Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Permission ( Chapter 77 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! Where would I ever be without you?... up piss-poor grammar river, that's where... ^_^
And a special Thank you to damnrobot, without whom Trunks and Goten would still be just sitting and staring at one another from across the room. Thanks!
Warning: This chapter contains LEMON. ^_^
At first it seemed far away, as if coming from another realm, but with each passing moment it seemed closer -- more real.
Chi Chi blinked her eyes, the unfamiliar room slowly coming into view, but then slipping out of focus due to the throbbing in her head.
With a groan, she pulled herself from the bed, the quilt slipping away as she stood. She stared at it for a moment, unable to recall how she had come to be where she now was. She was in Goten’s room, but why and how?
The crying hadn’t ceased. Chi Chi forgot about her present situation for the moment and stumbled out into the hall. As her brain worked to fully wake, she recognized the crying: it was one of the twins. She walked to the nursery, pushed open the door and went inside. From the deep gray-blue hue to the sky, she knew it was still very early in the morning.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, crossing to the twins' bed. Ninji was lying awake, wide-eyed, next to his brother who stood, a puddle beneath his feet.
Chi Chi sighed, rubbing a hand across her throbbing forehead.
“I’ll handle it.”
Chi Chi turned to the doorway where Vegeta stood, looking almost as bedraggled as she. He had the infant monitor clipped to the waistband of his sleep pants.
“It’s my turn,” he spoke. “You can go back to sleep or... whatever.”
Chi Chi nodded, but remained rooted to the spot as she watched the prince remove his son’s damp pajamas. Vejita sniffed and whined, clinging to his father as he was lifted into his arms.
“Enough now,” Vegeta spoke in a hushed tone. “You’re fine.” Chi Chi was sure she must have hallucinated the gentle kiss of reassurance that the prince placed on the child’s forehead. Father and son disappeared into the adjoining bath and the sound of the shower soon followed.
A shower. That sounded nice. She needed something to help clear her foggy, aching mind.
Thankfully, Goku was still asleep when she crept into their room. She didn’t want him to see her this way. While most of the night was accounted for in her mind, things were a little fuzzy at the end. Goku was better off not knowing that anything was said between her and the prince. She would shower, dress and have breakfast ready for everyone by the time they woke -- just like every other morning.
Ugh... breakfast. She didn’t even want to think about food.
A shower did nothing for her appetite, but she now felt a little less groggy. Drinking too much last night was one thing -- sleeping in her clothes was something else altogether. In hindsight, trying to have a heart-to-heart with the prince while inebriated wasn’t the wisest idea, but she felt that it had been worth it. Vegeta had opened up to her, and she had a feeling it wasn’t all because of the scotch. It just could very well be a fact that Vegeta really wasn’t a bad guy after all... not completely, anyway.
Chi Chi stepped softly as she went downstairs after her shower. She had to go about her normal routine, no matter how much her head hurt and her stomach tried to mutiny against the rest of her body. She didn’t want anyone to know about her unguarded and near delinquent behavior the night before.
The lower level of the house was still dark and quiet, so it surprised Chi Chi to see Vegeta in the kitchen. The prince’s hair was quite damp, but he was wearing the same black sleep pants as earlier. He must have taken a shower with the baby. He looked up as she came into the room, but did not speak, continuing to place items into the blender.
“Good morning,” she greeted, wincing at the sound of the whirring blades. Vegeta raised an eyebrow.
“It’s morning, for sure,” he replied, pouring a thin, red liquid from the pitcher into a glass.
Chi Chi didn’t comment as she sat down down across from him at the bar, leaning her elbows against the cool counter top. She wasn’t really feeling so ‘good.’
Vegeta set the glass of mystery liquid down in front of her.
“Trust me,” was his only explanation.
Chi Chi took the glass, but didn’t drink it right away. She stared down into the dark red drink, pondering its contents.
“How is Vejita?” she asked.
The prince grimaced, giving a shrug.
“I suppose it is a good sign that being wet disturbs him... He fell back to sleep once everything was cleaned up.”
Chi Chi gave a weak smile, as her face didn’t seem to want to attempt anything more. The thought of Vegeta cleaning up after a child was amusing, though. Plucking up her courage, Chi Chi took a deep breath and brought the glass to her lips. She nearly choked on the first gulp; the thin liquid was sweeter than she expected, and quite oily in texture. Reflexively, she stuck out her tongue in displeasure.
Vegeta smiled.
“Trust me,” he repeated.
Chi Chi grimaced at him, but took another drink. Amazingly, the unpleasant smoothie was already calming her stomach and returning the energy to her shaking muscles. Chi Chi watched as Vegeta disassembled the blender and drank the remainder of the contents straight from the pitcher before placing it in the sink.
“I’m sorry about last night,” she blurted suddenly. Vegeta raised an eyebrow.
“You are?”
Chi Chi’s brows drew together at his response. Did he not regret it?
“I’m not sorry about what I said,” she clarified. “I’m sorry about my behavior... or if I have offended you... or overstepped my bounds.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment, leaning against the counter with his arms folded. Finally, he shook his head.
“I don’t believe you said anything much that warranted my taking offense,” he told her. “Of course,” he added with a teasing smirk, “can you even remember all that was said?”
Chi Chi blushed, quickly taking another large gulp from her glass.
“I remember all that is important to remember... I think.” She shook her head. “I just can’t remember why I ended up sleeping in Goten’s room.”
“I didn’t want to disturb Kakkarot,” Vegeta said without looking up, suddenly absorbed by the kitchen bot's breakfast menu. Chi Chi stared at him, stunned. Did that mean he took her to bed? As she stared at him, she was distracted by a clicking sound as Vegeta tapped his fingers against the laminated menu card. He was wearing his wedding ring... after all this time.
She lifted her eyes to his, and he was staring back evenly. Did she imagine his words to her last night? Or maybe it was the alcohol that led her to believe that they had come to an agreement. As she opened her mouth to speak, he spoke instead.
“Don't misunderstand my actions, woman,” he said with a shake of his head. Chi Chi felt a bit flustered, even with his reassurance.
“I thought you said --”
“And I did,” he replied simply. She was again taken off guard when Vegeta took a step forward, reached across the counter and pulled the glass from her hands, downing the remainder of the contents in a single gulp. Before she could question his behavior, a voice drew her attention.
“Good morning!” Bulma greeted happily, strolling into the room and joining them at the bar. She raised a brow at the prince as he set the now empty glass on the counter top. “Rough night?”
Chi Chi continued to stare at the Saiyan, who only shrugged in response to his wife’s question.
“So, what’s for breakfast?” Bulma continued, peering over the top of the menu that Vegeta held in his hand. Vegeta nodded in Chi Chi’s direction.
“Whatever she makes,” he replied disinterestedly, tossing the menu card onto the counter.
Chi Chi frowned, rising from her chair. Amazingly, she no longer felt nauseous, weak or woozy, and she feigned irritation with the prince as she crossed to the refrigerator.
“Well, get out of the kitchen and I will call you when it’s ready,” she said sternly, waving Bulma and Vegeta from the room. “Why both of you are even in this kitchen so early is beyond me.”
“I’m always up this early,” Vegeta grumbled, being pulled from the room by Bulma. His wife giggled at the situation -- being kicked out of the kitchen by Chi Chi -- but she quickly sobered, stopping so abruptly that Vegeta nearly ran in to her. He caught himself and reflexively put his arm around her to keep her from falling.
“Dammit, woman,” he grumbled. “Warn me next time.”
Bulma didn’t respond. Vegeta watched her, an awed look on her face, as she placed her hands over his.
“What?” Vegeta spoke questioningly, uneasy with her behavior. Bulma took hold of his left hand.
“You are wearing your wedding ring,” she whispered. “That is so... so...” She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
Vegeta grimaced in annoyance.
“Because it’s mine,” he defended. “You purchased it for me, did you not?”
Bulma smiled widely.
“Yes, I bought it for you,” she said, sliding her arms around his neck and leaning in to him. “I just can’t imagine why you are wearing it.”
Vegeta didn’t answer, keeping his arms folded across his chest as she held on to him. How did he explain that it had taken a third party to make him feel that he should do anything and everything in his power to return the love that was given to him? It was such a small gesture to wear the ring, but it was something that would mean a lot to the woman.
Vegeta pulled his arms out from within the comfort of his own space and brought them around his wife, his hands sliding up her arms and over her shoulders before rising to cup her face. He kept his eyes focused on hers as he drew her close, bringing her lips to his. Bulma’s eyes fluttered closed upon feeling Vegeta’s lips and the heat of his tongue sliding against her own. She sighed, relaxing against him as she returned his kiss. Ah, Vegeta and his distraction tactics...
“Fine,” she murmured, brushing her lips against his. “Keep it to yourself.” She smiled then. “Whatever it is, it’s fine by me.”
The prince leaned close for one last peck before smoothly pulling away and turning down the hall. Bulma knew such a hasty retreat meant company.
“Good morning,” she greeted Goku as the tall Saiyan emerged from the next room. Goku smiled, appearing slightly embarrassed at having interrupted their moment as he was well aware of where Vegeta’s ki signal had just been.
“’Morning,” he returned. “I hope I didn’t... I mean, you two didn’t have to stop talking on my account. I was just going into the kitchen.”
“We were done talking,” Bulma replied with a broad smile. “We were ejected from the kitchen. Good luck when you go in. And if, um, Vegeta and I are late for breakfast... go ahead and start without us.”
“O... okay,” he replied, watching her sprint away in the same direction in which Vegeta had gone. He tried not to give it much thought as he continued on into the next room. Chi Chi was gathering a vast array of ingredients and cooking vessels. She seemed surprised to see him and stopped working as he entered.
“What are you doing up so early?” she asked.
“I was hoping,” Goku admitted, moving to stand beside her and slipping his arms around her waist, “that I would catch you before you woke up to start breakfast... but I guess I didn’t hear you get up.” He hugged her gently, a smile on his face. “Must have been sleeping too good.”
Chi Chi felt the slightest twinge of guilt at the happy, loving look in his eyes.
“If I’d have know that you’d be up so early,” she returned, “I would have made sure to be in bed when you woke.”
“Maybe a nap is in order for later then,” he said suggestively, his hands sliding along her hips.
“Goku,” she admonished, blushing slightly as she looked to the door, hoping they would not be caught in such a private moment. Goku leaned down, giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“What’s for breakfast?” he asked, giving her another quick kiss before stepping away.
“It won’t be anything if I’m not given time to cook,” she replied, a slight smile still on her lips as she returned to her task. “What would you like?”
“Yes!” he answered with a grin, chuckling as she rolled her eyes. He leaned onto the counter, watching her quietly as she worked. There was something different about her this morning that he couldn’t place. It reminded him of the way she looked after Gohan was born: very calm. He wasn’t sure what exactly was different, but he was glad she seemed happy. The only thing he wanted was for his loved ones to be content.
“Chi Chi,” he spoke, drawing her attention from the eggs she was cracking into a pan.
“Yes, dear?”
Goku smiled warmly.
“I love you.”
Chi Chi returned the smile with equal affection. She always wanted to see that happy look of contentment on his face. Never again did she want him to know the anguish or pain that he had suffered in the recent past.
“I know,” she assured him. “I love you, too.”
Pushing away from the door, she gave a small skip before striding toward the bathroom and leaning onto the door frame. Vegeta ignored her, focusing instead on drying his hands before he fumbled to push his wedding ring down past his knuckle. Bulma's smile widened and she crossed to slip her arms around his waist.
"So... the ring?" she asked.
Vegeta gave a grumbling sigh, turning to pull the woman against him.
"I found it in a drawer," he explained. "Does it bother you?"
Bulma grinned, leaning against him.
"If it bothered me, I wouldn't have spent so many zeni on it all those years ago." She could see Vegeta's eyelids flutter as he rolled his eyes at her answer. "So tell me, Mr. Secrets. What, after twenty years of marriage, makes you want to wear that ring now?"
Vegeta stared down into his wife's eyes, and she stared back, her eyebrows raised encouragingly. He smirked, pulling her arms from around his waist and lifting them up to rest on his shoulders. Bulma giggled, tightening her grip on him as his hands slid over her backside and he lifted her off of her feet. She smiled, leaning her head back as he nuzzled her throat and carried her to the bed.
"Distractions are dirty fighting, Your Highness," she laughed as he placed her on the mattress, lying down at her side.
"Well, you know what they say," he murmured, his lips against her flesh as he unbuttoned her blouse. "Anything worth fighting for, is worth fighting dirty for."
Bulma chuckled, running her hand through his hair affectionately. Vegeta looked up at her, his smirk gone, his expression nothing less than genuine contentment. He kissed her again, this time on the shoulder, before he spoke.
"It means something to you..." he began, his eyes following where his fingertips brushed against her throat instead on focusing on her eyes. "Being your husband means something to me..."
Bulma smiled, pulling closer to him but remaining silent to encourage further speech. He didn't speak right away, but continued to lightly caress her skin. Vegeta was silent for so long, Bulma began to think that they wouldn't speak again before they were summoned back for breakfast.
Settling back against her husband’s body, Bulma let her hand fall to rest in his. A smile tugged at her mouth upon feeling her ring catch against his. She had a feeling Vegeta didn't know himself why he had the ring on.
“I'm responsible for him now, you know,”
The abruptness of his words took them both by surprise. Bulma turned up to look at him. The prince was frowning slightly.
“I do not expect you to understand,” he continued. “It is not something that even I fully comprehend... but this is the path I created by my own action, and I will not retreat from the consequences that have appeared...” His dark eyes held hers with the intensity of their gaze. “I need you toknow that nothing now or ever to come could diminish my affection for you... could change what you are to me.”
Bulma smiled faintly.
“Of course I know that, Vegeta,” she told him. “What is it that you think would make me feel otherwise?”
