Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Scotch and Burgundy ( Chapter 76 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you. Where would I ever be without you?... up piss-poor grammar river, that's where... ^_^

Warning: This chapter contains LEMON. ^_^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 76
Scotch and Burgundy

Bulma gave warm greeting to each Capsule Corp employee she passed on her way to the lab. There weren’t many people lingering in the early evening, and she was hoping to spend some quiet time in the lab to take her mind off things.

Vegeta had said that Goku's feelings were the source of his concern, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt she knew better than that...

The door to the lab hissed open as she approached, and she was surprised to see the lights on within. The room was deserted, save for a single station at the end of the room. Daikkon turned as she entered.

“Good evening, Miss Bulma,” he spoke.

“Hey,” she returned, crossing the room to join him. “What are you up to?”

The Saiyan turned back to the schematics displayed on the monitor.

“I was doing research on a few of the Aisujin-inspired electronics that you had begun. You have quite a good start on some of them."

Bulma rolled her eyes, giving a shrug as she dropped into a chair at his side.

“But none of them really worked. The regen tanks were the closest I ever came, and as you know, they really didn’t work.”

“Still,” he replied, scrolling through the on-screen blueprints. “You have some very interesting ideas of your own as well.”

Bulma watched the pictures on the computer terminal flash past as Daikkon clicked through the files.

“Well... I tried. They say necessity is the mother of invention,” she told him with a smirk. “And I went through a period of time when I tried everything imaginable to help Vegeta get stronger. The gravity chamber and the training bots were the only things he would use, though. He said everything else was ‘artificial’ strength.”

“A purist, hm?” Daikkon commented with a nod. “That sounds like his Highness.”

“I had a ton of ideas,” Bulma continued with a frown. “I made a synthetic Saiyan growth hormone that could double muscle mass -- potentially. I made a hand-held ki concentrator. I was working on a device that would activate the same nerve centers which trigger the Oozaru transformation without activating the transformation. I made a device to double the reaction time of nerve impulses to the muscle -- theoretically double the speed of your movements...” She sighed heavily. “All of which went straight into the circular file because Vegeta wouldn’t test them.”

Daikkon smiled sympathetically.

“He is resolute in his ideals, that is certain.”


“You can at least be comforted by your ability, my lady,” Daikkon suggested. Bulma shook her head.

“What’s it matter if I can invent it, if I can’t test it, huh?” she asked. Daikkon nodded, understanding the question to be rhetorical. The two sat quietly a moment before he began again.

“You mustn’t let that discourage your ingenuity, your Highness,” he told her. “You have an amazing talent. You’ve made robots for just about any task, gravity simulators and space ships...” He paused only brieflybefore continuing. “I would like to ask your advice about something.”

“Ask away,” Bulma returned.

The Saiyan took a deep breath.

“I have been giving a lot of thought lately to the king’s suggestion of several months back, that I return to my home planet for my possessions.”

Bulma nodded, thinking it best not to point out that was Vegeta’s way of telling him to get lost.

“The reasons Miss Chi Chi had for objecting to such a journey should no longer be valid. Namely, the older children have started school, and the younger children are no longer so dependent on one adult.”

“That’s true,” Bulma agreed. “But whether or not we can go into space is not my decision alone, or we’d go! But I’ll have to sit down with everyone and discuss it.”

“I would appreciate it,” Daikkon replied, “not just for the opportunity to retrieve my personal effects, but to be able to tell my grandparents about my mother’s passing...” Bulma nodded, remaining silent. Daikkon did not linger on the sadness. “I have a numberof books that are a great deal more extensive and thorough onSaiyan life and culture than I could ever hope to be!”

“Vegeta will be thrilled, I’m sure,” Bulma told him, trying not to sound sarcastic. “I’ll get with the others as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, my lady,” he replied. Bulma smiled, pulling herself from her chair. Daikkon stood as she did.

“If you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to spend some time in my office.”

Daikkon gave a short bow, and she turned from him, leaving the lab and crossing to her office. She didn’t bother turning on the main light, opting instead for the task lamp on her desk. With a sigh, Bulma dropped into her chair, staring at the ceiling as she idly swiveled the seat from side to side.

Was it horrible for her not to care if Vegeta were to have feelings for another, provided that they were for another man? It was hard to imagine those feelings concerning anyone but Goku, seeing as Vegeta had spent all of his time on earth preoccupied with the gentler Saiyan in some form or another. She was certain that her own lack of concern didn't suggest her interest in the prince was waning; she loved him as much as she ever had. She was equally certain he felt the same for her. So if Vegeta determined that what he felt for Goku was indeed love... it didn’t necessarily mean he had to love her less.

Bulma leaned forward at her desk, tilting a framed photo of her children toward the light. The desk lamp illuminated the bright, happy smiles on their faces. She would have never imagined she could love anyone as much as she loved Trunks, but when Bulla arrived... there was suddenly more love to share. The feeling even extended now to the twins, who were not even her own flesh and blood.

Perhaps Saiyans understood that on a larger scale... that they could love -- as Daikkon had once said -- not instead of, but in addition to.

