Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Miss ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By Pixelgoddess

Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings – Mix, match and shuffle – if seme/uke is important to you, you’re in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings – Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies. NC-17.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren’t around or even thought of – maybe they don’t exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they’ve left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won’t be showing up.

Chapter 6 – The Miss
Yamcha watched Goku practically run away, aware of Vegeta’s frustrated growl behind him. He turned on the prince and snapped, “You had to go too far, didn’t you? Couldn’t be satisfied with a quick little kiss, huh? Oh no, the great Prince Vegeta has to take what he wants and the hell with the consequences!” He’d worked too hard to orchestrate this and with one overly aggressive kiss Vegeta may have ruined everything.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Goku wasn’t ready for that. He’s still getting used to the idea of being with you; he doesn’t know how to react to you half the time.”

“It was your fucking idea!” Vegeta shouted. Some heads turned at the raised voice, but the two of them glared back and the eyes quickly turned away. “Hell, your kiss was more intense than mine.”

“That was different. Goku and I are –” Shit. He was going to have to admit it. Out loud. When Vegeta was already pissed at him.

Fucking,” Vegeta practically spat. “Did you really think I didn’t know?”

“No – I just…” Vegeta’s glare was almost painful, but Yamcha knew if he acted like he regretted having sex with Goku he’d be even more pissed. He knew that was going to be an uncomfortable conversation, but for now he wanted to keep focused on his disastrous kiss idea. “Damn it Vegeta. I had promised him it wouldn’t be a big deal. I didn’t expect you to molest him.”

“It was just a fucking kiss,” Vegeta grumbled. Yamcha could see the clenched fists and tight shoulders – this could turn out very badly if he didn’t talk fast.

“Was it? Really? How long have you been thinking about kissing Goku?”

Vegeta sighed and Yamcha watched some of the tension drain away. “Too long.”

“Do you have any idea how long he’s been fantasizing about you? You’ve become such a good judge of character, Vegeta – why is it you always get things so completely wrong with Goku?”

“He kissed back,” Vegeta protested. “He didn’t object at first.”

“I know. He gave you the signal to go ahead without realizing it.” Yamcha sighed; this was all too convoluted – and the primary source of confusion was the one person who wasn’t here – Goku. “Sorry I blamed you; it wasn’t your fault. I should have told you what I was thinking ahead of time – things would have turned out much differently.”

Vegeta snorted, “Too fucking right. I should have expected it though – your plots are the stuff of television.”

Yamcha made a cock-eyed grin – his apology had been accepted. “I can’t help it. But they usually work. If you had known you could have controlled it – not let Goku get carried away. It would have been perfect. A first kiss with his fantasy lover – it should have been… I don’t know. A tease. A promise.”

Vegeta’s lips twitched upward at the thought before his face fell. “Shit. How is it you can get away with fucking him and I can’t even kiss him right?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

“No,” Vegeta muttered, leaving the booth. Yamcha fell in beside him. “If he never lets me…” Vegeta began. “That was stupid – why the hell did I let you talk me into it? I’ve never tasted him before; now how am I going to get him out of my mind?”

Yamcha shrugged. “The same way Goku did, I guess.”

Vegeta looked at him, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“He managed to taste you years ago – I don’t think you’ve been out of his mind ever since.”

“How? We’ve never kissed before.”

“He said it was during some clinch when you were sparring. I think he was already in love with you – that just added to it.”

“What?” Vegeta breathed.

“He’s in love with you – I think he has been for years. That’s what’s making all of this more difficult. I don’t know what happened, Vegeta, but you really hurt him. He’s trying to keep from having his heart broken again and you’re the only one who can do that.” Judging from Vegeta’s expression, he didn’t know how Goku felt. It probably wasn’t surprising – why give someone you don’t trust more ammo to hurt you?

“I don’t know what the hell I did either – he’s never told me. And for him to resist that kind of imprinting when he already was interested… It must have been something bad – worse than my usual.” Vegeta looked around, and then shook his head. “He’s gone. That damned technique of his – he’s halfway around the planet.”

“He probably just needs to be alone for awhile. He’ll be back.” He hoped. No – Goku wouldn’t run away and hide forever. Although it was true he had a lousy sense of the passage of time and what it meant to other people. Years meant nothing to him… Shit. This could be more of a problem than he anticipated.

“So? I’ve lost my chance. He won’t have anything to do with me now.”

“Man, Vegeta, I’ve never known you to give up so easily. Besides, you still have a third date coming.”

Vegeta released a bitter laugh. “That’s not happening, is it?”

“Yes it is. Goku promised. He always keeps his promises.” He had to believe Goku would remember that – although when he’d allow that date was anyone’s guess.

