Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ Just There ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Thirteen
: Just There

The officer turned the car on and backed out, mindful of the masses of people surrounding the area. Everyone hoping to catch a glimpse of the gore, the morbid minded were always attracted to things like this. He grimaced, glancing in the mirror to look at the two college students he was supposed to be taking to the police station, but figured no one would remember them after they caught a glimpse of Launch Monroe’s body.

After getting a fair distance away, he pulled over and got out. Opening the door he watched as Bulma scooted out followed shortly by Vegeta who scowled in annoyance at the idiotic cop before him. Vegeta watched as Bulma turned her back to the cop, presenting him her cuffed wrists as they were quickly removed–his own following shortly.

“I don’t want to see either of you back near that crime scene until everything and everyone is gone. Do you understand?” the officer gave them what he considered a stern look before returning to his vehicle and leaving them standing on the side of the road.

“Fuck, my car is still over there.” Vegeta growled, glancing down at his feet before kicking some loose gravel in anger. Bulma watched him, her arms crossed over her chest as she tried to warm herself up.

“I’m sorry for you loss Vegeta.” she murmured into the dark, “I know you two have been going out for four years.” Bulma bit her bottom lip, casting her eyes over to him before letting them dart back to the tree across the road.

“It doesn’t matter anyway.” he muttered, his own mind reeling at the realization that he’d come to. “She didn’t matter.”

Bulma’s head snapped in his direction. “What are you saying? You two were inseparable; your hands were constantly all over each other! I swear, I thought you’d actually settle down with her. And now you say after she was brutally murdered that she didn’t matter? What the fuck is wrong with you? YOU TWO WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER, YOU ARE BOTH SELFISH, ARROGANT JERKS!” her eyes blazed with fury at how off-handed Vegeta was being about the whole thing.

“That’s just it. I have no idea why I stayed with her, in the end she just didn’t matter that much to me.” he crossed his arms, turning his chin up. “I never really cared about her, she was just convenient. She was there when I needed something,” his eyes widened, “she was just–there.”

Vegeta turned away from Bulma, walking down the road, leaving Bulma to stare after him. “So that’s it? She was just there?” tears formed in her eyes, “Is that all I am? Am I just there, Vegeta, am I just fucking there?” her voice took on a note of hysterics as she watched him stop, his shoulders stiffening. He considered her one of his only friends, but his pride would always get in the way.

“Yeah, Bulma, that’s it.” and he resumed walking, ignoring the sting of her words and the outraged sob that erupted from her as she picked up the nearest rock and threw it at him as hard as she could. Screaming in anger as angry tears burned her eyes. “Sumko is just there for you, like Launch was just there for me.”

Is that how all guys are? Am I just there? That was how it was with Goku, but what about everyone else? Am I just there to everyone? Someone to fill some stupid spot in their lives until something happens and they realize that they don’t need me filling that spot anymore?

Bulma raced after him, throwing a hard punch into the middle of his back before recoiling when he spun around and lunged for her. Vegeta's strong hands came down to lock onto Bulma's trembling shoulders as his black eyes burned into hers, threatening her with unspoken tortures.

“I wouldn’t ever do that again if I were you.” he whispered darkly, hate and fury burning brightly in his black eyes. Bulma’s locked onto his, staring him down.

“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” her voice barely reached his ears as she reached up, removing his hands from her shoulders and shoving him away. “Go play your sick games somewhere else, because I’m sure as hell not Launch.” Bulma walked around him before she took off in a dead run, trying to escape Vegeta’s voice trailing after her.


Because we’re perfect for each other and you know it.

Bulma picked up her pace, racing away as fast as she could, seeing her car in sight as she pulled out her keys while quickly clicking the unlock button as she jumped in and shut the door.

Hot tears filled her eyes as his words rang through her mind; she tried to push them out and failed horribly. Tears spilled down her cheeks in heartbroken waterfalls as more sobs quickly started racking her small form. She pounded on the steering wheel, screaming loudly, cursing Vegeta Ouji to hell and back.

