Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Hook ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Pixelgoddess
Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings - Mix, match and shuffle - if seme/uke is important to you, you're in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings - Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren't around or even thought of - maybe they don't exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they've left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won't be showing up.
This chapter covers several months time - by the end, it's been about 6 months since Goku and Vegeta first had sex. In most cases, a new scene is a jump forward in time. (So don't be too confused, okay?)
Chapter 8 - The Hook
Goku lay beside the prince, the sides of their bodies touching as they stared up at the sky. The movement of the clouds made it seem like the rock face was tilting and leaning, making him pleasantly dizzy.
He was feeling quite content - the prince had insisted on his “turn” and Goku was more than happy to let him. Once Goku had gotten over the initial (but still present) awe over being allowed to touch Vegeta their love-making had been both intense and more playful than he ever would have expected.
Goku propped himself up on an elbow and grinned down at Vegeta, smoothing a hand over the prince's chest. “I want to do it again.”
“Can't,” Vegeta said with a sigh. “We're out of condoms. This wasn't how I expected things to go so I didn't bring any.”
“So? We're Saiyans - there isn't anything we can catch, is there?” He was struck by a sudden worrying thought. “We can't get pregnant, can we?”
Vegeta laughed out loud and rolled Goku on his back, pinning him to the ground by his sheer presence. “Where the hell did that come from? No Kakarott, we cannot get pregnant.” He looked more serious. “The condoms are to protect Yamcha. There's the possibility of us carrying or transmitting something back to him. Bulma found that a few human diseases could mutate in a Saiyan body; they didn't survive long because of how our immune systems work, but there was a short window of time where it became something that would hurt humans. As long as he is sleeping with others, I'm not willing to put him at risk.”
Vegeta shook the now-empty capsule. “I can't believe you bought the cheapest package.”
“It was all I could afford!” he protested. Yamcha kept cases of condoms and lube, but he didn't make the kind of money his friend or Vegeta did and he just didn't feel right helping himself to Yamcha's supply.
“I know, Kakarott,” Vegeta said, rolling back down to lay beside Goku again, arms behind his head. “We need to find you a better job - one more suited to you that pays better.”
“I don't want a handout,” Goku said stubbornly.
“Who said anything about a handout? I just think you should have work that you enjoy that pays a decent wage.”
Goku frowned - Yamcha said much the same. He suspected the two had talked about him and his lack of regular work or wages. “I don't know how to do much besides fight,” he said defensively.
“Bullshit,” Vegeta said without heat. “I'm going to put my staff to work putting together a list of things you could do - maybe you'll find something that appeals to you.”
“Vegeta,” he said slowly, “It's nothing personal, but I don't want to work for you. It would be too weird.”
“Who said anything about working for me? It's just a list.”
Goku glanced over at Vegeta - he seemed to be serious. “Okay,” he shrugged.
Vegeta grinned back. “That was easy.”
Goku made a wry smile, “I'm tired of mooching off Yamcha. I mean - I pay my bills, but sometimes it takes awhile. It would be nice to be able to afford to take you out rather than depend on you for every date.”
“Don't worry about it. I like to spend money and can afford it. Hell - I can afford to give you all the restaurants in the city. I have too much money and not enough places to spend it.”
“You poor thing,” Goku teased. “Just for that, I will let you foot the bill every time we go out on a date.”
“Are we still dating?” Vegeta asked, suddenly serious, head turned to watch Goku.
Goku took a deep breath and realized he'd made up his mind. “Yeah. I like you, Vegeta, but a lot of time has passed. I don't really know who you are anymore, and I think the same is true for you. I know you want more, but I'm not ready for something serious yet. I need some time.”
“I can work with that. You're not going to put a time-limit on me again, are you?” Vegeta asked.
Goku relaxed and grinned back; Vegeta seemed to be tense again. He still couldn't get over the idea that Vegeta really wanted to be around him. “Nah. I don't have a reason to avoid you anymore. But I do think we need to have some time to get to know each other again.”
