Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Crushed ( Chapter 74 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you. Where would I ever be without you... up piss-poor grammar river, that's where... ^_^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 74

Vegeta leaned against the dining room wall, watching the women rush between rooms, preparing the table for Trunks’ birthday dinner. He never understood his wife’s need to continually celebrate even the most minuscule of milestones, but he took it as a blessing that it was the only thing that she seemed to share in common with her mother. It was, he supposed, the lesser of all evils.

“Vegeta dear,” Mrs. Briefs cooed, slipping up to the Saiyan and linking her arm with his, “would you like a cocktail before the guests arrive?”

Vegeta grimaced. He would love a cocktail before the guests arrived.

“Mom,” Bulma spoke for him, “the drink cart is ready if you want to push it into the living room. I’m sure Vegeta will find something appealing on it.”

“Anything to help, Bulma!” her mother chirped, moving away to roll the cart into the next room. Bulma gave the prince a wink before turning back to the kitchen.

Vegeta sighed, running a hand through his hair before folding his arms back over his chest. Why couldn’t there be one year when they celebrated the boy’s birthday by themselves? Seeing his son’s best friend approaching him, he realized that the opportunity for a quiet, family celebration was probably long past.

“I think the boys know something is up,” Goten announced. Vegeta raised a brow.


“Veji and Nin,” the younger Saiyan continued. “I think they realize that today is special.” He held a drink out to the prince. “This is from Mrs. Dr. B.”

Vegeta willingly took the tall glass of light-amber colored liquid over ice.

“Anyways,” Goten continued,“Dad’s getting them dressed and they’re really excited.” He gave a smirk. “I sure hope they’re not disappointed to not be the ones getting presents.”

“They’ll survive,” the prince commented blandly, taking a drink. He was disappointed to find that his beverage was only plain iced tea, and not the ‘Long Island' variety.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to see them sad,” Goten responded.

Vegeta frowned as he watched the teen leave the room. Could it be that he wasn’t too harsh, but the others too soft? Was he up to the task of raising two more children?

“There’s Papa!” Goku exclaimed jovially, carrying the twins into the dining room. Both Saiyan toddlers were dressed in matching child-sized training gis, the only difference being color -- Veji’s was blue and Ninji’s was green. Vegeta grimaced at the older twin’s now seemingly ever-present pony-tail. Veji immediately held out his arm.

“Papa!!” he shouted in delight. “Trun’s fun!”

Vegeta relieved the taller Saiyan of the energetic blonde.

“Trunks’ what?” he asked, as the little boy looked happily up at him.

“Fun!” the child repeated.

“I told him it was Trunks’ birthday,” Goku explained, unconsciously cuddling the dark haired twin against his neck as the child leaned lazily on his shoulder. “And I said that it would be fun. So I guess he thinks we’re having a ‘fun’ instead of a ‘party’.”

“A fun!” the toddler repeated.

“No, hon,” Goku said, gaining the child’s attention, “a birthday.”

Vejita furrowed his brow and tried to repeat.

“Bur... day.” Goku grinned.

“You got it!”

Vejita clapped his hands together, turning to his father for approval. Vegeta gave a pained smile, but was saved from further reaction when Ninji perked up his head and looked toward the living room.

“Pic-lo...” he breathed.

Goku chuckled.

“Well, it looks like we’ve seen the last of Nin tonight,” he stated as the four of them headed into the next room. Vegeta nodded absently in agreement as the toddler wiggled out of his arms. The oldest of the twins had taken quite a liking to the stoic Namekian, and after having observed several hundred games of chess between the green-skinned warrior and his oldest brother Gohan, Ninji had decided he liked directing the pieces’ movements instead of simply being a spectator. Whenever Piccolo was around, he was sure to be seated across from a lounging toddler.

“As soon as everyone gets here, we can eat,” Bulma told the Saiyans as Chi Chi and Trunks greeted those who were just arriving. “I’m just going to run next door and get Daikkon from the corporate library.”

“I’ll do it,” Goku offered. “Veji might like a quick run in the snow.”

Before the toddler had a chance to register delight in the idea, Vegeta spoke.

“No, I’ll do it,” he stated firmly. “The two of you can continue preparing or socializing or... whatever.”

“Papa!” Vejita groaned mournfully. “I wan snow!”

The prince ignored the grinning faces of his wife and friend as he took hold of his son’s hand and led him through the room.

Guests were mingling in the large living room, sharing drinks, conversation and laughs when Vegeta tried to lead his look-alike son discreetly to the door. It was hard for the pair to remain unnoticed as Veji skipped happily at his father’s side.

Vegeta stopped by the door, kneeling down to help his child into his winter coat and tiny boots.

“Papa,” Veji asked, holding onto the prince’s shoulders for balance as he pushed a foot into the boot. “We goin’ walk?”

“Yes,” Vegeta answered shortly, keeping his face turned away from the group, lest they see his blush.

Outside of the house, it was calm and cold. The sun was partly obscured by large clumps of clouds, but provided enough light to cut a bit of the chill. Vegeta watched his son galloping ahead, playfully chasing after the snow that was disrupted by his steps, like tiny explosions beneath his feet.

“Papa,” the child called over his shoulder, looking with dismay upon his hands, “...wet.”

“That is what happens when you pick it up, son of Kakkarot,” the prince replied, stopping at his son’s side and watching the child woefully examine his damp mittens.