“YOU FUCKING ARROGANT BASTARD, I FUCKING HATE YOU!” her voice held extreme emotional pain as she searched herself for the strength to overcome his words of truth. She would come back to him and she’d hate herself for it even more. People around her were dying and yet she continued to fall towards Vegeta.

Who knew the devil looked so handsome.

The thought was fleeting as she tried to push it away, no she couldn’t do this. She had a boyfriend who loved her more than anything. Again Vegeta’s words seared her mind, disrupting any reasoning. I care about himdon’t I?

The fact was that she was sitting in her car, a block away from a murder scene and several blocks from where she’d left Vegeta. Now sitting in her car on the side of the road, pondering whether or not she loved her boyfriend–who loved her more than anything, scared her to death.


Vegeta looked around him again, his car was in front of Launch’s house and that fucking cop told him not to return. Well screw him! I’ll do whatever the hell I want.

He finally started walking again, knowing that he was bound to come across Bulma; somehow he doubted that she’d gotten very far before his words sunk in. He knew she didn’t give a flying fuck about her boyfriend who doted on her like no other and loved her unconditionally. Bulma didn’t want that, she wanted, no she needed someone to keep her in line and direct her, someone to take over. She wasn’t the strong, independent woman she appeared to be, that was all a façade that she put up to keep from getting stomped on. But she seemed unbreakable–she kept going no matter what.

Vegeta had seen her at her lowest, when she had no one and had finally realized it. He’d seen her and she’d ran from him in the face of all the acquisitions. Her vehicle was right in front of him–now–he heard the sobbing coming from within and approached without a second thought. His hand reached for the door handle, opening the door with ease as Bulma’s head snapped up and her tear-filled blues stared at him.

“Please, leave me alone.” her voice cracked as a sob cut her off, “Are you happy? Now you can remember this for the rest of your life! The day you broke Bulma Briefs!” hate poured into her words as she fell out of her vehicle and into his arms.

Bulma’s small hands pounded at his chest in vain as she tried to get him back for all the pain he was causing her. “I hope you burn in hell you bastard!” she screamed, tears running down her flushed cheeks as Vegeta caught her hands with effortlessness.

“You don’t mean that and right now you’re wondering why you’re even bothering saying it.” he scowled, “Stop crying, crying is for the weak and the weak aren’t going to get anywhere in this world.”

Bulma pulled away from him, her tears stopping in the process as her sobs came to a stop as well. “You unimaginable bastard.” it came out in a coarse whisper as she backed away from him, her eyes locked with his. “I don’t want you near me. And I don’t need you, I never will.”

She quickly got into her vehicle and drove off, leaving Vegeta to trek his way back to his own vehicle without being spotted. A permanent scowl etched its way onto his face as he watched the reporters practically falling over themselves to get some footage of his dead girlfriend–he watched as they lowered her body to the waiting black bag–a pang of guilt as he realized yet again that everything they’d been through had been for nothing.

And to top it all off, Bulma’s words, banning him from her very presence? He scoffed; if he wanted to be somewhere she damn well wasn’t going to stop him. Vegeta got into his vehicle and left the reporter infested area, they were like a bunch of vultures and it sickened him.


Bulma continued driving down the road, tears falling down her cheeks relentlessly as they threatened to never end. She was still broken inside, her friends were dying around her and there was nothing she could do. Hell, Bulma didn’t care that Launch was dead; Launch was a brain-dead sex toy that Vegeta apparently didn’t even care about. After all, she was just there, just there like all the others.

And poor, innocent Goku, what did he do to deserve such a violent end? The man was such a sweet, loving and caring person who she was lucky to have had as a friend for all those years. Bulma’s vision was slightly blurred from the tears, but she didn’t care as her hand reached down and turned on the radio hoping to find a song that would allow her to escape from reality for even a moment.

