Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Out and About ( Chapter 68 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 68
Out and About

“Think of it this way, babe,” Yamucha said to Bulma as he reclined on the sofa in her executive office. “Maybe you’ll all sit down, you and Goku will say you want to stay put, and hey, majority rules!”

Bulma frowned as she continued to sort through stacks of data sheets and test reports on her desk.

“Goku and I are only fifty percent, dear. Not the majority.”

The ex-bandit shrugged, placing his hands behind his head.

“But since Chi Chi and Vegeta can’t agree on anything -- well, except the fact that they both hate that Saiyan -- they’re only one fourth each. So, majority rules.”

Daikkon,” Bulma corrected him, grumbling. “You are beginning to sound like Vegeta.”

Yamucha ignored the remark.

“And I don’t know what has gotten into him!” Bulma continued. “After I made the reservations this morning, he left for ‘training’ before breakfast... can he really hate the arrangement so much?”

“Babe,” Yamucha asked quietly, “did you ever think it might be hard for him to live with Goku after what he was forced to do?”

Bulma was quiet, looking down at the sheets in her hand, but not really seeing them.

“I don’t think he thinks about himself...” she said absently. “There’s something else...”

The old friends were interrupted by the beeping of the intercom. Bulma’s secretary’s voice came through the device.

“Ms. Briefs, your son is here to see you.”

“Thank you,” Bulma replied, turning to the door as it opened. She smiled at her son. “Well?”

Trunks returned the smile as he carried the sphere shaped droid over to rest it on her desk. He greeted Yamucha before answering.

“Hi, Uncle.” Yamucha saluted. “Well,” Trunks continued, laying a hand atop the nursebot prototype. “He got a nine-point-five on the patient testing panel.”

“That’s great, honey!” Bulma beamed proudly.

“He only got a eight-point-seven on the physician testing panel,” the teen continued with a grimace. “They wanted him to be able to ask more in depth questions when taking a patient history. I don’t think they realize how much programming it would take to get a system with that kind of capability.” Bulma was frowning now.

“Bastards. It’s not like we’re trying to put nurses out of work.” Her smile returned, and she leaned forward to address her son. “Soooo, now that the panel research is done, how are you going to spend your night? A special evening out?”

Trunks resisted the urge to groan.

“No. I told Dad I would watch the boys while you go out.”

Bulma’s frown returned, and she leaned back in her chair.

“Honey, I’m certain Marron is old enough to babysit.”

“Bulla is having a sleepover at Marron's tonight, and she’s enough to look after. I don’t want to ruin the girls’ fun. Besides, I don’t have any plans for tonight, and I think it will be fun to spend the time with my brothers.”

Bulma didn’t look convinced, but she had no choice but to agree.

“Well, as long as you’re sure that it’s not interfering with any plans you wanted to make...”

“Not at all,” Trunks assured her. “And Goten is going to help me out.”

“Well, that’s good,” Bulma agreed. “You heading to the lab now?” she asked.

“Yeah,” the lavender haired teen said as he collected his droid. “Daikkon said he’d help me test IAN’s Saiyan database.”

“Sounds like a good time,” Yamucha commented with a smile. Trunks laughed at his apparent sarcasm.

“It is. I’ll see you later tonight, Mom.”

“Bye, sweetie,” Bulma said, giving a small wave. Once her son was out of the door, she turned to her friend. “You know, you could always babysit and give my poor son the opportunity to have a night out!”

“I get the impression that he doesn’t want to go out,” Yamucha returned. “Besides, Vegeta wouldn’t let me watch his plate to make sure flies didn’t land on his food, so I’m certain he won’t let me watch his offspring.”

Bulma grimaced.

“That’s not true!” she stated emphatically. Yamucha shrugged, giving it some thought.

“You’re right,” he admitted. “Vegeta wouldn’t care if flies landed on his food.”

Bulma couldn’t resist the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.

“I’m serious, Yamucha!” she continued, trying to keep a straight face. “I’m pretty sure Trunks would rather be out. He’s a young man at a very critical point in his life.”

“Really?” the fighter asked. “Are you telling me that Trunks has narrowed down the masses to one special lady?”

Bulma grinned.

“I think so!” she said as if talking to a close girlfriend, moving around the desk to join her friend on the sofa. “All the signs point to his having zeroed in on one lucky girl.” Yamucha raised an eyebrow.

“What makes you say that?”

“Please,” Bulma scoffed. “I know my son. He’s spending more time out, he clams up when I mention dating -- how cute is that! And he seems to be more relaxed and confident, yet distracted and tense at the same time. This is serious stuff!” She gave a sigh as she settled back into the overstuffed cushioning of the couch, lighting up a cigarette as she continued. “The most telling, however, is Goten.” Yamucha gave her his undivided attention. “He and Goten seem to be interacting a little less... They still go out together, but they’re not being so playful and goofy -- juvenile -- with each other. That only happens when there is a girl involved.”

“And you get your information from where?” Yamucha asked. “Daytime soaps?”