“Yes,” Vegeta leaned down and pulled the blonde Saiyan into his arms. “I don’t like it either.”

No one inside the Capsule Corp building spoke a word to the prince as he passed through. They were not used to seeing him very often, but even the little exposure taught them to keep their distance.

“You,” Vegeta barked at a young intern who was leaving the library. “Watch this.” The young man offered no resistance as the toddler was deposited into his arms. “And watch carefully,” he warned.

“Y-yes sir, Mr... Vegeta,” he stammered as the prince passed into the next room.

The Capsule Corp library was impressive, full of row after row of shelved books and dozens of computer stations. It was rumored to have as many volumes on science and technology as Central City’s main library had books in general.

Upon hearing the unmistakable striding footfalls of the Saiyan elite, Daikkon turned from his reading material, surprised to see the prince. He quickly stood and bowed.

“Your majesty,” he greeted. “How may I be of service?”

Vegeta scowled.

“My wife insists upon your presence.”

The younger Saiyan gave a short nod.

“It is an honor, sir --”

“Just keep your anecdotes to yourself,” Vegeta interrupted him. “Your presence is her desire; your silence is mine. Understood?”

The emotion that crossed the man’s face appeared to be sorrow. Daikkon bowed in obedience.

“Good,” Vegeta grunted, turning on his heel to leave.


The prince stopped in his tracks. He heard no sound of the other Saiyan attempting to follow, so he turned back. Daikkon was still wearing that same expression.

“What?” Vegeta frowned.

Daikkon seemed hesitant, but he took a deep breath and began.

“My lord, I have been over a year in your service. True, I did not come to you under the most ideal circumstances, and yes, I have made grievous mistakes, but I have tried to serve faithfully. I have tried to right my errors. I have obeyed your commands.” Vegeta’s face betrayed no emotion. The younger Saiyan took another breath. “What would you have me do to redeem myself in your eyes, sire?”

A silence colder than the winter snow passed between the two men, neither looking away from the other. Finally, Vegeta turned back toward the exit.

“You’re not dead yet,” he remarked dryly, reaching for the door. “Take that as a good sign.”

Daikkon sighed.

“It is a life that is pointless if I have failed to be of service to you, my lord,” he said.

Vegeta paused. He could hear his son on the other side of the door, chattering incessantly to his chaperone. As much as he wanted to shield his children from the dark side of Saiyan history, he still wanted them to be proud of their rich Saiyan culture. Daikkon just might be the last person who could help him with that.

And possibly, the younger Saiyan was just one other person that Vegeta had treated too harshly. Even his most brainless of errors could be attributed to what that psychotic general had put them through.

Slowly, Vegeta turned back. For a moment, he only stared into the other Saiyan’s dark brown eyes.

“You want to be of use to me?” the prince asked seriously.

“In any capacity, sire,” Daikkon replied.

Vegeta continued to stare as the other man stood motionless, appearing to be holding his breath as well. Vegeta spoke.

“Fine,” he said brusquely. “Then do this: Continue to aid my wife and my son with their work, but I want that writing of yours to be something that will teach my children the Saiyan ways and the Saiyan language. All of your writing will be given to me before anyone else sees it, and you will share nothing with my family until I have approved it.”

Daikkon bowed again as the prince finished speaking.

“As you wish, my lord.”

“So don’t screw it up,” Vegeta suggested darkly as he strode from the room. “And don’t keep my wife waiting.”

“Yes, sire,” the younger man agreed, gathering his things. Vegeta was gone before he had assembled all of his writing and research, and the hallway was clear as he stepped out of the library.

It wasn’t the most trusted position in the prince’s confidence, but it was a start.


“I could just kill you!”

Goten’s eyes widened in surprise at the threat, but he smiled brilliantly at the shorter man who delivered it.

“What'd I do, Uncle Krillin?” he asked with a grin. “I haven’t looked at 18 for more than thirty seconds at a stretch tonight.”

Krillin was tempted to take the bait, forgetting his original line of questioning in favor of berating the teen for even suggesting he was looking at his wife, but he could not be swayed.

“I’m talking about Marron!” he hissed quietly.

Goten was now thoroughly confused. He had never been remotely interested in the young blonde... at least not since he was much younger.

“Hey, I don’t know where this could be going...”

Krillin looked around for eavesdropping ears before pulling Goten further away from the group.

“When she was interested in Trunks, I had nothing to worry about!” the ex-monk explained. “But now she’s turned her eyes to boys her own age, and they couldn’t be happier!”

Goten couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him.

“And you blame me?” he asked, amused. “Why not Trunks?”

Krillin smirked and gave an impatient grunt.

“Trunks hasn’t been the instigator since primary school,” he explained matter-of-factly. Goten grimaced.

“Hey,” he began, momentarily offended -- until his eyes rested upon the lavender haired prince that stood across the room. Goten’s grimace softened, turning into a self-satisfied smile and he took a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh.

Krillin followed the teen’s eyeline to the object of his attention.

“Ugh... you aren’t going to help, I can tell...” he muttered.

Goten gave the shorter man an apologetic clap on the shoulder.

“Not on your life,” he replied before heading across the room.

Trunks was discussing a Capsule Corp project with Daikkon when Goten approached and gave him a casual nudge in the arm. Daikkon took the moment to excuse himself from their company and Trunks turned to his friend.


