Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ It Takes Two ( Chapter 72 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Goku gave a look to the nursery as he passed. The urge within him to turn around and check on his children one last time was strong, but he pushed the feeling aside and continued into his bedroom.
Chi Chi was already in her nightgown, sitting in bed and reading a book. She looked up, surprised to see him.
“Are the boys asleep already?” she asked him. Goku shook his head.
“No,” he replied, picking up the pajamas she had set out for him. “Vegeta told me to go to bed. He said he’d take care of the boys tonight.”
“Well, that’s nice,” she commented. “I’m sure that he missed them.”
“Yeah,” Goku agreed. “They missed him too...”
“Of course they did,” Chi Chi spoke, looking back to her book. “We all did, dear.”
Goku smiled, changing his clothes and slipping beneath the covers of the bed. He was glad that Chi Chi and Vegeta were getting along. He had never noticed until living in the Briefs’ home just howsimilar their personalities were. It was probably the reason he was instantly friends with the prince. It could also be the reason he felt --
Goku shook his head, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes.
“Tired, dear?” Chi Chi asked, setting her book aside. “I can turn out the light.”
“No,” he answered quickly, “I’m fine. Not used to going to bed at this hour, anyway!” He gave a short laugh. “You can read... if you like...”
“We haven’t had alone time in quite a while, Goku,” Chi Chi pointed out to him. “I would rather talk... catch up on how you are doing...”
The Saiyan smiled, leaning his head on his hand.
“I’m doing great,” he answered, reaching over to lay his hand on her side as she turned to mirror his posture. “I couldn’t imagine anything that would make my life any better.”
“Not even a new, super powerful opponent?” she quipped.
Goku’s smile faltered slightly.
“No... I love to fight, but I think that I’m not up for that kind of challenge right now... I’m enjoying the peace.”
Chi Chi felt a tug of regret at having brought up any painful memories. She didn’t want to prolong Goku’s discomfort, so she quickly spoke again.
“Good,” she said, sliding closer to the warmth of his body. “Because we’re much happier with you here with our family.”
His smile returned.
“Me too.”
Goku slid his arms around his wife’s small frame, pulling her into his chest as he kissed her lips. He was so glad that Chi Chi wasn’t unhappy, especially since he knew she had given up so much for him.
“I love you,” he whispered huskily, his warm breath tickling her ear and making her heart flutter like it did the first time she had heard those words. Oh, how she felt the same...
Chi Chi wrapped her arms around Goku’s neck, holding tightly to him as their kiss deepened. She could feel his large, powerful hand rest on her hip before sliding up her torso. She thrust her fingers into his hair, taking a quick gasp of air before their lips met again.
Goku rolled swiftly, pining his wife beneath him. He rested the bulk of his weight on one arm, leaving his other hand free to roam the soft curves of Chi Chi’s flesh. She moaned lightly, a happy smile turning her lips as Goku gently stroked his fingers along her throat and collar bone. Since the mid-stage of his pregnancy, intimacy was rare and timid, but it was getting better and more like it used to be.
Chi Chi settled comfortably under her husband’s weight, sliding her toes along the smooth bulk of his calves and thighs before wrapping her legs around his waist. Her fingers danced along his ribs, skimming his sides and eliciting a chuckle from him. The chuckle turned to a moan as her hands continued lower, around to his back, stroking the length of his tail.
The sound vibrated through his chest to hers, for a moment making them feel as intimately connected as sex itself. Chi Chi opened her lips against Goku’s, drawing out his tongue and savoring its warm taste. She loved this man... this Saiyan...
Goku gave himself to the passion of her kiss, his body aching to skip the preliminaries, but his heart was savoring every caress. He had never been in doubt of her love, but it felt great to be reminded that she still desired him.
Shifting his weight, Goku moved his hands between them, drawing his fingers gently over her thigh and hip before sliding back down and removing her panties. His erection strained against the fabric of his pajama pants, already weeping in impatience.
A cry erupted from the nursery across the hall.
Chi Chi didn’t miss the split second that Goku’s entire body tensed in reaction to the sound. The two lay quietly, softly panting as they waited for the wails to subside.
Footsteps in the hall proceeded the child’s silence, and the deep resonance of Vegeta’s smooth baritone was barely audible as he soothed the child.
A smile lit Goku’s face, and he looked down into his wife’s eyes. Their lips connected again, their pace resuming and their fingers seeking to undress each other.
The baby’s cry returned, but this time it made Goku turn toward the door.
“Ma ma!”
The Saiyan’s heart throbbed, something insidehim needing to comfort his child. He turned back to Chi Chi, trying to smile but managing nothing but a pained grimace.
“Go to him,” she said, smoothing the hair at his temple.
“Vegeta said he’d take care of them tonight,” he replied, kissing her. “I’m sure he’ll settle down soon.”
Chi Chi wanted to believe that as they once again resumed the preamble of their love, but her husband’s waning erection and the baby’s ceaseless sobbing told her otherwise.
“Goku,” she said, breaking from their kiss and taking his face in her hands, “go check on him. It’s okay.”
Goku looked torn but pulled himself from his wife, snatching his shirt off the floor and pulling it on as he left the room. Before he shut the door, he gave a wink to his lovely mate, hoping he would soon be back to her.
“We went camping,” he replied dryly, crossing the room. Bulma rolled onto her stomach, leaning her chin on her hands as she spoke to him.
“What did you do besides camp?”
There was the sound of running water for several moments and then silence before he answered.
“He taught me something called ‘fly fishing’,” he told her, emerging from the bathroom in his boxers. “Which is apparently a more boring form of regular fishing.” Bulma chuckled. “But it gave us plenty of time to talk and just...” He sighed, slightly uncomfortable with speaking, but he continued as he lay in bed beside the woman. “Just be together. He’s very mature for his age.”
“That’s my baby,” Bulma commented, slipping her arms around Vegeta’s bare torso, snuggling to his side. “So you had a good time?”
“Mm,” he responded affirmatively, pulling her close and placing an affectionate kiss on the top of her head. Bulma continued to smile happily. This was the man she knew her husband to be, and that secret delight kept her happy for so many years. If only everyone could be so lucky.
Vejita’s pitiful, displeased cry sounded through the infant monitor on Vegeta’s night stand.
“I’ll be back,” he spoke, rising from the bed, picking up the monitor as he left.
The child’s cry increased in volume in the time it took the prince to reach the nursery, but as soon as he entered the room, there was silence. Vejita looked wide-eyed at his sire, expectantly raising his hands in the air.
“Whose child are you, huh?” Vegeta spoke, reaching into the crib and lifting the blonde from the side of his sleeping twin. “It’s bedtime,” he told his son, retrieving the yellow blanket and laying it over the child. “Go to sleep now.” He gently urged the baby to lay his down on his shoulder, but Vejita resisted, pulling away.
“Nnnnn,” the tiny Saiyan groaned in displeasure.
“Son,” the prince warned in a whisper, “you’re really pushing my limits.”
Vegeta succeeded in getting Veji to lay his head down, and he began to pace the floor as he had seen Bulma do with their own children -- and as he had done with Bulla when she was an infant. Vejita remained quiet only a moment before springing back up.
“Ma ma!” he exclaimed.
Vegeta frowned.
“Oh, since when?” he grumbled. “He’s asleep. You should be too.”
