Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta's Sick Day ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Untitled (4 now) by: Me (Bri, Go10luver17, Hosi-chan02)

A/N Okay, I know the 1st chapter was a lil' bit weird and confusing for some of you, but here's chapter 2. Hopefully it'll make more since than ch.1 did. I also hope it's better than ch.1. N-joy! ( )-author talking


Chapter 2-The Trouble Begins

(*sigh* I can't help myself. Here's everyone's fave couple…*hangs head in defeat*) "AHCOO!!" (Ha! You thought somethin' bad was gonna happen, didn't you? Man, I would pay good money to see the look on your faces!)

"Vegeta, are you alright?" Bulma asked the sickly Saiyajin. "We better go inside before you get worse." She led Vegeta back inside the house and placed him on their bed.

"Should I tell her?" Vegeta muttered. (Tell her what, Vegeta?)

"Tell me what, Vegeta?" (Ooh, she read my mind!) Vegeta lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.


"Vegeta, you know you can tell me anything right?" she said as she placed a wet towel on Vegeta's forehead. He sighed deeply.

"Okay, I'll tell."

"Alright; go on."

"This morning, when I said I was ill…w-well, I wasn't." (Aww, he's admitting that he lied!) Bulma scowled at her husband.

"You weren't?" Vegeta shook his head and went into a coughing fit. Bulma's scowl softened into a smile as she wiped away the sweat from Vegeta's brow. "Just get some rest, Vegeta. Dinner will be ready when you wake up."

Vegeta closed his eyes and drifted off to dream land. (*raises eyebrow* Dream land? How lame is that?) Bulma left Vegeta's side and headed downstairs.


"I'm home! And I brought Pan and Marron if anyone cares!"

"Well, no one does," Trunks snapped from the living room floor.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here."

"What are you guys doing on the floor anyway?" Marron asked.

"Well, Trunks and I were working on a school project" Goten answered (Goten! *Blows `em a kiss* I love you Goten!)

"I was working on it while you were snoring on the couch just before the girls came in." Goten scratched the back of his head and blushed.

"Well, maybe that is more accurate. I told you I stayed on the phone with Paris last night! I'm sorry; that girl has a lot to talk about!" Just then Bulma came running down the stairs, a scowl planted on her face.

"Guys, keep your voices down! Vegeta just fell asleep! And kids, next time tell me when you're having company over!" (Jeez, she's the one doin' all the shouting! Someone tell her to keep her big mouth shut!!)

"We'll do our best, Mom," Trunks said.


Vegeta could see it more clearly. The figure, it was female. She just stood their looking at him. "Vegeta…" Those were the only words the escaped her lips. Her words echoed in his head. The woman began walking closer to him.

He could see now! Her aqua-marine hair; the color that matched her eyes. "Bulma?" Yes Bulma! It had to be her!

"Vegeta…" The words still echoed. A dark figure began to creep up behind Bulma. She didn't seem to notice it though. She just kept coming to him. She was almost to her destination. "Vegeta…" Echo. "Vegeta…"

The figure had its arm poised, ready to strike. "Look out!" he tried to warn, but to no avail. It had her in its grasp. He flew over to the figure, but still could not tell who, or what it was. He had to save her! Somehow…

He decided to turn into a Super Saiyajin. His hair began to get lighter. Soon his ebony-colored hair had changed to a bright gold. His eyes had changed to a greenish-blue color. His muscles began to bulge until they were twice the size as before.

He charged at the figure, but too late. The figure, it had…destroyed her. "NOOOOO!!"

Vegeta instantly woke up, his face tear-stained. (That's so kawaii!) He quickly wiped away his tears as he noticed Bulma sitting beside him. "You were having a nightmare," she said stating the obvious. Vegeta sighed, thanking Kami that it was only a dream. He got out of bed and headed towards the door. "Where're you going?"

"None of your business," Vegeta snapped back at her. He staggered a bit as his vision began to blur. He had to use the wall to help keep his composure. Bulma ran to him.

"What's wrong?" Bulma asked worried.

"Out of my way!" Vegeta gently pushed Bulma aside and headed for the gravity room.


Vegeta shot a ki blast at one of the six training bots. He carefully watched it as it bounced off the others. He had been in the gravity room a few hours now. It surprised him, because he was expecting the woman to come get him as soon as he had left their bedroom.

After doing all the exercises known to man or Saiyajin, Vegeta began feeling a little sick. And his head throbbed painfully. He strode over to the gravity machine and turned the gravity all the way off. Then he went over to far end of the room and sat in a corner. I'll just rest here a moment, he thought.


Bulma came downstairs looking for Vegeta. (Where has she been looking the past few hours that Vegeta's been training? Under the bed?!) "Where's your father?"

"Last time we saw him, he was going to train," Trunks answered.

"How long ago was that?"

"Umm, a few hours I think. Right Bra?" Bra nodded in agreement with her older brother.

As Bulma opened the gravity door, she braced herself expecting the gravity to be on. To her surprise it wasn't. "What the…" she trailed off. "Where the hell is he?" She finally spotted him in a corner. He was fast asleep. She placed a hand on his shoulder and gently began to shake him.

"Wait a minute." She placed a hand on her forehead to feel for her own temperature. She put her hand back on Vegeta's shoulder. He was burning up! "Trunks!" Vegeta winced, as Bulma yelled into his sensitive Saiyajin ears. He continued to sleep. Trunks ran into the room.

"What is it, Mom?"

"Help me get him upstairs! He's running a very high fever!" Trunks put his arm around Vegeta's waist so he could get him upstairs. This startled the Saiyajin prince, causing him to wake up.

"What are you doing?" Vegeta scowled at his heir. Trunks let go of his father and backed away.

"Vegeta, you have a high fever; Trunks was just helping me get you upstairs!"

"I don't need you or that brat's help!" Bulma returned Vegeta's death glared.

"I'm tired of your shit, Vegeta! Trunks, take him upstairs!" At this point, Trunks was having difficulty choosing which of his parents he should obey. He could obey his mom and get a slow painful death from his father, or he could obey his father and suffer the wrath of Bulma. The odds were surely not favoring him today.

Trunks decided to listen to Bulma. He grabbed Vegeta and helped him stand. Vegeta didn't bother to struggle. His head was throbbing. As Trunks helped Vegeta to the living room, Bra came out of nowhere and saw Trunks helping her father upstairs. "What happened?" she asked.

Vegeta pushed Trunks away from him and plopped down on the couch. "Oh, Dad was just running a fever." Bulma came out of the kitchen and handed Vegeta a glass of ice water. Vegeta took the glass and drank most of it greedily.

"I thought I told you to take him upstairs," Bulma said to her son.

"I was, but he decided to stay on the couch." (He decided? I never heard him say that…)


A/N Sorry, I had to end it; this chapter's too long! I know my story's starting to get a little boring. I can't help it; I'm running out of ideas! I'll try to make the next chapter a little more interesting. Don't forget to review!!

-Bri aka Go10luver17, Hosi-chan02, Brio, and Sakura-