” Bulma continued, “we have a big room all ready for you. You’ll be nice and settled before the start of the school year.”
Goten looked to his parents. He couldn’t read their expressions, but they appeared happy.
“I told you this would be best!” Bulla announced, jumping out of her chair and going to where the twins lay in their bouncer seats. “Did you hear that, guys? You’re coming home with us!” She turned back to the table. “Tonight, right? Can this start tonight?”
Bulma looked to Vegeta for an answer, but he was intent on his cup of coffee. She turned to Goku and Chi Chi.
“Would you all like to come over tonight? Chi Chi, you and I can come back here tomorrow and organize things.”
Chi Chi stood and returned with the coffee pot, refilling the prince’s cup. Who was she to delay the Saiyan’s chance to get a proper night's sleep?
“That would be nice, as long as it doesn’t disrupt your routine too terribly. Doesn’t Trunks have a university class tomorrow?”
“It’s just a lecture, and it isn’t until late in the morning,” Trunks replied. Chi Chi smiled.
“Then how can we refuse?”
Goten and Goku looked at Chi Chi curiously.
“Uncle Goku,” Bulla spoke, coming to his side, “can I help you pack the babies’ things?”
“Um... sure,” he replied, before speaking to his wife. “Honey, are you sure you want to go tonight?”
“Of course,” she told him with a smile, taking the empty plate from in front of him. “Why wait?”
Goku shrugged and stood, letting Bulla take his hand, and the two left the room.
Goten and Trunks were still staring at each other in disbelief.
“Why don’t you boys go get a few things packed?” Bulma suggested. “Not that Goten doesn’t have everything he needs at our house already!”
“Come on, man,” Goten said, standing from his chair. Trunks followed, leaving the room with his friend. “What do you think caused this?” the younger teen asked, once they were inside the small bedroom off the kitchen that had once been Chi Chi’s sewing room. “One big happy family?”
“I don’t know,” Trunk replied quietly. “But I have a feeling that my dad and your mom didn’t have much say in the matter. Actually, I’m sure it was probably orchestrated by my mom alone.”
“But how did she get them to agree?” Goten asked. Trunks shrugged. The two were so caught up in the new development, they nearly forgot that they needed to talk about their own unusual situation. “I guess we’ll have plenty of time to talk now,” Goten said. The older boy frowned slightly.
“You’re an adult, Goten. You don’t have to move if you don’t want to.”
Goten paused a moment before responding.
“It’s not that, man. I’m just worried about my mom, that’s all.”
Trunks gave his friend a pat on the shoulder.
“I wouldn’t worry about her,” he advised. “She’s never been one to go willingly, or even pretend to go willingly, into something she didn’t agree with.”
Goten shrugged.
“I guess...”
Trunks gave him a sincere smile, reaching over and ruffling the younger teen's hair.
“Don’t we all want to do what is best for the twins? And I think that includes being a supportive, united family.” Goten nodded. “Come on, let’s get some of your stuff -- since all of mine is ‘ass ugly’.” Goten gave a snort of amusement. “We can talk more... at home.”
Without another word, the boys packed clothing and a few other items into a bag and returned to the dining room. Goten still couldn’t help but feel a little shell shocked. Were they really moving out of their house? And in with the Briefs? It had always been a childhood dream of his to live in the most impressive, expensive home in West City, but now as an adult it just seemed... odd.
Trunks was having the same feelings of doubt. His mother was an eternal optimist, but could their families co-exist on nothing other than their mutual affection for two tiny infants? The teenage prince looked to his father, who was still sitting at the table, quietly finishing his cup of coffee. For the first time, it was evident to Trunks that his father looked tired. He stood behind the older Saiyan and placed a hand on his shoulder. Vegeta looked up at his son, but Trunks had given his shoulder a reassuring squeeze and moved on before they could make eye contact.
“We’re ready!” Bulla announced, dropping an overstuffed diaper bad on the carpet by the twins’ seats. “Let’s go!”
“It’s very nice, Bulma, thank you,” she said. Bulma continued to beam as she turned to Goku.
