Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta's Sick Day ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vegeta's Sick Day by: Me

A/N I can't believe I am actually continuing this fic! I hate it! *shudders* Okay, I'm dedicating this chapter to two of my closest friends. First is my friend Roxy who is suffering from those evil allergies we all hate. Poor girl…Next, is my best bud Badiyannu who just turned 14 September 9th. *starts humming a few bars of the "Happy Birthday" song*


Chapter 3 - Side Effects

Still lying on the couch, Vegeta shut his eyes trying to block out the immense pain in his head. Bulma came from the kitchen and placed a cool towel on the Saiyan's forehead. "Momma, isn't Grandpa a doctor?" Bra asked. (Dr. Briefs…? No, I don't think so, B-chan)

Bulma nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was just thinking, maybe he might have something to make Dad feel better."

"I guess I could give him a call." Bulma grabbed the phone on her way out of the family room. (Living room for some)

Trunks sat on the arm of the couch, grabbed the remote, and tuned it to a football game with the volume full blast. Vegeta cringed at the horrible headache the T.V. was giving his already aching head. "Turn that off," he said almost nicely.

"This is a good game! It's the Texans vs. the Cowboys!" (Hey, those teams were playing each other a few days ago. The Texans kicked some Cowboy ass!)

"Trunks, you have a T.V. in your room, can't you just watch it there? That way, you won't bother Dad as much." Bra chimed.

Bulma reentered the room and announced, "They're on their way over." Bulma looked at Trunks who had the volume on the T.V. full blast. "Trunks go watch the game in your room. You know your dad is sick."

"Oh, I don't think he'll mind." Bulma looked at Vegeta who had already decided to take a nap.


About two hours later, Bulma's parents had finally made it to Capsule Corporation. Bunny (Bulma's mom) admired how big her grandchildren had gotten, while Dr. Briefs looked over the sleeping Saiyan prince.

"Wake up, Vegeta," Bulma whispered gently shaking her husband. Vegeta groggily opened his eyes. Dr. Briefs looked into his glassy eyes, and stuck a thermometer under his tongue.

A moment later, Dr. Briefs removed the thermometer from Vegeta's mouth and looked at it concerned. "His temperature is at 112."

Bulma's face paled. "What?"

"That's only above normal," Vegeta replied in a raspy voice. Bulma and Dr. Briefs turned to him. "A normal Saiyan temperature is 110." (You would think it would be higher for Mr. Hot-Head…^_^)

Dr. Briefs pulled a small bottle out of his doctor's bag. "This is a new aspirin I was working on. Vegeta can be the first to try it out."

"Dad, Vegeta is not one of your test subjects!"

"Yes, but if worse comes to worse, you can always wish him back with the dragon balls."

"That makes me feel much better," Bulma answered sarcastically. Dr. Briefs opened the bottle and popped one into Vegeta's mouth. (…)

"Are there any side effects?" Trunks spoke up.

"Hmm, some of the side effects are minor headaches, nausea, and vomiting. It'll take about five minutes for them to kick in." Vegeta turned to his (uh…) father-in-law (I guess…).


I wonder how long it will take until Vegeta is feeling better, Bulma thought running her fingers through the sleeping prince's hair. She looked over at her alarm clock, when it almost immediately began beeping.

Awaked by the shrill sound of the clock, Vegeta opened his eyes [sat up] and searched for the location of the annoying beeping sound. "Oh, sorry, Vegeta," Bulma said reaching over to turn off the alarm.

The Saiyan plopped back down on the bed and covered his head with the sheet. "I hate being sick," he muttered.

"You act like you've never been sick your whole life."

"I haven't. The only reason I'm sick now is because I've gotten soft…"

Bulma removed the sheet off Vegeta's head. "That's not true." She stared into his glassy eyes a moment before he got up, and headed towards the door. Vegeta didn't make it three feet before he fell to his knees, and began to gag.

Knowing what was coming next, he clapped his hand over his mouth. His eyes widened as he lurched forward and began to vomit. (Eww…x_x) Bulma ran up to his side and placed a hand on his back. This had already been the 6th time Vegeta had thrown up in the past two hours.

Afterwards, Bulma ushered the weak Saiyan over to the bed. "You just rest here, Vegeta. I'll bring you something to eat."

"But…" Vegeta began to argue.



About half an hour later, Bulma returned to her room with a warm bowl of soup for Vegeta. She discovered that he had not gotten an ounce of sleep since she left the room 30 minutes ago. "I brought you some soup," she said handing him the bowl.

He grinned wickedly. "I don't want that. Silly woman." (Trix are for Saiyans. ^_^)

Bulma's eyes widened. "What's with you?" she asked meekly.

Vegeta chuckled. "I want something tastier," he smirked and looked Bulma square in the eye. Bulma cautiously reached out to feel Vegeta's forehead. He violently grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him.

He tossed her on the bed, still gripping her arm. Bulma, realizing Vegeta was not acting normal (No…really?!), and realized he was not going to let go of her anytime soon, did the only thing she could…she screamed. Vegeta unwillingly had to let go of her to cover his sensitive ears.

Trunks and Bra came running upstairs as soon as Bulma had screamed (Dr. Briefs and Bunny had already left). "What's wrong?" Bra asked.

"H-He tried to…" Bulma stammered.

Trunks and Bra turned to their father. "Damn, woman, do you have to yell so loud?" Vegeta asked placing a hand on his head.

"You're not good at covering up for your mistakes, Vegeta. You know why I was yelling!"

The prince was confused, but kept his scowl. "Woman, I have no idea what you're talking about," he said plainly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"Actually, Mom, Grandpa didn't tell you, but one other side effect of the pill is that it can also make you forget things," Trunks said.

"Oh. Vegeta what was the last thing you remember before I screamed?"


A/N What's with Vegeta? He's acting a little, umm…weird. Well, if you want to know one more side effect of the pill, then you must review! It's a side effect giving to me by, of course, Badi-chan. She helps me a lot, and I am very grateful! Thanks, Badiyannu!