Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Kiss ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Pixelgoddess
Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings - Mix, match and shuffle - if seme/uke is important to you, you're in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings - Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies. NC-17.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren't around or even thought of - maybe they don't exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they've left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won't be showing up.
Chapter 5 - The Kiss
Yamcha slipped his credit card back in his pocket and turned to Goku who was now holding his purchases. He wondered if Goku had ever shopped this much in his life; he doubted it. It had been difficult to convince him to spend any money at all two weeks ago - Yamcha knew he didn't have a lot to spare since the divorce.
He still didn't understand why he voluntarily let Chichi have so much of the money, but since Goku refused to explain he could only assume it was guilt over being away so much in the past. He doubted it was due to an affair on Goku's part - his fooling around with Yamcha and being courted by Vegeta was probably the most attention he had received and actively encouraged in his life. He knew their wanting a divorce had been mutual, or at least they didn't fight over it, but it was still kind of weird that such a friendly person as Goku didn't even try to talk to his ex any more. It had left Goku in a tough spot financially which is why Yamcha let him move in; the odd jobs didn't leave him with a lot of excess cash.
The pair of pants, two shirts and loafers he'd bought for his dates had been a big expenditure as far as Goku was concerned, but at least Yamcha had been able to help him find them at a discount. He'd offered to buy them as a gift, but Goku had refused. He mentally shrugged; if Goku and Vegeta ended up together as planned it would be up to Vegeta to convince him to let him buy stuff - after all, the prince could afford it.
Goku and Vegeta had gone on their second date, Goku looking great in his new outfit which Vegeta complimented him on. At first Yamcha had been surprised at Goku letting the prince pay for everything on their dates, but then he imagined Goku saw it as some kind of payback for Vegeta being a total dick years ago. Their date had been a few hours longer - Yamcha had begun to wonder if Vegeta had managed to trip Goku into the sack so easily when they'd returned. Apparently they still weren't to the kissing stage, but Goku hadn't acted like he objected when Vegeta had touched his cheek.
When Yamcha had questioned him, Goku had been pretty enthusiastic talking about the evening. They started out with a light - by Saiyan standards - dinner. Then they went to a performance of Stomp. Yamcha thought Vegeta had chosen amazingly well - that kind of music and dance was something Goku could appreciate. After the show, Vegeta had taken Goku out for a second dinner. The conversation apparently went well - Goku kept saying `Vegeta this' and `Vegeta that'. He couldn't recall Goku saying anyone's name so often; Goku seemed to enjoy referring to the prince.
He had been amused the next day to find Goku in the yard drumming on the garbage cans. When Yamcha called Vegeta to let him know the prince announced his disappointment at missing the private performance.
All in all, it sounded like the evening had gone well.
It seemed like things were progressing between the two Saiyans. Vegeta had found a way to see more of Goku without using up his allotted number of dates - namely by spending time with both of them. They'd sit at Yamcha's place, watching tv or playing video games. Vegeta taught Goku how to play poker, managing to make Goku blush at the suggestion of strip poker. It hadn't happened, but it had led to some enjoyable fantasies for Yamcha.
They'd gone to sporting events, with Vegeta getting them great seats - refusing to divulge how much he'd spent, but for some of the football games Yamcha knew the skyboxes had cost him a small fortune. Somehow Goku always managed to end up sitting between the two of them - he never seemed to rush but he always managed to find his seat first. They'd even trained together - the first time Vegeta and Goku had sparred with someone at their level in years - mercifully holding back enough to avoid killing Yamcha.
He caught the growing tension between the two, although they seemed to be waiting, testing the waters. They touched more, hands on each other's arms or shoulders, or a slightly too long brushing of fingertips when one of them handed something to the other. It would have seemed completely innocent to an outside observer but Yamcha knew better. Anything more though, and Goku seemed to withdraw and become shy. It had to be because it was Vegeta, because Goku definitely wasn't shy when it came to touching Yamcha.
Vegeta had admitted to Yamcha how difficult it was to keep from being more forward in his touching of Goku, but considering how skittish he'd been even Vegeta accepted that restraint was necessary. It did mean that Yamcha was wearing a lot of orange when having sex with Vegeta during their time together; Vegeta wanted Goku. Yamcha wasn't sure if it was a Saiyan thing, or just a Vegeta thing, but the prince didn't have issues with multiple partners, especially since his hoped-for relationship with Goku wasn't exclusive yet. It had been one of their earliest discussions and he learned years ago that Vegeta did understand that some partners did want monogamy - Bulma did until the last few years of her life. He somehow managed to follow their wishes regardless of his own urges, taking his time to convince them that having others would be beneficial to them both.
