Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
First off I’m so very sorry this chapter took so damn long to update. I can’t apologize enough to those of you that were left waiting. But for once there is a reason for my tardiness other then I’m lazy and don’t have a computer. I got a really bad burn at work on my right hand….seriously o_O;…400 degree tar really leaves a nasty mark O_o; So needless to say typing was limited at best and painful so not much got done, but now I’m doing better and to make up for it I worked all night to get this chapter reviewed and up for yous. Once again I apologize and thank you sooo much for your patience.

Oh by the way, chpt. 9 is complete folks, that’s the all GxV hentia piece I promised ^_~’, so I’ll hurry and get the next chapters reviewed and posted because I know how much you addicts need your Scruffy hot Goku on Vegeita fix ^_^;

Disclaimer: For those of you that still can’t figure it out…I still don’t own DBZ, anything DBZ related….or Goku….But I wouldn’t mind Vegeita under my Christmas tree this year…wearing a pink satin bow around his neck…and nothing else, YUM ^_^!!


Chpt. 5 "Absence Make the Heart Grow Fonder"

Dark lashes opened fluttering like butterfly wings against the rising sun's rays which threatened to break the deep tree line surrounding the clearing. Gohan yawned, flashing slightly primitive looking canines, then closed his eyes as he snuggled deeper into the heavy blanket fighting off the inevitable sunrise. He pressed against the warm body at his back and smiled sleepily laying there contently for a few second before his eyes snapped open wide and alert.


Gohan held his breath while he gazed around him, all sleep suddenly gone from his onyx eyes, trying to get his bearings without alerting the lightly snoring body behind him. He really had to stop waking up so disorientated and confused, it was enough to make him loopy. Well, he remembered the clearing now, and he'd been sparring here the other day with Trunks, swimming at the lake, bar-b-q-ing...


Carefully Gohan craned his head around and saw the lavender tresses gently moving over the younger demi's slightly parted lips with each exhale the bishônen made causing his heart to jump into his throat. One arm was wrapped securely around Gohan's chest holding him tightly against the sleeping demi, the other flung out in the haphazard position of sleep that Trunks had slept in since childhood.

He was afraid to move, to breath, afraid that the moment he did this wonderful dream would disappear leaving him alone as it always did. His eyes roamed over the caramel skin stretched taught over the well-defined muscles of Trunk's body, greedily taking in the abundance of exposed flesh. He noted the rosy toned nipples that were hard like little pebbles even in sleep, the deep crevasses of shadow between the large sections of muscles that made up his beautiful wash board abs, and the absence of hair on his tight chest, unlike the unflattering bits he'd seen on some of the other boys in gym. He'd never given much thought to it before, but now that he did he realized neither he nor Trunks had any of that dirty smelling hair growing on their arms or chest or legs or...he paused in his thoughts a moment letting his eyes trail slowly lower and lower over the sleeping boy...or anywhere else it seemed.

The blanket covered Trunks mid-section keeping it's secret of whether Trunks wore boxers to sleep or not and Gohan noticed that where he'd seen a small trail of hair growing on other boys down their pubis region, the lavender haired boy had none, instead deep cut of muscle sank beneath the blanket just begging for him to trail his finger down it and see what lay below. Very carefully he maneuvered till he was sitting up, reclining back on one arm, and licked his lips feeling guilty for this secret little pleasure he was partaking of. He reached his free hand out and let his fingers hover above the azure eyed demi's stomach, so close to touching it that he felt the warmth radiating off his skin. He moved his fingers along that tempting little line of flesh, surprisingly steady handed for how nervous he was feeling, and stopped when his fingers nudged the blanket barely inching it back.

Still like a statue Trunks had lain from the moment he'd sensed Gohan awakening. Through barely slit eyes he had watched Gohan go from shocked after his awakening and finding him curled up against him to this now inquisitive exploration of his own body. Gohan had yet to touch him, yet to take any advantage of his sleeping form, yet Trunks held his breath trying to calm his self as the older demi-saiyajin’s hand moved closer and closer to his crotch, wishing above all else that he might try and make his move.