Vegeta smirked, relaxing as well, and rolled on top of him. “I agree. We should get much, much closer.”
Goku laughed and crushed Vegeta against him. “If we were any closer, we'd be fused again.” They were both hard again - of course. It took a lot of stamina to be a Saiyan's lover - he wondered how Yamcha managed it with two of them.
“And are you going to keep having sex with Yamcha?” Goku blurted without thinking. As he said it he realized he didn't mind - and actually hoped Vegeta would. He didn't want his friend to be alone.
Vegeta studied him for a moment, dark eyes seeming to pierce right through him. “Are you asking me not to?”
“No, no,” Goku said defensively. He wouldn't do that to his friend…friends. They liked each other and sometimes he wondered if he was intruding. Yamcha said he wasn't, but Yamcha hid a lot. “I was just asking. I don't mind - honest.”
Vegeta smirked and Goku was struck with the notion he had given the right answer.
“In that case, I will. What about you?”
“You don't mind?”
Vegeta chuckled and nipped at his neck. “Kakarott - I am completely in favor of your fucking. In case you haven't realized it, the more a Saiyan fucks, the hornier he gets.”
“Oh. Good,” Goku said, the last word sounding odd as he struggled to bite back a groan of approval as Vegeta slid against him. “Vegeta - what are you doing? I thought you said we couldn—” His voice failed him when Vegeta reached between them and grabbed their erections in one hand and stroked.
“Hands work.” Vegeta made another slow pull and Goku didn't bother to hide how much he liked it. “Wouldn't you agree?”
“Do that again,” Goku begged, clenching his teeth in concentration, trying to stop from coming right then and there. He wasn't going to last long as it was, but a few more strokes delay would be nice.
“What?” Vegeta asked, obviously pleased at his reaction. “You don't want me to do this? Or this?” Vegeta managed to do a maddening combination of twisting and squeezing and stroking, finishing with a tingling of ki that had them both loudly calling out their pleasure.
They stayed that way for several minutes, Vegeta on top of him, and Goku was struck again with how right it felt to be touching like this. He was kind of disappointed when the prince rolled off him and sat up.
“So now what?” Goku asked, sitting up and twisting around until he was facing Vegeta. He just couldn't get over how confident and relaxed the prince seemed. And handsome. Very, very handsome. All those muscles…
Vegeta interrupted his wayward thoughts, but the smirk told Goku he had a good idea just what he'd been thinking. “We should probably go home. Since we can't have sex without restocking.”
Goku wondered if he was actually ready for more sex at the moment. Granted, there were tons of things he wanted to do to the prince, but if they were still going out he had lots of time - and his stomach had rumbled loudly several times to announce how hungry he was getting. He was about to say something when Vegeta's phone chimed.
Vegeta cursed and scooped it up, glancing at the screen. “Fuck,” he said, reaching for his clothes. “I have a meeting in half an hour that I have to attend.”
“That's okay. Want me to take you to work?”
Vegeta looked up from fastening his pants and smiled. “No thank you Kakarott. Much as I'd enjoy the speculation at work, I'd rather fly back alone; I have a lot to think about.”
“You're sure?”
“I'm positive. Go home and get something to eat. I imagine Yamcha is waiting breathlessly to hear what happened.”
“Yeah. I've sort of left him hanging the past few days. It will be good to talk to him again.”
Vegeta smirked, “After you eat, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you do more than talk.”
“Vegeta… I wouldn't…” Goku protested.
I would.”
“Is sex all you think about?” Goku teased. Vegeta had a one-track mind sometimes.
“I've been known to think about other things when I have to,” he said, dropping his phone into a pocket. “I'll call you for our next date. And I'll bring the condoms - lots of them,” he finished with a smirk.
Goku smiled back - he liked this happier Vegeta. “Deal,” he said, moving closer to kiss Vegeta goodbye. Vegeta was a great kisser.