Vegeta leaned onto his elbow, his brow furrowing as he contemplated how to answer her question. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
"Kakkarot’s wife told me that she would like me to... assume responsibility for him in her absence." Bulma's mouth dropped open as he spoke. "And she told me, quite matter of factly, that she believes his feelings for me are more than... friendship." The crease in his forehead deepened as he continued. “...How can I refuse her request after what I have done?”
Bulma stared at him, slack-jawed, for several seconds.
"She gave you permission."
The prince grimaced.
"Permission to what?" he returned, partially out of curiosity.
"Permission to... explore a relationship with Goku that's more... than that of mutual parents... possibly... more like..." She shrugged, but her eyebrows gave a suggestive twitch.
Vegeta put a hand to his forehead, rubbing the muscles there that suddenly seemed very tight and tense. Bulma watched him with concern, trying to determine what was going on in the prince's mind. This was certainly something neither of them had to see coming. Vegeta or Chi Chi.
Vegeta's voice was low as he spoke, his hand still covering his eyes.
"This... was not supposed to happen." Bulma slipped her arms around her husband and lay her head against his chest, listening to him as he continued to speak. "...I understand my duty, but...I don't know if I can be... what I'm expected to be..."
Bulma pulled far enough away from him to get a good look at his face, which was still partially obscured by his hand.
"No one expects more of you that what you can do. Vegeta, I -- " She stopped, gently pulling his hand from his eyes. "I talked to Chi Chi once about this too."
Vegeta's eyebrows rose slightly.
Bulma sat up, turning toward him and pulling her legs under her.
"Just like me, she wants to know that Goku is going to have someone to be in that part of his life after ours is over." She could see he was about to respond, and quickly she placed her fingertips to his lips as she continued. "And yes, I know that we never know what's going to happen and I'm just as likely to outlive you -- not that I really believe it -- but Vegeta... I know that you and Goku care about each other. And it's not unrealistic to think that you can fall in love more than once in your life..." She smiled softly at him, his dark eyes locked on her. "I know that you want to take care of him, as your children's mother... I know that he is important to you... I know that the Saiyans understood these things, too."
Vegeta groaned, sitting up next to his wife. He ran a hand over his neck, before dropping it to rest on Bulma's thigh. Bulma tilted her head, looking for some indication of what he was feeling. She leaned forward, giving him a small kiss on his shoulder.
"I know you worry about being a good husband, just as you worry about being a good father," she told him. "I know that your father didn't set a good example for either -- what you can remember of him, I mean." Vegeta shifted his eyes away from her, before turning his head away too. "But you are not like him at all. You want to take care of your family. And I think that's wonderful."
Vegeta cleared his throat, not turning back to her and speaking in a gruff tone.
"Why are you so... understanding?"
Bulma smiled, resting her head against his arm.
"Because I'm Bulma Briefs," she explained with a smile. "I'm perfect."
Vegeta shook his head, turning to the woman and pulling her into his arms. His mouth captured hers and he kissed her passionately, holding her close. The guttural Saiyan words that passed his lips sent a chill up Bulma's spine, and the heat of his breath tickled her ear. She didn't know what he might have said, but when he couldn't speak to her in a language she could understand, she knew it was from his heart.
"Every day I have you more than compensates for the eternity I will spend in hell."
In the afternoon, Chi Chi took a break from her chores. Having found a renewed vigor from Vegeta's hangover concoction, she decided to take some time to relax with her sewing before starting in on preparations for lunch.
The den was presently occupied by Bulma, who was dressed in a comfy looking track suit and curled up on the sofa in front of the TV. When she caught sight of the younger woman, she smiled and motioned for her to sit.
“Come join me,” she invited, patting the cushion at her side.
Chi Chi raised an eyebrow at the program as she crossed to sit beside the other woman. Bulma was watching some sort of game show; three pairs of contestants sat in their little stations, listening as the emcee explained the rules and detailed the fabulous prizes.
“What is this?” Chi Chi asked, waving her hand to decline the offered bowl of popcorn.
“Match-Mate,” Bulma replied, popping a puffed kernel into her mouth. “Three married coupled answer questions about their spouses to see who knows their partner best. I love this show!” She gave a proud smirk. “Vegeta and I would clean up in this game!”
Chi Chi's eyes widened in amazement at Bulma's declaration as the first question was asked.
“What would your spouse say is the sexiest part of your body?”
“None of your damn business, vulgar human!” Bulma announced in a gruff Vegeta imitation, before chuckling in self amusement.
Chi Chi smiled. That did sound like the prince.
When the contestants wrote down their answers, the host asked the next question.
“What would your spouse say is the perfect number of times a week to make 'whoopee'?”
To which Bulma-Vegeta replied:
“Gallick gun!”
Chi Chi couldn't help but giggle at Bulma's shriek of laughter, even though she completely understood Vegeta's feelings about the impropriety of such a question.
“Whatcha’ watching?” Goku asked, already smiling at their laughter.
“A horrible game show,” Chi Chi answered him, moving over as he plopped down between her and the prince's wife. “Where married people share inappropriate things with the world for cash.”
“And prizes,” Bulma added, tilting the popcorn bowl so it was easier for Goku to grab a handful.
“Inappropriate how?” he asked around a mouthful of the snack.
Bulma grinned.
“Like, 'Does your mate prefer a.m. or p.m. whoopee?'” Goku snorted in amusement at her choice of words. Bulma continued in her announcer-like tone, “Or, 'Does your mate prefer you to be a kitten or tiger in bed?' or 'How many people does your mate think you've made whoopee with before him?'--”
“Final. Flash.”
The three turned at the dead-pan tone of Vegeta's voice. The prince was walking casually into the room, arms folded across his chest and an unamused frown on his face. Bulma turned happily to Chi Chi.
“We would so win!”
Chi Chi brought a hand to her lips to cover her smile.
Vegeta continued on into the room, ignoring his wife's wide grin. Bulma groaned as Vegeta relieved her of the television remote and turned off the set.
“Can we help you?” she asked grumpily, pulling a throw around her and snuggling back into the plush sofa.
Vegeta surveyed the scene before him. Chi Chi, Goku and Bulma stared back at him, patiently waiting for his next word.
“I'm glad that I found the three of you together,” he began calmly, settling down in a chair across from the sofa. “There is something the four of us need to discuss.”
“Is everything okay?” Goku asked uneasily. The last time there was a four-way discussion, it was about splitting up as a family. Thankfully, they decided against it, but a part of him always feared that it would happen.
“Nothing is wrong,” Vegeta answered plainly, shaking his head.
“Vegeta,” Bulma spoke, drawing his eye. “Whatever it is, as a family, I'm sure we can work though it.”
Goku nodded enthusiastically in agreement, even though his gut still felt queasy. Vegeta gave a short nod, his arms pulling closer to his body.
“It is nothing to be as serious as that over,” he said, grimacing. “It is just something that I felt I should discuss with all three of you present, since it concerns everyone...”
Chi Chi felt a slight nervousness in her stomach, wondering if he were going to bring up what the two of them had discussed the night before. She took a deep breath, releasing it quietly; it had to be discussed between all four of them eventually, so there was little point putting it off.
“I have decided,” he began again, taking a deep breath before continuing, “that I will be sending Daikkon after his belongings on his home world.” Bulma's brows rose in surprise. She hadn't even had the chance to bring the idea up with him, after she had told Daikkon that she would.
“That's great, Vegeta!” Goku spoke enthusiastically. “I'm really happy that you've decided to let him go.”
Vegeta turned to Chi Chi, already anticipating the serious look on her face.
“Your concern?” he asked dryly.
She sighed.
“You're certainly not sending him alone, Vegeta,” she spoke in a slightly stern manner. “Now, I'm not making any assertions about the young man's reliability or possible motives, but I don't think it's wise to just send him out into the universe in a brand new space ship.”
“I agree,” Vegeta replied, with a nod of his head. The response caused looks of surprise from the other three. “Which is why I'll be going with him.”
“What?!” Bulma exclaimed. “Daikkon isn't unreliable.”
Vegeta's expression darkened, but Chi Chi gave the rebuttal.
“It's not that anyone thinks he's unreliable,” she explained, earning a smirk of disbelief from the older woman. “But there is nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution.”
“Well, I could go with him,” Goku spoke earnestly. Vegeta made a short grunting noise that obviously negated the offer.
“It's not an adventure cruise,” the prince replied. “It's just a retrieval mission to pick up the boy's personal effects and to bring back any historical texts that will give us a little more ... insight... into Saiyan customs and practices.” He shifted slightly. Only Bulma picked up on the almost imperceptible movement, and she knew that it meant he was uncomfortable with what he was saying. She remained quiet, letting him express what he wanted to discuss. “I know that our children have shown an interest in learning Saiyan history, and I think that we might want something more reliable that the second class's secondhand recollections.”
“I definitely think that having a broader variety of materials for information is not a bad idea,” Bulma commented with a shrug. A smile tugged at her lips as she continued. “There might even be some subjects about Saiyans that we didn't even know we wanted to know.”
Vegeta nodded, his eyes reflecting his gratitude for her agreement.
Chi Chi brought the attention to herself with an inquiry for the prince.
“When were you planning on taking this trip?” she asked, concerned. “The children are still so young...”
“Not until the summer,” he replied. “By then, Ninji and Vejita will be beyond toilet training - hopefully - and easier to manage. I don't anticipate being gone for very long.”
Bulma tapped her finger against her chin as she thought, and she mused aloud.
“I would have to get with Daikkon to determine the coordinates of his home planet... That will tell us what kind of flight time you can expect, and then we can factor in how much time you will want to spend on planet --”
“Not much,” Vegeta answered sourly. Bulma grimaced.
“You will give that man some time to be with his family,” she stated firmly.
“He can stay for all I care,” Vegeta replied with a frown.
“Oh that's nice, honey,” Bulma said with the shake of her head. “Take his things and ditch him. Real classy.”
Vegeta scowled at her words, but didn't reply.
“Um... can I say something?” Goku broke in, raising his hand to gain their attention.
“Go ahead, dear,” Chi Chi encouraged.
Goku smiled a bit nervously as he spoke.
“I just want to start by saying I think that this is a great idea.” he began, looking from Bulma to Chi Chi and finally to the prince. “I can't wait to actually read a book about Saiyans, written by Saiyans --” He paused. “Do you think the books are in Saiyan?”
Vegeta smirked.
“Probably.” He wondered momentarily if he would be able to read those books himself. It had been so long since he had the opportunity to see Saiyan script.
“Oh... well, anyway... I know I wouldn't mind seeing Daikkon's home planet --”
“No,” Vegeta broke in. “I don't think that would be wise.”
“You didn't even let me finish talking,” Goku informed him.
Vegeta sighed, looking to both of the women and seeing by their expressions that they agreed.
“Fine,” he spoke tightly. “Continue.”
“Thank you,” Goku replied. “Anyway, I know I wouldn't mind seeing Daikkon's home planet. I know he would like to visit his 'grandparents' and possibly make some sort of memorial for his mother.” Vegeta shifted again, his discomfort now obvious. “And while I understand that you may not entirely trust all of Daikkon's actions, you can't completely ignore what he did for us.”
“True,” Bulma agreed.
Chi Chi watched the three of them speaking. It felt a bit strange to be having a discussion between the four of them, as if Vegeta really needed their input to decide on anything. Whether or not he would take their feelings into consideration, she had to give him credit for giving the appearance of caring about his family's point of view.
Chi Chi turned her eyes to the Saiyan prince, watching the look of forced patience as he listened to the others. She felt emotion swell in her chest at his effort, but she took a deep breath and pushed through the feeling.
“I have to admit,” she spoke thoughtfully, “that Goku has a point. It would be ungracious and uncharitable to not allow the young man time to properly grieve.” Goku smiled widely, until she finished speaking. “However, I don't think that you should be the one to accompany him, Goku.” She turned back to the prince. “I think that you should exercise a little bit more empathy for a fellow Saiyan.”
Vegeta's eyebrows raised slightly.
“True,” Bulma added.
The prince's mouth twitched as he considered what was said.
“Understood,” he spoke, crossing his arms. “I will add an additional five days to our flight time for such consideration. Is that acceptable?”
Bulma gave a shrug and a nod, and Chi Chi nodded as well. Goku was grimacing, his arms folded over his chest.
“Why can't I go?” he asked.
“Because the boys need their mother,” Vegeta replied plainly.
Goku was taken aback by the older Saiyan's words, and he fell quiet, unable to think of a counterargument at the moment.
“So we are in agreement, then?” Vegeta asked.
“I believe so,” Bulma answered. “I will get to work on plotting your flight path and making sure the ship is still space-worthy. With Trunks' and Daikkon's help, it shouldn't be too much of a task.”
“Good.” He turned then to Kakkarot's wife. “My absence shouldn't cause any inconvenience.”
“We'll make sure things run smoothly here,” she told him.
“Good,” he repeated. He stood, handing the remote control back to his wife. “You can resume whatever pointless vulgarity you were viewing.”
Bulma snatched the control from his hand, smiling.
“I'm a genius! I can watch whatever I want!... and we would totally kick ass on that show...”
Vegeta didn't comment, leaving the three of them as he found them. The women turned to Goku as he sat quietly between them.
“I want to go...” he said forlornly.
“I know, sweetheart,” Bulma said sympathetically. “We'll just have to have enough fun here that you don't think about it while they're gone.”
Goku gave her an incredulous look. With a sigh of resignation, he pulled himself from the sofa.
“I'm gonna go check on the boys,” he stated.
Bulma watched him leave, calling after him in a hopeful tone.
“It's a long while off, sweetie. He could always change his mind!”
He didn't respond, and Bulma once again sank back against the couch. The two women sat in silence a moment, the TV still turned off and Chi Chi quietly working on her needle point.
