Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ Drunken Mistakes ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Nine
: Drunken Mistakes

“Yeah, that party sounded like a great way to my mind off of things. Yeah, I need to get out and get some fresh air before I go insane.” Bulma laughed, looking over at Vegeta who was mouthing every word she’d said since she’d said it twice before. “Alright, thanks. Bye.” She placed her phone back on the night stand next to her bed. “Now what do you want?”

“I came over to ask you where that party is exactly. I’ve never been there and I know you have. God, Bulma. You’d think it would kill you to be nice for once.” Vegeta rolled his eyes, leaning back against the wall next to Bulma’s bed. His arms crossed over his chest as he tried to give her his best disapproving glare.

“Wow, you mean Vegeta Ouji doesn’t know where a party is?” she glanced over to her TV and flipped the weather channel on, waited a few seconds and grinned. “Nope, hell hasn’t frozen over.” A laugh escaped her glossy lips as Vegeta’s glare deepened.

“Ha ha, very funny. Like I’ve never heard that before.” The last part was muttered as he pushed off the wall. “Just give me the damn address and I’ll be gone. I’m sure you’re just dying to call your stupid boyfriend up so you can go over there. Have a good laugh over something stupid and then screw each other silly.” A growl escaped his throat as he finally got to his feet and headed towards her door. Vegeta paused before turning around to regard Bulma with an almost father-like look of disapproval on his face. His arms crossed over his chest as he stood there in his typical pose, watching Bulma with calculating eyes.

“1223 N Leona.” Bulma scowled back at him before she turned her back on him to glare out the window. Her hand waved him away in a silent dismissal that had him biting back a smartass remark. He’d gotten what he’d come for and there was no point in drawing this out any more. Launch was waiting for him at her house and needless to say he didn’t want to keep that blue haired female waiting for another blue haired female who was only going to yell at him.

The only response he gave was the sound of the door opening and then closing softly behind him. She could hear him as he continued through the suite until he reached the door leading the hallway; it shut behind him loud enough that she could hear. Bulma glanced over her shoulder, sighed and then flopped down on her bed. She was going to call Sumko, but now out of pride she wasn’t. There was no way in hell she was going to let Vegeta be right about every damn thing. Her hand absently brushed her hair over her shoulders before she laid her face against the cool sheets and resumed what she’d been doing before Vegeta came barging in, staring out the window and daydreaming. She’d lied when she’d said she was cleaning, it was just an excuse to avoid dealing with the temperamental 22 year old. Scowling she remembered how it hadn’t worked, her blue eyes glanced to the curtain that blocked out the sun before her mind started to wonder elsewhere.

The TV continued on, ignored and casting a bluish light in the dimly lit room. The party was in six hours and Bulma didn’t feel like spending those hours getting around. It was only one in the afternoon and there wasn’t much to do, she only had morning classes today and then there was the whole day to do nothing. No classes tomorrow, it was Friday and ChiChi was more than likely in class at the moment which didn’t help distract Bulma from boredom.

Her blue eyes slowly started to drift shut before sleep finally consumed her, the small amounts of sleep she’d gotten for the past few weeks was slowly killing her. Ten minutes passed and the door to her room slowly opened and ChiChi slowly walked in, her eyes catching sight of Bulma before she started to be quieter. When ChiChi couldn’t find Bulma in the main room, kitchen or bathroom she figured Bulma had fallen asleep. Shaking her head since she knew why her friend was passed out.

A small smile took over her features as she removed her gaze from Bulma long enough to notice Bulma’s note. There apparently was a party tonight and that meant her friend would be gone. Of course there is a party tonight, you talked with Goku about it yesterday you dumbass. She berated herself mentally and wondered why she was so forgetful. A quick grin took over ChiChi’s features as she snuck out of Bulma’s room and over to her computer, turning it on mute, before she messaged Taiyuko Briefs.

~Your sister is going to be out tonight.~

It only took a minute before a response was sent to her and another grin took over her features.

Really? Maybe I should come by.

