Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 3: A challenge is hard to resist ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying this story!! The reviews make me want to write more!
Also, thanks everyone for the support, it's very much appreciated!
I don't know if I should warn anyone… But I guess I'll be nice… No, there is no lemon in this chapter, but a little splash of lime. (Oooh, I'm evil)
REVIEW THANKS TO: Sasse1892, lell and elleelle (I know you're one in the same ^_^), preciousjade, AshBash, KaguraTheWindGypsy, Jaylee-Rebel, Chelseabaabyox3, LoveLikeARazor
DISCLAIMER: DBZ is mine… in my dreams…
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 3: A challenge is hard to resist
Now this is exactly what I needed!
Bulma glanced through each window of every shop she passed by. She held several bags in her hands from the many hours she spent at the local mall, shopping. Her next stop was the shoe store. She waltzed in and glanced around at the high shelves, and immediately, the tension she had felt began to dissipate slowly.
Shoes are the way to a girl's heart…
She dropped her bags down by a bench and pulled out a box of stilettos and tried them on, all the while keeping her thoughts away from the one being that had cause the tension in the first place. Finally deciding that the shoes fit, she placed them back in the box and placed them under her arm as she picked up her many bags.
Bulma turned a corner and bumped into a hard chest. Before glancing up, she quickly mumbled out “Excuse me!” as her eyes caught a pair of black knee-high boots. Before she was able to appreciate the sight for long, the voice stopped her dead in her tracks.
She tensed up immediately and held her breath. Please let that be my imagination… Please don't let it be who I think it is… She turned around slowly, only to come face to face with Yamcha.
“Um… Hi,” She said hesitantly. Oh, this is going to be awkward…
Yamcha scratched the back of his head, his eyes avoiding her figure. “Hey… So…”
Bulma nodded and bit her lip. “Yeah… so…”
“How are you?” They both asked simultaneously. Bulma cringed at the awkwardness of the situation while Yamcha shook his head and sighed.
It had been almost two months since they broke up and they hadn't seen each other since. Bulma immediately felt guilty. Since they broke up, she had barely thought about him; her time and thoughts mostly consumed with her new projects and demands of Vegeta.
Yamcha cracked a small, but uncomfortable smile. “You first…” He chuckled.
Bulma shook her head and took a deep breath; the tension of the situation was almost unbearable. “Well… I've been really busy… H-how have you been?”
“Alright,” was his simple answer as he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets.
Bulma nodded.
The silence then stretched for an uncomfortable few minutes. Bulma glanced down at the floor, not sure of how to reach out to him. Though she had been hurt when they broke up, she had assumed that they would be able to become friends some day. But now, she wasn't sure. She looked up when she heard him sigh deeply.
“You know, I was just going to get a cup of coffee, would you like to come with?” he asked, his eyes finally meeting hers.
She smiled politely and nodded. “Sure… Um…” She glanced down at her box of shoes. “Just let me pay for these first?”
Yamcha nodded and proceeded to wait outside of the store for her while she paid for her stilettos at the counter. When that was done, she met him by the door and together, they walked to the café. He gestured for her to take a seat as he waited by the counter and she sat her bags down next to her. Rubbing her hands together nervously, she watched as he waited near the counter. Guess this had to happen eventually, huh?
After a few minutes a cup was placed in front of her and she glanced up to see Yamcha take the seat from across her. She smiled and thanked him before taking a cautious sip to find that it was her favorite drink; a café mocha with whipped crème and chocolate sauce on top. They sat in silence for a few more minutes, each sipping at their respective drinks and taking sly glances at each other.
Finally Bulma had enough. She sat her drink down and folded her hands in her lap. “I'm sorry with how things ended between us!” She blurted out.
Yamcha sighed and sat his drink down, resting his arms on the table. “I know… I am too…” He started. “I shouldn't have blamed our problems on him… You were right.”
Bulma sat shocked and her eyes widened at his confession. He continued. “You mean a lot to me, but you were right. We've had problems for too long and it was only a matter of time till it got worse.” He held up his hand when she tried to interrupt him. “I'm not asking you to take me back like I normally would.”