“The nursery is at the end of the hall. If there is anything you two can think of that you need, just let me know.”
“Thanks,” the Saiyan replied. He too was a little overwhelmed with feeling ‘out of his element.’ He looked to his wife, but she smiled at him, not appearing to feel the same way as he.
“Uncle Goku!” Bulla called, poking her head into the door. “Papa is in the nursery, and he said to ask you to come there.”
“Really?” Goku asked. Bulla shook her head, smirking.
“No. He actually said: ‘Where the hell is Kakkarot?!’, so I thought that I should come get you.”
“Uh...okay,” he answered, his smile faltering. “I’ll be right back.”
Bulla led Goku away down the hall, leaving the two women alone. Bulma smiled at Chi Chi.
“I can’t thank you enough for being so open to this,” Bulma told her. Chi Chi brought a hand to her chest, her eyebrows rising in surprise.
“Me?” she asked incredulously. “I'm the one who should be thanking you and...and... Vegeta. Your hospitality is overwhelming.”
“Don’t mention it,” Bulma replied. “You just make yourself at home.”
‘Easier said than done,’ Chi Chi thought to herself, but returned the older woman’s smile before Bulma turned from the room.
When Goku entered the nursery, Vegeta stood from where he was leaning over the crib.
“What’s up, Vegeta?” he asked.
“Babies,” Vegeta said flatly. “Both. Settle them.”
Goku gave an amused smirk, stepping next to the prince and looking down upon his sons. Vejita squealed happily, kicking his footie-pajamaed feet in his excitement. Goku chuckled.
“He’s just happy, Vegeta,” he said. “He doesn’t need to be settled. Besides, in less than thirty minutes he’ll be screaming his head off for you to hold him.”
Vegeta continued to frown.
“I’ll watch them,” Bulla offered. “I don’t mind.”
“You need sleep as well,” her father told her. “You and I have training in the morning, and I don’t want to hear any whining about being ‘too tired’.”
“But Papa,” the princess began, but he continued.
“I hope you are not whining about the training, because you are going to bed regardless.”
Bulla frowned.
“Yes; sir,” she mumbled. “Good night. Good night, Uncle Goku.”
“Good night, honey,” Goku said, giving her a sympathetic smile. “See you at breakfast.” The preteen turned and left the room, leaving the two older Saiyans alone with the twins. “She’s a good girl,” Goku commented. “It must be nice to have a daughter.”
“It’s more challenging than my journey to become a Super Saiyan,” the prince grumbled in reply. Goku laughed lightly, feeling it best not to be too amused by the prince’s epic struggle with his power levels.
Ninji gave a soft, tired whine that drew their attention back into the crib. Goku sighed.
“Well...I have to feed them before they sleep...” he commented.
“...Sorry I can’t help you with that...” the prince replied insincerely. Goku shook his head, amused none the less, as he picked up the dark-haired infant.
“Say ‘good night’ to him, Vegeta. Once he falls asleep, he’s out for the night!” Vegeta gave a nod, but didn’t speak, standing silently with his hands in his pockets. He watched the taller Saiyan cross to the rocking chair and settle down with their son.
Their son.
Vegeta sighed. Yes, having them here did appeal to him on some level, but he wasn’t convinced that the idea was sensible. He would not get comfortable with the arrangement. It was hard enough becoming attached to the family he had.
A small voice inside of his head asked: ‘Why not? Why shouldn’t you enjoy what you have while you have it? There is no more pain. Your enemies have been gone for ages. What can happen?’.
‘What indeed?’ Vegeta answered himself. In his experience, the universe was always more than happy to show you.
“Well, that room, bed included, is yours to enjoy,” Trunks responded, dropping his wash cloth in the laundry bin. “And there is ample space for you to do your homework and study,” he added with a grin. Goten merely rolled his eyes.
Trunks turned the bathroom light off, ignoring Goten’s exclamation, and walked into his room to undress.
