Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unrequited Feelings ❯ A Day At The Beach ( Chapter 9 )
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ
Goku drove up the sandy shores, by the beach, and everyone seemed to enjoying themselves, except for a sulky Chi-chi, and Faith. This was the first time Bulma met her in person, but she still hasn't spoken to her yet... she was almost afraid to do that... worried about how Radditz would react. She sighed heavily, and stretched her hand out her lap, her hand accidentally brushing on Vegeta's upper thigh. He couldn't just ignore the sudden contact, and felt an uneasy coiling in the pit of his stomach.
She noticed his strange behavior, and she looked at him, preoccupied. "Something wrong?"
He shook his head, blushing slightly. She smiled, and looked away, closing her eyes, relishing the rush of wind in her face... the smell of sea water. It had been ages since she went to the beach. Ever since the Saiyans arrived... (she glared at Vegeta, but then looked away).... the beach was closed to everyone. It felt good, to just lay back, watch the waves crashing in... and bathe in the sun. She heaved a sigh, and stared at Vegeta again. He turned around, becoming uncomfortable under her gaze.
"It's been a while since I've come to the beach." she murmured under her breath. He grunted in response. She was lost in her own little world again, and was brought back to reality, when she saw Vegeta's tail spring to life. She watched eagerly, and caught his tail in her hand, stroking it again. Vegeta seized up, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck standing up on ends, his body reacting to her touch. He wanted to push her hand away, but he was already submitting to her touch. She let go of his tail, and he frowned.
"Why'd you stop?" he asked, slightly furious.
"Stop what?"
He shook his head. "Never mind." he answered in a grunt.
She frowned slightly, and looked in another direction, and blushed slightly, as Radditz thigh was pressing against hers. She tried to ignore it, but... it was making her body react in a strange manner. She looked up at him, blushing.
"We didn't finish our conversation..." he murmured, smirking.
"Huh?" she blushed.
"We'll see." he gave her a sly, sexy smirk. She was confused. This was another side of him she never seen before... so evil, yet... dreamy, and... sexy. Faith flared her nostrils at the sight of them, and Vegeta frowned, looking another way. The car finally came to an abrupt stop, and everyone stepped out, finally able to breath fresh oxygen. While everyone got out, they stretched, due to the long car trip, and Bulma was the first to make to the shoreline. She sat down, taking off her jacket, so was clad in her two piece bikini. She stretched out her legs, so that the water settled around her feet.
Radditz settled himself next to her, his eyes wandering off into the valley of her breast. He looked away when she noticed his presence. She looked back, and noticed his tail squirming excitedly behind him. She smiled, and resisted the urge to grab it, but curiosity got the better of her, and she leapt to grab it, accidentally giving it a tight squeeze.
"MOTHER FUCK!!!" he howled in pain, and Bulma pulled away nervously.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" she shouted nervously, grabbing his tail, and stroking him gently there. His cries of pain quickly changed into cries of pleasure.
"Are all Saiyans sensitive in the tail?" she asked, concerned, still stroking his tail. This oddly reminded him of the dream he had about her, and he tried not to think about it.
"Yeah." he groaned.
"I'm so sorry!!" she pleaded.
To the back of them, Faith, and Vegeta were sitting a far distance from each other, watching Bulma, and Radditz fondle on one another. Faith resisted the temptation on rampaging, and biting her head off, but she kept a cool head. Meanwhile, Vegeta resisted the urge to slit Radditz neck off, and feeding it to the saibamen. Yes... a horrific death itself... Vegeta licked his lips in anticipation, as he rubbed his two hands together mischievously. Goku stared at him, concerned, and tapped him on the shoulder.
"... and I'll slowly decapitate the arms and legs from the body, and feed it to the saibamen..." he murmured, enlightened, and paused at the prodding of a finger on his shoulder. "What do you want, Kakkarot?!"
"You were scaring the other people off... you know... you were laughing all hysterical... eventually we have the beach all to ourselves today." he smiled, chuckling nervously. He looked at the direction where Vegeta was looking, and smiled gauntly at what he was staring. He grinned mischievously, and laughed.