“Yeah, but when? Somehow I don’t think my asking him would be a good idea.”

“I don’t know – maybe he’ll ask you.”

“You live in fucking fantasy land, don’t you?” Vegeta grumbled, his annoyance softened by an almost amused smirk.

“I like fantasies,” Yamcha teased, dropping back just enough to leer at Vegeta’s ass. Few things put the prince in a better mood than open admiration.

“Get your eyes off my ass,” Vegeta chuckled, reaching back for his wrist and tugging him forward so they could leave the park side-by-side. “You’re such a suck up.”

“I could do that if you want,” Yamcha offered, grinning. “You could come over and yell at me about Goku.” It was a kind of a peace offering – hopefully Vegeta would recognize it as such.

Vegeta smirked at him and shook his head. “Believe it or not, I’m not in the mood to yell at you.”


Vegeta sighed and crossed his arms, watching the ground as they walked. “I should have expected it. If I had known he had tasted me, I would have expected it. It explains a lot about his reactions when I first asked him out. It also explains why it was so easy for you to fuck him.”


“I know I’ve told you about Saiyans and scent – it’s difficult to resist the seduction of a person you are imprinted on. If I’d known, I definitely would have handled it differently. And I was definitely trying to seduce him; he couldn’t have missed the scent.”

“Oh, he didn’t. It pissed him off some – said he knew you thought you were going to fuck him.”

Vegeta chuckled, “I wish. But you know me – once I start thinking about sex I can’t stop. Kakarott might be the same.”

“He’s not as bad as you are; you’re always horny,” Yamcha laughed. “At least he has some control.” Until he was drunk, Yamcha realized.

“I barely made it home,” Vegeta smirked, making a circle of his hand and indicating just what he did to relieve the pressure.

“So maybe I should thank you for trying too hard that day,” Yamcha teased. “Although we were drunk before anything happened the first time.” At least Vegeta didn’t seem pissed anymore.

“The first time? So how many times have there been?”

“Ummm…” Yamcha started to count and wondered if he should be completely honest. The biggest truth was it had happen more often than he expected but not as much as he wanted. “Six? Eight? Ten?”

“You can’t remember how many times you’ve fucked Kakarott?”

“Well he’s fucked me too,” he grinned, not sure if he should treat that as a boast or an excuse. Vegeta’s answering smirk made it more of a boast – he’d accomplished something the prince hadn’t.

“Evading – how can you forget?”

“Okay – so I didn’t forget. But I really was trying not to overdo it, you know?” He really wanted Goku in his bed all the time, but why let himself get so attached if Goku was going to end up with Vegeta eventually?

“You’re so full of shit,” Vegeta laughed, unlocking the car. “How is he?”

“Pretty good. Getting better. Excellent student. I think he’s practicing for you, although he’d never admit it to himself.”

“Any hang-ups?” “Not so far although we’ve been pretty vanilla – although I think you should go really slow with the whole kink thing.”

“And how are you rationalizing this helping me?” Vegeta asked, turning to him, his expression suddenly piercing, stopping Yamcha in his tracks.

“He’s been coming to me, Vegeta. Honest.”

“And you can’t say no?”

“Am I insane? Turn down Goku? He’s a walking, talking wet dream.” Surely Vegeta realized no one in their right mind would turn down a proposition from a god.

Vegeta inhaled and Yamcha was pretty sure he was biting his tongue. He started the engine and pulled out. He remained silent, navigating the busy streets with ease.

“You’re pissed at me, aren’t you?” Yamcha asked when the silence became too much.

Vegeta sighed sadly, “No more than usual. Kakarott is an adult – I have no claim on him. He can choose whatever bed mates he wants.”

“He’s said your name,” Yamcha said, hoping to make Vegeta feel a little better. “In his room. When he’s masturbating.”

“You listened.”

“Well….” He blushed, realizing he had just admitted his voyeurism to Vegeta. “Yeah,” he said, remembering the sound of Goku’s voice as he came. “It was hot.”

“You jerked off to it,” Vegeta said, his hand slipping from the gear shift to squeeze Yamcha’s thigh meaningfully.

“Yeah,” he repeated, wishing the car was an automatic so his hand could stay there.

“I would have like to have seen that,” Vegeta smirked, removing his hand to shift gears.

“Yeah,” Yamcha breathed, picturing Vegeta watching him.

They stopped at a light and Vegeta turned to him, his hand back on Yamcha’s thigh. “I know how you can apologize to me for everything.”

“Everything?” Yamcha asked, his voice cracking when Vegeta’s hand moved, gliding over the fabric covering his cock.