“Prick,” Goten laughed, joining him in the bedroom and snatching up the pajamas that his friend had picked out for himself. Trunks grimaced, but wordlessly put on the clothes he had setout for Goten. “Still, man, it’s gonna be weird to sleep in this house and be... ya know... not in the room with you.”
“You remember the first time that you slept over, and you slept in the guest room?” his friend asked with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah... I cried, and your mom slept with us in the den. No need to remind me.”
“Well, if you’re going to cry,” Trunks told him, as he finished dressing, “you know you are always more than welcome to stay in here.” Goten nodded, both boys looking at each other as they let the realization sink in that they were now alone to talk. “So...” Trunks began quietly.
“Yeah,” Goten spoke, running a hand through his spiky black hair.
Trunks gave a heavy, resigned sigh.
“Look, I want to talk to you about last night.” Goten nodded, dropping onto the side of the bed. Trunks sat down at his side.
“Do you think we should?”
“Yeah... I mean... Isn't it obvious?” It was Trunks’ turn to nod. “So...” Goten took a deep breath and turned to his best friend. “Let’s talk.”
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 61
Goten awoke the next day at 10am. Trunks was already gone, and had been for hours. He had been expecting that, as his friend never missed a class.Chapter 61
The teen sighed, rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as he thought about the previous night. He wasn’t surprised that he didn’t feel uneasy or embarrassed about what happened between him and his best friend, but he was more than a little confused. He loved Trunks more than anyone, but he had never thought of him in a romantic way.
Correction: He had not thought of him in a romantic way since they were kids. But that’s what first crushes were, right? Kid stuff? He wasn’t attracted to guys -- he just wasn’t. But he couldn’t explain to himself why kissing Trunks felt so natural and so... right.
Hence the confusion. Did it feel that way to Trunks?
Goten sighed again and pushed the covers off. Hopefully Trunks would be home soon, and the two could laugh this whole thing off. Or, his friend would say something intelligent and insightful, and everything would be okay again.
After taking a few moments to wash up, Goten trekked out of Trunks’ side of the house toward the kitchen. Bulma was at the table, reading a Capsule Corp business report and drinking coffee. She smiled broadly at the teen as he entered the room.
“Good morning, sweetie,” she greeted. “You and Trunks must have had quite some time together last night, hm?”
Goten froze, his eyebrows rising.
“...Oh?” he managed to respond. “What makes you think that?”
Bulma continued to smile as she answered.
“Well, this is the first day in nearly six years that I’ve had to wake my son up, and I wouldn’t have even realized he was running late if I hadn't come back there to ask him a question.”
Goten looked thoughtful.
“He was running late?”
“Yep. He didn’t even eat breakfast.” She patted the chair at her side and stood. “So I would assume that you had a late night. Sit. I’ll have a bot make you something.”
Goten took the offered seat, his mind occupied with what his best friend's mom had just told him. Trunks was never late. He never overslept. How long were they kissing last night? He thought it only seemed like forever...
Bulma set a plate of ham and eggs in front of the teen.
“Thanks, Aunt B,” he said, distracted. Bulma frowned, looking down at Goku’s son.
“You two didn’t drink last night, did you?” she asked. “You know that I don’t really mind when you do it here, but out in town --”
“No, Aunt B!” Goten insisted with a laugh. “No drinking, honest. Just a long night... I’m still a little sleepy.”
Bulma’s frown softened, and she ran a hand over Goten’s disheveled hair.
“Okay, I guess I’ll believe you...” Her smiled returned, and she picked up her papers and coffee. “I’m off to the lab. I’ll see you later, though.”
Goten nodded, but couldn’t answer around his mouthful of food. He waved as Bulma left the room.
When his plate was cleared, he dropped his dishes into the sink before heading back for Trunks’ room. He raided the older boy's closet for something to wear so he could take a quick shower. Each time he tried to construct a scenario in his mind of the conversation that he was sure was to come, his brain would replay last night... the smell of Trunks’ skin... the feel of his hair... the taste of his mouth...
Goten blasted the cold water, shocking his system back to the present moment. Why on earth would he think about his friend like that?!
Was Trunks thinking about him?