"What's is so amusing, Kakkarot? Have you completely lost it, with only three brain cells remaining in that thick skull of yours? Is that what you find amusing?" he snarled jokingly. Goku made a funny gesture with his hand, and jabbed him hard on the side of his head, making contact, causing Vegeta to fall on his side. He growled, a ball of energy forming in the palm of his hands, and when he blinked, Goku had reappeared on his other side. The ball of energy vanished into thin air, and Goku laughed heartedly. "Very funny." Vegeta grunted.
"Something's wrong with you. I can't put my finger on it..." Goku said in wonder. "There's nothing wrong with me!?!" Vegeta snarled.
Goku looked the other way, smiling. "Radditz really likes her, you know... I hope everything works for those two." he said, watching the two caress, and touch each other. Vegeta felt as if a jolt of electricity surged into his stomach. "Does it look like I care!?!" Vegeta snapped. Goku shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's okay if you're jealous, I'm not telling anyone, secrets saved with me-" he paused, when he finally caught sight of Chi-chi since arriving at the beach, and she was.... flirting outrageously with another man. He frowned, and gritted his teeth, his energy level rising at an amazing speed. Electricity crackled all over his body, and then a huge gust of wind made the sand erupt all around them. Vegeta blew the sand out of his face, coughing.
"I need to clear my head." Goku murmured furiously, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Vegeta just shook his head, and proceeded in taking the sand off of himself. "Stupid Kakkarot," he hissed, digging his finger into his ear, taking out liberal amounts of sand out, "Can't even control his emotions, that dunce."
"What the hell happened to you, monkey boy!?!"
Blue hair, perfectly shaped legs, trim waist, and a nice looking rack blinded his vision. He raked the sand out his two hands, and became flustered when the woman sat next to him. She laughed. "I could help you with that." she took out a hair dryer from her black purse, and turned it on, right beside Vegeta's ear. Liberal amounts of sand fell off from his hair, and she smiled as she turned it off. "You're welcome!!" she demanded. He didn't say anything. She shrugged, and stretched out her legs, and hugged her thighs with her arms.
"The sun feels great, don't you think?" she pointed out, starting a conversation.
"What's so great about the damn sun!? It's just a big ball of gas, I bet it smells like one of Kakkarot's repulsive farts!"
"You don't like to talk much, do you?"
"Talk is for losers like Kakkarot." he hissed. Bulma frowned, and put her chin on her arms. Well this is strange. I've never seen him act like this before. He's acting all mean, and stuff... not like the pervert he was before... what is he, bipolar!!??
"I see." she murmured.
"At last someone sees it my way!!" he gloated
"Sure." she nodded, digging her face into her arms. She heard him crackle in laughter, and his laughter died away a few moments later. They sat there, in a hushed silence, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, people laughing, and talking excitedly reaching their ears. She felt like running into that crowd, to feel the rush... but something told her that she had to stay there with him... she had a feeling that something was bothering him... but what?
The hushed silence was growing impatient, and Bulma felt a sudden urge to run, when she saw Radditz and Goku jump into the beach. She shrugged, and gave Vegeta a look. "I'm gonna... go swimming... for a while-"
"Was it necessary for you to tell me?!"
She heaved a sigh, and she got up, dusting herself, and headed towards the beach, her feet imprinted on the sand.
"She's a bright character." came a tiny voice.
"Faith!!" he exclaimed in shock. The pale, and petite woman appeared before him, her arms hanging limply by her sides. His eyes narrowed when he felt her cold hands on his face. "She reminds me of me... when I used to be sane." she murmured softly, when he took her hands into his strong ones, and set them away from him. "When will you ever learn, woman?" he hissed bitterly. She crouched on her knees and took her face in her hands, capturing his lips possessively with her cool one. Her other hand traveled down to the waistband of his spandex, proceeding to fondle the lump that was forming there. He groaned in her mouth, and before he realized what was happening, he was beginning to shove her off unintentionally.
"Vegeta?" she gasped. He shook his head. "I can't... and won't do this anymore." She refused to back up, and took his face into her hands, and he shrugged her off again. "It's because of her... isn't it?" she wept, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Isn't it!?!" she exclaimed. He shook his head again, as her tiny fist collided on his muscle t-shirt. "I thought I could... fill you every needs... don't you remember all those times I spent with you... all those times I took care of you... all the nights we spent together?!" she questioned him, tugging at his shirt. "Don't you remember at all!?! ANSWER ME!!!"