“Ma ma!!” Veji insisted, wiggling in his father’s grasp.
Vegeta was amazed at the amount of strength in the little Saiyan’s body, but couldn’t adequately appreciate it over his irritation.
“Vejita,” he spoke sternly, attempting to get a better grip on the child. “Straighten up.”
Vejita wailed piteously at not being able to best the older Saiyan, his mouth turning down into a frown before opening wide.
Vegeta sighed.
Goku’s voice didn't surprise the prince as he could feel the third class' approaching ki before he entered the room. The younger Saiyan could sympathize with the look of annoyance on Vegeta’s face. It hurt to not be the one your child longed for.
“Can I help?”
“You don’t have to,” Vegeta spoke with a shrug. “He’s got to sleep some time.”
“And so do you,” Goku smiled, taking the baby from the prince’s arms. “I’m used to these hours. I appreciate the offer, though. I don’t mind sitting with him.”
The prince gave a shrug, laying the baby blanket over his son. He was reluctant to leave... why did he feel he had been away so long?
"Good night," he said finally, turning from his child and Kakkarot. Before he reached the door, however, Vejita cried once more.
The prince turned back, his look of bewilderment the same as the child's mother. The baby smiled upon seeing Vegeta turn back, and stretched out his arms.
Goku grimaced.
"Do you think he’s saying 'no' or ‘pa'?" he asked.
"Hell if I know," Vegeta spoke, making no move to return to the baby. Vejita continued to wave his arms, beckoning to his sire.
“I guess he really wants you,” Goku observed.
Vegeta grimaced, moving from the door and taking the child back from Kakkarot’s arms. Vejita cooed and lay his head on his father’s shoulder.
"I guess I’ll get back to bed then..." Goku spoke, giving the baby a pat on the head. "But if you need me..."
"We’ll be fine," Vegeta informed him. "Good night."
Goku gave a weak smile, turning from the pair and moving to return to his room. Vejita raised his head and give a wail.
The prince put a hand to his son’s head, gently forcing the child's brow back to his shoulder. Kakkarot paused in his tracks.
"Continue, Kakkarot," he said. "I'll handle it."
Goku nodded and moved on, despite the sick feeling in his stomach at hearing his baby’s continued protestations.
"Is everything okay?'' Chi Chi asked him upon his return.
"Yeah," he replied, giving her a soft smile as he shut the door. "Veji’s just a bit fussy, that’s all..." Goku kneeled on the bed and leaned over his wife. "Where were we?"
Chi Chi smiled, slipping her arms around Goku’s neck as their lips met. It was as if her passion had never cooled as her husband’s heavily muscled body pressed her back against the bed.
“Ma! Ma!"
Goku paused to take a deep breath, releasing it in a controlled sigh before turning his attention to the smooth skin of Chi Chi's shoulder, brushing aside her delicate nightgown strap.
"Goku," Chi Chi spoke, pushing gently against him as Vejita’s crying continued, "are sure he doesn’t need you?"
"Vegeta said he’d handle it," he replied, wishing he knew better how to ignore his son’s wails. "It’s... it’s okay.”
Chi Chi wished she could believe him. Every touch of his hands and every caress of his warm lips had her body begging her to ignore everything except the man above her. But she knew in her heart she wasn’t completely with him... and she knew he wasn’t completely with her, either.
"Goku,'' she murmured softly, using slightly more force against him this time. He seemed to know what she was going to say, for he sighed resignedly. "Let’s just go make sure everything is okay."
“Okay,” he agreed. Both rose from the bed, and Chi Chi followed him from the room, pulling on her robe.
Inside the nursery, Vegeta was pacing the floor, trying to hold his crying child against his chest. The prince scowled when he saw the Sons at the doorway.
"I’ll quiet him in a minute," he said gruffly, shifting uncomfortably as he felt rather exposed in his attire.
"I don’t mind,” Goku said cheerfully, moving to the prince’s side. When he reached for the child, however, Veji pulled away and clung to his father, giggling.
“What on Earth," Vegeta grumbled.
Goku’s brow furrowed.
"So he doesn’t want me?" he asked, confused. Vegeta frowned but couldn’t answer.
“He wants you both,” Chi Chi replied. Both men turned to where she stood. Slightly self-conscious, Chi Chi ran a hand over her hair, feeling incredibly disheveled since her long raven locks were not in her normal tidy, pulled up style. She crossed an arm over her chest. "It’s quite understandable, as this was his first real time away from both of you."
"He had his mother," Vegeta grumbled. “This child is spoiled beyond measure. I will take him to the opposite side of the house -- or in the GR if I have to. You two return to your room."
It then occurred to Goku why the prince was really blushing, and it was not his state of near nudity. He looked at his wife, who currently looked incredibly beautiful to him, but he knew how sensitive Vegeta’s senses were. The prince had to know what they had been doing before being interrupted -- what they were attempting to do, anyway.
"You cannot spoil a child with too much affection," Chi Chi informed Vegeta. “Vejita loves his parents. He is not spoiled."
“Yet,” Vegeta scowled.
The three stood quietly, their focus on the baby in Vegeta’s arms as they tried to figure out what to do in such an odd situation.
“Whether it spoils him or not,” Vegeta spoke finally, “he should be made to sleep. We cannot be held hostage by a cranky, bratty infant.”
Chi Chi chuckled.
“He’s not holding anyone hostage,” she told him. “It’s not going to kill anyone to indulge him for one night.”
“Famous last words...” the prince grumbled in reply.
“And it won’t kill you both to spend the evening reassuring your child,” she continued before giving a teasing smirk. “The carpet in here looks awfully comfortable.” She leaned up to kiss her husband on the cheek. “I’ll see you when he falls asleep. Good night, Vegeta.”
The prince grimaced, but nodded in response.
Goku turned to the older Saiyan and their son, a sheepish look on his face.
“... I’m sorry you were... interrupted...” Vegeta spoke, slightly embarrassed. Goku shrugged, watching the prince settle in the rocking chair, cradling his child in his arm. The baby gave a spectacularly wide yawn.
“No trouble,” Goku said with a laugh. “I don’t have to tell you that when you are a parent, these things happen.”
“I hate that about children...” Vegeta said sourly. Goku continued to chuckle.
“We survive... besides, with a yawn like that, I bet he’ll be out in under twenty minutes.”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the wide-eyed baby.
"The child delights in being a nuisance," he stated. “I wouldn’t bet even the smallest amount of currency on this child’s behavior.” Goku was smiling as he kneeled down at the prince’s side.
"Aw," he said, leaning over to give his son a gentle kiss on the forehead. "He’s not nuisance. He just loves us, like Chi said." Vegeta didn’t comment. He just quietly watched the other warrior nuzzle and fawn over the baby Saiyan. He sighed softly to himself. How he admired Kakkarot -- to be strong enough to be as gentle, as caring as he pleased... how freeing that much power could be.
The prince tried to refrain from shifting uncomfortably as the taller Saiyan rested against his thigh. Kakkarot kept his hand in the baby’s grasp as the child hugged it to his chest.
“Our kids are so cute,” Goku sighed absently. Vegeta gave a small sound of agreement as he leaned his head back against the chair, focusing in the ceiling. “And it’s amazing how much Veji looks like you...”
“Is that your way of telling me that you think I’m cute?” Vegeta asked dryly. Goku chuckled soundlessly, turning his eyes down against the prince’s leg.
