Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ Bringing the Turtle from it's Shell ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
You guys are awesome!!! Three reviews Whooohoo! Told you I’m easy to please. Haha as promised I’ve started on another chapter and have another one here for your viewing pleasure.

Thank you so very much for the reviews and to show my appreciation I’ve uploaded one of my old DBZ in my profile. It’s from a Fanfic (not mine) called Cigarette with GxV. ((Don’t worry folks I promise eventually you’ll get more GxV, in fact I may end up doing a spinoff of just them after a while.)) I can’t find the Fic anymore otherwise I’d link to it, it’s a really good story. (If anyone knows it I’d love to find it again) I haven’t done a picture for WGTM yet, but perhaps if I keep getting good reviews I can manage to squeeze in some time and turn out a drawing or two. Hint hint, wink wink. ^_^”


So with that:

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or anything close to it. Nothing, nada, zip. WARNING! This story contains Yaoi (Male on male relationships), rated M, Fluff, AU, yellow spotted wombats, and a whole bunch of other fictional stuff that I’ve pulled outa my hat. (Ok, it doesn’t really contain yellow spotted wombats…but how cool would that be.)

Chapter 3 "Bringing the Turtle from its Shell"


Gohan shot up and instantly regretted it, clutching his head with one hand as he tugged the covers higher up his naked body trying to warm the coldness that had settled on his chest while he slept.


He quickly confirmed his current lack of clothing with a peak under the covers and let out an exhausted sigh which caused him to wince with pain. He was going to have to remember to stop doing that. The still half asleep demi tried to gather his thoughts and remember exactly what happened to him last night but a fog seemed to still be settled over his mind. He remembered getting dragged to that god awful bar, and by the taste in his mouth, he figured he'd had too much to drink, especially for someone that didn't to in the first place, which helped explain why he felt like shit. But there had been something else. A girl, a girl that looked a lot like...


As if on command, the lavender haired demi-saiyajin appeared at his bedroom door dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white undershirt, both of which Gohan recognized as his. In his hands he held a large tray that was giving off some very tasty aromas which caused his stomach to let out a loud growl politely reminding him that it had been a while since he'd last eaten. Or at least since he could remember.

"Hey there tiger...I thought you might be hungry, and by the sounds of things I was right." Trunks said as he sat on the edge of the bed placing the tray of delectables before the dark haired boy.

A feeling of déjà vue hit Gohan, but he shook it off remembering too late the consequences for such brash movements, as his head swam in a kaleidoscope of painful colors. Shyly he remembered his current state and tugged at the sheets willing his neither regions to behave themselves for once. There was a plethora of goodies for his choosing, all of which were making his mouth water as his stomach gave off another angry growl at his hesitation.

Idly, Trunks plucked a strawberry from the pile of fresh fruit, dipped it in a bowl of sweet cream, and wrapped his lips around the tip sucking the cream up as he bit a piece off. Gohan watched him in a silent rapture before he noticed a small drop of cream had dropped off the fruit and was clinging to the light featured boy's bottom lip. Astonished, he watched the lavender-haired tease dart his tongue out, quickly licking up the escaped cream, before the pink appendage disappeared back into his mouth. It was too much for him to take and he realized that if he didn't do something soon things were going to get embarrassing.

"You got to be hungry Gohan. What’s wrong?" Trunks asked not used to seeing his friend hesitate at anything edible.

"Uh, wrong? Nothing...I just..." Gohan continued to stammer on as he looked around his room for a viable excuse. "Toothbrush!"

"Toothbrush?" Fine lavender brows knitted together in confusion before a knowing smile broke on the other boys face. "Haha, you mean you want to brush your teeth huh? Well don't let me stop you."

Trunks removed the tray of food from the bed and walked over to the small round table by the window setting it down. He took a seat on one of the cushioned chairs and watched with an amused little smirk as Gohan clumsily gathered his sheets up around him in an attempt to save some of his modesty before making a bee line for the bathroom, tripping a few times along the way, giving Trunks a few brief glimpses of the small circular scar he carried on his back side. The azure-eyed bishonen's smirk became a tender smile as he turned to stare out the window leisurely nibbling on the half eaten strawberry.