Vegeta put his head down, sighing heavily. "It's all a part of the past now... I don't need you anymore."
"So you're just going to throw me away!?! Like yesterday's trash!?!" she exclaimed. Bulma noticed her screeching voice, and turned to look back at the short Saiyan, talking heatedly to Faith. Just what is going on over there? Uh-oh... what if Radditz sees them... She turned to look at Radditz, who was suddenly standing still. He appeared to be biting his tongue, almost about to explode, and Goku was just walking around, wafting through the water, as the waves came crashing in. She pursed her lips, and opened her mouth to call his name, but her throat was dry, she couldn't say anything at all. She wanted to cry... wanted to cry so bad... she wanted to get his attention, but he was so preoccupied with Faith. Why did he still like her, even after the event that shattered his life into bits? Was it his weakness? Whatever it was... it was making her burn with jealousy...
She turned away from Radditz, ashamed, as she wiped a tear from her cheek. She wanted to leave his side, when all of a sudden, she felt a warm hand on her arm. She wiped her eyes, and a smile spread across her pale features. "My eyes are sensitive." she lied. Radditz grinned down at her, and took her waist into his arms. He crouched down, his lips brushing along her earlobe, kissing her, resembling a soft whisper. Her hands gripped his shoulders when he nipped her neck, and his hand fondling her stomach, his tail wrapping tight on her upper thigh. "I want to kiss you." he murmured lightly against her neck, hissing in delight when her inner thigh brushed against his arousal. He bent down, his face moving closer to hers, their lips almost an inch away, when all of a sudden, a jet of water collided on the side of their faces. He growled in frustration, and shook his fist at Goku.
"DAMMIT KAKKAROT!! WHAT IS GOING THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS!?!" he spat, holding Bulma by the waist. She stared at him in wonder, and blushed when she noticed his arousal. After he bashed his younger brother around the head several times, he turned to the blue haired beauty, unashamed of his arousal. "You smell heavenly, Bulma." She blushed, and turned to look at the half beat up Goku. She knew she was going to regret this later on...
"I can't... right now... not ready..." she murmured, blushing. His face turned a deep shade of red, and he tried to look at something other than her. "Sorry, I-"
She put her hand on her cheek, caressing him softly. "It's alright." She smiled cheekily, albeit she still wanted to continue their little game, but something was tugging her to the direction towards Vegeta. Perhaps he was reeling from anger, after his heated discussion with Faith. What was it with those two, she thought curiously. Was it possible that Vegeta was infatuated with her? No, it wasn't possible... Vegeta just lusted for her, not love her. Besides... did Vegeta really care about these "petty" emotions, as he so calls. She was already heading towards him, but she noticed him shifting from the ground uncomfortably as he gazed at her. She shook her head, and stretched her hand out, towards Vegeta.
"Why are you just sitting around here, on a day like this? In the beach, I might add, you should be having fun..."
He smelled Radditz scent on her, and he grimaced. "I don't have fun."
She took her hand back, a vein on her forehead twitching, about to explode. "Fine." she said, trying to even out her voice. "I just... I don't like seeing you mope around-"
"I'M NOT MOPING!!" he spat.
"Well you don't have to bite my head off!!" she backfired. "Look, it's a wonderful day, why don't you just try to... enjoy it a bit. I bet you're really busy, being a Prince and all. Just... take it easy, you know?" He murmured under his breath, and she took it as an initiative. "How about a walk around the beach?" she suggested.
"A... what!?!" he exclaimed.
"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go!!"
Chi-chi pressed her lips on the man's eager lips. He was a great kisser, she had to admit, but the man was a greedy son of a bitch. He only wanted to fulfill his pleasure, and all he did was bark order after order at her. She grimaced, when he forced her to his knees, taking his erect cock on her lips. "Suck on it!" he demanded. She couldn't take much more from this jerk, and she took his cock into her hand, giving it a tight, firm squeeze. The mans cries of pleasure suddenly changed into cries of pain.