“I... I didn’t mean that,” he tried to explain, fighting laughter.
“No taking it back now,” Vegeta replied in a neutral manner.
Veji yawned again, curling closer to Vegeta’s chest. His eyes closed for a second before he turned quickly back to Goku.
“Ma ma?”
“I’m here, baby,” Goku spoke, laying a hand on the child’s back to reassure him. Satisfied, Veji turned back to snuggle against his father. The prince ran a hand over the boy’s golden hair.
“Brat,” he murmured.
“He is not,” Goku responded. “He’s just demanding... like his father.”
“Hmph,” Vegeta answered. “... I wasn’t talking about him.”
Goku smiled, laying his head down against his arm, keeping his hand against the baby’s back. He knew Vegeta was probably more than uncomfortable in such close quarters with him -- and he felt he should probably feel uncomfortable as well -- but it was nice to share the quiet moment with their son, a rare instance that he felt like they really were a family.
Vegeta sighed to himself, within minutes being the only one still awake among the three.
“He’s ‘used to these hours’ my ass...” he thought to himself. “You could fall asleep at any time except meal times, Kakkarot...” He looked down at the unruly-haired Saiyan who slumbered against his bare thigh. Kakkarot’s dark brown tail swished across the floor, always returning to touch the prince’s leg -- almost like the baby looking back to his mother for a constant reminder that he was still there.
Vegeta sighed again.
No, he wasn’t going anywhere. Even with the idea of possibly sharing more awkward, embarrassing moments with the third class clown, he was dedicated to this life now. They would be together for a long, long time...
He just hoped they could keep the awkward, embarrassing moments to a minimum.
As she passed the kitchen, a noise from within caused her to pause. Thinking it was her husband getting some middle of the night refreshment, she went inside.
“Oh, Chi Chi,” Bulma began. The younger woman turned, placing a steaming kettle back on the stove. “I thought you might be Vegeta,”
“That happens,” Chi Chi replied lightly, giving a sideways glance at the grey domestic droid hovering well out of her reach. “Vegeta is sitting with the children. I hope I didn’t disturb you.” Bulma smiled.
“Not at all. If you don’t mind the company, I’d love to share a cup of tea with you.”
Chi Chi returned the smile, filling another cup with the piping hot brew. Bulma seated herself at the bar between the kitchen and dining room, leaning onto the cool granite top.
“I’m a little surprised to see you down here,” Bulma grinned, taking the cup she was offered.
“Oh?” Chi Chi replied, taking the seat beside her. “And why is that?”
Bulma’s eyes sparkled above the china as she sipped.
“Because,” she replied, setting the cup back down, “an early night with your husband, Vegeta taking the kids... I thought you might want to... you know, take the opportunity to...” She nudged the younger woman’s knee with her own. Chi Chi rolled her eyes.
“Veji had other plans,” she informed Bulma. “Goku is sitting with the children as well.”
“Ah,” Bulma remarked. “Do you want me to go swap with him?” She moved to stand from her seat. “I don’t mind --”
“No,” Chi Chi lay a hand on her arm, stopping her, “they’re fine. Vejita is probably feeling a little separation anxiety, and it’s good to have his parents to reassure him.” She sighed. “And to be honest, I think the more time Vegeta and Goku get to spend being parents together, the better parents they will become for those two children.”
Bulma nodded, understanding.
“They do need to learn to work together.”
Chi Chi took another sip of tea before leaning back in her chair. If those babies had the chance to have a happy family, she wanted them to...
“Hey, you okay?” Bulma asked her, concerned by the faraway look clouding Chi Chi’s dark eyes. The younger woman smiled.
“Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking that it’s quite a feat that Vegeta and Goku have learned to quit bickering long enough for their children to fall asleep.”
Bulma chuckled lightly.
“That’s the truth. Then again, they’ve really come a long way in the time they’ve known each other. Who knows, after we’re dead they could get married.”
The women laughed together for a moment, before both sobered and gave each other an uneasy look. Chi Chi blushed slightly and looked away, becoming suddenly interested in retrying her robe. Bulma cleared her throat.
“Not that Goku would ever remarry, Chi Chi...” she said in an apologetic manner. “I don’t think he could ever love someone like he does you.”
The younger women looked up, surprised by Bulma’s words.
“I wouldn’t want him alone,” she replied. “Goodness knows what a mess that man would be without someone looking after him.” Bulma shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself as she tried again to pull herself out of the verbal hole she had dug.
“Oh, naturally. But I didn’t mean to insinuate that he... and Vegeta --”
Chi Chi gave an impatient wave of her hand.
“Nonsense. That’s nothing, either,” she stated. Bulma frowned, confused now by the look that Chi Chi had worn when she heard Bulma’s marriage comment.
“But...but you looked --”
“I wasn’t shocked by what you said, but how you could so easily talk about Vegeta’s life after your death. Not to mention his life with someone else,” Chi Chi explained. Bulma smiled.
“Well, I wouldn’t want him alone. Same as you.”
“I suppose,” Chi Chi said, taking a drink from her cup as she meditated on Bulma’s words. “It’s just... since living in this house, I’ve seen a side of you and Vegeta’s marriage that is like some... mysterious, magical relationship.” Bulma’s smiled broadened, and she beamed happily. “You have a special connection... and you got married twice.”
Bulma leaned forward toward Chi Chi, speaking in a hushed whisper as if sharing her deepest secret.
“The side of Vegeta that I get to see is magical and special.”
Chi Chi smiled softly, watching the prince’s wife rise from her seat and cross to the fridge. Upon producing a pint of chocolate mocha latte ice cream and grabbing two spoons from the silverware drawer, she returned to her seat. Chi Chi took the spoon that was offered to her.
“And really,” Bulma continued, digging her spoon into the creamy coffee ice cream, “I don’t want Vegeta to get involved withjust anyone after I die. He’ll have, what, a hundred or so years left?...So even if his next wife is a women I approve of, she’s gonna kick off before he does. And then I don’t get a say at all in the third. The way I see it, Goku will live just as long as he does, if not longer, and I adore Goku!” Chi Chi couldn’t help but chuckle at Bulma’s mirthful laughter and the sheer absurdity of the topic. She nibbled on the chunk of ice cream she spooned from the carton. Left to his own devices, Goku might make a poor match for himself once she was gone. Bulma did have a point.
“And... you wouldn’t mind,” Chi Chi began tentatively. Bulma leaned back, sucking on her spoon as she waited for the question she thought the younger woman had to want to ask. “You wouldn’t mind him being with... a man?”
Bulma smirked.
“The thought of Vegeta with a man doesn’t bother me in the slightest,” she admitted freely. “At least I would know he was getting something that I couldn’t have given him.” She paused then, a spoonful of frozen chocolate java poised at her lips. “Well, I mean I could... but he’s never asked.” She shrugged then, devouring the entire scoop. Chi Chi stared wide-eyed at the woman at her side. For a moment her lips moved, but produced neither comment nor question, until she finally found her voice. While something on the inside told her to say ‘good night’ and be on her way, Chi Chi heard her own voice ask in quiet amazement:
“You could?”
Bulma leered from around the silver spoon before pulling it from her mouth. She pointed the flatware at the younger woman as she replied.
“Never underestimate an adventurous woman with a versatile vibrator.”
