Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Two and A Half Days ( Chapter 71 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
“Don’t whine,” the prince returned, placing the last item into the bag and securing it shut. “It’s unbecoming of a Saiyan... and it doesn’t make me want to invite you.”
Goku shrugged.
“I couldn’t go if you did,” he stated, looking down at the dark-haired child whom he held in his arms. “Right, Nin?” The child stared blankly back at him.
“That is what happens when you spoil and indulge a child,” Vegeta informed him, pulling the backpack over one shoulder and turning from the room. Goku followed, the three Saiyans coming to a stop in the living room. “Where’s the boy?” Vegeta asked his wife, who was reclining on the sofa with a sleeping baby on her lap.
“He just came in from encapsulating the camping equipment. He said he was going up to get his bag.” She gave a wide smile as she added, “But give him a minute or two to say goodbye to Goten.”
Vegeta groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Trunks!” he bellowed, startling Vejita awake. “Get down here!”
Vegeta took the child from his wife’s arms before the blonde had a chance to cry. He wrapped the baby’s blanket around him and held him closely, letting the little Saiyan fall back to sleep snuggled at his chest.
“Sorry, Papa,” Trunks spoke, entering the room with Goten. Vegeta’s call appeared to bring the rest of the household as well, Chi Chi and Bulla coming from the kitchen and Daikkon appearing silently from the hall.
“Why can’t I go?” Bulla frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. Goku put an arm around her and gave her a squeeze.
“I wanted to go too, but maybe next time,” he suggested. “Besides, I’ll really need your help here with the babies.”
Bulla narrowed her eyes, giving the tall Saiyan an incredulous look.
“Really?” she asked. Goku smiled and gave a nod.
The pre-teen gave a slight grin, reaching up to pat Ninji’s pigtail.
“Okay,” she agreed.
“I’m ready, Dad,” Trunks informed his father, moving to stand at his side.
“You two have fun,” Bulma instructed them, giving a wink.
“We will,” Trunks told her. “See you Sunday night.”
Vegeta paused as Trunks walked past him to the door. He looked from his family gathered in the room to Daikkon who stood quietly by the hallway.
Chi Chi followed the prince’s eye line, and because her thinking ran along similar lines, she could almost feel his thoughts.
“Don’t spend the whole afternoon fighting so that you have to set up your tents in the dark!” she advised, drawing Vegeta’s attention with her words. “It’s likely to rain tonight, and I don’t want to be worrying about the two of you while I’m busy worrying about whom I’m taking care of here.”
Goku chuckled at Chi Chi’s warning, but Vegeta met the woman’s serious dark eyes. He gave a nod of understanding.
“We’ll set up camp first thing,” Trunks assured her with a smile.
“Have fun, Trunks,” Bulla spoke, giving him a hug.
“Thanks,” he answered. “Bye, Mom.”
“Goodbye, sweetie,” his mother returned with a wave. “See you Sunday.”
“Come on, boy,” Vegeta said, directing his oldest son to the door. Chi Chi moved forward to take Vejita from his father.
“I’ll keep a close eye on everything,” she said softly, cradling the sleeping child.
“Send Goten if you need anything,” Vegeta replied.
“We’ll be fine, Vegeta!” Goku stated confidently. Ninji reached out a hand to his father and Vegeta took it in his.
“Be good,” he instructed. “We’ll see you soon.”
The family moved out onto the porch, watching Trunks and Vegeta take to the sky, waving until the two Saiyans were out of sight.
“Three days without Dad and Trunks will seem like a long time,” Bulla announced with a frown.
“We’ll find things to do,” Bulma said with a laugh, putting an arm around her daughter as they walked back into the house.
“Yeah, sport,” Goten added. “And it’s not really three whole days. More like two and a half.”
The preteen princess didn’t look comforted by the remark.
“We should just carry on as if Trunks and Vegeta were still here,” Chi Chi told them. “They are fast enough to be back at a moment’s notice and will always know if we need them. The weekend will be over before you know it.” She could tell out of the corner of her eye that Daikkon was watching her as she spoke. His demeanor was unchanged, but she knew he was smart enough to get her warning. It would be stupid of him to do anything that would displease the prince, but she knew Vegeta was wary of him. She felt the same. She couldn’t trust anyone who had a role in what happened to her husband and the prince, no matter what part he played in it. “The first thing we need to do is put these babies down for their nap, however,” she continued, focusing her attention of Goku.
“After we put the babies down, Bulla, we can spar!” Goku told her excitedly. “What do you say?”
“Well... okay,” she agreed with reluctance. “Just don’t cry if I hit you in a sensitive place.”
“I didn’t cry last time!” Goku insisted, following her and Chi Chi from the room. “My eyes just watered.”
Bulma chuckled as their voices grew fainter as they moved further away. The last thing she could make out was Chi Chi stating, “That’s enough, you two.”
“If you have no need of me, my lady,” Daikkon spoke to Bulma, “I will return to the lab. I told Prince Trunks I would complete some work on his nursebot’s housing while he was away.”
“No problem,” Bulma assured him, dropping back onto the sofa. “Just don’t spend the whole weekend in there. It’s not often the Vegeta isn’t here stalking after you.”
The Saiyan bowed without further comment and left the room.
“Well,” Bulma sighed, reaching out to grab Goten’s hand and pull him down beside her, “what are your plans for the weekend?”
Goten smirked.
“I dunno... with both of our men gone for two and a half days, isn’t it customary to go shopping?”
Bulma chuckled.
“We can do that. Of course, I do that even when Vegeta is at home.” She tilted her head thoughtfully as she continued. “I don’t think Vegeta and I have spent two days apart since...” She frowned slightly, pausing to amend her statement. “I don’t think Vegeta and I have willingly spent two days apart since before Bulla was born.”
Goten smiled, ignoring his own pang of anger and regret at the reason for her amendment.
“What makes for such a great relationship?”he asked her, sitting back against the sofa cushion. Bulma gave his hand a gentle pat.
“Mutual respect, love, hard work...” She took a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh. “More love, trust, and a ton more hard work. You have to want a great relationship.”
Goten nodded. It seemed hard to believe he would ever need to work to make a great relationship with Trunks.
“Sucking up to your other half’s parents doesn’t hurt either,” she continued, giving him a playful nudge in the ribs with her elbow. Goten smiled broadly.
“I couldn’t suck up to you, Aunt Bulma!” he declared. “There are no compliments I could give you that wouldn’t just be the honest truth!”
Bulma laughed heartily, affectionately tousling his hair.
“Oh, kiddo,” she informed him, “if that were really a requirement, you’d never have to worry.”
“I’m a little surprised you didn’t just materialize something from a capsule,” he told his son. Trunks smiled.
“It just wouldn’t seem right on a campout.”
The prince nodded. He placed his hands on his hips, looking around camp at the equipment they had brought.
“So what do you want to do first?” he asked.
Trunks shrugged, looking over his shoulder to the field behind him.
“You want to spar?”
When he turned back, his father had his arms folded over his chest, but there was a slight smile on his face.
“This isn’t a training trip, boy. But we can spar. Only if you want to.” It was Vegeta’s turn to shrug. “But it wouldn’t seem right... on a ‘campout’.”
Trunks grinned widely, the expression giving his handsome face a boyish light.
“We can fish,” he suggested. “We’ll need to catch some lunch anyway.”
Vegeta nodded in agreement, watching his son select the appropriate equipment for the task, a happy, contented air to his demeanor.
How could he have always treated his children as foreign beings? Something alien to him, when they were from his very own body? Their behavior seemed very alien to him at times, but they were part of him.
“Here, Papa,” Trunks spoke, handing his father a fishing rod. Vegeta took it, following him to the river and settling beside him on the bank.
“Is this the most efficient way of catching lunch?” he asked, taking the bit of bait that Trunks offered.
“No,” the teen smiled, “but it is the most relaxing.”
Vegeta grimaced, affixing the bait to the line and following Trunks’ lead, casting into the water. Silence descended upon them as they watched the gently rushing water, sitting side by side.
Goten was mindlessly channel surfing in the den, but she didn’t want to join him. She felt it might be weird to spend time alone with Goten while Trunks was away, and she wasn’t ready to spend time alone with him just yet.
Her mother was busy doing laundry, the one household choreshe didn’t detest. Bulla wasn’t about to volunteer assistance. She wasn’t that bored.
The preteen made her way to the east wing of the house that held both Trunks’ living suites and the Son’s. She passed up the nursery in favor of visiting the room next to Goku’s and Chi Chi’s bedroom that had been made into a sewing room. Chi Chi was sitting at the sewing machine, guiding a beautiful blue fabric under the quickly stitching needle.
“Hi, Aunt Chi Chi,” Bulla spoke, running a hand through her still damp hair as she walked to the woman’s side.
“Hello, dear,” Chi Chi replied, smiling at the girl. Bulla peered down at the fabric Chi Chi was working on.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Chi Chi continued to the end of the seam, back stitching to secure the thread before pulling the garment up to show the petite princess.
“I’m making a blouse,” she answered.
Bulla raised an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you just buy a blouse?” she asked with a grimace.
“I could,” Chi Chi smiled. “But when I make them myself, I get to pick the fabric, the style and all the embellishments, or lack of, myself.”
Bulla looked over at the cutting table where the pieces of Chi Chi’s handmade pattern sat pinned to sections of fabric.
“...You can make whatever you want?” she asked curiously. Chi Chi nodded.
“Would you like me to teach you how to make something?”
The girl’s teal eyes lit with interest.
Chi Chi continued to smile, standing and leading the girl over to the pattern drawer.
“We’ll get you started on something easy,” she began, selecting a simple skirt pattern. Happily, Bulla picked a bright fabric and Chi Chi explained how to take measurements, adjust the pattern, and how to lay and cut the material. They worked amicably together on their project until Goku interrupted, holding a wailing Vejita in his arms.
“Honey -- sorry to bother you two – but have you seen the yellow blanket?”
“No, dear,” Chi Chi answered. “Did you look to see if it slipped under the crib?”
“Yeah,” he replied, pulling the crying child up to get a better grip. “Under the crib, beneath the mattress, in the bathroom, in the living room...” He sighed. “I can’t find it.”
Chi Chi turned to Bulla.
“We can finish this in a bit, okay, sweetie?”
“Okay,” Bulla answered, turning back to the sewing machine. “I just want to finish these straight pieces on my own.”
Chi Chi smiled warmly at Bulla’s enthusiasm, patting the girl on the shoulder as she rose to follow her husband from the room.
“Where did you see it last?” she asked, once in the hallway. Goku frowned, giving a sigh of resignation as he held the inconsolable child against his shoulder.
“Veji was holding it when he went to sleep. I could swear he was!”