Vegeta didn’t take choosing a partner or a confidant lightly. If being with Goku was something that could keep the prince from being miserable and alone in the last half of his life, she wasn’t going to discourage a budding emotion between them... even if she wasn’t ready to encourage it. If it was something that Vegeta felt to be right, he would have to come to that decision on his own.

And Goku....

Bulma sighed, leaning her elbows on the desk and holding her head in her hands. It hurt her to see him so utterly confused and concerned. She wanted to protect him, just as much as she wanted to protect Vegeta, but she didn’t know how... she didn’t know how to fix what they were going through -- what they’d been through.

The memory of the night shefound out what had transpired on the ship came rushing back to her: the look of agony on her husband’s face, the faltering of his voice, the vague details that painted more than enough of a picture in her mind... A wave of nausea swelled in her stomach, and she pressed her hands against her eyes to quellthe pressure that was building there. She could not even imagine the pain they must feel, but she would be damned before she let either of them feel bad about anything that was a consequence of what those bastard Saiyans did. Even if it was something that probably would have naturally taken the same course.

Nothing that was derived from love could ever be bad. Those were the same words that Goku had spoken to her when everyone else thought she was crazy for having a child with the prince; and he said it with such a gentle smile, as if he had known they would be together all along. She wasn’t going to repay that by giving him a hard time about his own feelings.

Vegeta was her husband, Goku was her friend, she and Chi Chi were growing closer all the time. The four of them would make it work. She really felt that they could.


“Mama!” Vejita shouted excitedly as he held up a handful of suds. “Bobbles!”

“Yeah,” Goku smiled, scrubbing shampoo into the blonde’s hair. He pulled the golden main of hair into a pointed peak and gave a chuckle at the sight before using a large cup to scoop up water to pour over the child’s head. Vejita flailed as the water poured over his face, causing Ninji to retreat to the far end of the tub and a small tidal wave to swell over the side of the porcelain, dousing the front of his mother’s clothes.

“Honey!” Goku exclaimed with a laugh. “Mama’s already had a bath.”

The child sputtered dramatically, wiping hair and water from his eyes. Goku shook his head, standing and stripping from his shirt and pants before kneeling back down next to his boys.

“You are gonna be a solitary bather from now on, sport,” Goku told his youngest son, reaching over to pull the quieter twin close. “I bet you’d like that, huh?”

Ninji didn’t speak, but nodded gravely as he watched his brother attempt to breast-stroke in the shallow tub.

Goku continued to grin as he set about washing the calmer twin. He was amazed how they changed more and more each day. He was also amazed by the tiny pangs of emotion that he feltwatching them become less like babies.

“Papa,” Ninji spoke quietly as he submitted to the scrubbing that Goku was doing behind his ears. Goku paused, speaking only “Huh?” before he was incredibly aware of the ki nearby. As he turned, the prince appeared in the doorway. He raised an eyebrow as he surveyed the scene.

“Are you bathing them or are they bathing you?” Vegeta asked dryly, his calm exterior not betraying his surprise at finding the younger Saiyan in nothing but his boxers.

Goku grimaced sheepishly.

“Well... we had a bit of a... mishap.” The corner of the prince’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t comment. “Can you give me a hand with one?”

Vegeta debated the idea for a moment, but as he stepped forward, Goku pulled Ninji closer. Vegeta paused.

“Be honest and say you don’t want to deal with that one!” Vegeta snapped as he moved closer and leaned down to pull the tiny, naked Saiyan from the tub. Veji resisted, reaching out with every available limb to latch on to the soap dish, the shower hose and the shower curtain on his way out of the water. The prince was not amused, and a low growl of irritation rumbled in his chest. Both toddlers quickly became limp and passive upon hearing the sound. Vegeta looked impressed.

“Note to self...” he said thoughtfully, setting the child on the floor and grabbing a towel.

“Don’t wan sleep,” Vejita said miserably as his father wrapped him in a towel.

“Little boys need their sleep,” Goku answered, not looking up and trying not to think about the prince being in the room. Once he was done washing the older twin, he pulled the plug on the drain and reached for a towel.

Vegeta could sense the taller Saiyan’s anxiety, and it was also physically obvious in the way his tail twitched in irritation. Kakkarot still must be giving too much thought to the incident of the previous night.

Vegeta kneeled down in front of his son, drying the child in a business-like manner.

“Why is this child so tall?” he grumbled as he rubbed the water from each skinny leg.

“He’s getting older,” Goku replied, not looking up as he dutifully dried Ninji. “They are, in a sense, two years old...”

Vegeta frowned, scrutinizing the lanky baby.

“Are we feeding him enough?”

Goku couldn't help but laugh at the question.

“Gohan had a similar growth spurt where he got taller before his weight could catch up.” He stood, wrapping Ninji in the towel and pulling him into his arms.

“Hm,” Vegeta remarked, observing the blonde who was now pulling his towel around himself like a cape. Vegeta looked up at Goku. The younger Saiyan was cuddling their son, who was smiling contentedly.