Chi Chi knew her entire face had to be glowing red. Bulma choked and snorted on her laughter, pressing the thick terrycloth cuff of her robe to her mouth. Within moments, Chi Chi was laughing along with her, although not as enthusiastically.
“Honestly,” the raven-haired princess said, mustering up the best disapproving intonation she could, “it’s probably best we leave the conversation there.”
“Probably,” Bulma agreed, wiping her tears of laughter on her sleeve. Chi Chi stood from her stool, collected the tea cups and carried them to the sink. She returned to the counter, picking up the ice cream carton. “Oh, you can leave it out,” Bulma told her.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Chi Chi replied, taking the spoon from her hand. “I honestly don’t know how you stay so slim with your unhealthy habits.”
Bulma chuckled, leaning back in her chair as Chi Chi tidied up their dishes. She rinsed the items they used and left them sitting neatly in the sink.
“I’ll get those with the breakfast dishes in the morning,” she told Bulma, moving toward the doorway.
“We do have dishwashers that do that,” Bulma said. “You could have been relaxing for this last half hour instead.”
Chi Chi smiled, drying her hands on a towel before placing it in the kitchen linens hamper.
“I’m sure that your dishwashers are very good, Bulma, but I can’t feel comfortable with a dish that has not received a thorough scrubbing. Splashing dirty dishes with water, scalding or not, never made me feel like the dishes were truly clean.”
Bulma smiled, dropping her head to chuckle lightly.
“I suppose. Well, if it makes you happy...” She stood from her seat, smiling warmly at the other woman. “Thanks for the chat....” she said sincerely. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a chance for idle ‘girl-talk’... it was nice.” Chi Chi returned the smile.
“It was.”
Bulma placed her hands in the pockets of her robe as she strolled from the room.
“And I always wanted a sister.”
Chi Chi nodded, watching the older women wander toward the stairs. She felt the same. It only just occurred to her that Bulma was also an only child.
Bulma stopped and turned, waiting for Chi Chi to continue. Chi Chi’s smile was gone, and her normal serious countenance was in its place. She felt as though she might receive a warning to keep their talk a secret. Chi Chi finally spoke.
“I had always wanted to be your friend...” she began seriously. “Goku always so highly regarded you... I could have been friendlier.”
Bulma smiled.
“You are,” she replied with a nod.
“Thank you,” Chi Chi replied. “For everything.”
“Not a problem,” Bulma told her, turning back to the stairs. “What are friends for?”
Vegeta looked down upon the younger man, who in his sleep had curled closer to the prince and their child. Vegeta stared at him, trying to summon some feeling of disgust at the close proximity, scowling as he considered what the scene must look like...
His expression relaxed. No, there was no longer animosity toward the man slumbering against his lap. Even more disturbingly, there was not even a feeling of resignation or neutrality.
Vegeta reached over his shoulder for the quilt on the back of the chair, his son securely in his arm as he draped the blanket over the sleeping Saiyan and his own legs. He settled back and watched Kakkarot sleep as his mind replayed many of the younger man’s outright demonstrations of friendship, acceptance, and genuine affection.
The very thought of taking the risk of returning those feelings made Vegeta’s heart beat heavily, quite nearly like panic. But he had a feeling that this man, this gentle Saiyan, could never hurt him the way he’d been hurt in the past. He was truly loyal and kind. Perhaps that was what kept Kakkarot and the woman so close for so long. They were both the same at heart.
And how he loved Bulma... and learned to trust her... Would it be so horrible to live the way the others did? With such ease and affection and joy?
Kakkarot stirred, causing Vegeta to tense, realizing his tail was entwined with the other's.The younger Saiyan’s breathing changed as if he were rousing from sleep. As gently as possible, Vegeta pulled his tail away, trying his best not to ruffle the other Saiyan’s fur -- but the wiry appendage caught hold of him before he could retreat. Without another thought, Vegeta leaned his head back, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Goku pulled closer to the warmth beside him, winding his arm around the body against his while his other hand pulled the blanket over his shoulder. He didn’t know what time it was, but he knew he was tired, yet pleasantly content.
He gave a sleepy sigh, blinking his eyes in the dim room. Ninji’s peacefully slumbering face was visible between the wooden bars of the crib, and the sight of the beautiful baby brought a smile to his lips.
Was he still in the nursery?
Goku opened his eyes widely but didn’t move a muscle as he focused on his surroundings. The blanket around him had previously been on the back of the rocking chair -- at some point in the night Vegeta must have put it around him... or the prince might have been looking for warmth for himself, as he was only wearing his boxers.
Goku seemed to feel the prince's bare skin burn beneath his cheek. If it wasn’t bad enough that he had just wrapped his arms around Vegeta’s legs, he also realized that his tail was firmly coiled together with the other Saiyan'ssoft, sable fur.
Surprised by his own reluctance to pull away, Goku lay quietly debating with himself whether or not he should just return to sleep. Ultimately he decided that he couldn’t consciously invade Vegeta’s personal comfort zone, and he slowly pulled away, trying not to disturb the prince.
Vegeta opened his eyes as Kakkarot sat up.
“Sorry to wake you,” Goku whispered.
“Don’t be,” Vegeta replied, repositioning the baby over his shoulder. Goku stood up, supporting himself on the one leg that wasn’t asleep. He took the blanket and laid it back over Vegeta’s lap. The prince grimaced. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you,” Goku continued in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb the children. Vegeta shook his head, dismissing the comment.
“Not your fault. The child’s will outlasted yours by about seven minutes.”
Goku grinned, giving an amused shake of his head before turning to check on his baby in the crib. Ninji remained unmoving, even when Vegeta placed his brother at his side.
“If you go now,” Vegeta told Goku, “you could possibly get two comfortable hours of sleep before they wake.”
“Two more hours of sleep sounds nice,” Goku admitted, “but I wasn’t uncomfortable before. You will more likely have better sleep.”
“Hmph,” Vegeta grunted. “The woman kicks.”
Goku chuckled, and the prince nearly smiled at his own joke.
“Well, I guess the important thing is that Veji was comfortable.” He smiled at the shorter man. “Good night, Vegeta.”
The prince nodded, accepting Goku’s friendly pat on the shoulder and even returning the gesture, reaching out to touch the taller Saiyan’s arm before he left. Once alone, Vegeta looked back down into the crib at the two sleeping infants. With a delicacy that most would never imagine him capable, the Saiyan prince ran his fingertips over the chubby cheek and jaw-line of the little dark-haired baby. Ninji stirred slightly, his tail giving a tiny shake of happiness and a smile came to his lips. It made his father smile as well. Amazing how much he looked like his mother... a beautiful child...
Vegeta turned from the crib with a sigh, rubbing his weary eyes as he made his way back to his bed.
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 72
It Takes Two
Goku felt strange leaving his babies with Vegeta and going off to bed so early. In the past six weeks he hadn’t touched his head to a pillow without first tucking in a blanket, kissing a chubby cheek or murmuring‘good night’ into a tiny ear. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Vegeta with the boys, but the older Saiyan seemed to prefer a more direct approach to bedtime.Chapter 72
It Takes Two
Goku gave a look to the nursery as he passed. The urge within him to turn around and check on his children one last time was strong, but he pushed the feeling aside and continued into his bedroom.
Chi Chi was already in her nightgown, sitting in bed and reading a book. She looked up, surprised to see him.