Goku followed his wife into the nursery, watching as she made the same rounds as he when he was searching for the gift of Piccolo’s that had now become his child’s most prized possession. Chi Chi quietly looked around the still sleeping Ninji, under the crib (that the boys were quickly outgrowing), and in the bathroom linen closet. She frowned, moving back into the nursery and giving the room a scrutinizing onceover, her eyes stopping on the laundry hamper. Upon opening the wooden, fabric lined hamper, she and Goku looked down inside. It was empty.
“Hello,” Bulma sing-songed, entering the room with a laundry basket resting on her hip. She watched Chi Chi close the hamper. “Oh, that’s already done,” she smiled, indicating the fresh, folded clothes. Goku’s eyes bulged.
“Do you have the yellow blankey?” he asked, concerned.
“Mm-hm,” she acknowledged happily with a nod of her head, pulling the blanket from her basket. “I thought I’d take the opportunity to wash it while he was unconscious, since he’s permanently attached to it at all other times.”
Vejita’s wails were silenced once his eyes landed on the blanket. His face brightened and he stretched his hands forward, his fingers grasping for his beloved companion.
Bulma giggled, handing the freshly laundered blanket to her stepson. Veji purred, burying his face in the warm quilting. Goku watched the child warily. He wasn’t so sure the storm was quelled.
He was right.
Vejita thrust the blanket away from his face, confused by his familiar looking blankey with an unfamiliar scent. His tears quickly returned, and he planted his face against Goku’s shoulder to cry.
Bulma and Chi Chi stared, bewildered, at parent and child. Goku blushed slightly, for some reason embarrassed by the situation.
“Don’t be upset, Bulma,” he began weakly, patting his son’s back. “But... you washed off Vegeta’s scent.”
Bulma’s jaw dropped in shock.
“I what?!” she asked.
Goku snuggled the child to his shoulder, giving a sigh.
“The blanket, it had Vegeta’s scent on it because he used to have it against him when he held Veji as a baby... I think that’s why Veji likes it so much.”
Bulma smacked a hand to her forehead.
“Don’t despair,” Chi Chi said to her, pulling Bulma’s hand away from her face. “We will just have to get something out of the hamper that Vegeta wore yesterday and give that to the baby until Vegeta comes home.”
Bulma groaned.
“I’ve done all of the laundry,” she said dejectedly. “This was the last...”
“Even the pajamas he had on last night?” Chi Chi asked, a little impressed by Bulma’s domestic skill. Bulma nodded weakly, deciding it best not to try and explain that the only thing Vegeta wore last night to bed was his skin.
The three adults stood quietly, thinking of something to soothe the poor child.
Goku looked up, hesitantly asking:
“Have you changed your sheets?”
Bulma blinked.
“Your sheets,” he repeated. “On your bed... where Vegeta slept last night. Are those washed?”
Bulma smiled.
“No. Not yet.”
She motioned for them to follow and led them across the house, Chi Chi trailing reluctantly. She had never seen Bulma’s and Vegeta’s personal bedroom, but in her mind’s eye she has always imagined either a sterile space ship bunk or an interstellar bordello.
“Come on in,” Bulma spoke, just loud enough to be heard over the baby, ushering them inside. Chi Chi was surprised by the room’s traditional appearance and the simple, classic style of the furniture. It was elegant and cozy, not too materialistic or grandiose at all.
“This is Vegeta’s side,” Bulma continued, indicating the right side of the bed.
“Like Chi Chi,” Goku commented, peeling the child from his chest and attempting to lay him down. Vejita howled and resisted, clinging to Goku’s arms and grasping with his tail. “Hey, hey...”Goku said soothingly, reaching down to pick up the prince’s pillow. “Look, smells like Daddy, hm?” The child bowed away from the pillow instantly, before turning a curious eye to it. “See?” Goku continued.
The tiny Saiyan began to purr happily, wrapping his arms around the pillow. He held tightly to it as Goku placed the blanket on Vegeta’s side of the bed before laying his son upon it.
“I’m sorry, Goku,” Bulma whispered as she watched her friend settle down next to his child. “I was just trying to help.”
“It’s okay,” he chuckled, before giving Vejita a kiss on the forehead.
“I won’t change the sheets until Sunday!” she declared. Chi Chi tried not to smile, amused by the situation. To think it would be Bulma to efficiently wash all of the laundry, thus causing this turn of events. It would seem even when Vegeta wasn’t at home, he was a constant presence.
“Bulma,” she spoke, causing the older woman to turn her attention from the Saiyans. “What is this?” Sitting on Vegeta’s nightstand was a small, black album with two silver circles embossed on its cover. She was curious about its contents. What could the prince of Saiyans be reading before he retired?
“Oh!” Bulma spoke happily, picking up the book and taking Chi Chi’s hand, pulling her down to sit on the bed. “This is mine and Vegeta’s weddings album!”
“Weddings album?” Chi Chi repeated, even before she had the time to be amazed over the existence of the album itself. Bulma grinned like a giddy school girl and opened the book.
“Yeah. We’ve had two weddings, but only enough pictures to fill one album. Vegeta is not too fond of cameras.”
“Why two weddings?” Goku asked, with a wide yawn.
“Well, the first was just a bit after Trunks was born,” she explained, pointing to a picture of herself in a summery, cream colored sundress, holding baby Trunks in her arms. “Vegeta told me we had to have a human ceremony so I would be absolutely clear that I ‘belonged to him and could not be touched by another male’.” She grinned. “I think that was his way of proposing.” Goku made a snort of laughter and Chi Chi merely rolled her eyes. Bulma turned the pages that held the remaining four pictures of Vegeta and herself on their first wedding day. “The second wedding,” she continued, “was right after all that trouble with Buu. Now, I’m not a superstitious girl by nature, but Vegeta and I promised to be committed to each other until death do us part. And since we both died that last time, I wasn’t taking any chances that our marriage wasn’t real.” Bulma sighed, her fingers tracing over the photo of her family. An infant Bulla was cradled in one of her arms and young Trunks stood grinning at her side. “It was also nice to reaffirm our commitment to each other after so much drama... and doesn’t my husband look handsome in a suit?!”
Chi Chi smiled at the way Bulma’s face lit up as she relived the day in her mind.
“He certainly is full of surprises,” she acknowledged. “And... and that is a very nice suit.”
Bulma’s grin widened.
“He picked it out. My tailor made some sketches and Vegeta picked the one he liked the most.”
Chi Chi raised an eyebrow.
“The surprises never end.”
The prince’s wife sighed and shook her head. “He keeps things interesting - Oh!” Suddenly Bulma jumped up from her seat on the bed. “Speaking of my tailor, he said he would take the boys’ photos when we were ready to have their first professional set taken, and his brother-in-law said he had the perfect outfits!” Bulma continued speaking as she walked from the room, momentarily stunning the younger woman with the speed of her shift in thought. “I’m thinking of having all the kids’ pictures taken together. I haven’t had Bulla and Trunks sit together in ages! I wonder if Gohan would go for it...”
Chi Chi sighed, turning to her husband.
“She is full of endless energy --” She stopped speaking, seeing that Goku and his son were sleeping soundly. She sighed again, rising from the bed, the Briefs’ ‘weddings’ album still in her hands. Vegeta and Bulma seemed to have a relationship unlike anything any of their friends would imagine from the surface appearance. While they spent years wondering what Bulma saw in the arrogant, stubborn royal, Bulma saw the side they didn’t. It reminded Chi Chi of her own marriage. She knew that everyone wondered what Goku saw in her, why he'd made the choice he did. It seemed all Goku’s friends ever saw was her severe side, the side that had to nag or correct.
Chi Chi placed the album back on the table. Another piece of the puzzle that was Vegeta seemed to snap into place. They were really not so unalike.
She looked down upon her sleeping husband and his child. In the distance, she could hear Bulma’s voice as she chatted on the phone. She was sure the other woman wouldn’t mind the two Saiyans napping there.
Chi Chi snapped off the light as she left the room, returning to the other side of the house to help Bulla finish her project. She felt a gratifying sense of purpose in taking care of this family and keeping an eye on things in the prince’s absence. It was like she finally had the big family she always wanted. Should it matter in what form it came?
Once the meal was prepared, the Saiyans settled on their sleeping bags near the still flickering fire pit.
“This is good, Dad,” Trunks commented, taking another bite of his venison steak. “I always wondered why you didn’t cook more at home, since you are so much better at it than Mo--... since you are so good at it.”
Vegeta smirked.
“That’s what she made those bots for, isn’t it?” he asked. Trunks smiled.
“The bots may know how to follow a recipe, but they can’t put soul into cooking. It’s an art.” His smile widened impishly. “Didn’t you make this meal with love?”
Vegeta shook his head, but allowed himself a small chuckle before the conversation lulled into silence. He looked across the fire at his son, watching the thoughtful expression on the young man’s face as he finished his meal. What could he be thinking? Was he trying to think of things to discuss with him since their relationship had never been very open in the past? Was he uncomfortable alone with him? Vegeta had never really put into perspective that he’d had Trunks when he was very young, for a Saiyan. He was quite immature in Trunks’ youth, and he was beginning to realize that they had both suffered because of it. He regretted every moment of that time that he didn’t treat Trunks as he could Ninji and Vejita. He was lucky the boy turned out so kind and forgiving.
“How are you doing in school?” the prince asked.
“Really well,” the teen replied. “All of the college courses I took in high school gave me a jump start, and I’ve tested out of several others. But I’m not taking chances. I spend as much time studying as I can.”
“I can’t imagine from whom you get your modesty,” Vegeta smirked. “Probably your grandfather.”
Trunks chuckled. Dr. Briefs was certainly the most low key of the family.
“Well, I can’t take too much credit for what I’ve inherited from you and Mom.”
Vegeta smirk remained, but he didn’t refuse the compliment. He set his empty plate aside and leaned back on his hands before he continued speaking.
“And how is... your personal situation?”
Trunks smiled, a little surprised by the question.
“Great,” he answered with a shy laugh, dropping his eyes. “It’s nice... we’re really happy.” He laughed nervously again, certain he was blushing brighter than the campfire. “But you don’t want to hear about all that.”
The prince frowned.
“If I didn’t want to hear about it, I wouldn’t have asked,” he said simply.
Trunks had to admit, his father never feigned interest.
“Well...” he began again, setting his plate on top of Vegeta’s, “it’s pretty normal, for the most part. Not too much different than before. It’s just like having a best friend... you’re in love with.”
“Indeed,” Vegeta remarked, smirking. The lavender haired teen laughed.
