Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ Grocery Day is a Very Dangerous Day ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Well sorry it’s been a little bit between updates. Good news though. I’ve started work on the first major GxV section of this story, a whole chapter of Goku and ‘Geita, though they are in the coming chapters already I promise. I’m going to try and update ever week or two until I get all the chapters I have done posted. Unfortunately yours truly only has limited access to a spell checker, and it takes me forever to fix my rushed spelling, and even less access to the net, but I promise I’ll be getting them up. Thanks to everyone that’s read the story so far! I really hope you enjoy it and as always please R&R. Now to the important stuff…

Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ, or any of the characters in this story. I don’t even own a computer!

Chapter 4 "Grocery Day is a Very Dangerous Day"

Trunks had decided that they needed a run to the grocery store after looking through Gohan's kitchen and finding only a few instant or ready-made things tucked away in the neglected room. He grabbed the blushing boy and set out for the short trip in his capsule car, since Gohan lived on the outskirts of the city. In no time they arrived at the large store and set about gathering a multitude of goodies for their evening meal.

"So Gohan," Trunks said while picking and choosing the best cuts of meat from the butcher. "How does a Saiyajin, especially one with your appetite, survive with such a poorly stocked kitchen as yours?"

Well...I do order out sometimes." He replied pushing aside the milk that was leaning against him in the cart making his side cold. "But mostly I suppose I just eat at the cafeteria at capsule corps."

A young mother passing by stopped next to them and ordered something from the second butcher behind the counter. The two little girls in her shopping cart giggled and waved at the slightly blushing Gohan, who could only be half seen through the mountain of groceries Trunks had piled on top of him, and shyly waved back. His blush grew even brighter as the young mother turned to see what was causing her girls to start a commotion and spotted the full grown demi-saiyajin in his nest of food, giving him an odd look before quickly moving on.

"Geeze Gohan, no wonder the cafeteria goes through so much food!" Trunks teased as he headed to the produce section and continued burying him under a castle of fruits and vegetables.

At long last, their shopping a success, they checked out and headed back to Gohan’s apartment. Trunks set to work right away preparing all sorts of delectable dishes which already had Gohan drooling as he sat watching him. He was starting to feel a bit more at ease again around the lavender haired sweetie, though if left unchecked for too long his mind did tend to wander into some racy areas that would get him in trouble. The day was still just starting and already he was having a better time now then he'd had in a long while. He couldn't talk to anyone about how depressed he'd been when his younger student had been ushered off to school for all these years. But now he was back he reminded himself, and at lest he still wanted to be his friend. Though, he wasn't so sure Trunks would still feel the same way if he knew his true feelings for him.

"Hey Trunks?" Gohan spoke stopping that train of thought before he began to dwell on it and became depressed again "...Can I give you a hand with anything?"

Trunks had been watching the older demi-saiyajin brooding at the table from the corner of his sights, secretly taking advantage of the boy's distraction to eye some of the more luscious parts of his body, and was pleased to see him finally snap out of it.

"Well, let’s see." Trunks said moving around the kitchen looking for something simple for Gohan to do. "I do have a lot of this meat to season still. Would you mind finishing rubbing my meat for me?"

Gohan had just taken a drink of water and involuntarily sprayed it out, nearly choking at Trunks' seemingly innocent suggestion. The younger demi-saiyajin looked at him with concern, though he was privately pleased that Gohan hadn't missed his little play on words, and brought him a dish towel which the dark haired boy quickly used to sop up the front of his pants and face.

"You ok?" Trunks asked trying to contain a smile at the slight peak he saw rising in his friends pants.

"You...” Cough. "I...just swallowed wrong I guess."

"Maybe you should practice swallowing more" He said turning away from the open mouthed Gohan to hide the little smirk on his lips. "So, you gona help or what?"

It took Gohan a minute just to close his mouth, more or less respond to him, as a hundred thoughts bombarded his head. Trunks didn't mean that how it had come out he scolded himself over and over trying to convince himself of just that. He needed to learn to stop being such a horn dog if he was going to hang out with Trunks today; otherwise he was bound to let something slip. That secret little part of his conscience kept nagging at him however asking why, if he didn't mean it like that, had he said it like that. On top of all this, Gohan found that he was getting and increasingly larger problem that he would soon have to remedy if he didn't calm down.

Deciding that perhaps a little work might help keep his mind off other things, Gohan stood up, sure to face away from the other boy, and walked over to the counter to begin seasoning the meat that Trunks had set aside for him. Soon they had all the food prepared and packed up ready to go. The two of them took to the air setting off away from the city and into the more secluded forests and mountains where it would be safer for them to spar.