“Everything. I can’t get that damned kiss – which tasted like both of you and is going to be stuck in my memory for the rest of my life – out of my head.”

Yamcha let a little moan escape when Vegeta’s hand went back to the gearshift as they pulled away.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” Vegeta said, sparing him a sideways grin. “Tell me about it and I’ll fuck you until you scream.”

Yamcha smirked back; Vegeta’s nearly perpetual horniness seemed to be contagious. “Deal.”


Yamch a mumbled himself awake, surprised to find himself in someone’s arms. Great body, superb muscles…he did have good taste. Still, it was a little confusing; he didn’t remember going out and picking up someone. He glanced around the room, surprised to realize he was home. Home? But that meant…

“Vegeta?” he whispered, surprised. Vegeta didn’t hold you after sex – it just wasn’t like him. Weird as it was, he expected Vegeta to let him go and roll away now that he was awake. Yamcha was amazed he caught the prince holding him in the first place.

“Do you always do that?” Vegeta asked.

“Do what?”

“Check where you are and who you’re with.”

He shrugged and decided to take advantage of Vegeta’s strange mood, throwing one arm over the prince’s chest and snaking the other under him to finger his hair. “Used to – haven’t had to do it much lately. Guess it became a habit.” He wondered if Vegeta realized he really hadn’t been seeing anyone else for almost a year. Goku had been the first one in ages.

Vegeta hadn’t been in the best of moods, and this ‘clingy’ behavior was completely out of character. He’d become increasingly morose and Yamcha was out of ideas what to do to help him. It had been three days since Goku had bolted and they’d argued several times about whether they should go find him and bring him home.

Vegeta was beating himself up over the whole thing, but Yamcha doubted it was as much as he was himself. This plan was all his idea, after all, but as he looked back on it he seemed to be unconsciously sabotaging it. He knew Vegeta was doing his best to convince Goku, and would probably do more if only he knew what to do. Yamcha was beginning to realize the problem was Goku didn’t know what he wanted the prince to do. He brushed his fingertips over Vegeta’s face, trying to let him know he understood.

Vegeta studied him thoughtfully, touching Yamcha’s face. “Why do you let us use you?”

Yamcha breathed a laugh, “You’re sure full of questions today.”

“Not getting any answers.”

“I don’t think I’m getting used.”

“Yamcha…” Vegeta said, with an amazing amount of warning and concern wrapped up in one word.

They’d had this discussion before – at first it bothered him to be called ‘Kakarott’ during sex, but Yamcha finally accepted it was just a fantasy of Vegeta’s. After all, the prince was good about fulfilling his, although it helped that most revolved around Vegeta both ‘good’ and ‘bad’. They had a great sexual relationship – fun, a minimum of drama, a surprising amount of care and consideration. Both of them were willing to fulfill just about any fantasy the other had. He just knew he wasn’t capable of giving Vegeta the one thing he wanted no matter how much he tried; it was only right that he helped get Goku and Vegeta together.

“Aren’t humans supposed to be partnered with someone by your age?”

Yamcha frowned; Vegeta didn’t sound like he was trying to be antagonistic – the tone of his voice implied it was a real question. “I guess I haven’t caught the eye of the one I want,” he said, wishing Vegeta would drop this line of questioning.

“Who do you want?” Vegeta asked, his voice low.

Yamcha swallowed – he knew he wouldn’t be that lucky. He should have phrased his answer differently, but it was too late now. He was sure Vegeta knew how Yamcha felt about him; he just wouldn’t acknowledge it. Vegeta wanted Goku – if they could fix things, Goku would want Vegeta; who he wanted didn’t matter. Yamcha was torn between the two and knew he wouldn’t end up with either. He made a good friend and an enjoyable fuck-buddy, but not someone either of them would consider a partner – he’d known that for a long time.

It really sucked because the longer he knew Vegeta and Goku the more shallow other humans seemed in comparison. It didn’t matter though; no matter how much he loved them he was just not in the running. Hell, Goku would never have considered having sex with him if it hadn’t been for Vegeta’s physical and emotional triggers.

“Is it Kakarott?” Vegeta asked when he’d remained silent too long.

“You’re still pissed at me for sleeping with him, aren’t you?” Yamcha said, deliberately ignoring the question.

Vegeta knew it too, and sighed in frustration, his arms loosening and falling by his side. “Some.”

Much as he had enjoyed being held, Yamcha knew enough not to push Vegeta and moved away. He studied Vegeta’s profile as the prince stared up at the ceiling. “How long have you known?”

“Since the first time. Did you really think a mere shower would be enough to remove your scent from each other? I’m a Saiyan – of course I knew.”