Both of them were convinced that Goku would want a relationship to be exclusive. If things moved past the dating stage Yamcha fully expected Goku to be monogamous and want Vegeta to be as well. It had been one of the hardest things to accept about this whole plan - not being able to be with Vegeta anymore. Even his fling with Goku couldn't last once Goku realized how Vegeta really felt about him.
Until then, Yamcha knew he could expect to have sex with the prince when their schedules worked out. As far as Vegeta was concerned, he wasn't cheating on Goku since they weren't a couple - yet. He'd never minded Yamcha sleeping with other people, and sometimes asked for details. It led to some very intense sex, almost as if Vegeta were competing with the previous partner. If Yamcha had been with anyone but Goku he would have told the prince, even going so far as to share all the erotic details for their mutual pleasure. But tell Vegeta the details of being with Goku? That just sounded like a very bad idea, especially since it had happened several more times; Goku had come to him in the night and had said his name, not Vegeta's.
“Are you buying more clothes? You're going to need a bigger house just for the closet space at this rate.”
Yamcha turned with a grin to the source of the jibe. “Heya Vegeta.” He pointed to the bags the prince held, “Look who's talking. You're the clothes horse, not me.”
Vegeta smirked, “That's because I have room - and everything looks good on me.”
Yamcha chuckled and turned to Goku, “Hear that? Not a hint of modesty there.”
Vegeta flexed his arm and smiled, “What do you think, Kakarott? Should I be modest?”
Goku opened his mouth to reply, then snapped it closed, the hint of a blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Quit messing with him, Vegeta. What did you get?”
“A couple of outfits - nothing special. What about you, Kakarott, what have you purchased?”
Yamcha smiled behind Goku's back - Vegeta was definitely doing this best to encourage him to talk.
“I bought my stuff the other day,” Goku said, “I'm just here with Yamcha today.”
“For our next date?”
Goku did blush this time. “Yeah,” he said his voice just above a whisper.
“Good. I look forward to seeing it.”
Yamcha shook his head, amused. Vegeta seemed to be the only person who could fluster Goku - and Vegeta knew it and enjoyed it. Fine as long as he didn't push it too far; Goku might insist he wasn't in love with Vegeta, but he sure had a hell of a crush. It was kind of cute.
“Hey Vegeta, we were about to head over to the food court for lunch. Want to join us?” Yamcha asked.
“The food court?” Vegeta asked dubiously.
“Yeah,” Goku put in, “the restaurants are too expensive.”
“I could buy you both lunch,” Vegeta said, and Yamcha was sure he saw a glimmer of hope. He was not a food court fan by any stretch of the imagination.
“No,” Goku said quickly.
“Come on, Vegeta. Live a little.” He would have been more than happy to let the prince buy lunch, but he was trying to make sure Goku felt comfortable with Vegeta.
Vegeta sighed. “Fine. If I get food poisoning, I'm going to kick your ass.”
“You're a Saiyan,” Yamcha laughed, “That's not going to happen.”
First they made a circuit of the court, making sure to sample everything offered. Yamcha figured he could eat enough for a decent snack that way, but for the Saiyans the tastes just made them hungrier. Goku tried to convince them to eat at one place, practically cleaning out the samples the poor girl was offering. Vegeta dragged them to the next stall, forcibly taking the sample tray from the guy and shoving it at Goku, insisting his choice was better. They circled the court again, leaving empty sample trays in their wake as they debated what to eat before Vegeta literally threw up his hands in frustration.
“Go get what you want then. Meet back here.”
Yamcha grinned - Goku didn't have to be told twice, bolting for the stand with soba and chicken. He couldn't help notice Vegeta watching intently as Goku walked away, but then again, so did he; Goku was gorgeous and his movements showed unconscious power.
“Nice ass, huh?” he said, grinning.
“Shut up, Yamcha,” Vegeta said good-naturedly, heading for his own food choice.
Speaking of nice asses…
He was the first to return with his pizza - it wasn't surprising the Saiyans would take longer. The stands were probably torn between rejoicing at the huge sale and pulling their hair out putting the massive orders together. He'd finished two slices before Goku returned, his trays laden with food. Goku was frowning a little - not common for a Saiyan about to eat.
“Something wrong, Goku?”