“I mean, it’s Goten!” he explained. “He’s funny and caring and... I never thought I would feel this way about anyone -- let alone him.” Vegeta’s brow furrowed as he focused on his son’s body language, and the way his eyes lit up like Bulma’s. Trunks’ words were filled with such feeling and energy. The prince could almost feel his joy. He was happy for his son. “Sometimes I feel it’s too good to be true. I just... I’m just amazed that it feels like this.” Vegeta gave a nod. Love of all kinds was a powerful force. Trunks took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief at getting to put his feelings into words. “It’s intense. It feels great, but at the same time... it... it hurts.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment as he tried to comprehend what the boy just told him. Finally, morbid curiosity and fatherly concern got the better of him.
The prince cleared his throat and tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Wh... where does it hurt?”
Trunks looked up to see the mask of coolly disguised bewilderment on his father’s face. He gave a start of shock.
“No! No, not physically! Not... not really,” he tried to explain. “You know that expression ‘I love you so much it hurts’?”
Relief washed over the prince upon the revelation, and he nodded. Yes, it was a feeling he was familiar with. He felt that way about the woman and each of his children. It was a slightly different feeling for his new extended family. In that case, it hurt to admit that he cared.
“I am pleased that it appears to be working favorably for you,” Vegeta told him.
“Thank you,” Trunk responded. “That means a lot to me.” He was quiet a moment before he ventured to ask, “How are you doing, Dad?”
“I have no reason to be unwell,” his father answered. Trunks grimaced.
“That doesn’t answer my question!” he exclaimed with a slight laugh.
“What else do you need to know?” Vegeta continued with a shrug.
“I suppose you could tell me that I don’t need to know anything,” his son replied. “But what I want to know is how you are doing. Are you getting along with Uncle Goku? Are you getting along with Aunt Chi Chi? Are you getting enough sleep? Are the twins getting easier to handle? Those things, Dad. Just the same as you asking me about school and Goten. I care about these things.”
Vegeta crossed his arms and leaned back against the tree he sat in front of. He supposed it was a legitimate request from Trunks, since the prince just asked the very same questions of him.
“I am not unwell,” he began, the smirk returning to his lips. “I am not displeased with our living arrangement.” Trunks raised an eyebrow. “Kakkarot’s wife cooks well... Kakkarot is not too bothersome.” The teen smiled. “I always get enough sleep. And the boys... They are not too bothersome.”
The younger Saiyan chuckled, moving to lie on his stomach across the sleeping bag. He leaned his chin on his hands, watching his father. He wondered why it was easier for the prince to say what he wasn’t feeling, as opposed to what he was...
“I’m glad we did this, Papa,” he spoke. “I really like when we talk.”
Vegeta turned to him, giving a nod of agreement. He hoped one day Trunks would understand how much he had always meant to him, but he didn’t think any amount of words could explain.
“Get some sleep, boy,” the prince advised, running a hand over Trunks’ lavender hair. The teen turned his gaze to his father, giving him a smirk.
“Not yet, Papa,” he said, rising to his knees and reaching for his backpack. Vegeta raised a brow, watching the child sort through his belongings. In a moment, the young Saiyan produced several boxes, handing a package of graham crackers to his father. With a wide smile, he continued, “Maybe after dessert.”
Yamucha, who was already there when she arrived, declined the spar in favor of having coffee with Bulma in the dining room. Her grandfather was with them as well, seeing as Ninji was asleep in his arms. Goten dismissed her before she even had the chance to ask, saying something about applications and forms. ‘Pining for Trunks’ is what she assumed was the translation. Her last hope was Bulla, who appeared to be working on some sort of craft project with her grandmother.
“Are you done yet?” the child asked with a sigh.
“No,” Bulla replied with mild irritation, not looking up from her work.
“Pan,” Chi Chi spoke warmly, “why don’t you join us? Wouldn’t you like to make something too?”
The young Saiyan screwed up her features in distaste.
“Not really. I’d rather be sparring. Wouldn’t you, Bulla?”
“Not really,” the princess said lightly. Pan groaned, pulling herself from her chair and leaving the room to give asking her uncle one more shot. Chi Chi gave a slight frown as she watched her leave.
“How’s this, Aunt Chi Chi?” Bulla asked, drawing her attention as she held up her newest finished project: a simple sleeveless top. Chi Chi smiled.
“It’s lovely, dear. You learn very quickly.”
Bulla turned the garment toward herself, giving it a scrutinizing look.
“I can’t wait to learn to make more complicated stuff with zippers and collars... and sleeves.” Both chuckled at the comment.
“Well, I’d be happy to teach you whatever you want to learn,” Chi Chi told her.
“Thanks,” Bulla beamed. “I’m going to go try my outfit on together!”
The smile remained to Chi Chi’s face as she cleaned up the work space. When finished, she went to join the rest of the household in the dining room. She could hear the group’s lively chatter from the hall, Yamucha’s voice loudest among the group as he spoke to the youngest of the Son family.
“Your daddy is coming home soon!” he stated excitedly, tossing baby Veji into the air. The blonde shrieked in delight, returning the hug the human gave him once he was safely back in his arms. “Then your mommy and Bulma can quit shacking up.”
Both Goku and Bulma began to protest, but Chi Chi spoke first.
“They are not shacking up,” she reprimanded, giving the warrior a slap to the back of his head.
“Yeah!” Goku added, watching his friend chuckle despite the correction.
“I’m sleeping in the guest room,” Bulma explained. “It’s not like Goku’s sleeping in my room with me. It’s just until Vegeta comes home.”
“I’m just teasing, sheesh,” Yamucha continued to laugh, setting the baby on his lap. “It’s not like you two haven’t been living together in some way, shape or form before this.”
Goku and Bulma looked to each other, both shrugging in silent agreement.
“When will Vegeta and Trunks be home?” Gohan asked.
“Probably close to dinner time,” his mother answered, passing to the kitchen and starting a kettle for tea. “At least they should. Trunks has a class first thing in the morning.”
“I hope we’re still here when they do come back,” Gohan said with a grin. “I’d love to hear how it went.”
“I bet it was great,” Goku said wistfully, sounding slightly envious. “We used to have great campouts. I can’t wait until the boys are big enough to take.”
“Stop saying things like that,” Chi Chi grimaced. “They’re growing fast enough as it is.”
Goku frowned, snuggling his sleeping child closer.
“I know...”
Piccolo shook his head in disbelief over how motherhood had transformed Son Goku -- yet kept him just the same. Even though the warrior was now more gentle with his children and mindful of their care, the Namekian knew he could still thoroughly kick his ass.
Taking the opportunity while the group was discussing the children’s growing milestones, Piccolo left the dining room and stepped out onto the patio. He wasn’t alone outdoors, however, as Daikkon was sitting at the patio table pouring over a book. He looked up as the Namekian shut the door behind himself.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Piccolo,” the Saiyan greeted, closing his book. Piccolo gave a nod in return.
“There are many people here, yet you choose to sit alone,” Piccolo observed. “I was under the impression that you debunked the belief that Saiyans are solitary creatures.”
Daikkon smiled.
“True,” he admitted. “However, seeing as the king’s disapproval of me has seemed to spread to young master Goten and now Ms. Chi Chi, I find it best if I keep to myself.”
Piccolo nodded in agreement.
“That can be wise. Sometimes Son’s wife is more intimidating than the prince.”
The Saiyan folded his arms, leaning back in his chair.
“Mm... of course, there are such expectations of my next mistake, I almost hate to disappoint them.” He sighed, looking up at the tall Namek. “As my king’s comrade, I am sure you have similar feelings toward me.”
Piccolo smirked. He wasn’t so sure ‘comrade’ would be the best word to describe the relationship between himself and Vegeta, but he didn’t dispute it.
“I wouldn’t worry about the bias of this group. It’s very seldom permanent,” he spoke. “I used to be in your position. After all, compared to my offenses, yours are nothing.”
Daikkon raised an eyebrow.
“I can think of nothing worse than putting the lives of Mr. Goku and his children in peril. I am sure that the prince would agree.”
A smile tugged at the green-skinned warrior’s lips.
“You may have unintentionally caused some risk. However, I intentionally sought Son Goku’s death -- even succeeded once.” Daikkon looked surprised. “And he and Vegeta used to be on opposing sides as well. All of us, at some point, were enemies instead of friends -- including Vegeta and his wife. If our offenses can be forgiven and forgotten, so will yours.”
“I could only hope to earn their trust,” Daikkon spoke, more to himself.
Piccolo watched the young Saiyan a moment. He didn’t have any adverse feelings toward the man, but he wasn’t as easily trusting as Goku or Bulma.
“Out of curiosity,” he said, regaining Daikkon’s attention, “what are your intentions toward this family?”
Daikkon didn’t seem surprised by the question.
“I have wanted nothing more than to serve the true king and leader of the Saiyan people,” he replied evenly. “To aid the royal family in whatever capacity needed, and hopefully once again see the Saiyan race return to its former glory.”
“Remain resolute,” Piccolo advised, turning back to return indoors. He couldn’t imagine Vegeta turning down anyone with a goal like that.
The Sons,the Briefs and Yamucha sat in the living room after supper, sharing a pot of tea and having light conversation. Ninji was cuddled in Goku’s arms, his dark eyes watching people as they spoke. Veji sat in Yamucha’s lap babbling happily as if he were part of the conversation and playing with the human’s car keys.
Movement outside of the front door drew everyone’s attention. It opened, revealing a smiling teen prince.
“We’re home!” Trunks announced, preceding his father into the house. Everyone rose from their seats and moved to meet them.
“Did you have a good time?” Bulma asked, giving her son a hug.
“Absolutely!” Trunks replied. “We had a great time.”
Chi Chi relieved the young prince of his bag.
“We’re pleased that you did, but we missed having you both here.”
Vegeta smirked, dropping his own bag by the door, so preoccupied with his approval over not seeing Daikkon that he barely noticed his annoyance over seeing Yamucha.
“I’m sure you got along fine without us,” he said dryly.
The prince’s voice caused Vejita to look up from the keys, and he shrieked like a teenager beholding a rock star, stretching his arms out toward his father.
“Yep,” Yamucha confirmed, holding out the now flailing child, “that’s your papa.”
Vegeta blushed furiously, taking the baby into his arms. The tiny blonde threw his arms around his father, making sounds of extreme adoration that he usually saved for meal times. It was then that Vegeta noticed the two lengths of fabric his son held -- one the familiar yellow blanket. The other was also familiar, but an odd surprise to see. He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, that is your pillowcase,” Bulma informed him matter-of-factly. “And no, I don’t want to explain just yet.” The prince shrugged.
“Why don’t we sit back down and have some more tea?” Chi Chi suggested. “So we can hear about their weekend.”