Goten didn’t wait to be completely dry before pulling on his clothes. He had to get home and make sure he had a clean uniform to wear to work. He paused at the door, looking back into the room. He only had a half hour before he had to be at work.... could he risk waiting for Trunks?
Deciding he couldn’t wait around, he made his way through the house and out into the yard. He was just barely in the air, heading for his home, when his cell phone rang.
“Yeah?” he answered, cupping his hand over the device to block the wind flow.
“Hey,” Trunks replied. There was a slight hint of uncertainty in his tone. “Where are you?”
“On my way home,” the younger teen responded. “How was class?”
“Fine... I’m heading home myself.... I was kind of hoping that you’d still be there.”
“I have to work,” Goten told him. “I have just enough time to get home and change before I have to head back out. What’s up?”
Trunks grimaced.
“I... I think we need to talk...” he replied. “Don’t you?”
Goten landed outside of his house, but decided to finish his conversation before going inside.
“I guess...”
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Trunks assured him. “I mean... it’s no big deal...”
Goten frowned, digging the toe of his shoe into the dirt.
“Nah, it’s cool... You wanna get together after work and grab something to eat? I have to work until five.”
“Sounds good,” Trunks agreed. “...Maybe I’ll see you at the lab?”
“Nah, we blue collars aren’t allowed near the brains,” Goten laughed. “Not unless we want to be used in experiments.”
“Oh, come on,” Trunks chuckled.
“No, seriously dude. The supervisor told us not to talk to the ‘inside’ employees. Not even the secretaries. We can talk to building maintenance, though.”
Trunks frowned.
“Mom isn’t going to be happy to hear that,” he stated. “She works hard to ensure that everyone at Capsule Corporation feels equally valued... Besides, doesn’t he know how important you are to my family?”
Goten shrugged, even though he knew the gesture went unseen.
“I don’t care. I wouldn’t want anyone treating me differently because I'm your friend.”
“I know there is an insult in there somewhere,” Trunks said grimly. Goten laughed.
“Nah, that would have been too easy.”
“I see... so... later then?”
Goten agreed.
“Yeah. I’ll give you a call when I get off -- if I don’t see you before.”
“Right. See you later.”
“Oh hey,” Goten said quickly, before his friend could hang up. “I borrowed some of your clothes, I hope you don't mind. I mean, you shouldn’t really. They’re ass ugly.” Trunks smiled.
“If my things are so ‘ass ugly,’ why do you pick them?”
“It’s all I have to chose from,” Goten explained. “Later.”
Trunks shook his head in amusement as he shut his phone. Goten sure was a character. He had almost forgotten what it was they needed to discuss. Interacting with Goten was always so natural and easy... He supposed kissing him should feel that way, too. They were best friends, even though he’d never heard of best guy friends behaving like that.
Trunks made a brief stop at his house to drop off his school books and grab a bite to eat before heading over to the lab. The receptionist at the front desk greeted him with a smile.
“Good morning, Mr. Briefs,” she said. “You have a few messages from product development and testing.” She handed him several slips of paper.
“Thanks,” he responded, giving the notes a quick glance. “Is my mother in?”
“Yes, sir,” she told him. “She came in almost a half hour ago.”
“Thanks,” Trunks said again, politely returning her smile and continuing on into his mother’s primary lab.
“Good morning, your highness,” Daikkon spoke as the teen entered. Trunks was happy to see the other Saiyan, but at the same time wished he had somewhere to spend time other than the labs.
“Good afternoon, Daikkon,” he returned.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Bulma added. “How was school? Did you make it on time?”
“Seventeen seconds to spare,” he answered with a grin.
“Well,” she continued, giving him a suspicious smile, “Goten wouldn’t give up the goods on what made last night so spectacular.” She noticed her son pale slightly, his grin faltering. “And I can tell by the look on your face that it was something pretty good. You two didn’t spend all night at that big gentleman’s club in Central City, did you?”
“Mom,” Trunks spoke, taken aback. Bulma giggled.
“I’m just teasing,” she told him with a wave of her hand. “So when is your next big evening on the town?”