Kakkarot was tall.

He looked back down to the blonde, who now had the towel completely covering his head.

He was taking after Kakkarot!

“’Scuse me,” Goku commented, moving past father and son to take Ninji to the nursery. Vegeta turned, watching the other Saiyan in the next room as he dressed their boy. The prince’s eyes roamed slowly over the long expanse of Goku’s near-bare from. Even with his bulk, there was a grace to the gentle Saiyan, especially in the way he dealt with his children. Goku also had the same long limbs as the blonde, just covered in muscle. Muscle that was thick and defined... and heavy.

Without warning, a vivid, full-sensory memory invaded Vegeta’s mind. The sight of the younger warrior just inches above him, panting and smiling while flushed from exertion. Large, black eyes searching his for some hint of emotion. The throbbing length of Kakkarot’s erection pressing against his own awakening need...

Vegeta tried to swallow, but his mouth was completely dry. He gave a grunt of irritation, picked up his son and moved into the nursery.

“Bulma said we should put steel shutters over the windows,” Goku said once Vegeta was in the room. “For the full moon.”

“Hm,” Vegeta replied, trying to ignore the other man as he placed Vejita on the changing table to diaper him. “You’re getting far too big for this,” the prince grumbled, more to himself than the child.

Goku sat down on the bed.

“What do you think?”

“It’s fine,” Vegeta answered. “Whatever.” He slipped a pajama shirt over his son’s head and wrestled him into his pants before setting the child back on the floor. Veji dashed across the room and launched himself into Goku’s arms. Vegeta watched the large Saiyan cuddle their son before tucking him in beside his brother.

Motherhood agreed with Kakkarot...

“Good night,” Vegeta addressed them curtly, quickly striding from the room before Goku could rope him in to some sappy and potentially embarrassing bedtime routine. He had his own nighttime routine to attend to.

Goku stared at the empty doorway that Vegeta had just passed through. He briefly considered following, before remembering that he wasn’t exactly dressed for a private conversation with the older Saiyan.

“Papa sad?” Ninji asked quietly, gaining Goku’s attention. He turned and looked down into his children’s eager faces.

“No! Papa’s not sad!...” He gave each boy a pat on the head as he tried to think of something to tell them. “Papa has... um... um...”

“Go poop?” Vejita asked excitedly, as if his answer was correct. Goku gave a snort of amusement.

“Um... maybe,” he said with a shrug, tucking the blankets around his babies. “He’s just... very busy right now.” He laid Vejita’s yellow blanket between them, turning back toward the door. All joking aside, he hoped he wasn't the one who had changed Vegeta’s demeanor. Maybe once he was properly dressed, he would make an attempt to find out.

The prince moved swiftly though the house and outside into the cold, snowy night to the outdoor gravity unit. Once inside, his fingers moved quickly over the control panel, initiating a training sequence. He needed to clear his mind.

He didn’t feel shame over having a physical reaction to a specimen as attractive and well designed as Kakkarot. It was the other thoughts that would creep in as well. His arrogance in assuming he could be the head of any sort of family, any sort of clan -- that he could be a worthy provider for a Saiyan-style family. Who was he to protect or guide anyone? Look at all the chaos and strife that he had already caused! No matter what anyone said or thought, he was the one Horenz had wanted revenge on.

A klaxon sounded as the gravity in the room increased. Vegeta gritted his teeth, pushing through the stress on his body as he completed the series of punches and kicks that he knew as well as his own name. The sweat that dripped from his exposed skin struck the steel floor loudly as gravity sucked it toward the ground

. He was determined to beat his own mind into submission.


Chi Chi saw Vegeta out of the corner of her eye, a blur of the blue shirt and black jeans as he passedher door. Curious, she left her room and stopped in the hall, but the prince was already out of sight. Chi Chi frowned, turning to the nursery and peering cautiously inside -- she didn’t want to disturb Goku if he had just had a bad encounter with the prince.

Inside the nursery, Goku was tucking the boys into bed and getting them more worked up than ready to sleep. Every time he tucked the blankets around them, he would whisk the blankets away again and lean down, pretending to gobble up their bellies. The babies shrieked with amusement, and as Goku stood, they would lie quiet again, intently watching him for a sign that the game would continue.

“Honestly, Goku,” Chi Chi admonished in a gentle tone, not bothering to hide her smile. “This is why they don’t want to wake up in the morning.”

Goku smiled widely, tucking the blankets back around the children one last time.

“I know... I just can’t help it...” He reached down and gave the twins each a pat on the head. “Good night, boys.”

“Noooooooo,” Veji whined, drowning out Ninji’s quiet ‘Ni’ mama’.

“Yes,” Goku insisted. “Lights out and eyes closed and dreams on.” One final round of kisses was delivered, and he moved from the bed.

“Ni’ Shishi.” Vejita and Ninji spoke together as Goku and Chi Chi reached the door.

“Good night, boys,” she told them. Goku turned off the light and quietly followed his wife across the hall to their room. He watched her as she turned back the covers and fluffed the pillows. He wasn’t expecting her to speak.

