Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unpredictable and Undeniable Lust ❯ The Ending of a Marriage ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I always wanted to do a fanfic about Vegeta and Chi-chi. I see that hardly anybody writes about them so I wanted to go ahead and do it, just to get it out of my system. They'll probably be more who knows? This is the final chapter. I'm tired and I got other stories to work on as well. I'm at the end of my rope here! Anyway I hoped you liked it and a shout out to Caslite. Thank you for the review. I really appreciate it. So on with the story...

A/N: Ok I decided to add a little to this dramafest. Let’s just say it takes a surprising turn. I hope you will like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z, and am not making any profit from this Fiction.

Pairs: V/CC, V/CC/G

The Ending of a Marriage???

Chi-chi waited patiently–well almost patiently–in their designated meeting place, aka motel room, dressed in nothing but stripper heels per his request. She licked her lips anxiously, mostly because she was nervous, excited and somewhat ashamed. She knew she shouldn’t be here–after all she was a wife, a mother and above all a good person. Yeah right, that’s why you're here in a cheap motel room lying to your husband about where you spend your time. Her conscience scolded.

Okay maybe not all good, she corrected.

But Chi-chi had never felt this way before, so desperate, so needy, and impatient. Where the hell is he? she wondered looking at the door. It never failed, after all this time he still did this to her, making her wait and pant after him. Vegeta always kept her waiting until she was so turned-on and desperate that she would do absolutely anything–take anything he would offer her. She wanted him yet despised him. All the feelings he made her feel–all the things she felt for him confused her–the love, the lust, the anger… all of it was too much for her to handle and yet she craved more from him.

This was what she hated about waiting–it made her examine what she was doing, what she was risking by being here. She raked a hand over her face, “God, I’m in over my head. What am I doing?” she muttered softly, “God, this is crazy! I shouldn’t even be here!”

In truth this was all supposed to be over–after Goku had almost caught them at the party at Capsule corp. which was where Vegeta had been staying. Even after the nasty yet truthful things he had said to her hadn’t dampened her desire for him. Chi-chi had been so sure that day that she wouldn’t ever come near him again and yet here she was waiting for him to use her body as he always had done.

She eyed the door one last time and knew she could wait no longer, so she pleasured herself, thinking of all the things he would do to her once he got there. By the time Vegeta finally showed up she was close to orgasm. His hot dark stare raked over her lusciously naked shuddering form and smiled, lust in his eyes. He walked like a predator on the hunt for his next meal and she was more than ready to be devoured.

“You couldn’t wait for me?” he asked, stripping out his clothes, revealing his ripped body to her hungry gaze.

She gasped, still stroking her moist cavern, driving her fingers deeper inside. “I always wait for you–”

“But not today–”

“You were… late…” she gaped, stroking herself closer and closer to the edge.

He scoffed, “Woman, I’ll come whenever I want–”

“And I want to come!”

The desperation in her voice sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. He smirked and made his way toward the bed. He loved it when she was this way, she would practically do anything–even beg for his dick. Vegeta realized quite early in their twisted relationship how low he could bring this once proud woman. He licked his lips hungrily and laid down beside her, taking her mouth in a sweltering hot sizzling kiss.

The thing about Chi-chi was that she always gave as good as she got–maybe even more. He always held himself back emotionally, not wanting to bind himself to her even though she made him feel more than he ever thought possible. But he still would not–could not have her as his mate. It wasn’t what neither of them wanted.

Wanting to banish his thoughts he kissed down her graceful neck down to her protruding nipple. She bit her lip and moaned when he kissed her breast, licking, biting and sucking on her. He then took her hands and placed them above her head.

His eyes glowed with sexuality as he growled out, “Keep them there…”

She gave him a cross look, “Vegeta–”

“Just do it.”

“But–” she cried out when he nipped her stomach, an erogenous zone he had discovered over the past month of their affair. The tiny action pushed her over the edge. But he continued kissing down her body until he found the engorged pearl that drove her completely crazy. She kept coming and coming until she was almost exhausted.

“Are you satisfied?”

“No, not even close.” She surprised him by pushing him on his back and climbed on top of him, a sexy smirk gracing her features. “We don’t have much time together–and I need this.” She said, stroking his large erection.

