Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 11: Cats out of the bag ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Just as I promised!!! MORE Vegeta!!! A lot more Vegeta. The chapter is mostly Vegeta. I hope you all like it!!!!
I wrote an odd poem on my blog. I think it's interesting. It's a compilation of my thoughts into one piece. It makes absolutely no sense, but I thought it came out great. If you all could visit there and give me a review on it, I'd greatly appreciate it! It's called Mind within the Mind. (I'm thinking about taking poetry up regularly again, so if you'd like to read what I invent, subscribe!)
I just want to point out to those who are questioning why they're not jumping each other in the bedroom just yet. Here's why. Bulma is pregnant, I fully understand that women who are pregnant tend to be a bit more hormonal than those who aren't; however, we have to remember… Vegeta doesn't know he's about to become a father, and Bulma is hiding her pregnancy for specific reasons. This is just how I've imagined it to happen. Those of you are questioning why she's hiding her pregnancy and it will be explained very soon, just know that for now, Bulma is doing what she feels is best and all will be revealed. I'm sorry if this isn't going in the direction some of you wanted it to go, but this is how I envisioned it. *shrugs* I hope you all still enjoy the fic overall…
(Challenge information is in the AN at the end of the chapter)
REVIEW THANKS TO: ScoobyDoobyDee, aangfan, elleelle, Nicky757, VladLover, Black Diamond07, TheRebelx3, Trixie-chan, Ashley, Jckash03, tess1687, Miss Katrina Malfoy (again, sorry for any misspelling or if I missed your penname; I value your review just as much!)
DISCLAIMER: *sneaks into the DBZ headquarters and subtly grabs the ownership papers* Hehehehe… *squeaks as the alarm goes off* O_o;; Uh-oh!! *takes off running down the hall* MUAHAHAHA! IT'S FINALLY MINE!!! (Please note that DBZ does not belong to me… O_o;; )
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
Another big thank you to my beta reader Maddymadison101 for helping me with a few ideas for this chapter!!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 11: Cats out of the bag
He watched her out of the corner of his eyes like a lion eyeing its prey during a hunt.
She was hiding something; something that had to do with him, and he was going to find out what it was.
Vegeta sat at the head of the table, Bulma to his left, Bunny to his right, and Dr. Briefs at the other end. Silence ensued and it was almost unnerving… if anything unnerved the prince. He took another bite of his pancakes as he subtly observed the changes to the onna next to him.
One thing definitely stood out.
Her new wardrobe. Baggy t-shirts and sweatpants were common now for her, unlike her flashy attire she use to wear all those months ago. He took notice to the few holes that marred her latest garb, and knew it was unlike the onna to wear such apparel. He asked her outright just the other day why she chooses to wear what she did and she avoided the question entirely!
That was only one red flag.
Vegeta also took notice to Bulma's lack of attendance whenever he was around, and though he appreciated not being bothered by the wench, there were times he almost missed their daily banter just for the entertainment to get her mad. Her swiftness to leave a room upon seeing him in it set him on edge.
She was definitely avoiding him.
That was another red flag.
Vegeta's eyes drifted down to her plate and took in the amount of food she was eating. It was nearly as much as his first plate and his eyes almost bugged when he saw her reach over to grab another stack of pancakes. He knew she never ate as much before and it made him wonder when her appetite had change. She was no Saiya-jin and had absolutely no appetite near that of a Saiya-jin, but Vegeta knew what the normal portion size of a meal was for a human. She was eating nearly twice as much as normal.
That was the third red flag.
His eyes snapped back down to his meal, his face expressionless when he saw her head pop up to observe him. He heard her humph, could almost see the frown on her face, and felt the tension radiate from her body. Another flag. He was making her uncomfortable. That was unusual. The only time Vegeta could remember Bulma ever being uncomfortable around him was on Namek… and even then she was as fierce as she was when she first took him in.
Bulma shifted in her seat, a grimace on her face as she placed her hands on the arms of the chair to adjust her position. Vegeta frowned as he watched out of the corner of his eyes. Not only did she seem uncomfortable around him, she just seemed plain uncomfortable.
What the hell happened while he was gone?
Why did he even care?