As soon as Gohan was in the safety of the bathroom he locked the door, fumbling around with it for a few seconds before finally getting it, then pressed his back up against the cold wood allowing himself to slowly sink to the floor where he sat panting with excitement and apprehension, trying to recover some of his senses. His heart was pounding in his head as well as in this throat as his dark eyes looked vacantly around him, finally settling on the shower. He lurched to his feet and stumbled over to the white porcelain tub, in the process trying to untangle himself from his kraken of a sheet, and turned on the faucet to cold. As the water rushed out steadily getting colder, Gohan caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and realized just how haggard he looked from the night’s ordeal. Quickly he grabbed his toothbrush, putting a very generous amount of toothpaste on it and topping it off with mouthwash, and jammed it into his mouth while he flipped the faucet from tub to shower and jumped in. The icy cold water had exactly the desired effect he had hoped for. His passion slowly ebbed away in its physical form, as he stood shivering head to toe, until he could finally think strait.

Almost angrily, he scrubbed rather than brushed his teeth, thoroughly grinding the bristles into his foul tasting tongue as he squirted extra toothpaste into his mouth, all the while trying to piece together what had happened to him last night. With the same determined resolution, Gohan set to work scrubbing his hair and body until his skin was a light shade of pink all over. He meticulously cleaned and rinsed every part of himself feeling a little better as all the grime and smoke residue that had been clinging to him flowed down the drain.

He was nowhere near closer to an answer for last night by the time he had turned off the water, but at least he was clean now he thought as he grabbed a towel and began to dry off. In no time his body was dry and he stood before the mirror, wiping steam and condensation from it. He studied his partially obscured face and shoulders, which his wet hair clung too, satisfied that some of the exhaustion of last night seemed to be gone then attempted to soak up as much water as he could from his thick dripping locks before giving it a token brushing. It stayed slicked back for a moment or two before springing back into the chunky onyx spikes of his saiyajin heritage, still slightly weighted down by the moisture in his hair.

With a half hearted smile, Gohan turned to go, unlocking the bathroom door, when he realized he still had the same problem now that he had had coming in here. He was still practically naked. The only option he saw was to run out in his towel and grabs some clothes, which he'd rather avoid since that would mean going past Trunks and the mere thought of that made him tingle in inappropriate places, or getting Trunks to bring him something clean to wear. Either way he was going to have to see or talk to the boy so he opted to go with the lesser of the two evils and poked his head out of the bathroom door spotting the lavender beauty where he'd left him.

"Hey, Trunks...Think you can grab me some clean clothes out of my draw?"

"Ha!" Trunks turned from his thoughts and regarded the older boy with a coy mischievous smirk, way to akin to Vegeita's for Gohan comfort. "What? Is my Sensei, who used to swim naked with me as a boy after sparring I might remind you, now too old and fuddy duddy, embarrassed perhaps by his lack of training, afraid to walk out here with me around?...Tisk tisk..."

Gohan's nose crinkled up at the challenging tone of Trunks comments, and for the briefest of moments a teal sheen glanced off his deep coal eyes. Damn he looked even hotter when he was being arrogant and smug the older boy thought as he fisted his towel at his sides staring back at the pleased looking Trunks. Damn Vegeita all to hell too for having such strong genes. The boy may not look much like his father, but he swore that he inherited Vegeita's pride sometimes. He was going to have to remember to "thank" Vegeita for that sometime.

Despite all this, he still wanted to rush out there to that blue-eyed devil and smother those deliciously wicked lips with his own. Instead, against his better judgment, he secured his towel around his waist and strode out into the room diverting his eyes at all costs from the hawk like gaze of younger demi. With a boldness that he definitely did not feel, Gohan marched over to his dresser and began picking out his clothes, taking a minute to slip some boxers on under his towel before it had a chance to slip off and get him into trouble. He chose a dark pair of blue jeans, same style as the faded ones Trunks wore, and pulled them on followed by a faded black shirt with his father’s old fighting symbol in worn orange on the back.

Fully dressed and feeling much more sure of himself, Gohan turned to his friend and glared at him for making him come out of the bathroom half dressed as he was but almost instantly melted under the soft smiling gaze that he found on the other demi-saiyajin's face. Trunks looked like some celestial being sitting in front of the sliding glass window as the bright sun light enveloped him in a shimmering glow which made his glossy lavender hair seem like spun gold. He motioned for the older demi-saiyajin to come sit and he did so without hesitation, drawn to Trunks without much will of his own. As he took his seat next to the younger boy the delicious smells of the food made his stomach give off a large growl which they both laughed at heartily, Gohan briefly forgetting his prior worries.

"Hehe, come on. Eat up." Trunks said pushing a bowl of gyoza his way.