Bulla offered Trunks her hand and led him to the sofa.
“And then we can tell you about our weekend,” she said. “I got in several sparring matches with Uncle Goku, and I’ve started learning how to sew!” Her brother gave her an encouraging smile to show interest before turning to Goten who sat down at his side.
“Hey, man,” was all the younger teen offered in greeting.
“I’m very interested in hearing how things went around here,” Vegeta stated, taking a seat and adeptly lifting his young son up to his shoulder. The baby cuddled the Saiyan’s throat, happy to be reunited with his sire. The prince was still quite pink in the face.
“Everyone behaved,” Chi Chi told him, handing him a cup of tea for which he murmured ‘thank you.’ “It was a quiet weekend.”
Vegeta nodded in understanding.
“So,” Yamucha addressed Trunks, “how was it? What did you do?”
“We did a lot,” Trunks replied. “Fishing, hunting, hiking, sparring... and I learned a lot too. Such as: deer meat makes a great fishing bait, sticks covered in melted marshmallows attracts bears andbears make quite a filling breakfast!”
The group laughed at the comment, mostly from the thought of the prince of all Saiyans roasting marshmallows on sticks.
As the conversation continued, Vegeta began to notice a slight rise in ki coming from the older twin. Just as he turned to the dark haired child, Goku noticed it as well. Ninji was watching Vegeta and his brother.
“I think he’s missed you too,” Goku said, crossing to Vegeta to exchange twins. He deposited Ninji on the prince’s lap, but when he tried to pick Veji up, the child clung to his father like a monkey.
“Come on, Veji,” Goku encouraged. “Come with me... come to Mama...”
“NA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A!” the blonde insisted, holding tighter, his fist finding a way into Vegeta’s raven hair.
“He’s fine, Kakkarot,” Vegeta said gruffly. “Leave him. I can hold them both at once.” He tried to ignore the broad grins on Kakkarot’s and the woman’s face.
“Well, I’m gonna call it a night!” Yamucha stated, rising from his seat, finding it the best time to make an exit. “Chi Chi, thank you for the lovely meal.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied. Bulma frowned.
“So soon? It’s barely nine o’clock!”
“Yeah,” Yamucha nodded. “Trunks has got class in the morning, and it’s past the young’ns’ bedtime.” He gave a salute to Goku. “Have a good night.”
Goodbyes were exchanged and Bulma walked her friend to the door. Trunks took the opportunity to excuse himself as well.
“I do have an early class,” he said, rising from the sofa.
“I’ll get your stuff,” Goten offered, moving to pick up Trunks’ camping pack. He hoped that at some point in time it wouldn’t feel so painfully obvious that he just wanted to follow him to bed.
“Good night, boys,” Bulma grinned.
She would probably be the reason that it would remain painfully obvious for a long, long time...
Without another word other than ‘good night,’ Trunks and Goten left the room.
“It’s probably best that you head up as well, young lady,” Bulma told her daughter. “I want to take you shopping in the morning for your school clothes.”
Bulla’s eyes lit up at the idea, but she surprised the group by asking:
“Can we buy fabric so I can make some of my school clothes?”
Bulma knew she was a genius, and given the chance she could figure out sewing, but she never had the desire to learn. She turned to Chi Chi.
“We can pick some patterns out in the morning,” Chi Chi told the young girl, a pleased smile warming her face. “And I can help you find the best type of fabric for the job.”
“Sweet!” Bulla exclaimed. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night!” She stopped by Vegeta’s chair to kiss each baby and to plant a kiss on her father’s cheek. “Good night, Papa.”
“Good night,” he muttered, his blush returning. He looked down at the sleepy children in his lap, instead of focusing on the three who were looking at him.
“Do you want me to take them?” Goku asked, rising from his seat.
The prince shook his head.
“No. I can handle them tonight. I’ll put them down and take care of them if they cry.”
“You sure?” Goku asked. “You just spent two days in the woods.”
Vegeta smirked.
“I just spent two days away,” he clarified. “I’ll be fine.”
“And I can help,” Bulma added, sitting on the arm of Vegeta’s chair.
“I can do it alone,” Vegeta told her.
“He is fully capable,” Chi Chi stated, collecting the cups from around the room and placing them on the tea service tray. “Besides, I believe you have a bed to dress.”
Bulma gave a small giggle, standing back up.
“You are correct.” She gave Vegeta a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll see you upstairs.”
“I’m going to bed as well,” Chi Chi told the Saiyans. “Good night, Bulma, Vegeta.”
Vegeta nodded, watching her walk to the kitchen, leaving him alone with Kakkarot.
“Well...” Goku spoke, kneeling down to stroke Ninji’s chubby cheek. “I guess I’ll go too...if... if you’re sure you want to do it alone.”
“You deserve a break,” Vegeta said dismissively. “When was the last time you went to bed before nine?”
Goku grinned.
“A while. But I don’t mind. They’re only little once.” His smile faded.
The Saiyans were quiet a moment. Goku didn’t attempt to leave, and Vegeta didn’t rise to take the children to bed. They simply sat there together, as if waiting for something that was yet to be said.
“Go ahead and go,” Vegeta advised. “Your wife waits for you.”
“Yeah,” Goku agreed, leaning to kiss each baby. “If you need anything...”
“You will know it if I do,” Vegeta assured him. “Now go.”
The tall Saiyan gave a short wave before heading up after his mate.
Vegeta sighed, relaxing back into the chair and looking down upon his young sons. The twins stared up at him with identical dark eyes, their little faces reflecting their enjoyment at being in his presence. He didn’t deserve it -- he may never deserve it – but it felt good to be missed.
“Come on, boys,” Vegeta spoke, rising from his chair, clutching the children securely against him. “It’s time for everyone to be in bed.”
The bathroom door swung open and the young prince emerged from a cloud of team, toweling off his lavender hair. Goten smiled at him roguishly.
“Welcome home,” he said, giving a shrug of his eyebrows. “If I missed saying it before.”
“Thanks,” Trunks replied with a grin. “Did I miss anything interesting?”
Goten shook his head, watching his friend grab some night clothes from the bureau and start to dress.
“Nah. Your mom and I went shopping on Friday. We had lunch. That was fun.”
“Girls day out, huh?” Trunks teased, crossing to the bed and nudging the other boy aside. “Did Bulla monopolize your time?”
Goten gave a look of deep thought.
“Ya know... she and I only saw each other at meals. She was having a good time with Mom without your dad here. Not to say she didn’t spend a good deal of time with my dad, too. They were sparring buddies at least three times this weekend.”
Trunks chuckled, pulling back the sheet and settling into the bed.
“Those two are as volatile a pair as my dad and your dad, I think.”
Goten laughed lightly, nodding. There was a short lull of silence before he spoke.
“Well... welcome home,” Goten said again, leaning over to press his lips against the other teen’s. Trunks gave a sigh of contentment, relaxing back against the mattress as he brought his arms around Goten’s back. “Hey,” the younger Saiyan murmured. “I... bought you something.”
Trunks raised an eyebrow, looking down at the now grinning teen.
Goten pulled himself from the bed, picking up his backpack and producing from within it a palm sized transparent blue bottle.
“What is that?” Trunks inquired, his mouth going slightly dry as his friend prowled back toward the bed.
“I thought about you all weekend,” Goten began, ignoring the question. “And I thought to myself, ‘What could you possibly need after spending two nights sleeping on the forest floor?’” He dropped the bottle into Trunks’ hand, intently watching the other teen read the label.
“Smooth Sensations self heating massage oil...” Trunks read aloud.
Goten snatched the bottle back from his hands.
“And personal lubricant, but who asked, hm? Shirt off!”
Trunks chuckled, pulling his t-shirt over his head and rolling onto his stomach, pillowing his head on his hands. After the snap of the bottle’s lid, a pleasant stream of warm oil drizzled down to pool between his shoulder blades.
Goten smiled, closing the bottle and tossing it to the floor before using his hands to spread the clear liquid over Trunks’ well defined back. Using his thumbs, he worked the flesh along the older boys’ spine, soothing the kinks and relaxing the muscles. Trunks sighed heavily, enjoying the feeling of Goten’s hands on his skin. He was warm and comfortable... and exhausted.
“Don’t molest me while I’m sleeping,” Trunks mumbled, causing Goten to smile wider.
“No molesting,” he assured, working his fingers back up to Trunks’ shoulders. “Just a full body massage... slash cavity search.”
Trunks’ laughter shook the bed and he turned, pulling Goten’s arm to bring the younger man down to the mattress.
“I missed you,” he told Goten, wrapping his arms around his friend. Goten kissed him gently.
“Me too. Now that I’m used to sleeping with a hot body against me, I’m not too happy giving it up. Not even for a night.” His mouth quirked into a smile as he kissed Trunks again. “And my hand is incredibly tired.” Trunks rolled his eyes.
Goten laughed loudly, wiping the tears from his eyes before trying to speak.
“Seriously, the house seemed really quiet without you two -- and you guys are the most reserved in the family!”
“Mm,” the older Saiyan agreed, relaxing into Goten’s arms. The younger boy continued to run his hands through the warm oil on Trunks’ back, well aware he was lulling his friend into sleep, instead of arousing him into action. But this was nice... very nice. They had plenty of time to put massage oil to work... like in the morning.
While the two teens settled comfortably into sleep, their littlest sibling was just getting a second wind, not content with a simple ‘good night’ from the one he had missed.
Unbeknownst to Vegeta, he wouldn’t be the only one having a long night.
For all of you still reading, I can't thank you enough. *hugs* I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 71
“Aww... I really wish I could go too,” Goku sighed, watching Vegeta place camping supplies into his pack.Chapter 71
“Don’t whine,” the prince returned, placing the last item into the bag and securing it shut. “It’s unbecoming of a Saiyan... and it doesn’t make me want to invite you.”
Goku shrugged.
“I couldn’t go if you did,” he stated, looking down at the dark-haired child whom he held in his arms. “Right, Nin?” The child stared blankly back at him.
“That is what happens when you spoil and indulge a child,” Vegeta informed him, pulling the backpack over one shoulder and turning from the room. Goku followed, the three Saiyans coming to a stop in the living room. “Where’s the boy?” Vegeta asked his wife, who was reclining on the sofa with a sleeping baby on her lap.
“He just came in from encapsulating the camping equipment. He said he was going up to get his bag.” She gave a wide smile as she added, “But give him a minute or two to say goodbye to Goten.”
Vegeta groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Trunks!” he bellowed, startling Vejita awake. “Get down here!”
Vegeta took the child from his wife’s arms before the blonde had a chance to cry. He wrapped the baby’s blanket around him and held him closely, letting the little Saiyan fall back to sleep snuggled at his chest.