“Tonight we’re going to have dinner somewhere, but it’s no big deal.”
Bulma grimaced at his answer.
“Tonight?” she asked. “If it’s ‘no big deal,’ can I get you to make it some other time?”
Trunks could see that she really wanted him to agree, but he couldn’t come out and say, ‘Gee, Mom, I’d love to, but Goten and I need to have a talk about the two hour kiss-fest we had in my bed last night’.”
“Why, what’s going on?” he prompted casually.
“Chi Chi is going to make dinner for us tonight, and...” She smiled broadly, putting her arm around her son. “We have something special for you kids after. Okay?”
Before Trunks could answer, the sound of a lawn mower rumbled from outside. Bulma and Trunks looked out the window to where Goten was maneuvering the large machine across the expansive lawn. Trunks felt a tug of indecision. But, he supposed, he and Goten could talk afterward.
“Sure, Mom. No problem.”
Bulma gave him a squeeze.
“Thanks, honey. Trust me. You will be happy you came!”
Trunks smiled back.
“I’m, uh... I’m going outside for a second,” he told her, turning toward the door. He gave the receptionist another polite smile as he crossed the lobby and walked out onto the front lawn.
The teen prince placed his hands in his pockets as he approached his friend, stopping a few feet away and waiting to be noticed.
Goten looked up from the neat paths he was cutting into the lush law and grinned at his friend as he cut the engine.
“What’s up, man?” he asked as Trunks came closer. “To what do I owe the honor of speaking with the boss-man himself?”
“The only boss is Mom,” Trunks replied.
“Seriously, man,” Goten said, pulling off his work gloves. “I mean, I’m glad I get to talk to you, but what’s going on?”
“Did... did you need to talk to me?” Trunks returned. The younger boy nodded.
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you that my mom put the kibosh on our plans tonight. Apparently, she and Dad invited your family to dinner. I can’t imagine what the occasion is, but she seemed a little worked up about it.”
Trunks took a deep breath, looking back over his shoulder at the building.
“That’s what I just came to tell you,” he said.
Goten watched Trunks as the older boy wearily ran a hand over his neck. He wonderedwhy Trunks wanted to talk to him so badly. He knew what about but... but why so insistently? He didn’t seem angry.
Nerves caused an unsettled feeling in the younger teen's stomach. Trunks turned back to him.
“We can hang out after dinner, I guess... if you want to?”
“Sure,” Goten agreed. “Do you have an early class tomorrow?”
“No. I have to be at the lecture hall at ten... Do you want to catch a movie tonight or something?”
Goten narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t you want to talk?”
“Of course!” Trunks replied quickly. “I just thought we could hang out, too...”
“That’s cool...” Goten stated. “Well... I gotta get back to work.... I’ll see you tonight at supper.”
“Right... later.”
Goten gave him a weak smile, starting the lawn mover back to life. Trunks waved and backed away before turning back to the lab.
Both boys were thinking the same thing, with the same feeling of unease.
It was their first awkward conversation.
“Goku!” Chi Chi spoke to her husband as she passed through the living room. “They’re going to be here any minute!”Goku paused in his push-ups to address her.
“It’s just Bulma’s family, honey,” he said. “Why are you so nervous?”
“I’m not nervous!” she insisted, watching him as he continued his exercise. She couldn’t help but smile. Clever Goku -- multitasking.
On a blanket beneath him lay his two youngest sons, who he would kiss or coo over on every descent. Ninji would smile sleepily while Vejita nearly managed a giggle of delight. They were growing so fast.
A knock on the door drew their attention. Vejita gave a gurgling squeal.
“Yep,” Goku told him, dropping his knees to the floor and sitting up. “It’s Papa.”
Chi Chi opened the door and welcomed the prince and his family inside.
“Good evening!” Bulma greeted. “We brought dessert: chocolate cream pies.”
“You shouldn’t have,” Chi Chi told her, accepting the container.
“Don’t worry,” Vegeta said dryly. “She didn’t make them.” Bulma gave him a frown as he moved past her and into the living room. Bulla joined the twins on the floor, and Trunks crossed to sit beside his father.