“Vegeta's plan seems to be for the best,” the dark-haired princess spoke casually, carefully pressing her needle into the stiff fabric. “I think that it's the most sensible approach.”
“I suppose,” Bulma agreed, pulling her feet up and wrapping her arms around her knees. “But I think he can be too cautious at times.”
“Better too cautious than too cavalier,” Chi Chi commented.
Bulma had to agree with her there, although she might not have twenty, or even ten years ago. But, she told herself, everything had to change at some point. And not all changes were bad. Bulma turned, watching Chi Chi as the younger woman sat stitching. Unable to go against her own nature, she decided to be blunt.
“Are you really okay with Vegeta and Goku...together?”
Chi Chi turned, wide-eyed, to look at her. Had the prince already informed Bulma of her outrageous behavior of the previous night? Her expression of surprise quickly transformed into one of shame.
“I'm so sorry, Bulma,” she spoke. “After all that you have done for my family, I had no right to approach Vegeta about that without consulting with you... I was only thinking of Goku --”
Bulma waved her hand, halting the other's speech.
“No, no,” she told her softly, “don't get me wrong. I never thought anything like that.” She scooted over on the sofa, lowering her voice to ensure they wouldn't be overheard. “Besides, I've already told you once how I view this subject. I just want to make sure that you are truly okay with what you've asked. Because once Vegeta makes up his mind to do something... he's going to do it.”
“I've made up my mind as well,” Chi Chi replied, her eyes still downcast in embarrassment. “But that gave me no right to approach Vegeta and not you.”
“Well,” Bulma replied, with a small shrug, “if it helps you to hear me say it's forgiven, then I'll say it: It's forgiven. But believe me, if you'd have said anything to me first, Vegeta would have been offended and mortified.”
Chi Chi's smiled weakly at her words.
“He is unique,” she commented.
“Yep,” Bulma agreed, sitting back and turning on the television. “One-of-a-kind.”
Chi Chi turned away from her, looking back down to the project in her lap. Even with Bulma's reassurance, she felt her behavior had earned her a least a little more reproach. What had come over her that made her feel as though she could approach the prince informally?... Aside from the alcohol, that is...
Bulma reached over and gave the princess's arm a squeeze, without taking her eyes from the television. Chi Chi gave a small smile of gratitude for the other woman's graciousness, but both remained silent.
Perhaps with the many changes that were taking place in their lives recently, one of them would be the friendship that Goku had always wanted for the two most important girls in his life.
He knew the boys needed him, just as Vegeta said, but didn't they need their father as well? Wasn't the prince just as important? Didn't he know that?
By summer, the two toddlers would be roughly 4 ½ years old - big enough to be taken care of by someone other than him. Besides, having some alone time to bond with their father would be good for them.
With his argument laid out in his head, Goku rose from the bedside and went to speak with Vegeta. From the location of his ki signature, the prince was in the gravity chamber on the opposite end of the house. Goku decided against instant transmission, opting instead to knock on the thick metal door. There was a moment of silence before the door opened and Vegeta stood grim faced on the other side.
“I've been expecting you,” he said dryly, turning from the door.
“Really?” Goku asked, amazed, following the shorter Saiyan into the large training chamber. The door hissed shut behind him. “What for?”
“Is it not obvious?” Vegeta asked, raising an eyebrow. “You're here to plead your case for accompanying the second class into space, right?”
Goku grimaced. He should have expected Vegeta to guess his motives.
“No,” he said, slightly aloof, hoping to sound sincere. “I was wondering if you wanted to spar?”
Vegeta stared at the tall Saiyan for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the truth in his words.
“Fine,” he answered.
“Awesome,” Goku replied happily, dropping down to stretch out the muscles in his legs. Vegeta turned, moving across the room to the console at the far end. He activated a door on the wall and pulled a training suit from within. “What were you gonna do in here?” Goku asked, watching the prince as he pulled off his casual day clothes.
“I was going to train in the gravity simulator...” He unfolded the synthetic training suit and began to pull it on. “I like to keep in practice.”
“Hmm...” Goku marveled for a moment as the impossibly small training suit stretched over the expanse of the prince's muscles. The navy fabric covered from ankle to throat, but left the arms bare from the shoulder. Goku remembered how comfortable those suits had been; it was no wonder that Vegeta continued to wear them. “You seem kind of sidetracked today,” Goku commented casually as he watched Vegeta pull on his boots. The prince grimaced, his brow furrowing as he turned to the younger man. “I mean,” Goku added quickly, “it seems like you... have something on your mind...”
Vegeta shrugged, walking to the center of the room.
“This and that, I suppose,” he answered vaguely. “Nothing of too much concern.”
Goku gave the prince's words some thought. Vegeta usually put more into what he said than one might expect.
“Anything you want to talk about?” Goku asked, crouching down into a defensive posture, waiting for the other man to either answer or attack.
Vegeta considered the question. Should he tell the other Saiyan that their wives were not opposed to seeing a deeper relationship form between them? That a more domestic connection was not only encouraged, but anticipated?
“Maybe later.”
Goku let the first punch land squarely in his chest. He was braced for it, so the pain radiating through him was less intense, giving him better reaction time to return the gesture. With one sweep of his arm, he sent the shorter man careening across the empty space. Vegeta quickly regained his footing, launching himself back toward the other Saiyan.
A flurry of punches and kicks ensued, only half a dozen actually connecting while the others were dodged or blocked. The two Saiyans seemed to find a common rhythm, neither raising ki, but merely appreciating the skill and art of a near evenly matched battle.
While still certain he was a more technically skilled fighter, Vegeta had to accept - without too much bitterness now - that Kakkarot was stronger. Having him as an ally was much more advantageous than having him as an enemy. Vegeta was unsure of what advantage his presence brought to the younger fighter - Kakkarot had everything. What could he do?
In the fraction of a second that Vegeta lost focus, Goku thrust out both of his hands, the heels of his palms connecting brutally with Vegeta's breastbone and sending the prince crashing into the far wall.
Vegeta cursed, pulling himself to his feet. Goku chuckled, considering the move a lucky shot. He was ready for round two.
Pulling his T-shirt over his head, Goku used the fabric to wipe the sweat from his face and neck before tossing it aside and crouching back down. He wasn't sure if Vegeta would make the next move, so he did.
In the blink of an eye, once again flesh met flesh and a barrage of attacks passed in the span of seconds. Vegeta was determined to be the one to break the momentum this time, so he dropped, letting Kakkarot's next strike throw him off balance as he punched empty air. Vegeta grabbed the other Saiyan by the leg, flipping him onto his back. Goku felt the air rush from his lungs as he hit the floor. He just barely caught a glimpse of the prince's smirk before he reached out and grabbed the closest ankle, bringing Vegeta to his knees.
Both men got to their feet, each watching the other warily. While they had become accustomed to each other's fighting style and technique, the thrill of battle between them never lost its allure.
Slowly, Goku sank back down into a defensive stance. Vegeta took a defensive posture as well, his eyes trained on Kakkarot, watching for any minute movement in the younger man's taut frame. The younger Saiyan was breathing deeply and he rocked gently on the balls of his feet, waiting for a moment to strike. Vegeta was as still as stone, his eyes boring into his opponent's; a bead of sweat rolled down his arm, raising goosebumps on his work-warmed skin.
Goku attacked.
The first punch was dodged, but the second landed on the prince's left cheek. A sweep of his arm knocked Goku's fist away, and his own collided with the taller man's ribs. Goku gave a short huff of laughter, even as the pain bloomed in his side. Vegeta, too, was smiling, but the next simultaneous punch sent both men staggering.
Vegeta shook the sweat from his hair, bringing a hand up to his tender jaw as he eyed his sparring partner. Kakkarot was still grinning, pressing a hand to his opposite shoulder as he rotated the aching joint. It was a pleasant feeling to know that there was someone else who enjoyed a good fight as much as he, someone who understood the pleasure that came with a certain measure of pain. And the real fight had yet to begin; this was only foreplay.
Vegeta's smile disappeared, but he continued to stare across the gravity room at the third class. Kakkarot was stretching his arms over his head, the joy of impending battle evident on his face. But the prince remembered how their last solo sparring match had ended, and he had to fight the memory lest his body begin to remember as well. Irritation now began to seep into the prince's mood, and his neutral expression transformed into a scowl. Would he ever be able to spend a moment alone with the other Saiyan without evoking the imagery of well muscled bodies and sweat-soaked skin doing something other than fighting?
Unfortunately, Vegeta only knew one remedy for sexual tension...
Goku tilted his head to the side as he watched his friend's manner change quickly from engaging to reticent. He stood upright, relaxing his body from its battle-ready mode.
“Vegeta? Y'alright?”
Vegeta looked up as if he had forgotten the other Saiyan was in the room. With a frown, he shook his head. Goku didn't move.
“You sure?” he pressed gently. Experience told him that there was definitely something more to the prince's behavior.
“I'm sure,” Vegeta replied sourly, folding his arms over his chest. “I just realized that this is not the training I had intended...I... I like to keep on schedule.”
Goku grinned.
“Something new and different is a refreshing way to take a break from the monotony of routine,” he declared. Vegeta raised a brow.
Goku shrugged.
“That's what Chi Chi tells me when she wants me to do some chores,” he explained.
“I see.”
Goku watched his companion rub the back of his neck as he turned to the computer control panel. Did Vegeta really just want to get back to his own training? Goku was having too much fun to stop now. Being in the older Saiyan's company was contenting and thrilling all at the same time - whether sparring or talking or just being. Goku felt he was really growing closer the prince. It seemed that each time they met, a little more of the real Vegeta was exposed.
Maybe that was the prince's worry? That any deeper familiarity between the two was something Vegeta didn't wish?... Or maybe what he didn’t want was to end up, once again, pinned beneath the third class's weight.
Goku blushed at the memory. Vegeta had seemed more flustered by the incident than angered by it, at the time. And both men were certainly surprised by their reactions. Goku was more than confused by how his body had pulsed with longing, was so quick to ache with desire at being intimately close to the prince.
He was handsome, though...
Goku's head tilted to the side as he watched Vegeta poised over the control panel. A warmth rose to his skin and spread through his chest as his eyes moved from simply looking, to really seeing the other man. He was handsome. He wasn't perfect, far from it, but he had come so far. And it was the length of the journey and the magnitude of the obstacles he had overcome that made his effort all the more impressive. Goku would have to say he was proud of him, and he was looking forward to the rest of the journey together.
Goku's brows drew together as he thought. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Vegeta... was that what he meant?
The prince turned toward his quiet companion, curious as to why the normally chatty Saiyan had gone silent. Goku was staring at him, an odd, unreadable expression on his face. Neither spoke.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Bulma's voice announced over the house intercom, “but I got two little Saiyans who are hungry and looking for their mom.”
Goku smiled.
“I'll be right there, Bulma,” he replied, pulling his shirt from the floor. He turned back to Vegeta, who looked rather resigned. “Are you sure everything is alright?” he asked.
Vegeta took a deep breath and gave a nod.
“Yes,” he answered with certainty. “I'll be in right after you.”
Goku watched him for a moment, before nodding and turning from the room. Vegeta released a sigh once the door hissed closed and he was left alone. Everything was alright, wasn't it? The universe seemed to be holding out a king's ransom in recompense for his hardships, but he was beginning to wonder if even his suffering would be worth such compensation... and he wasn't sure he was completely comfortable with the idea yet.
However, while his head was still meditating on the complexities of their unique situation, his body's vote was to get on with it already.
Vegeta put the present issue out of his mind; his head was still in charge of how he reacted for the moment.
For the moment.
The ‘cabin’ that Trunks had rented for their holiday was more like a penthouse than the rustic picture that came to mind. The kitchen had professional quality appliances, the bathroom was a miniature spa, and the bedroom was like a warm oasis in the middle of a winter wonderland. Directly across from the crackling fireplace was a king-sized bed, covered in thick fluffy blankets. Goten placed his hands on his hips as he stared at the bed, his mind beginning to wander as his eyes lost focus. The two of them had been on their ‘mini-vacation’ for two days and two nights now. Tonight would be night three, and the day after tomorrow they would be headed home, leaving behind the many exciting pursuits that being on a secluded mountain lodge afforded.
Sex wasn’t one of them.
Goten sighed, slipping his hands down into his pockets. He felt silly now, having thought that Trunks had actually arranged this time away for them to have an uninterrupted opportunity to become more intimate. He was disappointed, of course, but since Trunks hadn’t mentioned it again, he didn’t want to press the issue. He didn’t want to rush things, even if the timing for him felt right. He would wait, and enjoy their time together - whatever it may entail.
“Did you get the fire started?” Trunks asked, strolling into the room and pulling the younger Saiyan from his thoughts.
“Yep!” Goten answered quickly, turning to his friend and giving a smile. “How was your shower?”
“Nice, warm and soothing,” Trunks answered, handing the younger Saiyan a cup of coffee. “And did I ever need the soothing part! I’m not fond enough of the cold to be much of a snowboarder.”
“Ah, you were great,” Goten told him, grinning. “You wiped out so gracefully...each and every time.”
“Jerk,” Trunks grumbled, although he smiled as well.
Goten watched the older Saiyan as he placed his coffee mug on the bedside table, picked up the lodge pamphlet and reclined on the bed. Goten pushed his free hand back down into his pocket and took a sip from his cup.
“So...” he began again. “What would you like to do now?”
Trunks shrugged, not looking up from his reading as he answered.
“I don’t know. What do you want to do? They’ve got a really good selection of movies on their ‘digital recall’ system... and it says here that they're holding a poker tournament in the main lodge.” Trunks looked up for an answer as Goten was now at his side. The teen sat his mug next to the prince’s and took the pamphlet from his hands.