With that, Bulma blinked and her shoulders slumped. Wow…
Yamcha smirked. “I take it you didn't expect that?”
She shook her head. “Not quite… No…” Swallowing a lump, Bulma thought over what she wanted to say. She glanced up at him and smiled. “I actually half expected you to never speak to me again. But, I would like for us to be friends, if that's possible.” She wrung her hands together under the table nervously. “You were my best friend and I don't want to lose that.”
Yamcha nodded, though his heart was hoping for something entirely different. “Friends… Friends are good.” All-in-all, he would take what he could get. He knew things would never be the same between them, but he refused to let her go.
Bulma's shoulders began to slump. “I wish things could go back to normal but—“
He cut her off quickly. “Let's just leave it at that, B… What we had was amazing, but…” He trailed off, searching for the right words. “But, if I can't be with you in that way… Then I'll take you as my friend. You're too important for me to lose and no matter what,” he swallowed as he said this slowly his voice cracking with emotion. “No matter what, I'm always going to love you.”
She bit her lip, her eyes glistening with unspent tears at his confession, and she agreed, though silently. I'll always love you too, Yamcha…
It was near dark when Bulma finally arrived home. She rubbed her aching neck as she sat on her bed. The day hadn't quite worked as she had hoped, but it was still fulfilling in an entirely different manner. Running into Yamcha was unexpected and their talk was even more surprising. But she was glad they had it. After their talk, she could feel that culpable feeling drift away and they had begun to talk more conformably.
After reconciling their friendship, all Bulma wanted to do was get home and take a long hot bath. And that was the only thing on her mind right now. She got up off the bed and made her way to the bathroom. On her way, she grabbed her bathrobe and hung it on the edge of the door. Turning to the shower, she turned the knobs and the tub began to fill with hot steamy water.
She grabbed her lilac bath salts and sprinkled it in the filling tub before closing the bathroom door and leaving it ajar; she began to remove her clothing and climbed into the tub. The hot water immediately brought relief to her aching muscles and she let out a breath as she began to soak. Bulma let the bath fill a little more before she lifted her foot and turned the nozzle all the way to the right, turning it off.
Closing her eyes, Bulma rested her head on the edge of the tub. After a long day of shopping, this was exactly what she needed. A trip to the spa would do the trick… but I guess this'll do… Her thoughts turned to Yamcha. The entire few hours they were together in that small café, he never once asked about Vegeta, though she could tell he wanted too. She was proud that he was able to control the amount of hostile anger he held towards the alien.
She soaked for a good hour before she emerged from the bathroom in her robe and crawled into bed. Peeking at her clock, it read a quarter past eleven. Bulma closed her eyes and waited for sleep to claim her. Today was fulfilling and she hoped that tomorrow would be just as rewarding… though something told her it would be entirely opposite.
The next day, Bulma emerged from her room, refreshed and with a smile on her face. It was early morning, nearly eight, when she entered her kitchen in search of breakfast. Her smile faltered when she found a note on the counter. It was from her mother.
Bulma dear,
Your father and I will be back in two weeks from our anniversary trip. Take good care of our special house guest!
Bulma crumbled the small piece of paper up and threw it in the trash. She had totally forgotten about their trip! A month ago, her mother had to remind her that they were leaving for their anniversary for a few weeks, but with her busy schedule, she completely forgot. Now what was she suppose to do? She was stuck alone with Vegeta of all people!
Oh my Kami! Someone up there hates me!
Bulma turned to the fridge and pulled out the milk, butter, eggs, and bacon. She wasn't the best cook, but damn it she was independent enough to fend for herself! Pulling out a frying pan, she turned the stove top on low heat and began to make her meal. The entire time she was cooking, she never noticed the muscular figure that came up behind her.
“You're cooking?” asked the figure incredulously.
She jumped and turned about face, then frowned. Vegeta was leaning against the island with a condescending smirk. Bulma growled. “Of course, I'm cooking, Vegeta! I can cook, unlike some people!” She turned back to the stove to keep an eye on the bacon. She was good as multi-tasking, but only when it came to science, not cooking.
Vegeta frowned. “Where's that infuriating creature you call a mother?”