“Oh.” Yamcha rolled onto his back; it was his turn to stare up at the ceiling. Vegeta had surprised him with this information and he was trying to decide what the prince really thought of him now.

“Did he really say my name?” Vegeta asked. The way he asked the question almost sounded insecure – like he didn’t believe it.

Yamcha smiled a little. “I told you he did.”

“You also said you saw him.”

He shrugged. He’d gotten a little carried away while they were having sex and embellished. It was just that the image of Goku jerking off was so clear in his mind and he couldn’t help but share it with Vegeta. “So I told a white lie. When it comes to improving sex, lies are allowed.”

Vegeta chuckled. “You have the most twisted logic of anyone I know. I bet your fucking Kakarott will help me too.”

“Sure,” he said brightly. “Experience. I was just breaking him in for you.”

Vegeta laughed out loud. “That is the most ridiculous excuse I’ve heard in a long time.”

“Aw, come on Vegeta. He hit on me. I was drunk. Do you honestly think I had the willpower to reject him? Could you?”

“Okay – that was the first time. What about the other twelve times?”

“You’ve been keeping count?” Considering how obsessed Vegeta was with Goku Yamcha knew he shouldn’t be completely surprised. Sure, he had fibbed a little before about the number, because he didn’t want Vegeta to think he was overdoing it.

“Avoiding the question,” Vegeta said, his smile displaying a disturbing amount of tooth. Come to think of it, any amount of Vegeta-tooth was disturbing.

“Lust,” Yamcha said, surrendering – and lying again. “I mean…damn it Vegeta, he’s a fucking god. Of course, so are you,” he added, hoping to appease the prince. Depending on Vegeta’s mood his quips could save him or get his ass kicked.

“Your ass-kissing skills are lacking today,” Vegeta snorted.

Saved. “Turn over. I’ll practice some more.”

Vegeta rolled over and twisted until his feet hit the floor. “Maybe later. I’m hungry and need to take a piss.”

Yamcha got out of bed as well. “I’ll make you something to eat while you clean up.”

“Deal. Make a lot. I’m starving.”

After a quick pit stop in the guest bathroom he turned on the kitchen droids with instructions to feed a Saiyan. He was more than capable of cooking – he’d lived on his own for too long not to be able to feed himself – but he wasn’t in the mood to go through the prep it would take to feed a Saiyan appetite.

Vegeta came to the kitchen with his usual impeccable timing – when all the work was done and the table was set. It was one of his quirks – he just didn’t like to deal with the clutter and noise of a typical kitchen. Vegeta was more than willing to cook outdoors on open flame but avoided participating in indoor food preparation whenever possible.

Eating it was no problem. The prince nodded acknowledgement of the meal to Yamcha before sitting down and systematically devouring it in silence.

They were just finishing when the phone rang. Yamcha made a long arm and reached for it, checking the caller ID. A huge wave of relief passed over him when he saw who it was.


He looked over and met Vegeta’s eyes, aware of his complete attention. He thought for a second Vegeta was going to snatch the phone, but after a second the prince lowered his palms to the table. All the worry of the past few days was back in an instant; he could see how tense the muscles were in Vegeta’s arms and neck.

“Hey Yamcha,” Goku said, sounding a little sheepish.

“Are you okay? Where are you?”

“I’m fine. I just needed some time.”

“We were worried about you, dude. I didn’t mean to freak you out so much – I didn’t think…”

“It’s okay Yamcha. Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you coming home soon?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Great. I’ll have to go shopping for food though. Vegeta and I have been eating a lot of it waiting for you.”

There was a long pause and then Goku said, “I have a message for Vegeta.”

“He’s right here.” That was good – maybe things would be okay if Goku was willing to talk to the prince.

“I know.”

“Hang on a sec. You can tell him-”

“No.” He could tell Goku was shaking his head. “I can’t talk to him yet. You tell him for me.”

Yamcha was disappointed Goku wouldn’t even talk to Vegeta. This didn’t look promising at all. “Okay. Sure. If that’s what you want.”

“Tell him I’ll be there to pick him up for our third date in an hour. Make sure he’s ready.”

“What? Now? Goku – what are you-?”

“Tell him. Let me know what he says.”

Yamcha put the phone on mute and took a deep breath, meeting Vegeta’s eyes. He didn’t know what Goku had in mind, but he was afraid it wasn’t going to be good as far as Vegeta was concerned.

“He wants your third date in an hour. He’ll pick you up.”

Vegeta’s eyes darkened before he looked away. “He’s keeping his promise.”

“Yeah,” Yamcha said, not sure what else to say. He couldn’t help but think this was his fault somehow.

“Fine,” Vegeta said, leaving the room.