“Are the boys asleep already?” she asked him. Goku shook his head.
“No,” he replied, picking up the pajamas she had set out for him. “Vegeta told me to go to bed. He said he’d take care of the boys tonight.”
“Well, that’s nice,” she commented. “I’m sure that he missed them.”
“Yeah,” Goku agreed. “They missed him too...”
“Of course they did,” Chi Chi spoke, looking back to her book. “We all did, dear.”
Goku smiled, changing his clothes and slipping beneath the covers of the bed. He was glad that Chi Chi and Vegeta were getting along. He had never noticed until living in the Briefs’ home just howsimilar their personalities were. It was probably the reason he was instantly friends with the prince. It could also be the reason he felt --
Goku shook his head, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes.
“Tired, dear?” Chi Chi asked, setting her book aside. “I can turn out the light.”
“No,” he answered quickly, “I’m fine. Not used to going to bed at this hour, anyway!” He gave a short laugh. “You can read... if you like...”
“We haven’t had alone time in quite a while, Goku,” Chi Chi pointed out to him. “I would rather talk... catch up on how you are doing...”
The Saiyan smiled, leaning his head on his hand.
“I’m doing great,” he answered, reaching over to lay his hand on her side as she turned to mirror his posture. “I couldn’t imagine anything that would make my life any better.”
“Not even a new, super powerful opponent?” she quipped.
Goku’s smile faltered slightly.
“No... I love to fight, but I think that I’m not up for that kind of challenge right now... I’m enjoying the peace.”
Chi Chi felt a tug of regret at having brought up any painful memories. She didn’t want to prolong Goku’s discomfort, so she quickly spoke again.
“Good,” she said, sliding closer to the warmth of his body. “Because we’re much happier with you here with our family.”
His smile returned.
“Me too.”
Goku slid his arms around his wife’s small frame, pulling her into his chest as he kissed her lips. He was so glad that Chi Chi wasn’t unhappy, especially since he knew she had given up so much for him.
“I love you,” he whispered huskily, his warm breath tickling her ear and making her heart flutter like it did the first time she had heard those words. Oh, how she felt the same...
Chi Chi wrapped her arms around Goku’s neck, holding tightly to him as their kiss deepened. She could feel his large, powerful hand rest on her hip before sliding up her torso. She thrust her fingers into his hair, taking a quick gasp of air before their lips met again.
Goku rolled swiftly, pining his wife beneath him. He rested the bulk of his weight on one arm, leaving his other hand free to roam the soft curves of Chi Chi’s flesh. She moaned lightly, a happy smile turning her lips as Goku gently stroked his fingers along her throat and collar bone. Since the mid-stage of his pregnancy, intimacy was rare and timid, but it was getting better and more like it used to be.
Chi Chi settled comfortably under her husband’s weight, sliding her toes along the smooth bulk of his calves and thighs before wrapping her legs around his waist. Her fingers danced along his ribs, skimming his sides and eliciting a chuckle from him. The chuckle turned to a moan as her hands continued lower, around to his back, stroking the length of his tail.
The sound vibrated through his chest to hers, for a moment making them feel as intimately connected as sex itself. Chi Chi opened her lips against Goku’s, drawing out his tongue and savoring its warm taste. She loved this man... this Saiyan...
Goku gave himself to the passion of her kiss, his body aching to skip the preliminaries, but his heart was savoring every caress. He had never been in doubt of her love, but it felt great to be reminded that she still desired him.
Shifting his weight, Goku moved his hands between them, drawing his fingers gently over her thigh and hip before sliding back down and removing her panties. His erection strained against the fabric of his pajama pants, already weeping in impatience.
A cry erupted from the nursery across the hall.
Chi Chi didn’t miss the split second that Goku’s entire body tensed in reaction to the sound. The two lay quietly, softly panting as they waited for the wails to subside.
Footsteps in the hall proceeded the child’s silence, and the deep resonance of Vegeta’s smooth baritone was barely audible as he soothed the child.
A smile lit Goku’s face, and he looked down into his wife’s eyes. Their lips connected again, their pace resuming and their fingers seeking to undress each other.
The baby’s cry returned, but this time it made Goku turn toward the door.
“Ma ma!”
The Saiyan’s heart throbbed, something insidehim needing to comfort his child. He turned back to Chi Chi, trying to smile but managing nothing but a pained grimace.
“Go to him,” she said, smoothing the hair at his temple.
“Vegeta said he’d take care of them tonight,” he replied, kissing her. “I’m sure he’ll settle down soon.”
Chi Chi wanted to believe that as they once again resumed the preamble of their love, but her husband’s waning erection and the baby’s ceaseless sobbing told her otherwise.
“Goku,” she said, breaking from their kiss and taking his face in her hands, “go check on him. It’s okay.”
Goku looked torn but pulled himself from his wife, snatching his shirt off the floor and pulling it on as he left the room. Before he shut the door, he gave a wink to his lovely mate, hoping he would soon be back to her.
“So,” Bulma spoke with a grin as her husband finally came to bed that evening, “what did you and Trunks do this weekend?”“We went camping,” he replied dryly, crossing the room. Bulma rolled onto her stomach, leaning her chin on her hands as she spoke to him.
“What did you do besides camp?”
There was the sound of running water for several moments and then silence before he answered.
“He taught me something called ‘fly fishing’,” he told her, emerging from the bathroom in his boxers. “Which is apparently a more boring form of regular fishing.” Bulma chuckled. “But it gave us plenty of time to talk and just...” He sighed, slightly uncomfortable with speaking, but he continued as he lay in bed beside the woman. “Just be together. He’s very mature for his age.”
“That’s my baby,” Bulma commented, slipping her arms around Vegeta’s bare torso, snuggling to his side. “So you had a good time?”
“Mm,” he responded affirmatively, pulling her close and placing an affectionate kiss on the top of her head. Bulma continued to smile happily. This was the man she knew her husband to be, and that secret delight kept her happy for so many years. If only everyone could be so lucky.
Vejita’s pitiful, displeased cry sounded through the infant monitor on Vegeta’s night stand.
“I’ll be back,” he spoke, rising from the bed, picking up the monitor as he left.
The child’s cry increased in volume in the time it took the prince to reach the nursery, but as soon as he entered the room, there was silence. Vejita looked wide-eyed at his sire, expectantly raising his hands in the air.
“Whose child are you, huh?” Vegeta spoke, reaching into the crib and lifting the blonde from the side of his sleeping twin. “It’s bedtime,” he told his son, retrieving the yellow blanket and laying it over the child. “Go to sleep now.” He gently urged the baby to lay his down on his shoulder, but Vejita resisted, pulling away.
“Nnnnn,” the tiny Saiyan groaned in displeasure.
“Son,” the prince warned in a whisper, “you’re really pushing my limits.”
Vegeta succeeded in getting Veji to lay his head down, and he began to pace the floor as he had seen Bulma do with their own children -- and as he had done with Bulla when she was an infant. Vejita remained quiet only a moment before springing back up.
“Ma ma!” he exclaimed.
Vegeta frowned.
“Oh, since when?” he grumbled. “He’s asleep. You should be too.”
“Ma ma!!” Veji insisted, wiggling in his father’s grasp.
Vegeta was amazed at the amount of strength in the little Saiyan’s body, but couldn’t adequately appreciate it over his irritation.