“Sounds great,” Goten spoke, placing one knee on the bed before bringing the other over to straddle Trunks’ lap. “What else do ya got?”
Trunks smiled.
“Well...” he began, leaning back against the headboard as Goten began kissing his neck. “We could... play chess.”
“Mmm...” was all the younger Saiyan remarked as he continued to taste the flesh of his lover’s throat.
“Yeah,” Trunks continued, wrapping his arms around Goten. “Or checkers.”
“Sign-me-up,” came Goten’s chuckling reply, as he leaned back and looked into the other Saiyan’s eyes. Goten smiled at his friend, pushing the lavender hair back from his face. Without another word, he leaned in and hugged Trunks, resting against him. Trunks smiled.
“You tired?” he asked, idly running his hands up and down the length of Goten’s back. Goten sighed, taking a moment to respond.
“Eh... not really.” He sat back up, looking down at the other boy. “You?”
Trunks shook his head.
“You wanna watch a movie?” Goten continued, slipping off Trunks’ lap and settling at his side. The younger Saiyan picked up the remote and activated the wide-screen television that dropped down from its concealed slot in the ceiling and came to rest above the mantle. “Sweet,” he commented, bringing up the on-screen display and scrolling through the movie titles.
Trunks stood from the bed, pulling back the covers and arranging the pillows before rejoining his friend. He placed an arm around Goten, and the teen rested comfortably against him as he selected the feature and dropped the remote at his side. The two watched quietly through the movie’s title sequence. Goten situated himself so he was also beneath the blankets, leaning back into Trunks and resting a hand on his thigh. Trunks gave him an affectionate kiss on the temple, and they focused their attention on the movie screen.
Idly, Goten ran his hand up and down Trunks’ thigh, gently massaging the muscle. It wasn’t long before his mind was no longer occupied with the feature presentation, but with the muscle beneath his palm. With each stroke, he moved his hand further up the prince’s thigh, massaging his way purposely back down. Without warning, Trunks turned the TV off and turned to look at his friend.
“We need to talk,” he spoke, taking a deep breath. “I mean... there is something I have to ask you.”
Goten pulled away, turning so he could look Trunks head-on.
“Shoot,” he answered, concerned by Trunks’ unusually hesitant manner. “What’s on your mind?”
Trunks sighed, giving a shrug as he leaned back against the headboard.
“Well... I feel silly saying anything,” he began, turning his eyes away from Goten’s and focusing on the comforter covering his lap. “It’s just... I thought that this weekend would be sort of... different....”
Goten’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Well, yeah,” Trunks replied a little sheepishly. “I mean... I thought you understood that....”
Goten laughed, shaking his head at the situation.
“How come you never said anything before now!?”
Trunks grimaced.
“I asked you what you wanted to do, and you never said anything!”
Goten continued to chuckle.
“You never asked what I wanted to do,” he clarified. “You gave me options. You asked if I wanted to ski, snowboard, go to a movie, go out to dinner, go hiking -- lots of activities that left us completely exhausted by bedtime. You never once asked if I wanted to have sex!”
Trunks frowned, unaffected by Goten’s smile.
“Well, that would have been a little... vulgar of me,” he replied. “I was waiting for you to say something. I mean, you always do.”
“Boy,” Goten mused, his smile widening. “We’ve never been closer, but our communication skills have never sucked more.”
The comment finally earned a smile from the older Saiyan.
“Agreed. I just didn’t... I didn’t want you to feel pressured... or that it was expected....”
“So what made you need to bring it up now?” Goten inquired with a grin. Trunks’ frown returned.
“...The way you were rubbing my thigh,” he answered flatly.
Goten laughed heartily as he moved from his side of the bed. He was on Trunks in an instant, cupping his face and kissing him ardently.
“Then who are we fooling?” he asked, a little breathless in his intensity. “By the Kais, I want you.”
Trunks didn’t give a verbal reply, instead he pulled the younger Saiyan back toward himself, returning the passion he has just received. Several long moments of heated kisses calmed into a simmering, sensual exchange as the pair lay back onto the bed. They’d had moments of intimacy during their trip, but somehow this felt brand new.
Goten pulled away, taking a deep breath as he looked into Trunks’ eyes.
“I... I want this to be special,” he spoke in a whisper, as though they were not the only two in the cabin.
“I think it will be,” Trunks assured him, gently brushing the backs of his fingers across Goten’s cheek. “I mean, how couldn’t it?”
Goten shrugged, looking around the bedroom.
“We need... candles or something, right?” he asked, rolling off the bed. Trunks gave an amused smirk as he watched the younger Saiyan search the room.
“We have a fireplace,” he pointed out.
“That only counts if you’re having sex in front of it,” Goten insisted, disappearing into the bathroom. “And in that case,” he called, “we’re missing a bearskin rug.” He returned in a less than a minute with two plain votives and a self-satisfied smile. He paused by his suitcase, knelt down and rummaged in the front compartment. Another smile lit his handsome face as he tossed a small bottle into the air and caught it.
“What is that?” Trunks inquired, although he was pretty certain he knew the answer.
“At fifteen zeni an ounce,” Goten replied with a smirk, “it better be magic.”
“I knew you understood...” Trunks chuckled, shaking his head as Goten set the candles on the bedside table and lit them with a match from the fireplace. When he turned off the lamp, the firelight cast a warm red glow in the room.
“Huh?” Goten said with a smile. “Romantic? Whaddaya think?”
“Nice,” Trunks replied, wrapping his arms around his friend as Goten lay over him. “Very nice.”
Goten couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he leaned in to kiss Trunks. Just kissing him was enough to satisfy the younger Saiyan for hours.
Well, almost enough.
Goten made quick work of the buttons on Trunks’ shirt, but made a point to kiss every inch of flesh he exposed as he pushed the fabric out of the way. Trunks enjoyed the sensation, giving a moan of appreciation as he watched his lover move further down his body. Warm fingertips trailed over his skin, and the lavender-haired Saiyan groaned at the sensation of Goten rubbing his check against his groin -- as a cat would mark an object as its own. Trunks lovingly stroked his hand through Goten’s hair.
“Hey,” he whispered, gaining the teen’s attention. “Come up here.”
Goten grinned, pulling himself back up the length of Trunks’ body. Trunks gently urged Goten onto his side, and the two young Saiyans worked on undressing each other. Their movements were slow, hands and mouths exploring bare flesh as if it was the first time, but with a sense of purpose that betrayed their experience with each other.
Goten turned his face against Trunks’, seeking out his mouth and aggressively devouring him with a kiss, as the sense of need increased within him. Goten kissed across Trunks’ cheek, running his tongue along the curve of the older Saiyan’s ear before giving a hesitant whisper.
“I, uh... I also brought condoms.”
Trunks smiled, gently pressing his lips to Goten’s.
“I don’t think we’ll need them,” he spoke, giving another kiss. “I mean... I can’t get pregnant...”
Goten smirked.
“So, no performance pressure for me, eh?”
“No pressure,” Trunks replied, gently massaging Goten’s arm as he spoke. “You seem to be a quick learner.”
“Ah, don’t give me all the credit,” Goten chuckled. “We have been getting lots of practice.”
“Hmmm....” Trunks’ answer melted into a moan as Goten turned his attention to the flesh of the older Saiyan’s throat. He was right: With Trunks’ anatomical knowledge and Goten’s rabid ‘anything goes’ curiosity, they had quickly become comfortable with each other’s bodies. Continued attempts to ignore the desire that they felt for each had become nearly impossible, and both realized it was pointless as well.
Soft kisses and gentle exploration quickly transitioned back into passionate tasting and purposeful grinding that left both young men breathless.
Goten sat up, resting on his knees as he thumbed open the small bottle of lubricant that he picked up from the night stand. He poured out a sizable amount of the clear fluid, rocking it back and forth to spread the gel from his palm to his fingers. Dropping his hand, he spread the slick liquid over his erection.
Goten gave the older Saiyan a soft smile, leaning down to kiss the young prince as he moved his hand to thoroughly spread the lubricant where their bodies would meet. There was little resistance from the body beneath him, and Goten used his fingers to simultaneously arouse and relax. His erection ached in anticipation, but he wanted Trunks to be comfortable -- wanted this to be everything they had imagined.
Goten looked down at Trunks as the older Saiyan gently pushed him away so he could speak.
“If I wasn’t your best friend today,” Trunks told him, an impish smile on his flushed face, “I bet I will be tomorrow.”
Goten grinned widely, a hefty portion of his anxiety passing with the chuckle that escaped him.
“Ya think?” he asked, giving a playful nip to the other boy’s mouth.
“Mm,” Trunk agreed, pausing a moment to appreciate the jolt of pleasure that radiated from where Goten’s fingers continued to probe. “...but will you still respect me in the morning?”
“Oh, baby,” Goten answered, moving to settle closer between his thighs, “who says I respect you now?”
The laughter the two shared at the comment soon settled, and once again the pair was consumed with kissing each other.
With slight trepidation, Goten took hold of his erection, guiding himself to Trunks’ ready entrance. Gently he nudged forward, holding his breath as he increased the pressure. Trunks closed his fingers around Goten’s biceps, breathing steadily in anticipation.
“You... you know I really love you, right?” Goten murmured, looking down into the prince’s half-lidded eyes. Trunk gave a slight smile before his lips parted in a sharp intake of breath. Goten paused.
“You sure talk a lot,” Trunks commented, his smile returning as he made a conscious effort to relax.
“Don’t scare me like that,” Goten grumbled. Trunks reached up, ran his fingers through Goten’s spiky hair and pulled him close. Their lips met and they melted into each other, the levity fading away as they moved together. Slowly Goten eased into the body beneath him. He was guarded in his movements, gauging each motion by the grip Trunks kept on his arms. It was not long before Trunks’ fingers were no longer pressed into his biceps and his hands were pulling the younger Saiyan closer.
The two gave in to each other, any fears or anxiety forgotten and quickly replaced with a mutual, burning need for release.
Goten let his fingers glide over the other man's body. Down his thigh, over the sensitive skin of his sides, across the hard muscles of his chest. Slowly and carefully, he sought out what gave Trunks the most pleasure as he continued his gentle pace inside him. Goten slid his hand over Trunks’ abdomen, feeling the muscles contract beneath his fingertips each time he thrust into the prince’s tight heat. His hand moved further down, closing around the older Saiyan’s weeping shaft. He didn’t know how much longer he was going to last, and he didn’t want to be along in his pleasure.
Trunks was gasping, moaning -- the overload of sensation was now to the point of being intensely, pleasantly uncomfortable. He turned his face from Goten’s, unable to concentrate on kissing when the tight coil in his stomach felt like it was ready to spring. Trunks’ hands slid down Goten’s back, resting on his hips and urging him on.
Goten buried his face against the crook of Trunks’ neck, his eyes squeezing shut as he quickened each stroke of his hand. His resolve was crumbling, and he was unable to keep a steady pace as the tightening in his groin was driving him to distraction. Goten groaned, his hand stilling at the unexpected suddenness of his climax. The spasm seemed to travel through his entire body, the sharp feeling of contract and release being all he could focus on for the moment.
Trunks shifting beneath him quickly brought the younger Saiyan back to the present, and Goten returned to his manual ministrations, hoping Trunks’ pleasure would be as perfect as his own. The young prince began to moan, his hands now in his hair as he submitted to Goten’s manipulations. Any composure he imagined he had left broke, and he thrust into Goten’s fist as his body released between them.
Goten collapsed against Trunks’ chest, and they lay together until their labored breathing calmed and once again the room was filled only with the sound of the snapping fire.
Trunks groaned when Goten pulled away, resettling closely by his side. He turned to the dark haired Saiyan, a soft smile on his face as he brushed his fingertips across the teen’s cheek.
“I love you,” he murmured quietly, watching Goten turn his face against his hand and lay a kiss on his palm.
“...Me too.”
Trunk was quiet a moment, before hesitantly speaking.
“Are you... crying?”
Goten gave a huff of laughter, pulling the prince against him.
“No,” he insisted, resting his head on Trunks’ shoulder, molding himself comfortably against the warm body in his arms. “I just have something in my eye...”
Trunks continued to smile, his eyes slipping closed as he pulled Goten’s arm around him. There was beautiful silence between the two as sleep began to creep over them.
The moment was broken by Goten’s sudden exclamation.
Trunks was startled awake, and he turned to his wide-eyed companion.
Goten grimaced, a look of concern on his handsome face.
“Your dad is gonna take one look at me and know what I’ve done!”
Trunks blinked a couple times, amazed by what he had just heard.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Goten,” he replied, settling back down and pulling the covers around himself. “Besides, everyone already thinks we’ve been doing it... there is probably some sort of poll going.”
Goten considered his words.
“You think it’s too late to get in on that?”
Trunks opened his eyes just to give the teen a stern look.
“Is this really how you are going to end this moment?" he inquired. "Talking about cheating a sex poll?”
Goten smiled.
“I’m sorry. My bad.” He wrapped his arms back around his friend’s warm, bare skin. He nuzzled Trunks’ throat affectionately before whispering, “I told you I was seme.”
Trunks grinned, giving a slow shake of his head.
“That’s more like it...”
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! Where would I ever be without you?... up piss-poor grammar river, that's where... ^_^
And a special Thank you to damnrobot, without whom Trunks and Goten would still be just sitting and staring at one another from across the room. Thanks!
Warning: This chapter contains LEMON. ^_^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 77
Someone was crying.Chapter 77
At first it seemed far away, as if coming from another realm, but with each passing moment it seemed closer -- more real.
Chi Chi blinked her eyes, the unfamiliar room slowly coming into view, but then slipping out of focus due to the throbbing in her head.
With a groan, she pulled herself from the bed, the quilt slipping away as she stood. She stared at it for a moment, unable to recall how she had come to be where she now was. She was in Goten’s room, but why and how?
