Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 10: Panic ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: So, my time has been divided between three stories now. This, MAHOI, and my novel! I'm so excited! The new novel will be up on enovella; once I get the first five chapters written, I'll be posting it there. So, once it's up, go there and review it! If it becomes popular enough, it may get published by the site! *squeals* It's called Mistress of Sorcery and it'll be a part of a Series called The Spell of the Keeper. I cannot wait to see how it turns out. It's based off the online IM RPing I do on occasion. (I know, I'm a total nerd, lol!)
I'm getting rid of my site and keeping my blog. I know, I've been doing that a lot, but I'm a perfectionist and I hate how my site came out, so a blog will have to do. This blog is my permanent one. (link below)
REVIEW THANKS TO: xXBrittyBabeXx, Trixie-chan, Miss Katrina Malfoy, elleelle, menga88, Supersaiyan2479, ZapZapYotsuba, VladLover, Mkeanomi15, TheatreLuver19, Winrycherry101 (again, sorry for any misspelling or if I missed your penname; I value your review just as much!)
DISCLAIMER: I'm bringin' Veggie back! Yeah! (Taken from Justin Timberlake's, “I'm bringin' sexy back”)
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
I'd like to thank Maddymadison101 for helping me with a few ideas in this chapter! You're fabulous! And to Miss Katrina Malfoy, who inspired a scene I wrote based on the review she gave! Thank you!!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 10: Panic
Bulma paced back and forth in her room as she chewed on her nails, her anxiety through the roof. Just that morning, her father awoke her to inform her that Vegeta was about to enter Earth's atmosphere and would be landing within a few hours. Her heart was hammering in her chest and butterflies were fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She did not expect him to be back so soon! He said five months, not four! He was a month early!
A little thump from within her stomach brought her out of her thoughts as she gazed down in amazement. She had yet to feel her baby move and was caught off guard by the feel of pressure within her stomach. Bulma placed her hand where she felt her son kick and her eyes widened when she felt something press against it.
Suddenly, Bulma began to panic. How was she going to explain this to Vegeta? How would he react? The only way she could imagine him reacting was just taking off again, abandoning her completely and never coming back. She couldn't have that! But she couldn't throw her pregnancy in his face after being separated from him for four months.
Oh Kami, what do I do?
Out of the corner of her eyes, hanging on the chair by her vanity, Bulma saw the oversized baseball jersey Yamcha had bought her for Christmas the last year and an idea struck her. The only reason she kept it was because it was comfortable to sleep in, but it had been too large for her to wear other than that. Without a second thought, Bulma pulled the jersey off the chair and threw it on, the shirt large enough to hide her bulging stomach.
For good measure, she pulled on it, stretching the shirt out more, then looked in the mirror to check her appearance and nodded. That would have to do.
“Bulma, dear? Will you come help me with these muff—oh!” Bunny stood in the doorway to Bulma's room, watching as her daughter continued to stretch out the jersey while simultaneously checking her appearance. She giggled. “Sweetie, why are you wearing that large shirt? You can't even see your stomach in it!”
Bulma smiled at that. “That, mother, is exactly the reason.”
Bunny tilted her head, confused. “I don't understand. Why do you want to hide your stomach?” Then she gasped and approached her daughter, concerned clearly written on her face. “Oh, darling! You're not worried your fat, are you?”
What? No!” Bulma bit the inside of her cheek in annoyance, before she faced her mother fully. “I just… I don't want him knowing about the baby yet, that's all.”
“Why not, dear? He has a right to know; he is the father, after all.”
“I know that! But what if he suddenly decides to take off and leave me to deal with this on my own?” Bulma's panicking surfaced, her breathing picking up as tears began to fill her eyes at all the `what ifs'. “What if he thinks it was a huge mistake and demands I get rid of my baby? What if he gets so angry that he tries to kill me? What if—“
Bunny cut Bulma off as she cupped her tear-streaked face in her hands, shushing her. “Do not think that way! You need to be strong, love. You've carried this baby just fine without him for four months. If he leaves, you will be fine without him! And besides,” she smiled at her miserable looking daughter. “I don't think Vegeta is the type of person to run away from his problems or his responsibilities. You need to give him the benefit of the doubt here, darling.” She began to wipe the tears away. “He doesn't even know, yet. Give him a chance.”
Bulma took deep shaky breaths to calm herself. Her mother was right, but it still didn't squash the little doubt that whispered in the back of her mind that Vegeta could and may leave if he knew. It comforted her to keep the jersey on and she wasn't about to take it off anytime soon. So, instead of arguing, Bulma just nodded and put on a shaky smile for her mother before she once again turned to face the mirror, grasping a tissue off the vanity to dab at her eyes while she assessed her appearance once again.