Alas just as he was sure he was going to get his chance to catch Gohan in the act and force him to face his feeling for him, the dark haired boy gingerly plucked the blanket between his fingers and pulled it slowly up Trunks' chest, letting his fingers lightly graze across the warm skin as he did. Gohan let out such a heavy sigh as he pulled his hand away from the younger demi's body, closing his eyes and rubbing at his temples that Trunks' breath caught in his throat wanting to call out to his friend not to stop. If only Gohan had continued he could have helped alleviate the pain that he was obviously suffering from. If only Gohan weren't so damn stubborn. If only.

With a resigned sigh Trunks slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the frowning Saiyajin who sat in deep counsel with himself for his "almost" actions. He reached up and touched the hand that was lightly rubbing his temples which made Gohan look down startled to see his friend suddenly awake. The older boy danced around his words stuttering as he tried to come up with some explanation or apology for waking up next to him making Trunks laugh as he folded his arms behind his head and stared up at the blushing demi.

"Hehe, enough Go-chan, I'm the one that covered us up last night, relax. Sparring must have really taken it out of you yesterday. You actually went to sleep without eating, heh." Trunks gazed lovingly up at his sweet innocent friend. The sun’s rays glittered off his glossy raven locks making him look like a precious jewel in the morning light; one that he longed to obtained but hadn't yet found the key to unlocking. The way Gohan sat trying to calm himself when he was obviously far from it, mumbling and fidgeting around, amused him and he reached out and took one of Gohan’s hands giving it a squeeze.

"Gomen Gohan, I was cold and it was a great comfort to sleep next to someone I..." Trunks paused a moment unsure, briefly of how to fill in the blank. "... Trust. Besides, you should be apologizing to me. I hardly got any sleep with all your snoring!"

"Wha! I don't snore! And what about you mister fights in his sleep. I remember all the times I woke up with bruised shins from a sleep over with you!" The Gohan said indignantly, the blush spreading on his face, but he smiled warm-heartedly at Trunks forgetting about the compromising position he'd woken up in.

"Hai, but at least I don't cause premature deafness!" Trunks giggled as he began to imitate Gohan's snoring with great exuberance.

Trunks continued to laugh, clutching his stomach and gasping for breath, as Gohan assaulted him with a barrage of light punches which seemed to tickle the light haired demi more than anything else. Soon Gohan had joined in on his friend’s contagious laughter and both boys were tangled in the blanket chuckling and wiping away tears as they tried to compose themselves, with very little results. As soon as Gohan settled down Trunks would start snoring again, sounding more like a pig then someone snoring, thus setting off the dark haired boy in a fit of giggles and tickling. To a passerby the whole scene probably looked a bit odd, two fully grown boys rolling around in the grass, one hyperventilating, one practically glowing red with blush trying to pin the other one down, both unable to complete a coherent sentence without bursting into another round of laughter which seemed to shake the very leaves on the trees.

At last the two demi-saiyajins lay spent, panting and chuckling now and again, letting the cool breeze that had kicked up dance over their overheat bodies as they both caught their breath. Trunks had his legs pulled up and arms spread wide stretching his soar stomach muscles which Gohan rested his head against very quite now as he looked up at the sky. Trunks reached down and ran his fingers through Gohan’s thick hair, a habit Gohan was coming to like, and closed his eyes enjoying the warming rays of sun that shone down on them waking his sore and tired body up.


"Was that…?" Trunks looked down at Gohan; a priceless smile plastered on the other demi's face, and laughed wincing slightly at the stiffness in his abdomen. "Well heh, I guess it has been a while since you've eaten hasn't it. Come on."

Trunks sat up, despite his preference to stay in their makeshift bed, and grabbed Gohan’s hand pulling him up with him.

"I saw to the food last night. Everything should still be good. We can eat and then decide what we wana do ok."

"Today? But Trunks..."