"YOU BITCH!!" he hissed. She lifted her other hand to slap him, but he took his chance, and pinned her down to the ground, spreading her lips, and grounding his hips on her, until she couldn't take the pain anymore, and she began to cry.
"You like that, huh bitch!?!" he growled ferociously, as he pounded himself into her repeatedly, blood seeping down her thighs from the violent thrusts. He slapped her around, enjoying the abuse, when all of a sudden, a fist collided on the side of his face. He was then suddenly thrown into the air, and Goku kicked him with such remote anger, he sent him flying across the beach. Chi-chi just lay there hopeless, breathing heavily, from exhaust, and pain. At first, he wanted to comfort her, tell her how much he loved her, and such... but all that was over... she hated him... hated his guts... she would probably reject him anyways.
She got up, wiping her tears, and flinched, when he threw her a small pouch. It landed right beside her. She took it scornfully, and stared at the strange contents. "They're senzu beans." he explained coolly. "Give it back to me, when we get back in the car. I'm gonna be busy... getting the barbecue ready."
"Ka...Kakkarot." she murmured under her breath.
"I better get going..."
She was left alone, and when he was out of earshot, she took the unknown substance, and placed it on her mouth. Perhaps it was poison, she thought bitterly, as she placed it on the tip of her tongue. Oh well... I want to die anyway.... She chewed, and swallowed, and in a matter of moments, the pain in her legs was gone, and she was back to her normal self again. She gripped the pouch in her hand, silently weeping. "I hate you, Kakkarot."
Bulma and Vegeta stopped by the end of the shoreline, watching the unsettling view of the raging waves crashing on the rocks, and the sun setting, changing the skies to a deeper shape of pinks, and purples. It mesmerized her, filling her with anticipation, albeit the Prince, following her along grouchily, his hands on his hips. He didn't know why he let her in on this, let alone letting a woman boss him around. They stopped walking for a while, and they stayed there for a very long while, in a hushed silence. All he heard was the crashing of the waves, the even beat of her heart... her steady breathing. Earth women were strange, he thought to himself. He stared at her taut breast, firm, yet fit waist, and then traveling down to her legs, sending waves of pleasure in his groin. It was such a pity she wasn't willing to give herself to him... but then again... that is what made him attracted to her. Her determination, her will to fight... to challenge... it stirred his Saiyan blood.
"You must be bored already." came her preoccupied voice. "If you want... we can get going."
"I want to stay a little longer." he smirked.
She raised her head, surprised, and a smile played on her lips. "I'm glad you're having fun... gosh, I've never seen you smile before."
"I-DID-NOT-SMILE!!!" he shouted, slightly blushing.
"Says the monkey, who is blushing." she laughed hysterically, as Vegeta shouted curse, after curse. "You should smile more often. It makes you look younger." she suggested.
"I-did-not-smile!!" he hissed.
"Okay fine, you stiff upper lip!!" she shouted. She sat down, rubbing her palms together, creating a friction, making her hands warm again. It was getting cold already, and she realized she forgot to bring a sweater. She shivered slightly, wishing she had a sweater with her, and was caught off guard, when she felt strong arms, and legs wrap around her. She wanted to scream, but he whispered something in her hear, but in a strange language unbeknownst to her. Saiyan dialect, she guessed. He pressed his body closer to hers, and a blue aura surrounded the two, and in an instant, Bulma felt warm, and secure... yet she felt slightly uncomfortable in his embrace... she wished it was Radditz holding her like this. She blushed at the mental image.
He grinned, thinking that he was the cause of her blushing, and when the sky suddenly grew dark, his aura and their shadow was all she could see. "We better get going." she murmured. They walked the long walk again, except they were returning to the others. He felt slightly enlightened, after holding her that way. In a strange way, though... he quite couldn't put his finger on this unbeknownst feeling. This thoughts gave way, when he smelled fried meat, and fish lingering in the air. His stomach growled in anticipation. He hadn't had a chance to eat that morning, and he suddenly remembered why...
"I had fun." she laughed, as she made it into the crowd, talking excitedly to Goku, and Radditz. He sighed, staring at her for a long moment.
"You're not going to believe this, but... I did too."