She exhaled and after a few minutes of her mother rubbing her back, Bulma turned away from the mirror. “Will you please not say anything to him?”
“Mom, please! Let me explain to him when I'm good and ready,” she pleaded.
Bunny sighed and finally nodded. “All right but, I think you should tell him upfront and save yourself the stress.”
Sighing with relief, Bulma hugged her mother tightly. “Thanks, Mom!” As she was about to pull away, Bulma gasped in remembrance. “Oh! And the nursery! I know it's finished and all, but can we… lock it up?”
For a moment, Bulma wanted to take the request back at her mother's crest-fallen face. There were only a few times she had seen her mother so upset and she never liked it. Bunny was naturally bubbly and disappointing her hurt more than a getting a deep cut. But Bulma was still panicking and wanted to take no chances. Her mother only nodded; a frown on her face.
Bulma bit her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. “I'm sorry, Momma. It's only temporary…”
Bunny shook her head, the frown now replaced with a small smile. “It's all right, dear. I understand, though I don't agree… Now,” She turned and began to leave the room, pulling a few keys on a key ring from her pocket, “why don't you come help me with these muffins for Vegeta?”
“Sure,” Bulma replied as she watched her mother leave. She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, which read a quarter past one, and rubbed her stomach before she stopped herself. That habit she would have to break when round Vegeta.
Unsure whether she would be able to pull off her plan, Bulma left her room.
“Please, Yamcha, I really don't think we should be talking about this right now!”
“Well, why not? I think now is perfect!”
“Believe me, now is most definitely not perfect!”
“Bullshit it isn't, B!”
Bulma let out an aggravated sigh as she marched down the hall. She had been counting down the hours till Vegeta returned, running a checklist through her mind of all the baby stuff she had bought and hiding it. She had been so distracted with her plan, she forgot she was originally avoiding Yamcha, whom found her outside the nursery door, throwing her baby books in the room and locking it up tight.
She stopped her determined march and turned to face Yamcha, now angry. “I don't think you grasp the severity of my situation and I cannot deal with you right now! So I think its best you go home!”
Yamcha frowned. “You're kicking me out? All I want is an answer!”
Oh my Kami, Yamcha! I can't give you one right now, for pete's sake!” She turned away, ready to leave him behind in the lone hallway, when she heard him chuckle mockingly. Bulma gritted her teeth and prepared herself for whatever violent verbal attack he had prepared for her.
“You know what I think? You're afraid of commitment! Here I am, proposing to you, willing to take care of you and that child and you're running scared! You need me, Bulma, just admit it!” Yamcha blurted out, smirking as if he was the victor. He was crushed that she had yet to give him an answer to his proposal and knew she had been avoiding him, and he was angry that her time had been devoted on the return of Vegeta. He had been spoiled—having her all to himself—and let his mind and heart run away from him.
If only he had kept his distance and his mouth shut.
Bulma scoffed, and before she knew what she was doing, her hand was raised and flying through the air as her body turned, her palm meeting his cheek in a loud smack, her mouth spewing the venom she had held in for the last several minutes he had been following her. “I've had it with you! All you ever think about is yourself! You may think that you're doing me a favor by proposing to me, but let's get one thing straight here,” Yamcha took a step back at the force of her glare, his hand held to his stinging cheek, “you're only in this,” she gestured to the space between them, “for yourself! Just like it's always been in our relationship for years! You think I can't take care of myself without a man,” she spat distastefully, “to lean on, but guess what, honey? I can do just fine without you or your ring.”
Yamcha stared at her, completely taken aback by her response. Without thinking he asked, “So… is that a no?” Before he cringed, mentally smacking himself for his stupidity.
Bulma rolled her eyes and walked away, her silence ringing with her answer.
The blue planet continued to get closer and closer as he stared out the small window of the simulator. Vegeta stood there with his typical scowl on his face and his arms crossed. He had planned a full five month training trip away from Earth, but he ran into a small problem. Fuel and resources; low on both and unable to continue on with his trip. He couldn't even make it to the planet he had wanted to train on, the fuel capacity for the simulator didn't hold enough for such a long journey. So he had to settle for a small planet close to Earth, one he had landed on and resided for two months.
To say he was irritated that his plan was ruined was an understatement, but now it no longer mattered.
He smirked at the thought before it was quickly wiped away as he entered the planet's atmosphere, the ship shaking with the force of the pull towards the blue gem. Vegeta had contemplated his return to the backwater planet, his departure still fresh in his mind. He knew things between him and the blue haired onna were still unsettled and he was not looking forward to the reunion. The night before his departure was exactly what he needed to help him decide whether leaving or not was necessary, but the fact that she took more away from the experience made things much more difficult for him.