“Sorry, Papa,” Trunks spoke, entering the room with Goten. Vegeta’s call appeared to bring the rest of the household as well, Chi Chi and Bulla coming from the kitchen and Daikkon appearing silently from the hall.
“Why can’t I go?” Bulla frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. Goku put an arm around her and gave her a squeeze.
“I wanted to go too, but maybe next time,” he suggested. “Besides, I’ll really need your help here with the babies.”
Bulla narrowed her eyes, giving the tall Saiyan an incredulous look.
“Really?” she asked. Goku smiled and gave a nod.
The pre-teen gave a slight grin, reaching up to pat Ninji’s pigtail.
“Okay,” she agreed.
“I’m ready, Dad,” Trunks informed his father, moving to stand at his side.
“You two have fun,” Bulma instructed them, giving a wink.
“We will,” Trunks told her. “See you Sunday night.”
Vegeta paused as Trunks walked past him to the door. He looked from his family gathered in the room to Daikkon who stood quietly by the hallway.
Chi Chi followed the prince’s eye line, and because her thinking ran along similar lines, she could almost feel his thoughts.
“Don’t spend the whole afternoon fighting so that you have to set up your tents in the dark!” she advised, drawing Vegeta’s attention with her words. “It’s likely to rain tonight, and I don’t want to be worrying about the two of you while I’m busy worrying about whom I’m taking care of here.”
Goku chuckled at Chi Chi’s warning, but Vegeta met the woman’s serious dark eyes. He gave a nod of understanding.
“We’ll set up camp first thing,” Trunks assured her with a smile.
“Have fun, Trunks,” Bulla spoke, giving him a hug.
“Thanks,” he answered. “Bye, Mom.”
“Goodbye, sweetie,” his mother returned with a wave. “See you Sunday.”
“Come on, boy,” Vegeta said, directing his oldest son to the door. Chi Chi moved forward to take Vejita from his father.
“I’ll keep a close eye on everything,” she said softly, cradling the sleeping child.
“Send Goten if you need anything,” Vegeta replied.
“We’ll be fine, Vegeta!” Goku stated confidently. Ninji reached out a hand to his father and Vegeta took it in his.
“Be good,” he instructed. “We’ll see you soon.”
The family moved out onto the porch, watching Trunks and Vegeta take to the sky, waving until the two Saiyans were out of sight.
“Three days without Dad and Trunks will seem like a long time,” Bulla announced with a frown.
“We’ll find things to do,” Bulma said with a laugh, putting an arm around her daughter as they walked back into the house.
“Yeah, sport,” Goten added. “And it’s not really three whole days. More like two and a half.”
The preteen princess didn’t look comforted by the remark.
“We should just carry on as if Trunks and Vegeta were still here,” Chi Chi told them. “They are fast enough to be back at a moment’s notice and will always know if we need them. The weekend will be over before you know it.” She could tell out of the corner of her eye that Daikkon was watching her as she spoke. His demeanor was unchanged, but she knew he was smart enough to get her warning. It would be stupid of him to do anything that would displease the prince, but she knew Vegeta was wary of him. She felt the same. She couldn’t trust anyone who had a role in what happened to her husband and the prince, no matter what part he played in it. “The first thing we need to do is put these babies down for their nap, however,” she continued, focusing her attention of Goku.
“After we put the babies down, Bulla, we can spar!” Goku told her excitedly. “What do you say?”
“Well... okay,” she agreed with reluctance. “Just don’t cry if I hit you in a sensitive place.”
“I didn’t cry last time!” Goku insisted, following her and Chi Chi from the room. “My eyes just watered.”
Bulma chuckled as their voices grew fainter as they moved further away. The last thing she could make out was Chi Chi stating, “That’s enough, you two.”
“If you have no need of me, my lady,” Daikkon spoke to Bulma, “I will return to the lab. I told Prince Trunks I would complete some work on his nursebot’s housing while he was away.”
“No problem,” Bulma assured him, dropping back onto the sofa. “Just don’t spend the whole weekend in there. It’s not often the Vegeta isn’t here stalking after you.”
The Saiyan bowed without further comment and left the room.
“Well,” Bulma sighed, reaching out to grab Goten’s hand and pull him down beside her, “what are your plans for the weekend?”
Goten smirked.
“I dunno... with both of our men gone for two and a half days, isn’t it customary to go shopping?”
Bulma chuckled.
“We can do that. Of course, I do that even when Vegeta is at home.” She tilted her head thoughtfully as she continued. “I don’t think Vegeta and I have spent two days apart since...” She frowned slightly, pausing to amend her statement. “I don’t think Vegeta and I have willingly spent two days apart since before Bulla was born.”
Goten smiled, ignoring his own pang of anger and regret at the reason for her amendment.
“What makes for such a great relationship?”he asked her, sitting back against the sofa cushion. Bulma gave his hand a gentle pat.
“Mutual respect, love, hard work...” She took a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh. “More love, trust, and a ton more hard work. You have to want a great relationship.”
Goten nodded. It seemed hard to believe he would ever need to work to make a great relationship with Trunks.
“Sucking up to your other half’s parents doesn’t hurt either,” she continued, giving him a playful nudge in the ribs with her elbow. Goten smiled broadly.
“I couldn’t suck up to you, Aunt Bulma!” he declared. “There are no compliments I could give you that wouldn’t just be the honest truth!”
Bulma laughed heartily, affectionately tousling his hair.
“Oh, kiddo,” she informed him, “if that were really a requirement, you’d never have to worry.”
The sun shone brightly overhead at midday, the pale blue sky barely containing a wisp of a cloud. The breeze was gentle through the forest, slightly rustling the leaves and swaying the grass of the open meadow beyond. The rushing of a nearby river was audible in the section of land that Trunk and Vegeta had chosen to set up camp. They worked quietly, constructing their tents and placing rocks around the pit for their fire. Once the site was complete, Vegeta spoke.“I’m a little surprised you didn’t just materialize something from a capsule,” he told his son. Trunks smiled.
“It just wouldn’t seem right on a campout.”
The prince nodded. He placed his hands on his hips, looking around camp at the equipment they had brought.
“So what do you want to do first?” he asked.
Trunks shrugged, looking over his shoulder to the field behind him.
“You want to spar?”
When he turned back, his father had his arms folded over his chest, but there was a slight smile on his face.
“This isn’t a training trip, boy. But we can spar. Only if you want to.” It was Vegeta’s turn to shrug. “But it wouldn’t seem right... on a ‘campout’.”
Trunks grinned widely, the expression giving his handsome face a boyish light.
“We can fish,” he suggested. “We’ll need to catch some lunch anyway.”
Vegeta nodded in agreement, watching his son select the appropriate equipment for the task, a happy, contented air to his demeanor.
How could he have always treated his children as foreign beings? Something alien to him, when they were from his very own body? Their behavior seemed very alien to him at times, but they were part of him.
“Here, Papa,” Trunks spoke, handing his father a fishing rod. Vegeta took it, following him to the river and settling beside him on the bank.
“Is this the most efficient way of catching lunch?” he asked, taking the bit of bait that Trunks offered.
“No,” the teen smiled, “but it is the most relaxing.”
Vegeta grimaced, affixing the bait to the line and following Trunks’ lead, casting into the water. Silence descended upon them as they watched the gently rushing water, sitting side by side.
Bulla strolled aimlessly through the large Capsule Corp house, trying to think of something to do. Her sparring match with Goku had lasted just under an hour, as he wanted to be showered and dressed when the twins finally woke. So after her own shower, she set out in search of something to entertain herself.Goten was mindlessly channel surfing in the den, but she didn’t want to join him. She felt it might be weird to spend time alone with Goten while Trunks was away, and she wasn’t ready to spend time alone with him just yet.
Her mother was busy doing laundry, the one household choreshe didn’t detest. Bulla wasn’t about to volunteer assistance. She wasn’t that bored.
The preteen made her way to the east wing of the house that held both Trunks’ living suites and the Son’s. She passed up the nursery in favor of visiting the room next to Goku’s and Chi Chi’s bedroom that had been made into a sewing room. Chi Chi was sitting at the sewing machine, guiding a beautiful blue fabric under the quickly stitching needle.
“Hi, Aunt Chi Chi,” Bulla spoke, running a hand through her still damp hair as she walked to the woman’s side.
“Hello, dear,” Chi Chi replied, smiling at the girl. Bulla peered down at the fabric Chi Chi was working on.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Chi Chi continued to the end of the seam, back stitching to secure the thread before pulling the garment up to show the petite princess.
“I’m making a blouse,” she answered.
Bulla raised an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you just buy a blouse?” she asked with a grimace.
“I could,” Chi Chi smiled. “But when I make them myself, I get to pick the fabric, the style and all the embellishments, or lack of, myself.”
Bulla looked over at the cutting table where the pieces of Chi Chi’s handmade pattern sat pinned to sections of fabric.
“...You can make whatever you want?” she asked curiously. Chi Chi nodded.
“Would you like me to teach you how to make something?”
The girl’s teal eyes lit with interest.
Chi Chi continued to smile, standing and leading the girl over to the pattern drawer.
“We’ll get you started on something easy,” she began, selecting a simple skirt pattern. Happily, Bulla picked a bright fabric and Chi Chi explained how to take measurements, adjust the pattern, and how to lay and cut the material. They worked amicably together on their project until Goku interrupted, holding a wailing Vejita in his arms.
“Honey -- sorry to bother you two – but have you seen the yellow blanket?”
“No, dear,” Chi Chi answered. “Did you look to see if it slipped under the crib?”
“Yeah,” he replied, pulling the crying child up to get a better grip. “Under the crib, beneath the mattress, in the bathroom, in the living room...” He sighed. “I can’t find it.”
Chi Chi turned to Bulla.
“We can finish this in a bit, okay, sweetie?”
“Okay,” Bulla answered, turning back to the sewing machine. “I just want to finish these straight pieces on my own.”
Chi Chi smiled warmly at Bulla’s enthusiasm, patting the girl on the shoulder as she rose to follow her husband from the room.
“Where did you see it last?” she asked, once in the hallway. Goku frowned, giving a sigh of resignation as he held the inconsolable child against his shoulder.
“Veji was holding it when he went to sleep. I could swear he was!”
Goku followed his wife into the nursery, watching as she made the same rounds as he when he was searching for the gift of Piccolo’s that had now become his child’s most prized possession. Chi Chi quietly looked around the still sleeping Ninji, under the crib (that the boys were quickly outgrowing), and in the bathroom linen closet. She frowned, moving back into the nursery and giving the room a scrutinizing onceover, her eyes stopping on the laundry hamper. Upon opening the wooden, fabric lined hamper, she and Goku looked down inside. It was empty.
