Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unrequited Feelings ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 10 )
Oh, and if you are wondering what everyone's ages are...:
Radditz: 22
Bulma: 18
Vegeta: 19
Chi-chi: 18
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ
Warning: This chapter contains a rape scene, and a slightly graphic lemon after that. Remember, I forewarned you, so if you have nightmares later on, you'll only have yourself to blame... okay... on with chapter ten!!
After the slightly reluctant trip to the beach, two stressing weeks had gone by so quickly, everyone was too exhausted to do anything anymore. Bulma had to shut her phone off that day, to get some of that much needed rest, and Vegeta was finally taking his time to rest also, after training intensely for four days, non-stop. She stared at the Saiyan Prince laying beside her, shaking her head.
"At this rate, you'll die at a young age." she mumbled. She lay down on the cold floor, next to Vegeta, and crossed her arms behind her head, mimicking his position.
"I could have went on, you know... but you just had to stop me!!" he grimaced.
"The whole place blew up!!!" she backfired, sitting up again.
"It was a minor explosion." he corrected.
"You call destroying the G.R (Gravity Room) a minor explosion!?!?!" she spat.
He stared at her with one eye. "Like I said... a minor explosion."
"Ape." she hissed
"Pathetic." she murmured. "I will not have this conversation again... simply pathetic."
"So you are backing down, woman??" he growled, sitting up, a smirk forming on his lips.
"No. I am not backing down. I just don't feel like talking about the matter at the moment. Understood?"
"Say it to me in different languages, but I know you're backing down, wench!!" he laughed, and felt something hard land on the side of his head. He cursed. What was it with her, and hitting him with her shoes?!
"Hey you two, back off the vodka!!" Radditz entered, sitting on the couch, as he stared at the two with an annoyed expression on his face.
"We are not drinking!!" Bulma and Vegeta sputtered.
"And besides, Vegeta is going sober now, so don't even mention alcohol around him." Bulma protested. Vegeta frowned at this, and he sat Indian style, his tail thrashing around behind him. This surprised Radditz to no end. Since when did he ever take orders from anyone... including this woman... this Bulma?
"Vegeta... going sober?"
She took her shoe back, and placed it back on. "I told him about all the bad things alcohol did to you, especially when you're thinking of having a baby-"
"It could end up like Kakkarot." Vegeta shivered.
"Poor shame." she murmured, rubbing his shoulder. This ignited a fire in him, and he brushed her hand off of him. It confused her, but she chose to ignore it anyway. She backed away from him, and rested against one of Radditz legs, now staring at Vegeta in a different angle. She liked the way his nose poked out like that, but one thing that never changed about him was that usual scowl on his face. He even kept that prominent look while asleep.
"You're actually thinking about you're children?" she asked eagerly.
Vegeta counted his fingers. "About once or twice." He blushed. "I don't usually think about it much, as a Saiyan Prince-"
"Don't worry about it, I think about how my children would be like almost everyday." she smiled.
"Of coarse. That is a woman's job, isn't it?" he scoffed.
She growled, a vein twitching on her forehead. "My God, you just love to stereotype, don't you!?!?" she snarled. “What I meant to say... I just think about their names, and such." she paused, and brought her finger to her lip, thinking. This little act made the two Saiyans keep their gazes on her like a laser pointer. "I always thought... if I had a boy, he will be named Trunks, and if it was a girl... Bulma, or Bra." she smiled.
"Trunks!?! What kind of an idiot would come up with such an idiotic name!?! Who in their right mind would call their child Trunks!?!" Vegeta snarled sarcastically.
"For your information, these are my kids I'm talking about, so don't bullshit with me!! And who gives you the right to challenge what the names of my children will be!?! You have no right-"
Vegeta opened his mouth, just about to argue back, and he bit his tongue at the shockingly parenting shout from Radditz. He was his superior, how dare he to shut him up!!! He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes in anger, almost like an overgrown child.
"The sight of you two arguing is giving me a fucking pain in the head, and neck!! You two can never be in the same room again without biting your heads off!!" Radditz snapped.
"Now see here-" began Vegeta.
"Fuck off!! And don't look at me like that!!"