The crying hadn’t ceased. Chi Chi forgot about her present situation for the moment and stumbled out into the hall. As her brain worked to fully wake, she recognized the crying: it was one of the twins. She walked to the nursery, pushed open the door and went inside. From the deep gray-blue hue to the sky, she knew it was still very early in the morning.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, crossing to the twins' bed. Ninji was lying awake, wide-eyed, next to his brother who stood, a puddle beneath his feet.
Chi Chi sighed, rubbing a hand across her throbbing forehead.
“I’ll handle it.”
Chi Chi turned to the doorway where Vegeta stood, looking almost as bedraggled as she. He had the infant monitor clipped to the waistband of his sleep pants.
“It’s my turn,” he spoke. “You can go back to sleep or... whatever.”
Chi Chi nodded, but remained rooted to the spot as she watched the prince remove his son’s damp pajamas. Vejita sniffed and whined, clinging to his father as he was lifted into his arms.
“Enough now,” Vegeta spoke in a hushed tone. “You’re fine.” Chi Chi was sure she must have hallucinated the gentle kiss of reassurance that the prince placed on the child’s forehead. Father and son disappeared into the adjoining bath and the sound of the shower soon followed.
A shower. That sounded nice. She needed something to help clear her foggy, aching mind.
Thankfully, Goku was still asleep when she crept into their room. She didn’t want him to see her this way. While most of the night was accounted for in her mind, things were a little fuzzy at the end. Goku was better off not knowing that anything was said between her and the prince. She would shower, dress and have breakfast ready for everyone by the time they woke -- just like every other morning.
Ugh... breakfast. She didn’t even want to think about food.
A shower did nothing for her appetite, but she now felt a little less groggy. Drinking too much last night was one thing -- sleeping in her clothes was something else altogether. In hindsight, trying to have a heart-to-heart with the prince while inebriated wasn’t the wisest idea, but she felt that it had been worth it. Vegeta had opened up to her, and she had a feeling it wasn’t all because of the scotch. It just could very well be a fact that Vegeta really wasn’t a bad guy after all... not completely, anyway.
Chi Chi stepped softly as she went downstairs after her shower. She had to go about her normal routine, no matter how much her head hurt and her stomach tried to mutiny against the rest of her body. She didn’t want anyone to know about her unguarded and near delinquent behavior the night before.
The lower level of the house was still dark and quiet, so it surprised Chi Chi to see Vegeta in the kitchen. The prince’s hair was quite damp, but he was wearing the same black sleep pants as earlier. He must have taken a shower with the baby. He looked up as she came into the room, but did not speak, continuing to place items into the blender.
“Good morning,” she greeted, wincing at the sound of the whirring blades. Vegeta raised an eyebrow.
“It’s morning, for sure,” he replied, pouring a thin, red liquid from the pitcher into a glass.
Chi Chi didn’t comment as she sat down down across from him at the bar, leaning her elbows against the cool counter top. She wasn’t really feeling so ‘good.’
Vegeta set the glass of mystery liquid down in front of her.
“Trust me,” was his only explanation.
Chi Chi took the glass, but didn’t drink it right away. She stared down into the dark red drink, pondering its contents.
“How is Vejita?” she asked.
The prince grimaced, giving a shrug.
“I suppose it is a good sign that being wet disturbs him... He fell back to sleep once everything was cleaned up.”
Chi Chi gave a weak smile, as her face didn’t seem to want to attempt anything more. The thought of Vegeta cleaning up after a child was amusing, though. Plucking up her courage, Chi Chi took a deep breath and brought the glass to her lips. She nearly choked on the first gulp; the thin liquid was sweeter than she expected, and quite oily in texture. Reflexively, she stuck out her tongue in displeasure.
Vegeta smiled.
“Trust me,” he repeated.
Chi Chi grimaced at him, but took another drink. Amazingly, the unpleasant smoothie was already calming her stomach and returning the energy to her shaking muscles. Chi Chi watched as Vegeta disassembled the blender and drank the remainder of the contents straight from the pitcher before placing it in the sink.
“I’m sorry about last night,” she blurted suddenly. Vegeta raised an eyebrow.
“You are?”
Chi Chi’s brows drew together at his response. Did he not regret it?
“I’m not sorry about what I said,” she clarified. “I’m sorry about my behavior... or if I have offended you... or overstepped my bounds.”
Vegeta was quiet a moment, leaning against the counter with his arms folded. Finally, he shook his head.
“I don’t believe you said anything much that warranted my taking offense,” he told her. “Of course,” he added with a teasing smirk, “can you even remember all that was said?”
Chi Chi blushed, quickly taking another large gulp from her glass.
“I remember all that is important to remember... I think.” She shook her head. “I just can’t remember why I ended up sleeping in Goten’s room.”
“I didn’t want to disturb Kakkarot,” Vegeta said without looking up, suddenly absorbed by the kitchen bot's breakfast menu. Chi Chi stared at him, stunned. Did that mean he took her to bed? As she stared at him, she was distracted by a clicking sound as Vegeta tapped his fingers against the laminated menu card. He was wearing his wedding ring... after all this time.
She lifted her eyes to his, and he was staring back evenly. Did she imagine his words to her last night? Or maybe it was the alcohol that led her to believe that they had come to an agreement. As she opened her mouth to speak, he spoke instead.
“Don't misunderstand my actions, woman,” he said with a shake of his head. Chi Chi felt a bit flustered, even with his reassurance.
“I thought you said --”
“And I did,” he replied simply. She was again taken off guard when Vegeta took a step forward, reached across the counter and pulled the glass from her hands, downing the remainder of the contents in a single gulp. Before she could question his behavior, a voice drew her attention.
“Good morning!” Bulma greeted happily, strolling into the room and joining them at the bar. She raised a brow at the prince as he set the now empty glass on the counter top. “Rough night?”
Chi Chi continued to stare at the Saiyan, who only shrugged in response to his wife’s question.
“So, what’s for breakfast?” Bulma continued, peering over the top of the menu that Vegeta held in his hand. Vegeta nodded in Chi Chi’s direction.
“Whatever she makes,” he replied disinterestedly, tossing the menu card onto the counter.
Chi Chi frowned, rising from her chair. Amazingly, she no longer felt nauseous, weak or woozy, and she feigned irritation with the prince as she crossed to the refrigerator.
“Well, get out of the kitchen and I will call you when it’s ready,” she said sternly, waving Bulma and Vegeta from the room. “Why both of you are even in this kitchen so early is beyond me.”
“I’m always up this early,” Vegeta grumbled, being pulled from the room by Bulma. His wife giggled at the situation -- being kicked out of the kitchen by Chi Chi -- but she quickly sobered, stopping so abruptly that Vegeta nearly ran in to her. He caught himself and reflexively put his arm around her to keep her from falling.
“Dammit, woman,” he grumbled. “Warn me next time.”
Bulma didn’t respond. Vegeta watched her, an awed look on her face, as she placed her hands over his.
“What?” Vegeta spoke questioningly, uneasy with her behavior. Bulma took hold of his left hand.
“You are wearing your wedding ring,” she whispered. “That is so... so...” She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
Vegeta grimaced in annoyance.
“Because it’s mine,” he defended. “You purchased it for me, did you not?”
Bulma smiled widely.
“Yes, I bought it for you,” she said, sliding her arms around his neck and leaning in to him. “I just can’t imagine why you are wearing it.”
Vegeta didn’t answer, keeping his arms folded across his chest as she held on to him. How did he explain that it had taken a third party to make him feel that he should do anything and everything in his power to return the love that was given to him? It was such a small gesture to wear the ring, but it was something that would mean a lot to the woman.
Vegeta pulled his arms out from within the comfort of his own space and brought them around his wife, his hands sliding up her arms and over her shoulders before rising to cup her face. He kept his eyes focused on hers as he drew her close, bringing her lips to his. Bulma’s eyes fluttered closed upon feeling Vegeta’s lips and the heat of his tongue sliding against her own. She sighed, relaxing against him as she returned his kiss. Ah, Vegeta and his distraction tactics...
“Fine,” she murmured, brushing her lips against his. “Keep it to yourself.” She smiled then. “Whatever it is, it’s fine by me.”
The prince leaned close for one last peck before smoothly pulling away and turning down the hall. Bulma knew such a hasty retreat meant company.
“Good morning,” she greeted Goku as the tall Saiyan emerged from the next room. Goku smiled, appearing slightly embarrassed at having interrupted their moment as he was well aware of where Vegeta’s ki signal had just been.
“’Morning,” he returned. “I hope I didn’t... I mean, you two didn’t have to stop talking on my account. I was just going into the kitchen.”
“We were done talking,” Bulma replied with a broad smile. “We were ejected from the kitchen. Good luck when you go in. And if, um, Vegeta and I are late for breakfast... go ahead and start without us.”
“O... okay,” he replied, watching her sprint away in the same direction in which Vegeta had gone. He tried not to give it much thought as he continued on into the next room. Chi Chi was gathering a vast array of ingredients and cooking vessels. She seemed surprised to see him and stopped working as he entered.
“What are you doing up so early?” she asked.
“I was hoping,” Goku admitted, moving to stand beside her and slipping his arms around her waist, “that I would catch you before you woke up to start breakfast... but I guess I didn’t hear you get up.” He hugged her gently, a smile on his face. “Must have been sleeping too good.”
Chi Chi felt the slightest twinge of guilt at the happy, loving look in his eyes.
“If I’d have know that you’d be up so early,” she returned, “I would have made sure to be in bed when you woke.”
“Maybe a nap is in order for later then,” he said suggestively, his hands sliding along her hips.
“Goku,” she admonished, blushing slightly as she looked to the door, hoping they would not be caught in such a private moment. Goku leaned down, giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“What’s for breakfast?” he asked, giving her another quick kiss before stepping away.
“It won’t be anything if I’m not given time to cook,” she replied, a slight smile still on her lips as she returned to her task. “What would you like?”
“Yes!” he answered with a grin, chuckling as she rolled her eyes. He leaned onto the counter, watching her quietly as she worked. There was something different about her this morning that he couldn’t place. It reminded him of the way she looked after Gohan was born: very calm. He wasn’t sure what exactly was different, but he was glad she seemed happy. The only thing he wanted was for his loved ones to be content.
“Chi Chi,” he spoke, drawing her attention from the eggs she was cracking into a pan.
“Yes, dear?”
Goku smiled warmly.
“I love you.”
Chi Chi returned the smile with equal affection. She always wanted to see that happy look of contentment on his face. Never again did she want him to know the anguish or pain that he had suffered in the recent past.
“I know,” she assured him. “I love you, too.”
Bulma moved swiftly up the stairs, hot on her husband's heels as he walked to their bedroom. Once inside the room, she shut the door and leaned back on it, watching Vegeta as he continued on into the bathroom. She couldn't stop the smile that pulled at her lips. Her husband was the most interesting, infuriating, amazing, chilling man she had ever met, and all his weird personality quirks and oddities thoroughly entertained her.Pushing away from the door, she gave a small skip before striding toward the bathroom and leaning onto the door frame. Vegeta ignored her, focusing instead on drying his hands before he fumbled to push his wedding ring down past his knuckle. Bulma's smile widened and she crossed to slip her arms around his waist.
"So... the ring?" she asked.
Vegeta gave a grumbling sigh, turning to pull the woman against him.
"I found it in a drawer," he explained. "Does it bother you?"
Bulma grinned, leaning against him.
"If it bothered me, I wouldn't have spent so many zeni on it all those years ago." She could see Vegeta's eyelids flutter as he rolled his eyes at her answer. "So tell me, Mr. Secrets. What, after twenty years of marriage, makes you want to wear that ring now?"
Vegeta stared down into his wife's eyes, and she stared back, her eyebrows raised encouragingly. He smirked, pulling her arms from around his waist and lifting them up to rest on his shoulders. Bulma giggled, tightening her grip on him as his hands slid over her backside and he lifted her off of her feet. She smiled, leaning her head back as he nuzzled her throat and carried her to the bed.
"Distractions are dirty fighting, Your Highness," she laughed as he placed her on the mattress, lying down at her side.
"Well, you know what they say," he murmured, his lips against her flesh as he unbuttoned her blouse. "Anything worth fighting for, is worth fighting dirty for."
Bulma chuckled, running her hand through his hair affectionately. Vegeta looked up at her, his smirk gone, his expression nothing less than genuine contentment. He kissed her again, this time on the shoulder, before he spoke.
"It means something to you..." he began, his eyes following where his fingertips brushed against her throat instead on focusing on her eyes. "Being your husband means something to me..."
Bulma smiled, pulling closer to him but remaining silent to encourage further speech. He didn't speak right away, but continued to lightly caress her skin. Vegeta was silent for so long, Bulma began to think that they wouldn't speak again before they were summoned back for breakfast.
Settling back against her husband’s body, Bulma let her hand fall to rest in his. A smile tugged at her mouth upon feeling her ring catch against his. She had a feeling Vegeta didn't know himself why he had the ring on.
“I'm responsible for him now, you know,”
The abruptness of his words took them both by surprise. Bulma turned up to look at him. The prince was frowning slightly.
“I do not expect you to understand,” he continued. “It is not something that even I fully comprehend... but this is the path I created by my own action, and I will not retreat from the consequences that have appeared...” His dark eyes held hers with the intensity of their gaze. “I need you toknow that nothing now or ever to come could diminish my affection for you... could change what you are to me.”
Bulma smiled faintly.
“Of course I know that, Vegeta,” she told him. “What is it that you think would make me feel otherwise?”
Vegeta leaned onto his elbow, his brow furrowing as he contemplated how to answer her question. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
"Kakkarot’s wife told me that she would like me to... assume responsibility for him in her absence." Bulma's mouth dropped open as he spoke. "And she told me, quite matter of factly, that she believes his feelings for me are more than... friendship." The crease in his forehead deepened as he continued. “...How can I refuse her request after what I have done?”
