Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ Don’t Turn on the Light ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Ten
: Don’t Turn on the Light

Taiyuko rolled over from ChiChi, glancing over as she rested her head on his bare chest. Her black hair spilled across his body and he couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. He wondered what his sister would think if she found out he was fucking her best friend behind her back. The grin quickly was replaced by a smirk as he kissed the top of ChiChi’s head.

Dark blue eyes looked around the darkened room as he took in everything, making a silent note of his surroundings. A lazy smirk took over his features as he felt Chichi curling up against him, his arm wrapped lazily around the small woman lying against him.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, Why do I keep going back to him? I have Goku, that sweet, fun loving guy. Though he is horny as hell when he gets drunk–can’t keep those damn hands off of you. A small smile took over her features at the thought; there really was no con to sleeping with either guy. It was a good thing that Goku had people looking out for him at that party, making sure he kept his hands to his self. Even though you don’t keep your hands to yourself. She thought to herself, a frown marred her features.

“I better leave, ChiChi. You never know when my sister is going to drag her ass back here from that party.” His voice reached ChiChi’s ears as she looked over at him, sighing as she realized he was right. It was getting late and Bulma would probably be returning soon, stumbling drunk and giggling. Her hair messed up and a stupid grin on her face, a story resting on her lips that she would be forced to wait to tell ChiChi until morning came.

“Yeah, I’ll see you later?” she gave him a small smile as she removed her head from Taiyuko’s chest, letting him up from her bed. The bed sheets fell down from their bodies, exposing Chichi to the cool air in her room. A shiver traveled down her spine.

“Sure.” He kissed her on the lips, letting his eyes roam her body as he reached for his clothes and dressed while ChiChi changed into her night clothes. “Night.”

“Night.” She whispered in the darkness watching as he shut the door behind himself. A few minutes passed before she rolled over and closed her eyes waiting for sleep to consume her mind.

The door slowly opened in the main room making ChiChi sigh in relief as she snuggled back into her covers. That was close. Chichi cracked one eye open, looking through her open bedroom door before closing her eyes and trying to attempt sleep.


Bulma lay sprawled out on Goku’s chest with him still inside her as her breathing began to regulate once more. Her cloudy mind was trying to register what she’d just done, but the alcohol from earlier was still in her system. Strong arms around her waist made her look up and into Goku’s black eyes. There was still lust riding in their depths and she felt him hardening in her once more.

“Goku?” she whispered into the darkness before she felt him buck upwards, the quick shock had her breathing changing and managed to banish all thoughts other than the need to quench her own lust. Bulma quickly moved from his chest and felt him roll her over so she was back on the bed and he was above her.

After every thrust and moan she felt herself coming to the edge once more. Her blood set on fire again as it kept building and her climax erupted. Goku felt her go over the edge, but continued pumping until he reached his own goal and lost himself. Finally he rolled them back over, his hands trailing up and down Bulma’s back lazily as his racing heart started to slow back down, this time he pulled out.

Blue met his vision as he looked up at the female on his chest, her cheek pressed against his body. “We should...leave, we shouldn't stay here anymore.”

Bulma moved her head enough to look at him, “Goku, I can’t fuck anymore. I’m just not capable of going more than two rounds with you. My God, where does that stamina come from? If you’d have kept this second round up like you did the first, I doubt I would be able to walk out of this room.” A sigh escaped her lips as she moved off his body and onto the bed. Bulma’s head hit the pillow next to her as she wearily looked around the room. “Where am I?”

“I don’t know.” Goku muttered, sitting up and looking around the room in confusion as he started to sober up. He was quickly regaining his senses as he looked at his best friend’s naked body next to his own. It was quickly dawning on him that he’d just screwed Bulma Briefs, in an unfamiliar room, at some random party–twice.

He reached down and started picking up the various articles of clothing that belonged to him as Bulma did the same thing. Once they collected it all, they started to get dressed, trying not to look at each other and ignore the awkwardness of the situation. Sure Goku would admit he’d been attracted to Bulma, but not the kind where he’d take her to bed.

“Well–I’m going to check on Chi before going to bed.” Goku finally muttered, heading towards the door and leaving Bulma by herself. Well I might not check on her, I probably smell like Bulma and it would be obvious. I guess I won’t check on her, there is always tomorrow. Once the door clicked shut Bulma sat back on the bed and buried her face into her hands. Her body started to shake and sobs began to escape her lips as she started crying.

The party continued on outside the room as her sobs picked up and her inner turmoil grew. “I just fucked my best friend’s boyfriend.” She muttered to herself before sobbing. After she finished crying Bulma headed back out into the party, her face having returned to its normal coloring and the traces of her crying having faded.

Car keys in hand Bulma made it to her car, being mindful of her driving since she didn’t know how much was still in her system. She’d always been against drunk driving, but right now she didn’t give a shit. All she wanted was to go back to her room and pass out on the bed, try to forget what had happened. The building was quickly coming into view and she let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.


ChiChi felt the bed move and rolled over to see what Bulma was doing in her room only to see a figure dressed in black. “Who-” she was cut off as the other person pinned her to the bed and covered her mouth with a gloved hand.

“Shhhh.” The figure spoke staring down at the woman below them. “Can’t have anyone hearing us?”