“You wanna spar?” Goku offered to no one in particular.
“No!” Chi Chi exclaimed. “Not before dinner.” Goku was frowning now. Bulla gave him a pat on the thigh.
“Maybe after dinner,” she suggested. He chuckled.
“Uncle Goku,” Trunks began, “is Goten still at work?”
“Nope. He’s in his room,” Goku replied, picking up the dark haired baby and placing him in Vegeta’s lap. “He just got home about twenty minutes ago, covered in grass and dirt. Chi Chi made him hose off outside and wash in the tub before she’d let him in. I think he’s dressing.”
Trunks nodded, but made no move to leave his spot beside his father. Bulla thought about offering to fetch the other teen, but she decided her father might not like her offering to go after the possibly undressed older boy.
As it happened, neither needed to go after him at all.
“So, what’s the big surprise?” Goten asked loudly as he came into the room.
“Yeah,” Bulla chimed in. “I want to know!”
“We’ll talk about it after supper,” Bulma replied with a mysterious smile.
“The suspense is killing me, Aunt B,” Goten told her, glancing over at her son. He also wanted the night over as soon as possible.
“In due time,” she responded with a wink. “Patience is a virtue.”
The passage of time was extremely relative to those in the room. To the younger of them, it was an eternity from tea until dinner was served. To the older of them, except for Bulma, dinner was barely set before it was time for dessert.
As Goten helped his mother clear the table, Trunks asked if he could help serve dessert. Chi Chi wanted to decline his offer and point out that he was a guest, but she knew that with the coming conversation, it might seem odd.
“So then,” Goten spoke, sitting back into his chair. “What is up?” He didn’t miss the look that passed between all four parents.
“We have some good news to tell you all,” Bulma answered for the group. “Do you three care if I tell them?” When no one objected, Bulma turned in her seat to speak directly to the three children. “We talked about what would be best for Ninji and Veji and for all of us... and we decided it would be easier, and just happier, for everyone if --” She smiled widely. “-- if we could all live together at Capsule Corp.”
Not a split second later she had her response.
“Sweet!” Bulla exclaimed, followed by the teens who chorused:
Bulma laughed lightly.
“You heard me. Goten and his family are going to come live with us.” Goten and Trunks exchanged looks of surprise. “Goten,” Bulma continued, “we have a big room all ready for you. You’ll be nice and settled before the start of the school year.”
Goten looked to his parents. He couldn’t read their expressions, but they appeared happy.
“I told you this would be best!” Bulla announced, jumping out of her chair and going to where the twins lay in their bouncer seats. “Did you hear that, guys? You’re coming home with us!” She turned back to the table. “Tonight, right? Can this start tonight?”
Bulma looked to Vegeta for an answer, but he was intent on his cup of coffee. She turned to Goku and Chi Chi.
“Would you all like to come over tonight? Chi Chi, you and I can come back here tomorrow and organize things.”
Chi Chi stood and returned with the coffee pot, refilling the prince’s cup. Who was she to delay the Saiyan’s chance to get a proper night's sleep?
“That would be nice, as long as it doesn’t disrupt your routine too terribly. Doesn’t Trunks have a university class tomorrow?”
“It’s just a lecture, and it isn’t until late in the morning,” Trunks replied. Chi Chi smiled.
“Then how can we refuse?”
Goten and Goku looked at Chi Chi curiously.
“Uncle Goku,” Bulla spoke, coming to his side, “can I help you pack the babies’ things?”
“Um... sure,” he replied, before speaking to his wife. “Honey, are you sure you want to go tonight?”
“Of course,” she told him with a smile, taking the empty plate from in front of him. “Why wait?”
Goku shrugged and stood, letting Bulla take his hand, and the two left the room.
Goten and Trunks were still staring at each other in disbelief.
“Why don’t you boys go get a few things packed?” Bulma suggested. “Not that Goten doesn’t have everything he needs at our house already!”
