Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Kiss Your Eyes ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)

Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan

Soft singing echoed out amid the darkness, pulling her from her deep slumber. Faint shadows danced across the room, but at the moment Bura didn't care that she didn't recognize the odd place. Her head was aching, and her hair was damp. She rubbed the back of her head, not noticing that her hand came away blood. She turned in the warm sheets, curling her legs against her chest as she listened to the familiar and comforting voice.

"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes…"

She sighed faintly and clung to the covers, yawning as the pain in her head slowly faded away. The warm voice was welcoming, something she hadn't heard in nearly years. The voice never changed songs, because there was no reason to. The only time she and he met was during the late hours of night or the early hours before dawn, and their meetings never lasted very long.

"Smiles awake you when you rise…"

Bura allowed her eyelids to flutter open, gazing across the room. Worry slowly began to fill her. The room she was in was not her bedroom. The bed was much larger, and the sheets were solid black, engulfing her in unholy darkness. There was a small torch burning against the wall, but the lights that hung from the ceiling weren't burning.

"Sleep pretty maiden… do not cry…"

Sitting up, her eyes darted around the room more franticly. Three doorways circled her. Drapes hung over the window that stood towards the right. Bura's clothing had been changed from the normal black and red gi that she wore into a smooth and silky dress that curved low around her thighs. Her feet were bare, and the room was shivering cold.

"And I shall sing a lullaby…"

Her eyes darted to the figure that stood in the far corner, away from the door. Relief filled her as she was reminded of the soft and protective voice. She sat back against the wall behind the bed, drawing her knees against her chest. The fear had faded from her, but there was still a small about of fright. She remembered them coming, and then screams… and then darkness enclosing. They'd brought her here. There wasn't any way to know whom they had killed. She wondered quietly why she wasn't dead. Had he saved her?

"Care you know not, therefore sleep…" he continued as he moved towards the bed, shadows fading from his face as the dim light of the torch engulfed his small form. Never once did he block her path to the door, and for that Bura was grateful. She didn't feel trapped as long as he didn't force her to stay. She didn't want to leave. She had never wanted him to leave during his brief visits when she was younger.

"While I o'er you watch do keep…." He had watched over her, for many years, like a big brother should. Bura frowned softly as she looked across his face. Didn't Trunks care about her?

"Sleep pretty maiden… do not cry…" he moved, sitting down beside the bed, hand stretching out to run across her smooth cheek. A faint smile dressed Goten's face as he leaned forward, brushing their lips together. Bura sighed softly like the young child that she was and return the small motion with a faint giggle. She blushed and leaned back. Goten returned the smile, "…and I shall sing a lullaby."

Bura leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned against his chest. "I missed you, Goten."

"I know, chibi," he responded as his slender fingers ran through the thin blue locks of her hair. Bura sighed in his embrace, all the thoughts of fear and hatred of the world around her fleeing as she rested in his arms. This was the man she was in love with, and when she got older, in her fantasy world where everything was perfect and happy, she would get married to him and be his wife and have lots of children that would grow up and be happy. Goten had told her it was called mating, and that they were destined to be together, and he was only waiting for her to be ready. As far as Bura considered, she was ready, but Goten insisted on waiting - for what, she didn't know.

"Where am I?" Bura questioned as she sat back, brushing her hand over the beautiful garment. Goten stood from the bed and looked down at her. "Gohan has Videl. Bulma is dead. You belong to Gohan now, just like me and Trunks." He turned away, heading towards the door. Bura's eyes widened as tears began to fill them. "Kaasan?" she nearly sobbed, wrapping her arms around her knees. Goten turned back towards her with a hateful sigh. "Bura, be happy you aren't dead. Stay in this room. Trunks will be coming to talk to you soon."

The sob that she had held in for just a few moments escaped violently. Bura buried her head within her arms and cried as she never thought possible. Goten frowned angrily from where he stood against the doorway. Had the world never become such a callous place, the hurt in his heart would have forced him to move to Bura's side and take her into his arms and apologize for the hateful things he had said, but heartfelt pain was something that Goten had long ago learned to ignore as he'd learned of his mother's death, and had watched Gohan kill all those he'd ever known or loved, except for Trunks and Bura. Gohan had told him many times, and these words he believed, that those you openly love die, and they die because of you. Gohan had inevitably killed Gokou because he had loved his father. It was just the way things worked. Goten turned away and left the room, shutting it behind him. He moved quickly through the hallways, hoping to avoid a confrontation with Trunks or Piccolo.

Unbeknownst to him, Trunks stepped out from around the corner with narrowed eyes, watching as Goten vanished down the corridor.