“Having fun?” Goten asked. Trunks smiled.

“Yeah. It always feels nice to know that everyone will still come together to celebrate my birthday after all these years.”

“Well,” Goten grinned handsomely, “I can’t think of a better day to celebrate... except my own birthday.” His grin widened. “’Cause I know what I want you to get me.”

Trunks chuckled, giving the younger boy a push.

“I don’t want to guess,” he replied, rolling his eyes as a light pink flush crept up his ears. Ignoring Goten’s laughter, he changed the subject. “But I can’t thank you enough for what you got me,” he spoke, pulling from his pocket a slim, silver business card case. Engraved on the outside in bold script was the name: Dr. Trunks T. Briefs. Trunks opened the case whichcontained crisp, white cards with his information embossed on the front. His lips curled in amusement at the title beneath his name that proclaimed: Scientist Extraordinaire. “Although I won’t be a doctor for another few years... and even then, the cards will be a little pretentious to actually hand out.”

“You can’t help it that you’re a genius,” Goten shrugged. “Besides, it was either that or ‘Most talented tongue in the five cities’, but I was paying by the letter.” Goten grinned like a Cheshire cat as the blush that was fading from his friend’s face returned like a shot.

“Go-ten,” Trunks admonished, looking around to see if they had been overheard. Thankfully, it didn’t appear anyone was within earshot.

“Either way, it ain’t lyin’,” Goten informed him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll go get you another drink.”

Bulla narrowed her eyes as she watched the two young Saiyans part ways. Her brows drew together as she thought, her arms crossed over her chest.

“No,” she decided after a moment of internal debate, “you’re wrong, Pan. I think they are serious.”

Pan frowned at the princess’s words.

“That was just a peck!” she exclaimed in rebuttal. “Goten has kissed me like that! Let’s watch some more.”

Bulla sighed, pushing herself from the wall she was leaning on.

“No, I don’t need to watch more. I was humoring you. I’ve seen them kiss much more than that.”

The younger Saiyan was visibly deflated by the news.

“Besides,” Bulla continued in a bored tone, “it’s been almost six months. Why would anyone pretend for that long?”

The princess left the girl to sulk, moving away through the crowd. Pan frowned as she turned back to the handsome, lavender-haired prince who was now chatting warmly with another guest. Goten was back at his side, an arm draped casually around the older boy’s waist.

Pan sighed.

“What’s wrong with my girl, huh?”

A smile brightened the younger Saiyan’s face upon hearing the voice.

“Hi, Grandpa,” she greeted, letting him pull her up into his arms. “I’m fine.”

Goku smiled, kissing the child on the forehead before setting her back on the floor.

“You didn’t look fine. Were you and Bulla fighting?”

Pan gave a look back to her uncle and her crush before answering.

“Just a little debate,” she admitted. “But... Bulla is usually right...”

Goku felt a tug of pity for his granddaughter, patting her ebony hair. Bulla was more like Vegeta every day, so he could appreciate the challenge of befriending her.

“Well, don’t worry about whatever it is,” he advised her, taking her hand. “Bulla is going through a pre-teen thing... or so Bulma tells me. You want to help me get the twins ready for bed?”

Pan’s expression reflected her elation at the idea, and she smiled widely.


Goku chuckled heartily.

“First, we gotta find 'em!”

The two found Veji asleep in Chi Chi’s arms as she sat having coffee with Bulma, Mrs. Briefs, 18 and Videl. The blonde prince was draped over her shoulder, clutching his tail in his hands as he slept. She relinquished the child only after Goku assured her that he didn’t mind leaving the party to put him down to sleep.

Ninji, they were surprised to see, was still awake -- albeit slumped in Gohan’s lap, staring at the chessboard that separated him from Piccolo. The tall Namekian warrior was frowning, arms crossed, as he surveyed the board.

“Hey, Nin,” Goku whispered, gaining both of his sons’ attention. “You ready to go to bed?”

Before the child could respond, Piccolo held up a hand -- moving his rook with the other.

“Not just yet, Son,” he informed the Saiyan. “We’re not finished.”

Ninji’s dark eyes drooped sadly as he lay back dramatically against his older brother’s chest.

“Sleepy...” he said sadly. The Namekian smirked.

“You weren’t when you were winning,” he pointedly told the child. “Besides, it is barely past nine.”

“Which is past babies’ bed time,” Goku replied, holding Veji against his chest with one arm while pulling Ninji up with the other. “He can play again tomorrow.”

Gohan chuckled at the sour expression on his friend’s face.

“Will you be too disappointed if I am your opponent now, Piccolo?” he asked.

“Of course not,” Piccolo grumbled in reply. “You are a most worthy opponent.”

Goku and Pan left the party then, crossing the house to the twins’ room. Goku gently set Ninji on the floor before laying Vejita down on the bed.

“Could you get me their pajamas, Pan?” he asked as he began to undress the unconscious blonde. “And some diapers?”

“Sure!” The young Saiyan happily selected two of the cutest pairs of pajamas and balanced them on the wet-wipes tub and diapers as she crossed back to the bed. She sat the items down and turned to help Ninji remove his clothes.

The room was quiet as Goku cleaned and dressed the youngest twin and placed him beneath the covers.

“So,” he began, repeating the process withNinji, “what were you and Bulla ‘debating’ about?”

Pan grimaced slightly, shrugging her shoulders and absently twirling her fingers in Ninji’s ponytail.