But, then again, why did he care?
He didn't.
Vegeta turned away from the window and upped the gravity, deciding to throw in some last minute training before he landed. He needed a distraction. The onna had always been in the back of his mind for a reason unknown to him, and it bothered him.
His hand hovered over the engage button when his mind suddenly flashed. The feel of her silky skin against his, her breathy moans in his ears, and his name being screamed was too real for him. Vegeta growled before he balled his fist and slammed it down onto the button, the light flashing as the gravity was initiated. He may find the onna attractive and admitted silently that they had chemistry between the sheets, but this was unacceptable. He had better control of himself and of his mind.
A good long hard training session would remind him of that.
The hours passed, the muffins were made, and Bulma stood in the living room, pacing. The little exchange between her and Yamcha had left her more on edge than she originally was that morning. Her fingers were laced together in front of her, her thumbs twiddling together, before she pulled them apart and stretched her shirt out for the umpteenth time.
A part of her felt ashamed for hiding her pregnant belly, but another part of her, the irrational part was screaming louder, causing her to panic. Bulma didn't want to take the chance of Vegeta finding out and taking off… or blasting her… She refused to risk her unborn child. In her eyes, this was a way of protecting her baby, but that small annoying voice in the back of her mind was whispering that she was only trying to protect herself.
Coward, it hissed. You know he has a right to know, but you're afraid. Bulma smacked a hand to her head, trying to quiet the whispering, but to no avail. What happened to the proud and unafraid Bulma Briefs?
Bulma sighed as she clutched a hand to her head. “She's running scared…”
“What was that, dear?”
Blinking in surprise, Bulma glanced over her shoulder to see her father standing in the archway to the living room, a smoking pipe in hand and Scratch upon his shoulder. When she shook her head and gave him a small smile, Dr. Briefs chuckled.
“Bulma? You remember what I told you about talking to yourself?”
She nodded with a sweet smile as she quoted her father's words from when she was younger, “There's a fine line between talking to yourself out of insanity and talking to yourself because you're a genius…”
Dr. Briefs nodded approvingly. “All right, just wanted to make sure,” he said and Scratch meowed from his shoulder.
When he didn't leave, Bulma turned to face him fully, the question written in her eyes.
“Did you need something, Daddy?”
Her father looked hesitant and immediately she was on her guard. The only times her father was ever hesitant was when he either had bad news or wanted her to work in the office in the city; which was also bad news.
“Dad? What is it?” She questioned, biting her lip in anticipation for whatever her father needed to say.
Dr. Briefs smiled gently at Bulma and took the pipe from his mouth. “I know what you're planning to do,” He said simply and her eyes narrowed in confusion. When he glanced down towards her stomach, realization struck her. Of course. Her mother must've said something to her father after their little talk. “I just wanted to let you know… no matter what you decide to do from here on out, you're mother and I fully support you.”
Bulma smiled gratefully and went to hug him.
“Thank you, Daddy…”
He rubbed her back gently before pulling away, grasping her by the shoulders. “That's not all, princess… I just got a signal from the simulator.”
The feeling of butterflies fluttering in her stomach caused Bulma to inhale a shaky breath.
“Vegeta will be landing in fifteen minutes.”
Those minutes felt like hours to Bulma. She stood out on the lawn, staring up at the sky, a hand held over her eyes to protect them from the glaring sun as she awaited his landing. The feeling of butterflies never went away, but a sense of calm came over her. Right after her father announced the pending arrival of the Saiya-jin no Ouji, Bulma immediately took her place outside. She had been scoping the blue sky for any sign of him when she finally saw it.
It was small, barely noticeable, but it was there.
A small dot of light that shimmered just above her, and the moment her eyes landed on it, her heart skipped a beat.
That was him.
Suddenly, her sense of calm vanished and her free hand fisted the ends of her jersey shirt. A small thump was felt from within her stomach and Bulma was tempted to caress where she felt her baby. He was obviously reacting to her increased heart rate. Instead, she hummed softly to herself in hopes to calm both her and her agitated son down.
“Oh my! Is that him up there?” Bunny appeared next to Bulma, causing her to jump in surprise, before her daughter nodded affirmatively.
“Yeah… that's him.”
Oblivious to her daughter's lack of enthusiasm, Bunny squealed in delight. “Oh! This is just so exciting! Trunks!” Turning, Bunny dashed into the house, yelling for her husband and Bulma sighed. She knew her mother was excited, but for some reason, she couldn't share the feeling. Vegeta's return had been a sore thorn in her side, something she had been dreading the moment she discovered she was pregnant.