Bulma shook her head, exhaling a puff of smoke.

“Um, did we or did we not ditch Goku when we started dating?” she asked. “And exactly how often did we see Goku after Chi Chi stepped into the picture? How often did he hang out with Krillin?” Yamucha didn’t have an answer. “My point is,” Bulma continued, taking another drag off her cigarette, “is that my little boy is growing up... he’s in college -- medical school -- he’s working. He’s an overachiever.”

“Like his mom,” Yamucha butted in.

“Exactly. He wants it all, just like I did. And that scares me a little,” she admitted. “Vegeta says not to worry, that Trunks has a better head on his shoulders than the two of us combined.” Yamucha took a moment to attempt imagining such a phrase passing the prince’s lips. It didn’t happen. “His prudishness is occasionally quite shocking.” Yamucha gave a snort of amusement.

“Vegeta said that about Trunks?”

Bulma shook her head.

“I’m talking about Vegeta,” she clarified. “But I’ll tell you what: If any girl thinks she will have a hard time winning over Trunks’ father, she’s going to be damn surprised that who she needs to worry about is me.”

“Maybe that’s why he hasn’t brought her home yet,” Yamucha suggested with a grin, taking the cigarette from Bulma’s hand and crushing it into an ashtray. “Hm?”

Bulma crossed her arms over her chest. She had tried not to spend too long dwelling on why her son hadn’t introduced them to anyone in quite some time. She preferred to think that it wasn’t because of her, as Yamucha implied.


Daikkon did not need to spend a lifetime in the Briefs’ home to know when there was unrest among the members of the household. Since the previous evening, the atmosphere in the house had become increasingly tense. He had decided to spend the time he was not in the lab in his room, away from opportunities for trouble. As he came into the house, intent on taking the quickest route to his personal chamber, he was stopped.

“Hey, Daikkon!” Goku greeted. The tall Saiyan was sitting on the floor with his back against the sofa, his twin sons sitting in front of him supported by several pillows. “Where have you been?”

Daikkon gave a small bow in greeting before answering the question.

“I was finishing some work for her majesty, Ms. Bulma,” he explained, gesturing to the large binder he held in his hand.

“Oh... you sure work a lot,” Goku commented. “You really should take some time for other things. Like sparring. You’re really good at it, you know!”

“You flatter me,” Daikkon replied modestly.

“Nah, I just call it like I see it,” Goku replied. “Here, have a seat. The babies are very entertaining.”

The younger Saiyan smiled, crossing the room and sitting on the sofa, causing the little Saiyan princes to turn to him. Vejita smiled happily at the new arrival.

“They are progressing nicely,” Daikkon observed, as Vejita began to babble and clap his hands together. Ninji returned his attentionto the cube in his chubby hands. Daikkon watched as the dark-haired prince examined the educational toy, his eyes narrowing as he examined each side. “Prince Ninji seems to be quite contemplative.”

“He likes to stare at stuff,” Goku laughed. The older twin looked up at the mentioning of his name before turning back to the toy. “Veji likes to throw stuff. It’s amazing how different they are, for twins.” Daikkon made a sound of agreement. “And Ninji is a smart little guy, too,” Goku continued proudly. “Watch.” He leaned down to the serious baby and took the cube from his hands. Ninji gave a look of curiosity. “Nin,” Goku said slowly to the child. “What’s my name?” He pointed to himself for emphasis. “Who’s this?”

Ninji’s face remained stoic as he opened his little mouth.

“Mama,” he said simply. Goku howled with laughter, returning the toy to the child’s hands.

“Isn’t that amazing!?” he asked his fellow Saiyan. “Veji just says ‘me’, and we’re not sure if he means himself, or ‘meat’.”

Daikkon smiled.

“The ‘m’ sound is one for the easiest sounds for an infant to master,” he said.

“It makes me feel good that he said ‘mama’ first... at least one of them, anyway.” He leaned forward again, this time to plant a kiss on Vejita’s forehead. “This one will be shouting ‘papa’ before too long. Though, I suppose they aren't saying anything is Saiyan at all.”

“On the contrary,” Daikkon replied, “the Saiyan word for ‘mother’, Mahou, is often the first word of Saiyan infants. ‘Mama’ is common in the Saiyan tongue as well.”

“Wow,” Goku said, looking down at Ninji. “You speak Saiyan, son!” He turned next to pick up Veji, who was straining forward and stretching his arms forward in a plea to be held. “What does ‘me’ mean in Saiyan?” Goku asked. Daikkon chuckled.

“Nothing in his context, I think,” he answered. Goku laughed as well, holding the baby up to kiss his belly. The blonde shrieked in delight, his tiny hands patting Goku’s face as his mother held him in his arms. Vejita cooed happily, staring in adoration at Goku. Goku’s smile softened, and he sighed. “I don’t think Horenz could have ever imagined that his actions would have given me so much more joy than sorrow...” he spoke softly, running a hand over the blonde’s soft hair. Daikkon’s smile faded altogether. “These boys are such gifts.”