The soft words to the song, Mad World, filtered into her vehicle as a small smile graced her features. “At least it’s not something that reminds me of that bastard.” She muttered as the lyrics washed over her in a soothing fashion that caused the tension in her shoulders to relax.

Then as the words seemed to fade as she realized she needed somewhere to stay for the night. Sumko, he would take her in with love and understanding. Her shaking hand reached down to collect her cell phone as she dialed his number before placing the slim phone to her ear.

“Bulma?” the voice snapped her out of her thoughts quicker than a hard slap could have.

“Sumko?” her voice broke as she heard the love and understanding she’d known would be there brought to life. “I have nowhere to go.” She sounded like a lost child, one who didn’t know where they were and needed consoling.

“Yes you do. Sweetheart, you can come to my place. There is always room for you whenever you need it, you know I love you so much, don’t you?” his soft and concerned voice brought a choked sob from her sore throat.

“I know, I’ve seen and heard some awful things and I want to forget.” She pulled up in front of his house, not even realizing she’d been heading that way since she’d started driving. Idly she thought about Vegeta and what he was doing, but as she hung up the phone and saw Sumko coming outside all thoughts were quickly pushed to the side as she embraced him. “I just want to forget, please Sumko, make me forget…just for tonight.”

He wrapped her up in his strong arms, carrying her as if she were a little child into his house and to his room where he spent the rest of the night making her forget everything but them.


The killer scowled, so their opponent thought they could just jump ahead of them in points by overshadowing their most recent legend with that little stunt? Well that just wouldn’t do, they would have to move ahead with their next legend ahead of schedule, this game was quickly getting out of hand and it was too far into the game for them to stand down on any level.

A sinister grin took over their features as they studied their most recent victim whom they’d take the time to choose for this particular legend. It would hit their opponent, hard. A wicked gleam filled their eyes as they slowly left the area where their victim lived, heading towards their own residence.


Cold, lifeless blue eyes stared up at the ceiling above them. It was poetry in the killers eyes, pure fucking poetry and it needed to be admired since it was in the boyfriend’s own bathtub. Poor bastard was in class today and would come back to find his girlfriend, dead in his tub filled with ice–her kidneys in a bowl by his sink.

Marron had walked into her boyfriend’s room in one of her skimpiest outfits, hoping to wait for him so she could give him their two year anniversary present, her. Any weird fantasy that he could think of, she’d fulfill. Instead she was greeted by an unexpected guest who was only interested in gaining more points in a morbid game.

It had happened so fast that Marron hadn’t had the chance to scream before the killer had her subdued and started dragging her towards Asoku’s bed where they would remove Marron’s organs, letting her bleed to death on the sheets before transferring her to the tub they’d already filled with ice. Once the ‘surgery’ was completed, they placed her in the tub and then turned the temperature for the huge dorm room down so the ice wouldn’t melt too fast. It was a good thing that Sumko had a suite or this wouldn’t have worked out so perfectly.

With one last glance at the body the killer stole a look at the time, grinning when they noted that the boyfriend would be returning in a moment. Quickly they slipped out the door and headed towards the nearest bathroom, disposing of their clothes into the bag they’d carried before switching into some clean clothes. The killer didn’t have to worry about any blood; it was on the clothes they’d burn later on. One glance in the mirror to make sure nothing looked suspicious and they head out the door in time to see Asoku heading towards his room.

“Hey!” Asoku greeted cheerfully, “Haven’t seen you in awhile.”

“Well you never stop by; I’m just down the hall.” The killer grinned, watching as several of their peers walked by, three guys and two girls. “Looks like there is going to be a party.”

Asoku laughed, “Yeah, well I’ll talk to you later.” He wrapped his hand around his doorknob before turning back to the other person in the hallway. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“Sure.” And on that final note the killer nodded before resuming back down the hall, they hadn’t even gotten to the elevators when the horrified scream filled the building. A quick flash of a grin and the doors opened before they stepped inside.