“That was kind of expensive,” Goku said, dragging over a nearby table to make room for all of the dishes.
“The restaurant would have been worse. You know if you need -”
“No,” Goku interrupted. “I don't like to borrow money.”
Yamcha shrugged - they'd had this discussion before. Goku never wanted to owe anyone anything, although he didn't seem to realize the whole damn planet owed him many times over. Yamcha's own business was doing very well. He could have - and probably would have - supported Goku if he'd have let him. The best he could do was not tell him when expenses went up and cover the increase himself. Goku didn't seem interested in going into business or able to find any kind of steady job. He said he was content to work day labor and odd jobs but Yamcha found that hard to believe. What could he do though? Goku wasn't stupid, although he was barely educated; Master Roshi had taught him, but the subjects were haphazard.
Vegeta returned a few minutes later, followed by a train of employees, each carrying his assortment of trays. Yamcha grinned - Vegeta would never lug things if he could get someone else to do it for him. Yet another table was dragged over, the trays covering it completely. Within moments the teenagers had accepted Vegeta's bribe and vanished back to their stations.
Long minutes were spent in silence, the only sounds the slurping of noodles and the crumple of paper plates as yet another dish was emptied. He finished his meal first of course, and spent the rest of the time watching the two Saiyans. They watched each other all the time, although Goku tried and failed to make it seem less obvious. Vegeta, on the other hand, was pretty damn blatant about it; every once in awhile Goku would catch his eye and blush.
“So Vegeta,” Yamcha asked, “do you have any plans for tomorrow? Goku and I are going to Pride Fest. Want to come along?” Goku glanced at him and Yamcha belatedly realized he should have asked him first. They'd been doing lots of stuff with Vegeta, but maybe Goku had wanted to be alone with Yamcha for a change. Goku had come to his bed several times since their first drunken adventure and Yamcha was beginning to wonder if he had become Vegeta's competition without meaning to. If he had, it could be a painful disaster, but he couldn't help but notice how Goku had become attached to him.
Vegeta scowled. “Pride? Isn't that the rainbow thing?”
Yamcha laughed. “Yeah, the gay pride rainbow.”
“I've told you, I'm not gay.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Saiyan, blah, blah, blah, strength, blah, blah, blah, sex, blah, blah, blah. Maybe you're not gay, Vegeta, but I am.”
“You're not gay?” Goku suddenly asked in disbelief.
Yamcha could see Vegeta about to make a smart-assed comment, but he held himself back. He could practically see the `new' Vegeta push the `old' one back in the box. This was not a discussion they'd had with Goku.
“No, Kakarott, and neither are you,” Vegeta said, leaning back in his chair.
“But I like—” Goku interrupted, but Vegeta held up a hand, stopping him. Yamcha thought Vegeta cut him off too soon; it would have been interesting to hear just who Goku liked. Then again, maybe not - what if Goku had said `Yamcha'? His life was becoming too complicated lately.
“Let me finish. Saiyans by nature are pansexual - basically we're attracted to someone regardless of race, species, or gender. This may be a survival quality - obviously it's too late to research it now. And we may differentiate between a partner for breeding and companionship - although they can be the same person. We choose partners on other characteristics; strength is one of the primary qualities we are attracted to. Basically, you should not be surprised to realize you are attracted to almost everyone at some level.” Vegeta seemed very calm and patient explaining this, but Yamcha realized he was actually a little tense, watching Goku for his reaction.
“Oh. But—” Goku appeared to be confused, but the way he was leaning towards Vegeta across the table it was obvious he was interested. And so was the couple at the table next to theirs.
“Kakarott…is this something you want to discuss here?” Vegeta asked, gesturing at the busy tables surrounding them.
Goku glanced around and shook his head.
“Maybe you explain it to Goku next time you come over,” Yamcha suggested.
Yamcha could see the gleam in Vegeta's eye - an opportunity to legitimately talk to Goku about sex.
“Thanks Vegeta,” Goku said, beginning to blush again.
“So are you coming tomorrow?” Yamcha asked.
Vegeta looked at Goku, trying to make it look like a quick glance, but even Yamcha could sense the intensity behind the gaze. “Does this count as the third date?”
“No,” Goku quickly said, smiling.
“Then I'll come.”