“We can only guess at what Horenz’ intentions would have been, had his plan been realized as he had designed...” Daikkon replied grimly. “With a mind so bent by a warped image of Saiyan ideology, who knows what more he could have done?”

Goku gave the baby in his arms a hug. That didn’t matter to him; he couldn’t think about these ‘what ifs’. He loved his children, and that was all that was important.

“He was sick,” Goku stated. “Like you said: bent and warped.”

“Horenz became what he professed to detest,” Daikkon said. “The kind of Saiyan whom Frieza created, not the kind of Saiyan that we had once been, before his occupation of our planet.”

“There had better be a good reason why you speak those two names in my home,” Vegeta said darkly as he entered the living room. Daikkon stood to bow.

“Forgive me, my lord.”

“We were just having a discussion, Vegeta,” Goku explained. “It was nothing.”

The prince grimaced.

“I can think of better things to discuss,” he grumbled.

“Well, we were discussing how Ninji can say ‘mama’!” Goku told him happily.

“Mama,” Ninji echoed, not looking up from the mirrored side of his cube. Vegeta raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment.

“I should be getting back to my work,” Daikkon spoke. “With your permission, sire.”

Vegeta gave a disinterested shrug, and the younger Saiyan left the room without another word. The prince looked down at Goku.

“We have reservations in less than an hour. You will be ready by then, I trust?”

“Sure,” Goku replied. “But are you sure we should be leaving the boys?”

Vegeta smirked.

“We’ve left them longer to train. Two hours out to dinner is not going to hurt.”

“I guess,” Goku mumbled. He perked up suddenly to speak again. “I am excited about dinner, though,” he explained. “I can’t remember the four of us ever getting together for dinner out -- without the kids, I mean.”

“Well... sometimes it’s appropriates for adults to dine alone,” Vegeta remarked casually. He didn’t get long to dwell uncomfortably on what the dinner was really for as he and Goku were joined by their older sons.

“What time are you leaving?” Trunks asked his father as Goten dropped onto the floor by the twins.

“Seven,” Vegeta answered.

“You boys sure you can handle watching the twins for a while?” Goku added.

“Sure!” Goten exclaimed. “We are fully confident that we can handle the ‘silent Ninja’ and the ‘Prince of Wails’.”

Trunks chuckled at the nicknames. Vegeta frowned, but didn’t comment. The names were, after all, accurate.

The doorbell sounded, and Trunks turned to answer it. Krillin and Marron were on the doorstep.

“Hey, kiddo!” Krillin greeted the teen. “What’s up?” Trunks smiled, motioning them past.

“Not much. Come in, please.”

Marron smiled shyly at the lavender haired teen before moving past him to settle on her knees next to Goten and the babies. Vejita screamed happily at the new attention. Krillin remained by the door, nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot.

“Heya, Goku... Vegeta...”

“Hi!” Goku returned. Vegeta gave a nod.


The ex-monk stood motionless for a moment, unsure if he had heard Vegeta correctly. After all these years he was beginning to think that his name was just a syllable combination that wasn’t familiar to the Saiyan tongue. He shook off the surprise and spoke again.

“Is Bulla ready?”

Vegeta didn't need to answer as the Saiyan princess came bounding down the stairs, an overnight bag slung over one shoulder.

“I’m ready!” she answered, speaking mostly to her father. “I told Mama I was going. She told me to tell you that you should come up and get ready, too.” Vegeta gave a nod of understanding, silently accepting Bulla’s kiss on his cheek.

Behave,” he whispered in a serious tone before she could pull away.

“Got it,” she agreed.

“Well, we’ll be seeing you tomorrow,” Krillin told the group from where he knelt on the floor, having succumbed to the temptation of adorable twin babies.

“If we ever get out of here,” Bulla commented, causing both father and daughter to rise.

“Good night, guys,” Krillin said to them.

“Good night,” Marron echoed, addressing Vegeta after. “Thank you for letting Bulla spend the night, Uncle Vegeta.”

Vegeta smirked.

“It’s not every day the old man goes on vacation,” he commented. Krillin grimaced.

“I know. So next time he does, you take the girls.” He meant it as a joke, but the prince replied evenly.

“I’m sure it will not be unacceptable to the woman.”

“Um... thanks,” Krillin stammered. “So... uh... good night.”

Vegeta found it easiest to avoid the grins he was receiving by leaving the room altogether. When he reached his bedroom, he found Bulma standing by the side of the bed in nothing but a towel, laying out his clothes. She didn’t have the normal cheerful expression she wore before they had the rare evening out; she was frowning.

“I don’t like that shirt, either,” Vegeta commented, drawing her attention away from the outfit she was scrutinizing.

“Oh... no?” she replied.

“What’s with the doomed look?” he asked, instead of continuing with the original line of questioning as he stripped from his clothing.

“I feel doomed,” she remarked dryly, picking up her cigarettes and moving to the balcony doors.

Vegeta sat on the side of the bed and watched her a moment.

“How so?” he pressed.