Chi-chi kissed him passionately then bit down on his tongue until she drew a little blood from his lip as she positioned herself over his massive cock. Then sighed and moaned as she sank onto his hardness, the feel of him overwhelming. He gritted his teeth as she rode him harshly, taking her own pleasure. She rode him harder and faster until they both cried out simultaneously.

Without thinking he sank his teeth into the space where her neck met the shoulder, her sweet blood flowing inside his mouth, marking her as his. Her eyes widened in shock, pleasure and pain infused her body as he bit down on her. Her body continued to spasm out of control, the pleasure too much, too intense and yet it wouldn’t stop. She cried his name over and over, tears running down her cheeks.

Emotions rushed through her all at once; pleasure, pain, love and hot ecstasy all rolled together inside her heart. She slumped over his sweaty body, physically and emotionally spent. She clung to him, unable to let go and he held her just as possessively, not wanting to let her go either.

“You’re mine woman. All mine.” He growled softly, stroking her sweaty back.

Chi-chi looked at him, regret clear in her dark eyes, “I can’t be yours though–I belong to–”

“Don’t say his name. You belong to me now.”


Vegeta kissed her gently and when they made-love–and actually made-love–She knew she had lost her heart to the surly Saiyan. This meant she had to tell Goku the horrible truth. She had fallen for Vegeta-her husband’s frienemy.

“Vegeta…I have to go!” she said on a gasp, as his fingers caressed her soaked curls.

“No you don’t…”

She giggled when his mouth nipped her neck teasingly, “Alright… the sooner I leave… the sooner I get back.” she said kissing his luscious lips.

“Fine–Go if you must. But hurry back.” He said, gnawing gently on her lips. “I got plans for you.”

“I will try to–”

“Don’t try to–do it!” Then he made-love to her all over again, making her forget about Goku and her guilt of breaking his heart.

When Chi-chi got home she found her husband had set up a romantic dinner for two. Her heart sank at the sight, How the hell am I going to tell him about Vegeta? she wondered worriedly.

“Surprise!” Goku said with a warm smile.

“What’s all this?”
Goku shrugged sheepishly, “I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well you did just that.”

He narrowed his eyes on her, sensing something was odd. “Chi…what’s wrong?”

Chi-chi rung her hands together nervously, “I have something to tell you–”

“Well whatever it is can-” The door bell rang interrupting their conversation. He sighed, looking exasperated, “Don't worry about it, I'll get it.” He then made his way toward the door. Five seconds later he came back, a sheepish look on his face. “That was Krillin. But don’t worry, I sent him away.”

“Goku…Goku I–”
“Why don’t we eat first and talk later huh?”
She eyed him appreciatively and nodded; grateful he put off the talk until later. “Sure.”He pulled out her chair and pushed her in. They ate in silence; the food might as well have been tasteless as far as she was concerned. But she ate it nonetheless. Goku watched her eat and held in his disappointment and continued to eat in silence. He had noticed that his wife had somewhat changed over the past few months but today it hit him dead-on.
His dark eyes held sorrow as he finally broke the silence. “Chi, I feel that I’m losing you.”At that she turned pale. “Losing me?” she shifted uncomfortably and asked, “In what way?”He shrugged, “I don’t know. You’ve been so distant lately–so I fixed this dinner so that we can maybe close the gap between us.”She opened and closed her mouth, unsure what to say, “Goku I…”He chuckled in that cute uncertain way he usually did when he was unsure of what to do and smiled, “Maybe you don’t want to discuss this but–”
She closed her eyes and prepared to tell him what was on her heart. “Goku! Please let me get this out.”

He looked a little put out but nodded, “Ok, I’m listening…”

“This is difficult for me…” she began, uncertain how to tell him what she was about to do, knowing he would most likely hate her forever. But she knew what she had to do. She was just so unsure how to do it.

Goku looked at her, a wary expression on his face. “Just say it, Chi.”

“I’m cheating on you!” she shouted, wanting to stop dancing around the bush and to get it all over with.

He went stock still. “What?”

Chi-chi sighed and went on as best she could, “This was not how I wanted to tell you…and I was never good at hiding anything from you…”

“Well you did a pretty good job at fooling me.” He then blew up, thinking of how many months she had pushed him away, believing her excuses for not wanting him right then, when in reality she had been getting it somewhere else, in someone else’s arms! “How could you do this to me? To our marriage? Did it mean anything to you?”
“Of course it did. For the longest time I was torn I was dedicated to you but somewhere along the way I stopped being dedicated and was now being obligated. I’m so sorry but I fell in love with him.”