“On a trip,” was all Bulma said as she flipped the bacon.
“Where?” He demanded.
Bulma shrugged. She took a glimpse back at him and noticed his tense stance, and he was no longer leaning against the counter. She sighed. Maybe if I feed him he won't be so mad when I tell him how long we'll be alone together.
She faced him. “I bet you didn't eat…” He shrugged. Bulma shook her head. “How about I make you breakfast? Call it a future peace offering?” At this, Vegeta raised a suspicious brow, but Bulma didn't continue. She just simply smiled at him and turned back to the stove, and began to double each portion.
They both stood in the kitchen together in silence as Bulma made breakfast. Finally, she sat the many platters of food on the table and they ate. As she took a bite of her eggs, she glanced at the other end of the table towards him, deciding whether now was a good time to say anything. She shrugged mentally. I made a peace offer, hopefully it'll hold!
She swallowed. “So, um, Vegeta… You know how my mom left for that trip…?”
He just grunted.
She eyed the food before her nervously. “And how I made that peace offering…?”
Vegeta set his fork down. “What are you getting at, onna?” he asked exasperated.
Bulma wrung her hands together nervously under the table, but smiled at him softly. “Well… My dad's not here either… They went on their anniversary trip…” She took a deep breath. “And they won't be back for two weeks!” She said quickly.
Vegeta's eyes widened and before he was able to protest she jumped up and held her hands up. “This is why I made you a peace offering with the food!”
“You mean we're going to be alone for two weeks!” he bellowed.
Bulma cringed and nodded. “I don't like it just as much as you! But we're going to have to make the best of it!”
Vegeta glared at her and she returned the stare as best as she could muster. As much as she didn't like being alone with him for two weeks, she would be damned if she'd let him make it a negative experience. Besides, at the end of it, maybe they would become friends… right?
Vegeta sat in the GR. It wasn't turned on and he wasn't training. His arms were crossed and he sat Indian style, glaring at the wall before him. No, he wasn't sulking! He refused to sulk. He was just pissed!
Alone with that wench for two weeks! This is hell.
Not too long after she broke the horrible news to him, he left the table and holed himself up in the GR. Now, he had been sitting in there for the better part of an hour—not sulking. She wanted to make the best of it? How could you make the best out of a horrible situation? In his mind, it just wasn't possible.
He finally had enough pondering and stood. He powered up the GR and cranked the gravity up to 450g's and almost fell to his knees under the pressure. Making the jump from 350 to 450 was a hefty jump, but he needed to work out the tension that had built in his muscles.
Vegeta called out to the computer to power up the battle bots and he in turn formed a ki shield around him to help adjust to the gravity. Finally, he lifted off the floor and began to dodge each blast from the bots.
Train… Dodge… Focus…
He pushed the onna to the back of his mind and focused on the task at hand.
Just train…
He was so childish!
He just left!
Probably sulking in his precious GR!
Bulma paced the living room. She was angry. She didn't like the fact that she had to be alone with him for two weeks either, but she was staying positive! Why couldn't he? It's not like I'm asking him to sleep with me or anything, I was just making a peace offering!
Then her thoughts turned. What would it be like to sleep with Vegeta? The only person she had ever been with was Yamcha and now that they weren't together, she was left to imagine. She couldn't have Yamcha anymore… She didn't want Yamcha anymore… Bulma admitted to a small crush on Vegeta, but she never thought about actually sleeping with him… till now.
She turned red. This wasn't something she should be thinking about; especially when she knew she was going to be alone with him for so long. It would just make things worse and awkward. But those muscles… whispered a tiny voice in the back of her mind. Oh, what it would feel like to run her hands over each of those muscles and to feel them ripple under her touch.
No, Bulma… Bad… Bad Bulma!
She hit the side of her head. Get those dirty thoughts out, now!
Bulma crossed her arms and huffed. She stood by the window and took a glimpse at the GR. Was he training? Probably.
Probably working up a good sweat. Whispered that small voice. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the glass. She could just imagine the glistening of the sweat on his body as he trained. She'd seen it many times when she interrupted his training. She could remember very easily how his breathing was rapid and heavy; how the drips of sweat slid down his muscular chest towards his abdomen.