Bulma focused on her cigarette instead of her husband as she replied.

“I just feel like this night cannot go well. This conversation cannot go well.”

“Ms. Optimist,” the prince quipped. Bulma frowned.

“Someone is going to end up with hurt feelings,” she snapped back.

“I don’t see how,” Vegeta replied calmly. “We know they don’t want to live here. That should not surprise anyone -- therefore not hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Bulma sighed heavily.

“This meeting may be taking place between the four of us, but there are five children involved as well,” she explained. Vegeta groaned, running his hands through his hair.

“It is impossible to please everyone.”

Bulma’s frown deepened, and she extinguished her cigarette before returning to the room to stand before her husband.

“Vegeta...” she began softly, running a hand over his cheek. “I admire the progress you have made... but being a better person doesn’t mean sacrificing your own needs for everyone else’s all the time.”

The prince smirked.

“I’m far too much of a selfish bastard to ever do that,” he explained. Bulma shook her head.

“Answer me this,” she began. “Do you want the babies to live here?” It was his turn to frown.

“That is an idiotic question,” he said gruffly.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she remarked, moving away from him and returning to the bathroom to finish dressing. Vegeta grabbed the pants she had out for him and pulled them on, opting, however, for a shirt of his own choosing. He didn’t want to think about the upcoming dinner. He would speak his mind, but he would not make demands. Regardless of what happened, he would survive. He would not punish Kakkarot and his mate any further.


Goten wrinkled his nose in disgust as he watched Trunks sitting on the floor and changing Vejita's diaper. The blonde wiggled, squirmed and attempted to roll away from his older brother at various stages of the process. Trunks merely laughed, keeping a firm hold on the baby's feet as he cleaned and rediapered him.

“Gah," Goten breathed in disbelief. "I could never do that!”

“When I was little,” Trunks replied with a smile still on his face, “Dad would let me change Bulla's diapers, when he had to watch us and Grandma and Grandpa weren't around.”

“Oh, he 'let you', huh?” the younger Saiyan asked, giving a snort. “How generous.”

Trunks gave the now happily cooing baby a kiss on the cheek. His mirth quickly faded when the bubbling little boy took a fistful of his hair.

“Ow!” Trunks grunted, taking hold of the baby’s hand. “Help me out here?”

Goten chuckled, prying the chubby fingers from the lavender lock of hair. Vejita growled unhappily, his eyebrows drawing together in irritation.

“Man, he looks just like your dad!” Goten exclaimed. “Look at his mean little face!” He tickled the child’s belly, making him completely forget his annoyance with the older boys, and he laughed gleefully.

“I looked a lot like my dad, too, when I was a baby,” Trunks stated. “I still do... but different... I wonder what Vejita will look like when he is bigger.”

Goten had taken the blonde from the older teen and was now holding him upside down, pretending to drop him to hear the baby squeal with excitement.

“Well, he doesn’t act like your dad, that’s for sure,” Goten stated. “Much too joyful. I don’t think I have ever even heard him laugh... well, except maniacally.”

Trunks shrugged, rising to his feet and picking up Ninji, who was sound asleep on a blanket on the floor. The child continued to sleep, oblivious to being moved.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to put him in the crib,” Trunks informed the other teen before he headed toward the nursery. Goten turned to the baby in his arms, who was now staring rapturously at a strand of lavender hair that was still in his little hand.

“Trunks and I are both your big brothers,” Goten told the child. “That makes the fact that we’re dating kinda creepy, huh?...” Vejita giggled at the amused voice his brother was using. “Not creepy enough to stop, though!”

“What are you telling him?” Trunks asked as he came back into the room, the nursery monitor clipped to his belt.

“Hot accessory,” Goten commented on the device. “It’s what all the cool kids are wearing.” The older teen smirked.

“Give me that baby,” he said, taking the blonde. Goten watched Trunks as he put the little Saiyan into the baby swing and started the motor. The infant prince frowned, his arms reaching for Trunks.

“Dad said not to hold you 24/7 anymore, or you will become spoiled,” Trunks informed the child.

“Here, buddy,” Goten butted in, tucking Vejita’s blanket around him. “Looky! It’s your blanky!”

The infant prince buried his face in the yellow fabric, purring happily as he hugged it close. The older Saiyans chuckled.

“Papa will be home before you know it, kiddo,” Trunks told the baby, giving him a pat on the head.

“Hey, uh... Trunks,” Goten began, pulling the older teen’s attention away from the adorable blonde. “That gets me thinking...” Trunks raised an eyebrow. “When are we going to, you know, start telling people?”

Trunks took a deep breath as he considered the question.

“Well... anytime you want,” he replied with a casual shrug. “I’m more than ready, if we can find a good moment.”

Goten nodded in agreement.

“That’s what I was thinking. And, you know, tonight may be the best opportunity. I mean, our parents are all out having a friendly dinner together, maybe sharing some wine...” He gave a nervous sort of grin. “I think tonight is good.”