They all sat there in silence, with a don't cross me look on their faces. To their horror, Goku showed up, with his usually cheery mode, he didn't even notice the danger he was in. He couldn't feel the dark aura surrounding the living room.
"If I hear another word come out of your mouth, Kakkarot, I swear on my father's grave that I will slit your neck open!!" Vegeta snapped, baring his fangs.
Goku backed away slowly, avoiding the very pissed off Saiyan Prince. "Wrong timing?" he shrugged nervously. "Besides, I didn't even say anything when I came in, so-"
A frustrated growl from the Prince, made Goku run out, with his hands on his behind. Bulma whimpered, and began to twitch involuntarily, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, so all you could see was the white of her eyes. The two Saiyans didn't take note of this, still very pissed off, though Vegeta noticed that something wasn't right.
"Bulma!!" Radditz shouted, and took her into his arms, trying to snap her out of it. Vegeta crawled towards her, slapping her cheeks with the back of his hand, but nothing was bringing her back. The seizures seized for a moment, and she was unconscious in Radditz arms. "This doesn't look good... we better get her to an infirmary... right away!!"
The smell of lilacs, and vanilla reached her nose. Where was it coming from?... She didn't know... the smell reminded her of... home, of family, of togetherness. Suddenly she was back in the city, and it was pitch black outside. She was in a white robe, and barefooted, so she could feel a cold wetness underneath her feet.
Off at the distance, she saw Vegeta talking to another person... an older man. He looked exactly like him, except he was inches taller than Vegeta, and he had a beard that would even impress her father... that is... if he was still alive. She stared at the two figures, as they talked animatedly to each other, smiling, and then laughing. This was weird, she thought. She never seen Vegeta smile before... and who was that man he was talking to? Was it possible that he was his father?
She walked to their direction, and stayed a couple of feet behind, fearing that maybe one of them could sense her. She could hear Vegeta's voice... he sounded so happy, and relaxed. She sighed, and rested her cheek on the cold concrete building. She wondered if she will ever see him like that...
"Are you having fun, wench!?!" came a cool voice. Just in time, she pushed herself away from the building, as a ki blast came hurling her way. She shielded her face, when the debris showered all over her, hitting her repeatedly. She fell to her knees, and saw another Vegeta beside her, but this was a completely different persona. His brows furrowed more deeper than usual, and the look of bloodlust in his eyes frightened her to no end.
She whimpered when he advanced towards her, and all she could do was crawl away from him, never showing her back to him. He bared his fangs, and he too fell on his knees, crawling towards her, licking his lips in anticipation. "Stay away!!" she shouted.
"Why?" he snorted, and pressed his body on hers, taking a fistful of her hair. He sniffed it, and growled in anticipation. "You smell delicious, wench."
She gulped. "What are you... intending... Vegeta?" she breathed heavily.
"Tsk, tsk, precious wench. You call me Prince Vegeta, or else, I'll," he pressed his lips against her throat, feeling her pulse quicken, "Make it painful." he hissed, as he nipped her neck, breaking the skin, and drawing out her blood, licking the red liquid.
"Ow!!" she shouted in pain.
"Be still my wench, or else I might not be so lenient." With one swift movement, he had her completely nude, and his fangs bore in lust. He crackled in laughter, when she tried to cover herself. "The worst will soon be over, my precious." he purred, cupping her cheek with his forefinger, and thumb.
Bulma felt tears falling freely from her eyes, as the inevitable was soon to come. She gave up when his hands gripped her sides, as he settled her over his hardness, the tip barely touching her entrance. Then in a split second, he was inside of her... deep inside, until he completely disappeared within her, breaking her barrier, as she clenched tight around him. Dark Vegeta groaned, and hissed in ecstasy, as Bulma cried in hollow pain. He was just too big, she couldn't stand the pain anymore. She wanted to die then, and there.
But it didn't end there. He slammed her back to the cold ground, thrusting himself in and out of her womanhood, growling ferociously at the feel of him within her. Bulma reached out her hand, to cup his cheek, and ran her fingers through his hair. It was a soft, silky texture... the opposite of what she imagined...