Bulma stared at him, slack-jawed, for several seconds.
"She gave you permission."
The prince grimaced.
"Permission to what?" he returned, partially out of curiosity.
"Permission to... explore a relationship with Goku that's more... than that of mutual parents... possibly... more like..." She shrugged, but her eyebrows gave a suggestive twitch.
Vegeta put a hand to his forehead, rubbing the muscles there that suddenly seemed very tight and tense. Bulma watched him with concern, trying to determine what was going on in the prince's mind. This was certainly something neither of them had to see coming. Vegeta or Chi Chi.
Vegeta's voice was low as he spoke, his hand still covering his eyes.
"This... was not supposed to happen." Bulma slipped her arms around her husband and lay her head against his chest, listening to him as he continued to speak. "...I understand my duty, but...I don't know if I can be... what I'm expected to be..."
Bulma pulled far enough away from him to get a good look at his face, which was still partially obscured by his hand.
"No one expects more of you that what you can do. Vegeta, I -- " She stopped, gently pulling his hand from his eyes. "I talked to Chi Chi once about this too."
Vegeta's eyebrows rose slightly.
Bulma sat up, turning toward him and pulling her legs under her.
"Just like me, she wants to know that Goku is going to have someone to be in that part of his life after ours is over." She could see he was about to respond, and quickly she placed her fingertips to his lips as she continued. "And yes, I know that we never know what's going to happen and I'm just as likely to outlive you -- not that I really believe it -- but Vegeta... I know that you and Goku care about each other. And it's not unrealistic to think that you can fall in love more than once in your life..." She smiled softly at him, his dark eyes locked on her. "I know that you want to take care of him, as your children's mother... I know that he is important to you... I know that the Saiyans understood these things, too."
Vegeta groaned, sitting up next to his wife. He ran a hand over his neck, before dropping it to rest on Bulma's thigh. Bulma tilted her head, looking for some indication of what he was feeling. She leaned forward, giving him a small kiss on his shoulder.
"I know you worry about being a good husband, just as you worry about being a good father," she told him. "I know that your father didn't set a good example for either -- what you can remember of him, I mean." Vegeta shifted his eyes away from her, before turning his head away too. "But you are not like him at all. You want to take care of your family. And I think that's wonderful."
Vegeta cleared his throat, not turning back to her and speaking in a gruff tone.
"Why are you so... understanding?"
Bulma smiled, resting her head against his arm.
"Because I'm Bulma Briefs," she explained with a smile. "I'm perfect."
Vegeta shook his head, turning to the woman and pulling her into his arms. His mouth captured hers and he kissed her passionately, holding her close. The guttural Saiyan words that passed his lips sent a chill up Bulma's spine, and the heat of his breath tickled her ear. She didn't know what he might have said, but when he couldn't speak to her in a language she could understand, she knew it was from his heart.
"Every day I have you more than compensates for the eternity I will spend in hell."
Breakfast didn't have a chance to become awkward, since little time was available to focus on anything other than the twins - specifically Vejita. The rambunctious blonde chattered on in his limited vocabulary, succeeding in bringing the table to hysterics. The prince himself had, once, nearly smiled. The rest of the day followed suit, with everyone going about their own concerns.In the afternoon, Chi Chi took a break from her chores. Having found a renewed vigor from Vegeta's hangover concoction, she decided to take some time to relax with her sewing before starting in on preparations for lunch.
The den was presently occupied by Bulma, who was dressed in a comfy looking track suit and curled up on the sofa in front of the TV. When she caught sight of the younger woman, she smiled and motioned for her to sit.
“Come join me,” she invited, patting the cushion at her side.
Chi Chi raised an eyebrow at the program as she crossed to sit beside the other woman. Bulma was watching some sort of game show; three pairs of contestants sat in their little stations, listening as the emcee explained the rules and detailed the fabulous prizes.
“What is this?” Chi Chi asked, waving her hand to decline the offered bowl of popcorn.
“Match-Mate,” Bulma replied, popping a puffed kernel into her mouth. “Three married coupled answer questions about their spouses to see who knows their partner best. I love this show!” She gave a proud smirk. “Vegeta and I would clean up in this game!”
Chi Chi's eyes widened in amazement at Bulma's declaration as the first question was asked.
“What would your spouse say is the sexiest part of your body?”
“None of your damn business, vulgar human!” Bulma announced in a gruff Vegeta imitation, before chuckling in self amusement.
Chi Chi smiled. That did sound like the prince.
When the contestants wrote down their answers, the host asked the next question.
“What would your spouse say is the perfect number of times a week to make 'whoopee'?”
To which Bulma-Vegeta replied:
“Gallick gun!”
Chi Chi couldn't help but giggle at Bulma's shriek of laughter, even though she completely understood Vegeta's feelings about the impropriety of such a question.
“Whatcha’ watching?” Goku asked, already smiling at their laughter.
“A horrible game show,” Chi Chi answered him, moving over as he plopped down between her and the prince's wife. “Where married people share inappropriate things with the world for cash.”
“And prizes,” Bulma added, tilting the popcorn bowl so it was easier for Goku to grab a handful.
“Inappropriate how?” he asked around a mouthful of the snack.
Bulma grinned.
“Like, 'Does your mate prefer a.m. or p.m. whoopee?'” Goku snorted in amusement at her choice of words. Bulma continued in her announcer-like tone, “Or, 'Does your mate prefer you to be a kitten or tiger in bed?' or 'How many people does your mate think you've made whoopee with before him?'--”
“Final. Flash.”
The three turned at the dead-pan tone of Vegeta's voice. The prince was walking casually into the room, arms folded across his chest and an unamused frown on his face. Bulma turned happily to Chi Chi.
“We would so win!”
Chi Chi brought a hand to her lips to cover her smile.
Vegeta continued on into the room, ignoring his wife's wide grin. Bulma groaned as Vegeta relieved her of the television remote and turned off the set.
“Can we help you?” she asked grumpily, pulling a throw around her and snuggling back into the plush sofa.
Vegeta surveyed the scene before him. Chi Chi, Goku and Bulma stared back at him, patiently waiting for his next word.
“I'm glad that I found the three of you together,” he began calmly, settling down in a chair across from the sofa. “There is something the four of us need to discuss.”
“Is everything okay?” Goku asked uneasily. The last time there was a four-way discussion, it was about splitting up as a family. Thankfully, they decided against it, but a part of him always feared that it would happen.
“Nothing is wrong,” Vegeta answered plainly, shaking his head.
“Vegeta,” Bulma spoke, drawing his eye. “Whatever it is, as a family, I'm sure we can work though it.”
Goku nodded enthusiastically in agreement, even though his gut still felt queasy. Vegeta gave a short nod, his arms pulling closer to his body.
“It is nothing to be as serious as that over,” he said, grimacing. “It is just something that I felt I should discuss with all three of you present, since it concerns everyone...”
Chi Chi felt a slight nervousness in her stomach, wondering if he were going to bring up what the two of them had discussed the night before. She took a deep breath, releasing it quietly; it had to be discussed between all four of them eventually, so there was little point putting it off.
“I have decided,” he began again, taking a deep breath before continuing, “that I will be sending Daikkon after his belongings on his home world.” Bulma's brows rose in surprise. She hadn't even had the chance to bring the idea up with him, after she had told Daikkon that she would.
“That's great, Vegeta!” Goku spoke enthusiastically. “I'm really happy that you've decided to let him go.”
Vegeta turned to Chi Chi, already anticipating the serious look on her face.
“Your concern?” he asked dryly.
She sighed.
“You're certainly not sending him alone, Vegeta,” she spoke in a slightly stern manner. “Now, I'm not making any assertions about the young man's reliability or possible motives, but I don't think it's wise to just send him out into the universe in a brand new space ship.”
“I agree,” Vegeta replied, with a nod of his head. The response caused looks of surprise from the other three. “Which is why I'll be going with him.”
“What?!” Bulma exclaimed. “Daikkon isn't unreliable.”
Vegeta's expression darkened, but Chi Chi gave the rebuttal.
“It's not that anyone thinks he's unreliable,” she explained, earning a smirk of disbelief from the older woman. “But there is nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution.”
“Well, I could go with him,” Goku spoke earnestly. Vegeta made a short grunting noise that obviously negated the offer.
“It's not an adventure cruise,” the prince replied. “It's just a retrieval mission to pick up the boy's personal effects and to bring back any historical texts that will give us a little more ... insight... into Saiyan customs and practices.” He shifted slightly. Only Bulma picked up on the almost imperceptible movement, and she knew that it meant he was uncomfortable with what he was saying. She remained quiet, letting him express what he wanted to discuss. “I know that our children have shown an interest in learning Saiyan history, and I think that we might want something more reliable that the second class's secondhand recollections.”
“I definitely think that having a broader variety of materials for information is not a bad idea,” Bulma commented with a shrug. A smile tugged at her lips as she continued. “There might even be some subjects about Saiyans that we didn't even know we wanted to know.”
Vegeta nodded, his eyes reflecting his gratitude for her agreement.
Chi Chi brought the attention to herself with an inquiry for the prince.
“When were you planning on taking this trip?” she asked, concerned. “The children are still so young...”
“Not until the summer,” he replied. “By then, Ninji and Vejita will be beyond toilet training - hopefully - and easier to manage. I don't anticipate being gone for very long.”
Bulma tapped her finger against her chin as she thought, and she mused aloud.
“I would have to get with Daikkon to determine the coordinates of his home planet... That will tell us what kind of flight time you can expect, and then we can factor in how much time you will want to spend on planet --”
“Not much,” Vegeta answered sourly. Bulma grimaced.
“You will give that man some time to be with his family,” she stated firmly.
“He can stay for all I care,” Vegeta replied with a frown.
“Oh that's nice, honey,” Bulma said with the shake of her head. “Take his things and ditch him. Real classy.”
Vegeta scowled at her words, but didn't reply.
“Um... can I say something?” Goku broke in, raising his hand to gain their attention.
“Go ahead, dear,” Chi Chi encouraged.
Goku smiled a bit nervously as he spoke.
“I just want to start by saying I think that this is a great idea.” he began, looking from Bulma to Chi Chi and finally to the prince. “I can't wait to actually read a book about Saiyans, written by Saiyans --” He paused. “Do you think the books are in Saiyan?”
Vegeta smirked.
“Probably.” He wondered momentarily if he would be able to read those books himself. It had been so long since he had the opportunity to see Saiyan script.
“Oh... well, anyway... I know I wouldn't mind seeing Daikkon's home planet --”
“No,” Vegeta broke in. “I don't think that would be wise.”
“You didn't even let me finish talking,” Goku informed him.
Vegeta sighed, looking to both of the women and seeing by their expressions that they agreed.
“Fine,” he spoke tightly. “Continue.”
“Thank you,” Goku replied. “Anyway, I know I wouldn't mind seeing Daikkon's home planet. I know he would like to visit his 'grandparents' and possibly make some sort of memorial for his mother.” Vegeta shifted again, his discomfort now obvious. “And while I understand that you may not entirely trust all of Daikkon's actions, you can't completely ignore what he did for us.”
“True,” Bulma agreed.
Chi Chi watched the three of them speaking. It felt a bit strange to be having a discussion between the four of them, as if Vegeta really needed their input to decide on anything. Whether or not he would take their feelings into consideration, she had to give him credit for giving the appearance of caring about his family's point of view.
Chi Chi turned her eyes to the Saiyan prince, watching the look of forced patience as he listened to the others. She felt emotion swell in her chest at his effort, but she took a deep breath and pushed through the feeling.
“I have to admit,” she spoke thoughtfully, “that Goku has a point. It would be ungracious and uncharitable to not allow the young man time to properly grieve.” Goku smiled widely, until she finished speaking. “However, I don't think that you should be the one to accompany him, Goku.” She turned back to the prince. “I think that you should exercise a little bit more empathy for a fellow Saiyan.”
Vegeta's eyebrows raised slightly.
“True,” Bulma added.
The prince's mouth twitched as he considered what was said.
“Understood,” he spoke, crossing his arms. “I will add an additional five days to our flight time for such consideration. Is that acceptable?”
Bulma gave a shrug and a nod, and Chi Chi nodded as well. Goku was grimacing, his arms folded over his chest.
“Why can't I go?” he asked.
“Because the boys need their mother,” Vegeta replied plainly.
Goku was taken aback by the older Saiyan's words, and he fell quiet, unable to think of a counterargument at the moment.
“So we are in agreement, then?” Vegeta asked.
“I believe so,” Bulma answered. “I will get to work on plotting your flight path and making sure the ship is still space-worthy. With Trunks' and Daikkon's help, it shouldn't be too much of a task.”
“Good.” He turned then to Kakkarot's wife. “My absence shouldn't cause any inconvenience.”
“We'll make sure things run smoothly here,” she told him.
“Good,” he repeated. He stood, handing the remote control back to his wife. “You can resume whatever pointless vulgarity you were viewing.”
Bulma snatched the control from his hand, smiling.
“I'm a genius! I can watch whatever I want!... and we would totally kick ass on that show...”
Vegeta didn't comment, leaving the three of them as he found them. The women turned to Goku as he sat quietly between them.
“I want to go...” he said forlornly.
“I know, sweetheart,” Bulma said sympathetically. “We'll just have to have enough fun here that you don't think about it while they're gone.”
Goku gave her an incredulous look. With a sigh of resignation, he pulled himself from the sofa.
“I'm gonna go check on the boys,” he stated.
Bulma watched him leave, calling after him in a hopeful tone.
“It's a long while off, sweetie. He could always change his mind!”