Trunks smiled in return. This really was the last step in cementing their relationship: sharing it with the families. They could finally stop testing their connection, when it was already more than obvious to them that this was what they wanted.

“Okay,” Trunks agreed. “Tonight.”

Goten chuckled in amusement, slipping his arms around the older boy’s waist.

“It was nice knowin’ ya,” he remarked.

“How bad can it be?” Trunks replied, leaning in to meet the younger Saiyan’s advance. It was an innocent kiss, yet romantic and loving...

And lasting just one moment too long.


The shrill cry pierced through the silence, and both boys turned to the sound. Standing in the now open front doorway was a shocked looking Marron and a livid Bulla. Marron bit her lip, an embarrassed blush spreading across her face. She turned her teary eyes away from the pair.

“Uh -- Bulla,” Trunks stammered, pulling away from his friend. “I --”

“Forget the fucking cd’s, Marron!” Bulla snapped, scowling at her brother. “Let’s go back to your house.” She grabbed the other girl’s hand and pulled her back out of the house. When they reached Krillin’s aircar, he turned to them as they climbed into the back seat.

“That was fast!” he remarked with a smile. “Did you get the cds?”

“Just drive!” Bulla growled, folding her arms over her chest.

Goten blinked, staring at the front door where the two girls had only briefly stood. His voice was an awed whisper as he spoke.

“She said ‘fuck’.”

Trunks groaned, dropping onto a nearby chair. He couldn’t go after her; he couldn’t leave the babies when he told his father he would watch them. He didn’t want to send Goten after her; it was something he felt the younger boy should not have to explain.

Goten put a hand on the older Saiyan’s head and gave him a comforting pat.

“Well... ready or not...” he spoke gently. “We have no choice but to tell now.”


Halfway through the main course of their meal, Vegeta felt he could put off the inevitable no longer. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair, drawing his companion’s attention.

“I feel the time has come to re-address our living arrangement,” he spoke plainly. Chi Chi and Bulma had been expecting the topic tonight and were unmoved by his words. They were already dreading this discussion long before he spoke. Goku, on the other hand, felt blind-sided.

“What?!” he asked, not bothering to swallow the bite of food in his mouth before speaking. “So... so soon?”

Vegeta took a deep breath to calm himself and approach the debate as rationally as possible.

“The boys are six months old.”

Goku looked wide-eyed from the prince, to his wife, and lastly to his dearest friend. All three wore the same somber expression.

“They are only six weeks old!” Goku clarified.

“For all intents and purposes, they are six months old,” Vegeta replied. “Putting off a concrete living arrangement will only harm them in the long run.”

Goku looked again to the two women, before slumping back in his chair, the gourmet meal before him suddenly the last thing on his mind. Was Vegeta suggesting that he didn’t want their boys? Or... was he suggesting that he did?

“What did you have in mind?” he asked quietly.

“I didn’t,” the prince explained. “This is an open discussion.”

“Then I’ll speak first!” Bulma announced suddenly. “I love having you all at Capsule Corp., and you are welcome to live there for as long as you like, even after those babies graduate from college.” She took a sip of her wine before continuing. “But we don’t want you to feel forced to stay with us.”

“What will happen to the babies if we don’t?” Goku asked, concerned.

“Nothing would ‘happen’ to them,” Vegeta said, mildly irritated. “It’s not like we live in different galaxies. We don’t even live in different cities!”

Goku leaned forward onto the table toward the prince.

“I love living in the same house as my children, whether or not they physically need me,” he stated. “Do you feel differently? Because whether they sleep alone at night or not, they will always need you!”

Vegeta frowned. He had to admit, Vejita sleeping through the night on his own held a twinge of sadness for him, and whether or not the child needed to be constantly held, it was still a joy to see both of those boys on a regular, daily basis.

“There are alternatives,” the prince explained. “The boys could alternate between houses -- stay in shifts or something. At our house one week and yours the next --”

“Like joint custody?!” Goku exclaimed in disbelief. “Like a broken home? Our children are not the victims of divorce, Vegeta! We are not divorced!”

“We’re not married either, clown!” the prince snapped back, embarrassed.

“Boys,” Chi Chi admonished calmly. The two Saiyans settled down, but remained staring intently at each other. “Goku, of course Vegeta is not suggesting that we would choose any arrangement that made the boys feel as if their family foundation was anything other than rock solid.”

Vegeta gave an indignant snort.

“Of course not.”

“But if we don’t live together,” Bulma interrupted, “what are our options? Besides sharing the boys like Vegeta suggested? Splitting them up? We take one, you take the other?”

“No!” Vegeta and Goku replied together, harshly.

“That is definitely not an option,” the prince stated firmly.

“I know that,” Bulma retorted. “My point is that all other options pale in comparison to us remaining together as a family!”

Vegeta continued to frown as he thought about the alternatives.

“Vegeta,” Chi Chi spoke evenly, folding her hands in her lap. The prince looked up at her, waiting for her next words. She took a deep breath. “The last thing Goku or I would ever want is to inconvenience you, or impose upon you, or to make you uncomfortable in your home.” Before Vegeta could rebut her statement, she continued. “And I know that you have stated before that it is no imposition. If you truly feel that way -- as I know that you are a man who speaks his mind -- please, let us know.”