His thrusts became more violent, she left deep scratch marks on his shoulders, where her nails had dug in. She felt her life source fading away, and everything was becoming dark. Then something spilt into her, that spread a certain warmness in her womb. It eased the pain slightly, but the pain came back, when Vegeta pressed his body against her, knocking the air out of her. She cried, and tried to push him away, already seeing stars from the lack of oxygen, but there was something wrong about the way he was behaving.
He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. His eyes were clouding over, and she let out a bloodcurdling scream at the realization that he was dead.
She put her hands over Vegeta's chest, using her last bit of strength to push his heavy corpse off of her.... it was then, that she realized that there was another presence.
She made haste, and looked over Vegeta's shoulder to see what it was, and what she saw perplexed her.
It was a woman, about her age, she guessed, when she noticed the hard, young look in her face. She was beautiful, she thought. Everything about her was beautiful. She had a "to die for body", and what mesmerized her the most was her ankle length, aqua blue hair. It shimmered in the moonlight, the slight breeze making her hair dance, almost to a tune.
Long thorns shot out her nails, and they extended down to her legs, peircing through Vegeta's chest. She gulped, simply horrified by the grotesque scene. Was she going to kill her next too?
"Be still my child... the worst is yet to come." her voice was chilling as a bucket of jet cold water. Slowly, she was fading away, it was out of her grasp to regain her consciousness.
"Wait... wait!!!"
Bulma woke up abruptly, slowly taking in the room she was in. There was a curtain surrounding her bedpost, and there was table right beside her, three dishes sitting on it, untouched. From the looks of it, she realized she had been there for a long time. She sat up, putting the covers all around her, so that she was completely submerged in them, and all you could see was her eyes, and nose.
What a strange dream, she thought, as she touched her neck, where Dark Vegeta had supposedly bit her. Why did she have that dream? Why did Vegeta... why did he do that to her? Such a repulsive act... it felt so real...
And who was that woman that had saved her? Was she just a part of her dream, or was she someone really important in her life that she couldn't specify at the moment?
Whichever it was, she wished she never had that dream again.
"Oh, you're awake, wench. It took you a while-" Vegeta began, as he pulled the curtains around him.
Small hands collided against his cheek, and angry tears blinded her vision. She wasn't expecting to react this way, but when she saw his face, reason rushed in, and there wasn't anything or anybody to stop it from happening. Vegeta placed his hand over his cheek, a look of confusion dawning over his face.
"Get out of here!!" she shouted. "Get out of here now!!" She grabbed the plateful of food, and threw it aimlessly at him, and he dodged it just in time, as it nearly hit his head. the plate fell with a loud thud against the cool ground, and he growled in rage.
"WHO-THE-FUCK-DO-YOU-THINK-YOU-ARE-TELLING-ME-WHAT-TO-DO! ?!?!?!" he exploded, shaking his fist at her.
She threw the blankets aside, a fire igniting in her. "I said GET OUT!!" she lunged out of her bed, falling to the ground with a loud thud, and when she got her chance, she forced her body up, and yanked on his tail, giving a excruciating tight squeeze. Vegeta let out a bloodcurdling scream, as he sank to his knees, his hands plastered over his face, rocking back and forth, as Bulma's grip only became stronger.
"I hate you!! I HATE YOU!!!" she shouted through her tears, as her grip loosened. "I hate you!! For what you did to me!! YOU ONLY DESERVE PAIN!!!"
That is right, my child... feed upon your pain, and suffering. There is only hate in this world. Use it my child... use the pain of suffering... don't fight it off...
Her eyes flashed momentarily red, then back to it's normal aqua blue color. Moments later, they returned to the same eerie blood red color, and the grip on his tail only grew stronger. Vegeta's eyes were swimming in his tears, as he could no longer have control over his body. He groaned, wishing that the pain would end, but from the look on Bulma's face, there was nothing he could do, but endure the pain. He bit his cheek, stood up slowly, and fell back to his knees, body shaking.
Give him pain... from me to him... Give him the pain he deserves, my child... use the power... STRIKE HIM NOW!!!
"No... I don't want to." Bulma whimpered, closing her eyes.
I order you to destroy this trash!! KILL HIM I SAY!! END HIS PAIN!!!
"NOOO!!!" she sank to her knees, breathing heavily, and letting go of his tail. Her eyes were now returning to its original color. What just happened to her? It was as though someone else was controlling her body, and mind. Someone was calling out to her... forcing her to do the unmentionable. Her body felt so weak... she couldn't get up.