“Did you ever consider how this would affect our family- wait you don’t care! Why did I even bother asking that?!”


“You don’t care about me or our child or anybody else! You don’t care about no one but yourself!”

His words hurt, but she took it in. “That is not true! I do care about you and Gohan. And I told you I was sorry–”

“Well maybe sorry isn’t good enough!”

She hated seeing him this hurt, this angry. “Well I don’t know what else I can do. But I am sorry.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry too. I’m sorry I gave my heart to you, I’m sorry that I married you hell I’m sorry that I even met you!”
Chi-chi rose gracefully from the table and gave him a sad smile. “I really am sorry.” she then sighed and began walking toward their bedroom. “Ok, I will get my things packed up and get going I guess.”

All he did was watch her pack her things into her duffle bags with a breaking heart, unable to say anything. She turned and met his angry gaze head-on. “Let me know one thing.” He asked; hurt clear in his voice as he asked her.

“What about Gohan? What do we do about raising him?”

She sighed; she had thought a lot about that particular situation, and answered the only way she knew would be fair. “We’ll sure custody. He would have to spend half the year with you and the other half with me.”

He nodded with a sour expression on his face. “Ok. That seems fair.”

She hefted the bags on her shoulder and looked very melancholy. “You know, one day it would have come to this anyway. With you always fighting and dying–and me… well… I guess it wasn’t really meant to be.”

He nodded, “Tell me another thing Chi–just who came between us and tore up our family? Who stole your heart from me?”

Chi-chi looked at him, a mild expression on her face, “Are you sure you want to know?”

He grew even angrier, “Tell me!”

She lifted her chin proudly and said, “Vegeta.”

“Vegeta!” He exploded, stalking to her, his eyes red from anger. “You fucked Vegeta?”

“Yes, I did. I never meant to hurt you. It was just one of those things that just sort of happened–you know–”

“And it just kept happening huh?” He snarled, he was wild, unhinged. “He won’t love you. He won’t love you, not like I have.”

Chi-chi took a shaky breath and admitted, “Maybe not. But he knows me–the real me. Not the lonely house wife who awaited her husband’s return. He knows the real woman; the woman you refused to see because you were so…”

Goku looked at her, truly shocked, “So what?”

“You were so busy with everything. You never touched me, Goku. Not on your own. I always had to initiate whenever we made-love. I always had to touch you, kiss you, and sometimes you responded. But most times you were too tired, exhausted from training or you weren't there at all. I never had to be anything other than myself with him.”

“So… you’re leaving me because Vegeta touches you?”

Chi-chi shook her head. “No, if I didn’t love him I would still be right here. But thing is I do love him. I belong to him–with him.”

He growled, grabbing her arm. “You don’t belong to him!”

Vegeta knew she didn't want him to come here but he had to. He had an ill feeling, a feeling that had served him well over the years. So he followed her. It wasn’t like he didn’t trust her, he was just being cautious. He walked near the door and heard raised voices in the small house.

“You don’t belong to him! You belong to me!”

“Let go! Stop this!”

“You are not leaving me!”

Vegeta’s eyes went dark red with anger. He broke through the door and saw Goku kissing his woman and went into a rage he had never felt before. He ripped the man away from her and growled like a man possessed.

“Get the hell away from my woman!”

“Your woman!” Goku growled; his eyes also bloodwith rage.

Chi-chi stood there wide eyed at the two men squaring off and felt a wild panic. She knew Goku was the stronger of the tow and knew he was unstable; she had to somehow stop this. “Wait!” she screamed, both eyes looked to her, their eyes clearing a little. “Men… maybe we can come up with a solution?”

“Like what?” Goku asked, growling still.

“Share me.” She said, her eyes wide as saucers as the words left her mouth.

“I DON’T SHARE!” Vegeta growled, now looking at her.

Goku’s attention snapped to him. “Well neither do I!”