“Did you and Vegeta fight?” she asked casually, catching Goku off guard.

“Uh... huh?”

She finished placing the pillows and turned to him, repeating her question.

“Did you and Vegeta fight.” To clarify, she added, “Just now.”

“No,” he replied, shaking his head, a slightly confused expression on his face. “He just came in, helped me get the babies out of the tub and ready for bed, then he took off in sort of a hurry. We didn’t talk about anything.” He grimaced, his brow furrowing as he thought. “It did seem a little weird, but... you know Vegeta...”

Chi Chi nodded slowly, her eyes giving a sweeping look over Goku’s near nude body. Could his state of undress be what caused the prince’s hasty exit? She tilted her head to the side as she examined her husband’s muscular form, the swell of every bulge and chiseled angle of every line. Even in the dead of winter, Goku’s skin was a golden honey color, permanently saturated with the warmth of the sun... everything about him seemed to remind her of sunshine...


Chi Chi shook her head, pulled from her thoughts by Goku’s voice.

“Hm?” she asked distractedly. Goku gave a slight smile.

“You okay?”

“Yes, sure,” she answered, nodding to emphasize her answer. “Just... thinking.”

He looked concerned for a moment, before asking hesitantly, “About what?”

Chi Chi’s brow’s drew together. What was she thinking about? It had started with Vegeta, and his reasons for beating a hasty retreat from Goku’s company. Then it moved to Goku’s attire, or lack there of, and after that...

The only reason you wouldn’t want to spend time in Goku’s presence when he was in such a state, was that you didn’t want to be distracted by the beauty that you saw...


Again, Chi Chi had to focus her attention back on the tall Saiyan.

“Honey, are you tired?” he asked, concerned. Chi Chi smiled, shaking her head.

“No. I’m sorry, Goku. Are you?”

Goku shrugged, watching his wife as she crossed to their dresser and retrieved her pajamas. He sat down on the bed, pulling his legs up and leaning his elbows on his thighs as he watched her undress. Maybe she was still not in the mood to deal with him, and ignoring him was what she needed to do right now. He sighed, turning his head down and staring at the bed. Were things ever going to be okay again?


This time it was Chi Chi who pulled Goku from his inner dialogue. He looked up at her, sheepishly smiling so he wouldn’t betray his unease. Chi Chi placed a hand on his arm, concern in her voice.

“Are you sure that you two didn’t fight?” she asked.

Goku gave a slight chuckle.

“You’re always one hundred percent sure when you fight with Vegeta; there is no mistaking it,” he replied. “We didn’t fight... we barely spoke at all.”

Chi Chi sat down at his side, her voice calm and soft as she spoke.

“Maybe that is what’s bothering you?” she suggested. “That he didn’t stay to talk?”

Goku frowned.

“No,” he replied firmly. “To be honest, Chi Chi...” he took a deep breath. “What’s bothering me is... is that I’m worried about us.”

She stared at him a moment, unsure of what he meant. It was very rare to see such a serious expression on her husband’s normally cheerful face.

“How so?” she asked.

Goku sighed, pulling himself from the bed.

“I’m afraid that you think I’m a bad husband... or that...” He had to clear his throat to force himself to continue. “Or that I don’t love you anymore... or that things will never be the same between us.” He shook his head sadly. “I’ve taken our relationship for granted. I’ve never had anything in my life that’s as constant and reliable... through everything, you’ve been there for me, Chi Chi... and I love you. I know that lots of things have changed, but I don’t want to lose what we have --”

“You won’t,” she assured him. “We won’t.” She stood from the bed, moving to stand before him and take his hands in hers. She looked up into his face. “Nothing can take me away from you. Not while I draw breath.”

“How can you say that?” he asked simply. “After everything --”

“Because I love you,” she interrupted. “It’s as simple as that.” Chi Chi could feel his hands tighten in hers, and she stared evenly back into his large, dark eyes.

It was as simple as that.

She loved him.

In the past, that love had to contain him, control him, change him... but she had discovered that her love for him could be just as strong and let him be... to love him for who and what he was. There didn’t have to be so many constraints to receive her affection.

She had observed as much watching Vegeta and Bulma. This time they spent living together had opened her eyes to a different kind of relationship. Bulma had married one of the universe’s most notorious bad men, and by giving him the freedom to be himself, he appeared to fulfill all her needs.

Goku really did try his best to be a good husband, and he never tried to change her. He accepted everything about her the way she came to him. He really did deserve to be happy, and she wanted to make sure that he was. He had a long life ahead of him. She knew how hard it was to lose someone you love and have no one to support you emotionally -- to have to be the one who is always strong. She didn’t want that for Goku.


Impulsively, Chi Chi crossed to him. Her thoughts ceased, and the only thing left to focus on was the feel of her husband’s lips as she pressed her mouth to his, throwing her arms around his neck and holding on to him. Goku pulled her closer, surprised by the action, but relieved by it and eager to reciprocate. Their kissing was hungry -- passionate -- as if it had been far too long since they’d felt each other’s touch.

