Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ Killer in Disguise ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Four
: Killer in Disguise

Sirens pierced the once calm morning air as they headed towards the scene of a gruesome murder. Pale faces and hollow eyes were already taking in the body of the blonde college senior. Her lips had turned blue due to the cold and color had drained from her skin. Police, forensic scientists and reporters were busy shouting and staring at the morbid scene.

Several stations had their reporters positioned so they would have the most dramatic coverage of the murder. The sirens continued to blare as more came to the cemetery, cars pulled into the area as more swarmed the scene to keep back curious on-lookers. After all the pictures were collected the coroner took down Juu’s lifeless body. Several more shouts broke the stillness. The grave-faced coroner looked out towards the commotion and silently shook his head in regret before a pained scream ripped through the air.

Shouts and the sound of running college students ripped Bulma out of her enjoyable dreams. She blinked sleepy blue eyes before removing her head from Vegeta’s chest causing him to stir. She blinked again and sat up straighter before finally getting to her feet. “What’s going on?” she muttered, glancing around to see her peers rushing out the door and making a huge commotion in the process.

Bulma looked towards Vegeta who had finally gotten to his feet, in time to snag someone by the collar. “What’s this all about?” his tone of voice caused the unfortunate person to cringe.

“They found a body in the cemetery. Some girl was murdered. They’ve got it on six stations covering everything!” the guy struggled to free himself and failed. “You can’t miss it if you turn the TV on; it’s all that’s airing at the moment.”

“Who?” Bulma had gotten to her own feet and stood before the guy in her nightclothes. A noticeable grin of gratitude took over the junior’s features as he let his eyes rove over her body. Vegeta gave the junior a quick shake before glaring.

“They haven’t said.” when he was released he continued on his way out the door and tried to avoid anymore agitated people who might try and grab him again.

The two remaining people turned and looked at each other, before turning to get changed in their respective rooms. Quickly they too were following their fellow classmates’ example and heading to the scene of the murder in Vegeta’s vehicle.

There were news vans, cop cars, fire trucks and various other vehicles when they finally arrived. Bulma climbed out of the passenger side and pushed her way through the crowd, Vegeta following her lead with less difficulty. Finally Bulma broke through and gazed towards the morbid scene. One of her best friends lay in an angel’s arms, a pool of blood below her as the coroner started to have them lower the body.

“NO!” the pained scream tore through Bulma and broke through all the noise and chaos. Several turned towards the heart wrenching scream to see a blue haired beauty throw herself into someone’s arms. Her tiny fists pounded relentlessly on Vegeta’s chest as she sobbed her sorrow into the morning air. “No no no no. Not Juu! I just saw her last night. Why? Why’d she have to die?” tears spilled down her cheeks in unstoppable waterfalls that seemed to rip into the hearts of those surrounding the area.

Vegeta glanced up in time to meet the coroner’s eyes and then directed his attention back to Bulma. He felt uncomfortable as he always did around crying females. “Stop your bawling, it’s not going to help.” His gruff voice broke through causing her to push away from him violently.

“Fuck you, Vegeta!” her tears came to a violent and abrupt stop as anger quickly filled her body. “I was here last night with ChiChi and Juu; we were looking for that witch’s grave so we could try this stupid legend out. I found it, called ChiChi and then tried to get a hold of Juu. Then I thought, maybe she went home. Then while I was doing something stupid, she was being attacked and killed! How dare you say that to me?” Hate burned in her eyes, “You’re not the person I thought you were. Someone who despite certain actions at other occasions, proves how big an asshole he really is!” her small hands found themselves resting on his chest as she shoved him before heading away from the horrible scene.

Hate and fury ruled her emotions as she started walking back to the college campus. But it wasn’t too long before grief quickly consumed her mind and she sank to her knees on the side of the road. Fresh, hot tears burned trails down her cheeks as she pounded at the ground in a pathetic attempt to rid herself of the unwanted emotional pain. “Why?” it came out broken and sounding every bit as pained as it was meant to.

The sound of a vehicle approaching her did nothing to catch her attention from her attack on the pavement. It slowed down and then completely stopped; the sound of a door opening and closing faintly registered in Bulma’s anguished mind. Footsteps neared her spot on the road before they stopped completely and the person before her kneeled down.

“Bulma?” the voice ventured, it quickly drew Bulma’s attention before she flung herself into Goku’s arms. “Bulma, sweetie, what's wrong?” his voice was soothing and only made the tears continue to fall.