Quickly they set about securing her arms and legs to the bed posts after gagging her. Careful the whole time of keeping her under control, but when she was safely tied down the killer set about their current urban legend. They hadn't had an idea of which legend they were going to use until tonight, it had all fallen into place.

The same knife the killer had used on Juu came into the figure’s hand as they slashed it across ChiChi’s wrists. At that moment the door to the suite cracked open as Bulma staggered in heading to her bedroom and slipping her headphones on, making sure they were up as loud as her ears could handle. She moved about the room, slipping on her night clothes before climbing under her covers. Her blue eyes began to close as her mind tried to understand what was happening. She'd heard the moan when she'd opened the door, she was still trying to get rid of the blush that had taken over her cheeks.

He just fucked me twice, how does he have enough stamina for another woman only moments after me? Wow.

And like that her mind shut off as her worn out body finally relaxed into the bed. ChiChi’s pained moaning fell on deaf ears as she thrashed trying to get whoever was on top of her off. Her blood began to soak into her sheets as her eyes locked with the killer’s and shock filled her system. This couldn’t be possible. How could this be her killer? And as the thought passed through her mind the knife came down across her throat, blood spurted as the life drained from her eyes and her body went limp. Death came and took her in the night as Bulma dreamed in the other room, still smelling of ChiChi’s boyfriend. The killer looked around the room before he got to work.

Morning came peaking in the windows of Bulma’s room, drawing Bulma from her dreams. A sigh escaped her lips as she began to think that it had all been a dream, but the feeling in her body that told her she’d been worked over thoroughly the night before told her something completely different. Blue eyes took in their surroundings before they blinked and tried to adjust to the light pouring into the room.

Great, just fucking great. Bulma growled, her feet hit the floor as she stood and pushed her mused hair out of her face. Something was wrong; everything in her body was telling her something was wrong. She walked out of her room and into the sitting room; glancing at the clock Bulma noticed writing on the wall in red paint.

Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?

“What the fuck?” she looked over towards ChiChi’s room, the door was open so she walked in, noticing her friend’s sheets pulled up and over her face. “ChiChi, what kind of sick comment is that?” Bulma walked over to her friend's bed, a raised eyebrow as she prepared to question her friend about the weird words painted on their wall. It was going to cost money to get that shit off there and quite frankly she wasn't in the mood.

Bulma pulled the cover back and fell backwards as she backed away from the bed. Shock clearly danced in her eyes as she scooted away from the bed as fast as she could, her back finally hitting a wall as she forced herself to her feet. Tears welled in her eyes as she took in the bloody sheets and the gash in her friend’s throat. Her tears started to spill down her cheeks as she took in the cloth used to keep ChiChi tied down and the gag tied to her friend’s mouth. ChiChi's eyes were wide and blank, not showing the life that usually could be found there, they were completely dead. Bulma's lips began to tremble as her hand slowly rose up to her mouth, trying to prevent the sobs that were threatening to escape. Her mind spun, completely caught off guard as everything finally hit her.

“HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!” Bulma's voice finally broke through the morning, traveling down the hallway and waking several other students. “HELP ME PLEASE!" her voice was frantic as she continued to scream her hurt, "DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKER!” anger now laced her voice as pained sobs escaped her lips.

Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall as several students ran to the pained screams and broken sobs, trying the door and finding it locked they broke it down after Bulma started screaming again. “Bulma?” one questioned before the blue haired female launched herself into their arms. The door to Bulma and ChiChi's left a dent in the wall from where the door knob had hit as the door had been broken open.

“ChiChi is dead.” She wailed, holding onto the person who’d been closest to her. The guy she'd grabbed onto sunk to the floor with Bulma resting in his arms as he tried to calm the frantic female down. Someone called 911 and another screamed, several more people gathered in the doorway and more tried to console her as she continued crying. Then a voice broke through all the others, a voice that made Bulma's heart stop beating and caused it to break completely at the clueless voice, the look on the speaker's face added another knife to her heart.

“What is going on here?” it was Goku and he sounded confused; he pushed through the group of students and looked around the room. His eyes locking on Bulma who was crying into the arms of someone on the floor and then he looked around the rest of the room before his eyes landed on ChiChi’s bed.

The crimson coloring of her sheets was wrong and the way she was tied to her bed was wrong, the fact that she was dead struck him without warning. He hadn't expected it, never expected to feel this in his life. Shock quickly took over his mind as he felt someone clinging to him and then he realized Bulma had removed her small body from the other student only to latch onto his. Her tears were soaking his shirt, her small body shaking from her heartbreaking tears and her grip on him was strong. He noticed all the other students in the room, several on their phones and others looking confused, scared and lost.

“Goku.” Bulma paused before she began sobbing all over again, several students led them out of the room and down to the bottom floor to the sitting area. Sirens could be heard, but Bulma could only focus on Goku and his pounding heart. She couldn't let go of him, couldn't let go of the pain that had consumed her aching heart. This couldn't be real, first Juu and now Chi? It wasn't fair. This wasn't right. Why was this happening to her?

End of Chapter

Ok, you all forced me to do something drastic, well here it is! I've killed off another main character, was it expected?How many of you actually thought I'd kill another main character off? Well, I might just do it again....let me know what you thought.Thanks to all who reviewed! Also if you have any story you want me to check out (I always leave a review), I'd be more than happy to check it out for you.Thanks for checking out my story, the amount of views this fic has received is amazing.You can send me your questions, comments, recs, andin a review!