Effortlessly, Goku pulled his wife into his arms, carrying her to the bed and laying her down upon it. He continued to kiss her as he began to undo the tiny buttons on her silk top. As soon as the creamy smooth flesh of her breast was exposed, he turned his attention there, worshiping her with his mouth. Chi Chi lay back, submitting to the onslaught of his tongue, her fingers entwining in his hair, her involuntary gasps and moans encouraged him to continue.

No words passed between them as the last remnants of clothing were shed, and they delighted in each other’s bodies as if they were once again newly married teens.

Chi Chi took Goku’s face into her hands, pulling his mouth to hers as he settled above her. She felt as if she couldn’t get enough of him. She needed him to know that she still loved him... no matter what.

Goku slid his hands down the soft curves of Chi Chi’s body as he rested his weight on his opposite arm. He didn’t want to question her sudden sexual intensity, but he wondered if she was trying to tell him that she still desired him... or was she trying to see if he still desired her?

He did. Oh, he did.

Goku moaned, his heavy erection pressing against Chi Chi’s thigh, urging her to open to him. Chi Chi could feel the wet heat at the tip of his arousal as he gently nudged her thighs apart, seeking her entrance but waiting for approval.

Chi Chi kissed him harder, drawing his tongue into her mouth as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She pressed against him, meeting his thrust and abruptly capturing his full length inside her. Goku groaned at the sensation; the feel of her body gripping him tightly as he pulled back and thrust again.

Chi Chi dropped her head back against the pillow as she slid her hands down to Goku’s hips, urging on each deep, even thrust. She rocked against him, meeting each descent of his hips and panting slightly from the jolt of their body’s fevered union.

Their mouths met again as Goku slipped his arms beneath his wife, holding her against him as their bodies moved together in impassioned harmony. Heavy breaths and the distinct sounds of sex kept beat to the thud of the wooden headboard against the wall.

Goku could feel the telltale tightening in his groin; surprised to realize just how badly he had wanted his wife before they had even touched. Slowing his movements to nearly a complete stop, he leaned up and brushed a stray lock of hair from Chi Chi’s damp forehead as he looked down into her face. Gently, he kissed her.

Chi Chi moaned against his mouth as he began to move again, the angle of his entry shifting slightly but increasing her sensation. Chi Chi pulled her mouth from his, taking a deep, gasping breath at the sudden change in motion. Waves of pleasure radiated through her, and she could feel her climax building in strength. Her fingers closed over Goku’s tense biceps, her breathing coming in pants as his short, quick thrusts seemed to concentrate just where she needed it. She pressed back against him with abandon, needing that rush of release, to end the mounting torture of its impending arrival.

Goku felt his wife’s body shudder beneath him as her climax coursed through her. Gratefully, he quickened his pace, bringing forth his own end.

For a moment they lay quietly together, recovering from their frenzied lovemaking. Reluctantly, Goku withdrew from the warmth beneath him, relaxing at Chi Chi’s side and pulling her into his arms. He nuzzled her throat, laying small kisses on her neck and shoulder. Chi Chi turned toward him, her hands resting on his chest. His skin was warm, and she could feel the heavy pounding of his heart beneath her palms

She felt wonderfully sated in body; her muscles tingled and pleasantly ached. She had a feeling she might regret impulsively coupling like a couple of newlyweds.

Well... not regret.

Despite feeling so physically comfortable, now that the room was quiet and her bodyrelaxed, her mind began to churn with all of the troubles she’d pondered before. With a sigh, Chi Chi lifted her eyes to look into her husband’s calm, sleeping face. Lifting a hand to his brow, she gently traced the line of his face -- down his cheek and along his jaw. His skin was smooth and perfect, no line or crease to be seen. Years of playful laughter had not yet left its mark around his eyes. He was still a young man...

Oddly, the thought brought a smile to her lips. As a Saiyan, Goku was really only half her age.

Boy, did that ever explain a lot about their early life together.

She sighed again, the smile slipping from her lips. Goku had so much life left to live, so much energy inside, so much love to share. If only she could have the lifespan of a Saiyan...

But she hated everything about Saiyans.

Even as the thought entered her mind, she felt she lacked the conviction behind such sentiment anymore. Throughout the years, she had convinced herself that Goku was the only Saiyan with any redeemable qualities, few as they were, and her sons benefited from their human side. Trunks, she attributed to a proper education and a level headed grandfather. Bulla, while virtually on the cusp of complete delinquency, was blossoming into a young lady of potential -- although she attributed much of that to her own guidance of the girl these last months.

Now the twins, whom she could never look at with eyes of hatred or disapproval, were Saiyan to the core. Never could she imagine lumping them in with the barbarians who had come before.

And Vegeta...

Vegeta was a mystery.

Chi Chi slid out of her husband’s embrace, careful not to wake him. She collected the clothing from the floor and dropped it into the hamper before selecting a new pair of pajamas from the dresser. In the bathroom, she filled the tub with hot water and secured her long, black hair on top of her head before slipping into the bath. Her muscles would thank her in the morning for the precautionary soak. She could already feel the distracting ache of omitting foreplay. Ah, hindsight...