Nearly snorting, Vegeta's only response to that was she was offering a challenge. She was hiding something that could be of value to him. That was all. There were few things Vegeta never tolerated and someone hiding valuable information, or valuables, was one of them. If it had anything to do with his training, he knew he'd be furious. But he didn't want to outright approach her on the subject. He wanted to catch her off guard.
Vegeta mentally smirked devilishly as he continued to observe Bulma as they ate.
Oh yes… It was exactly like a lion hunting its prey.
The moment breakfast was done, Vegeta watched in amusement as Bulma quickly excused herself from the table, her form disappearing down the hall toward her private lap in a rush. He wasn't surprised and was quite use to her behavior at this point, but it only peaked his curiosity.
The onna he knew now and the onna he screwed before he left were now entirely two different people.
Vegeta frowned. He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. He stood from the table, and without offering to help clear the plates, he left for his gravity room, scowling the entire way. The onna was on his mind way too much for his liking and it was beginning to put him in a foul mood.
Shutting the door to the simulator, Vegeta made his way to the control panel and began to adjust the gravity. He blinked in surprise when the gravity revved up, only to shut down completely. Frowning, he glanced down at the panel to see it smoking, his hands fisting in anger.
That damned woman and her fucking machine! Can't she do anything right?!
Grunting, Vegeta marched out of the simulator without bothering to close the door. He passed the dining room where Bunny continued to clean the table along with a few bots and strode down the long corridor towards the onna's private lab. Raising his hand, he went to push the door open only to find it locked tight.
Vegeta blinked.
What the hell? Her lab was almost never locked! Vegeta frowned deeply and knocked harshly on the large doors, his pounding resounding throughout the hallways.
“Onna!” He bellowed. “Open up, this instant!”
He stopped his knocking when he heard movement behind the doors, then his frowned deepened when he heard a few muffled curses, then a loud “Go away, Vegeta!!”
He scoffed. “Whatever it is you are hiding, I will find out, onna! Now let me in at once!”
“Fuck off!”
Vegeta's eyes widened a bit. Fuck off? No one told the prince to fuck off and ever lived afterwards. His eyes narrowed and he raised a single hand towards the door, ready to blow it off its hinges.
“Onna…” His voice was unusually calm; a deadly calm. “I will give you ten seconds to let me in or I will force my way in.”
Silence on the other side, then a quiet “yeah right, you're just bluffing,” was heard.
More silence.
A sudden “eep!” of surprise could be heard as Bulma realized Vegeta was, in fact, not bluffing. He could hear more movement behind the doors as he continued to count, his hand still leveled towards the door in preparation.
“All right, all right! Jeez!” Several locks were turned and the door swung open to reveal a disheveled Bulma, her clothes wrinkled as if she had just thrown them on after allowing them to lie on the floor. He took in her appearance with a studious eye as he lowered his arm slowly, then his eyes snapped to hers furiously.
Bulma gasped in surprise as his hand encircled her throat tightly, almost cutting her airway off and he backed her up against the nearby wall, his arm outstretched, keeping her at a distance as he stared in her eyes coldly.
“You need to learn some respect, wench! I am the Saiya-jin no Ouji, no one speaks to me in such a way and lives!” His hand tightened a fraction, and Bulma flashed back to when he backed her against the wall in the hallway all those months ago, his hand, then, was also around her throat in a threatening embrace. She met his cold gaze and realized that now, he was indeed serious.
Bulma took in another gulp full of air in a panic as his hand tighten a little more, her own hands clawing at his one in a desperate attempt to be released. He was much stronger than her and definitely had the upper hand, and Bulma felt helpless as he continued to squeeze at her throat.
Until she felt it.
A sudden frantic thumping in Bulma's lower stomach made the decision for her, and her eyes narrowed dangerously at Vegeta. He may not know about his unborn child, but damn it, she would rather burn in hell than allow him to harm her baby.
Letting go of his arm, Bulma pulled her hand back as if to smack him, only to bring it forward, her hand formed in a claw as she brought it down on his face, her nails digging into his skin and dragging. Immediately, he dropped her as he backed away in surprise, bringing his own hand to the side of his face to feel the claw marks she left in her wake, and see blood on his fingertips. She stood against the wall, gasping for sweet air as she glared at him.