“Nothing...” she said quietly. “Bulla was just being Bulla...”

“Hmmm,” Goku responded, tucking his other son into bed. He wasn’t sure what was bothering his only grandchild, but he wished he could help in some way -- at least by listening to what was wrong. Maybe it was a girl problem?...

“Do you think Trunks and Goten are really in love?” she asked unexpectedly. “Mushy love?”

Goku’s eyes grew wide before he could compose himself. He thought Bulla and Marron were the only ones bothered by that arrangement. He had just assumed Pan too young to care.

“Uh...” he stammered, “why do you ask?”

She shrugged again, leaning against the bed as he sat down beside her.

“It’s just...” she continued, as if she were speaking of any other mundanesubject, “Goten has been in love before, and he always gets another girlfriend.”

Goku was both puzzled and intrigued by the statement.

“What makes you think he’s been in love before?”

“I’ve heard him tell Dad,” she answered. “‘I really love this one’ he says... about every one... except Trunks.” She was thoughtful a moment. “He hasn’t said anything about Trunks yet.”

“He has to me,” Goku said gently. “I think maybe he’s serious this time.”

Pan smirked.

“How can you be in love that many times?”

Goku shrugged.

“People can change from when they are younger. Some grow closer, like Goten and Trunks... and some grow apart, like Bulma and Yamucha.” Pan grimaced unhappily. Goku grinned. “And when you were little, you were certain you were going to marry Master Roshi because he gave you a peppermint whenever you went to his house.”

The child’s grimace turned into a crooked grin.

“Okay, some people change,” she conceded, lying across the bed and tucking Veji’s yellow blanket around him. She stared at the child, watching his tiny mouth twitch as he slept. “Have you ever had a crush, Grandpa?” she asked thoughtfully. His silence caused her to turn, and she looked up at him expectantly. “Or are they just for kids?”

“No,” he replied, finding his voice, “I think all people get crushes.” He smiled, “Why, I have two very big crushes on these little guys,” he said, patting Ninji’s head. “And a very big crush on you!”

Pan giggled as Goku gave her a hug.

“That’s not a crush, Grandpa!” she laughed, shaking her head. “You probably don’t get it. You’ve been married for so long, you’ve probably never had a crush on anyone.

Goku smiled, rising from the bed where his youngest boys slept.

“We should get back to the party,” he suggested. Pan gave a nod, hopping up from the bed.

“Hey, Grandpa,” she spoke, once the nursery door was shut behind them. “If people grow and change... isn’t it possible that some people can like lots of other people until they get old?”

“Even when they are old, I suppose,” he replied good naturedly. “You’ll meet lots of different people that you will like for different reasons.”

The child gave a grunt of impatience as they reached the living room.

“Then how do you know which one of all of them is the one for you?!”

Before he could reply, Goku’s eyes landed on Chi Chi before automatically moving to the prince as well.

It was in that moment that he briefly wondered if there was some sense to the ways of Saiyan relationships.

Or maybe it was just a crush...


By eleven, as the party was coming to a close, all the guests were gathered in the living room listening to Yamucha’s animated re-telling of his late night flight when Trunks was born. Vegeta sat as far to the outside of the group as he possibly could without being obviously antisocial, looking from person to person as they laughed at all of the human’s punchlines and physical reenactments.

The young prince was smiling, seated on the floor in front of his mother and beside his chosen partner and friend. Vegeta did feel warmth at the reminder of the child’s birth, and the humans seemed to enjoy the Ahmek Dan tradition.

It was just one more Saiyan custom watered down with the influence of Earth. As if suchcomical storytelling could in any way compare to the tribal celebration... It was like comparing learning the art of war with wrestling.

Vegeta sighed, leaning against the wall and turning his attention to the woman as she finished the tale.

“And after looking into your beautiful blue eyes for the first time,” she told her son, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the top of his head, “I totally forgot that I ruined a brand new silk and down comforter giving birth at home.”

“Gee thanks, Mom,” Trunks returned with a grimace, accepting the second kiss on the forehead as he looked up at her. Bulma tousled his hair affectionately.

“Would anyone like one more cup of coffee?” Chi Chi asked the group, rising from her seat next to Bulma.

Only Yamucha and Bulma accepted, as everyone else expressed their intentions of calling it a night. Trunks and his mother walked their guests to the door, gratefully thanking each one for their time and generosity.

“Have a safe trip home,” Bulma spoke to Krillin and his family, the last of the guests to leave. “Thanks again.”

“No problem,” Krillin responded, holding the door open for his wife and daughter. “Happy Birthday, Trunks.”

“Thank you,” the young man replied. “Good night.”

Once the door was shut, Bulma heaved a sigh.

“Well,” she stated matter-of-factly, “it’s always a good time with everyone here! Just a tad exhausting.”

Goku smiled, nodding in agreement.

“I think I haven’t stayed up this late since the twins were... one year old size.”

“I bet you don’t miss that,” Yamucha remarked.

Goku chuckled, shaking his head, but didn’t answer.

“How about you, Vegeta?” Yamucha asked, turning his attention to the quiet Saiyan prince. “Do you miss any of your progeny being so small?”

Vegeta frowned, staring at the human for a minute.

“I have as much use for them at that age as they have of me,” he replied dryly.

“Aw, don’t say that, Papa,” Trunks chided gently. “We’ve always needed you.”