She wondered briefly how else she could benefit from having more Saiyan attributes. Not only would she get to live to see old age with her husband, she could truly spar with him again. Not that she was ever really any match for him, but back before all of his training with the Kais, battles with the prince and other increasingly strong rivals, she was at least a worthwhile opponent.

Now, he had Vegeta to fulfill that need.

The water rushed in around her shoulders as she slid further down into the tub, letting the warmth cover everything to her neck.

She didn’t dislike Vegeta anymore. There was an odd, lingering feeling that he and Goku just made sense. But they were also such a yin and yang; it was good that she and Bulma were there to balance out their polar opposition.

Chi Chi sat up so quickly, it caused the water to slosh noisily into the space she had vacated. She could hardly believe her own mind, but did she just admit that this... this was making sense? The Saiyan family dynamic -- by the Kais, it did make sense!

Slowly, Chi Chi settled back beneath the warm water, letting it once again enclose her in its heat. It felt strange, the revelation that she’d had. Just because it made sense in her head... was she ready to fully accept it in her heart?

Her husband had feelings for someone else. There was no other way of putting it.

He still had feelings for her too, and she found a great deal of comfort in that. And she knew that if she demanded that Goku limit his contact with Vegeta that he would, as much as it would tear him up inside. But what was the point in that? It was only postponing the inevitable.

It suddenly seemed a horrible scenario: to be dead and not know if Vegeta reciprocated Goku’s earnest, honest affection. He would have no one. Just as she did when he died. Except his heart would be twice broken. She didn’t want that for him. She couldn’t bear the thought. Having someone you love feel pain was one hundred times harder than enduring it yourself.

She wasn’t Saiyan, so she couldn’t live as long as Goku and be there to make sure he was protected... she had to find a way to make sure someone else would. Pride be damned. This was about love.


The house was completely dark by the time Vegeta dragged himself from the gravity unit and across the snow blanketed lawn. The patio door hissed in it's track as the prince pushed open the glass and stepped into the dining room. He was tired, mentally and physically exhausted from his workout. He longed for his bed, for a hot shower and a stiff drink -- he didn’t even care in which order they were received. But seeing as the kitchen was first in his path, he navigated his way through the dark to the refrigerator.

The items inside clanked against one another, even as he tried to be as quiet as possible. On the top shelf near the back of the cooling unit was a bottle of red wine. Vegeta retrieved the bottle and a tumbler from the cabinet and moved to drop on to one of the dining room chairs. He poured the dark burgundy liquid into the glass until it reached the brim but took a long drink from the bottle before setting it down.

The first tumbler of wine was gone in one gulp. As he poured the second, he tilted his head side to side, stretching the muscles and working out the tension in his neck. The workout in the gravity unit was intense -- he had engaged more combat bots than he had since the android threat -- but it had done little to drive the troubles from his mind. He had told Bulma that he was worried about Kakkarot’s feelings and not his own, and now... now he was beginning to wonder if he had lied.

A groan escaped him as he felt a ki signature heading his way.

The overhead light in the dining room snapped on and was immediately followed by a gasp. Chi Chi brought a hand over her heart, startled by the sight of the Saiyan prince. Not so much by his presence, but by his appearance.

“Vegeta!” she spoke harshly, her eyes wide. “What have you done to yourself?”

Vegeta grimaced, glancing down at his attire before taking a drink. The clotheshe had worn while training were ripped and singed in places. Sweat and blood saturated most of his shirt, and there was a long gash on the left side of his face.

“Training,” he mumbled, looking away from her. He didn’t need her admonishments.

The earth princess shook her head in amazement before turning and leaving the room without another word. Vegeta looked up as she left. She could have at least turned the light back off. The Saiyan returned to his drink, draining the glass. He reached for the bottle for a refill but was stopped by the surprise of Chi Chi’s sudden return.

The dark-haired woman plunked another two bottles on the table. She sat a glass tumbler down as well before she pulled out a chair and took a seat to his left. Vegeta raised an eyebrow as he watched her open one of the bottles of scotch and pour a hefty portion into both tumblers. He looked over to her, squinting in curiosity.

“Do you need something?” he asked wryly.

“We need to talk,” she stated in a business-like tone, standing again and moving into the kitchen. She returned with a damp cloth. “Here. I can’t talk to you when you have blood dripping from your face.”

Vegeta took the cloth from her hand and wiped it across his cheek to appease her.

Chi Chi took a deep breath, appeared to want to speak, but took a long drink instead.

“When I was going to marry Goku,” she began abruptly, setting the glass down and looking into the half-inch of amber liquid that remained as she spoke,“I sat my father down with a drink to break the news to him.” Vegeta’s eyebrow rose again, and he settled back in his chair to hear her out. “I’ve learned that my father takes big changes best with a good shot of liquor. It was bourbon in that case, but I know you prefer scotch.”

Vegeta didn’t look amused.