Goku didn't think he was going to make it through the day unscathed. Yamcha kept touching him, wanting Goku to play `boyfriend' to deter some of the many guys hitting on them. It wasn't really working though - apparently most of the guys at the festival didn't have problems with propositioning them both, offering a threesome if one of them wasn't willing. And when a smirking Vegeta chimed in with `What about me?' and the guy suggested an orgy, Goku was sure his face turned beet red. It didn't help that he actually spent a second imagining being in bed with Yamcha and Vegeta and was sure Vegeta knew exactly what he was thinking.
Worse still, he was really enjoying Yamcha touching him and was sure he'd end up letting Vegeta know they were having sex. He didn't care for himself, but he didn't want Yamcha to lose his friendship with Vegeta - he seemed to be good for the prince.
He'd accepted - reluctantly - that all those years of trying to lock away his interest in Vegeta had become useless. He sighed; maybe he had tried to lock away all of his sexual interest because of his problems with Chichi. It had worked then, or at least he thought it did. Now? He'd blushed several times to realize his attention was drawn to Vegeta and Yamcha, studying them whenever he thought they wouldn't notice.
Yamcha had dressed in a tiny yellow tank top, similar to the red one he'd chosen for Goku. He couldn't help notice how snug his friend's jeans were, outlining and accentuating every single detail. He could see himself smoothing a hand over the curves of his ass until Yamcha's pants were much too tight and Goku would have to remove them. He rubbed a hand over his eyes, trying to convince that image to leave his head, catching Vegeta watching him curiously.
Looking at Vegeta didn't help much either. The prince wore a slinky blue t-shirt that clung to every single muscle. The tight leather pants emphasized the size and strength of his thighs. He saw Vegeta watching him and blushed as he realized he was fantasizing about touching Vegeta in the same way. Vegeta smirked and he was positive the prince knew what he was thinking.
“Come on, you two,” Yamcha said, dragging Goku behind him. “We have to get in on this contest.” He led them to a booth surrounded by shirtless guys. There was a big sign with a picture of two guys kissing and the website address biggaykiss.com. “All we have to do is kiss and let them take our picture. There's a chance to win $10,000 for the best kiss.”
“I don't need the money,” Vegeta said, raising an eyebrow in obvious amusement.
“So? If you win, donate it or something,” Yamcha said. “Or if we kiss Goku and we win, give him the money.”
“No…” Goku said warily, suddenly realizing just where his friend was going with this.
“Aw, come on Goku. It will be fun.” Yamcha glanced over at Vegeta, “You're okay with this, right?”
Vegeta shrugged, and Goku was intensely aware of his eyes on him, weighing his reaction. “Kakarott is more than capable of deciding who he wants to kiss.”
“Cool,” Yamcha said, bending to fill out the entry forms.
Vegeta seemed to be looking around at the crowd, giving Goku a chance to study him. It was weird - he didn't seem to be bothered by the idea of Goku kissing Yamcha at all. Was it real or just an act to trick them into revealing they'd had sex?
Yamcha turned in the forms - somehow he'd taken control of everything, although Goku wasn't quite sure when that had happened. He let his friend drag him over by the camera, awkwardly aware of Vegeta watching them.
“Yamcha, what the hell are you doing?” he hissed. “Vegeta will-”
Yamcha grabbed his hand and pulled him a few feet away from the booth, calling to Vegeta to wait there because they'd be right back. When he stopped, Goku couldn't help but notice he didn't release his hand.
“It's okay, Goku; I'm pretty sure he suspects already. He'll be more pissed if he finds out and thinks we regret it. And if he thinks you haven't been willing he will kick my ass.”
“It's been my idea every time.”
Yamcha snorted, “Two to tango, and all that shit.”
“You wanted to, didn't you?” Goku asked, suddenly afraid he had gone against Yamcha's wishes without realizing it.
“Oh hell, yeah.” Yamcha grinned and he felt relieved. “But Goku, I want Vegeta to be happy and you're the one who can do it. And I'm positive he can make you happy if you give him a chance. So make this kiss good so Vegeta has an idea what he's missing. Maybe it will make him ramp up his game, because I don't think he's trying hard enough to convince you.”
Goku swallowed, not sure if this was all some huge mistake. He'd seen what Yamcha had put on the slips and couldn't make up his mind if he was dreading it or looking forward to it - although dread was pulling far into the lead. So far into the lead he was seriously considering refusing.
“Come on dude. It's just a kiss. When it's his turn he'll just give you a quick one - nothing to worry about. It's not like he's going to molest you or anything. He's been good so far, why would this be any different?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Goku shrugged. Yamcha smirked at him - it was an awful lot like one of Vegeta's smirks - and led him back to the booth. They waited for another couple to finish before he and Yamcha took their places in front of the camera.