She gasped when a strong hand gripped her neck, slowly lifting her off the ground. Her hands enclosed on his hand, desperately trying to pry it off, and she stared into Vegeta's cold, hard eyes, tears still fresh under his eyes. "I'll fucking kill you." he hissed, gripping her neck tighter. "Using my weakness against me... I'll fucking send you to the next dimension, stupid bitch." she choked, gasping for air, as she placed her hands over his, hoping he would understand what really happened.
"Vegeta... wait..." she gurgled. "That... wasn't... me-"
"VEGETA!!!" Goku burst into the hospital wing, pulling Bulma from Vegeta's strong grip.
"Vegeta, for the love of God, put her down now!!" he shouted nervously when her face was turning blue. Vegeta's rage snapped in half, and he released her, letting her fall to the ground, his pupils still dilated. He stared at his hands, and then at Bulma's disheveled face, who was now being checked by Goku. "What the hell were you doing, Vegeta? You should know by now that she's sick, don't you fucking get it?!" snapped Goku, as he checked her pulse. "I told you from the beginning about her condition, don't you fucking pay attention!?!"
"But she was-"
"I know what she was doing!!!" Goku spat, standing up, so that he was towering over him. "And I understand what you're saying, but it's not her fault. How dare you attack her... How dare you attack Bulma!!" he spat, shaking his fists.
Vegeta was confounded. Why would he take her side after what she did to him?? A Saiyan should always follow their Saiyan comrades, why was he choosing the human wench, over him, the Prince of all Saiyans!?!
"Fucker!! Didn't you see what she did to me!?! Why are you defending her!?!"
Goku lifted Bulma off the ground, and put her back on the bed, pulling the blankets over her, and brushing her hair out of her face. "Because... I devoted my life to her. I promised that I would protect her from anyone who wanted to harm her." He grimaced. "You just don't understand, Vegeta. You don't understand what we both went through." He kissed her forehead, and wrapped his hand around her cold hand. "I'm guessing by tomorrow morning, she will probably forget about all this. I pray that... you please don't remind her of the events that just took place in here." he said. "It will shake her up real bad... you know?"
"No, and I don't care!!" Vegeta snapped, balling his fists.
"Vegeta, please!! For the love of God!! Just this once!! Just this once, I will like for you to do me a favor... please!!!"
Vegeta gritted his teeth. There was nothing more that he wanted to do, other than severe Goku's neck off, and torture the wench to death. But if what Goku was saying was true, he would just have to return the favor, and let the wench live.
"Sure." he grumbled bitterly.
Goku gave a huge sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Thanks Vegeta."
Vegeta muttered to himself. "Fucker." he hissed.
Vegeta woke up the next morning, around 6:30 a.m, and found himself on the ground under Bulma's watchful gaze. His expression softened a bit after looking at her slightly confused gaze. "Kakkarot was right... you forgot about yesterday." he grimaced.
"Umm... Vegeta. Where am I?" she gasped, and put her hands over neck. Probably she was still hurt from where he had choked her. "Ouch... Vegeta. Is there something wrong? Ouch...."
He grimaced, taking his tail into his hands. "You fainted a couple of days ago. You're in the infirmary." He heard her sigh afterwards.
"Oh... it happened again... I should have known." she narrowed her eyes, putting her hands over her lap, gulping. "It's been a while since it last happened. Remember? When we first met."
He frowned, staring at his tail. It still hurt from yesterday. Damn her, he thought savagely.
"Vegeta? What's wrong?" she cocked her head, confused.
"Nothing that concerns you." he hissed. "Why do you want to know anyway?"
"Is it your tail?" she asked, getting up, advancing towards him. She stretched out his hand toward him, and he winced slightly, trying to move away from her grasp, but he was too late, and her warm fingers glided, and stroked his damaged tail. He hissed in pain, hoping he wouldn't cry in front of her again, but all that soon changed, as pain changed into pleasure. He felt as though this was her form of apologizing... even if she didn't remember what happened that other day.
"Feeling better?" she asked, smiling.
"Slightly." he responded, blushing.
"What happened? It looks like it really hurts." she winced.