“Vejita,” he spoke sternly, attempting to get a better grip on the child. “Straighten up.”
Vejita wailed piteously at not being able to best the older Saiyan, his mouth turning down into a frown before opening wide.
Vegeta sighed.
Goku’s voice didn't surprise the prince as he could feel the third class' approaching ki before he entered the room. The younger Saiyan could sympathize with the look of annoyance on Vegeta’s face. It hurt to not be the one your child longed for.
“Can I help?”
“You don’t have to,” Vegeta spoke with a shrug. “He’s got to sleep some time.”
“And so do you,” Goku smiled, taking the baby from the prince’s arms. “I’m used to these hours. I appreciate the offer, though. I don’t mind sitting with him.”
The prince gave a shrug, laying the baby blanket over his son. He was reluctant to leave... why did he feel he had been away so long?
"Good night," he said finally, turning from his child and Kakkarot. Before he reached the door, however, Vejita cried once more.
The prince turned back, his look of bewilderment the same as the child's mother. The baby smiled upon seeing Vegeta turn back, and stretched out his arms.
Goku grimaced.
"Do you think he’s saying 'no' or ‘pa'?" he asked.
"Hell if I know," Vegeta spoke, making no move to return to the baby. Vejita continued to wave his arms, beckoning to his sire.
“I guess he really wants you,” Goku observed.
Vegeta grimaced, moving from the door and taking the child back from Kakkarot’s arms. Vejita cooed and lay his head on his father’s shoulder.
"I guess I’ll get back to bed then..." Goku spoke, giving the baby a pat on the head. "But if you need me..."
"We’ll be fine," Vegeta informed him. "Good night."
Goku gave a weak smile, turning from the pair and moving to return to his room. Vejita raised his head and give a wail.
The prince put a hand to his son’s head, gently forcing the child's brow back to his shoulder. Kakkarot paused in his tracks.
"Continue, Kakkarot," he said. "I'll handle it."
Goku nodded and moved on, despite the sick feeling in his stomach at hearing his baby’s continued protestations.
"Is everything okay?'' Chi Chi asked him upon his return.
"Yeah," he replied, giving her a soft smile as he shut the door. "Veji’s just a bit fussy, that’s all..." Goku kneeled on the bed and leaned over his wife. "Where were we?"
Chi Chi smiled, slipping her arms around Goku’s neck as their lips met. It was as if her passion had never cooled as her husband’s heavily muscled body pressed her back against the bed.
“Ma! Ma!"
Goku paused to take a deep breath, releasing it in a controlled sigh before turning his attention to the smooth skin of Chi Chi's shoulder, brushing aside her delicate nightgown strap.
"Goku," Chi Chi spoke, pushing gently against him as Vejita’s crying continued, "are sure he doesn’t need you?"
"Vegeta said he’d handle it," he replied, wishing he knew better how to ignore his son’s wails. "It’s... it’s okay.”
Chi Chi wished she could believe him. Every touch of his hands and every caress of his warm lips had her body begging her to ignore everything except the man above her. But she knew in her heart she wasn’t completely with him... and she knew he wasn’t completely with her, either.
"Goku,'' she murmured softly, using slightly more force against him this time. He seemed to know what she was going to say, for he sighed resignedly. "Let’s just go make sure everything is okay."
“Okay,” he agreed. Both rose from the bed, and Chi Chi followed him from the room, pulling on her robe.
Inside the nursery, Vegeta was pacing the floor, trying to hold his crying child against his chest. The prince scowled when he saw the Sons at the doorway.
"I’ll quiet him in a minute," he said gruffly, shifting uncomfortably as he felt rather exposed in his attire.
"I don’t mind,” Goku said cheerfully, moving to the prince’s side. When he reached for the child, however, Veji pulled away and clung to his father, giggling.
“What on Earth," Vegeta grumbled.
Goku’s brow furrowed.
"So he doesn’t want me?" he asked, confused. Vegeta frowned but couldn’t answer.
“He wants you both,” Chi Chi replied. Both men turned to where she stood. Slightly self-conscious, Chi Chi ran a hand over her hair, feeling incredibly disheveled since her long raven locks were not in her normal tidy, pulled up style. She crossed an arm over her chest. "It’s quite understandable, as this was his first real time away from both of you."
"He had his mother," Vegeta grumbled. “This child is spoiled beyond measure. I will take him to the opposite side of the house -- or in the GR if I have to. You two return to your room."
It then occurred to Goku why the prince was really blushing, and it was not his state of near nudity. He looked at his wife, who currently looked incredibly beautiful to him, but he knew how sensitive Vegeta’s senses were. The prince had to know what they had been doing before being interrupted -- what they were attempting to do, anyway.
"You cannot spoil a child with too much affection," Chi Chi informed Vegeta. “Vejita loves his parents. He is not spoiled."
“Yet,” Vegeta scowled.
The three stood quietly, their focus on the baby in Vegeta’s arms as they tried to figure out what to do in such an odd situation.
“Whether it spoils him or not,” Vegeta spoke finally, “he should be made to sleep. We cannot be held hostage by a cranky, bratty infant.”
Chi Chi chuckled.
“He’s not holding anyone hostage,” she told him. “It’s not going to kill anyone to indulge him for one night.”
“Famous last words...” the prince grumbled in reply.
“And it won’t kill you both to spend the evening reassuring your child,” she continued before giving a teasing smirk. “The carpet in here looks awfully comfortable.” She leaned up to kiss her husband on the cheek. “I’ll see you when he falls asleep. Good night, Vegeta.”
The prince grimaced, but nodded in response.
Goku turned to the older Saiyan and their son, a sheepish look on his face.
“... I’m sorry you were... interrupted...” Vegeta spoke, slightly embarrassed. Goku shrugged, watching the prince settle in the rocking chair, cradling his child in his arm. The baby gave a spectacularly wide yawn.
“No trouble,” Goku said with a laugh. “I don’t have to tell you that when you are a parent, these things happen.”
“I hate that about children...” Vegeta said sourly. Goku continued to chuckle.
“We survive... besides, with a yawn like that, I bet he’ll be out in under twenty minutes.”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the wide-eyed baby.
"The child delights in being a nuisance," he stated. “I wouldn’t bet even the smallest amount of currency on this child’s behavior.” Goku was smiling as he kneeled down at the prince’s side.
"Aw," he said, leaning over to give his son a gentle kiss on the forehead. "He’s not nuisance. He just loves us, like Chi said." Vegeta didn’t comment. He just quietly watched the other warrior nuzzle and fawn over the baby Saiyan. He sighed softly to himself. How he admired Kakkarot -- to be strong enough to be as gentle, as caring as he pleased... how freeing that much power could be.
The prince tried to refrain from shifting uncomfortably as the taller Saiyan rested against his thigh. Kakkarot kept his hand in the baby’s grasp as the child hugged it to his chest.
“Our kids are so cute,” Goku sighed absently. Vegeta gave a small sound of agreement as he leaned his head back against the chair, focusing in the ceiling. “And it’s amazing how much Veji looks like you...”
“Is that your way of telling me that you think I’m cute?” Vegeta asked dryly. Goku chuckled soundlessly, turning his eyes down against the prince’s leg.
“I... I didn’t mean that,” he tried to explain, fighting laughter.