“Hello,” Bulma sing-songed, entering the room with a laundry basket resting on her hip. She watched Chi Chi close the hamper. “Oh, that’s already done,” she smiled, indicating the fresh, folded clothes. Goku’s eyes bulged.
“Do you have the yellow blankey?” he asked, concerned.
“Mm-hm,” she acknowledged happily with a nod of her head, pulling the blanket from her basket. “I thought I’d take the opportunity to wash it while he was unconscious, since he’s permanently attached to it at all other times.”
Vejita’s wails were silenced once his eyes landed on the blanket. His face brightened and he stretched his hands forward, his fingers grasping for his beloved companion.
Bulma giggled, handing the freshly laundered blanket to her stepson. Veji purred, burying his face in the warm quilting. Goku watched the child warily. He wasn’t so sure the storm was quelled.
He was right.
Vejita thrust the blanket away from his face, confused by his familiar looking blankey with an unfamiliar scent. His tears quickly returned, and he planted his face against Goku’s shoulder to cry.
Bulma and Chi Chi stared, bewildered, at parent and child. Goku blushed slightly, for some reason embarrassed by the situation.
“Don’t be upset, Bulma,” he began weakly, patting his son’s back. “But... you washed off Vegeta’s scent.”
Bulma’s jaw dropped in shock.
“I what?!” she asked.
Goku snuggled the child to his shoulder, giving a sigh.
“The blanket, it had Vegeta’s scent on it because he used to have it against him when he held Veji as a baby... I think that’s why Veji likes it so much.”
Bulma smacked a hand to her forehead.
“Don’t despair,” Chi Chi said to her, pulling Bulma’s hand away from her face. “We will just have to get something out of the hamper that Vegeta wore yesterday and give that to the baby until Vegeta comes home.”
Bulma groaned.
“I’ve done all of the laundry,” she said dejectedly. “This was the last...”
“Even the pajamas he had on last night?” Chi Chi asked, a little impressed by Bulma’s domestic skill. Bulma nodded weakly, deciding it best not to try and explain that the only thing Vegeta wore last night to bed was his skin.
The three adults stood quietly, thinking of something to soothe the poor child.
Goku looked up, hesitantly asking:
“Have you changed your sheets?”
Bulma blinked.
“Your sheets,” he repeated. “On your bed... where Vegeta slept last night. Are those washed?”
Bulma smiled.
“No. Not yet.”
She motioned for them to follow and led them across the house, Chi Chi trailing reluctantly. She had never seen Bulma’s and Vegeta’s personal bedroom, but in her mind’s eye she has always imagined either a sterile space ship bunk or an interstellar bordello.
“Come on in,” Bulma spoke, just loud enough to be heard over the baby, ushering them inside. Chi Chi was surprised by the room’s traditional appearance and the simple, classic style of the furniture. It was elegant and cozy, not too materialistic or grandiose at all.
“This is Vegeta’s side,” Bulma continued, indicating the right side of the bed.
“Like Chi Chi,” Goku commented, peeling the child from his chest and attempting to lay him down. Vejita howled and resisted, clinging to Goku’s arms and grasping with his tail. “Hey, hey...”Goku said soothingly, reaching down to pick up the prince’s pillow. “Look, smells like Daddy, hm?” The child bowed away from the pillow instantly, before turning a curious eye to it. “See?” Goku continued.
The tiny Saiyan began to purr happily, wrapping his arms around the pillow. He held tightly to it as Goku placed the blanket on Vegeta’s side of the bed before laying his son upon it.
“I’m sorry, Goku,” Bulma whispered as she watched her friend settle down next to his child. “I was just trying to help.”
“It’s okay,” he chuckled, before giving Vejita a kiss on the forehead.
“I won’t change the sheets until Sunday!” she declared. Chi Chi tried not to smile, amused by the situation. To think it would be Bulma to efficiently wash all of the laundry, thus causing this turn of events. It would seem even when Vegeta wasn’t at home, he was a constant presence.
“Bulma,” she spoke, causing the older woman to turn her attention from the Saiyans. “What is this?” Sitting on Vegeta’s nightstand was a small, black album with two silver circles embossed on its cover. She was curious about its contents. What could the prince of Saiyans be reading before he retired?
“Oh!” Bulma spoke happily, picking up the book and taking Chi Chi’s hand, pulling her down to sit on the bed. “This is mine and Vegeta’s weddings album!”
“Weddings album?” Chi Chi repeated, even before she had the time to be amazed over the existence of the album itself. Bulma grinned like a giddy school girl and opened the book.
“Yeah. We’ve had two weddings, but only enough pictures to fill one album. Vegeta is not too fond of cameras.”
“Why two weddings?” Goku asked, with a wide yawn.
“Well, the first was just a bit after Trunks was born,” she explained, pointing to a picture of herself in a summery, cream colored sundress, holding baby Trunks in her arms. “Vegeta told me we had to have a human ceremony so I would be absolutely clear that I ‘belonged to him and could not be touched by another male’.” She grinned. “I think that was his way of proposing.” Goku made a snort of laughter and Chi Chi merely rolled her eyes. Bulma turned the pages that held the remaining four pictures of Vegeta and herself on their first wedding day. “The second wedding,” she continued, “was right after all that trouble with Buu. Now, I’m not a superstitious girl by nature, but Vegeta and I promised to be committed to each other until death do us part. And since we both died that last time, I wasn’t taking any chances that our marriage wasn’t real.” Bulma sighed, her fingers tracing over the photo of her family. An infant Bulla was cradled in one of her arms and young Trunks stood grinning at her side. “It was also nice to reaffirm our commitment to each other after so much drama... and doesn’t my husband look handsome in a suit?!”
Chi Chi smiled at the way Bulma’s face lit up as she relived the day in her mind.
“He certainly is full of surprises,” she acknowledged. “And... and that is a very nice suit.”
Bulma’s grin widened.
“He picked it out. My tailor made some sketches and Vegeta picked the one he liked the most.”
Chi Chi raised an eyebrow.
“The surprises never end.”
The prince’s wife sighed and shook her head. “He keeps things interesting - Oh!” Suddenly Bulma jumped up from her seat on the bed. “Speaking of my tailor, he said he would take the boys’ photos when we were ready to have their first professional set taken, and his brother-in-law said he had the perfect outfits!” Bulma continued speaking as she walked from the room, momentarily stunning the younger woman with the speed of her shift in thought. “I’m thinking of having all the kids’ pictures taken together. I haven’t had Bulla and Trunks sit together in ages! I wonder if Gohan would go for it...”
Chi Chi sighed, turning to her husband.
“She is full of endless energy --” She stopped speaking, seeing that Goku and his son were sleeping soundly. She sighed again, rising from the bed, the Briefs’ ‘weddings’ album still in her hands. Vegeta and Bulma seemed to have a relationship unlike anything any of their friends would imagine from the surface appearance. While they spent years wondering what Bulma saw in the arrogant, stubborn royal, Bulma saw the side they didn’t. It reminded Chi Chi of her own marriage. She knew that everyone wondered what Goku saw in her, why he'd made the choice he did. It seemed all Goku’s friends ever saw was her severe side, the side that had to nag or correct.
Chi Chi placed the album back on the table. Another piece of the puzzle that was Vegeta seemed to snap into place. They were really not so unalike.
She looked down upon her sleeping husband and his child. In the distance, she could hear Bulma’s voice as she chatted on the phone. She was sure the other woman wouldn’t mind the two Saiyans napping there.
Chi Chi snapped off the light as she left the room, returning to the other side of the house to help Bulla finish her project. She felt a gratifying sense of purpose in taking care of this family and keeping an eye on things in the prince’s absence. It was like she finally had the big family she always wanted. Should it matter in what form it came?
When the sun had begun to set and darkness started creeping over the forest, Vegeta and Trunks returned to camp with the dinner they had caught. Instead of the fish they had for their lunch, the pair had hunted together, bringing in a sizable buck. It was left to Vegeta to skin and prepare the flesh, as Trunks announced with a grin that he was a doctor and not a veterinarian. Vegeta gave a snort of amusement, but kept his comments to himself. If left to the boy’s inexperience in the wild, there would have been more meat remaining on the carcass than what went in their stomachs. It also freed the boy to start the fire and fetch water.Once the meal was prepared, the Saiyans settled on their sleeping bags near the still flickering fire pit.
“This is good, Dad,” Trunks commented, taking another bite of his venison steak. “I always wondered why you didn’t cook more at home, since you are so much better at it than Mo--... since you are so good at it.”
Vegeta smirked.
“That’s what she made those bots for, isn’t it?” he asked. Trunks smiled.
“The bots may know how to follow a recipe, but they can’t put soul into cooking. It’s an art.” His smile widened impishly. “Didn’t you make this meal with love?”
Vegeta shook his head, but allowed himself a small chuckle before the conversation lulled into silence. He looked across the fire at his son, watching the thoughtful expression on the young man’s face as he finished his meal. What could he be thinking? Was he trying to think of things to discuss with him since their relationship had never been very open in the past? Was he uncomfortable alone with him? Vegeta had never really put into perspective that he’d had Trunks when he was very young, for a Saiyan. He was quite immature in Trunks’ youth, and he was beginning to realize that they had both suffered because of it. He regretted every moment of that time that he didn’t treat Trunks as he could Ninji and Vejita. He was lucky the boy turned out so kind and forgiving.
“How are you doing in school?” the prince asked.
“Really well,” the teen replied. “All of the college courses I took in high school gave me a jump start, and I’ve tested out of several others. But I’m not taking chances. I spend as much time studying as I can.”
“I can’t imagine from whom you get your modesty,” Vegeta smirked. “Probably your grandfather.”
Trunks chuckled. Dr. Briefs was certainly the most low key of the family.
“Well, I can’t take too much credit for what I’ve inherited from you and Mom.”
Vegeta smirk remained, but he didn’t refuse the compliment. He set his empty plate aside and leaned back on his hands before he continued speaking.
“And how is... your personal situation?”
Trunks smiled, a little surprised by the question.
“Great,” he answered with a shy laugh, dropping his eyes. “It’s nice... we’re really happy.” He laughed nervously again, certain he was blushing brighter than the campfire. “But you don’t want to hear about all that.”
The prince frowned.
“If I didn’t want to hear about it, I wouldn’t have asked,” he said simply.
Trunks had to admit, his father never feigned interest.
“Well...” he began again, setting his plate on top of Vegeta’s, “it’s pretty normal, for the most part. Not too much different than before. It’s just like having a best friend... you’re in love with.”
“Indeed,” Vegeta remarked, smirking. The lavender haired teen laughed.