“Yeah, Uncle V,” Goten chimed in, “you were always in favor of all of our worst pranks.” He elbowed Trunks in the ribs before continuing, “Remember that time he got down the honey pot so we could cover the --”

“My point exactly,” Vegeta butted in abruptly as Chi Chi returned with the coffee tray. He gave an impatient sigh. “I suppose I will have to carry the girl up to her bed.”

“I’m not sleeping,” Bulla announced from her seat on the sofa.

“But you should be,” he returned, crossing to her. She laughed as he lifted her and slung her over his shoulder.

“Good night!” the petite princess called to the group as her father carried her away. She stopped his retreat briefly by grabbing hold of her brother’s arm. “Happy birthday, Trunks. I love you,” she spoke.

“Thanks,” he replied, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Sweet dreams.” Trunks turned to his father then, who gave a short nod. He didn’t need to speak, his eyes reflected Bulla’s statement as well. “Thanks,” he repeated softly before his father and sister disappeared upstairs.

“Why can’t I stay up late with everyone else?” Bulla asked mournfully, leaning her elbows on Vegeta’s back and propping her chin on her fists. “It’s not a school night.... we’re on winter break!”

“Because your grandparents are incredibly old humans,” Vegeta replied, dropping the child onto her bed. “And apparently, the older you get, the more Saiyan you become in your nighttime patterns. They will be up at dawn to go back to their home. If you intend to go with them, you need to sleep now.”

Bulla grinned, hopping back up to get her pajamas.

“What will you do without me for five whole days, Papa?” she laughed.

“Relax?” he answered dryly. “Rest?”

The princess threw her nightgown over her shoulder before crossing to embrace the Saiyan prince.

“I’ll miss you too,” she said.

Vegeta smirked, running a hand over her teal hair.

“Sleep now,” he told her. “If anyone comes to ask you, I’m in the gravity unit.”

“Okay, Papa,” she agreed, standing on tip-toe to kiss his cheek. “Will you be up to see me leave?”

“Of course.”

The prince crossed back to the door and Bulla called to him before he left.

“I hope you have a good night.”

Vegeta nodded, shutting the door on his way out.


After the guests were gone and the children in bed, Bulma insisted that Chi Chi turn in as well and let the domestic bots take care of the party aftermath. As much as Chi Chi had protested leaving the house in the state of disaster that she saw it, she quickly fell to sleep, exhausted from the day’s activity.

Goku, however, lay awake at her side. He tried to will himself to sleep, but the inclination to stay in bed was not strong. He supposed he could step outside and see what Vegeta was up to. A short session of being ignored by the prince usually did wonders for his ability to pass out.

Quietly, Goku slipped out of bed and crept downstairs for his coat and boots. Vegeta’s ki signal, which had just recently been occupying the outdoor gravity capsule, was now many miles outside of the Capsule Corp grounds.

Wherever he was, Goku hoped he was decent...

In an instant, the tall Saiyan moved from the warmth of the Capsule Corp living room to the cool darkness of a cave. Vegeta closed his eyes and heaved a sigh.

“Heya, Vegeta!” Goku greeted. “What are you doing out here?”

“Trying to be alone,” the prince grumbled in reply.

Goku frowned.

“On such a happy day?” he asked, amazed. “Why would you want to be alone?” The tall Saiyan crossed the stone floor and settled next to the older man.

“Because I’ve had to be surrounded all day!” Vegeta snapped back. “Can one not desire a moment of solitude?"

Goku was quiet a moment. Vegeta shifted uncomfortably, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I suppose one can...” Goku said thoughtfully. “But... his friends might think something was bothering him.”

The prince rolled his eyes skyward at the remark.

“I’m fine, Kakkarot,” he spoke.

“So fine that you need to sit alone in a dark cave on the anniversary of your oldest son’s birth?” Goku asked.

Vegeta smirked.

“I left the gravity unit well after midnight,” he stated. “The boy’s birthday is over.”

Goku chuckled, leaning back against the smooth stone wall. It has been quite some time since he and the prince spent their time chatting idly in this cave.

“You want me to go?” he asked the older Saiyan. Vegeta gave the question a moment’s thought.

“No... unless you start irritating me.”

The taller man smiled.

“I’ll try my best not to!”

“You’d have to,” Vegeta advised.

A short stretch of silence passed between them. Goku knew something had to be bothering his friend; he could feel it. He hoped there was something that he could do to remedy that.

“It seems like only yesterday that Trunks was just a little baby,” Goku spoke, wistfully.

“Mm,” Vegeta agreed with a nod.

Another stretch of silence passed.

“He turned into a fine young man,” Goku continued, praising the young Saiyan. “Did you ever imagine that he’d turn out like this?”

Vegeta considered the question, his smirk deepening.

“No,” he answered. “In most respects, he makes my expectations seem quite low...”

“I could imagine,” Goku agreed, before asking, “Most respects?”

The prince sighed.

“If he had put as much effort into fighting as he did studying, he would be one of the most formidable warriors ever born.”

“Oh...” Goku nodded. “That’s true.”

Vegeta kept his eyes directed on the mouth of the cave, but continued to speak to his companion.

“Don’t misunderstand me, Kakkarot,” he explained. “The boy is quite adaptive and has devoted his time to the pursuits of this planet... On Earth, pride, glory and power are won in the ‘board room’ and not on the battle field...” Goku felt that Vegeta sounded slightly sad as he finished. “He is preparing a strong legacy for his own children... I couldn’t be more proud.”