She didn't hear him, though he didn't take note of this. They were talking so loud, he couldn't hear himself thinking. He walked into the crowd, hiding into the shadow, glancing at Bulma every now and then, listening to her talk animatedly.
"Dude, you like her." he taunted.
"I don't.... you're not.... don't say such nonsense!!" sputtered Vegeta, blushing again.
Radditz face contorted into rage, and jealousy, as his younger brother continued to taunt the short Saiyan. "Bulma, and Vegeta, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"
"KEEP SINGING, AND I'LL PUNCH YOUR FACE IN!!" Vegeta snarled, and even after his threat, Goku continued to sing anyway.
"For once in your life, Kakkarot... you might be right."
The next morning didn't bring any new surprises. Bulma yawned, rubbing her eyes, as the morning light made her shiver inwardly. Again, she dreamt about Radditz, and woke up, with him in mind, as she wrapped her blankets tighter around her. His lips... his warm, sensual lips on her skin... She shivered inwardly, and pressed her face closer to the pillow, trying to hide her blush, even though no one was there with her. She sighed, and got out of bed, stretching her arms, and legs, yawning. She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do that day... except receive calls to run some errands, or receive calls from random guys trying to join the Bulma Club. She walked into the living room, and smiled at the sight of Radditz sprawled on the sofa. The blankets were tussled around his waist, and his mouth was slightly opened, saliva hanging on his lower lip.
She sat at the edge of the sofa, and her hand explored his face, his pointed nose, his lips. He woke up in a sudden, and understood why. "Bulma." he murmured sleepily.
"Morning." she said cheerfully.
"Morning..." he sat up, and wiped the drool from his mouth. he grabbed her by the waist, and settled her in his lap, pulling the blankets around them. She cuddled next to him, her face against his chest. He was so warm, she thought, as her fingers glided over his chest. This ignited a fire in him, and his massive hand rested on her thigh, feeling the smooth skin, and then giving her butt a gentle squeeze. She squirmed, and their faces was just inches away from each other...
The door suddenly burst open, and Goku stampeded into the room, crashing on the sofa, nearly dropping Bulma to the ground. Radditz grabbed her before she did. "FUCKER, KNOCK BEFORE YOU COME IN!!" he spat. Every time they are about to kiss, he comes in, interrupting... was this some sort of curse, or did he just need to change his locks again, for the millionth time that year. Goku shrugged apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just had to see how you guys are... sorry Bulma."
"It's alright... Vegeta's still asleep."
"Yeah... It's been a while since he had any sleep..."
Bulma bit her lip nervously. Vegeta... lack of sleep? Due to what?
"Is everything alright?"
She shook her head. "Oh, it's nothing, I just... remembered something..." What's wrong Vegeta... why won't you tell me?
The walls were closing in on him... the hallway growing more darker, and fainter. When he heard the news, he didn't want to believe it. "An Immediate execution of King Vegeta at two o'clock in the morning, for defiling Lord Frieza in a most inhumane matter," was what he heard from other comrades. It was nearly two o'clock, and he was running out of breath. He didn't want to cry, but tears were already welling from his eyes.
He made it into the dungeon, his knees shaking, and he couldn't believe what he saw. Frieze holding, what appeared to be King Vegeta, by the neck. He was a bloody mess, and his clothes was torn from his body... he couldn't recognize his father anymore.
"So you've come to see the show... well... I did save the best for last." Frieza licked his lips in anticipation, and with one blow, his head was decapitated from his body. Another blow, his arms and legs were decapitated, and he let the torn body fall to the ground. It was strange, how his body fell to the ground... gracefully... he was... the King of all Saiyans. The young Saiyan Prince fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. He had just witnessed the death of his father... and he didn't do anything about it... Bastard... he was going to kill the fucking lizard!!!
"DIE!!" he charged toward the Lizard, a hard, blazing look in his eyes, as a ball of energy formed in his hands. He released the ball of energy. Frieza looked very amused, and with one single wave of his finger, he sent the ball of energy flying across the dungeon. He couldn't believe it, he just used a finger... how could it be? He smirked, and He walked towards the now fatherless Saiyan Prince, walking slow, and threatening, smirking, as the little boy backed away.
"For your defiance... she's going with him too!" he shouted gleefully, and a woman appeared by his side, her eyes puffy, and swimming with tears.