The dark eyed boy gave him a grateful smile and started in making quick work of the pot stickers before moving on to the rest of the bounty.

Trunks sat quietly, picking at a cluster of grapes, as he watched his friend make a true saiyajin spectacle of breakfast, smiling overtly glade to see him so happy after all the negative reports he'd been receiving about him. All he'd seen Gohan do since he's gotten back from school was work, work, work. The boy hardly even had time to train anymore and every time he would approach him about it he was off to some meeting or "really just too busy tonight, how bout tomorrow.” The problem was, tomorrow never happened with the dark demi, there was always another excuse waiting for him before he would scamper off. It was like he had been deliberately avoiding him, though he couldn't think why. All he could think of was finding some way to be with the older boy, even though he wasn’t making it very easy on him. Recently, he'd had his mother, and even Chichi come see him to see if he thought something was wrong. He'd nothing to tell them that might help ease their minds so carefully, he'd started watching Gohan to try and figure out what was the matter with his former teacher. What he'd stumbled upon had caught him totally off guard.

Gohan, it turns out, had feeling for him. Feeling that rivaled his own towards the dark haired demi-Saiyajin. At first it was little thing that tipped him off, they way he'd drift off starring at him when he thought he wasn't looking from time to time, the intense way that Gohan always seemed to be avoiding him, and now that he thought about it the reason was clear to him. Last night he had proved it. He had no doubt in his mind now what Gohan's real feelings towards him were, now it was up to him to make the other boy see it.

Gohan could be so blind and naive at times, even to himself. Chichi didn't help either, always filling his head with what she thought he should and shouldn't be doing, though he knew she loved him and only wanted to see her boy happy. It really wasn't all her fault, she just couldn't understand. It was nigh impossible for any of these humans to understand a Saiyajin's need to train, to fight, to be the best. She wanted all her males to settle down and play the good husband and son game, but there was always something inside them urging, egging them on to train to be the strongest, to fight whatever was there to fight. He knew this because it was inside him too. But unlike Gohan, his own mother, Bulma, hadn't spent his whole life trying to make him suppress these feelings, his urges, though it probably had something to do with the fact that she already had her hands full with the stubborn Saiyajin no ouji. So while he knew what he felt and what he wanted, he would have to help Gohan come to terms with his own feelings, otherwise the reasonable human side of him would never accept it and let him be happy.

Trunks cleared his head, giving his lavender locks a shake, then realized that Gohan was sitting back, hunger sated for the time being, looking out the very same window he'd been looking out of earlier. There was a longing in his dark friend’s eyes, like he was remembering old time when he was a kid and allowed to run outside and have fun. That gave Trunks and idea, hopefully one that would help his friend.

"Hey you!" Trunks said tossing a grape at the side of Gohan's head. "I got an idea."

Gohan blinked visibly coming out of his thoughts and picked up the grape popping it in his mouth.

"Gah, wasting perfectly good food." The dark haired boy complained before tilting his head, his curiosity piqued, brushing his drying hair out of his face. "What's this idea then?"

"Well..."Trunks stood and walked around to Gohan, dragging a chair with him and sat down behind the slightly shorter boy. He pulled out a small comb from his pocket and began to brush out the bushy saiyajin hair that stuck out indignantly at the idea of trying to be tamed. "I think we should spend the day together. I mean, we've both been so busy lately...I didn't even get to wish you a happy birthday yesterday."

Nimble fingers continued to manipulate the unruly midnight black mane of hair into a neat braid, remembering how much Gohan had liked the first time he pinned back his hair at the lake, as he continued.

“I thought, since it's still pretty early, we could head out and spend the day training like we used to do. I really miss it a lot, don't you? You know my dad, he's not really much fun to spar with, especially when he's standing over you laughing manically....Afterwards we could even have a picnic. I'll cook!"

Gohan thought he heard the tiniest bit of desperation in Trunk's voice and smiled thinking about how good a day of training would feel after such a long absence from it. And food to boot afterwards, what more could a Saiyajin want! The little nagging voice popped up in his mind however, and he started to worry like he always did. He really should be at work by now, he wasn't even sure what time it was but it felt like late morning, and there was all that paper work he was going to go in and do last night, and wouldn't his mom have a fit if she knew her son even thought for one second about playing hooky from work. She'd probably hit him over the head with that frying pan of hers! Kami knows she has a whole cabinet full of them because they quickly dented over his father’s hard head.

