Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 4: Listen to my head or my heart? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I never thought that this story would take off like it did, but it makes me really happy that it has! Thank you all for the reviews! And I'm very happy to report that my weeks are getting better and better. I'm trying to make the most out of bad situations and it seems to be helping. The tension in my house is still there, but it's not as bad as it was, so that's always a plus and I'll take it!! So, because of this little bit of good news, I'm writing some more, even though I JUST updated, but I doubt you all will care… I know I wouldn't! (I've been waiting for my favorite authors to update for a few weeks now, the suspense is KILLING ME!!!)
Okay, my little AN message in the last chapter, please scratch it! I'm not with LiveJournal anymore. I've begun to create a social network and I'm looking for members to join it! It includes your own profile, a forum, a love chat, an archive, your own blog, the ability to download your own photos and videos, and much more! For now, I can only take 250 members, unfortunately, because I'm unable to afford anymore, until I get enough money to get more bandwidth, but oh well, with creativity comes a small price. So, if you love my stories, please join! I'll be posting short stories and you'll be able to do the same! You'll also be able to keep up with up-to-date news, etc and so forth! Completely FREE!!! I'm excited! I need moderators to help me keep the site and forum going!
throughthelookingglass (dot) spruz (dot) com
REVIEW THANKS TO: Lell, Jaylee-Rebel, caityuva12, KashiMeshi, Sasse1892, Mkeanomi15, Supersaiyan2479, AngelZ of DarKness, the metalmonkey, TheGlassAndTheEmberRing, preciousjade76, KaguraTheWindGypsy
DISCLAIMER: Wouldn't it be sweet if Akira Toriyama signed over DBZ to me!!!
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 4: Listen to my head or my heart?
Right after leaving his bedroom, Bulma headed straight to her room and threw her shredded clothing in a corner, and sat on the bed. Did she really just walk away from sex? Sex with Vegeta? Impossible. She had to be sick. Feeling her head, Bulma confirmed that she had no fever… So why did she leave? She lay back on her bed, completely baffled. A part of her wanted to run back to his room, forget her nerves, and listen to that small voice that continued to push her towards him. But something else stopped her. Bulma scrunched up her nose. Why couldn't she figure out what stopped her? Frustrated, she hopped off her bed and marched into her bathroom in desperate need of a good soak. Her nerves were in a bundle and her aggravation levels were high.
She passed her robe and turned to the tub to fill it up, completely disregarding her bath salts as well, and undressed; which only consisted of taking off the last piece of underwear she had on. She just wanted to soak. No pampering was needed. Closing the toilet lid, Bulma sat down and waited as the tub began to fill. She let out a breath and rested her head in her hands, slumping over. I'm so stupid! It didn't take long for the tub to fill and Bulma climbed in, resting her mystified head against the edge.
Bulma realized that not only was she utterly confused, but even more sexually frustrated than she was before. Was that even possible? Nothing like this had ever happened to her, but then again with Yamcha, all she had to do was spread her legs and he hopped on her like a Chihuahua in heat… Not to say sex with Yamcha was bad, but it wasn't entirely satisfying after a while. She craved more. Maybe that was why she stopped being intimate with him for so long. Their sex life became predictable and… boring… That wasn't something she wanted, nor was interested in. She always went after mysterious men… dangerous men… That's why she was attracted to Yamcha in the first place. He gave off those traits. When they first met, he was unpredictable. She loved that about him. But after dating him for nearly a decade, they fell into a comfortable routine and nothing became spontaneous.
Then there was Vegeta. The hostile and angry Saiya-jin no Ouji. For a long time, she never admitted that she was attracted to him… it was always just a small crush. So why was she reacting this way around him? Thinking back to her behavior with his reactions, Bulma cringed. She never once realized how much she had craved seeing his reactions to the point it had become an obsession of hers. Yes, she loved knowing that somewhere deep down, Vegeta actually respected the hard work she put in to the things she did for him… but to chase after him, and to steal his armor just for the satisfaction now made her stomach turn.
What was I thinking?
Then the bedroom incident. Bulma sighed. The moment her lips met his, she knew she felt something towards him. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she replayed their kiss. Bulma could still feel his lips on her. When they kissed, she was taken aback to find how soft his lips were. He was so gentle… It astounded her to find how things had turned out between them, but she knew how he would act the next day, even though when she left he insinuated things would continue. But she wasn't so sure. Tomorrow, things would change.