They spotted a nice clearing, not far from the mountain side, and both demi-saiyajins lit down giving the place a quick look over. Deeming it acceptable, Trunks set down the pack he was carrying and began to rummage through it. Gohan started stretching and warming up all the while wondering how much stronger his former student might gotten over the four years he'd been away at school.

When he was 15 Bulma had decided that it was time for him to go to school and prepare for work at capsule corps, since none of the z-fighter's kids really went to a public school anyways, rather being homeschooled till they were older. He had always known the day would come, but he'd been sad to see his friend go none the less. He had grown attached to the younger boy and the antics he and his younger sibling Goten used to get into. Now Trunks was back though, 19 soon to be 20. Gohan felt weird being 25. He still remembered the last time he and Trunks had spared before he had left for school. He'd been the younger demi's current age then. Trunks probably hadn't had a lot of time to train while he was away from school, especially since very few humans could provide him with enough challenge to spar with even at his younger age, but he hadn't had much time to do that himself either, more truthfully he hadn't had the motivation after Trunks left, so he figured they would both probably be much the same.

"Hey Gohan, you hear me?"

Gohan looked over at the azure-eyed boy and realized he must have changed sometime during his warm up and was now wearing one of those very revealing black Saiyajin suites Vegeita liked to wear. The tight spandex like material left nothing to the imagination he thought, guiltily enjoying the view before realizing Trunks was holding out another suite.

"What?" Gohan asked trying hard not to stare despite the fact that Trunks looked even sexier, if that was possible, fully clothed in this wonderful Saiyajin clothing then he did in his swim shorts alone. Some deep primitive part of himself wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab the other boy as he licked and tasted the tantalizingly bare flesh of his neck.

"I said put this on. It’s much more comfortable for training then those jeans. Dad makes me wear them all the time."

Lucky dad Gohan thought jealously before realizing how silly he sounded.

"Oh, ok..." Gohan gathered enough of his wits to take the suite and took off his shirt before realizing that Trunks was still watching him as he undressed.

"Um, so, I was wondering..." The dark eyed boy began as he turned around trying to concentrate on getting his pants off without looking like too much of a fool doing it. "How exactly did you end up in my apartment this morning, and why were you wearing my clothes?"

Gohan quickly removed his boxers trying not to focus on the fact that he was now naked as he struggled into the spandex like suite not having worn one for a few years. It took more skill then people thought to gracefully get into one. He pouted slightly as he worked; disappointed at missing out on the chance to watch Trunks change but he figured it was probably for the best since a slight problem would have arose at that sight.

"I got a call last night from someone that said I should come and check on you. They didn't tell me their name, but when I got to the apartment you were passed out half on the couch half on the floor like you hadn't been quite able to make it to your room. Your clothes smelt pretty bad so I had to take them off, and in the process you kind of got sick all over me, so rather then run home and change leaving you alone, I just borrowed some of your clothes and showered at the apartment. Hope you don't mind."

Trunks felt a little guilty for not telling his friend the whole truth, but for the most part that had been the gist of the night for him. He just didn't think Gohan was ready to find out how he'd really found out that he needed his help. He'd tell him though, eventually.

Gohan stood beet red from hearing and account of at least part of what he couldn't remember about last night. He wasn't sure what was worse, that he'd thrown up all over Trunks or the fact that Trunks had seen him naked, literally had had to strip him.

"Of course not Trunks!" The darker demi said as he busied himself trying to straighten up the suite in the back. "I just...don't remember a lot of last night unfortunately." He admitted with a blush as he gave a frustrated sigh dropping his hands to his sides.

"Here, let me help." Trunks said as he took hold of the back of his suite pulling it up and straitening it, then pulled the long braid out of it which had gotten tucked inside and looked like it might be pulling painfully. "And it’s ok. Some of your friends called earlier this morning worried about you and wanting to apologize for last night. Obviously you never told them how sensitive we Saiyajins are to alcohol. They told me they took you out to celebrate you birthday and sometime after your...um, special dance...they lost track of you too smashed themselves. Later they found out that you'd passed out and the club owner told them that one of the girls said they knew you and took off early to take you home..."

Trunks raised a sculptured eyebrow at him and Gohan spun around defensively putting out his hands, shaking his head vigorously, about to protest that nothing happened when Trunks started laughing.

"Honestly, nothing happened! I didn't even want to be there, really!!"