Yamcha sighed and absent-mindedly stirred his coffee again, unable to remain focused on the laptop. He desperately wanted to know what had happened with Goku and Vegeta - he didn't think they were fighting, but it was hard to be sure. He hadn't kept up with his martial arts training the way he should have, instead focusing on baseball and business and he'd lost some of his ability to interpret ki as a result.
He couldn't help but feel this was his fault - if he hadn't pushed Vegeta into kissing him, maybe Goku wouldn't have gotten so upset and given Vegeta a real chance. He was positive Goku was currently telling Vegeta off, ending their tenuous friendship and Vegeta was so upset about it all he was probably taking it. Why couldn't Goku accept that Vegeta really liked him?
And he was so upset about the whole thing he had stayed home from work; he knew he wouldn't be able to focus. He was the boss - he could take a day off, damn it. But it had been several hours and he was beginning to worry; maybe he should try to find the Saiyans and make sure they were okay.
“Yamcha? Why aren't you at work? Are you sick?”
Yamcha looked up in surprise at Goku's question. He really was out of it - he didn't even sense his arrival.
“I took a day off,” he said. He looked Goku over and got a little worried; his friend was a mess. Shirtless, dirty, dust in his hair, and scratched up.
“What happened? Did you two fight? Is Vegeta okay?”
Goku laughed and dropped his equally dirty shirt over the back of the chair. “Vegeta's great,” he said, turning to get something out of the refrigerator.
“What happened?” he repeated. “You're a mess. There are scratches all over your back…” He trailed off as Goku's satisfied smile and what those scratches really were finally registered.
“Oh. My. God. You did it. You had sex with Vegeta.”
“Yeah,” Goku said, obviously pleased with himself, settling into one of the chairs and tipping it back. “You were right you know - I've wanted to for a long time. And…well…we did it.”
“I can't believe it,” Yamcha said, relieved. “I admit I was kind of afraid you'd killed him or something.”
“You know I wouldn't do that. And that kind of fight would destroy the planet anyway. No place left for sex,” Goku finished with a smirk.
It was Yamcha's turn to laugh. He hadn't realized how tense Goku had been lately until he saw him totally relaxed. The whole Vegeta thing must have been eating at him more than he was willing to let on. “Hey,” he teased, “You said sex without blushing. You're improving.”
Goku chuckled and had some more of his snack - although only Goku would consider a whole chicken a snack.
“So where is Vegeta anyway?”
“Flying to work. He had some meeting he had to go to.”
“You let him get away? I'm surprised the two of you aren't still going at it.”
Goku blushed - apparently it only happened when he thought of Vegeta. Yamcha thought it was kind of cute and wished Goku did the same thing when thinking of him.
“Couldn't. I brought the capsule of condoms and it only had a few so we ran out.”
“Awww, Goku, don't tell me you got that economy kit. There's not enough of a supply there for a decent afternoon. You should have taken some of mine - or bought a full box.”
“Didn't have enough money,” Goku shrugged.
“We've got to get you a decent paying job,” Yamcha said, shaking his head.
“That's what Vegeta said too.”
“He's right. Although, since you two are a couple now, you'll never have to worry about money again.”
“We're not a couple.”
“Wah—“ Yamcha began, surprised.
“At least not yet. We need to get to know each other better. I mean - before we really only sparred. We never really talked about anything but fighting or did other stuff. I think we need to be friends first. I screwed up and rushed into it with Chichi - I don't want to do that again.”
“Okay,” Yamcha nodded. “That makes sense. So now what?”
Goku shrugged, “We're still dating, same as before. Everything is the same as before, but now with more sex,” he grinned - or was that a leer? “And no time limit.”
“So what happened?” Yamcha demanded as Goku got up and cleared his dishes.
“Sex,” Goku said and Yamcha was suddenly aware of Goku's eyes on him. “Not enough though. I want more.” Goku put a hand on the table and leaned over him, making Yamcha dizzy with the over-whelming scent of sex emanating from the Saiyan. “Shower with me - I'll tell you all about it…and even demonstrate the best parts.”