The chain hung from a beam in the center now. Juunanago watched with faint amusement as he rested against the doorway, a faint smile dressing his thin lips. Gohan gripped the ends of the chain, forcing the metal to bend with his strength until two cuffs were created on each side.

In silence, Juunanago observed Gohan moving across the small room. It had once been a training chamber, a place to learn to fight for good and win. Now it was a torture chamber, for the good to suffer as the evil laughed in victory. Gohan knew it, and therefore Juunanago knew it too. Their minds were the same. The minds of all those allied to evil were no different from each other. He reached down to the unconscious Videl, who rested in the corner of the room, suffering, trying to block out the pain through slumber. Her attempts would only cause more suffering. The thought echoed in Juunanago's mind, and therefore was being thought within the dark depths of Gohan's.

"Why shouldn't I just kill her?" Gohan muttered as he grabbed the back of her neck and hoisted her up. Her knees brushed against the ground, head lopped to the side. Juunanago frowned at the question. "You can't let her win."

"How is dying winning?"

Juunanago chuckled at the question. "Didn't you feel like a loser when your father died? You continue suffering. Her suffering ends. Death is for the victory. You can't let her win."

"Then why can't I die?" Gohan whispered as he looked down to the small body that hovered before him. Juunanago stepped forward, black eyes glaring demonically. He leaned into Gohan's face and slowly the grimace faded and faint chuckling echoed out in the chilly depths of the chamber. "If you die, Gohan, then who will ensure those of Chikyuu pay for their crimes while breath still fills their body?" Juunanago reached up, pressing his hands against Gohan's cold cheek. Softly he smiled and leaned forward, pressing his synthetic lips against Gohan's. Videl dropped to the floor as Gohan reached out, wrapping his arms around the cyborg that had begun the destruction of his life so many years ago. And to think, his sister still lived.

At the thought of Juuhachigou, Gohan stumbled forward, the figurative being that he had believed to be real gone, vanished, back within the psychotic depths of his mentality. He looked around, as if expecting the cyborg, or another one of the evil villains that filled his past to be standing behind him, waiting for attention, waiting to punish him. Gohan's eyes only landed on Videl, the pure being that needed to suffer. He moved towards her slowly, black eyes staring down at her.

Neither of them was very clothed. Gohan's bare chest shimmered beneath the faint lighting. Videl's simple gi of black pants and a white shirt were stained with blood and sweat, ripped in random places. Her shirt hair was in tangles, matted against her forehead and cheekbones. She seemed so beautiful, and yet so hideous - he couldn't allow her to win.

No one deserved to win.

With a heated growl he bent down and grabbed her shoulder, shoving her against gravity. Videl jerked awake at the harsh movement, eyes darting around as if she didn't know what was going on. It didn't occur to Gohan that her reaction might have been valid. He punched her, sending her back to the ground. Videl sobbed out with pain, but was quick to scramble to her feet. Gohan had forgotten how resilient and strong she was. It was one of the things he had admired about her, that and the fact she had always made her father look like a fool to those who had known the truth about the Cell Games. Did she even know who had truly defeated Cell, and the price that had been paid - a price that was written and paid in blood - Gohan's blood, Gokou's blood… the blood of all those that had saved Chikyuu countless times - Videl's blood?

"Come here," he demanded, feeling his anger wavering. Perhaps, just perhaps, she was stupid enough to not know. Perhaps, just perhaps, she was truly as innocent and sweet as she had always seemed. He remembered that little girl he had encountered on the street just a few days after he'd murdered Gokou. She had been so pure and delightful, smiling happily, proud of her father, proud to be a member of humanity, happy that the sky was blue and the grass was green, content about everything that the world had to offer. Her bright blue eyes had sparkled as she had looked up to him, motioning towards her father. 'Tousan is teaching me to be a senshi just like him. I'm going to be as powerful as him someday, and then I can fight and save Chikyuu!'

Had she known, that fair day when the world had been so peaceful and, unbeknownst to her, her father had been cowering from Gohan in his limousine, that she was cursing herself to the pain she suffered now.

Videl, however, didn't share Gohan's views. With a scream she lurched forward and swung madly. Her fist connected with his nose, but it only caused Gohan to wince - in annoyance.

The answers to all his questions had just been revealed: no.

He grabbed her shirt and flung her upwards with skilled ease. She struck the ceiling, the bones in her back cracking at the connection. Limply she collided with the ground. Gohan smirked as he knelt down and gathered her up, lifting her in the air and inserting her hands in the self-made cuffs that would nearly shred her wrists. Videl moaned out as she struggled against him, but it was fruitless. She was nearly unconscious, starving, in pain, and fatigued. It was all she could do to protest. He released her weight to the chains and watched in amusement as she kicked midair, trying to free herself like a wild dog trapped in a door-less cage. "Suffering, are we, Videl?" Gohan questioned with a raise of his brow as he folded his arms over his bare chest. He wanted to go back, change into his gi. He felt so out of place without wearing the symbol of his crimes, like a scarlet letter embedded on that clothing.