Settling lower in the bathtub, Bulma blew at the water. What would she do tomorrow? Things definitely weren't going to be the same. Should she act like nothing happened? Should she approach him and talk about their behavior? She knew it shouldn't happen again, no matter how much her body craved his. But in a way, she was terrified to approach him because she didn't want to know his response this time.
She wiped her face with her wet hands and leaned her head back again. I should've just slept with him… I should've just given in to that annoying little voice… Ugh!
Finally, the anger began to dissipate and was replaced with disappointment. She knew she would have to face him, but she didn't want to. I can't believe I put myself in this position! I'd rather face him angry and about to destroy the whole planet than face him after walking away from sex. Bulma knew what she had to do, and after an internal war with herself, she sighed and sank under the water.
This sucks.
Vegeta rested his hands on the tile walls of the shower, the cold water beating rapidly against his overheated skin. It wasn't too long ago when she left that he decided he needed a good long cold shower to sooth his… problem. After their little bout of lust in his bedroom, Vegeta decided that he was becoming too soft. He allowed her to leave when his instincts screamed to take her no matter how she felt! That wasn't him. In the past, Vegeta never allowed a women to get as close to him as he allowed Bulma; he just fucked and left, not caring to pay attention to the features of the woman. If they demanded more or disobeyed him, refusing to leave, he killed them with no remorse. He never came across a woman who rejected his advances; Bulma was the first. When he saw her facial features change, he knew she was uncertain about what she was doing.
He wasn't going to lie, he wanted things to continue… he wanted to finish what was started, but now that it was over and she left, his head began to clear more, allowing him to think about his actions. Continuing wasn't an option anymore. Vegeta wanted no attachments and with Bulma, he feared she'd become attached. He wasn't worried about how she would act tomorrow; he'd just ignore whatever response she'd throw at him and pretend like nothing had happen. If that was possible.
But Vegeta knew things wouldn't be that easy. The wench never made things easy for him. As much as it infuriated him, he admired her feistiness and strong spirit. It was both amusing and entertaining. Never in his life had he met a creature like her. But it didn't stop him from plotting her death day in and day out, only to have to walk out the door to prevent him from slipping. He couldn't kill her. He hated to admit it, but he needed her. Her knowledge and ability to upgrade his training equipment was essential to his ascension. That was what he continued to tell himself. He was only keeping her alive for his benefits.
Vegeta scrubbed almost mechanically at his arms and torso as he thought. What if things hadn't stopped between them, though? He shook his head and scowled. Thoughts like that are for the weak and I am NOT weak! No, he wouldn't think about the what if's and the maybe's. He only focused on the future and the key to his ascension. Training should be the only thing on his mind and he was determined to keep it that way.
If the wench wanted to talk about it, well then that was too bad. She wasn't going to like what he would say, but she would just have to deal.
The next morning, Bulma found herself alone in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She half expected Vegeta to emerge from the simulator as the smell of bacon wafted through the air, but alas, the simulator continued to run. She frowned. On the counter next to the stove was a stack of well-made buttermilk pancakes and some of the bacon already done. She glanced out the window as she pulled the last of the bacon out of the frying pan, hoping to see Vegeta walking out of the GR, but again, she saw nothing but the flashing lights of the simulator as it continued to run.
Bulma sighed.
Looks like I'll be eating breakfast alone…
After last night, she was hoping to talk about their actions. A part of her was relieved that he hadn't shown, but another part of her wanted answers. Sitting at the table, Bulma picked up the syrup and dowsed her pancakes, then dug in. She looked up at the other end of the table, frowning, and the feeling of loneliness beginning to sink in. After several bites, Bulma's head popped up at the sound of loud footsteps coming towards her and she looked over to see the simulator was off. Butterflies began to flutter throughout her stomach when Vegeta appeared in the doorway. She watched as he walked into the kitchen without glancing her way, and she heard the fridge open abruptly. She turned back to her pancakes and chewed slowly, all the while Vegeta's presence a constant in her mind.
Bulma jumped when a plate was dropped on the opposite end of the table and Vegeta took a seat, still not making eye contact. It seemed like he was going to completely ignore her presence! Narrowing her eyes, she sat back in her chair and crossed both her legs and arms. Bulma continued to stare him down, all the while contemplating what she should say to him. She was becoming angry, but she didn't want to show how he was able to stir her emotions up so easily.