“But. But. Vegeta?” Yamcha swallowed, trying to will himself not to get hard at the mere suggestion of sex with Goku. He had thought their time was over now, so this sledge-hammer seduction was a surprise. He shouldn't be surprised though - it seemed that the more sex a Saiyan had, the more they wanted. After all, he had entered the scene when Bulma could no longer keep up with Vegeta. Goku had been suppressing it for years, but now that he had an outlet…
“Next time you have sex with him, ask him about it. See if our stories match,” Goku smirked.
“But, but,” he stammered again.
“You're still on the menu Yamcha,” Goku said, leaning even closer, his breath hot on Yamcha's ear. “For both of us. Do you object?”
“No,” he whispered, letting Goku lead him to the shower. Why did he think his sex life was going to get much busier?
Yamcha stretched out on the bed, watching Vegeta return from the bathroom, enjoying the view.
“Are you planning on getting out of bed today?” Vegeta asked, smirking. “Or did I wear you out?”
“Do I have to? You could come back.”
“Maybe after I've eaten. I'm hungry,” he said, turning to leave the bedroom.
“Hey! Pants!” Yamcha said, tossing a handy pair to the prince. Vegeta deftly caught them and raising an eyebrow slipped them on. “I swear Vegeta,” Yamcha said, grumbling as he got out of bed, “You are getting more and more like Goku. First the food and now the nudity.”
“You just have weird quirks,” Vegeta threw over his shoulder.
“Who, me? Just because I don't want naked butts on my kitchen chairs?” Yamcha called after him, stumbling a little as he stepped on the leg of his sweat pants as he pulled them on.
“Are you saying there's something wrong with my butt?” Vegeta teased as he put food on the table.
“You have a fabulous butt. It just has no business sticking to my kitchen chairs.”
Vegeta laughed at him and sat down to eat, shimmying his ass to prove it wasn't sticking.
“Don't you have a date with Goku tonight?” Yamcha asked, joining him, but without the shimmy.
“Yes. I got tickets to a taiko drumming concert - front row. And then dinner. If he gets stuck working late at that damn photo shoot I'm gonna kick his ass.”
“You haven't seen his latest pictures, have you?” Vegeta had actually had his staff brainstorm over jobs Goku could do, then the three of them had gone through the list weeding out things Goku had no interest in. And when they were done, there was the potentially lucrative modeling. He accepted a loan from them for quality composites, and let them help with connections. It worked out well - he turned out to be very popular with the agencies and actually ended up turning down work there were so many offers. He was able to pay them back - his insistence, not theirs - in a matter of weeks.
“No,” Vegeta grinned. “Am I correct in assuming you have copies?”
“Yeah - the client ended up being a friend of mine.” Vegeta raised an eyebrow - now that he was started, Goku was trying to do this on his own and didn't like the idea they might be working behind the scenes. “Don't look at me like that. I had nothing to do with it - I didn't know about the job until afterwards.”
“Do you think Kakarott will believe that?”
“Of course he will - it's true.” He chuckled, “You'll be under as much suspicion as I am anyway - it's one of your companies.”
“What?” Vegeta looked surprised; Yamcha didn't know why. Capsule Corp had so many offshoot companies it took a wall-sized flow chart to keep track of them all. Vegeta didn't even deal with the day to day issues - there were COOs and managers all over the place taking care of it. It was no surprise he didn't know about specific ad campaigns of every company and division. “Which one?”
“I think it's new - I haven't seen it before. Ruggedâ„¢ cologne.”
Vegeta nodded thoughtfully, probably going through the card catalog in his head until he found the report he wanted. “Well?” he demanded. “Are you going to show me?”
“Only if you promise to get me a poster of my favorite picture of the series,” Yamcha smirked.
“How about if I promise not to kick your ass?” Vegeta smirked back.