"I know, I know Gohan settle down." Trunks said still chuckling as he patted him on the shoulder. "Like I said, your friends explained. That girl was probably the one who called me to come check on you. Any idea who she might have been?"

Gohan almost told him that she looked exactly like him, but instead shook his head no pouting slightly at his fuzzy memory. He had been so out of it last night that he must have imagined that she looked just like Trunks because of his secret desires for him. That was the only logical explanation for it anyways, and it did fit with what he'd been told. Besides, there really couldn't be a girl out there that looked exactly like Trunks, though it did leave him wondering just how she knew him, and more importantly, where he lived.

"So, are we going to spar, or are you afraid all that time at schools made you too soft and I'm gona have to beat you back into shape?" Gohan asked challengingly as he got into fighting stance, the Saiyajin in him taking over like it always did before the fight.

"Ha! We'll see who's beating who soon enough, won't we." The lavender haired demi replied anxious to show off his new skills.

As if on cue, both demi-saiyajins launched at each other, meeting in an explosion of energy which was quickly followed by three more as they sized each other up. After a few minutes of warm up hits Gohan and Trunks stood at opposite sides of the clearing, the lavender haired boy standing haughtily with his lips quirked in a smirk while the darker demi crouched staring coolly at the five foot trench left in the ground by him from that last punch Trunks had landed on him. His onyx eyes narrowed on the other boy as he realized that he'd been wrong in assuming that the azure-eyed imp had not been practicing during his long absence. If anything, he was at least five times stronger than he had been four years ago, but this match had only just begun, he reminded himself as he stood up once more assuming a fighting stance. It was way too early to even guess at how strong Trunks was now, but one thing was for sure, Gohan was going to enjoy this immensely, though he was going to have to take this fight very seriously if he hoped to keep from getting shown up by his former student.

Gohan pushed off, an energy ball heading straight for Trunks who countered with one of his own before the air was filled with bright streaks of light and explosions marking the two demi-saiyajins spar. For every attack Gohan had, Trunks had and impressive counter and vice-versa, neither one of them letting the other get the upper hand. On and on they continued, well into the early evening, till the mountains around them were pock marked with creators, some from energy blasts knocked aside and some from the impact of a hard Saiyajin body.

After a particularly hard hit, Gohan pulled himself out from the deep hole he found himself in, dusting off as he glanced up in time to see a flash of violet descend upon him. He had just enough time to throw his arms up in front of him as the human missile crashed into him tossing him back to the ground where he slid to a halt with Trunks on top of him pinning his chest with his thighs and his arms over his head with his own. Struggle as he might, Gohan could not break free of the other demi's grip, though part of him knew that he didn't really mind it that much. In fact, it was downright great having him on top of him, so close that he started to smell the delicious fragrance of caramel and something else the younger demi-saiyajin gave off. The smell was so strong in fact that it made his eyes roll back into his head as it became increasingly more difficult to stop himself from reaching up and licking the soft bronzed skin of his neck, as if some part of him knew that it would taste even better then it smelled.

Trunks watched his friend in a silent rapture as his struggles against his feelings raged on. He could see the anguish plastered on his handsome features making the lavender haired boy wish he could just give him what he knew he needed. Taking advantage of his distraction Trunks leaned down, his face hovering less then and inch from the tormented demi's, and breathed in the sweet scent of his breath. Gohan didn't realize it, but he gave off a scent too and it was like a drug to the younger demi-saiyajin, heightening all his already aroused senses. His loins swelled, throbbing with a deep ache in need of release, and he felt Gohan's own need as their hips rubbed together in their now compromising position.

Gohan's eyes snapped open as something hard stroked his aroused member and the realization that it could only be his friends own hard organ hit him like a ton of bricks. All he could see were the deep blue pools of liquid that were Trunks' eyes and he could feel his hot humid breath on his own partially opened lips as he sucked in the air the other demi expelled, their breathing naturally finding a synced rhythm as if they breathed as one. He was afraid to move, afraid to even blink as the younger boy's sensuous mouth formed into a smile, a smile that meant he knew full well the reaction he was causing in his old sensei. Gohan's mind panicked, looking for a million different reasons why Trunks was looking at him like that and why, for that matter, he was still on top of him with his own apparent hard on, but try as he might the rational side of him just couldn't justify either of their current actions.