Vegeta was quiet a moment. All eyes were upon him as he stared back at Kakkarot’s mate. He chose his words carefully before he spoke.

“Your presence in the house has not been without benefit,” he stated. The dark haired women looked slightly crestfallen by the response. Vegeta sighed and continued, grudgingly. “No, it is no imposition. If it is agreeable to you -- and do not lie to me if it is not -- I will accept your word.”

Goku and Bulma both turned to Chi Chi for her response. Her gaze was still fixed firmly on Vegeta, as his was on her, each trying to detect any minute evidence of uncertainty in the other.

“I won’t lie to you, Vegeta,” Chi Chi spoke finally. “I didn’t want to move out of my house. I didn’t want to leave my home and the way I wanted things to be.” Goku looked saddened by the statement, and Bulma nervously tapped her fingers against her thigh, her eyes flicking back and forth between the two. Vegeta did not appear surprised by her words. “But I’m glad that I did,” Chi Chi continued. “I’m not saying that it hasn’t had its challenges, and that it still won’t take some getting used to, but I am ashamed by how selfish my thoughts were.” She looked away from the Saiyan’s dark eyes as she finished, a heat of embarrassment warming her skin. “Especially since you have spoken of your concern for everyone’s position.”

Vegeta shifted uncomfortably, having never expected praise of any sort from this meeting. Chi Chi brought her eyes back to his, a look of determination on her face.

“Those children deserve to have you in their lives, Vegeta. They deserve to be raised by their parents, together.”

“We are not traditional parents,” he replied quietly. Chi Chi smirked.

“What parents are?” she asked.

Bulma smiled, reaching over to place her hand on her husband’s knee. Vegeta turned his eyes to the younger Saiyan, who was staring contemplatively into the votive centerpiece.

“Kakkarot?” he began. “What is your verdict?”

Goku took a deep breath and exhaled in a huff before he began.

“I want everyone to be happy,” he said. “I don’t know how to do that if everyone keeps hiding the truth. I don’t care where I live, as long as my family is with me... and I always thought you all were happy...” He looked up at the faces of his companions, giving each of them a deliberate stare. “We can’t be a family if we hide our feelings from each other. I want to know that each of you really means what you say... SO --” He took another deep breath before exclaiming: “All in favor, say ‘aye’!” He raised his hand above his head and looked expectantly at the group.

Bulma laughed, raising her hand. Chi Chi shook her head in amusement, raising her hand as well.

The trio looked to the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta smirked before rolling his eyes skyward and holding up his hand.

“That is the only time I raise my hand to you without the intention of smacking you senseless,” he warned Goku.

The younger Saiyan let out a hearty laugh, smiling happily.

“That’s fine,” he replied.

“I think I’m going to order some champagne!” Bulma exclaimed, signaling the waiter while simultaneously fishing her ringing cell phone out of her purse. Before answering, she placed her order for a bottle so outrageously expensive, both Chi Chi and Goku gasped. “Hello,” she said jubilantly. The smile on her face quickly faded, causing Chi Chi to sit forward, and the two Saiyans to reach out with their senses to pick up their children’s ki. “Krillin, slow down!” Bulma implored. “What? What cds?” Chi Chi frowned, her mind racing with what could have happened to the princess. Vegeta snapped his fingers, summoning the waiter back to his side.

“We’re going,” he practically growled, thrusting an obscene amount of zeni into the man’s hand as he stood.

“Very good, sir!” the man stammered, before bowing away.

“We’re on our way, Krillin,” Bulma assured her friend as she gathered her belongings. “Give us just a few minutes.” She snapped the phone shut and turned to her husband. “Something is wrong with Marron and Bulla,” she explained. “He said Marron is in tears and Bulla is ‘glowering’ -- his word -- but neither will tell what happened. He said something about cds... but I couldn’t follow.”

“Crying over music?” Chi Chi asked, amazed. “Children these days are so attached to possessions.”

Vegeta gave a grunt of agreement.

“Did he say if they were fighting with each other?” Goku asked, confused. “I mean... are they fighting?” His money would have to be on the princess...

“He couldn’t figure it out.” Bulma shrugged, tossing her capsule car to the ground once they were outside of the restaurant. “He said they asked to be flown back to our house to get some cds, they went in, and when they came out, both were visibly upset. Bulla said they didn’t get the cds --” She turned aside to Vegeta. “In language we really need to talk to her about -- and they went back to Kame House. He said they weren’t inside Capsule Corp but a minute.”

Vegeta stopped in his tracks, a knot of dread forming in his stomach.

“He didn’t go in with them?” he asked. Bulma shook her head.

“He said he waited in the car. Why?”

“Nothing.” He turned to Kakkarot and his wife. “You two go on home. We will pick up Bulla and meet you there.”