The lavender haired boy cut him off with a sharp look which quickly softened when he saw his friend wince. "Come on Gohan, do we really have to go through all that again." Trunks wrapped one arm around Gohan's shoulder and started to lead him towards their forgotten pile of belongings. "It's just one more day, unless, you don't want to hang out with me..."

Trunks laid it on thick, dropping his hands to his sides and hanging his head making whimpering little puppy sounds. Gohan rolled his eyes and poked Trunks' stomach, noting that he had in fact worn boxer to sleep damn it, before giving in with a deep sigh.

"You know I do Trunks. It's just...I duno, I feel like I should be out working, not goofing off."

"Poppycock and hogwash, we're not goofing off, we're training."

"Poopy what?...never mind. It's the same thing according to my mom." Gohan's face clouded over at her mention. Oh how she'd yell if she knew her little angle wasn't going to work, and sleeping outside, with a boy none the less. Not that it was really like that though, he reminded himself gloomily. He wished it was, but it wasn't and he supposed he should get used to it.

"Come on mister pouty face. Stop worrying so much. Your 25 Gohan, and you’re not getting in trouble for not showing up for work. You have no idea how much my mother’s been after me to get you to take some time off, even your mom's come in worried about how much you've been working."


Trunks nodded and black eyes peeked through sleep ruffled bangs searching his face for the truth in it. He'd never thought he'd hear the day that his mother would worry about him working too much. He supposed that maybe it would be alright to take just one more day off. He had, after all, gone nearly the whole four years Trunks was gone without taking more than a day or two off.

"Alright Trunks, you win." He smiled brightly at Trunks making the younger demi’s heart flutter excitedly.

"Good. So let’s get some breakfast then we can decide what we wana do today. Alright?"


Trunks once more brought forth his small stash of capsules and picked one out activating it. In a moment the two demi's stood before a small cottage, dome shaped like so many of the houses now, and painted in a light blue that once against reminded Gohan of Trunks' eyes. The younger demi led them inside and quickly got to work setting up their breakfast on the generous table that took up a good portion of the left side of the living room area leaving Gohan to look around. The older boy never got used to Trunks always having these things so handy. He preferred the outside usually, but he had to admit it would be nice to take a hot shower after breakfast, if this place had a shower.

He wandered from the living room down to the short hall and opened the door to his left peeking inside. He reached in and flipped on the switch near the door and the room was illuminated with a soft glow coming from the lantern style lights that were strategically placed on the walls to give off enough light without being overtly bright. The room housed a cozy looking study with a small desk holding a mess of papers and a white laptop, a few overstuffed chairs littered about the room, and shelves from floor to ceiling on all three walls that were packed full of books from every category from sci-fi to a large biology tome that reminded Gohan of something he'd find in the Brief’s library at capsule corps. And Trunks accused him of spending too much time at work, he thought with a shake of his head noting the capsule corps logo on some of the papers.

Gohan turned off the lights and quietly closed the door walking to the end of the hall where the only other door stood to his right. He opened it and drew in his breath taken back for a moment at the sight. It was a bedroom, but much more than that, it was the exact bedroom he'd been dreaming of when he thought of himself and Trunks together. It was impossible, yet there it was.

Awestruck, Gohan walked in slowly turning round in circles trying to take everything in, feeling as if he were back in his dreams, half expecting to see the other demi-saiyajin laying seductively on the bed waiting for him. Of course he wasn't but the bed was there, exactly as he had pictured it. A large four post Victoria style bed stood in the middle of the room, set slightly off the ground on a platform, draped with gauzy blue silk curtains that were pulled back to reveal the soft furry black blanket turned down to show a hint of blue silk sheets beneath it, both matching the blue and black pillows that crowded the voluptuous headboard. His eyes stayed fixated on the fantasy bed for a moment longer before they slowly trailed over the rest of the room noting the corn silk blue walls with waterfalls of black silk drapes framing the two large windows and how the material continued on down pooling on the thick shaggy coal carpet that covered the floor, the large couch that sat in front of the stone fireplace also done in a wonderful mixture of black and blues, and the huge white fur rug that was spread out invitingly in front of the dormant hearth calling for him to come stretch out and fall asleep with the feeling of the warm fur pressed against his cheeks.