“I don't give a shit,” she said in between pants, “who you are! But I will never,” she stopped take in another deep breath, her throat starting to ache, “allow anyone to handle me in such a manner as you just did!”
Bulma pushed herself from the wall and began to leave the room slowly. She stopped once she reached the doors to her lab.
“I know what you came to see me for, but you can find someone else to fix your fucking machine, Vegeta.”
Absentmindedly, Bulma began to caress her large stomach in a calming manner, her baby still kicking frantically, as she left the room.
Unbeknownst to her, Vegeta watched her exit, his mouth frowning as he witnessed the caress on her stomach. Then his eyes bulged as the shirt got tugged during the movement, giving him a partial view to her large stomach.
Of course! Now it all made sense. The large appetite, the baggy clothing, her lack of comfort…
The fucking onna went and got herself knocked up!
His frown deepened.
But who was the father?
Vegeta paced in his room.
The wench was pregnant… and she was hiding it from him.
But why?
His arms crossed over his chest as he continued his pace. And yet, the situation still begged the question; who was the father? A slight panic bubbled in Vegeta's stomach as he considered the possibility of the child being his. It was entirely possible. They did sleep together… And he hadn't seen her for over four months.
But it was only one time! Surely this race didn't get pregnant after one bout of lust between the sheets? No, that would be incredibly ridiculous! What kind of race got pregnant that easily?
Are their females that fertile? Vegeta's brow perked and then he shook his head. What a ridiculous question!
No. He couldn't be the father. He refused to jump to such conclusions when he didn't have all the facts. The only way Vegeta would get his answer would be the hard way…
Touching Bulma's stomach.
Bulma marched down the hall, angrily bumping into employees as she passed them by, her hand still cradling her stomach in a protective manner. She hadn't really meant to tell him to fuck off, it just slipped out, but she refused to apologize. And it didn't justify his actions either!
She was pregnant for Kami's sake! Couldn't he realize she was being temperamental because of it?
Bulma blinked as her steps slowed. Vegeta didn't know about her pregnancy, therefore, he couldn't realize her reasons for flying off the handle like she did. However, it didn't explain why he flew off the handle either. Not once since she knew him had he ever went that far.
Sure, he'd threaten her life, but in her eyes, they were just empty threats. In that one moment though, where he held her against the wall with his hand tightening around her throat, Bulma could feel that his threat, then, was real.
She scowled. Now she was pissed again.
Just then, Bulma's stomach grumbled and she frowned.
Now she was hungry…
Rolling her eyes and putting her thoughts of Vegeta aside, Bulma turned in the opposite direction and made her way to the main part of the compound. She felt so hungry now; it was as if she hadn't eaten in days, even though she ate only an hour before. Sighing, Bulma opened the fridge and began rummaging through the various foods stored in there, cursing the side effects of her pregnancy.
Another sigh escaped her now, this one exasperated and frustrated. Nothing looked good and it turned her stomach the wrong way.
She bit her lip. “I want something… salty…”
A bag of pretzels on top of the fridge caught her eye. Opening the bag, she ate a few pieces only to grimace and throw the bag of pretzels aside. They weren't stale; they just weren't appealing what-so-ever.
“This sucks!”
“What's the matter, darling?”
Turning, Bulma caught sight of her mother standing in the doorway of the kitchen, eyeing her knowingly.
“Got cravings?”
“No! I just can't find anything that sounds appealing to me!”
Bunny chuckled and shook her head. “Oh, that baby of yours sure has a healthy appetite!”
Bulma's eyes widened and she made a shushing motion. “Shush, mother! You never know where Vegeta might be lurking!”
“Oh, come now, Bulma. You need to get over this nonsense and just tell him.”
Frowning, she muttered stubbornly, “I'll tell him when I damn well please!”
Bunny sighed and gently pushed Bulma to the side, and opened the fridge. “Is there anything in particular you want?”
“That's the thing, mom. Nothing sounds good to me at all!” Bulma crossed her arms and glared at the offending fridge. “This morning I had to force myself to swallow those pancakes!”