Oh how Trunks long to kiss those beautiful quivering lips, to have Gohan plunge his hard member into his tight warmth, and to know what it felt like to be embraced by the one that he loved. But he knew there was still too much resistance in the older boy, too much of that damn human resolve that told him what he was feeling for him was wrong. Kami he hated that damn human psyche he thought to himself, amazed at how much alike his father he was sounding. It just wasn't fair. He had hoped that a nice hard sparring session might help bring out his Saiyajin instincts, and while he hadn't ran away screaming at their situation, he could tell by the look on his friends face that he just wasn't accepting his feelings, his instincts yet.

Yet...That was the word Trunks clung to as he let go of Gohan's hands and used his arms to push himself up till he was once more leaned over his friend with a safe distance between them, including their more privet regions. Baby steps he reminded himself. He'd wait till the end of time if necessary, anything just to be with the beautiful dark demi-saiyajin.

"Had enough, or shall I continue?" Trunks asked giving him a look that sent and excited chill down Gohan's spine.

It was just enough prodding though for the older demi to forget about his other problems for the time being and for him to feel the indignation of his Saiyajin side creep up at the thought of giving up a fight. One minute they were laying there as before, the next, the area surrounding them was swallowed in a golden flash of light as Gohan's energy level climbed ushering him into SSJ, tossing the surprised lavender haired demi off top of him and into the air.

It had seemed like ages to Trunks since he'd seen or heard of Gohan showing any true power and, quite frankly, it stunned the younger demi to see his friend and prospective mate in such a state. He quickly landed from his hovering position midair and stood gawking, open mouthed at how even more beautiful Gohan looked now in his advance form. With his long spiky blond hair, sharp blue eyes, eyes of a true Saiyajin, and the thinnest hint of a smirk on his lips he was a sight to behold. All topped off with the large bulge between his legs that was hardly contained by the skin-like material of his black suite.

With another flash of energy, Trunks too charged up to SSJ and stood as his own marvel to be seen as the years of training showed in his muscular physic beyond any question now. Blonde hair, loose now from the confines of the rubber band, fluttered against his face as he clutched his fists at his sides tightening the already straining muscles of his arms preparing for a swift attack on his former sensei. But the tables were turned as, without warning, Gohan threw himself at Trunks; coming at him with a feline-like growl as their bodies collided sending the two demis tumbling head over heels in a struggle for dominance. Gohan swiftly got the upper hand however, and soon had the younger golden Saiyajin pinned tightly beneath him, much like he had been a few moments before.

"Do you surrender?" Gohan half growled between bared teeth as he dug his knees into the younger demi-saiyajin's ribs bringing forth a satisfying groan for his efforts.

"NO!" Trunks growled back in his own tenor voice, more annoyed at being kept from his plans of seduction then from being subjected to such a submissive position by his friend.

"Ahhrrgh!" The normally passive Gohan flashed his slightly elongated canines, tilting his head back towards the nearly setting sun before driving himself against the younger boy’s body, burying his face into the hot salty skin of his exposed neck with his teeth up against it till he nearly punctured the skin. "Surrender!!"

Trunks kicked out from beneath the heavy demi-saiyajin putting up a good fight until a realization soaked though to his hot blooded brain.

"You win..."

He'd done it. He'd gotten Gohan's Saiyajin side to take over, his true side. And what a being it was Trunks thought as he wondered silently if Gohan really knew what he was insinuating with that mock bite making him almost wish that he'd finish the claiming. If only he really meant it though...

Gohan's grip on Trunk's ribs eased up but it took a few more minutes of heavy panting, and a few quick secretive licks which confirmed his suspicions that he tasted even better then he smelled, before he finally released his captive, sitting up with his arms proudly folded over his chest admiring the reddened bite impression he'd left on the creamy flawless skin of the other demi.

"I see you still have a few things to teach me huh?" Trunks asked with a smile, reaching up to gently rub the near bite mark.

Gohan wore a sheepish smile rubbing the back of his neck as he turned a few shades of red. "Guess so...you've gotten so strong though Trunks."

"Heh, yea well. You think my dad would let me stop training just because of school?"

Trunks noticed his friend’s mood darken slightly at the mention of his absence and he quickly thought of something to cheer him back up.

"So, hey. You ever going to let me up so we can eat, or are you just gona sit on me all night?...Not that I'd mind."

"Oh, hehe, yeah..." Gohan turned and even brighter red that Trunks found simply adorable as the older demi stood up then helped him to his feet. "I really had fun sparring Trunks!"