Goku stared at the man at his side. The prince, by appearance, seemed calm and relaxed, save the two deep creases across his broad forehead. Goku frowned.

“What’s bothering you, Vegeta?” he asked frankly.

Vegeta turned to him, his stone serious expression and dark eyes giving the impression that he was debating whether or not to answer.

“I don’t know if you will understand,” the prince replied. And to Goku’s surprise, he continued. “I find a small measure of satisfaction in the knowledge that my children lead a life of few cares... but I fear that I have set them up for misery because I have not driven them harder to be strong warriors...”

Goku gave a solemn nod. Yes, he did understand.

“We do what we can, Vegeta,” Goku spoke gently. “That’s all we can do, as parents. Even if we forced them to train, we could never instill in them how important it is to be the best, just in case. They’ve known too much peace.” He nudged the older Saiyan. “But we can’t regret that. Besides, maybe the twins will be the ones to really catch on to fighting -- er --Veji at least.”

Vegeta gave an impatient snort, shaking his head.

“It’s going so well, so far!” he grumbled.

Goku shrugged.

“They’re just babies. We’ll start over -- differentlyperhaps.”

Vegeta’s smirk remained.

“With what? Wrestling?”

Goku’s face lit up.

“Yeah!” he agreed, to Vegeta’s chagrin. “Wrestling is fun! It’s pretty much all I could do with Gohan since Chi Chi wouldn’t let me train him. But I could tell it really toughened him up!”

“Superb,” the prince remarked dryly. “I’ll have Bulla show them some somersaults while we’re at it.”

Goku grimaced, watching the prince rise to his feet and stretch his arms above his head.

“No, Vegeta,” he explained. “Real wrestling. Not like that stuff on TV. I mean real matches of strength and agility and speed.” He stood. “It’s a great start.”

“Tumbling about on the living room floor is hardly what I would call a ‘great start’ on the warrior's path,” Vegeta remarked. Goku chuckled.

“It’s not ‘tumbling about’. It’s a match of wills!” He crouched down and reached out to tug the prince’s sleeve. “Come on.”

“Nonsense,” Vegeta replied, pulling away and crossing his arms. He turned his face from Kakkarot’s, the silvery light from the moon a perfect backdrop against the strong, royal silhouette of his profile. Goku smirked. Vegeta sure was one handsome, stubborn man.

“C’mon, Veggie,” Goku continued to goad him, reaching out again to nudge the prince. It reminded him of the time he’d tried to entice Vegeta to spar with him when the older Saiyan had declared his intention to discontinue their sparring matches. It hadn’t worked then, but without two squirming offspring in his belly, it should be a piece of cake!

“No, Kakkarot,” Vegeta stated. “I am a prince. I don’t grapple with the lower class.”

“Are you afraid that I will win a test of pure strength?” Goku continued, an incorrigible grin on his face. “Afraid to lose at a human sport?”

“Shut up, clown,” Vegeta growled grumpily. “I refuse to be baited into a fight by a chuckling fool!”

“Afraid to lose to a chuckling fool?” Goku asked, reaching out and slipping his hand behind the prince’s head and pulling back, ruffling the older Saiyan’s hair and nearly unbalancing him.

“Dammit, Kakkarot!” Vegeta barked. “Don’t you have children to look after!”

Goku smiled, crouching back down into a defensive posture as the prince’s temper began to ignite.

“Already taken care of,” he answered. “Trying to distract me won’t work.”

Vegeta smirked.

“Because you have such superior mental control?” he asked smugly.

“Learned from the best,” Goku replied without missing a beat. Vegeta was momentarily taken off guard by the compliment and Goku reached forward, grasping the prince’s neck in an attempt to catch him in a collar tie-up. Vegeta brought his arms up to break free, but Goku anticipated the reaction and released his hold long enough to keep from being hit, grasping the older Saiyan’s shoulders again once he dropped his arms.

Vegeta grunted impatiently. He didn’t have time time for children’s games. He was tired. But tired or not, he would not let the younger man win. Not easily, anyway.

Wrapping his hands around Goku’s wrists, the prince brought a foot up to connect with the taller man’s abdomen. Using his planted foot to shift his weight backward, he pulled the younger Saiyan forward, flipping him over his head.

Landing harshly on his back knocked the wind out of Goku, but he rolled quickly to his feet just as the prince was standing, facing away from him.

“This isn’t martial arts, Vegeta,” Goku reprimanded, launching himself forward, tackling Vegeta and wrapping his arms around the prince’s waist. Vegeta could only struggle for a moment before having to brace himself as Goku lifted him off the ground, bent backward and slammed him onto the floor. Vegeta grunted at the impact, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulders as he planted his hands on the stone floor and vaulted away from the third-class.

Goku, too, was quickly back on his feet, rushing the prince back into defending himself.

“You call this training?” Vegeta asked grouchily, struggling against the new smothering, bear-hug style hold the younger Saiyan had on him.

“Yes,” Goku answered, his smile evident in his voice. “And fun!”

The prince scowled, twisting his body, trying to extract himself from Kakkarot’s thickly muscled arms. Raising his fists, he braced his forearms against the younger man’s broad chest, forcing their bodies apart. Kakkarot’s deep chuckle was wearing on his nerves. Who would have guessed that six months of lugging around babies could give this kind of strength?