“No taking it back now,” Vegeta replied in a neutral manner.
Veji yawned again, curling closer to Vegeta’s chest. His eyes closed for a second before he turned quickly back to Goku.
“Ma ma?”
“I’m here, baby,” Goku spoke, laying a hand on the child’s back to reassure him. Satisfied, Veji turned back to snuggle against his father. The prince ran a hand over the boy’s golden hair.
“Brat,” he murmured.
“He is not,” Goku responded. “He’s just demanding... like his father.”
“Hmph,” Vegeta answered. “... I wasn’t talking about him.”
Goku smiled, laying his head down against his arm, keeping his hand against the baby’s back. He knew Vegeta was probably more than uncomfortable in such close quarters with him -- and he felt he should probably feel uncomfortable as well -- but it was nice to share the quiet moment with their son, a rare instance that he felt like they really were a family.
Vegeta sighed to himself, within minutes being the only one still awake among the three.
“He’s ‘used to these hours’ my ass...” he thought to himself. “You could fall asleep at any time except meal times, Kakkarot...” He looked down at the unruly-haired Saiyan who slumbered against his bare thigh. Kakkarot’s dark brown tail swished across the floor, always returning to touch the prince’s leg -- almost like the baby looking back to his mother for a constant reminder that he was still there.
Vegeta sighed again.
No, he wasn’t going anywhere. Even with the idea of possibly sharing more awkward, embarrassing moments with the third class clown, he was dedicated to this life now. They would be together for a long, long time...
He just hoped they could keep the awkward, embarrassing moments to a minimum.
Bulma pulled her robe on over her nightshirt as she tip-toed down the stairs to the first floor. Vegeta had been gone for a little over half an hour, and she was curious as to what could be wrong with the children to keep him so long. She could possibly help, since it would seem the prince wanted to give the babies’ mother a night off.As she passed the kitchen, a noise from within caused her to pause. Thinking it was her husband getting some middle of the night refreshment, she went inside.
“Oh, Chi Chi,” Bulma began. The younger woman turned, placing a steaming kettle back on the stove. “I thought you might be Vegeta,”
“That happens,” Chi Chi replied lightly, giving a sideways glance at the grey domestic droid hovering well out of her reach. “Vegeta is sitting with the children. I hope I didn’t disturb you.” Bulma smiled.
“Not at all. If you don’t mind the company, I’d love to share a cup of tea with you.”
Chi Chi returned the smile, filling another cup with the piping hot brew. Bulma seated herself at the bar between the kitchen and dining room, leaning onto the cool granite top.
“I’m a little surprised to see you down here,” Bulma grinned, taking the cup she was offered.
“Oh?” Chi Chi replied, taking the seat beside her. “And why is that?”
Bulma’s eyes sparkled above the china as she sipped.
“Because,” she replied, setting the cup back down, “an early night with your husband, Vegeta taking the kids... I thought you might want to... you know, take the opportunity to...” She nudged the younger woman’s knee with her own. Chi Chi rolled her eyes.
“Veji had other plans,” she informed Bulma. “Goku is sitting with the children as well.”
“Ah,” Bulma remarked. “Do you want me to go swap with him?” She moved to stand from her seat. “I don’t mind --”
“No,” Chi Chi lay a hand on her arm, stopping her, “they’re fine. Vejita is probably feeling a little separation anxiety, and it’s good to have his parents to reassure him.” She sighed. “And to be honest, I think the more time Vegeta and Goku get to spend being parents together, the better parents they will become for those two children.”
Bulma nodded, understanding.
“They do need to learn to work together.”
Chi Chi took another sip of tea before leaning back in her chair. If those babies had the chance to have a happy family, she wanted them to...
“Hey, you okay?” Bulma asked her, concerned by the faraway look clouding Chi Chi’s dark eyes. The younger woman smiled.
“Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking that it’s quite a feat that Vegeta and Goku have learned to quit bickering long enough for their children to fall asleep.”
Bulma chuckled lightly.
“That’s the truth. Then again, they’ve really come a long way in the time they’ve known each other. Who knows, after we’re dead they could get married.”
The women laughed together for a moment, before both sobered and gave each other an uneasy look. Chi Chi blushed slightly and looked away, becoming suddenly interested in retrying her robe. Bulma cleared her throat.
“Not that Goku would ever remarry, Chi Chi...” she said in an apologetic manner. “I don’t think he could ever love someone like he does you.”
The younger women looked up, surprised by Bulma’s words.
“I wouldn’t want him alone,” she replied. “Goodness knows what a mess that man would be without someone looking after him.” Bulma shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself as she tried again to pull herself out of the verbal hole she had dug.
“Oh, naturally. But I didn’t mean to insinuate that he... and Vegeta --”
Chi Chi gave an impatient wave of her hand.
“Nonsense. That’s nothing, either,” she stated. Bulma frowned, confused now by the look that Chi Chi had worn when she heard Bulma’s marriage comment.
“But...but you looked --”
“I wasn’t shocked by what you said, but how you could so easily talk about Vegeta’s life after your death. Not to mention his life with someone else,” Chi Chi explained. Bulma smiled.
“Well, I wouldn’t want him alone. Same as you.”
“I suppose,” Chi Chi said, taking a drink from her cup as she meditated on Bulma’s words. “It’s just... since living in this house, I’ve seen a side of you and Vegeta’s marriage that is like some... mysterious, magical relationship.” Bulma’s smiled broadened, and she beamed happily. “You have a special connection... and you got married twice.”
Bulma leaned forward toward Chi Chi, speaking in a hushed whisper as if sharing her deepest secret.
“The side of Vegeta that I get to see is magical and special.”
Chi Chi smiled softly, watching the prince’s wife rise from her seat and cross to the fridge. Upon producing a pint of chocolate mocha latte ice cream and grabbing two spoons from the silverware drawer, she returned to her seat. Chi Chi took the spoon that was offered to her.
“And really,” Bulma continued, digging her spoon into the creamy coffee ice cream, “I don’t want Vegeta to get involved withjust anyone after I die. He’ll have, what, a hundred or so years left?...So even if his next wife is a women I approve of, she’s gonna kick off before he does. And then I don’t get a say at all in the third. The way I see it, Goku will live just as long as he does, if not longer, and I adore Goku!” Chi Chi couldn’t help but chuckle at Bulma’s mirthful laughter and the sheer absurdity of the topic. She nibbled on the chunk of ice cream she spooned from the carton. Left to his own devices, Goku might make a poor match for himself once she was gone. Bulma did have a point.
“And... you wouldn’t mind,” Chi Chi began tentatively. Bulma leaned back, sucking on her spoon as she waited for the question she thought the younger woman had to want to ask. “You wouldn’t mind him being with... a man?”
Bulma smirked.
“The thought of Vegeta with a man doesn’t bother me in the slightest,” she admitted freely. “At least I would know he was getting something that I couldn’t have given him.” She paused then, a spoonful of frozen chocolate java poised at her lips. “Well, I mean I could... but he’s never asked.” She shrugged then, devouring the entire scoop. Chi Chi stared wide-eyed at the woman at her side. For a moment her lips moved, but produced neither comment nor question, until she finally found her voice. While something on the inside told her to say ‘good night’ and be on her way, Chi Chi heard her own voice ask in quiet amazement:
“You could?”