He didn't respond, and Bulma once again sank back against the couch. The two women sat in silence a moment, the TV still turned off and Chi Chi quietly working on her needle point.
“Vegeta's plan seems to be for the best,” the dark-haired princess spoke casually, carefully pressing her needle into the stiff fabric. “I think that it's the most sensible approach.”
“I suppose,” Bulma agreed, pulling her feet up and wrapping her arms around her knees. “But I think he can be too cautious at times.”
“Better too cautious than too cavalier,” Chi Chi commented.
Bulma had to agree with her there, although she might not have twenty, or even ten years ago. But, she told herself, everything had to change at some point. And not all changes were bad. Bulma turned, watching Chi Chi as the younger woman sat stitching. Unable to go against her own nature, she decided to be blunt.
“Are you really okay with Vegeta and Goku...together?”
Chi Chi turned, wide-eyed, to look at her. Had the prince already informed Bulma of her outrageous behavior of the previous night? Her expression of surprise quickly transformed into one of shame.
“I'm so sorry, Bulma,” she spoke. “After all that you have done for my family, I had no right to approach Vegeta about that without consulting with you... I was only thinking of Goku --”
Bulma waved her hand, halting the other's speech.
“No, no,” she told her softly, “don't get me wrong. I never thought anything like that.” She scooted over on the sofa, lowering her voice to ensure they wouldn't be overheard. “Besides, I've already told you once how I view this subject. I just want to make sure that you are truly okay with what you've asked. Because once Vegeta makes up his mind to do something... he's going to do it.”
“I've made up my mind as well,” Chi Chi replied, her eyes still downcast in embarrassment. “But that gave me no right to approach Vegeta and not you.”
“Well,” Bulma replied, with a small shrug, “if it helps you to hear me say it's forgiven, then I'll say it: It's forgiven. But believe me, if you'd have said anything to me first, Vegeta would have been offended and mortified.”
Chi Chi's smiled weakly at her words.
“He is unique,” she commented.
“Yep,” Bulma agreed, sitting back and turning on the television. “One-of-a-kind.”
Chi Chi turned away from her, looking back down to the project in her lap. Even with Bulma's reassurance, she felt her behavior had earned her a least a little more reproach. What had come over her that made her feel as though she could approach the prince informally?... Aside from the alcohol, that is...
Bulma reached over and gave the princess's arm a squeeze, without taking her eyes from the television. Chi Chi gave a small smile of gratitude for the other woman's graciousness, but both remained silent.
Perhaps with the many changes that were taking place in their lives recently, one of them would be the friendship that Goku had always wanted for the two most important girls in his life.
The boys were still peacefully napping when Goku stopped in to check on them. Their little faces looked quite angelic in sleep and brought a smile to their mother's face. He sat down on the side of the bed, carefully pulling the blanket around their shoulders.He knew the boys needed him, just as Vegeta said, but didn't they need their father as well? Wasn't the prince just as important? Didn't he know that?
By summer, the two toddlers would be roughly 4 ½ years old - big enough to be taken care of by someone other than him. Besides, having some alone time to bond with their father would be good for them.
With his argument laid out in his head, Goku rose from the bedside and went to speak with Vegeta. From the location of his ki signature, the prince was in the gravity chamber on the opposite end of the house. Goku decided against instant transmission, opting instead to knock on the thick metal door. There was a moment of silence before the door opened and Vegeta stood grim faced on the other side.
“I've been expecting you,” he said dryly, turning from the door.
“Really?” Goku asked, amazed, following the shorter Saiyan into the large training chamber. The door hissed shut behind him. “What for?”
“Is it not obvious?” Vegeta asked, raising an eyebrow. “You're here to plead your case for accompanying the second class into space, right?”
Goku grimaced. He should have expected Vegeta to guess his motives.
“No,” he said, slightly aloof, hoping to sound sincere. “I was wondering if you wanted to spar?”
Vegeta stared at the tall Saiyan for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the truth in his words.
“Fine,” he answered.
“Awesome,” Goku replied happily, dropping down to stretch out the muscles in his legs. Vegeta turned, moving across the room to the console at the far end. He activated a door on the wall and pulled a training suit from within. “What were you gonna do in here?” Goku asked, watching the prince as he pulled off his casual day clothes.
“I was going to train in the gravity simulator...” He unfolded the synthetic training suit and began to pull it on. “I like to keep in practice.”
“Hmm...” Goku marveled for a moment as the impossibly small training suit stretched over the expanse of the prince's muscles. The navy fabric covered from ankle to throat, but left the arms bare from the shoulder. Goku remembered how comfortable those suits had been; it was no wonder that Vegeta continued to wear them. “You seem kind of sidetracked today,” Goku commented casually as he watched Vegeta pull on his boots. The prince grimaced, his brow furrowing as he turned to the younger man. “I mean,” Goku added quickly, “it seems like you... have something on your mind...”
Vegeta shrugged, walking to the center of the room.
“This and that, I suppose,” he answered vaguely. “Nothing of too much concern.”
Goku gave the prince's words some thought. Vegeta usually put more into what he said than one might expect.
“Anything you want to talk about?” Goku asked, crouching down into a defensive posture, waiting for the other man to either answer or attack.
Vegeta considered the question. Should he tell the other Saiyan that their wives were not opposed to seeing a deeper relationship form between them? That a more domestic connection was not only encouraged, but anticipated?
“Maybe later.”
Goku let the first punch land squarely in his chest. He was braced for it, so the pain radiating through him was less intense, giving him better reaction time to return the gesture. With one sweep of his arm, he sent the shorter man careening across the empty space. Vegeta quickly regained his footing, launching himself back toward the other Saiyan.
A flurry of punches and kicks ensued, only half a dozen actually connecting while the others were dodged or blocked. The two Saiyans seemed to find a common rhythm, neither raising ki, but merely appreciating the skill and art of a near evenly matched battle.
While still certain he was a more technically skilled fighter, Vegeta had to accept - without too much bitterness now - that Kakkarot was stronger. Having him as an ally was much more advantageous than having him as an enemy. Vegeta was unsure of what advantage his presence brought to the younger fighter - Kakkarot had everything. What could he do?
In the fraction of a second that Vegeta lost focus, Goku thrust out both of his hands, the heels of his palms connecting brutally with Vegeta's breastbone and sending the prince crashing into the far wall.
Vegeta cursed, pulling himself to his feet. Goku chuckled, considering the move a lucky shot. He was ready for round two.
Pulling his T-shirt over his head, Goku used the fabric to wipe the sweat from his face and neck before tossing it aside and crouching back down. He wasn't sure if Vegeta would make the next move, so he did.
In the blink of an eye, once again flesh met flesh and a barrage of attacks passed in the span of seconds. Vegeta was determined to be the one to break the momentum this time, so he dropped, letting Kakkarot's next strike throw him off balance as he punched empty air. Vegeta grabbed the other Saiyan by the leg, flipping him onto his back. Goku felt the air rush from his lungs as he hit the floor. He just barely caught a glimpse of the prince's smirk before he reached out and grabbed the closest ankle, bringing Vegeta to his knees.
Both men got to their feet, each watching the other warily. While they had become accustomed to each other's fighting style and technique, the thrill of battle between them never lost its allure.
Slowly, Goku sank back down into a defensive stance. Vegeta took a defensive posture as well, his eyes trained on Kakkarot, watching for any minute movement in the younger man's taut frame. The younger Saiyan was breathing deeply and he rocked gently on the balls of his feet, waiting for a moment to strike. Vegeta was as still as stone, his eyes boring into his opponent's; a bead of sweat rolled down his arm, raising goosebumps on his work-warmed skin.
Goku attacked.
The first punch was dodged, but the second landed on the prince's left cheek. A sweep of his arm knocked Goku's fist away, and his own collided with the taller man's ribs. Goku gave a short huff of laughter, even as the pain bloomed in his side. Vegeta, too, was smiling, but the next simultaneous punch sent both men staggering.
Vegeta shook the sweat from his hair, bringing a hand up to his tender jaw as he eyed his sparring partner. Kakkarot was still grinning, pressing a hand to his opposite shoulder as he rotated the aching joint. It was a pleasant feeling to know that there was someone else who enjoyed a good fight as much as he, someone who understood the pleasure that came with a certain measure of pain. And the real fight had yet to begin; this was only foreplay.
Vegeta's smile disappeared, but he continued to stare across the gravity room at the third class. Kakkarot was stretching his arms over his head, the joy of impending battle evident on his face. But the prince remembered how their last solo sparring match had ended, and he had to fight the memory lest his body begin to remember as well. Irritation now began to seep into the prince's mood, and his neutral expression transformed into a scowl. Would he ever be able to spend a moment alone with the other Saiyan without evoking the imagery of well muscled bodies and sweat-soaked skin doing something other than fighting?
Unfortunately, Vegeta only knew one remedy for sexual tension...
Goku tilted his head to the side as he watched his friend's manner change quickly from engaging to reticent. He stood upright, relaxing his body from its battle-ready mode.
“Vegeta? Y'alright?”
Vegeta looked up as if he had forgotten the other Saiyan was in the room. With a frown, he shook his head. Goku didn't move.
“You sure?” he pressed gently. Experience told him that there was definitely something more to the prince's behavior.
“I'm sure,” Vegeta replied sourly, folding his arms over his chest. “I just realized that this is not the training I had intended...I... I like to keep on schedule.”
Goku grinned.
“Something new and different is a refreshing way to take a break from the monotony of routine,” he declared. Vegeta raised a brow.
Goku shrugged.
“That's what Chi Chi tells me when she wants me to do some chores,” he explained.
“I see.”
Goku watched his companion rub the back of his neck as he turned to the computer control panel. Did Vegeta really just want to get back to his own training? Goku was having too much fun to stop now. Being in the older Saiyan's company was contenting and thrilling all at the same time - whether sparring or talking or just being. Goku felt he was really growing closer the prince. It seemed that each time they met, a little more of the real Vegeta was exposed.
Maybe that was the prince's worry? That any deeper familiarity between the two was something Vegeta didn't wish?... Or maybe what he didn’t want was to end up, once again, pinned beneath the third class's weight.
Goku blushed at the memory. Vegeta had seemed more flustered by the incident than angered by it, at the time. And both men were certainly surprised by their reactions. Goku was more than confused by how his body had pulsed with longing, was so quick to ache with desire at being intimately close to the prince.
He was handsome, though...
Goku's head tilted to the side as he watched Vegeta poised over the control panel. A warmth rose to his skin and spread through his chest as his eyes moved from simply looking, to really seeing the other man. He was handsome. He wasn't perfect, far from it, but he had come so far. And it was the length of the journey and the magnitude of the obstacles he had overcome that made his effort all the more impressive. Goku would have to say he was proud of him, and he was looking forward to the rest of the journey together.
Goku's brows drew together as he thought. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Vegeta... was that what he meant?
The prince turned toward his quiet companion, curious as to why the normally chatty Saiyan had gone silent. Goku was staring at him, an odd, unreadable expression on his face. Neither spoke.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Bulma's voice announced over the house intercom, “but I got two little Saiyans who are hungry and looking for their mom.”
Goku smiled.
“I'll be right there, Bulma,” he replied, pulling his shirt from the floor. He turned back to Vegeta, who looked rather resigned. “Are you sure everything is alright?” he asked.
Vegeta took a deep breath and gave a nod.
“Yes,” he answered with certainty. “I'll be in right after you.”
Goku watched him for a moment, before nodding and turning from the room. Vegeta released a sigh once the door hissed closed and he was left alone. Everything was alright, wasn't it? The universe seemed to be holding out a king's ransom in recompense for his hardships, but he was beginning to wonder if even his suffering would be worth such compensation... and he wasn't sure he was completely comfortable with the idea yet.
However, while his head was still meditating on the complexities of their unique situation, his body's vote was to get on with it already.
Vegeta put the present issue out of his mind; his head was still in charge of how he reacted for the moment.
For the moment.
Goten kneeled down in front of the fire place, nudging the logs with a metal iron until he was satisfied with the roar of the fire. Shutting the screen, he stood and turned away from the flames.The ‘cabin’ that Trunks had rented for their holiday was more like a penthouse than the rustic picture that came to mind. The kitchen had professional quality appliances, the bathroom was a miniature spa, and the bedroom was like a warm oasis in the middle of a winter wonderland. Directly across from the crackling fireplace was a king-sized bed, covered in thick fluffy blankets. Goten placed his hands on his hips as he stared at the bed, his mind beginning to wander as his eyes lost focus. The two of them had been on their ‘mini-vacation’ for two days and two nights now. Tonight would be night three, and the day after tomorrow they would be headed home, leaving behind the many exciting pursuits that being on a secluded mountain lodge afforded.
Sex wasn’t one of them.
Goten sighed, slipping his hands down into his pockets. He felt silly now, having thought that Trunks had actually arranged this time away for them to have an uninterrupted opportunity to become more intimate. He was disappointed, of course, but since Trunks hadn’t mentioned it again, he didn’t want to press the issue. He didn’t want to rush things, even if the timing for him felt right. He would wait, and enjoy their time together - whatever it may entail.
“Did you get the fire started?” Trunks asked, strolling into the room and pulling the younger Saiyan from his thoughts.
“Yep!” Goten answered quickly, turning to his friend and giving a smile. “How was your shower?”
“Nice, warm and soothing,” Trunks answered, handing the younger Saiyan a cup of coffee. “And did I ever need the soothing part! I’m not fond enough of the cold to be much of a snowboarder.”
“Ah, you were great,” Goten told him, grinning. “You wiped out so gracefully...each and every time.”
“Jerk,” Trunks grumbled, although he smiled as well.
Goten watched the older Saiyan as he placed his coffee mug on the bedside table, picked up the lodge pamphlet and reclined on the bed. Goten pushed his free hand back down into his pocket and took a sip from his cup.