He shook his head. "An accident." he lied.
"Good lord." she murmured, caressing the furry appendage.
"Trunks." he chuckled.
She blushed, and he threw his head back in laughter when he saw the vein in her forehead twitch in response. "Y-y-you bastard!!!" she spat, putting his tail aside carefully.
"Trunks, and Bra... good God!!" he exclaimed, slamming his fist on the cool floor.
Her whole face went red. "S-s-shut up!!' she stuttered.
Their voices could be heard from outside, and Goku peered through the door to get a better look. From the looks of it, they had reconciled again, and Vegeta was back to his usual self again. Insulting, and putting others down before him. He smiled, when he heard him taunting her again. "Sayonara... love birds." he murmured, before vanishing into thin air.
He reappeared back into his room, his head reeling from waking up so early, and his stomach growling from the lack of breakfast. If only Bulma was feeling better, she would have made him a some blueberry pancakes, and lets not forget about those to die for chocolate chip waffles, with the chocolate warm, and melting in the pastry, and on top of that, a drizzle of hot fudge, and a tiny pinch of mint. Whoever married her was a lucky bastard, he admitted.
A knock on his door disrupted him from Bulma's heavenly cooking, and when he answered the door, he faced a paled pace, timid looking Chi-chi. He held his breath. She looked horrible in this state... what happened to the beauty he once fell in love with??
"Chi-chi?" he gasped.
She winced. "I... forgot to give these back." She held out her hand, holding a tiny pouch. She stared at the ground, frowning slightly.
"Oh." he took the pouch, staring at her intensely. "Thanks."
"Sorry." she murmured, backing away.
"I... couldn't bring myself... to give them back. I'm sorry it took so long."
"Nah. A month ain't so bad!"
She looked up at him, confused. What was it with this guy. First he acts all goofy, then he acts all macho, and cool, and now he was back to his goofy ways. What kind of drug was he under?!
He laughed. "It sounds weird when you call me that. You should call me Goku again, you know... like old times."
"Goku." she murmured.
She reached up to him, and pressed her lips to his, shocking him with a scorching kiss. Goku blinked in confusion, when her hands fondled his chest, and then traveled downwards to the lump forming below the waistband. He moaned into the kiss, but was still confused as to what was happening, and why his body was reacting in such a strange manner.
He growled deep in his throat, when her hand plunged inside his pants, stroking him softly over the tip, and down the shaft. "Chi...chi." he moaned.
"Lets take this inside." she urged, locking the door behind them, and leading them to the bedroom. Images were forming in his mind, and he pictured himself, and Chi-chi in a compromising position, that sent waves of lust to his groin.
"Wait!" he shouted hoarsely, pulling her back.
"What?" she gasped. "I have condoms, don't worry-"
"No, it's not that... I just... I never..."
She placed her finger over his lips, and with her other hand, she unbuckled his pants, and pulled then down to his feet. She sank down, pulling down his boxers now, and tasted his tip with parting lips. He hissed in pleasure when he felt her tongue taking a swipe at his precum. "You'll be getting this... and much more." she smirked.
"Wait...Chi....chi..." he groaned, stroking her hair as she continued her ministrations. "We... I just... I want... ahhhhh... yessss... this is my... first... tiiiiiiiiiime." he moaned when he ejaculated, and Chi-chi swallowed all of him graciously, smacking her lips deliciously.
She smirked at the look on his face. It was so full of want. She didn't know what suddenly made her change his mind about him. Maybe it's because he challenged her... Vegeta was right... it made him attractive. She wanted him.... now.
She stood up, stroking his chest. "Goku... do you want me?"
"Of coarse I want you... I've always wanted you. I love you Chi-chi." he took her chin in his hand, kissing her, and he could taste himself on her lips. The thought aroused him again, and Chi-chi smirked, taking his hand, leading him into his bedroom.
"What's with the sudden change of heart?" he asked, perplexed, when her hand suddenly wrapped around his engorged member. They both sat on the edge of his bed, and he took his shirt off, now completely naked. "Let's just say I finally got what I deserved." she smiled.
"You mean... the whole ignoring, and treating you like a bitch actually worked?" he asked.
She nodded. "You're awfully smart." she taunted.