Her mother chuckled. “Well, that's normal, sweetie!” Bulma watched in awe as Bunny gather a few ingredients. “Why don't you go relax?” She frowned at the look her mother was suddenly giving her, making her feel like a twelve year old girl again, “If I remember correctly, you shouldn't even be working, young lady!”
“You know what my response is going to be, mother.”
“Yes, yes, of course, darling, but you also must take into account what your doctor told you. Now go put your swollen feet up and relax while I make you a snack!”
Grumbling, Bulma left the kitchen. Her feet had been swollen and aching, but it wasn't going to stop her from working in her lab. She refused to listen to her doctor.
High blood pressure, my ass! I feel just fine!
Just before Vegeta's return, Bulma visited the doctor for her occasional dizzy spells only to find out she had gestational hypertension. At first, the big word made Bulma panic, especially when chronic high blood pressure and preeclampsia was thrown into the mix. Then, her doctor gave her orders to have as much bed rest as she could get till she gave birth and avoid anything stressful; which meant no work, causing Bulma to frown disapprovingly.
But that wasn't the only thing Bulma had to avoid.
No matter how much she enjoyed arguing with him, she knew bringing up her pregnancy would bring unwanted stress on her body and tension between the two. So, instead of dealing with it and getting the situation out of the way… She did the adult thing.
She ignored the problem.
Shaking her head, Bulma huffed as she took a seat on the couch and switched the television on. Unbeknownst to the household, she had been sneaking into her labs and working on small projects here and there. What did they expect her to do? Be barefoot and pregnant with her feet kicked up on a pillow until the kid popped out?
Bulma snickered as an image of her dressed in a muumuu with her bare feet propped up on a soft pillow fluttered through her mind.
Like that's ever going to happen!
Her thoughts were interrupted as a soft knocked sounded from the front door. Her eyes narrowed as she heaved herself off the couch and yelled out to her mother, “Hey mom! You're not expecting anyone are you?!”
From the kitchen she heard a faint “No, dear!” and she shrugged before making her way to the door. If anything, it was probably another salesman, trying to buy his way into the company with some stupid product he came up with. Bulma shook her head as she grasped the doorknob. They've had one too many of those jerks.
Swinging the door open, Bulma prepared herself for the salesman on the other side, only to narrow her eyes dangerously at who she came face to face with.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, letting a bit of venom drip into her voice as she spoke.
There, stood before her, was Yamcha. His hands tucked deeply into his pockets, his head lowered somewhat in a shameful manner at the sound of her voice, and a slight frown marring his scarred face. This was certainly a surprise.
Not a good one, however.
“Can I come in?” He asked softly.
Bulma perked a brow at his question, but neither answered nor moved from the door. Yamcha sighed and nodded. He should've expected this, but in actuality, he didn't. He had this perfectly planned; knock on the door, ask to be invited in, apologize about the ring, play the friend card, and hug it out. Her silent rejection was not a part of the plan and he was mentally scolding himself. He knew Bulma and he knew how stubborn she could be.
The silence stretched for a few seconds and it was uncomfortable. It was time to switch tactics. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the simulator and his frown deepened before he turned his attention back to her.
“I see Vegeta's back,” He stated as he gestured to the giant domed ship planted in the middle of her front lawn. She nodded and crossed her arms, and still said nothing. Silent treatment it was, then. He'd been dealt that painful torture before, once when he talked to a girl (more like flirted) in front of her at a baseball game without introducing her, and then kissing the strange girl on the cheek, just a little too close to the lips for Bulma's taste, and another time when he cheated on her with that very same girl. After that, he hadn't heard from her for six months, his calls went unanswered and his gifts were always sent back.
Yamcha swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck as the tension between them thickened.
“Look, I came to apologize. Can we—“
Apologize?” Bulma interrupted. Her arms uncrossed as her hands rested on her firm hips and she glared coldly at him. “It's really hard to believe that you came here to apologize!”
“Well, I did, so you can either listen to what I have to say or I can just leave! At least I'm being the bigger person, here!” Yamcha retorted and then a proud smirk appeared on his face as he witnessed her shocked expression.
That didn't happen often, but when it did, damn did it feel good!