Yamcha sighed, “There's no bargaining with you. Fine.” He went back to his room, returning a few minutes later, this time wearing one of Goku's t-shirts and with a portfolio under his arm. Vegeta practically snatched it from him, and shoving the dishes out of the way, spread it out on the table.
Yamcha sat beside him, pressed as close to Vegeta as he thought he could get away with, and studied the images again. They were definitely emphasizing the rugged good looks of Goku in the series - shot after shot of him in his bare-chested glory.
There were apparently several campaigns being planned. There were pictures of Goku and several attractive women - ho-hum as far as Yamcha was concerned. Other shots were of Goku by himself - probably for some in-store displays. But the one that made him think indecent thoughts was obviously aimed at a gay audience. All you could see of the other man was the back of his head and a sliver of profile. Goku, on the other hand, was facing the camera, one hand vanishing out of camera range against a theoretical wall over the man's shoulder, and staring at him with a intensity Yamcha had seen more and more often in the bedroom.
“Damn,” Vegeta said, staring at the picture.
“Yeah,” Yamcha breathed. “Can you get me a copy?”
Vegeta grinned at him. “Kakarott is going to ask how you got it.”
“So I'll tell him - throw myself on his mercy.”
“Or his cock.”
“That too.”Yamcha looked at the photo again, and then spoke without thinking, “Come on Vegeta -I need something for when Goku finally moves in with you.”
Vegeta turned to study him, a curious expression on his face. Yamcha wished he could take it back - he knew that had sounded a little whiney, like he was complaining. It was kind of true, but he didn't want Vegeta to realize it. He turned back to the picture, trying to avoid meeting Vegeta's eyes and suddenly realized what he had been doing these past few months; he was competing with Vegeta for Goku. And at the same time he was trying to get Vegeta. He didn't care which, but he wanted one of them. It was stupid - he should be glad he had both of them right now. It wouldn't last though - Goku would eventually accept that he and Vegeta belonged together and Yamcha would be left out in cold with nothing but his little black book for company.
“I'm beginning to think that's not going to happen,” Vegeta said mournfully, closing the portfolio. “I think Kakarott likes me - maybe he even loves me - but he's not willing or able to commit.”
“There's gotta be something you can do to convince him. How did things go when he stayed with you last weekend?”
Vegeta smiled for a moment. “In the bedroom? Great. In the rest of the house he seemed kind of tense, as if he couldn't relax. Maybe that's a reason why - since Bulma's gone he doesn't feel at home there.”
“Ghosts,” Yamcha said, understanding. He used to feel it himself at the Capsule Corp compound - like the place was heavy with the ghosts of the Briefs family. They had filled the place up with so much life, and without them it felt kind of empty. He got over it - maybe because he had been there so often over the years, but Goku's voluntary exile seemed to have made the return more difficult. “He'll get over it, Vegeta. He just needs some time. And until then, you two can always get together here.”
“And when we do - what do you do with yourself?”
“Eavesdrop,” Yamcha teased.
“Bullshit. You usually manage to make yourself scarce. What are you doing?”
Yamcha grinned, “I've got places to go. Jealous?” Yeah - he had places to go. Over-priced hotels where he ended up staying in his room alone, staring out the window and getting drunk, all the while feeling lonely and wondering just what they were doing.
“Every time we're together he mentions you.”
“Yeah?” Yamcha asked, a little surprised. “When we're together he always mentions you.”
Vegeta snorted, “And every time we're together we mention him. The three of us are so fucked up.”
Yamcha grinned, “Or at least fucked.”
Goku breathed in Vegeta's scent, feeling the prince's breath hot against his ear and neck. Vegeta remained sprawled over him, their arms curled tightly around each other for the moment. In a few minutes Vegeta would release his grip, relaxing until they lay side by side, bodies still touching and overlapping. Goku had watched Vegeta change over the past six months - before he would have moved further away as soon as possible. Over time he had stayed close, waiting until Goku had fallen asleep to claim an open area of the bed, something which Goku appreciated. He would have preferred holding Vegeta through the night, but since the prince had made the concession to this level, Goku felt compelled to do the same and meet him half way.