Yamcha moved closer, grabbing Goku's hands, coaxing him to place them on his hips. Goku swallowed hard again, some weird fear/euphoria combination bubbling up in his chest; he was going to kiss someone in public, in front of a camera yet, where everyone could see. What would they - what would Vegeta think? Yamcha grabbed the front straps of his tank top and with a knowing grin he pulled Goku closer and pressed their lips together.
Goku gasped in shock - he hadn't expected Yamcha to do anything so demanding. He'd expected this to be a short little peck, but Yamcha apparently didn't agree. He took full advantage of Goku's surprise, his tongue slipping past his lips, teasing him. Goku couldn't help himself - he blamed it on Saiyan instincts - and pulled Yamcha closer, moaning into the kiss, tasting him, almost forgetting their audience. Yamcha was the one who broke the kiss, drawing back but not leaving Goku's arms or letting him go. When Goku recovered enough to open his eyes he found Yamcha smiling at him.
“Well, if Vegeta didn't know before,” he laughed, “he sure as hell does now.”
Vegeta made an amused exhalation. “I assume it's my turn now?”
“You and me next, Vegeta,” Yamcha said crooking a finger at the prince, drawing him over with the gesture.
Vegeta raised an eyebrow and after a quick wink at Goku sauntered over to Yamcha. Goku was surprised at the wink - it was almost like he was being invited to share in a joke, but he didn't know what the joke was. Yamcha and Vegeta had kissed plenty of times; this was nothing new, so why was Vegeta seemingly entertained by the idea?
Vegeta got closer and closer to Yamcha, not stopping until their bodies were completely pressed together. Vegeta touched Yamcha's face in the affectionate he had learned and Goku swore he could feel their eyes lock onto each other. Goku watched with fascination and a hell of a lot of envy as they moved as one, their mouths crushing together with a frenzy of passion. He swore he could hear the sound of their teeth grinding together as they kissed, too absorbed with each other to worry about technique. He had never kissed anyone like that - there was always that little voice in his head critiquing his technique. Just watching them was making him hot and he realized with a blush he was picturing taking the place of one of them - but he couldn't decide which. He swore he could feel their lips himself and he hoped Yamcha wasn't planning on being with Vegeta tonight because he wanted his friend now. How much longer would it take for him to be comfortable with really kissing Vegeta, let alone kissing him like that?
They separated to the sound of applause and whistles. Goku smiled - Yamcha must have enjoyed it; he had a dopey grin on his face. Vegeta looked quite satisfied with himself as he gently pushed Yamcha out of the booth.
“Your turn, Kakarott.”
Goku felt hands on him, gently propelling him to stand in front of Vegeta. Goku stared at him in a panic. He heard comments about the last kiss and the crowd's hope of a repeat performance. But that wasn't going to happen, was it? Yamcha had promised. He couldn't do this! He wasn't ready. He had to prepare…think about it…be calmer…
Vegeta didn't hesitate, curling one hand around the back of his neck, the other around his waist. Goku didn't have time to think how he'd react when Vegeta's lips were against his. Goku thought he'd collapse from the pure, unadulterated taste of the prince, his hands instinctively finding Vegeta's shoulders trying to hold himself up. Vegeta's hand moved up and tangled in his hair and Goku groaned against him at the strangely intimate touch. Vegeta's body pressed against his and Goku broke the kiss, pulling back to stare at Vegeta in a confusion of emotions.
Vegeta caused him such an incredible wave of desire - he had years ago and he still did now. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't deny how much he wanted the prince. He really liked Vegeta - he could easily fall in love with him and completely lose himself. That was the problem - he wasn't sure if he could let the prince get that close to him. Vegeta was the only one who could break his heart; he already had carelessly and unthinkingly. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Vegeta could cause if he cast him aside on purpose - even Chichi couldn't reach inside him like the prince could.
“I have to go,” he breathed, turning and walking quickly, ignoring Yamcha and Vegeta calling after him. He really wanted to run, but he didn't know how he could run away from himself. He'd been lying to himself for years, but even though he recognized that now it didn't matter - he couldn't let it. He wasn't ready for this - maybe he never would be. No matter how much he wanted Vegeta, he didn't know if he could make his heart so vulnerable.
There are a bunch of segments of Stomp on You Tube - here's one that I think would have inspired Goku to participate. It just strikes me as very Saiyan entertainment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu15Ou-jKM0