“Right,” Goku agreed. He was concerned about the girls, but he couldn’t help the small smile that lit his features as he said goodbye. “See you at home.”

Bulma and Vegeta watched the tall Saiyan take his wife into his arms and blast off into the sky. Bulma turned to her husband.

“What do you think is up?” she asked. Vegeta shrugged and got into the passenger’s seat of the aircar. Bulma frowned. Something was going on, something that he was on to. And she didn’t like being left in the dark.


“Sorry to ruin your night out,” Krillin said sheepishly as he greeted Bulma and Vegeta, motioning them into the house.

“We’re sorry about the... situation,” Bulma replied. “And as soon as we find out what the situation is exactly, we will let you know.”

18 entered the living room, giving the guests a nod.

“Bulla says she doesn’t want to go home,” the blonde spoke. “I asked them both if they still wanted a sleepover, and they said that they do.”

Bulma grimaced, confused.

“Well, then what’s all this commotion about?” she asked, exasperated.

“I’ll find out,” Vegeta stated, moving past 18 to the girl’s room. Both young ladies were sitting on the bed, grim looks on their faces. Bulla didn’t seem shocked to see her father. It made the prince proud; she was sensing his ki.

“Girls,” he began, but focused his attention on his own child, “what is the problem?”

“Nothing,” Bulla replied, giving a disinterested shrug. She was hurt, angry and confused at the moment, but she didn’t know who should be the focus of her anger.And she wasn’t about to throw her big brother under the bus before she found out.

“Then what’s with the waterworks?” he demanded. Bulla scowled, annoyed by his insinuation that she was crying as well. Vegeta continued. “What happened at home?”

Bulla glanced to her friend, who remained silent and looked as pale as a sheet. Bulla didn’t want to lie to her father, but she certainly didn’t want to tell the truth, either. Carefully, she constructed her words.

“We went to the house to get some of Marron’s cds that I had left there...” she began cautiously. “And we didn’t find them... One was Marron’s favorite.” Inwardly, she smiled. All technically true. Cds were at home, one was Marron’s favorite, and they didn’t find them. She only felt the tiniest bit of guilt over leaving out the part about not looking for them.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow. His children learned to lie from their mother.

“Fine,” he said, “as long as you are sure that... that you are okay.”

The girls exchanged a look of agreement before speaking.

“Yes, Papa.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

Vegeta nodded, accepting their answer. Could it be that it was not as he feared?

“I’ll be right back... excuse me,” Marron said, sniffling slightly as she passed the father and daughter on her way to the adjoining bath. Vegeta turned back to his little girl who was looking up at him with her vivid blue eyes.

As if he couldn’t control his own movements, he reached out and laid his hand gently atop her head. He wanted to make some gesture to show her that he cared.

“Are you sure there is nothing you wish to tell me, now that we are alone?” he asked quietly. Bulla looked away, shaking her head. Vegeta gave a nod. “Well, then maybe you will feel more apt to talk tomorrow?” The princess shrugged and gave a small smirk.


Vegeta frowned, drawing his hand down over her hair before pulling away. Regardless of why his child was upset, he was not going to learn the answer tonight. It bothered him to not know the source of her discomfort, but he wasn’t sure if it bothered him more to know that if something were terribly grieving her, she would keep it to herself and suffer alone.

“We will collect you tomorrow, then,” he told her.

“Okay... good night, Papa.”

Bulma, 18 and Krillin looked up expectantly at the prince as he returned to the room.

“Well?” Bulma asked.

“Well, let’s go,” he replied simply, crossing to the door.

“What was wrong with the girls?!” Krillin spoke up, trying not to sound too demanding. Vegeta grimaced.

“They’re girls,” he stated. 18 smirked.

“Is that ‘man-speak’ for ‘I don’t know’?” she inquired dryly. The Saiyan looked slightly amused by her remark.

“You are the ones who called us,” he returned. “Could you not get their answer to compute?”

18’s expression softened.

“I’m so glad there are two more in the world with the potential to be like you,” she quipped.

“To whom we should be getting back to,” Bulma butted in. “If you are okay with Bulla staying?”

Krillin still looked dazed and confused.

“Uh... no problem,” he spoke, staring down the hall at his daughter’s door. Bulma gave him a supportive clap on the back.

“You should have had a son,” she stated with a laugh.

Vegeta sighed, guiding his wife back to the door. He had long since come to find that parents don’t worry about sons any less...


When Chi Chi and Goku returned to Capsule Corp, they found the house quiet. Goten and Trunks were sitting silently on the sofa, and Vejita was lightly dozing in his swing. The boys’ behavior didn’t seem uncharacteristic for teens left in charge of rambunctious babies. Well... one rambunctious baby.

“What happened to Bulla and Marron?” Goku asked, as he gently lifted the sleeping infant from the swing. Trunk and Goten looked toward each other.

“Didn’t... didn’t she say?” the lavender haired teen replied.

“From what Bulma could make out of the conversation,” Chi Chi answered, “it had something to do with music discs.”