A blush covered Gohan's cheeks as he once more pictured Trunks beckoning him to his side as they curled up on the large couch in each other’s arms watching the orange flames of the fire dance for them in the late hours of the night.

He forced himself to push the thought from his head and focus on the room around him. He noticed the small door at the back of the room that he'd overlooked in his hurry before. He went to it opening it and was greeted to a bathroom that matched the adjacent room perfectly. The whole place was done up in the light blues and dark black hues that he loved because they reminded him so much of Trunks and himself, light and dark, blue eyes and black eyes. Everything from the paint to the towels and even the two tooth brushes that sat in a cup on the counter, one black one blue, was a perfect ying and yang of the two colors. Even the grand circular bathtub was a soft powder blue swirled with a dark ashy black color which glittered in the sunlight that filtered in from the window.

A light touch on his shoulder startled him and Gohan jumped, spinning around to find Trunks smiling at him apologetically from the bathroom doorway.

"Sorry Gohan. I didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready. You coming?"

"Oh-uh, yea." Gohan made no attempt to move though as he stood looking at the lavender haired demi till he finally had to break the silence. "Trunks, can I ask you something?"

"Hai, what's on your mind beautiful?" Trunks asked sweeping aside a chunk of hair that fell in Gohan's eyes.

Gohan ignored the compliment, kind of getting used to Trunks' flattery, and took a deep breath. "Have you been spying on me?"

The young demi nearly fell over, catching himself at the last second on the door jam, and looked at Gohan flabbergasted trying to figure out if he really knew or not that he had indeed been spying on him for some time. He decided to play it cool, well as cool as he could after that little scene, and find out just what had made Gohan ask such a thing.

"Huh?...Wh-what do you mean?" Smooth, very smooth he scolded himself.

"It's just, this room," he stopped looking back to the bedroom and Trunks turned following his gaze.

"What about it?"

Gohan sighed and leaned against the opposite side of the door that Trunks was on looking over his dream room again. He couldn't figure it out. There was no way Trunks could know what he had been dreaming, it just wasn't possible. This whole thing had to be some kind of coincident, otherwise why would Trunks have a room done up just like the one Gohan had been fantasizing about. Unless...


"Trunks, why did you decorate this room like you did."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Trunks was thoroughly confused now. He had been expecting him to accuse him of watching him or keeping tabs on him, but this sudden switch of questioning through him off. "Well, I don't no...I suppose..."

"The truth."

Trunks looked over at Gohan with worried eyes watching the older demi as he stood still looking around the bedroom arms folded over his chest.

"I don't know. It’s silly..." He sighed and pushed off the wall walking into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed digging his fingers into the soft fur blanket. "I've was having these, dreams. I don't remember much." He lied looking away from Gohan, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell. He remembered those vivid dreams very well. Hot embraces, warm tongues, touching, feeling, being held in strong muscular arms, crushed against his panting chest, oh he remembered all too well and his body was threatening to let it be known.

"All I remembered when I woke up was being in a room like this. I felt safe in that room I remember. I think," Trunks tilted his head to the side thoughtfully before continuing on. "I think I was waiting for someone, someone was supposed to come find me. So after a while when the dreams kept coming I decided to build my dream room and see if the person I was waiting for would show up. Silly huh..."

Gohan was shocked, had Trunks been having the same dreams as he had been having. That was crazy; people just didn't have the same dreams. But then again, they weren't people exactly were they. He'd have to remember to give a visit to Vegeita soon. As much as he didn't like bothering the moody Ouji Gohan knew he was the only one that knew what was normal for a Saiyajin and every now and again broke down and went to him for advice.

"It's not silly Trunks."