Bulma grumbled before she held the door open for him and then closed it behind them. Rubbing her stomach reassuringly, she walked after him into the living room, not looking forward to the conversation they were about to have.
But she did have to admit, at least he was apologizing.
Vegeta made his way down the steps. It had been a good two hours since he discovered Bulma's little secret and it had been driving him nuts. After a good long shower and a nice meditation on his balcony, his mind had finally settled and his stomach began to grumble.
However, his descent halted at the sight that greeted. Bulma and Yamcha stood in the entrance to the living room, holding each other in what seemed like a loving embrace and Vegeta frowned. He remained silent, his brow furrowing in both anger and confusion.
Why in the hell was that weakling here?
Vegeta's eyes snapped down to their hands, noticing movement, and his frown deepened as he witnessed Yamcha's hands slowly rub from Bulma's back to her belly in a gentle manner and Vegeta shook his head.
Now he had his answer.
The damn weakling was here for the child.
Maybe it was his after all.
Ignoring his growling stomach, Vegeta turned away from the sickening sight and made his way back up the stairs, lingering at the top and out of sight as he heard whispers from the direction of the living room.
“When are you going to tell him?” Yamcha whispered.
Vegeta heard no answer, but he could imagine the onna shrugging at the question. Tell who what? His ears perked up at the sound of Bulma's soft voice.
“I don't know, Yamcha… I just want to avoid it all.” He could hear her sigh and some shuffling of feet, and the voices were a bit clearer than they were before. They were closer now. “The doctors told me I have gestational hypertension and I'm afraid if I tell him… I'll hurt the baby or myself.”
“What's gestational hypertension?”
Another sigh, this one sounding aggravated. “Basically, I have high blood pressure.” A moment of silence and then, “It means it's not good for me or the baby!”
“Yeah, anyway…” More shuffling of feet and the voices muffled somewhat. “Now you see why I don't want to tell him!”
“Because he stresses you out?”
“And a point goes to Captain Obvious.”
Vegeta turned away from the stairs. He knew they were talking about him and it irritated him to no end, but he refused to approach her while the weakling was present.
No. He'd have to corner her later.
Later that night, Vegeta was walking down the hall towards his room. After spending those few minutes eavesdropping, Vegeta went back to his room, only to jump from his balcony to the ground below and spent the rest of the day training in the woods away from Capsule Corp. As he turned the corner he saw Bulma coming out of a room that wasn't hers and he smirked.
Now was the perfect time.
He silently approached her from behind as she locked the door with a silver key and waited for her to notice him. She turned around, ready to make her way back to her room only to squeal in surprise, her back against the door and she frowned.
“What the hell, Vegeta?!” Bulma screamed frantically. “You don't just sneak up on people like that, it's rude!”
Vegeta chuckled and folded her arms as he stared down at her condescendingly. “I have questions, onna.”
A brow perked in curiosity. “Oh?”
He nodded once. “You will give me answers.”
Bulma frowned. “How are you so sure I have the answers for those questions?”
“I have a pretty good hunch that you do,” He replied smugly.
She eyed him before pushing herself away from the door, pocketing the small key subtly. A heavy feeling settled in her gut. He just had to catch her as she was coming out of the nursery, didn't he? Soon after the heavy feeling came, panic surely followed. What if it was about the baby? Oh Kami, what if he knew?
What was she going to do?
Suddenly, Bulma began to feel dizzy, her heart was beating too fast as she worked herself up into a frenzy and she leaned against the door once more, taking deep breaths. “Can… we do this later? I'm not feeling too good, Vegeta.” Without waiting for his response, she pushed herself away from the door one more time and made her way to her room, closing the door behind her with a slam that was unintentional.
She sat on her bed, taking deep breaths to lower her heart rate only to jump when her door swung open. Vegeta made his way into her room, scowling disapprovingly, and stood before her in his typical stance.
“This cannot wait till later, onna! I demand answers!”
She sighed exasperatedly. “To what, Vegeta?! Just spit it out so I can go to bed!”
“You are pregnant,” He bluntly stated and her whole form froze. Normally, Vegeta would've found her wide, saucer like eyes amusing, but in this case, it wasn't. He knew he was treading on dangerous waters, but he lived for danger and he didn't care.