Videl hissed as she stared down at him, spitting foaming from her lips. "You'll pay… you'll pay for killing Bura."

"She's fine," he repeated with a sigh, shaking his head. His eyes drew towards the doorway where he saw Frieza standing, smiling at him. He chuckled softly as he saw the white demon. "Hang on, I'll be back soon," he said with a dark grin, hearing Videl scream curses about his name.

Gohan headed towards Frieza, watching as the demon passed through the wooden door as if it wasn't there. Gohan gripped the handle and tugged it open… leaving Videl embedded in blackness.


"Sister, dearest," came a faint whisper from the door, as it slowly swung opened. Bura's gaze jerked upwards as the speed of her heartbeat doubled with fear. Her brother passed through the entrance, shutting the barrier behind him. She gripped her knees tighter to her chest, watching him warily, and once again cursing her mother and Videl for not training her properly. How was she supposed to defend herself against this man?

Trunks paused as he reached the center of the room, standing at the end of her bed. His eyes ran over her form appreciatively. "You're growing gracefully," he said aloud with a smile. "You have Kaasan to thank for that."

"I'm surprised you claim her," Bura muttered softly as she looked away towards the bed sheets, hugging her knees. The deathly silence that followed caused her to look up, seeing the dark eyes shadowed by anger. Trunks' lips pulled back into a snarl. "Watch your mouth, woman," he hissed through his clenched teeth as he stepped forward. Trunks leaned down, hands gripping the sheets as if he intended to rip them apart, and stared directly in the eyes that mirrored his. "Being my sister, I'll pardon your stupidity; however, Gohan Ou will not be so forgiving."

Shivers ran down Bura's spine. With frightened eyes she backed away until she was pressed against the wall. Her hands reached out and grabbed the closest thing to her, a large fluffy black pillow. She held it against her chest as her eyes continued to bore into her brother's. "G-Gohan Ou?" she stuttered.

"Hai, Gohan Ou," Trunks said with an abrupt nod as he rose to his full height, circling the bed. He reached the side and slid atop it, crawling closer to her in silence. Bura tried to scramble back, but the end of the bed approached quickly, and she was cornered. If he even noticed her fear, he chose to ignore it. He leaned against her, forcing her to lean back, until he was nearly atop her and Bura was so close to tumbling to the floor. She could feel his warm breath against her lips, smell it like a starving Saiyajin could smell nearby food. Her breath came ragged with the terror as she looked into those blue eyes. Why were they blue? Eyes of evil men should always be black. "Niisan…" she pleaded silently. His eyes brightened with a smile at the name. Gently, almost lovingly, his hand floated up and brushed against her cheek, slipping the stray strands of heavenly hair behind her ear. She remained frozen stiff, fearing the slightest twitch might set him off.

"I wonder if you'll grace his bedchamber," the devious hiss passed through his lips just as Bura's heartbeat began to slow. "Nani?" she exclaimed, falling from the bed, onto the hard wooden walls. Like a snake, Trunks slithered to the floor and sat down before her, grabbing her arms as she tried to swing at him. The devilish smirk across his face never once faded. She cried out for Videl, begging him to release her. His nails cut into her skin, and blood slowly dripped downwards, staining the floorboards. She sobbed at the sharp pain, but refused to allow tears to fall. The nails dug deeper within the wound, and would likely leave a scar.

"Gohan doesn't like his whores so noisy, Bura Oujo," he grinned as he shoved her further against the wall, holding her hands high above her head. Bura thrashed against his power, screaming Videl's name in both prayer and curse. "Damn it, Trunks! You're my brother!"

Trunks laughed madly, inching closer to her. His lips brushed against her cheek just faintly, moist hot breath staining her skin. "Such a mouth. You got that from Tousan."

"Please," she sobbed, tears falling from her eyes. Trunks' grin grew darker as a wet tongue ran up her cheek, licking away the salty water. She trembled with fear, screaming with all her might, but with all her effort she would never be able to defeat her brother. She knew it. Trunks had his father's power, and Vejita was nearly ascended beyond a Super Saiyajin. She had never even begun to tap into her potential - and it was all Videl and Bulma's fault. How she loathed them at this moment. Bura screamed at the top of her lugs as Trunks' lips ran down her neck, nibbling gently against the skin. "Like a new piece of candy," he purred softly as he finished with her shoulders, lips running down her smooth flat chest. Bura sobbed violently as Trunks shoved both her wrists into one of his hands and ripped apart her crimson dress.

"Goten!" she shrieked with all her might.