Bulma leered from around the silver spoon before pulling it from her mouth. She pointed the flatware at the younger woman as she replied.
“Never underestimate an adventurous woman with a versatile vibrator.”
Chi Chi knew her entire face had to be glowing red. Bulma choked and snorted on her laughter, pressing the thick terrycloth cuff of her robe to her mouth. Within moments, Chi Chi was laughing along with her, although not as enthusiastically.
“Honestly,” the raven-haired princess said, mustering up the best disapproving intonation she could, “it’s probably best we leave the conversation there.”
“Probably,” Bulma agreed, wiping her tears of laughter on her sleeve. Chi Chi stood from her stool, collected the tea cups and carried them to the sink. She returned to the counter, picking up the ice cream carton. “Oh, you can leave it out,” Bulma told her.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Chi Chi replied, taking the spoon from her hand. “I honestly don’t know how you stay so slim with your unhealthy habits.”
Bulma chuckled, leaning back in her chair as Chi Chi tidied up their dishes. She rinsed the items they used and left them sitting neatly in the sink.
“I’ll get those with the breakfast dishes in the morning,” she told Bulma, moving toward the doorway.
“We do have dishwashers that do that,” Bulma said. “You could have been relaxing for this last half hour instead.”
Chi Chi smiled, drying her hands on a towel before placing it in the kitchen linens hamper.
“I’m sure that your dishwashers are very good, Bulma, but I can’t feel comfortable with a dish that has not received a thorough scrubbing. Splashing dirty dishes with water, scalding or not, never made me feel like the dishes were truly clean.”
Bulma smiled, dropping her head to chuckle lightly.
“I suppose. Well, if it makes you happy...” She stood from her seat, smiling warmly at the other woman. “Thanks for the chat....” she said sincerely. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a chance for idle ‘girl-talk’... it was nice.” Chi Chi returned the smile.
“It was.”
Bulma placed her hands in the pockets of her robe as she strolled from the room.
“And I always wanted a sister.”
Chi Chi nodded, watching the older women wander toward the stairs. She felt the same. It only just occurred to her that Bulma was also an only child.
Bulma stopped and turned, waiting for Chi Chi to continue. Chi Chi’s smile was gone, and her normal serious countenance was in its place. She felt as though she might receive a warning to keep their talk a secret. Chi Chi finally spoke.
“I had always wanted to be your friend...” she began seriously. “Goku always so highly regarded you... I could have been friendlier.”
Bulma smiled.
“You are,” she replied with a nod.
“Thank you,” Chi Chi replied. “For everything.”
“Not a problem,” Bulma told her, turning back to the stairs. “What are friends for?”
As his eyes slowly slid open, Vegeta was surprised to discover that he had fallen asleep. The nursery was quiet and seemed twice as dark, even as the sun was close to rising. The only sound in the room, aside from the faint blowing of the air conditioner, was Kakkarot’s deep, even breathing.Vegeta looked down upon the younger man, who in his sleep had curled closer to the prince and their child. Vegeta stared at him, trying to summon some feeling of disgust at the close proximity, scowling as he considered what the scene must look like...
His expression relaxed. No, there was no longer animosity toward the man slumbering against his lap. Even more disturbingly, there was not even a feeling of resignation or neutrality.
Vegeta reached over his shoulder for the quilt on the back of the chair, his son securely in his arm as he draped the blanket over the sleeping Saiyan and his own legs. He settled back and watched Kakkarot sleep as his mind replayed many of the younger man’s outright demonstrations of friendship, acceptance, and genuine affection.
The very thought of taking the risk of returning those feelings made Vegeta’s heart beat heavily, quite nearly like panic. But he had a feeling that this man, this gentle Saiyan, could never hurt him the way he’d been hurt in the past. He was truly loyal and kind. Perhaps that was what kept Kakkarot and the woman so close for so long. They were both the same at heart.
And how he loved Bulma... and learned to trust her... Would it be so horrible to live the way the others did? With such ease and affection and joy?
Kakkarot stirred, causing Vegeta to tense, realizing his tail was entwined with the other's.The younger Saiyan’s breathing changed as if he were rousing from sleep. As gently as possible, Vegeta pulled his tail away, trying his best not to ruffle the other Saiyan’s fur -- but the wiry appendage caught hold of him before he could retreat. Without another thought, Vegeta leaned his head back, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Goku pulled closer to the warmth beside him, winding his arm around the body against his while his other hand pulled the blanket over his shoulder. He didn’t know what time it was, but he knew he was tired, yet pleasantly content.
He gave a sleepy sigh, blinking his eyes in the dim room. Ninji’s peacefully slumbering face was visible between the wooden bars of the crib, and the sight of the beautiful baby brought a smile to his lips.
Was he still in the nursery?
Goku opened his eyes widely but didn’t move a muscle as he focused on his surroundings. The blanket around him had previously been on the back of the rocking chair -- at some point in the night Vegeta must have put it around him... or the prince might have been looking for warmth for himself, as he was only wearing his boxers.
Goku seemed to feel the prince's bare skin burn beneath his cheek. If it wasn’t bad enough that he had just wrapped his arms around Vegeta’s legs, he also realized that his tail was firmly coiled together with the other Saiyan'ssoft, sable fur.
Surprised by his own reluctance to pull away, Goku lay quietly debating with himself whether or not he should just return to sleep. Ultimately he decided that he couldn’t consciously invade Vegeta’s personal comfort zone, and he slowly pulled away, trying not to disturb the prince.
Vegeta opened his eyes as Kakkarot sat up.
“Sorry to wake you,” Goku whispered.
“Don’t be,” Vegeta replied, repositioning the baby over his shoulder. Goku stood up, supporting himself on the one leg that wasn’t asleep. He took the blanket and laid it back over Vegeta’s lap. The prince grimaced. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you,” Goku continued in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb the children. Vegeta shook his head, dismissing the comment.
“Not your fault. The child’s will outlasted yours by about seven minutes.”
Goku grinned, giving an amused shake of his head before turning to check on his baby in the crib. Ninji remained unmoving, even when Vegeta placed his brother at his side.
“If you go now,” Vegeta told Goku, “you could possibly get two comfortable hours of sleep before they wake.”
“Two more hours of sleep sounds nice,” Goku admitted, “but I wasn’t uncomfortable before. You will more likely have better sleep.”
“Hmph,” Vegeta grunted. “The woman kicks.”
Goku chuckled, and the prince nearly smiled at his own joke.
“Well, I guess the important thing is that Veji was comfortable.” He smiled at the shorter man. “Good night, Vegeta.”
The prince nodded, accepting Goku’s friendly pat on the shoulder and even returning the gesture, reaching out to touch the taller Saiyan’s arm before he left. Once alone, Vegeta looked back down into the crib at the two sleeping infants. With a delicacy that most would never imagine him capable, the Saiyan prince ran his fingertips over the chubby cheek and jaw-line of the little dark-haired baby. Ninji stirred slightly, his tail giving a tiny shake of happiness and a smile came to his lips. It made his father smile as well. Amazing how much he looked like his mother... a beautiful child...
Vegeta turned from the crib with a sigh, rubbing his weary eyes as he made his way back to his bed.
A/N: Yay! Another update! This chapter seems a little short, but I totally love it!! I hope you all do to! Thank you to all of my wonderful readers! I hope that this fic continues to entertain you! *Hugs* -B