Not only was she forcing herself to hide her pregnant belly, but now, she had to act like nothing happened between them. How could she do that? Was it even possible?
Another thump was felt and Bulma shook her head.
Quit it, girl. You're upsetting your son!
Five minutes passed by and both her parents stood in front of her; all three of them watching as the space craft got closer and closer. Bulma swallowed heavily. The closer he got to landing, the more nervous she became. Quickly, she wiped at her forehead, a small drop of sweat appearing and she took a deep breath. Glancing up, Bulma noticed her mother's eyes on her and she attempted to smile reassuringly, but it only came out as a grimace.
“Deep breaths, darling,” Bunny stood next to her daughter and rubbed her back, breathing evenly with her. “You can do this.”
Bulma nodded and her head snapped up when she heard the loud hiss of the craft lowering to the ground. She never felt her mother's hand leave her back, never noticed her father approach the large capsule to inspect for damage, and didn't even jump when the door to the simulator cracked open with a thud before swinging completely open. Her eyes were wide and she stood stock still, but when nothing came out of the simulator, a slight irritation began to build within her.
Is he purposely trying to make her panic more? What an ass!
Another minute flew by and her nervousness was forgotten as Bulma placed her hands on her slender hips, her foot tapping repeatedly as she attempted to wait patiently for Vegeta to reveal himself.
Oh my Kami, this is ridiculous! Why am I even waiting here?!
Bulma huffed in annoyance, ready to turn and walk back into the compound when her mother squealed loudly.
“Oh my Kami!!”
Turning, she saw her mother jumping enthusiastically around the short being and her breath caught in her throat. There Vegeta stood, his arms folded as he ignored Bunny's rants, his eyes on her. Had it really been four months since they last saw each other?
Bulma's eyes roamed over his features, noting the slight changes to his physique, and took in a breath. He was definitely more built; from the distance she stood she could plainly see the ripples of his muscles as he flinched away from Bunny's subtle touches and light taps. Her eyes took in his broad shoulders, down to his chiseled chest that was nearly exposed thanks to his torn shirt, down even lower to the tightness of his spandex shorts that fit even tighter than before.
She blushed before she peeled her eyes away. It had been too long since she last felt him and seeing how much he had changed caused a feeling she hadn't felt in so long to stir within the pits of her stomach.
The feeling of eyes burning in the back of her head made Bulma look up and their eyes met across the lawn. They stared each other down and a slight panic was felt when his eyes left her to roam over her own body. What if he could feel the baby? Then what would she do? She glanced over to her mother, whom stood to the side with the tray of muffins gesturing for her to remain calm, and took a deep breath.
“Welcome back, Vegeta,” Bulma said with as much confidence she could muster, surprised at the level of calm in her voice.
He scowled when his eyes returned to her and grunted in response before bounding past her into the compound. The moment he was out of sight, Bulma let out a shaky breath and her mother smiled brightly at her.
“See?” Bunny started. “That's wasn't so bad!” She giggled before she hurried after Vegeta, rambling off something about his large Saiya-jin appetite before she disappeared.
Bulma shook her head as she watched her father continue to inspect the simulator, trying her best to ignore the gentle thumping from within her stomach. A slow smile spread across her lips as she released yet another long exhale before turning to walk back into the compound.
Maybe things would go smoothly after all.
Days passed and Bulma continued to wear the baggiest clothing she could find in her closet. So far, Vegeta had yet to notice anything out of the ordinary and Bulma gained hope, but a small thought of doubt always diminished her hopes of him staying.
Soon after his returned, Vegeta went back to his normal schedule, his encounters with Bulma were few and far between, something that was both reassuring to her and disappointing. It had been a long time since she felt his intimate touch and her hormones were starting to get out of hand. But she could do nothing but ignore them.
The one day, Bulma forced herself to leave the kitchen before she jumped Vegeta and demanded he take her on the counter; instead she headed for her bathroom for a long shower and some hand work. It had become a habit of hers since she became pregnant and Bulma refused to call Yamcha up for a late night bout between the sheets. She told herself she had better class and settled for the alternative.
Now, Bulma stood in front of her closet, searching for the baggiest article of clothing she could find that would hide her bulging stomach. It had amazed her that she was able to hide it; a part of her expected Vegeta to immediately notice the ki of her baby, but his obliviousness calmed her.
Bulma's head snapped up when she heard pounding footsteps not too far down the hall and had a sinking feeling Vegeta was on his way to see her. Panicking, Bulma ducked into her closet, her hand reaching out to grab the farthest shirt she could get and threw it on. Looking down at herself, Bulma realized the shirt she had grabbed was her old paint shirt and growled. Though the shirt was baggy, it was also patterned with holes, especially around her stomach.