“It’s Juu…she’s dead.” It came out, barely, as Bulma’s hands fisted into his shirt before she was drawn up into his lap as if she were a child. Carefully, Goku shifted and sat down on the ground still holding the sobbing female.

His hands stroked her soft blue hair as he tried to calm her down while at the same time his mind was reeling. Juu was dead? How did that happen? It didn’t seem to register to him that it was even possible. She was one of his friends, he’d known her for years and now he wouldn’t get to see her ever again? Pausing, he took in Bulma’s shaking form curled into his body. He couldn’t image not seeing the blue haired female alive and well, laughing or crying. It just didn’t seem possible that someone their age could die so young.

“It’s going to be ok, Bulma. I promise you it will get better.” He glanced around and could still hear the sirens ringing in his head as he noticed Bulma’s car was nowhere to be seen. “Where is your car?”

Bulma pulled herself from Goku’s body, just enough to look at him confused. “My car? Oh, I got a ride with–Vegeta.” She sneered when she said his name, barely containing her resentment.

“Well–where is he?” Goku’s voice took on an edge. How could he leave her all alone like this? Right by the road…

“I left that asshole back-whe-where it happened.” She couldn’t bring herself to say the words again or talk about it in detail.

“Asshole? Did you two have another fight?” Bulma still rested on his lap, her cut hands resting in her own lap.

“Another fight? ANOTHER FIGHT? He was so nonchalant about what happened! He didn’t care, I know he didn’t. Asshole only cares about himself, getting high, drunk or laid.”

“Here, I’m going to take you back to your room. Chi doesn’t even know what happened.” Goku slowly removed Bulma from him as he gradually got back to his feet and helped Bulma to hers. Placing a supportive arm around her shoulders he led her back to his Trailblazer.

Once she was inside, he quickly got into the driver’s seat before pulling back out onto the road in time to see Vegeta fly down the road ahead of him. A scowl took over Goku’s usually happy features as he thought back his friend and knowing that the state of the poor female next to him was due in large part to Vegeta’s actions.

He shouldn’t have done that. He knows how Bulma handles things like this.

Once they finally got back to the dorm, Goku realized he was quite reluctant to tell ChiChi the news, but as he and Bulma headed up to their room he braced himself. It took him ten minutes to finally break the news to his girlfriend who almost instantly broke, looking around helplessly before sharing her sorrow with Bulma who was still trying to recover from her own pain. The combined grief of the two filled the room while Goku looked around the room for some distraction before his black eyes landed on a group of pictures. He crossed the room before reaching down and picking up the first one.

A small, sad smile took over his features as all his attention was directed towards the picture of three smiling females staring back at him. Each was unique in their own way and beautiful. Their smiles seemed to win you over the second they fixed their gaze in your direction, he sighed as he remembered that day very well. It had been a stupid idea to begin with, but they had decided to go on a camping trip. The whole gang. It was an unexpectedly enjoyable weekend that yielded many memories.

Carefully he sat the picture back, letting his eyes glance over the other pictures before setting them on one of the rare moments that his group had experienced first hand. Bulma was pinned against the deck with an angry Vegeta keeping her there, whip cream on his head, the can in Bulma’s right hand. Her smile was wide and happiness burning brightly in her eyes as she had tried to hold in her laughter before taking the can and giving Vegeta a mustache. The picture frame was made so that it contained several small pictures around the border and one huge on in the middle. The pictures were placed in it so that it showed the whole thing and the middle picture was the final product–Vegeta with whipped cream all over his hair and face, Bulma’s own covered as well.

Finally he stepped back, glancing over at the two females who seemed to have calmed down before he quietly left the room. Goku trudged down the hall as he headed towards his room, eventually coming to it before being stopped by Asoku.

Every damn time he ran into that guy he felt as if he had to size him up, sure Asoku had been going out with Marron for awhile now, but he’d be damned if he didn’t forget the bastard. Asoku stood at the same height as himself, barely touching six foot with an athletic build. The man lifted weights, ran laps and played sports on a regular basis. The girls were always looking his way, with those forest green eyes, short and spiky black hair with a handsome face. Goku’s eyes started to narrow, but he controlled it quite well. That was at least the description he’d overheard a girl in his class give to her friend. Handsome face? Goku scoffed, that was so shallow.