Goku couldn’t help but laugh at Vegeta’s unwilling-willingness to wrestle with him. He wasn’t sure if that meant he was feeling better, but he hoped that was the case. Every day he felt he was growing closer to the proud prince, and it was a relationship that he wanted to continue to cultivate. They were close friends, in Goku’s opinion -- nearly family. And any spar with the prince was a thrill.

Taking advantage of his height, Goku locked his arms under Vegeta’s elbows, pinning the prince’s arms together and lifting him off his feet.

Vegeta considered the present situation. Grudgingly, he recognized the exercise for the lessons in tactics and strength it could teach. Kakkarot and his mate might be onto something...

Vegeta lifted his leg past Goku, bringing his heel back to connect solidly with the back of his opponent’s knee. The motion brought Goku to his knees, but what the prince failed to realize was that it also brought the younger Saiyan one step closer to winning the match. In one more move, it would be over.

Goku quickly pulled his arms from around Vegeta’s, grabbing hold of the royal’s wrists as he shifted all of his weight forward. Both men collapsed onto the floor, Vegeta struggling to get free and Goku using all of his weight to keep him in place. In a couple of moments, Vegeta unexpectedly ceased to fight.

Goku pushed himself up at arm’s length, smiling down at the older Saiyan beneath him.

“I win,” he proclaimed, his breathing slightly deeper from the effort. Vegeta, too, was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling heavily but his lips were pressed shut.

Goku’s smile slowly melted into a frown as he fully took in the sight. Vegeta was staring back at him, an odd expression on his face.

Goku felt the beating of his heart cease for what felt like an eternity as he stared down into the deep, black eyes that seemed to burn straight through him. His entire body became still -- fixed and rigid against the body beneath his. Vegeta’s shoulders were pinned against the stone floor, his arms out at his sides where Goku had him by the wrists. One of the prince’s legs was slung over the third-class’ hip, still extended after collapsing the other fighter’s knee. Both men were now acutely aware at how intimately close they were: hip against hip, adrenaline soaked muscles pressed together by Goku’s weight.

Vegeta moved his eyes from Goku’s, watching the younger man’s tongue nervously wet his lip and the exaggerated rise and fall of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. The prince involuntarily mirrored the motion, he too feeling his mouth suddenly too wet and too dry.

The cold winter wind howled through the trees outside, but the cave now felt swelteringly hot to its occupants. A single bead of sweat rolled mesmerizingly down Goku’s face, tracing the line of his jaw before falling to Vegeta’s cheek. The prince closed his eyes, the cold bead hitting his work-warmed skin, sending a chill shuddering though him.

Did Kakkarot just moan?

Slowly, Vegeta opened his eyes.


Goten’s words were muffled as he pressed his lips against the back of Trunks’ neck; his bare chest against the smooth, muscled flesh of his boyfriend’s back.

“Please. Stop. Reading. That. Book.”

Trunks chuckled, turning the page before hugging Goten’s arm against him.

“It’s a good book,” he responded, feeling Goten’s own laughter upon hearing his answer. “Look, you’re the one who took so long in the shower that I had plenty of time to get very interested in Dr. Clarke’s birthday gift.”


Goten rolled onto his back, folding his arms beneath his head and staring at the ceiling.

“I didn’t get to give you your real present yet, you know,” he grumbled.

Trunks smirked, turning the next page.

“You did last night.”

Goten grinned, giving the older Saiyan a playful shove.

“Shut up, dumbass,” he mumbled. “Besides, if that is the standard birthday gift, Mr. Wonderful, I’ve had.... seventeen birthdays this year -- and you twice that many, I’m sure. We’re old men!”

Trunk turned around, looking positively aghast by Goten’s statement.

“You’re keeping count!?” he asked, shocked.

Goten smirked back at him.

“Not necessarily. It’s just each and every time is emblazoned on my brain FOREVER!”

Trunks made an exaggerated sound of disgust, rolling back over to resume his reading.

“You’re a freak.”

“A generous freak,” Goten amended, slipping his arms back around Trunks. He lay there a moment, pleasantly content to just hold the other Saiyan. He lay his head against Trunks’ bare shoulder and closed his eyes, sighing.

Trunks placed a hand on Goten’s arm, his attention moving from the scientific text to the warm body behind him.

The last several months were like one blurring dream. Their relationship still held all of the laughter, fun and comfort it always had, now with the added bonuses of intimacy, passion and love....

And... and that other stuff...

Trunks slid the science tome to the floor, pulling Goten’s arm further around him. Goten shifted closer, giving the other Saiyan an affectionate squeeze.

“Happy birthday,” he murmured against Trunks’ ear. Trunks sighed contentedly.

“Best birthday ever...”

“...Fourteenth birthday when you got the shuttle bike was pretty damn good too,” Goten commented. He sighed nostalgically. “The best birthdays always seem to be the ones when we both enjoy your gift.”

Trunks could feel the grin that Goten was sure to be wearing.

“Is that your idea of subtle?” Trunks asked, turning to face the smiling teen. Goten laughed heartily before giving Trunks a kiss.

“I’m just teasing.”

Trunks smiled in return before leaning in to kiss his friend. The two relaxed comfortably into each other, sharing a moment of wordless emotion.