He could tell older demi really meant that as he powered down, his naturally darker features returning, and he followed suite, his lighter appearances a perfect contrast to the other boy's. Trunks stood and simply admired the beautiful features of the other boy in the waning daylight; his entire demeanor was so passive on the surface, but as he had seen for himself, quite a firecracker when he wanted to be. A secret smile tugged at his mouth and danced in his azure eyes till Gohan began to fidget under the intense stare of his friend.

Trunks finally broke the silence that was gathering around them as he remembered something, bending down to remove a capsule from the back pack the clothes had been in. "Well, I'll get things set up if you'd like to go get us some wood. I figured we could have a kind of cook out tonight. Still early enough don't cha think?"

Gohan nodded smiling; his prior worries gone now that they were getting down to the important stuff. Food! While Trunks was busy with the endless supplies of food that came out of the small capsules he carried, the older demi took off into the forest to collect some wood of which there was plenty of laying about thanks to their strenuous sparring.

He walked along gathering up large enough pieces to keep a few reasonable sized fires going and as he did he let his mind wander where it would. Of course it brought him back to the blue-eyed angel and his problems therein. He wished every day could be just like today. How many times had he said that he was going to quit his job, it wasn’t like he needed it, or liked it very much for that matter. With his father being who he was and all the tournaments and fights he and he father both fought for this planet they did ok, not rich like the Briefs, but more than enough to survive on. Though truth be told, he'd be just as satisfied to live off the earth like his father told him he did when he was younger. It was his mother who had such high expectations for him, working at capsule corps and growing up to be some kind of prominent figure in society, happily married to some well off girl and having lots of kids. The problem was that he just didn't see himself like that, especially now. Today he'd had so much fun, much more so then last night, and when Trunks had gotten on top of him pinning him to the ground...

The dark haired demi shook his head not needing his thoughts to travel there now. Before he ever allowed himself the luxury of thinking about that, he was going to have to figure out what to do about his feelings for the angel-eyed bishonen he was lucky enough to have as a friend. But he wanted more then just friendship, so much more, or at least part of him did anyways. There was still that rational voice, though over the day it had gotten much quieter, in his head telling him he was crazy, that it was wrong to think about Trunks like that, but the more primitive, darker voice inside of him was now dominate, and frankly, Gohan liked what it had to say better.

Gohan had been so lost in his thoughts that he nearly walked straight into the large stream that appeared before him as he pushed past the thick forest bramble. He teetered on the bank, pin wheeling his free arm to catch his balance, before falling back onto his bottom dropping the large pile of wood beside him.

"Close..." The dark hair boy muttered to himself as he dusted off his hands. "Too close. All the wood would have been wet."

He stood up, brushing off his backside and his legs when an idea popped into his head. Since he was at the water a quick dip wouldn't hurt. It wasn't like he couldn't use it after nearly a full day of training. He was feeling quite grimy and sticky and a cold bath might even help calm his body down, which had once again become aroused with his earlier thoughts about the lavender haired boy. Surely if he hurried he'd have time to take a quick swim and get back to Trunks with the wood before he even noticed he was gone.

Gohan started kicking off his boots and tugged down the spandex suite peeling it off his saturated skin then tossed both higher up from the water where they'd be safe. There was still enough orange glow to the sky to judge the waters depth and Gohan leapt into a particularly deep looking section preferring to take the cold water head on rather than wading in. He came up laughing and shivering, on account of the water being much colder then he'd expected, then splashed back into the water face up as he closed his eyes letting the gentle current push him this way and that.

From between the bushes Gohan was admired by lust filled blue eyes that lingered greedily over the exposed portions of flesh that bobbed in and out of the water. Wondering about his friends unusually long absence, Trunks had wandered off to find him following his ki and had stumbled upon a rare find indeed. Part of him felt guilty for spying on his close friend, but the other parts of him were enjoying this beautifully sexy sight way too much to let a little guilt get in his way. His pink tongue darted over partially opened lips as his eyes hungrily drank in the erotic view of the dark demi's body, the setting sun dancing a myriad of orange, red, yellow, and purple hues over his skin making him and the water look as if they were a part of some living breathing river of fire. He looked so peaceful just floating out there, like a kid without a care in the world.

With a small sigh, Trunks pushed past his leafy hiding place and stood on the bank looking out at the dark haired boy with an amused smile. " So, I send you to get us some wood and this is where I find you?"