Vegeta could easily feel her eyes on him, but he chose to ignore them as he ate. He decided while he was training that he would not be the one to bring up the topic of last night. He wasn't the weak one. The past was the past.
But that wasn't enough for her.
“Don't you think we should talk?” Bulma's quiet, but very irritating voice invaded Vegeta's mind.
Without looking up from his plate, Vegeta replied, “About what exactly?”
Her jaw nearly dropped. Was he playing dumb with her or was he serious? “About last night?”
Vegeta swallowed and dropped his fork before glaring up at her through narrowed eyes. “There is nothing to talk about. Nothing happened, end of conversation.” He said bluntly before taking a sip of his orange juice, his eyes still on her, daring her to object.
Biting her lip out of frustration, Bulma felt her chest tighten. She knew he would act somewhat like this, but what she didn't expect was her own reaction. “Nothing happened? We nearly had sex! I would think that constitutes as something!”
Rolling his eyes, Vegeta let out an exasperated breath. “Get a hold of yourself, onna,” he said bitterly, not liking how worked up she was becoming. He was beginning to feel his fears were coming true. She was becoming attached, if she wasn't attached already. He'd have to squash that immediately. “Last night was a mistake that will not be repeated.”
Her eyes widen. Rationally, she was telling herself that she wasn't surprised to hear this and she shouldn't be affected, but her irrational part was overpowering her. After realizing her feelings for the man before her, she wanted that night to mean something, but she knew it wouldn't be realistic. It was an act of pure lust for him… In his eyes, it was just a weak moment.
She wouldn't be that type of girl.
Her eyes hardened as she mulled this over. “You're right. Last night was a mistake. Why would I want to give myself to a jerk-off like you, anyway? It's a good thing I left!” She ranted acrimoniously.
Vegeta scoffed. “Give yourself to me? Onna, don't fool yourself! Why would I let someone as hideous as you into my bed?” he smirked condescendingly.
An eyebrow cocked, Bulma leaned forward, her arms resting on the table top, her finger pointer accusingly at him. “You didn't complain last night! If I remember correctly, you were the one who pulled me into your room!” Vegeta opened his mouth to retort, but Bulma wouldn't have it. She immediately cut him off. “I really don't care what you have to say anymore. I agree, last night probably shouldn't have happened, but it did! And because of it, I finally discovered something…” She smiled as she stared him down, the sudden thought drifting through her mind.
When she didn't say anything, Vegeta became impatient. “Well, what is it, genius?”
Standing, her plate in hand, she set it in the sink and walked towards the main staircase, throwing over her shoulder. “That you want me or else last night wouldn't have happened at all!” Then she disappeared around the corner of the hallway.
Vegeta sat there, dumbfounded, then he shouted, “It was a weak moment that will never happen again!” But when he received no reply, his anger only worsened.
Shoving his plate away, he sat in his seat and fumed. I do not want her! It was a weak moment and nothing else! With his appetite ruined, Vegeta stood up, his chair sliding back with the force of his stance, and he gathered his plates and threw them in the sink, not caring if they broke. He was too angry. The audacity that woman had to accuse him of wanting her was absurd! He would never lower himself to want such a lowly human, especially the onna. She was too annoying, loud-mouthed, and vulgar. And most of all, she was human.
He needed to work off some of this aggression and training was exactly what he needed. He strode out to the gravity simulator, closed and locked the door, then turned to the control panel and cranked up the gravity. As soon as the gravity kicked in, he lifted off the ground and began to spar with the air.
How dare she! That bitch has a death wish!
Though on the outside he was angry, deep down, he admitted that she was rather attractive… for a human. Maybe that was why he gave in last night. Just because he had been so frustrated and he found her a bit attractive. He rationalized that it was just a bad situation that happened at the wrong time. He knew he was extremely sexually frustrated and was in desperate need of a good lay, and the onna was the only person around that—at the moment—in his mind was good enough to satisfy him. But now, he was still frustrated… He still found her physique quite attractive… And she was still on his mind.
I should just screw her and get all this frustration out of the way.
Bulma smiled as she set her wrench down on her workbench. She had spent the majority of the day in her lab, finishing up a new project… and avoiding Vegeta. She felt particularly triumphant when she was able to get the last word in during their little spat at breakfast a few days ago, especially when she was able to leave him speechless and dumbfounded. That was a rarity with Vegeta. Picking up the various pieces to her project, she sat them in their respective containers, and stored them away, before turning to the incomplete platform near the back of the lab. Eyeing the platform, Bulma pushed Vegeta to the furthest part of her mind and sighed. I'm going to have to assign some workers to help me with this part.