Vegeta was silent, remaining in his pose for long minutes, even after Goku would have expected him to move. Goku enjoyed the time, feeling the comfortable way Vegeta's chest rose and fell with each breath, pressing skin against skin.
“Kakarott…” Vegeta said slowly, in a way so tentative Goku wondered what was wrong.
“What?” Goku asked, reluctantly ending the playful dragging of his teeth over the flesh of Vegeta's neck.
“Move in with me.”
Goku closed his eyes in pain, hoping Vegeta wouldn't notice. Couldn't Vegeta see what a difficult choice he was asking Goku to make?
“I can't - I just…”
Vegeta moved so he was staring down at him, the hurt obvious. “Why not Kakarott? I thought you loved me.”
“I do,” he protested. “It's just - I don't want things to change.”
“Change? How will things change?”
“What about Yamcha? What will he do?”
Vegeta took a deep breath and leaned back. “What do you want, Kakarott?”
“I don't know,” he said miserably. “I do love you Vegeta. I don't mean to hurt you. But I don't want Yamcha to be hurt either.”
“There's no reason you can't continue to be fuck buddies.”
Goku tried not to frown - he knew Vegeta was trying to be considerate. It's just that Yamcha meant more to him than that. And he knew Yamcha meant more to Vegeta as well.
Vegeta must have caught the flicker of disapproval on his face. “What the hell do you want, Kakarott?” he repeated, scowling.
“You're angry with me,” Goku said sadly. It hadn't been his intention, but things were going so well why did Vegeta want them to change?
“I'm frustrated as shit,” Vegeta said, rolling away and lurching to his feet. “I'm serious, Kakarott - tell me what you want. I've been trying damn hard to make things right - to make you want to be with me - but it just isn't enough. I don't know what else to do to convince you.”
“I know you have, Vegeta. You've been great. It's just me-”
“Do not give me that `it's me' crap - that's a line too many humans use to end a relationship. Is that what you're doing? Ending this?”
“No!” Goku protested, alarmed. “I love you Vegeta - I don't want to end anything. I just need more time, that's all. I don't want anyone to be hurt.”
“How much more?” Vegeta grumbled, picking up his clothes from a nearby chair. “Weeks? Months? Years?” he added bitterly.
“I don't know, Vegeta,” he said miserably. “I want to be with you. But Yamcha…”
“Is that what this is really about? You prefer Yamcha over me - and you're afraid to say it?” Vegeta snapped as he pulled on his jeans.
“No, that's not what I mean at all!” He felt bad now - he hoped he wasn't going to mess up the great friendship Vegeta and Yamcha had.
“Are you thinking of choosing him over me?” Vegeta demanded.
“No - I just… I don't want to choose yet, Vegeta.” The idea of choosing one and leaving the other alone made him sad - he didn't know how he could ever do it.
Vegeta shook his head, “Kakarott, you've got to figure out what you want. Who you want.” He turned to open the bedroom door.
“Are you leaving?” Goku asked mournfully, prepared to plead with Vegeta to make him stay.
“No,” Vegeta sighed. “I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat.”
“I'll come with you,” Goku said, gathering up his own clothes from the floor where they landed.
“No- I need a little time. Go take a shower - get cleaned up. I'll get breakfast together for us.”
“Can I have a kiss first?” Goku asked, aware he sounded rather childish, but Vegeta's distress was upsetting him.
Vegeta gave a tiny smile. “Yes, Kakarott. Come here.”
Goku quickly went to him, wrapping his arms around Vegeta; he didn't want to lose the prince either. Vegeta touched his cheek and gently brushed their lips together.
“I'm sorry, Vegeta,” he whispered. “I'm trying, honest.”
Vegeta shrugged, resigned. “I know, Kakarott. You just need more time. You can take it - I'll wait.”