Trunks looked up at him and smiled. "Maybe not, but still..." He got up off the bed and walked over to Gohan taking his arm as he led him towards the door. "Enough of that, let’s go eat before both of our stomachs go crazy." He added laughing as if on cue a loud grumble escaped from Gohan's.


Trunks led them to the table that was now heavy laden with all the food they had been planning on for dinner the night before. Both demi-saiyajins wasted no time in digging into the gluttonous feast soon making short work of the vast amount of food that would have surely burst any human’s stomach. Sate, Trunks leaned back in his chair stretching out with his legs crossed in front of him, folding his hands behind his head with a satisfied smile. Gohan nosed though the bones and empty plates finding one missed rib and quickly stripped it of its meat before snapping the bone open and sucking noisily on the marrow inside. Trunks watched amused, chuckling to himself as Gohan discarded the last scrap of food and sat back patting his stomach which was slightly distended even behind all those muscles.

"Hehe, guess you were hungry eh?"

Gohan smiled and closed his eyes finding a nice warm sunbeam that was coming from the window. "You didn't do too bad yourself you know."

The light demi yawned and stretched his arms above his head getting a satisfying pop. He got up and moved over to the large double futon in the living room, reclining it back before he laid down on it snuggling into the deep cushiony fabric. He curled one finger beckoning Gohan over to him and patted the spot next to him hopping the older demi would get the hint.

Shyly, Gohan stood up, stretching his sore muscles before walking over to Trunks. He stood over him for a few seconds before he rolled onto the free side of the futon, promptly sinking deeply into the comfortable piece of furniture. He let out a deep sigh and hugged one of the small pillows to him, curling up on his side. Trunks wrapped and arm around Gohan and pulled him up against himself hugging the older demi tightly to him as he used the remote to flip on the TV searching for something interesting to watch.

Gohan had lain quite as Trunks pulled him closer and now relaxed closing his eyes. He was tired of fighting himself every time something little happened. If he was ever going to be able to go back to things being how they were he was going to have to teach himself to stop freaking out every time Trunks spoke to him or touched him. He had become so paranoid that he'd actually avoided his friend for crying out loud. He knew nothing he did was going to change his feeling for the lavender haired angel, and that was ok he decided, but he wasn't going to let that get in the way of their friendship. That was something Gohan had missed even more then he'd realized he was finding out. He felt happier, more complete, just in this last day with Trunks then he had ever remembered feeling.

A few minutes later Trunks looked down at Gohan to find him sleeping, holding his arm tightly to his chest as the soft little snores escaped his mouth. The sight of his secret love so serene in his sleep always made him get choked up. He wanted with his whole heart to Gohan how he felt about him. He wanted to let the dark demi know that he was his world, his everything, but it was just too soon. It was amazing how far Gohan had come in just one day, really it was, but there was still a lot of hesitation and confusion hanging around him. He just couldn't chance loosing Gohan forever by telling him before he was ready to hear it.

Trunks resigned himself to planting a small kiss on Gohan's cheek before he turned back to the TV letting Gohan sleep off his large breakfast. Before he realized it, Trunks was fast asleep curled up protectively around the older demi, a soft smile teasing at the corners of his lips.


Two sets of dark eyes watched over the sleeping demis, one full of joy for the young boys, the other a more reserved pride hidden by scowling features.

"See, I told you that baka brat of yours would be just find didn't I."

The Prince of all Saiyajins stood in his normally aloof posture, arms crossed tightly over his blue training suite as he eyed his first born.

"Aww come on 'Geta, admit it, you were worried last night too!"

"I don't admit to anything fool...Gah don't look at me like that!"

Goku turned his best puppy dog look on the unruly prince, the one that he knew Vegeita had a hard time saying no to. The grumpy Saiyajin Ouji snorted and shut his eyes turning his back on the taller man intent on not letting him get the best of his this time.

"Ve-geei-taaa..." Goku purred in his ear as he wrapped his strong arms around Vegeita's slighter frame. The older full-blood shivered as a chill rolled over his body with Goku softly nuzzling at his neck and his resolve physically melted a bit as he closed his eyes answering his mates purr.