Her breathing increased. She snapped her eyes open and scolded herself again. Bad Bulma! No more dirty thoughts of the hostile Saiya-jin.
She nodded her head, determined to push those thoughts to the back of her mind. Bulma pushed herself away from the window and made her way to the lab. She needed a good distraction.
After spending two hours in her lab, Bulma wanted to scream. The distraction didn't help. She sketched, she mended, she problem-solved. Nothing seemed to keep her mind distracted long enough. It continued to drift back to Vegeta. She finally decided that she was just sexually frustrated.
Before her and Yamcha had broken up, the last time they had been together intimately was a very long time. It put both of them on edge. She had always made the excuse that she was too tired from working in the lab. Now that she realized how long it had been, the tension hit her like a truck. She knew she needed relief, but she would rather lick the floor than go to Vegeta for it.
She was capable of finding relief elsewhere.
Vegeta and Bulma avoided each other for the next twenty-four hours. She never found her relief and training wasn't helping him. The tension continued to build and it was only a matter of time before they both reached their breaking point.
It was nearing dinner time and Bulma did not want to cook. She stood near the kitchen and glanced through a series of menus. Finally, she decided that pizza would be easier to order than anything else. After ordering ten boxes of pepperoni pizzas, Bulma sat on the couch in the living room and began to count to three.
“Onna!” Vegeta yelled.
Bulma rolled her eyes. “I ordered pizza so hold your horses!”
Vegeta stomped into the living room and crossed his arms. “Hold my horses?”
“It's an expression, it mean's be patient.”
Growling, Vegeta stood straight. “Do not presume you can order me around like a servant, onna!”
“Whatever…” she mumbled as she flipped the television on.
Her frustration was getting the better of her and she was having trouble holding it in. She avoided eye contact with Vegeta, but didn't pay attention to what was on the TV either. She was having an inner battle with herself.
Just do it, Bulma! That small voice whispered in encouragement. You know he's probably equally as frustrated as you! It'll help you both!
No! Bulma screamed mentally. It's not right! I'm not a whore!
Vegeta noticed Bulma's odd behavior but chose to ignore it as he sat on the opposite side of the couch. He could sense the frustration radiating off her and he shifted in his seat. It was unlike him to react to another creature in such a way as he had been, but he couldn't find it in him where he had allowed things to change.
He, too, was equally frustrated, if not more, but he was able to hide it. The last time he was with a woman was when he was purging planets for Frieza and that was too long ago. But with Bulma it was different. She acted too much like a Saiya-jin and he had never been with a female Saiya-jin. With her, he could pretend. Her personality and attitude was very much like a female Saiya-jin and that in itself was a turn on.
They sat in an uncomfortable silence. Neither of them was watching the TV. Each of them was facing an inner battle and coming close to losing. Finally, the gate bell rang and Bulma sighed with relief as she sprang from her seat to allow the pizza deliverer to approach the front door. They exchanged pizza and money and she waltzed into the kitchen, setting the many boxes on the counter.
She turned to grab two plates and turned back to find half of the boxes gone. Bulma rolled her eyes and put the other plate away, before lifting two slices from the box and setting them on her own. She made her way back into the living room to find Vegeta there with the five missing boxes, the contents of one nearly gone.
Sitting on the couch, she ate her pizza with grace, all the while stealing glances of the alien next to her. She watched as he shoveled through each box and was done in a matter of minutes before pushing the offending boxes away and left without a word or a glance in her direction. She watched him leave, her mouth hanging open. She was at least expecting something! But nothing?
Bulma eyed her slice of pizza with distaste, her appetite ruined. She threw her plate on the coffee table and leaned back against the couch. She was tired of being ignored. She was tired of dancing around him and avoiding him. But most of all… She was tired of being frustrated. She was beginning to feel like it was the same thing over and over.
One moment she was sitting on the couch, fuming over her frustrations and the next she found herself standing outside of Vegeta's bedroom door, her hand raised to knock hesitantly. She knew he could probably sense her there, but something inside of her didn't care. Bulma felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She felt like she had no control over her actions.