“Come on, man,” Goten said, standing from his chair. Trunks followed, leaving the room with his friend. “What do you think caused this?” the younger teen asked, once they were inside the small bedroom off the kitchen that had once been Chi Chi’s sewing room. “One big happy family?”
“I don’t know,” Trunk replied quietly. “But I have a feeling that my dad and your mom didn’t have much say in the matter. Actually, I’m sure it was probably orchestrated by my mom alone.”
“But how did she get them to agree?” Goten asked. Trunks shrugged. The two were so caught up in the new development, they nearly forgot that they needed to talk about their own unusual situation. “I guess we’ll have plenty of time to talk now,” Goten said. The older boy frowned slightly.
“You’re an adult, Goten. You don’t have to move if you don’t want to.”
Goten paused a moment before responding.
“It’s not that, man. I’m just worried about my mom, that’s all.”
Trunks gave his friend a pat on the shoulder.
“I wouldn’t worry about her,” he advised. “She’s never been one to go willingly, or even pretend to go willingly, into something she didn’t agree with.”
Goten shrugged.
“I guess...”
Trunks gave him a sincere smile, reaching over and ruffling the younger teen's hair.
“Don’t we all want to do what is best for the twins? And I think that includes being a supportive, united family.” Goten nodded. “Come on, let’s get some of your stuff -- since all of mine is ‘ass ugly’.” Goten gave a snort of amusement. “We can talk more... at home.”
Without another word, the boys packed clothing and a few other items into a bag and returned to the dining room. Goten still couldn’t help but feel a little shell shocked. Were they really moving out of their house? And in with the Briefs? It had always been a childhood dream of his to live in the most impressive, expensive home in West City, but now as an adult it just seemed... odd.
Trunks was having the same feelings of doubt. His mother was an eternal optimist, but could their families co-exist on nothing other than their mutual affection for two tiny infants? The teenage prince looked to his father, who was still sitting at the table, quietly finishing his cup of coffee. For the first time, it was evident to Trunks that his father looked tired. He stood behind the older Saiyan and placed a hand on his shoulder. Vegeta looked up at his son, but Trunks had given his shoulder a reassuring squeeze and moved on before they could make eye contact.
“We’re ready!” Bulla announced, dropping an overstuffed diaper bad on the carpet by the twins’ seats. “Let’s go!”
“So this is it! It is pretty basic right now, but once we get your things in here, it will feel just like home!” Bulma smiled happily as she showed Goku and Chi Chi the suite of rooms that would be their living space in Capsule Corp. Chi Chi was amazed at what Bulma considered ‘basic.’ The rooms were spacious and the furniture of the highest quality. She wasn’t even sure that her and Goku’s things would not look out of place.“It’s very nice, Bulma, thank you,” she said. Bulma continued to beam as she turned to Goku.
“The nursery is at the end of the hall. If there is anything you two can think of that you need, just let me know.”
“Thanks,” the Saiyan replied. He too was a little overwhelmed with feeling ‘out of his element.’ He looked to his wife, but she smiled at him, not appearing to feel the same way as he.
“Uncle Goku!” Bulla called, poking her head into the door. “Papa is in the nursery, and he said to ask you to come there.”
“Really?” Goku asked. Bulla shook her head, smirking.
“No. He actually said: ‘Where the hell is Kakkarot?!’, so I thought that I should come get you.”
“Uh...okay,” he answered, his smile faltering. “I’ll be right back.”
Bulla led Goku away down the hall, leaving the two women alone. Bulma smiled at Chi Chi.
“I can’t thank you enough for being so open to this,” Bulma told her. Chi Chi brought a hand to her chest, her eyebrows rising in surprise.
“Me?” she asked incredulously. “I'm the one who should be thanking you and...and... Vegeta. Your hospitality is overwhelming.”
“Don’t mention it,” Bulma replied. “You just make yourself at home.”
‘Easier said than done,’ Chi Chi thought to herself, but returned the older woman’s smile before Bulma turned from the room.
When Goku entered the nursery, Vegeta stood from where he was leaning over the crib.
“What’s up, Vegeta?” he asked.