“Well, both of you are already sharing me. Vegeta you have been sharing me for months, and Goku I still do love you. The logical way out of this is to continue to share me.” She then went him, “Vegeta I want you and I love you but I also still love Goku too.” She stepped between the two Sayians and kissed Vegeta with hot passion all the while pulling Goku closer so that she could touch him. She parted from Vegeta and said to her husband, “Now is your chance to touch me…”

Both men looked at her with confusion. She didn’t say a word; she just dropped to her knees and undid Goku’s pants then Vegeta’s. She licked her lips and took Vegeta in her mouth first, stroking Goku’s rod in her other hand. She sucked him until he hardened for her, then went to Goku and sucked him, stroking Vegeta’s cock.

Goku groaned and nearly forgot why he was so damn angry. But looking down at her bobbing head made him want to forget. “Jesus Chi,”

She tongued his cock, licking the slit of the head then took him all the way down her throat. Being with Vegeta had taught her to take it and not choke and she was eternally grateful because both men were huge. She took turns, slowly sucking on both men, looking into their eyes as she done so.

Vegeta would have never thought he would be in this situation, sharing a woman was so not his thing but watching her give head to Goku, watching his cock go in and out her mouth made him harder. He growled and pressed his cock in her face and she did the best she could to suck them both. Vegeta pulled her up, finally noticing that she was still dressed. He removed her top while Goku pulled down her skirt and panties until she was fully naked before their eyes.

Chi-chi didn’t blush or bat an eye, she just stood there and enjoyed their wandering hands as they moved down her body; Vegeta’s cupping her breasts while Goku smoothed over her hips and thighs. Chi-chi gasped as Goku lifted her in his arms and watched as Vegeta followed them into the master bedroom. When Goku placed her on her feet, she turned and went to the bed, croaking a finger toward them. They stripped out their shirts and followed her to the bed. Chi-chi kissed Goku slowly, leisurely, her hands stroking Vegeta’s chest behind her. Both set of hands were playing at her, one set on her breasts; playing with her nipples, toying with them until they hardened under his caresses. The other set playing at her slick pussy, toying with her clit while thrusting three fingers into her passage. She bit her lip, suppressing a moan.

Vegeta and Goku teased her nipples, their tongues circling the buds. Goku kissed lower and lower until he came to her pussy; licking and sucking on her clit. Chi-chi cried out and moved her hips with him, while Vegeta sucked on her tits, his hands squeezing them together. Chi-chi moaned and arched into their mouths, loving the wet pleasure of it. She grinded her hips into his mouth while clasping Vegeta’s head closer to her breasts, feeling the rapture swiftly capture her. She called out both of their names, sobbing as nerve-racking pleasure flowed, ebbed through her. She was still in the throes of orgasm when Goku placed his hard cock inside her clenching pussy, groaning as he pounded her; angry again but too aroused to stop.

“Oh yes! Fuck me Goku!” she cried out, her eyes tightly closed as he slammed inside of her, their bodies slapping together, his thrusts unrelenting.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and shoved his cock inside her mouth, gagging her in the process. “Take it!”

She sucked him hard, as hard as Goku was fucking her. She groaned as she took him in her mouth, loving his taste as pre-cum oozed out onto her tongue. She licked it up and continued to suckle him until she needed to breathe. Vegeta and Goku switched positions; Vegeta now behind her pounding her tight ass while Goku lay beneath her, entering her pussy once more. Chi-chi felt as though she were being pulled apart as the pleasure escalated to a blinding stand still as the two began to move. The sensations were too much, she couldn’t bear anymore. She came with intensity, her voice frozen within her throat as it took away her sanity. The two men groaned as they felt the echo of her orgasm trigger theirs, shooting hot cum inside both holes.

They all collapsed beside each other too worn out to do anything else. “Now that wasn’t so bad now was it?”

The two men looked at her, “Not as bad as I first thought.” Vegeta conceded, his hand caressing her breast, as he often did after they made-love. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

She nodded, now that she tasted what it was like to have the two men she loved both at one time she knew there was no turning back. “Yes I’m sure. I love both of you.”

“I love you.” Goku said, kissing her swollen lips, as he often did after they made-love. He then grinned hungrily, “But I’m still starving for you.”

She was tired but she allowed him to take her once more, saying to him, “I did deny you months of sex.”

The End!Sucky ending huh? Well I got really, really tired and I'm just too sleepy to care. Leave a review if you liked it or even if you hated it. Knowing what you think matters to me. Besides I need to get better in this whole thing so criticism is welcome (NO BASHING THOUGH) Just constructive criticism will do. Thanks!