Before her hand was able to knock, the door opened. Vegeta stood before her and they both stared at each other. Neither said a word. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Finally, she took a small step forward, stood on her toes, and kissed him. It was a soft rub of the lips. Stepping back, she looked up at him through hooded eyes, waiting for a reaction.
He didn't know how to react. The moment her lips met his, his mind went blank. He knew she was aroused, he could smell it with his keen Saiya-jin senses. After a good minute, he wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her into the room, slamming the door behind them.
Bulma wrapped her arms around Vegeta's neck and smashed her lips to his hungrily. She felt her back hit a smooth surface and his hands slid down under her thighs. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist tightly, their kiss becoming more demanding by the second. His lips left hers and trailed down her slender neck, nipping and licking along the way.
They pushed away from the wall and he threw her onto the bed before crawling on top of her like a predator. She watched his muscles ripple as he moved on top of her and she finally had her opportunity to run her hands over them. Vegeta reached down and ripped her shirt down the middle before descending his lips to the base of her neck and trailing them down to the swell of her breasts, suckling gently. She tried to hold in a moan, but it was in vain.
Bulma arched her back as his hands snapped the straps to her bra and she helped him remove the remnants' of it. Gripping his hair, she pulled him towards her and he growled. Her chest heaved with her heavy breathing and Vegeta ran his nose along her neck taking in her scent. Moaning, Bulma ran her hands down his back, her nails making indents in his skin. Feeling pressure on her breasts, she looked down and saw his hands massaging them.
He lifted one of his hands and took a nipple in his mouth, suckling in a gentle manner. Her mind was boggled. She was surprised to find how gentle he held her when he always seemed rough. She moaned as heat flooded through her stomach. Neither was thinking of their actions, they were just letting their feelings control them.
Vegeta ran his lips down her stomach and his hands found purchase at her hips. Slowly, one his hands began to unbutton and unzip her pants, removing them entirely. Becoming nervous, Bulma watched as he nipped his way along her panty line. She jumped when she felt his fingers slide along her wet underwear.
“Vegeta…” she sighed as she closed her eyes.
He chuckled darkly and glanced up at her. He took her hand and placed it on the bulge of his pants as he leaned over her figure. “Are you sure you can handle this?” he asked in almost a mocking manner.
Feeling the large bulge through his pants, Bulma finally came to her senses, and swallowed. Was she really going to go through with this and have sex with Vegeta? Noticing her pause, Vegeta sat back on his knees and leaned down to grab the tattered forms of her shirt, and handed it to her. She looked at her ripped shirt, then to him.
“Don't do something you're not sure you're even willing to finish, onna.” He said in what sounded like a soft tone…
Bulma sat up and took her shirt, surprised that he was being as nice as he was. She eyed him and he stared back. She got off the bed and stood, her shirt in her hand, and the rest of her clothes scattered across his floor. She took a breath and gathered the rest of her clothes, and was stopped by his voice before she was able to leave.
“We will finish this eventually…” he muttered.
Bulma smiled as she faced the door, then looked at him over her shoulder seductively. “Who say's?” She asked, challengingly.
Vegeta smirked and Bulma left his room, her head held high.
Okay… I know its short, don't hate me for it, but this chapter was rather difficult to write for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm not use to writing lime's…
So, recap. Things got a little heated there! I'm pretty proud of myself for that small lime I wrote! Things between Bulma and Yamcha are going good, and the tension between Bulma and Vegeta is finally in the red zone! Uh oh! Who knew it would be Bulma to instigate it! I was reading a lot of Vegeta sex-crazed stories and though I love those stories, I was kind of craving a Bulma instigating sex-crazed story. I think I did well. *pats myself on the back proudly*
Question: What do you think is going to happen next? Is Vegeta going to try to convince Bulma to sleep with him? Is Yamcha gonna come back and stir things up again? You choose! Lol!
Also, I was wondering. Should I edit the story when I write the lemon or is everyone going to be alright with it? Just a curious deliberation. Because I may be editing this story to make it Y/A worthy and have the dirty version on MediaMiner. If I get enough reviews opposing, I won't edit.
Until next time my lovelies!