“You really think you know anything about me?” he asked in a dark whisper. Chi Chi turned to him.

“Probably about as much as you know about yourself, I’d venture,” she stated brazenly. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.” She finished what was left in her glass before adding, “It’s probably best that you take a drink.”

Vegeta’s jaw was clenched so tightly, he wasn’t sure any liquid could get past if he tried. What the hell was the woman up to? And how dare she speak to him this way?

Chi Chi’s expression softened as she noticed his irritation.

“I guess it would have been nicer for me to say that I know as much about you as is important to know,” she explained.

“You don’t say?” he replied tightly, bringing the tumbler of scotch to his mouth and gulping it down. Chi Chi refilled the cups and nodded.

“I know that -- when I really give it some thought -- you’re a changed man, Vegeta. And a good one at that, as much as it kills me to admit. But if I can say it about Piccolo, I should have no trouble where you are concerned. You may think you are very complex, mister, but you’re not. Life is what is complex.”

“You don’t say?” he said again, with a little more sarcasm to his tone. Chi Chi ignored him, taking a drink before continuing.

“I know that you love your wife and children,” she told him. “I know that you honor your responsibilities, and not many do these days. I know that you’ve treated my son like your own. I know that you would do anything to protect your family. I know that for all your harping about being a prince, you never expect luxuries -- you even seem uncomfortable with them.” Vegeta’s features were darkening as she spoke, so she added quietly. “...and I know that you will eat just about anything honey-roasted.”

The prince gave an unguarded bark of amusement.

“What’s your point, woman?” he demanded.

“My point, Vegeta,” she said before taking a deep breath, “is that... I never gave Goku the opportunity to fall in love.” Vegeta’s mouth dropped open. He was not expecting that. Chi Chi continued, her hands tapping her glass as she spoke. “I forced him into an arrangement that no rational, reasonable person would expect someone to fulfill, and he did. He never had a chance, as a young man, to see what was out there in the world as far as matters of the heart are concerned. He never got the chance to look...” She shook her head, finishing what was left in her glass.

“Kakkarot loves you,” Vegeta heard himself saying before he could think.

“I know,” she agreed, looking up at the prince. Her expression was one of resigned acceptance, and she smiled sadly. “I know he does. But I think he loves you, too.”

Vegeta sighed heavily, pouring more scotch into the glasses. He pointed to hers.


Obediently, she brought the glass to her lips. Vegeta took the still damp cloth in his hands, folding it to find a clean surface to wipe over his face. Both were quiet for a long, long time. Another round of drinks was poured, and each finished his in silence. Vegeta moved the empty bottle of scotch to the side and opened the next. Chi Chi pushed her glass toward him, and he topped off both tumblers.

“I don’t know what you want me to do,” he spoke honestly.

“I don’t either,” Chi Chi answered, with the same truthfulness. “But I do know this: I am not a young woman anymore. And the last thing I want is to alienate the one person who I think can take care of Goku when I can’t.”

“Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one,” he mumbled, taking a drink. “Not you or me. Besides,” he continued bitterly, “Kakkarot can take care of himself. I can do nothing for him.”

Chi Chi shook her head, giving a gentle sigh.

“You do so much already... and he needs you. He needs you for that part of him that is only truly Saiyan, even though he was raised on earth...” She swallowed the lump of emotion that was rising in her throat, and she focused hard on her glass as tears began to well up in her eyes. “And he needs you for that part of him that fell in love on his own terms. With someone he chose.”

Vegeta felt incredibly uncomfortable with the woman’s words and her tears. He could think of nothing to do but offer her the cloth. She took it in spite of its condition and used a clean corner to dab at her eyes.

“I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to do,” Chi Chi spoke again, trying to regain some composure in her tone. “But I need to know that you will be there for him.”

Vegeta frowned, watching the human princess in her state of concern for the man she loved. He grudgingly felt sympathy for her.

“Kakkarot will always be within any care I can provide,” he spoke quietly, as if he were afraid even he would hear his own words. “He is the blood of my blood... I take that very seriously.”

Chi Chi looked up at him, relief on her face. Her brow furrowed, and she pressed her lips together as another bout of emotion struck.

“I think I can see why they love you...” she told him.

He felt pain at her words.

“I don’t deserve it,” he said tightly, nearly betrayed by his own emotion. “I’ve never deserved it.”

Chi Chi gave a wobbling nod and reached out to poke him in the arm.

“Well, start deserving it... ‘cause they won’t change.” She shook her finger at him, narrowing her eyes. “There is something beautiful in you, even if you can’t see it... they can.” She brought a hand to her lips to cover the tiny hiccup that tried to escape.

“I wonder what they’re thinking...” he said regretfully, raising his glass. He gave her a firm nod and tipped it back. “I’ve made more mistakes than I think you’ll ever know.”

“Who is anyone to judge the path we take in life?” she asked him earnestly, before sighing heavily and picking up her glass. “Who’s to say who’s right and who’s wrong...who’s to say how you’re supposed to live... who’s to say who is right to love... or what makes a family...”