“Hey Goku. What are you doing here?”

Goku nodded in response as he weighed his answer before wondering what was behind it. “Going to my room, what are you doing here?” his chin lifted in defiance as if trying to underhandedly goad the other man into something.

“Not much but walking around. I was looking for Marron–what’s with all the overblown drama that’s floating around.” He shrugged his shoulders, grinning. “She died–who cares? Doesn’t anyone wonder what that little bitch was doing out there anyway?” the grin turned to a wicked smirk.

Goku lost control and he didn’t give a damn; that had crossed the imaginary line he’d drawn since he met Asoku. He shoved the other man against the wall, snarling in his face. The scene was so uncharacteristic that those who’d looked out of their rooms doubted what they saw.

“Don’t you dare say that again.” It came out in a hiss as Goku released the other man, stepping back as he thought he’d cooled down but then slammed his fist into the wall next to Asoku’s head, leaving without a doubt in his mind that he hadn’t cooled down.

“Why? She isn’t your girlfriend. Why do you care?”

“Don’t you realize that she is dead? She isn’t coming back, this isn’t someone you don’t like getting into a wreck and breaking their legs or some other messed up shit you might wish on someone. Juu isn’t coming back, it’s not some sick joke and you’re acting like it is.”

Goku turned, not wanting to actually beat the other man into a coma even though that was what he wanted to do in the back of his mind.

Asoku grinned, he’d gotten under Goku’s skin once more and it was always a small power trip that he didn’t take for granted. Turning on his heel he headed down the hallway before taking the huge staircase down so he could head over to his girlfriend’s.


Night had fallen and the first killer parked their vehicle a ways off the road before heading towards the highway. Their cane made small noises every time it touched the ground as they leaned heavily on it, limping towards their destination, pausing momentarily to adjust their scarf that covered the gray, short and curly wig on top of their head. Finally they got to the road, walking along side it until a car came around the bend. A wicked grin took over their disguised features as they quickly placed on their best innocent face. Sure enough, the vehicle started to slow down before pulling over.

The window rolled down on the passenger side, “Ma’am, are you ok?” came the voice from inside. A young man who
appeared to be in his late twenties to early thirties had a look of concern on his face.

“My car,” the killer shifted on their feet as they made full use of their best elderly voice impersonation. “Seems to have died.” They made sure to add a tremor in their hand that held the cane and the one that reached up to adjust the scarf. More concern filled the features of their chosen victim.

“I can give you a lift to the nearest gas station, we can call a toe truck, and I’ll wait with you till they get there. Is that ok?” he gave a small helpful smile. “Here, let me help you into the car.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of you young man. God bless your soul.” The killer gave a small smile in return. Poor bastard.

The man got out, quickly walking around the side of the vehicle and opening the door. Without warning the killer swung the cane up like baseball bat before bringing it back across the man’s face. His eyes rolled back into his head as he crumpled with part of his body inside the vehicle and the rest on the ground.

Sighing, the killer pushed the man into the vehicle before going around the other side, getting in and driving off. Flexing their gloved hands they looked over at the man who had blood trickling down the side of his head.

Driving to the pre-decided area, they unloaded the man and propped him up against a tree. Reaching into the purse they’d been carrying as part of their disguise they retrieved the rope and tied the man to the tree. Once that was done, they took the small knife and slashed it across his wrists. Glancing up, the killer noticed the man was still unconscious with a shrug they then took the knife and slashed it across the man’s throat. Backing away they grinned before walking to the vehicle to drive to their own car. Once the killer arrived where they’d parked they got out, “How about a little arson?” a wicked laugh filled the night as they retrieved the lighter and rag from their own car.

Carefully they placed the rag in the gas tank, thankful that it was long enough that they could get away before the vehicle exploded and then set the rag on fire. Backing away, they climbed into their vehicle and drove away, stopping to look in their rear-view mirror in time to watch the car explode.

“Wonder how many points I’ll get now…” a wicked gleam danced in their eyes as they drove away, not even thinking about the life they’d just ended.

End of Chapter

My updates will get slow down for awhile now.....this is the first chapter for this fic that I've posted out of the fic that hasn't been before posted on the internet. It'll take a combined effort of atleast five reviews to get the next chapter. I'm that my fic is getting a lot of views on both the sites it's posted on...ff.net has an unreal number of views and only six reviews. I thank those who have reviewed, but I'd like to see a few more.