The startled Gohan coughed and splashed trying to quickly right himself in the water after nearly drowning in his hurried attempts to cover his exposed body from view. The waterlogged demi blushed furiously as he treaded water peeking out at the amused demi from beneath dripping bangs, still trying to regain his composure at the sudden intrusion. The water, though plenty cold, was not enough to quench his rising problems as the first thoughts to come to his mind while he was laying there had been how warm he would be snuggled up naked next to the lavender haired demi, which in turn had been leading to some rather vivid daydreaming before he had been interrupted.


When the blue eyed boy heard his name called in such a husky lust filled voice he blushed trying to ignore the heat in the pit of his stomach that slowly spread like a fever throughout his body adding to his already aroused state.

"I....was...it was hot...and I....Hold on, kami, I’ll be right out!" Gohan shouted as he started for the shore.

"Don't bother!" Trunks called back already having kicked off his boots and was now carefully toeing off his black spandex suite that seemed determined to stay tangled around his ankles. "I'm coming in!"

Gohan had only a few moments to prepare himself before a naked Saiyajin body flew at him landing with an ungraceful splash that sent a torrent of waves over the darker demi's head almost drowning him for the second time that evening.

When Trunks surfaced it was to a sight that was pricelessly hilarious. Gohan clung desperately to a large chunk of drift wood, looking much like a drenched cat, as he struggled to stay on the unstable floatation device that continually bobbed and spun beneath him whenever he vied for a better grip. Even as the older demi started to catch his breath Trunks continued to his burro-like laughter caught between clutching his stomach which cramped with the force of his jovial exuberance and remembering to kick his feet so he wouldn’t sink to the bottom of the stream.

"Ha, ha, very funny Trunks." Gohan said rolling his eyes at the boy that was laughing himself into a stupor.

He flung his long wet locks back from his face where they swung around hitting him in the other side much to his annoyance. With an exasperated groan the older boy reached up pushing his hair out of his eyes and in doing so lost the already shaky balance he had on the log flopping back into the water. Poor Trunks couldn't hold himself back anymore as he slowly was submerged under water laughing so hard the water churned and bubbled above him. Gohan surfaced, waving his arms around frantically trying to wipe the water from his face, and looked around for the laughing demi spotting his wavering form just below the surface.

"You wana play soft, we'll play soft." He said under his breath, a mischievous grin touching his lips as he rose out of the water temporarily forgetting his naked state. "You wana play hard...Let's play hard."

With that the older demi-saiyajin dove into the water above Trunks just as he was surfacing and ploughed into him, wrapping his powerful arms around the other boys waist as he scooped them up dragging them both out of the water and up into the air. Gohan stopped nearly 25 feet above the water, still holding the dripping and shocked Trunks, then turned his attentions to the lavender haired boy still wearing that same mischievous grin.

The younger demi looked as if he were about to inquire as to why he was dragged out of the water, but before he had the chance Gohan began tickling his captive's sides, restraining Trunks even further by wrapping his legs around the other boys thighs.

"Gah!..GOHAN!...what...haha...what are you..."

Before he could fully get his question out, he was suddenly flipped with ease till he was doubled over the older demi's shoulder, his feet now getting the brunt of the tickling. His throat was already sore from laughing so hard in the water and now was feeling like he had swallowed gravel as he kicked and squirmed around trying in vain to break free of the older boy's treacherous grasp with tears streaming from his tightly shut eyes.


G ohan wore a smugly satisfied look, slowly easing up on his tickling, as he waited for the pliable body in his arms to stop squirming so much.

"Please what boy?" Gohan asked in a mock innocent voice flicking his fingers over the sensitive pads of Trunks' feet.

"Please stop! You, heh, you win!"

The lavender hair boy lay spent across his shoulder, still gasping for breath, as he laid his burning cheek against the small of Gohan's back wrapping his arms around the other boy's hips to help support himself. Despite the cramping in his overworked stomach or the raw feeling in his throat, Trunks was more comfortable now snuggled up against his friend then he could ever remember being. It didn't last long though as Gohan soon began fidgeting, becoming all too aware of the fact that neither of them currently had any clothing on. Trunks sensed his duress and decided it was time to have a little more fun with his friend.

"Wow Gohan, I never realized what a tight hard butt you have, and my, such shapely beautiful legs." The blue-eyed devil added running his fingertips lightly over both objects of his admiration.

He felt Gohan give a small twitch beneath him and it was his only warning before they both plummeted back down into the cold water as Gohan temporarily freaked out and lost control of his flying abilities. Both boys floundered to the surface and stroked quickly to shore, the water mercilessly invading even their more private parts with its icy fingers. As soon as they reached land Gohan sat back, still visibly shaken, and sat numbly staring at the younger boy whose impish grin hadn't left his face.