~Yeah, that would be great.~

Incase she gets back too soon, just tell her to not turn on the lights and put on some music, that Goku might be over later.

~That’ll work, come over at 7:30 pm or later. She’s leaving at 7pm and who knows when she’ll get back.~

Alright, bye Chi.


She sighed; glancing over her shoulder at Bulma’s doorway before turning off her computer. It was wrong, cheating on her boyfriend with Bulma’s older brother, but the thrill always got to her. Maybe I should wake her up? No, then she’ll bite my head off. Wonder what I could do to pass the time…

There was a noise from Bulma’s room and before she knew it ChiChi found herself wandering into the room. A sigh escaped Bulma’s lips as she rolled onto her side, her face contorted in pain. ChiChi raised an eyebrow and ventured to Bulma’s bed. There were a few murmurs and pained noises coming from the other female. One of the words caught ChiChi by surprise. That sounded like she said, ‘Murderer’. Wonder why.

Bulma’s face contorted into a grimace of pain and her body tensed. “Bulma? Wake up.” ChiChi gently shook her friend and before she knew it Bulma’s hand had come out and hit her. Rubbing her cheek absently she resumed trying to wake her friend from her nightmare before Bulma’s body jerked violently and she shot up in bed.


“What were you dreaming about?” ChiChi sat on the edge of the bed, curiosity always being her downfall.

“Oh, nothing.” Bulma glanced away, looked at the clock and then back to her friend. “I’m going to go out for awhile.” She stood up quickly, glanced in the mirror nearest to her and reached for a brush. After fixing to hair and grabbing her purse she headed for the door that would lead to the hallway.

“Oh…Bulma! Goku might be coming by later after that party,” she blushed for effect, “incase he is could you not turn on the light and put your headphones on? I know you’re on the other side of the suite, but just in case. I know you usually want to let me know when you get in from a party that way I don’t worry too much, you know how I am.” ChiChi glanced down, silently hoping Bulma bought it.

“Sure, Chi. Why aren’t you going to the party though?”

“Oh you know me; I’m not a big party person.” She waved her hand at her friend absently. “I’ve never been that interested in being around a ton of drunks who’ve turned overly grabby.”

Bulma laughed, pushing her hair over her shoulders as she shrugged. “Yeah, but then you have an excuse to punch them in the nose.” Her grin showed ChiChi that she understood and all was in good humor.

“You have fun and thanks again Bulma.”

“Anything for my best friend.” Bulma grinned and walked out of the room.

Several hours later, Bulma headed up the steps of the house the party was in, she’d wasted all the time she could afford to waste and how it was time to get drunk. Her glossy lips pulled into a smile as the door opened and Goku stood there grinning at her like a fool.

“You’re drunk already?” Bulma laughed walking past him and into the house, her blue eyes roved over every drunken college co-ed in the area before her attention was directed back to Goku.

“Well…yeah!” came Goku’s overly chipper voice as he wrapped his arms around Bulma and led her to where the most action was. She never noticed the look in his eyes or the smirk that had crossed his face that was so uncharacteristic of Goku. Bulma hadn’t been to many parties that would place her around Goku in his drunken state; usually Vegeta had a good handle on the spastic 22 year old and there was no need for Bulma to be around him alone. However, before she knew it a beer was in her hand, the bottle empty and another full one came to replace it. The music, laughter and all those other things typical of a college party continued on around her as she drank beer after beer.

Next thing she knew she was pressed up against some random frat boy from her college and a seductive smile graced her lips this time. His hands were on her hips and her own were starting to roam all over his body. Unfortunately for the frat boy a strong hand gripping Bulma’s shoulder caught her attention as she turned to see who wanted to dance next. To her complete shock, even in her drunken state, Vegeta stood before her glaring.

“What the hell are you doing?” his gruff voice cut through the loud music and voices all around them. Sometimes he felt like a damn parent when it came to his two party-buddies. Bulma and Goku didn’t have too good of a control on themselves when alcohol was involved and for some reason he usually ended up saving them from doing something incredibly stupid. Fortunately for Vegeta his mind liked to explain it away as him just preventing himself from being associated with two idiots, which is what would more than likely happen since everyone knew they were his ‘friends’ and that would reflect badly on him.