“I mean, it’s Goten!” he explained. “He’s funny and caring and... I never thought I would feel this way about anyone -- let alone him.” Vegeta’s brow furrowed as he focused on his son’s body language, and the way his eyes lit up like Bulma’s. Trunks’ words were filled with such feeling and energy. The prince could almost feel his joy. He was happy for his son. “Sometimes I feel it’s too good to be true. I just... I’m just amazed that it feels like this.” Vegeta gave a nod. Love of all kinds was a powerful force. Trunks took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief at getting to put his feelings into words. “It’s intense. It feels great, but at the same time... it... it hurts.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment as he tried to comprehend what the boy just told him. Finally, morbid curiosity and fatherly concern got the better of him.
The prince cleared his throat and tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Wh... where does it hurt?”
Trunks looked up to see the mask of coolly disguised bewilderment on his father’s face. He gave a start of shock.
“No! No, not physically! Not... not really,” he tried to explain. “You know that expression ‘I love you so much it hurts’?”
Relief washed over the prince upon the revelation, and he nodded. Yes, it was a feeling he was familiar with. He felt that way about the woman and each of his children. It was a slightly different feeling for his new extended family. In that case, it hurt to admit that he cared.
“I am pleased that it appears to be working favorably for you,” Vegeta told him.
“Thank you,” Trunk responded. “That means a lot to me.” He was quiet a moment before he ventured to ask, “How are you doing, Dad?”
“I have no reason to be unwell,” his father answered. Trunks grimaced.
“That doesn’t answer my question!” he exclaimed with a slight laugh.
“What else do you need to know?” Vegeta continued with a shrug.
“I suppose you could tell me that I don’t need to know anything,” his son replied. “But what I want to know is how you are doing. Are you getting along with Uncle Goku? Are you getting along with Aunt Chi Chi? Are you getting enough sleep? Are the twins getting easier to handle? Those things, Dad. Just the same as you asking me about school and Goten. I care about these things.”
Vegeta crossed his arms and leaned back against the tree he sat in front of. He supposed it was a legitimate request from Trunks, since the prince just asked the very same questions of him.
“I am not unwell,” he began, the smirk returning to his lips. “I am not displeased with our living arrangement.” Trunks raised an eyebrow. “Kakkarot’s wife cooks well... Kakkarot is not too bothersome.” The teen smiled. “I always get enough sleep. And the boys... They are not too bothersome.”
The younger Saiyan chuckled, moving to lie on his stomach across the sleeping bag. He leaned his chin on his hands, watching his father. He wondered why it was easier for the prince to say what he wasn’t feeling, as opposed to what he was...
“I’m glad we did this, Papa,” he spoke. “I really like when we talk.”
Vegeta turned to him, giving a nod of agreement. He hoped one day Trunks would understand how much he had always meant to him, but he didn’t think any amount of words could explain.
“Get some sleep, boy,” the prince advised, running a hand over Trunks’ lavender hair. The teen turned his gaze to his father, giving him a smirk.
“Not yet, Papa,” he said, rising to his knees and reaching for his backpack. Vegeta raised a brow, watching the child sort through his belongings. In a moment, the young Saiyan produced several boxes, handing a package of graham crackers to his father. With a wide smile, he continued, “Maybe after dessert.”
Pan stared, with a look of supreme boredom, at her grandmother and her friend who sat huddled over a small table in the sewing room. She had come to the Briefs’ that Sunday afternoon with her father and Piccolo in hopes of getting the opportunity to train with someone. So far she wasn’t having any luck.Yamucha, who was already there when she arrived, declined the spar in favor of having coffee with Bulma in the dining room. Her grandfather was with them as well, seeing as Ninji was asleep in his arms. Goten dismissed her before she even had the chance to ask, saying something about applications and forms. ‘Pining for Trunks’ is what she assumed was the translation. Her last hope was Bulla, who appeared to be working on some sort of craft project with her grandmother.
“Are you done yet?” the child asked with a sigh.
“No,” Bulla replied with mild irritation, not looking up from her work.
“Pan,” Chi Chi spoke warmly, “why don’t you join us? Wouldn’t you like to make something too?”
The young Saiyan screwed up her features in distaste.
“Not really. I’d rather be sparring. Wouldn’t you, Bulla?”
“Not really,” the princess said lightly. Pan groaned, pulling herself from her chair and leaving the room to give asking her uncle one more shot. Chi Chi gave a slight frown as she watched her leave.
“How’s this, Aunt Chi Chi?” Bulla asked, drawing her attention as she held up her newest finished project: a simple sleeveless top. Chi Chi smiled.
“It’s lovely, dear. You learn very quickly.”
Bulla turned the garment toward herself, giving it a scrutinizing look.
“I can’t wait to learn to make more complicated stuff with zippers and collars... and sleeves.” Both chuckled at the comment.
“Well, I’d be happy to teach you whatever you want to learn,” Chi Chi told her.
“Thanks,” Bulla beamed. “I’m going to go try my outfit on together!”
The smile remained to Chi Chi’s face as she cleaned up the work space. When finished, she went to join the rest of the household in the dining room. She could hear the group’s lively chatter from the hall, Yamucha’s voice loudest among the group as he spoke to the youngest of the Son family.
“Your daddy is coming home soon!” he stated excitedly, tossing baby Veji into the air. The blonde shrieked in delight, returning the hug the human gave him once he was safely back in his arms. “Then your mommy and Bulma can quit shacking up.”
Both Goku and Bulma began to protest, but Chi Chi spoke first.
“They are not shacking up,” she reprimanded, giving the warrior a slap to the back of his head.
“Yeah!” Goku added, watching his friend chuckle despite the correction.
“I’m sleeping in the guest room,” Bulma explained. “It’s not like Goku’s sleeping in my room with me. It’s just until Vegeta comes home.”
“I’m just teasing, sheesh,” Yamucha continued to laugh, setting the baby on his lap. “It’s not like you two haven’t been living together in some way, shape or form before this.”
Goku and Bulma looked to each other, both shrugging in silent agreement.
“When will Vegeta and Trunks be home?” Gohan asked.
“Probably close to dinner time,” his mother answered, passing to the kitchen and starting a kettle for tea. “At least they should. Trunks has a class first thing in the morning.”
“I hope we’re still here when they do come back,” Gohan said with a grin. “I’d love to hear how it went.”
“I bet it was great,” Goku said wistfully, sounding slightly envious. “We used to have great campouts. I can’t wait until the boys are big enough to take.”
“Stop saying things like that,” Chi Chi grimaced. “They’re growing fast enough as it is.”
Goku frowned, snuggling his sleeping child closer.
“I know...”
Piccolo shook his head in disbelief over how motherhood had transformed Son Goku -- yet kept him just the same. Even though the warrior was now more gentle with his children and mindful of their care, the Namekian knew he could still thoroughly kick his ass.
Taking the opportunity while the group was discussing the children’s growing milestones, Piccolo left the dining room and stepped out onto the patio. He wasn’t alone outdoors, however, as Daikkon was sitting at the patio table pouring over a book. He looked up as the Namekian shut the door behind himself.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Piccolo,” the Saiyan greeted, closing his book. Piccolo gave a nod in return.
“There are many people here, yet you choose to sit alone,” Piccolo observed. “I was under the impression that you debunked the belief that Saiyans are solitary creatures.”
Daikkon smiled.
“True,” he admitted. “However, seeing as the king’s disapproval of me has seemed to spread to young master Goten and now Ms. Chi Chi, I find it best if I keep to myself.”
Piccolo nodded in agreement.
“That can be wise. Sometimes Son’s wife is more intimidating than the prince.”
The Saiyan folded his arms, leaning back in his chair.
“Mm... of course, there are such expectations of my next mistake, I almost hate to disappoint them.” He sighed, looking up at the tall Namek. “As my king’s comrade, I am sure you have similar feelings toward me.”
Piccolo smirked. He wasn’t so sure ‘comrade’ would be the best word to describe the relationship between himself and Vegeta, but he didn’t dispute it.
“I wouldn’t worry about the bias of this group. It’s very seldom permanent,” he spoke. “I used to be in your position. After all, compared to my offenses, yours are nothing.”
Daikkon raised an eyebrow.
“I can think of nothing worse than putting the lives of Mr. Goku and his children in peril. I am sure that the prince would agree.”
A smile tugged at the green-skinned warrior’s lips.
“You may have unintentionally caused some risk. However, I intentionally sought Son Goku’s death -- even succeeded once.” Daikkon looked surprised. “And he and Vegeta used to be on opposing sides as well. All of us, at some point, were enemies instead of friends -- including Vegeta and his wife. If our offenses can be forgiven and forgotten, so will yours.”
“I could only hope to earn their trust,” Daikkon spoke, more to himself.
Piccolo watched the young Saiyan a moment. He didn’t have any adverse feelings toward the man, but he wasn’t as easily trusting as Goku or Bulma.
“Out of curiosity,” he said, regaining Daikkon’s attention, “what are your intentions toward this family?”
Daikkon didn’t seem surprised by the question.
“I have wanted nothing more than to serve the true king and leader of the Saiyan people,” he replied evenly. “To aid the royal family in whatever capacity needed, and hopefully once again see the Saiyan race return to its former glory.”
“Remain resolute,” Piccolo advised, turning back to return indoors. He couldn’t imagine Vegeta turning down anyone with a goal like that.
By sundown, Piccolo and Gohan had left Capsule Corp, much to Pan’s dismay. She was ushered quickly from the premises by her father after declaring that she wanted to know if Goten and Trunks would kiss when they saw each other again. Both Son boys had red faces for several minutes after.The Sons,the Briefs and Yamucha sat in the living room after supper, sharing a pot of tea and having light conversation. Ninji was cuddled in Goku’s arms, his dark eyes watching people as they spoke. Veji sat in Yamucha’s lap babbling happily as if he were part of the conversation and playing with the human’s car keys.
Movement outside of the front door drew everyone’s attention. It opened, revealing a smiling teen prince.
“We’re home!” Trunks announced, preceding his father into the house. Everyone rose from their seats and moved to meet them.
“Did you have a good time?” Bulma asked, giving her son a hug.
“Absolutely!” Trunks replied. “We had a great time.”
Chi Chi relieved the young prince of his bag.
“We’re pleased that you did, but we missed having you both here.”
Vegeta smirked, dropping his own bag by the door, so preoccupied with his approval over not seeing Daikkon that he barely noticed his annoyance over seeing Yamucha.
“I’m sure you got along fine without us,” he said dryly.
The prince’s voice caused Vejita to look up from the keys, and he shrieked like a teenager beholding a rock star, stretching his arms out toward his father.
“Yep,” Yamucha confirmed, holding out the now flailing child, “that’s your papa.”