"THE BITCH DIES!!" he gripped her neck, blocking her air passageways, and her face was turning blue from the lack of oxygen. He couldn't do anything about it... he was powerless against the lizard... he was paralyzed...
"I would like to torture her some more... but I'm getting tired of this." he snapped her neck, emitting a loud cracking noise, and she fell to the ground, dead. Frieza frowned, and gave the young Prince a good slap across the face, leaving a red mark there.
"The next time you try to defile me, it would be your turn!" he laughed hysterically, and left the dungeon, leaving Vegeta with the two corpses, that used to be his parents. He fell to his knees, and crouched beside his mother, blood now seeping from every opening. He took her into his arms, her head in his lap, as he stroked her gentle features. The tears ended there, as he pressed his face on her stomach. "I'm going to kill him for you, mother... I will make you proud."
Vegeta woke up startled, completely drenched in sweat, and the blankets twisted around him like a straight jacket. It was the same dream... the same dream like every other day. He was already used to this... but sometimes the dream was so realistic, he believed it was really happening again, and then he'd wake up, believing he was still a child. The night tremors didn't worry him at all... but sometimes, he wished he didn't have them anymore. He sat up, holding his chest, feeling his heart rate slowing down to its usual rate.
He got out of bed, showered, dressed, and headed to the suite next to his, and was about to knock, when he realized the door was already opened. He walked in, and the first thing he saw was Goku eating heavily as usual, Radditz sitting on the couch, watching television, and Bulma sitting by the counter, watching the television, a cup of coffee, he guessed, in her hand. She noticed someone walk in, and she smiled that awkward smile again.
He made his way around Goku (He tried to stay as far away from him, as he ate violently.), and sat next to Bulma. She was in her usual cheerful mode. Sometimes he wondered if she was high on something.
"Coffee?" she offered. He shook his head. "Are you okay?" she asked, slightly preoccupied.
"You look pale." she murmured, taking her hand on his forehead, checking for this temperature. He frowned slightly, when the same heat came back on his face. "You should eat something." she suggested.
She handed him a plate full of food, and he ate graciously, in a speed that matched Goku's, but in a more rational, and neater manner. She was surprised. He was very rude, and demanding, but at the table, he did show a lot of respect. Her eyes leveled with his, and stopped eating momentarily. "Is something wrong?"
"You're blushing.." she murmured, making the prince drop his fork to the table with a tiny clang. She laughed, as his blush spread across his features. "This is so weird, I never seen you blush so much before!!" she shouted, making everyone's heads turn, and they all laughed, and squirmed at the blushing prince. His hand shook violently, his eyes shut, as a vein twitched on his forehead, about to burst. "S-shut up!! Before I blow you all into bits!!" he spat, electricity enveloping his body. They all stayed put, fearing the Prince's anger, though Bulma couldn't help, but be amused by his behavior.
"Always resorting to violence." she murmured under her breath, making Vegeta turn his attention to her. "Stupid woman, you'll never understand that-"
"-It's in a Saiyans blood to fight. Yes, yes I know already, and don't call me stupid, STUPID!!" she shouted, standing up.
"Who are you calling, stupid?? STUPID!!" he shouted, now getting up, his eyes leveling to hers, electricity now emitting from the two. They were about the same height. Goku shook his head in wonder, and Radditz put up the volume on the television. It seems they were at it again, always arguing over something useless. But then again... both their personalities were about the same. Both were insanely loud as the other, and they loved to argue... hell would freeze over if they ever got together. (A/N: LOLZ!!)
Goku swallowed his last bit of food, and stared at the ongoing battle. Just staring at them made him sick to the stomach. If he were to leave now, he could just go to the gravity room, to release a bit of his anger he had been bottling up since yesterday. He nodded, got up, took the plate with him, and was bout to leave, when-
"JUST WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?!" Bulma, and Vegeta snapped at him. Goku froze, pressing his fingers tight around the dish, afraid it would fall. "Out." he murmured.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Bulma snapped.
"LISTEN TO THE WENCH, AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!!" Vegeta erupted, pointing to where he was sitting previously.
"No... you could leave if you want." Bulma murmured, biting her bottom lip.