Vegeta was quiet a moment before he spoke gently.

“You’re drunk, woman,” he said softly. She nodded, laying her head down on the table, her eyes slipping closed.

“I could drink more...” she mumbled, sighing. “If I were Saiyan... if only we were all Saiyan...”

Vegeta had a feeling that the last part of her sentiment had nothing to do with holding one’s drink. If only they were all Saiyan... what would that mean?

The prince stood, collected the glasses and now-empty bottles and deposited them where appropriate in the kitchen. He came back into the dining room, looking down at Kakkarot’s mate, who now appeared to be sleeping.

“Hey,” he whispered, nudging her. “H-hey...” Self-consciously he looked around before nudging her again. “Ch... Chi Chi.”

The woman gave a groan, pulling away from him but not waking.

“Fine,” Vegeta grumbled. “That’ll teach you to try and out drink me.” He turned from the table, getting no more than five paces before coming to a halt. He couldn’t leave her like that. He understood the woman’s sense of dignity and pride; she would rather die than be discovered in such a state. She would likely berate herself in the morning for ending up there. But she had done what she had to do to get through that conversation with the prince, and Vegeta respected that.

Crossing back to the dining table, Vegeta pushed the chair with his foot and let the human fall into his arms. Carefully, even though he was certain that she wouldn’t wake even if he dropped her, he carried her upstairs to Goten’s room. It wasn’t as if the boy ever used it. Vegeta laid Chi Chi on the bed and grabbed a decorative quilt that was on a nearby chair to cover her.

He didn’t know what to make of the conversation they'd just had. Was she really giving him the task of taking her place when she died?... or was she suggesting... something else... Just what was she suggesting? Did she really want to encourage Kakkarot’s irrational behavior? Did she truly believe that what Kakkarot felt for him was... love?

Vegeta stepped back into the hallway, gently shutting the door behind him. As he moved down the hall, he stopped outside of Kakkarot’s bedroom. A strange curiosity, or possibly a mixture of burgundy and scotch, caused him to raise his hand to the knob and open the door to peer inside. Kakkarot was sleeping on his back, one arm slung out across the bed and the other draped over his bare stomach. His face was passive and serene in sleep, much as it was when awake. His lips were slightly parted, and his breathing deep and even as Vegeta watched the rise and fall of his chest in fascination.

After all these years... is this where they had come to be?

Could he ever be so arrogant as to assume the role of family head over them? Was he strong enough? Could he truly provide for their needs? Was he smart enough? Could he love them the way they deserved? He had not been worthy before... could he be worthy now?

Vegeta was suddenly soberly conscious of where he was, standing at Kakkarot’s bedside, his lips poised inches from the younger warrior’s forehead. Quickly he stood upright, taking a deep breath and turning from the room. He crossed from one wing of the house to the other, silently moving through his bedroom and into the bath to wash away the layer of sweat and blood from his skin. The clothes he had been wearing bypassed the hamper and were dumped straight into the trash bin. Wrapping one towel around his hips, he used another to rub the water from his hair before he turned off the bathroom light and returned to the bedroom. Quietly he approached the bed, stopping at its side.

Bulma was deeply asleep, curled into his side of the bed with his pillow clutched in her arms. His eyes followed the delicate line of her throat down her shoulder to where her arm disappeared beneath the thick, fluffy blanket. The woman was the center of his universe, and he was immensely grateful for the consistency she provided. No matter what changed... he knew that her love would remain the same, as would his love for her.

Vegeta kneeled down next to the bed, carefully opening the drawer of his bedside table. He removed the ‘weddings’ album, his uniform gloves and an empty journal that Bulma had once given him in hopes that he would chronicle the nightmares that would jolt him from sleep, possibly giving him some insight on how to keep them at bay. He reached into the back of the drawer, feeling his way past a silk tie, a bottle of lube, the tv remote and a series of other odds and ends that somehow ended up among his personal possessions before he found the item he sought. Sitting back on his heels, he cupped the tiny box in his hand and opened it, revealing the lone platinum band inside. He had given the woman dozens of bullshit reasons why he could not wear the ring, when the honest truth was he never wanted to looked owned -- like property... even if she proudly displayed her attachment.

The prince tossed the box back into the drawer and slipped the ring onto the third finger of his left hand. He opened and shut his hand a few times, getting used to the feel of it. Tightening his hand into a fist, he wondered for a moment how the band would affect a punch before he stood and crossed to the opposite side of the bed. He abandoned the towel, sliding beneath the comforter and molding himself against his wife’s body, wrapping his arm around her. The woman moaned contentedly, relaxing back against him. In the morning, he would ask her opinion on the events of the night. Experience taught him she would tell him what she thought, whether he wanted to hear it or not, and he would let her coax the truth of his true feelings out of him. He was scared, he had to admit... but it just might be worth it.


A/N: Ah, it's been too long! I hope that you all liked this chapter. I really liked writing this one. ^_^ Yes, real life keeps me from writing as much as I like, but I keep on it! Thank you all for reading!! Enjoy! ~B