"Uhh, Trunks...Wha...what did you.... say?"

"What? I just meant that I think you’re very pretty that's all." The lavender hair boy replied nonchalantly as he stood up and started walking back towards their discarded clothing. "Just wanted you to know that..."

Gohan sat silently, once more jaw agape and motionless, as he stared after the naked demi who was picking up their clothing and some of the forgotten firewood. His mouth opened and closed a few times making him kind of look like a carp on land and Trunks wondered if he'd snapped something in older demi's head. Then, like red wine spilling over a white cloth, a blush enveloped Gohan’s entire face, creeping onto part of his chest as he continued to stare at the other boy in disbelief.

Gohan's brain, unlike the rest of his body, was working a mile a minute trying to come up with any excuse for yet another flirtatious comment from his long time friend. He had merely been making a comment one fighter to another...about his ass, or perhaps he had just heard the other demi wrong, maybe, but Trunks had defiantly said he was pretty didn't he. Pretty?!?

"Well come on, unless you want to eat dinner for breakfast. Let's get this wood back and start the food."

"But...what about...uh, h-hai. Coming."

Trunks noticed his friend was rather quiet on the walk back to the clearing, and even once they had two large bon fires going to cook their food, he still seemed distant, even for him. The two demi-saiyajins sat around a smaller fire, built a little ways away from the larger cooking fires to save them from the immense heat they were giving off, Trunks on one side stretched out leaning his head on his backpack watching the darker demi with concern filled eyes as the older boy sat on the other side cross legged on a blanket staring aimlessly into the fire. Every once in a while a frown would cross the older boy’s otherwise smooth face, as if he were engaged in and important argument.

Trunks couldn't help but feel responsible for Gohan’s now sullen mood fearing that he'd pushed him too hard with his last comments at the lake. He had know this was going to have to be handled slowly and delicately, but what he hadn't planned on was how hard it was going to be to control himself while he was around the raven haired boy.

Still feeling bad Trunks sat up and started looking through his pack deciding he needed to do something to make up for it before he lost the older boy for good. He found what he was looking for and pulled out a rather large bag tucking it up under his arm as he stood up and wandered over to the edge of the clearing disappearing from view for a minute. When he reappeared a short time later, walking back to their fire, he had two sticks in his hands that he seemed to be stripping of smaller branches and bark.

All Trunks' moving about had piqued the curiosity of a certain dark haired boy who casually glanced from the fire to his friend trying to covertly figure out what he was up to. The younger saiyajin was slightly turned from his counterpart so he couldn't quiet see what was happening but Gohan did hear the rustle of plastic and saw Trunks doing something with the sticks.

The blue-eyed boy turned around with a bright smile plastered to his face and Gohan quickly adverted his eyes trying to look like he hadn't just been staring at him, but not before he caught a glimpse of the white puffy marshmallows that were strung along the length of the sticks.

The older demi looked back surprised as Trunks sat down just a hand span away from him with a heavy plop that made the flames of the fire dance erratically for a moment as well as making Gohan's stomach twitter with a secret excitement. The lavender haired Adonis was saying something to him but he swore his ears were stuffed with cotton, muffling everything but his pounding heart, which seemed to be emanating from his head instead of his chest.

Realizing from the far off distance look in his friend's eyes that he wasn't paying attention, Trunks reached out and shook the older boy's shoulder with his free hand, gently at first then a bit harder when he got no response.

"Gohan. Earth to Gohan!" Trunks waved his hand in front of the other boys face trying to get some kind of reaction from him; he'd worked much too hard to lose him now. "Gohan, snap out of it!"

"Huh?" The dark demi looked around a bit confused then realized he must have panicked and zoned out when Trunks had sat down next to him. Silly him. "Oh hai...Sorry, I uh..."

"Don't worry about it." Trunks interrupted handing him one of the marshmallow packed sticks as he thrust the top part of his own over the fire to warm up.

Gohan took it with a small bashful smile then followed suite sticking his stick into the fire as the flames crackled and smoked slowly turning both their marshmallows a deeper and deeper brown. Trunks scooted closer to the dark haired boy till their thighs were touching, while slowly and patiently turning his stick to evenly roast the sticky sugar confections on it, feigning unaware of the fact that Gohan's entire body was trembling slightly with his efforts to control himself as well as with his attempts not to pass out from the sheer excitement of once more being so close to the one he secretly loved and desired.