“What?” Trunks asked, surprised.

“I know what you mean,” Chi Chi spoke, shaking her head in disbelief. “Young people and their music...”

Trunks looked back to Goten. Could it be she hadn’t told? It was too much to hope that she hadn’t really seen...

“I’m taking Veji up to bed,” Goku told them before making his way to the nursery. Chi Chi sat down between the teenagers and gave her son a pat on the leg.

“So, how was it, taking care of your little brothers?” she asked.

“Uh,” Goten rubbed his damp palms against his jeans as he tried to think of a response. His mind was presently occupied by what else he would be telling her -- most likely very soon. “Not too bad. The ninja is pretty easy to look after -- he just mostly lays there and stares at things. And Veji... well, he’s a handful, but if you can get him to laugh, he’s your best buddy.”

“They are sweet,” Chi Chi observed.

There was a long, awkward stretch of time as the boys sat listening to Mrs. Son explain the cryptic phone message from Krillin. Goten gave a start at the soundof the door opening, and he sat up straighter as Vegeta and Bulma entered the house. Bulma spoke immediately.

“Trunks, why didn’t you help your sister find her cds?” she inquired. Trunks’ expression was that of a man truly confused.


Vegeta groaned, noticing the boys’ guilty, nervous faces and auras of fear. Trunks’ eyes met his father’s.

“Papa, it’s not what you think,” he insisted. Bulma gave her husband a curious look.

“What do you mean?” she asked her son, keeping an eye on the prince. What did he know? Did Bulla share something with him that he was keeping from her?

“Then why didn’t you help your sister find the cds?” Vegeta asked dryly, ignoring the woman’s question.

Goku came back into the room, giving the scene before him a scrutinizing look.

“What’s going on?” he asked. Chi Chi was equally mystified.

“Goten?” she spoke to her son.

The teens turned to each other, both with looks of resignation. Goten took a deep breath.

“Well, we’re glad you’re all here,” he began, rising from his seat. “And we have a bit to explain, so... you might want to sit down.”

Bulma furrowed her brow and looked to her son.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Sit down, Mom,” Trunks advised. Bulma took the seat on the sofa that her son had just vacated, and the women looked expectantly to the teens for answers. Goku crossed his arms over his chest and watched Vegeta, who was leaning casually against the wall as if he knew what was coming.

“Do you want me to?” Trunks asked his friend quietly. Goten shrugged.

“Unless you want me to,” he countered.

“Somebody just start talking!” Bulma spoke impatiently.

“Well, it’s like this,” Goten began. Trunks took hold of his arm, halting his speech. The lavender haired Saiyan continued instead.

“We were really hoping to get to tell you this on our own, and not because we had the need to explain something...” he began. “Because we want to share with you all some news that is very important to us.” Chi Chi watched her son’s expression turn from a nervous grimace to a warm smile as he looked upon his best friend. Whatever happened here tonight, he seemed pleased about it. Trunks took a measured breath before he continued. “Goten and I -- after a lot of discussion and trial -- have realized that --” He turned to his friend as he spoke his next words. “That we have fallen in love with each other.”

Bulma gasped loudly, her mouth dropping open in shock. Chi Chi’s eyes widened, and her hand rose to rest at her throat, but she made not one sound. Goku was staring agape as well. Trunks turned back to their parents.

“We didn’t plan this, and we weren’t expecting it, but we’re not questioning it any more,” he explained. “We’re happy.”

“Really happy,” Goten reiterated. Trunks nodded.

“And we want you to be happy for us.”

Bulma blinked a few times, wondering if there was some kind of punch line to follow.

“What?” she finally spoke, shaking her head as if to dislodge the fog inside her brain. “You what?”

“You heard them, woman,” Vegeta replied gruffly. “Don’t be dense.”

Bulma didn’t give the prince a glance; instead, she rose from her seat and took Trunks’ hands.

“In... in love?” she asked him in disbelief. “Love-love?”

“Yes,” he nodded. “Absolutely.”

Bulma brought a hand to her mouth, amazed with what her son was telling her.

I was so far off... yet... not too far...’ she mused. Vegeta interrupted them with a question of his own.

“So what really happened to your sister?” he inquired.

Trunks blushed.

“She walked in at the one moment that I...” His blush deepened in color as he explained.“I kissed Goten.” He quickly amended his statement: “It was nothing more than one simple kiss, I promise!”

The prince gave a nod of understanding, but inside felt his heart twist with sympathy for his daughter. It had to have hurt her.

Goten turned from Trunks’ and his parents’ conversation to look upon his own parents, eager for their response. Both Chi Chi and Goku appeared stunned, staring back at him, making his stomach tingle uncomfortably. He swallowed hard, looking from one to the other.

“Mom?” he said, hoping, at least, for a non-traumatic reaction. “Dad?”


A/N: Yay! Another chapter! My beta was super sweet and finished it up tonight so I could post it for ya'll! I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully, I can crank out the next chapter here pretty soon. Thanks for all of the feedback! You all ROCK!! - B°.