The blueprints were sat out on her desk and she picked them up, comparing them to the platform before her. The platform itself was barely started, the frame was the only thing done, while the other components were scattered across the floor near it and were too big to put away. She felt frustrated. Her father had left these blueprints for her to begin working on for the military base so they wouldn't fall behind schedule and from the looks of it, they already were. There was nothing she could do about it now. Setting the blueprints aside, she sat at her desk and picked up the phone, dialing the number for the corporation in East Central. She was going to need more help than she realized. After leaving a message with her secretary there, she left her lab and made her way to the kitchen on the other side of the compound, her stomach grumbling along the way.
Passing a window, she saw that the simulator was off, shocking her. If the simulator was off, then where was Vegeta? Sounds of metal clanking together in the kitchen answered her. Her eyebrows rose curiously, she inched her way there to find Vegeta standing over the stove, steam enveloping the kitchen as water boiled over. She smiled in amusement as she watched his panicked form try to move the overflowing pot.
Immediately forgetting her previous anger with the prince before her, she stepped forward, her arms crossed, and a teasing smirk on her face. “What are you doing?”
His form stiffened and he turned his head to the side to glance her way. “What does it look like, idiot?” he sneered, his face reddened with what looked like a blush forming. Was he embarrassed?
Bulma chuckled and motioned towards the stove. “It looks like your trying to cook… And failing.”
“Well, if that infuriating creature you call a mother wasn't gone then I wouldn't be lowering myself to be doing a servants job!” He bellowed, then hissed as hot boiling water splashed from the pot and onto his hand.
Bulma shook her head. “Then, why didn't you come find me?” When he mumbled something under his breath, Bulma's smirk widened. “What was that, dear prince? I don't speak monkey!” She said sweetly.
Growling he spat, “I said, I'd rather attempt this shit myself then lower myself to ask you for anything!”
She slumped her shoulders and sighed. She knew that wasn't what he said, but she didn't say anything. She gently pushed him away from the stove, then turned the dial down and pulled the lid off the pot. Without complaint, Vegeta leaned against the counter and watched her movements. Then he cringed when she opened her mouth as she poured in the pasta. “You could've come and got me, it never stopped you before, Vegeta.”
Narrowing his eyes, Vegeta turned his head away. “I am a prince, I do not need assistance for such trivial things.”
Bulma chuckled. “Oh? I thought a prince didn't lower himself to do a servants job, too?” She asked, teasingly.
Vegeta turned back to her, ready to spew venom for her comment, when he noticed the playful smile on her face, and his shoulders relaxed. He smirked. “Damn right, onna.”
She smiled and the tension that once existed between them began to ease. She stirred the pasta, then gazed at his form out of the corner of her eyes. She watched as he watched her work almost studiously, taking note that he hadn't left. Instantly, her heart began to beat a little faster. Draining the pasta and pouring it into a pan with sauce, she continued to cook, while observing the prince subtly. Then, she poured the pasta into a serving bowl and sat it before him, smiling softly.
Surprisingly, he nodded and took the bowl, and walked away.
She knew that things were changing between them. He was becoming a distraction to her, making it harder for her to concentrate on her work, and the frustration she was experiencing wasn't helping either. But after their spat, she decided that she wasn't going to become another conquest of his. No. If anything, she wanted respect from him, and she wasn't going to lower herself to just a bout of lust between the sheets. She knew if it came to that, she would want more, and he would most likely not give it.
Her head was telling her one thing and her heart was screaming another. It was just a matter of time until one of them won.
Alright… I know it's short, I'm sorry! I'll make the next chapter longer! I've been working on school this week, trying to finish my photography, so it's been a bit hectic. But I wanted to get this chapter out.
Also, a reminder. I started a network! Please join! It's called Through the Looking Glass (sound familiar, hehe) and you can join! You get your own profile, and it comes with a blog, photos, videos, archive, forum, live chat, etc and so forth. It's a free site that I've been building and once I get money, I'm gonna be putting it into this site, so for now, I can only take 250 members, but it happens. Please join. I need moderators!
Throughthelookingglass (dot) spruz (dot) com
Until next time my lovelies!