"I know you worried about them last night when you felt all those energy spikes, even if you won't say it 'Geta."

Vegeita turned around and looked up at the large shimmering eyes that had haunted him for so long, always there in his dreams. Goku saw the faint ghost of a smile on his lips and reached down cupping his chin in one hand as he drew the older Saiyajin up to him covering his mouth with his own in a passionate kiss. Their lips hesitantly parted and Vegeita pressed his forehead against Goku's chest letting out a soft uncharacteristic sigh as he wrapped his arms around his neck, standing on his tip-toes to reach the taller Saiyajin.

"Come Kakkarotto...Take me home and I’ll show you what my brat's dying to show yours."

A slight blush spread on Goku's cheeks but he quickly put his fingers to his forehead and they popped out of sight gone just as unnoticed as they had arrived.


Sometime later Trunks awoke with a start, clutching at the still sleeping Gohan tightly as he looked around the room with panic stricken eyes. After a few moments he calmed down long enough to realize that they were safe, still inside his capsule house snuggly in each other’s arms. The dark haired demi started to stir and Trunks eased up his grip pushing back some of Gohan’s tasseled mane from his face.

A dream, that's all it had been, but what a dream at that. There was someone after him, someone that wanted to take Gohan from him. It wasn't fair, just as soon as he had started to woo the young demi over some faceless asshole had thought to take from him his love, his Gohan. It hadn't mattered how hard he tried to hide, or how far he ran, the nameless evil was still on his heels reaching out, grasping for the boy in his arms. Funny thing was he wasn't sure if Gohan was crying because someone was after them or if it was because Trunks was taking him away from that someone.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A smiling Gohan asked looking up at him.

Trunks shook his head and cupped Gohan's cheek in his hand rubbing his thumb slowly over it. "Bad dream is all beautiful. Don't worry about it."

Gohan purred and leaned into his battle worn hand; surprisingly smooth considering how much fighting the two of them had done in their lifetime. Shocked to find himself doing what he was doing, the dark demi pulled back slightly till Trunks' fingertips lost contact with his skin. Once more he chided himself for loosing himself like that. All he was going to end up doing was getting hurt if he let himself pretend that there was something between them other then friendship.

"How long did I sleep?" Gohan asked with a yawn as he stretched arching his back slightly off the futon.

"Not too long, 'bout two hours I suppose." Trunks said glancing over at the clock on the wall. "Guess I was too comfy and fell asleep too."

Gohan smiled drowsily and sat up rubbing his neck and shoulders as he twisted and turned his head trying to force the sleep out of him that was threatening to make him lay back down. He yawned again and sat quietly trying to remember the dream he'd been having. It wasn't a bad one, more confusing than anything and he couldn't really remember much of it which frustrated him. There was a girl...at lest he thought there was, but there was someone else as well. Someone was trying to save him, but from what he couldn't remember. He gave up his mental chase and swung his feet over the edge rubbing his eyes which were still getting used to the bright sunlight that filtered into the house.

"So, how bout lunch?' The lavender demi asked as he got up and stretched walking around a little to wake up. "Then, after, a movie?"

That sounded suspiciously like a date to Gohan but he pushed those thoughts out of his head

"Alright, that sounds great."

"Great!" Trunks' face lit up making him look just like he used to as a chibi, smiling with delight. They both went about getting ready, Trunks picking up quickly after their finished breakfast, and Gohan taking the opportunity to slip into the bathroom to take a much needed cold shower.

Trunks finished up in the kitchen and went to the bedroom picking out a clean outfit to wear today, a nice light blue tank top with his usual black pants and jacket would do nicely, it was getting a bit cool out lately. Clothing prepared, Trunks stripped out of his boxers and tossed them in the hamper, wrapping a towel around his waist as he strolled over to the bathroom humming a tune in his head. He didn't really notice the shower on since the cold water didn't fog up the mirrors like his hot water showers always did, but he sure noticed that someone was in it when he threw back the curtain, stopping only once he reached for the water knob and accidentally grabbed something else instead.