Finally, after what seemed like hours of silence, Bulma opened her mouth to speak, only to stutter nervously. “H-h-how… I-I mean… W-when…” Her hands fisted the sheets beneath her in both frustration and nervousness as she struggled to get her sentences straight, but it was useless. This was the last thing she wanted Vegeta to know, and he had found out all on his own.
Vegeta smirked at her stuttering. It wasn't often he was able to render the genius speechless and when he was able to, he reveled in it.
“How did I find out?”
She dumbly nodded.
He shrugged. “I have my ways.” There was no way he was going to tell her he knew because of her. He'd rather leave her guessing and see her squirm a bit more.
At his words, Bulma's eyes narrowed, her nervousness, though not gone, had dimmed somewhat. “Were you SPYING on me?!”
Vegeta laughed darkly. “Please, onna! Don't be absurd!”
“Then HOW?!”
Again, Vegeta shrugged. “It does not matter how I know. What matters is that you are hiding it.” He stared at her, his eyes intimidating.
Bulma sighed and slowly stood. Now that he knew, there was no reason for her baggy clothing, so she made her way to the closet for different attire, muttering along the way. “I can't believe you found out…” Once in her closet, she threw her baggy shirt to the floor before digging to the back of her closet where she hide her maternity clothing, pulling out a light blue shirt and slipping it on.
“You are wasting my time, onna!”
“Give me a minute, Kami, Vegeta! Learn some patience!”
A low growl could be heard from her room and she rolled her eyes while simultaneously taking deep breaths to keep herself calm. Finally, after a few minutes, she emerged from her closet in new clothes and she crossed her arms, mimicking Vegeta's stance. “I have my reasons for not telling you.”
Vegeta frowned. That was it? She had her reasons? Well, that wasn't good enough!
“Elaborate, onna.”
“Fine, if you're going to be difficult.” He marched up to her and Bulma blinked in surprise as Vegeta placed a hand on her swollen stomach. He would've rather hearing it from her, but she wanted to be difficult.
He needed to know.
The moment his hand made contact with her stomach, Vegeta's eyes widened. Impossible. There couldn't be a way! The ki of the child's was already that of a low-level Saiya-jin and he could feel it growing.
It couldn't be though…
But there was no mistaking the evidence. The child's ki spoke the truth and Vegeta stared down at Bulma's stomach in complete shock. The baby was his and it was a boy. He could distinctly tell just from the ki that he would be having a son.
Not knowing what he was doing, Bulma placed her hands on his chest and, with all the strength she could muster, she pushed him away, though it was like pushing a rock. Vegeta blinked up at her before he scowled again and backed away completely.
“What the hell, Vegeta?” Bulma yelled as she rubbed her stomach. She wasn't sure what he was doing and though he hadn't hurt her, she still felt a need to protect the life within her, no matter how ridiculous the situation was.
Vegeta, however, said nothing. They stared each other down, before once again, his eyes landed on her stomach. Bulma's eyes narrowed in confusion at the many emotions she could see flutter through across his face, but before she could make anything of it, Vegeta stood straight and left the room quickly without uttering a word.
She watched him leave, speechless, before she rubbed her stomach gently, feeling the gentle thumping of her baby from within.
“Cat's out of the bag, huh, baby?”
The general challenge rules are now up on my blog and if you'd like, you may view it there. Read it carefully. Anyone is more than welcome to propose a challenge via my blog, just read the little page to know how to. It's simple. I also put a link to my forum on my blog.
ALSO, I have created a challenge called The Saiya-jin Princess. Please visit my blog (under I Propose a Challenge!) and review the rules. I will be posting ALL entries on my blog for public voting.
I wrote a new post and it will concern you all, I advise you read it for future reference.
My Prologue to my Novel, Mistress of Sorcery, has been published to my blog under An Insight and (Novel). I ask you all to please head there and read it. I'm asking for some critiques because I do intend to publish it some day… maybe.
School starts next week… I'm so excited! Read my blog to know what'll happen when school does start!
Next Chapter: Vegeta finds out some other things that Bulma was hiding from him. What's going to happen?
Until next time my lovelies,