“I just don’t get it.” Bulma muttered to herself, the bed sheets were wrapped around her body as she looked towards the bathroom door her boyfriend had disappeared into. “What is wrong with me?” it came out in a coarse whisper as she fought with herself over the current issue. Was what he said true? Damnit, why am I even considering what Vegeta said. Bastard.

“Bulma?” Sumko’s voice snapped her out of her mental battle making him notice the distracted look in her eyes. “Where were you?”

“I’m right here, silly.” She flashed him a halfhearted smile that he seemed to take. “I really need to be going, are my extra clothes still here?” she asked, her blue eyes searching his for the answer to her mundane question.

“Of course.”

“Great. I’ll see you later.” She stood up, still clutching the sheet around her body, rising to her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

“I love you.” He smiled back down at her, watching the emotions flash across her face before they finally stopped.

“I love you too.” She finally spoke, going over to collect her clothes and then quickly heading to the bathroom to get around. Once she’d showered, dressed and brushed her teeth, Bulma quickly exited his house and headed towards the one destination she didn’t want to go to.

The radio was still on and was currently talking about a completely new murder.

And yet another shocking murder has been committed, this time in the dorm room of Asoku Tysumai. His girlfriend, Marron Collins was found brutally murdered in his bathtub, her kidneys removed while she rested in a bathtub full of ice. The recent murders have so far followed a basic pattern, Urban Legends, and it is believed that this nightmare may never truly end for the murders seem to be escalating into legends much more violent than the original legends had….

Bulma turned the radio off; “Marron is dead?” it seemed surreal. Today was her second anniversary with her boyfriend; they’d managed to be together for two years–today. She kept driving, so many she knew were dead. Her friends, lost in the crossfire.

She stopped, in front of her dorm and there his vehicle was. Sighing Bulma climbed out of her vehicle, trudging up the steps to the doors before making her way to his floor. The same room that he’d shared with another one of her friends who’d been brutally slain.

Her hand balled up into a fist before she finally knocked on his door, dropping her hand down to her side as the door finally swung open. Dark black eyes bore into her own as she stared him down. “I hate you.” She said it with such passion, such conviction that it made him smile.

“Then why are you here?” the response was expected, after all, she’d known him for years as well.

Her lips twitched, “I don’t know.” It was honest and so unexpected that she blinked as if wondering where it had come from. “I don’t know anymore. Everything is so messed up that I don’t know what to think or what to do.” She brought her hand up, lazily pushing some of her hair behind her ear before letting the hand drop back down to her side absently. A few residual tears from the night before started to build in her deep blue eyes. “You put doubt into my mind, Vegeta. I’m not sure I can ever forgive you for that.” it finally came out in a soft whisper. Bulma knew she had to tell someone, someone who knew her and there was hardly anyone left. “I thought after last night I needed to tell you how I feel about you, saying those things when you had no right!”

She quickly took a step back as if she’d been hit, “I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have said that.” it came out hastily as she turned on her heel only to have his hand lock over her wrist.

Vegeta jerked her back around, watching as she spun back into his direction. “I didn’t put that there, that doubt has been there for awhile.” With that he released her wrist and gave her a slight push back in the direction she’d been heading. Once he seemed satisfied with that he smirked, “You should be able to control your emotions better.” And the door finally shut between them as Bulma stared at the door and then headed back down the hallway.

Once he heard her footsteps heading down the hall, Vegeta pushed off from his door and headed towards his window to watch the blue haired female head to her car. He watched her pause, glance back towards the huge building before getting in and driving off. Shaking his head, Vegeta glanced at his clock. This was the usual time that Goku would be coming into the room, complaining about being hungry before raiding the huge fridge they had.

End of Chapter

Thanks for all the reviews, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I’m afraid there isn’t much left to this story and I appreciate all the reviews and comments I’ve received. Review and let me know what you think!