"Gosh... Vegeta knows a lot about women than I thought." he murmured, hissing in delight when Chi-chi began to undress. He pulled in his breath at the way her breast bounced, and the way her slim arms came down as she pulled her skirt off. She smiled, and pulled him down, towards the bed with her, grabbing his hands downwards towards her womanhood. Goku was confused. He didn't know what to do.
"Do this." she instructed, pushing his fingers in and out of her clit, and she writhed beneath him, as she continued to instruct him. He was pleased to know that he was pleasing her in some way. Finally she let him go, and he did it all on his own now, pulling his fingers out gently, and tasted it with his tongue. She tasted wonderful, he thought... well, not as good as Bulma's waffles, but she tasted good.
Doing the unthinkable, he crouched down, and tasted her with his mouth and tongue, making her writhe, and screech in pleasure, until the pressure was too intense, and she released into his awaiting lips. Chi-chi breathed heavily, eyes rolling to her head, trying to regain her control.
"Did I do something wrong?"
She chuckled. "No... you're doing... just fine."
"Oh good."
"You're doing better than I expected, now... come here." he did what she said, as he crawled on top of her, and raised his eyebrow when she lifted her legs, wrapping them tight around his waist. He didn't know what she was doing, but let her go on anyway. She took his hand into hers, and settled them over her breast. She saw him blush when he felt her nipple with his thumb.
"It's so.... soft." he awed. He pressed his face between them, rubbing his nose over her breast, moaning when he heard her make a tiny whimper behind her throat. Next, he kissed her chest, darting out his tongue to taste her.
She hissed through clenched teeth, and tugged at his hair, scratching his scalp. For a first timer, he was doing even better than any other experienced men. Perhaps it was because he wasn't as selfish as those other men she slept around with. But with Goku... everything was different. Not only did he care about her... he loved her.
He paused, when he noticed tears erupt from her eyes. "I'm sorry Chi... Did I hurt you?"
She shook her head. "No, silly..." she wiped her eyes, putting her hand over his cheek. "I was so stupid... to ever think you were a monster... like them." she wept, reaching up to kiss the side of his lips. He kissed her fully in the mouth, parting her mouth, as he shot his tongue out, exploring her inner depths. He was a fast learner she thought, as his lips crushed over hers dominantly.
He smiled. "I will never do anything to harm you. I love you Chi-chi. You are mine forever... and forever, I will be yours."
She reached up to kiss him again, running her fingers through his coarse black hair, smiling when he bucked his hips at her.
She opened her mouth, breathing heavily, and instructed Goku to lay on his back. He didn't know what was coming next, but with the look on her face, he knew it had to be something really good. She scrawled towards him on all fours, settling herself over his hardness, and before he asked what she was doing, she impaled him completely, gasping at his size. Goku clenched his eyes shut, wondering what these sensations were, but when she adjusted herself, he hissed, bearing his fangs.
"Ahhh... uhhh... huh?"
"Look at me." she simply said.
He shook his head viciously. "I can't."
"Yes, you can."
He groaned. "No... I can't!"
"Yes... you can." she said as calmly as she could.
He shuddered, and opening his eyes carefully, he saw two dark eyes staring back at his. She looked so beautiful, he thought. And now she belonged to him... forever.
He kept his eyes on her, as she rocked her hips back and forth, in a hypnotizing manner, and he fingered her breast. He didn't want to leave them there, unattended. She arched her back, as he stroked her nipples with his thumb, and then she took one of his hands, sucking lightly on his middle finger.
Together they rode that wave of passion, as he thrusted his hip upwards eagerly, and when at last, he climaxed inside her, he changed their positions, so that he was on top now, thrusting himself in and out of her womanhood, awaiting, and craving for her release, and she arched her back, crying out his name, as she climaxed, hitting rock bottom.
He rolled off of her, and immediately grabbed the covers, wrapping them around them, as he took her in his arms, his hands circling over her stomach. It felt so right, to just lay there, beside his love.
He placed his face in the crook of her neck, becoming aroused again, from smelling his scent on her.
"Are you up for round two?" he asked stupidly.
A/N: I'm not sure the lemon came out right... I dunno, you guys tell me. Super, or lame? okay, I better start working on the next chapter.... XD