"WELL HE SHOULD STAY!!" Vegeta roared.
< p>"STAY!"
The three looked up to see who had just shouted, and they saw Radditz already standing up, gripping on to, what used to be a pillow, in his hands. He was trembling with anger, making Bulma quake in fear, having never seen him this way before, but Goku and Vegeta didn't move or flinch. "Now that I've got you're attention... Bulma, Vegeta, shut your arses up!! Kakkarot, sit down, and keep quiet, I'm trying to watch a game here, it's the Bears vs. the Dolphins for fricking sakes!! Now, will you be good children, and please SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" he shouted, and took his seat.
"Ooooh, Bears!!" he ran to his brother's side, and took a seat on the sofa, next to him. Bulma hunched over, staring at Radditz with amazement. Talk about control... he really did it this time... even Vegeta is confused.... gosh, he's going to make a perfect father someday.
Vegeta gaped at Radditz silently. "What the fuck... just happened here?"
She shrugged. "I believe we just got parented." she murmured. At least she thought she did... She never experienced this, since her father was never really around, too busy with work, and such.
"You know, he actually reminded me of my father." he added, saying the last word almost awkwardly. Her eyes were wide open. She never heard him talk about his father before... and so casually too, as if he were still alive.
"Really... he kind of reminds me of a brother I never had." (A/N: surprises in later chapters... just to let you know.)
They both sat down, and Vegeta returned to his normal self, prodding his food with a fork. She stared at him in wonder.
"Can you tell me... about your father?"
He was about to throw the fork at her, but then she still had the right to know... after learning about her past... she deserved to know... by all means...
"I hardly spent any time with him. He was always busy doing... what a King usually does." he said, poking his fork at the sausage, and then lifting it up to his lips. "I don't remember perfectly well."
"He kind of reminds me of my father." she mused. "He was always so busy. Then he would be gone for long periods of times. You know... once, he went missing for five years, and then comes back, saying he was looking for something." she laughed bitterly, taking a fork, and now prodding at his food. This didn't bother him at all. "As an apology, he gave me this necklace." she took out her necklace, showing it to him. His eyes focused on the blue pendant. So that is what I'm after...
"I never really took it off, after he gave it to me. It would be like seeing him die again if I took it off..."
"How... did you get this-" he took the pendant in his hand, pulling her harshly towards him. She moved closer to him, glaring at his rudeness. "My father gave it to me."
"Where did you get it?! What are it's whereabouts!?" he asked quickly, standing up. She also stood up with him, since he was tugging at her necklace, the force making her get up.
"How am I supposed to know!?! I haven't the slightest clue, so PLEASE LET GO, BEFORE YOU CHOKE ME TO DEATH!!!"
He let her go, breathing harshly. She was hiding something, he thought, as he rubbed her neck thoroughly... He had to find out, before Frieza did something about it.
She refused to go anywhere that day, after the embarrassment she had to go through yesterday. Goku saved her ass from dieing, and if it weren't for him... she could have been dead a long time ago. Why was he so overprotected of her? He was this way all the time, especially during high school. He always walked her home, carrying her things for her, although her father didn't really like the idea of bringing boys to the house... especially with an appetite like his. Though, little by little, he became very fond of him, and liked the fact that he was protecting his daughter.
Day after day, he walked her home from school, and then he'd stay over for supper. She really liked him. Although his stupidity became a nuisance... she still liked him... and maybe she liked him even more than just a friend. When she found out he was... one of them... she completely shut him out of her life... the last time she heard from him was when she was captured by Nappa, and she used seduction to stop herself from being killed. She didn't want to die... she had to do what she had to do. Life was cruel sometimes...
But sometimes, things were meant to happen... even losing life itself...
She hated him... she hated Goku... she detested him, with every single drop of blood in her body... she hated him to the ends of the infinite.
She crouched in her bed, the bag of senzu beans still in her hand... she forgot to return it to him yesterday... she supposed she had to return it to him someday, she thought bitterly. She got up from bed, stretched, and stayed there for a long while.
"God... kill me now."
A/N: I hope this wasn't a short ch, I had one hell of a writer's block *sigh* anyways, please review,,, thnx, I appreciate it XD