“Having fun?” Bulma stared at him in confusion, What does he want?

“No, you’re trying to whore yourself to the nearest drunk frat boy.” Vegeta growled in disgust. “I thought you once told me that you should be faithful to whoever you’re with?” He glanced back, watching his own girlfriend throw back her third beer as he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the blue haired female he was currently talking to.

“No I’m not.” Bulma pouted, in her current state only half of what Vegeta was saying was reaching her ears. “I’m just dancing.” She looked around and saw Goku walking towards her, “Hey! Goku! You want to dance?” she winked at Vegeta, “Are you happy, no more frat boys!” she grinned and watched as Goku stopped in front of her.

“Sure, Bulma! I was looking for vegetable–hey Vegeta!” Goku grinned drunkenly at Vegeta who growled and walked away. He hated being around Goku when he was drunk, the man couldn’t keep his hands to himself and his eyes were constantly looking at some female if ChiChi wasn’t there to keep him reigned in. Needless to say he wasn’t going to watch over those two morons for the rest of the night, he’d had enough of it and it looked like Launch needed some help.

Goku started to dance, clutching his sixth beer in his right hand. Bulma shook her head as her own drunken mind started messing with her head. Before she knew what was happening Goku had started kissing her and her hazy mind tried to figure out what to do. Who was kissing her? Oh yeah, it’s just Goku. There were no rational thoughts in her head as she responded, nothing telling her how wrong this was or that there were other people here who knew them.

Their feet started moving of their own will as they moved through the other bodies, Bulma’s back hitting a door before Goku’s hand reached down to push it open. His black eyes glanced up from Bulma’s momentarily to see that no one was in this room as he proceeded in with Bulma in tow. A giggle escaped as Goku reached around Bulma to shut and lock the door before he returned to what he’d been doing previously.

His hands moved down her side till they reached the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head leaving Bulma standing before him in her silky blue bra and ripped blue jeans. Goku’s hungry eyes took in her body, it didn’t matter to him that this was one of his best friends, it didn’t matter that he had a girlfriend who he loved and it didn’t matter that Bulma had a boyfriend of her own. After six beers he had no control over his own hormones. All he saw was a beautiful female before him, wanting the same thing his mind was urging him to seek.

Bulma blinked back at Goku, her lips pulling into a sexy pout. “I’m the only one without a shirt on.” She grinned wickedly at him, walking up to Goku. Bulma traced her finger down his torso as she reached the bottom of his shirt and removed it from his body. Goku quickly pulled her against him as they fell back onto the bed, his hands skimming her body as their tongues began to explore each other’s mouths.

Once his hands reached her pants his skillful fingers had them unhooked as his lips moved from her mouth to trail down her body, sliding them off Bulma, leaving her in her matching bra and panties. A sly grin took over his features setting Bulma’s blood on fire as her hands began to work on his pants removing them and she noticed he was ready for her.

“Goku.” It came out barely a whisper. “I want you; I think I have for the longest time.”

“Well I can’t have that, can I?” he removed her panties as she helped him to remove his boxers. Goku moved back up her body, kissing her passionately as he entered her in one swift movement.

End of Chapter

Bet none of you thought that was going to happen, huh? Well I hope this chapter shocked some of you back into leaving me a review! :winks: I’ve told many of you this story was going to get interesting and I neglected to kill anyone off in this chapter…damn, maybe next one! I think this story needed to have more to it than just people getting killed in various ways, we need to have some of the regular story that gives you characters that aren’t just two-dimensional, which we all know that these characters are anything, but that. So here is a chapter that gives us a better look at the characters as they are in MY story! Let me know what you think, wonder if any of my Bulma/Goku readers liked this chapter? I’m sure I’ve got some of my Bulma/Vegeta readers either shocked or angry….let me know! Hope you enjoyed it and next chapter should be up in a week or ten days!