The door to her room swung open and bounced off the wall, causing Bulma to jump in surprise.
“Onna!” Vegeta yelled angrily.
Not knowing what to do, Bulma stood in her closet, her eyes flying from the room to her shirt and back again before she let out an “Eep!” when she looked up to see Vegeta standing in the doorway to her closet, his dark brow furrowed as he took in her appearance.
“Vegeta!! Never sneak up on a woman! It's rude!” Bulma whined.
He scoffed. “I called, you didn't answer. That hardly counts as sneaking, onna.” Vegeta crossed his arms and smirked as if he knew a secret she didn't. “If I didn't know better, I would say you were hiding from me.”
Bulma's face paled. It did look bad, she admitted, and maybe she was hiding from him. Well, hiding something from him, but there was no way in hell she would tell him that.
Unbeknownst to her, Vegeta had taken notice to her odd behavior and her new choice in fashion. At first, he thought nothing of it, but as the days went by, he became more curious. When he'd enter a room with her in it and she'd abruptly leave, Vegeta figured it was because she had yet to get over their one night together. However, her attitude towards him insisted she had gotten over that time and something else was up.
He knew she was hiding something; what it was, he didn't know.
Bulma straightened her posture and met his arrogant gaze. Deep inside, she was panicking and feared her behavior had given her away, but on the outside, she stood strong and glared at the man before her.
“Next time, knock before you enter!” She screamed and brushed past him. “What the hell do you want anyway, you pompous jerk?!”
Vegeta cocked a brow at her choice of name for him, but said nothing about it as he turned to regard her. “The simulator needs repairs and upgrades.”
Her jaw slacked and her eyes widened.
“You've GOT to be joking!” When he continued to stare at her, Bulma huffed in annoyance. “That's ridiculous, Vegeta! My father repaired that damn machine right after you came back! I'm not doing it!”
Not only am I not doing it, I can't do it, Bulma thought as she subtly glanced down at her stomach, and adjusted her shirt so not to give anything away.
“I want it done by dinner tonight,” Vegeta demanded.
She gritted her teeth together.
And I want you to kiss my ass, you bastard!
“Fine!” Bulma bellowed, her fists clenched at her sides.
Her brow furrowed when he didn't leave her room and she sighed exasperatedly. “Was there anything else, your majesty?” But he said nothing and it unnerved her. Bulma hated to be in Vegeta's presence for any given length of time in fear he would sense her baby's ki and the fact that he wasn't leaving made her nervous. So, she stood and fidgeted with the ends of her tattered shirt, and observed Vegeta whom was observing her outfit expressionlessly.
They stood there, staring at each other for what seemed like hours, until Bulma jumped at the sound of his voice.
“Why must you wear such clothing?”
She blinked and looked down at her shirt and shrugged, feigning innocence.
Vegeta scowled and glared at her. “You've been acting out of sorts, onna. You are hiding something.”
Bulma paled at his words.
“I don't know what you're talking about, Vegeta.”
His stare made her uncomfortable and she began to fidget underneath it. Now she knew what his victims felt like when he fixed his stare upon them. It was cold and unrelenting. If only he knew what she was hiding. Unable to take his stare any longer, Bulma turned to leave the room quickly, calling over her shoulder, “You'll have your simulator by dinner!” before she dashed down the hall.
Vegeta shook his head as he watched her go. She thought she was being evasive, but in actuality, she was emitting a guilty conscience. He knew she was hiding something from him and he intended to find out.
Smirking, Vegeta left her room, his pace steady and sure.
He loved a good challenge and Bulma was now presenting him with one.
*ducks underneath a desk* I know, I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in a long time and I feel so horrible about it! I got a job interview, I was dealing with some personal issues, rebuilding my blog, etc and so forth, things just got piled… *squeaks in surprise at a flying tomato and hides*
In the next chapter, as an apology to all of you, there will be a lot of Vegeta! I absolutely promise. However, when it comes out is what I can't promise… *bites my lip nervously*
I suggest for you all to keep up with me on my blog to know what's going on with these updates, but I'm trying to work on the next chapter as we speak. And I want to propose a challenge, but that's not going to be for a while. *shrugs*
Behindmysteriouseyes (dot) wordpress (dot) com
I know. I got rid of my official site. For specific reasons, too.
Once again— *gets hit in the face with another flying tomato, juice going everywhere* I'm so sorry!!!!
I want to thank all of you who gave encouraging reviews and have been sticking by me!
Until next time my lovelies,