“Babies,” Vegeta said flatly. “Both. Settle them.”
Goku gave an amused smirk, stepping next to the prince and looking down upon his sons. Vejita squealed happily, kicking his footie-pajamaed feet in his excitement. Goku chuckled.
“He’s just happy, Vegeta,” he said. “He doesn’t need to be settled. Besides, in less than thirty minutes he’ll be screaming his head off for you to hold him.”
Vegeta continued to frown.
“I’ll watch them,” Bulla offered. “I don’t mind.”
“You need sleep as well,” her father told her. “You and I have training in the morning, and I don’t want to hear any whining about being ‘too tired’.”
“But Papa,” the princess began, but he continued.
“I hope you are not whining about the training, because you are going to bed regardless.”
Bulla frowned.
“Yes; sir,” she mumbled. “Good night. Good night, Uncle Goku.”
“Good night, honey,” Goku said, giving her a sympathetic smile. “See you at breakfast.” The preteen turned and left the room, leaving the two older Saiyans alone with the twins. “She’s a good girl,” Goku commented. “It must be nice to have a daughter.”
“It’s more challenging than my journey to become a Super Saiyan,” the prince grumbled in reply. Goku laughed lightly, feeling it best not to be too amused by the prince’s epic struggle with his power levels.
Ninji gave a soft, tired whine that drew their attention back into the crib. Goku sighed.
“Well...I have to feed them before they sleep...” he commented.
“...Sorry I can’t help you with that...” the prince replied insincerely. Goku shook his head, amused none the less, as he picked up the dark-haired infant.
“Say ‘good night’ to him, Vegeta. Once he falls asleep, he’s out for the night!” Vegeta gave a nod, but didn’t speak, standing silently with his hands in his pockets. He watched the taller Saiyan cross to the rocking chair and settle down with their son.
Their son.
Vegeta sighed. Yes, having them here did appeal to him on some level, but he wasn’t convinced that the idea was sensible. He would not get comfortable with the arrangement. It was hard enough becoming attached to the family he had.
A small voice inside of his head asked: ‘Why not? Why shouldn’t you enjoy what you have while you have it? There is no more pain. Your enemies have been gone for ages. What can happen?’.
‘What indeed?’ Vegeta answered himself. In his experience, the universe was always more than happy to show you.
“That’s a great room,” Goten commented to Trunks as the two got ready for bed that evening. “I’ve never had a bed that big all to myself. The closest would be when I was little and I sometimes slept with Mom ... but that bed just felt big ‘cause I was small, I think.”“Well, that room, bed included, is yours to enjoy,” Trunks responded, dropping his wash cloth in the laundry bin. “And there is ample space for you to do your homework and study,” he added with a grin. Goten merely rolled his eyes.
Trunks turned the bathroom light off, ignoring Goten’s exclamation, and walked into his room to undress.
“Prick,” Goten laughed, joining him in the bedroom and snatching up the pajamas that his friend had picked out for himself. Trunks grimaced, but wordlessly put on the clothes he had setout for Goten. “Still, man, it’s gonna be weird to sleep in this house and be... ya know... not in the room with you.”
“You remember the first time that you slept over, and you slept in the guest room?” his friend asked with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah... I cried, and your mom slept with us in the den. No need to remind me.”
“Well, if you’re going to cry,” Trunks told him, as he finished dressing, “you know you are always more than welcome to stay in here.” Goten nodded, both boys looking at each other as they let the realization sink in that they were now alone to talk. “So...” Trunks began quietly.
“Yeah,” Goten spoke, running a hand through his spiky black hair.
Trunks gave a heavy, resigned sigh.
“Look, I want to talk to you about last night.” Goten nodded, dropping onto the side of the bed. Trunks sat down at his side.
“Do you think we should?”
“Yeah... I mean... Isn't it obvious?” It was Trunks’ turn to nod. “So...” Goten took a deep breath and turned to his best friend. “Let’s talk.”
A/N: Well, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Believe it or not, I am hard at work on the next one!! Thanks for all of the feedback!! *hugs*