Vegeta blushed furiously, taking the baby into his arms. The tiny blonde threw his arms around his father, making sounds of extreme adoration that he usually saved for meal times. It was then that Vegeta noticed the two lengths of fabric his son held -- one the familiar yellow blanket. The other was also familiar, but an odd surprise to see. He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, that is your pillowcase,” Bulma informed him matter-of-factly. “And no, I don’t want to explain just yet.” The prince shrugged.
“Why don’t we sit back down and have some more tea?” Chi Chi suggested. “So we can hear about their weekend.”
Bulla offered Trunks her hand and led him to the sofa.
“And then we can tell you about our weekend,” she said. “I got in several sparring matches with Uncle Goku, and I’ve started learning how to sew!” Her brother gave her an encouraging smile to show interest before turning to Goten who sat down at his side.
“Hey, man,” was all the younger teen offered in greeting.
“I’m very interested in hearing how things went around here,” Vegeta stated, taking a seat and adeptly lifting his young son up to his shoulder. The baby cuddled the Saiyan’s throat, happy to be reunited with his sire. The prince was still quite pink in the face.
“Everyone behaved,” Chi Chi told him, handing him a cup of tea for which he murmured ‘thank you.’ “It was a quiet weekend.”
Vegeta nodded in understanding.
“So,” Yamucha addressed Trunks, “how was it? What did you do?”
“We did a lot,” Trunks replied. “Fishing, hunting, hiking, sparring... and I learned a lot too. Such as: deer meat makes a great fishing bait, sticks covered in melted marshmallows attracts bears andbears make quite a filling breakfast!”
The group laughed at the comment, mostly from the thought of the prince of all Saiyans roasting marshmallows on sticks.
As the conversation continued, Vegeta began to notice a slight rise in ki coming from the older twin. Just as he turned to the dark haired child, Goku noticed it as well. Ninji was watching Vegeta and his brother.
“I think he’s missed you too,” Goku said, crossing to Vegeta to exchange twins. He deposited Ninji on the prince’s lap, but when he tried to pick Veji up, the child clung to his father like a monkey.
“Come on, Veji,” Goku encouraged. “Come with me... come to Mama...”
“NA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A!” the blonde insisted, holding tighter, his fist finding a way into Vegeta’s raven hair.
“He’s fine, Kakkarot,” Vegeta said gruffly. “Leave him. I can hold them both at once.” He tried to ignore the broad grins on Kakkarot’s and the woman’s face.
“Well, I’m gonna call it a night!” Yamucha stated, rising from his seat, finding it the best time to make an exit. “Chi Chi, thank you for the lovely meal.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied. Bulma frowned.
“So soon? It’s barely nine o’clock!”
“Yeah,” Yamucha nodded. “Trunks has got class in the morning, and it’s past the young’ns’ bedtime.” He gave a salute to Goku. “Have a good night.”
Goodbyes were exchanged and Bulma walked her friend to the door. Trunks took the opportunity to excuse himself as well.
“I do have an early class,” he said, rising from the sofa.
“I’ll get your stuff,” Goten offered, moving to pick up Trunks’ camping pack. He hoped that at some point in time it wouldn’t feel so painfully obvious that he just wanted to follow him to bed.
“Good night, boys,” Bulma grinned.
She would probably be the reason that it would remain painfully obvious for a long, long time...
Without another word other than ‘good night,’ Trunks and Goten left the room.
“It’s probably best that you head up as well, young lady,” Bulma told her daughter. “I want to take you shopping in the morning for your school clothes.”
Bulla’s eyes lit up at the idea, but she surprised the group by asking:
“Can we buy fabric so I can make some of my school clothes?”
Bulma knew she was a genius, and given the chance she could figure out sewing, but she never had the desire to learn. She turned to Chi Chi.
“We can pick some patterns out in the morning,” Chi Chi told the young girl, a pleased smile warming her face. “And I can help you find the best type of fabric for the job.”
“Sweet!” Bulla exclaimed. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night!” She stopped by Vegeta’s chair to kiss each baby and to plant a kiss on her father’s cheek. “Good night, Papa.”
“Good night,” he muttered, his blush returning. He looked down at the sleepy children in his lap, instead of focusing on the three who were looking at him.
“Do you want me to take them?” Goku asked, rising from his seat.
The prince shook his head.
“No. I can handle them tonight. I’ll put them down and take care of them if they cry.”
“You sure?” Goku asked. “You just spent two days in the woods.”
Vegeta smirked.
“I just spent two days away,” he clarified. “I’ll be fine.”
“And I can help,” Bulma added, sitting on the arm of Vegeta’s chair.
“I can do it alone,” Vegeta told her.
“He is fully capable,” Chi Chi stated, collecting the cups from around the room and placing them on the tea service tray. “Besides, I believe you have a bed to dress.”
Bulma gave a small giggle, standing back up.
“You are correct.” She gave Vegeta a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll see you upstairs.”
“I’m going to bed as well,” Chi Chi told the Saiyans. “Good night, Bulma, Vegeta.”
Vegeta nodded, watching her walk to the kitchen, leaving him alone with Kakkarot.
“Well...” Goku spoke, kneeling down to stroke Ninji’s chubby cheek. “I guess I’ll go too...if... if you’re sure you want to do it alone.”
“You deserve a break,” Vegeta said dismissively. “When was the last time you went to bed before nine?”
Goku grinned.
“A while. But I don’t mind. They’re only little once.” His smile faded.
The Saiyans were quiet a moment. Goku didn’t attempt to leave, and Vegeta didn’t rise to take the children to bed. They simply sat there together, as if waiting for something that was yet to be said.
“Go ahead and go,” Vegeta advised. “Your wife waits for you.”
“Yeah,” Goku agreed, leaning to kiss each baby. “If you need anything...”
“You will know it if I do,” Vegeta assured him. “Now go.”
The tall Saiyan gave a short wave before heading up after his mate.
Vegeta sighed, relaxing back into the chair and looking down upon his young sons. The twins stared up at him with identical dark eyes, their little faces reflecting their enjoyment at being in his presence. He didn’t deserve it -- he may never deserve it – but it felt good to be missed.
“Come on, boys,” Vegeta spoke, rising from his chair, clutching the children securely against him. “It’s time for everyone to be in bed.”
Goten reclined on the bed, waiting for the older teen to emerge from the shower. He knew that two days wasn’t a long time for Trunks to be gone, but at this intense, giddy phase of their relationship, it was more than enough.The bathroom door swung open and the young prince emerged from a cloud of team, toweling off his lavender hair. Goten smiled at him roguishly.
“Welcome home,” he said, giving a shrug of his eyebrows. “If I missed saying it before.”
“Thanks,” Trunks replied with a grin. “Did I miss anything interesting?”
Goten shook his head, watching his friend grab some night clothes from the bureau and start to dress.
“Nah. Your mom and I went shopping on Friday. We had lunch. That was fun.”
“Girls day out, huh?” Trunks teased, crossing to the bed and nudging the other boy aside. “Did Bulla monopolize your time?”
Goten gave a look of deep thought.
“Ya know... she and I only saw each other at meals. She was having a good time with Mom without your dad here. Not to say she didn’t spend a good deal of time with my dad, too. They were sparring buddies at least three times this weekend.”
Trunks chuckled, pulling back the sheet and settling into the bed.
“Those two are as volatile a pair as my dad and your dad, I think.”
Goten laughed lightly, nodding. There was a short lull of silence before he spoke.
“Well... welcome home,” Goten said again, leaning over to press his lips against the other teen’s. Trunks gave a sigh of contentment, relaxing back against the mattress as he brought his arms around Goten’s back. “Hey,” the younger Saiyan murmured. “I... bought you something.”
Trunks raised an eyebrow, looking down at the now grinning teen.
Goten pulled himself from the bed, picking up his backpack and producing from within it a palm sized transparent blue bottle.
“What is that?” Trunks inquired, his mouth going slightly dry as his friend prowled back toward the bed.
“I thought about you all weekend,” Goten began, ignoring the question. “And I thought to myself, ‘What could you possibly need after spending two nights sleeping on the forest floor?’” He dropped the bottle into Trunks’ hand, intently watching the other teen read the label.
“Smooth Sensations self heating massage oil...” Trunks read aloud.
Goten snatched the bottle back from his hands.
“And personal lubricant, but who asked, hm? Shirt off!”
Trunks chuckled, pulling his t-shirt over his head and rolling onto his stomach, pillowing his head on his hands. After the snap of the bottle’s lid, a pleasant stream of warm oil drizzled down to pool between his shoulder blades.
Goten smiled, closing the bottle and tossing it to the floor before using his hands to spread the clear liquid over Trunks’ well defined back. Using his thumbs, he worked the flesh along the older boys’ spine, soothing the kinks and relaxing the muscles. Trunks sighed heavily, enjoying the feeling of Goten’s hands on his skin. He was warm and comfortable... and exhausted.
“Don’t molest me while I’m sleeping,” Trunks mumbled, causing Goten to smile wider.
“No molesting,” he assured, working his fingers back up to Trunks’ shoulders. “Just a full body massage... slash cavity search.”
Trunks’ laughter shook the bed and he turned, pulling Goten’s arm to bring the younger man down to the mattress.
“I missed you,” he told Goten, wrapping his arms around his friend. Goten kissed him gently.
“Me too. Now that I’m used to sleeping with a hot body against me, I’m not too happy giving it up. Not even for a night.” His mouth quirked into a smile as he kissed Trunks again. “And my hand is incredibly tired.” Trunks rolled his eyes.
Goten laughed loudly, wiping the tears from his eyes before trying to speak.
“Seriously, the house seemed really quiet without you two -- and you guys are the most reserved in the family!”
“Mm,” the older Saiyan agreed, relaxing into Goten’s arms. The younger boy continued to run his hands through the warm oil on Trunks’ back, well aware he was lulling his friend into sleep, instead of arousing him into action. But this was nice... very nice. They had plenty of time to put massage oil to work... like in the morning.
While the two teens settled comfortably into sleep, their littlest sibling was just getting a second wind, not content with a simple ‘good night’ from the one he had missed.
Unbeknownst to Vegeta, he wouldn’t be the only one having a long night.
A/N: Yes, real life strikes AGAIN!!! It was health problems (super long story), but I am getting better. Hopefully ya'll will never have to wait this long for an update again. It stinks that I can't let ya'll know what's going on. I do mod and post at the DBZ Fanfic Salon (super fun place! Join us!) for those who would like to hear abou the progress. It's a great site for DBZ fans to hang out, discuss, and generally be crazy!For all of you still reading, I can't thank you enough. *hugs* I hope you enjoyed this chapter!