Trunks blushed wildly unable to peel his eyes from the sexy sight before him. There stood Gohan in all his glory, fully nude and covered from head to toe with white soapy suds. His hair hung in wet tendrils around his shoulders, which he had been in the middle of rinsing the shampoo from, and the bubbles from it were snaking their ways teasingly down the older demi's body, trickling down onto his hand which still clasp Gohan’s slightly hard member.

“Trunks!?” Gohan gasped and moaned all in the same breath as he tried to wipe to soap from his eyes looking down at the younger demi in horror and disbelief. “Trunks what are you doing….uhh-in here!”

“Gomen….I-sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here Gohan I swear. I was just going to turn on the water…” A blush enveloped Trunks’’ whole face as he kept staring at Gohan’s body not able to help but notice the light throbbing the piece of flesh in his hand was giving off.

“Trunks, please…” Gohan all but whispered getting a very questioning look from Trunks, whose eyes snapped up to the dark demi’s.

“Please what?”

Gohan’s entire body shared the blush his face started once he realized how that had sounded and began to try and worm away from Trunks’ hand, which only seemed to make his predicament worse. “Are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to let go Trunks…”

“Hmmm…Good question.”


“ ;Hahaha. Ok, alright sorry.” Trunks said letting go and rinsing his arm off in the jet of water from the shower head. He had been so stunned at first by his accidental groping that he had hardly been able to react, but now that he was collected he was going to have a little fun.

“Geeze Trunks. Don’t you knock?” Gohan asked as he quickly turned his back to the lavender haired demi, squeezing his eyes and praying with all his might for some easy way out of this. It was bad enough that Trunks had seen him stalk naked, but for him to also have touched him, and to make matter worse his own body had reacted so quickly to make his lust obvious. The very thought of it only made his desire for the light eyed bishonen even worse.

“You can’t just go around grabbing guy’s thingies ya know.” He tried to joke sounding more nervous than anything. “Someone might think your….uh-….never mind.”

“I’m what Gohan?” Trunks asked coyly as he reached out and grabbed a towel holding it out to him.

Embarrassed, Gohan shook his head and looked behind him taking the proffered towel, forgetting about the water, and wrapped it securely around his waist. He was the one with the gay issues not Trunks. He didn’t need to be accusing anyone else of acting gay when he couldn’t help but get a hard on when a guy touched him.

“Gay. Is that what you were gona say?”

The color drained from the older demi’s face and he swallowed hard shaking his head trying to deny it. “N-no. Trunks, I-“

“Settle down Gohan, your wound tighter then a clock.” Trunks said with a smile trying to set his friend at ease. “Besides…” Trunks reached over, careful of what he grabbed this time as Gohan instinctively flinched back, and shut off the water. “I’m not gay.”

Gohan’s shoulders slumped slightly as he tried to hide his disappointment at that open admission. He supposed somewhere in his head he had hoped that perhaps, against all odds, Trunks was, but there it was. Trunks wasn’t gay. He sighed and opened his mouth to say something but Trunks cut him off.

“I’m Bi.”

Gohan fell over landing hard on the shower floor, too stunned by Trunks words to even feel it though. It was a sick joke; he knew it had to be.

“Aie! Gohan!” Trunks stooped down and picked up the soaking wet demi cradling him in his arms as he took him out of the bathroom and set him down in one of the bedrooms overstuffed chairs. He left him there, still too stunned to even move more or less form a complete sentence, and ran back into the bathroom grabbing up a few towels and one of his cotton robes. He came back and discreetly striped the dark haired demi of his water logged towel and dried him off before he wrapped him up in the thick soft robe. He kneeled down and took one of the extra towels wrapping it turban style around Gohan’s long hair then sat back on his heels looking worriedly at the other boy who had yet to respond.