Gohan watched from the corner of his eyes as the light haired demi pursed his full creamy lips and gently blew on the flames that had caught on his top most marshmallows. He swallowed hard when a moist pink tongue darted out over those parted lips and left a shimmer of saliva on them which caught the light of the fire seemingly staining his lips with the beautiful colors of the flames. Oh how he yearned to take those lips with his own. He'd gladly give his life to be able to kiss those translucent fluttering lashes and to bury his face into his corn silk hair breathing in that intoxicating scent that was Trunks' and Trunks' alone. Once more teasing lips parted as he plucked off a charred marshmallow and slowly sucked its melted goodness into his mouth leaving a sticky sweet white residue over his lips and fingers that made Gohan want to come on the spot.

Without thinking, Gohan reached out and grabbed Trunks' wrists pulling his hand up to his own mouth as his tongue came out lapping and swirling around the younger demi's fingers. The taste of the sugar was nothing compared to the rich flavor of Trunks' skin, which he now sampled for the second time that day. The mere act of it gave him goose bumps as he closed his eyes slowly slipping each digit into his mouth one by one, sucking the clean.

Gohan was lost in his own privet world of pleasure till he heard an odd rumbling coming from beside him. It was familiar somehow and made him feel safe, like a warm blanket fresh from the dryer covering him up, as its rhythmic vibrations spread throughout his entire body. When he opened his eyes, the darker demi was surprised to find that the lovely sound was emanating from his younger half. Trunks was purring! The lavender demi sat looking so serene and calm, eyes closed lips slightly parted, with his husky breaths gently moving the stray strands of hair that hung around his angelic face.

Gohan couldn't help it. He was drawn to that hypnotic sound and, with his marshmallows quickly forgotten in a melted smoldering mess on the ground, he did what he would have deemed unthinkable only minutes before. He leaned over and, lightly at first, rested his forehead against Trunks' chest till he was lying against the other demi-saiyajin. The soothing vibrations coming from his friend now traveled throughout his entire body along with another equally calming sound; the rhythmic pattern of Trunks' strong, if not slight elevated, heart beat.

Trunks was beyond words with Gohan's sudden changes in behavior. First so shy and demure, but then that ever so seductive display with his fingers, and now this new turn of events in which he found himself cradling his friend, his love, to him. His fingers, which had been receiving such lavished attention, now were twined together with the dark demi's filling him with a warm joy as he stared at this small but significant gesture of trust that they shared. He didn't care why this was happening now either. All Trunks knew was that they were together here and now and he could feel, through the slight bond that his father said all Saiyajins shared, the Gohan was truly happy.

Trunks ran his fingers through the long dark midnight mane that fell around Gohan's shoulders slowly curling and uncurling his fingers around the strands. He felt a large strong arm wrap itself around his waist and he smiled to himself daring to rest his chin a top Gohan's head burying his face into the soft thick nest of spikes.

Funny, he thought to himself as he breathed in the heavily spiced aroma of the darker demi, that Gohan would get such undeniably Saiyajin features and yet worked so hard, to the point of hurting himself, to suppress his natural urges, choosing to act human much like his father Goku did, while he himself looked so much more like his human mother yet he knew he was much more in contact with his Saiyajin origins then Gohan. He supposed a good deal of that was due to his father relentlessly pouring his Saiyajin pride down his throat from the moment he was born, but now more than ever, holding his prospective mate in his arms, he understood his father and his often seemingly superior ways a little better.

They had built their fire up to last well into the night and most of the meats would require at least a few more hours of cooking before they were done so Trunks was in no rush to wake the now sleeping Gohan who was curled so securely against him. Carefully, so as not to dislodge the sleeping demi, Trunks reached around behind himself and grabbed the pack that he was leaning against. Quietly he opened it up and pulled out a large blanket that was taking up most of the pack, glade he had overlooked it till the last minute before they left and hadn't put it in one of those noisy capsules instead. He spread it out over Gohan and himself finding he needed two hands to accomplish this task and had to let go of the cherub faced boys grip or risk moving too much and waking him up.

Once he was sure Gohan was comfortable and they were well protected from the nights on coming chill, the younger demi wrapped his arms protectively, possessively, around his dark angel and tenderly placed a small kiss on his smooth cheek before once more snuggling his face into the downy Saiyajin spikes. Trunks closed his eyes, reveling in the soft texture and warm scent of Gohan's hair, and thought with a smile, that this was the luckiest day of his life.

"Sleep well my beloved Koi..." Trunks whispered into Gohan's shaggy mane before he fell asleep with a content sigh.