Gohan's forehead scrunched up as he thought about all this and Trunks knew he was losing him. That damnable reasonable side of him was trying to talk him out of a day of fun, he just knew it. He quickly finished up braiding the other boys hair, snapping a tie on it from around his wrist, then took a deep breath steeling himself for his next move.

The older demi didn't even have time to react as he was suddenly spun around as Trunks turned his chair about to face him, then, just as quickly, grabbed a hold of the dark haired boy’s wrist just firm enough to let him know he was serious. Gohan struggled a little before Trunks pushed his face inches from his and smiled looking like he did when they were younger and up to some sort of mischief.

"We're going to go spar today, and after, were gona gorge ourselves on food till we can't move. You’re going to have fun and enjoy yourself and not worry about work, or your mom, or anything else. Got it?"


Poor Gohan's protest was cut short before it was anything more than a meek sound in his throat as Trunks face closed the gap between then, resting his forehead against the other demi-saiyajin's. He could feel Trunks warm sweet breath on his lips and his eyes were the only thing he could see, as if he were slowly drowning in those azure pools.

"No buts Gohan!" Trunks' voice was firm but gentle as he urged him on, his own heart catching in his throat when long dark ashy lashes fluttered against his own semi-translucent ones, but he continued on undaunted. "I miss you Gohan, I miss having my friend around. I don't want to hear another thing about work today! After all...I am your boss, am I not?"

Weakly Gohan nodded his entire mind and body feeling like jelly in Trunks' hands.

"Right. So then, if you don't enjoy yourself today..." The light demi trailed off as he leaned back in his chair with a triumphant smile.

"That's blackmail!" Gohan shouted realizing he'd just been caught between a rock and a hard place with no way out.

"Tough! It won't hurt you to spend some time someplace other then the office and this apartment. Besides...I really do miss you Gohan..." He finished in a quiet voice as his face softened and he removed his grip from the dark demi's wrists, instead taking his hands in his own.

"Don't you miss me?" Trunks asked almost pleadingly, his troubled blue eyes staring deeply into the liquid black orbs of the other demi.

That struck a chord with the older boy and he lowered his gaze staring fixatedly at their intertwined hands. He felt hot tears welt up threatening to fall but he pushed them back along with the flip-flopping feeling in his stomach. Gohan wanted nothing more than to tell the heavenly bishonen just how much he meant to him, how much he loved him, but when he opened his mouth to speak the words refused to come out leaving him shaking slightly with frustration at his own inabilities to claim the person he truly loved. When he looked back up, his glossy black eyes met with Trunks questioning azures and he melted, the tears breaking free, streaming down his hot cheeks and onto both their hands. He slid from his chair, falling against his one desire, and threw his arms around his neck barring his face against the warm pliable skin, sighing heavily as the other demi's lavender tresses caressed him like silk, his sweet scent swarming him like a blanket.

"Oh Trunks!"

Shiver ran up and down the younger demi-saiyajin's spine at hearing his name called out like that by him. He had to work hard to control himself as memories of the countless times he had been forced to lay alone, crying the older demi's name into his pillow as he stroked himself against the coarse sheets of the bed, a poor excuse for the soft moist heat that he longed to engulf himself in.

He held on tight to his dear friend, fingers working softly though the loose pieces of his dark hair as he crushed his face against it breathing in deeply the spiced scent of his love. He knew he must, above all things, control himself now. Gohan was not ready, not yet, and to push him or shock him into anything would most likely mean losing his one true friend.

"Kami how I’ve missed you Trunks!" His hot tears quietly slipped down his cheeks, soaking into the other boy’s shirt, as Gohan tried hard to compose himself, feeling guilty for causing such a scene. "I mean..."

Gohan sat up slightly till he was hunched over in front of Trunks still holding on tightly to the younger boy and took a deep breath before continuing.

"It's just. No one ever, not really, understood. Ya know?..."

As sad as Trunks was to have Gohan move away so quickly, he was also glade to be seeing a little more of his old sensei back. With a nod, he reached up and wiped the trail of tears off his friends cheeks with his thumb then gave him a smile that made even the shaken up demi smile too.

"Ya. I do. That's why I know I have got to get you out of this house and out relaxing. So..." Trunks stood up and held his hands out to Gohan hopping with his whole heart that he'd gotten though to his friend. "What do you say?"

Gohan took his hands and looked up to him, giving him a big smile as he stood up already feeling a little bit better now that he could look forward to a day with just the two of them.

"Ok. Let’s do it!"