“So...” he began again. “What would you like to do now?”
Trunks shrugged, not looking up from his reading as he answered.
“I don’t know. What do you want to do? They’ve got a really good selection of movies on their ‘digital recall’ system... and it says here that they're holding a poker tournament in the main lodge.” Trunks looked up for an answer as Goten was now at his side. The teen sat his mug next to the prince’s and took the pamphlet from his hands.
“Sounds great,” Goten spoke, placing one knee on the bed before bringing the other over to straddle Trunks’ lap. “What else do ya got?”
Trunks smiled.
“Well...” he began, leaning back against the headboard as Goten began kissing his neck. “We could... play chess.”
“Mmm...” was all the younger Saiyan remarked as he continued to taste the flesh of his lover’s throat.
“Yeah,” Trunks continued, wrapping his arms around Goten. “Or checkers.”
“Sign-me-up,” came Goten’s chuckling reply, as he leaned back and looked into the other Saiyan’s eyes. Goten smiled at his friend, pushing the lavender hair back from his face. Without another word, he leaned in and hugged Trunks, resting against him. Trunks smiled.
“You tired?” he asked, idly running his hands up and down the length of Goten’s back. Goten sighed, taking a moment to respond.
“Eh... not really.” He sat back up, looking down at the other boy. “You?”
Trunks shook his head.
“You wanna watch a movie?” Goten continued, slipping off Trunks’ lap and settling at his side. The younger Saiyan picked up the remote and activated the wide-screen television that dropped down from its concealed slot in the ceiling and came to rest above the mantle. “Sweet,” he commented, bringing up the on-screen display and scrolling through the movie titles.
Trunks stood from the bed, pulling back the covers and arranging the pillows before rejoining his friend. He placed an arm around Goten, and the teen rested comfortably against him as he selected the feature and dropped the remote at his side. The two watched quietly through the movie’s title sequence. Goten situated himself so he was also beneath the blankets, leaning back into Trunks and resting a hand on his thigh. Trunks gave him an affectionate kiss on the temple, and they focused their attention on the movie screen.
Idly, Goten ran his hand up and down Trunks’ thigh, gently massaging the muscle. It wasn’t long before his mind was no longer occupied with the feature presentation, but with the muscle beneath his palm. With each stroke, he moved his hand further up the prince’s thigh, massaging his way purposely back down. Without warning, Trunks turned the TV off and turned to look at his friend.
“We need to talk,” he spoke, taking a deep breath. “I mean... there is something I have to ask you.”
Goten pulled away, turning so he could look Trunks head-on.
“Shoot,” he answered, concerned by Trunks’ unusually hesitant manner. “What’s on your mind?”
Trunks sighed, giving a shrug as he leaned back against the headboard.
“Well... I feel silly saying anything,” he began, turning his eyes away from Goten’s and focusing on the comforter covering his lap. “It’s just... I thought that this weekend would be sort of... different....”
Goten’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Well, yeah,” Trunks replied a little sheepishly. “I mean... I thought you understood that....”
Goten laughed, shaking his head at the situation.
“How come you never said anything before now!?”
Trunks grimaced.
“I asked you what you wanted to do, and you never said anything!”
Goten continued to chuckle.
“You never asked what I wanted to do,” he clarified. “You gave me options. You asked if I wanted to ski, snowboard, go to a movie, go out to dinner, go hiking -- lots of activities that left us completely exhausted by bedtime. You never once asked if I wanted to have sex!”
Trunks frowned, unaffected by Goten’s smile.
“Well, that would have been a little... vulgar of me,” he replied. “I was waiting for you to say something. I mean, you always do.”
“Boy,” Goten mused, his smile widening. “We’ve never been closer, but our communication skills have never sucked more.”
The comment finally earned a smile from the older Saiyan.
“Agreed. I just didn’t... I didn’t want you to feel pressured... or that it was expected....”
“So what made you need to bring it up now?” Goten inquired with a grin. Trunks’ frown returned.
“...The way you were rubbing my thigh,” he answered flatly.
Goten laughed heartily as he moved from his side of the bed. He was on Trunks in an instant, cupping his face and kissing him ardently.
“Then who are we fooling?” he asked, a little breathless in his intensity. “By the Kais, I want you.”
Trunks didn’t give a verbal reply, instead he pulled the younger Saiyan back toward himself, returning the passion he has just received. Several long moments of heated kisses calmed into a simmering, sensual exchange as the pair lay back onto the bed. They’d had moments of intimacy during their trip, but somehow this felt brand new.
Goten pulled away, taking a deep breath as he looked into Trunks’ eyes.
“I... I want this to be special,” he spoke in a whisper, as though they were not the only two in the cabin.
“I think it will be,” Trunks assured him, gently brushing the backs of his fingers across Goten’s cheek. “I mean, how couldn’t it?”
Goten shrugged, looking around the bedroom.
“We need... candles or something, right?” he asked, rolling off the bed. Trunks gave an amused smirk as he watched the younger Saiyan search the room.
“We have a fireplace,” he pointed out.
“That only counts if you’re having sex in front of it,” Goten insisted, disappearing into the bathroom. “And in that case,” he called, “we’re missing a bearskin rug.” He returned in a less than a minute with two plain votives and a self-satisfied smile. He paused by his suitcase, knelt down and rummaged in the front compartment. Another smile lit his handsome face as he tossed a small bottle into the air and caught it.
“What is that?” Trunks inquired, although he was pretty certain he knew the answer.
“At fifteen zeni an ounce,” Goten replied with a smirk, “it better be magic.”
“I knew you understood...” Trunks chuckled, shaking his head as Goten set the candles on the bedside table and lit them with a match from the fireplace. When he turned off the lamp, the firelight cast a warm red glow in the room.
“Huh?” Goten said with a smile. “Romantic? Whaddaya think?”
“Nice,” Trunks replied, wrapping his arms around his friend as Goten lay over him. “Very nice.”
Goten couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he leaned in to kiss Trunks. Just kissing him was enough to satisfy the younger Saiyan for hours.
Well, almost enough.
Goten made quick work of the buttons on Trunks’ shirt, but made a point to kiss every inch of flesh he exposed as he pushed the fabric out of the way. Trunks enjoyed the sensation, giving a moan of appreciation as he watched his lover move further down his body. Warm fingertips trailed over his skin, and the lavender-haired Saiyan groaned at the sensation of Goten rubbing his check against his groin -- as a cat would mark an object as its own. Trunks lovingly stroked his hand through Goten’s hair.
“Hey,” he whispered, gaining the teen’s attention. “Come up here.”
Goten grinned, pulling himself back up the length of Trunks’ body. Trunks gently urged Goten onto his side, and the two young Saiyans worked on undressing each other. Their movements were slow, hands and mouths exploring bare flesh as if it was the first time, but with a sense of purpose that betrayed their experience with each other.
Goten turned his face against Trunks’, seeking out his mouth and aggressively devouring him with a kiss, as the sense of need increased within him. Goten kissed across Trunks’ cheek, running his tongue along the curve of the older Saiyan’s ear before giving a hesitant whisper.
“I, uh... I also brought condoms.”
Trunks smiled, gently pressing his lips to Goten’s.
“I don’t think we’ll need them,” he spoke, giving another kiss. “I mean... I can’t get pregnant...”
Goten smirked.
“So, no performance pressure for me, eh?”
“No pressure,” Trunks replied, gently massaging Goten’s arm as he spoke. “You seem to be a quick learner.”
“Ah, don’t give me all the credit,” Goten chuckled. “We have been getting lots of practice.”
“Hmmm....” Trunks’ answer melted into a moan as Goten turned his attention to the flesh of the older Saiyan’s throat. He was right: With Trunks’ anatomical knowledge and Goten’s rabid ‘anything goes’ curiosity, they had quickly become comfortable with each other’s bodies. Continued attempts to ignore the desire that they felt for each had become nearly impossible, and both realized it was pointless as well.
Soft kisses and gentle exploration quickly transitioned back into passionate tasting and purposeful grinding that left both young men breathless.
Goten sat up, resting on his knees as he thumbed open the small bottle of lubricant that he picked up from the night stand. He poured out a sizable amount of the clear fluid, rocking it back and forth to spread the gel from his palm to his fingers. Dropping his hand, he spread the slick liquid over his erection.
Goten gave the older Saiyan a soft smile, leaning down to kiss the young prince as he moved his hand to thoroughly spread the lubricant where their bodies would meet. There was little resistance from the body beneath him, and Goten used his fingers to simultaneously arouse and relax. His erection ached in anticipation, but he wanted Trunks to be comfortable -- wanted this to be everything they had imagined.
Goten looked down at Trunks as the older Saiyan gently pushed him away so he could speak.
“If I wasn’t your best friend today,” Trunks told him, an impish smile on his flushed face, “I bet I will be tomorrow.”
Goten grinned widely, a hefty portion of his anxiety passing with the chuckle that escaped him.
“Ya think?” he asked, giving a playful nip to the other boy’s mouth.
“Mm,” Trunk agreed, pausing a moment to appreciate the jolt of pleasure that radiated from where Goten’s fingers continued to probe. “...but will you still respect me in the morning?”
“Oh, baby,” Goten answered, moving to settle closer between his thighs, “who says I respect you now?”
The laughter the two shared at the comment soon settled, and once again the pair was consumed with kissing each other.
With slight trepidation, Goten took hold of his erection, guiding himself to Trunks’ ready entrance. Gently he nudged forward, holding his breath as he increased the pressure. Trunks closed his fingers around Goten’s biceps, breathing steadily in anticipation.
“You... you know I really love you, right?” Goten murmured, looking down into the prince’s half-lidded eyes. Trunk gave a slight smile before his lips parted in a sharp intake of breath. Goten paused.
“You sure talk a lot,” Trunks commented, his smile returning as he made a conscious effort to relax.
“Don’t scare me like that,” Goten grumbled. Trunks reached up, ran his fingers through Goten’s spiky hair and pulled him close. Their lips met and they melted into each other, the levity fading away as they moved together. Slowly Goten eased into the body beneath him. He was guarded in his movements, gauging each motion by the grip Trunks kept on his arms. It was not long before Trunks’ fingers were no longer pressed into his biceps and his hands were pulling the younger Saiyan closer.
The two gave in to each other, any fears or anxiety forgotten and quickly replaced with a mutual, burning need for release.
Goten let his fingers glide over the other man's body. Down his thigh, over the sensitive skin of his sides, across the hard muscles of his chest. Slowly and carefully, he sought out what gave Trunks the most pleasure as he continued his gentle pace inside him. Goten slid his hand over Trunks’ abdomen, feeling the muscles contract beneath his fingertips each time he thrust into the prince’s tight heat. His hand moved further down, closing around the older Saiyan’s weeping shaft. He didn’t know how much longer he was going to last, and he didn’t want to be along in his pleasure.
Trunks was gasping, moaning -- the overload of sensation was now to the point of being intensely, pleasantly uncomfortable. He turned his face from Goten’s, unable to concentrate on kissing when the tight coil in his stomach felt like it was ready to spring. Trunks’ hands slid down Goten’s back, resting on his hips and urging him on.
Goten buried his face against the crook of Trunks’ neck, his eyes squeezing shut as he quickened each stroke of his hand. His resolve was crumbling, and he was unable to keep a steady pace as the tightening in his groin was driving him to distraction. Goten groaned, his hand stilling at the unexpected suddenness of his climax. The spasm seemed to travel through his entire body, the sharp feeling of contract and release being all he could focus on for the moment.
Trunks shifting beneath him quickly brought the younger Saiyan back to the present, and Goten returned to his manual ministrations, hoping Trunks’ pleasure would be as perfect as his own. The young prince began to moan, his hands now in his hair as he submitted to Goten’s manipulations. Any composure he imagined he had left broke, and he thrust into Goten’s fist as his body released between them.
Goten collapsed against Trunks’ chest, and they lay together until their labored breathing calmed and once again the room was filled only with the sound of the snapping fire.
Trunks groaned when Goten pulled away, resettling closely by his side. He turned to the dark haired Saiyan, a soft smile on his face as he brushed his fingertips across the teen’s cheek.
“I love you,” he murmured quietly, watching Goten turn his face against his hand and lay a kiss on his palm.
“...Me too.”
Trunk was quiet a moment, before hesitantly speaking.
“Are you... crying?”
Goten gave a huff of laughter, pulling the prince against him.
“No,” he insisted, resting his head on Trunks’ shoulder, molding himself comfortably against the warm body in his arms. “I just have something in my eye...”
Trunks continued to smile, his eyes slipping closed as he pulled Goten’s arm around him. There was beautiful silence between the two as sleep began to creep over them.
The moment was broken by Goten’s sudden exclamation.
Trunks was startled awake, and he turned to his wide-eyed companion.
Goten grimaced, a look of concern on his handsome face.
“Your dad is gonna take one look at me and know what I’ve done!”
Trunks blinked a couple times, amazed by what he had just heard.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Goten,” he replied, settling back down and pulling the covers around himself. “Besides, everyone already thinks we’ve been doing it... there is probably some sort of poll going.”
Goten considered his words.
“You think it’s too late to get in on that?”
Trunks opened his eyes just to give the teen a stern look.
“Is this really how you are going to end this moment?" he inquired. "Talking about cheating a sex poll?”
Goten smiled.
“I’m sorry. My bad.” He wrapped his arms back around his friend’s warm, bare skin. He nuzzled Trunks’ throat affectionately before whispering, “I told you I was seme.”
Trunks grinned, giving a slow shake of his head.
“That’s more like it...”
A/N: Well, my hope was that this would be up before 2010, but I am happy that it is up at all. It took me 6 months to write this chapter!! I hope that the next ones take less time.Thank you to everyone who is still reading! ^_^ Enjoy! ~B