Trunks pulled back, running a hand across Goten’s cheek, watching the corner of the younger boy’s mouth quirk. He couldn’t resist kissing that mouth again.

“Hey, Goten,” he began hesitantly, his fingers stroking the flesh on the other Saiyan’s throat.


“I’ve been thinking...”

Goten raised an eyebrow, but remained silent, watching the the lavender-haired prince intently.

“There are quite a few days left in the holiday...” Trunks began again. Goten nodded, taking Trunks’ hand and kissing his palm, hoping to show support for whatever was to be said. Trunks smiled. “And I was wondering if, maybe, you would like to go somewhere with me.... alone.”

“Like a date?” Goten asked.

Trunks shook his head.

“No. More like a... vacation? You know, just us... skiing... or surfing, if you want to get out of this weather and onto the other side of the globe.”

“Sounds great,” Goten agreed with enthusiasm. “Snow boarding would rock. Can’t waste all the fine powder we’ve had this month. What about you? Hot or cold?”

“Don’t care,” the older Saiyan replied. Goten smirked, amused by Trunks’ behavior. Why so bashful to invite him on a mini-break? Trunks cleared his throat. “As long as it’s somewhere we can relax... and be alone...”

Goten’s smirk vanished as his eyebrows rose. Trunks continued speaking, turning his cool blue eyes to look into Goten’s.

“These past months have been the best of my life -- and I’ve enjoyed every minute we’ve spent together. But I feel like we need a chance to breathe! To be somewhere more private... more intimate...” He sighed. “I’m tired of feeling like I’m sneaking around behind someone’s back or that, at any second, someone will interrupt us.”

Goten laughed lightly, wrapping his arms back around the older Saiyan.

“I know what you mean.”

As Goten leaned up for a kiss, Trunks stopped him, pulling slightly away.

“Do you?” he asked seriously.

Goten grimaced, momentarily confused before the realization dawned on him.

“Oh,” he breathed, “I do...do you?”

Trunks gently ran his fingertips over Goten’s lips and across his cheek, a smile warming his handsome face for a moment before fading.

“I feel so bad for the way I’ve treated you...” he spoke regretfully.

Goten frowned.

“I think I just got whiplash from the speed of that subject change,” he said dryly. “What gives?”

Trunks sighed.

“I mean before, about your... ‘dates’... accusing you of being too irresponsible...” He shrugged. “And now I know exactly what you were feeling.”

Goten shook his head.

“I’ve never felt for anyone anywhere near what I feel for you,” he corrected. “I was being irresponsible. And it wasn’t fair to the others -- because I didn’t love them. I was selfish. I was a jerk.”

Trunks rolled his eyes, ignoring Goten’s self-deprecating comments.

“Well, I’m still sorry,” he reiterated. “I was being self-righteous and I had no right to be.” Goten grinned broadly.

“You can make it up to me, I’m sure.”

Trunks chuckled, rolling back over to his spot on the bed and allowing Goten to resume his place, spooned behind him. Trunks reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, relaxing against his friend and welcoming sleep.

The dark silence was broken by Goten’s hesitant question.

“So...just so I’m clear on this,” he began, leaning his chin on Trunks’ shoulder. “On this holiday-vacay thing, we’re... we’re having sex, right?”

Trunks’ amused snort was all he received in reply.


Goku trudged through the snow covering the front lawn of Capsule Corp, stopping just in front of the door. For a moment, he debated on who to use as an I.T. point to get himself inside of the house. He'd left without a set of keys, and he could never remember the security codes. Goten was out of the question, judging from his incredibly close proximity to the young Saiyan prince, and he didn’t have the energy to tend to the toddlers if he woke them.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his fingers to his forehead. Hopefully, at this time in the morning, Chi Chi would be in a deep enough sleep to not be disturbed.

The bedroom was dark and quiet when he appeared. A pale beam of moonlight shone through the window, falling across the bed and giving an ethereal glow to his wife’s face.

Goku stared at her, unable to move. His mind gently urged him to get his dripping boots off the carpet and to change into something dry, but his body refused to obey.

Should he wake her?

Further debate was unnecessary on Goku’s part, as Chi Chi stirred from her slumber. She blinked her eyes, adjusting to the dim light and turned to her husband’s side of the bed. She was a bit taken aback by the empty space at her side, and she blinked as Goku’s large frame came into focus in her sleep blurred eyes.

Goku’s normally cheerful, handsome face looked tired and troubled. His hair was damp and there were obvious smears of dirt on his disheveled clothing. His long sable tail tightly hugged the inside of his thigh, the tip twitching back and forth in agitated indecision.

“Goku,” Chi Chi spoke quietly, concerned by his appearance and demeanor, “what happened? What is the matter?” She wasn’t even aware that he had left their bed.

Goku swallowed as he considered her question. He didn’t know how to answer, what to say. What could he say?

Was there anything to say but the truth?

“Chi Chi,” Goku spoke, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. He continued, his voice nothing but a broken whisper. “... I was unfaithful.”


A/N: Yay! I'm back!! At least, I think I am. Yes, life is a terrible, terrible bitch who keeps me from writing. So, with a little luck, no one else with be in the hospital, have surgery or have another stroke and my car will not die. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. This story is truly a labor of love for me, and I love all of you for still reading. And Sharkie, I'm sorry this one is a little later than I said. ^_^ Enjoy! ~Bdie