“Gohan…a-are you ok?” Trunks gently touched his finger tips to the other demi’s cheek. “Please Gohan, I-I didn’t mean to make you mad…”

Trunks was crushed. This wasn’t how he had expected Gohan to respond. Even if he still don’t know the full extent of his feeling for him he still expected the charcoal eyed boy, above all the others, to accept his sexuality. In fact he had probably been being overtly hopeful, but he had pictured Gohan being ecstatic to find out that he liked boys. All he could do was look on worried as his long time friend stared blankly off into space, scolding himself for putting him in his current state.

Unbeknownst to Trunks, Gohan was beyond ecstatic. He was downright fan-bloody-tastic. Trunks, the one he had been pining over and worried to death about because he thought he could never love him like he did was in fact attracted to boys! It was all too much for the dark demi to handle. He sat day dreaming playing the scene over and over in his head trying desperately to convince himself that it wasn’t just his over active imagination. Trunks had actually confessed to liking males. It was a long shot, but at least he had hope now.

Of course that also complicated things now, the thought to himself. If Trunks really was attracted to guys then how was he supposed to take the past day? Was he supposed to treat it like just another day with his friend, or was there really something hidden behind all those accidental occurrences. Just more wishful thinking he figured. No, nothing was changed except for the fact that now he knew there was a chance that Trunks could end up with a guy, but it would never be him.

“Gohan, come on, you're scaring me honey.”

“Huh?” Gohan’s eyes came into focus at last, trying to steady the three Trunks into one image. The side of his head and backside hurt, ushering him back into the present where he was met with the relieved smile on Trunks face.

“Boy, you sure know how to scare the bejeezes outa someone Gohan. How you feel?”

“What…oh. Ok, I guess. My head hurts.” He pointed to the side of his head rubbing it gently till the pain started to subside. “What happened?”

“Well, I think you kind of freaked out.” Trunks paused and bit his lower lip pondering whether or not Gohan remembered what he told him and if he should retell him if he’d forgotten.

“I remember that Trunks” Gohan said as he straightened out the robe reading the younger demi’s mind. “I meant after that, did I fall?”

“I’ll say.” Trunks smiled tentatively and got up sitting on the arm of the chair looking down at dark demi as he rearranged himself. “I think your hard head left a dent in my shower though, I'm really worried about it.” He teased.

“Bah! Your shower! What about my head!” Gohan winced and rubbed the sore spot again feeling a small lump that had sprung up.

“Haha, this coming from the guy that’s taken more blows to the head then I could count.”

Gohan blushed slightly his dirty mind twisting Trunks words around. He took off the towel and touched his hair feeling soap suds still in it and realized he still needed to rise off.

“Ok, I’m going to try this again. You stay here; I’m going to go wash all this soap off of me. Ok?”

Trunks nodded still chuckling to himself as Gohan carefully got up, waiting first to see if he’d be dizzy, and then sped off to the bathroom. Trunks heard the click of the lock and laughed again. Well, at least he was still acting pretty well, considering that he had just man-handled his manhood.

Trunks got up and went over to his closet picking out some clean clothes for Gohan since he hadn’t thought to bring some from his apartment and didn’t think the other demi would mind wearing some of his clothes. Something nice, a neatly pressed pair of black slacks and a tight white tee shirt with a gold dragon embroidered on the front and the back ought to do nicely. He laid the clothes neatly out on the bed then sat back down waiting for Gohan to finish his shower.

It wasn’t long before he heard the water turn off and a few minute later a much cleaner Gohan emerged from the bathroom tightly wrapped in towels. Trunks had to smile at his friend’s shyness as he kept his eyes down walking over towards him, before looking around realizing that he forgotten to bring any spare clothing.

“On the bed...” Trunks nodded over to the area and watched as Gohan scuttled over to the clothes looking at the two piles. “The one on the left is yours.”

The azure eyed demi pulled himself up from his sitting position and stretched reaching his hands up behind his back.

“Now if you’ll excuse me. It’s my turn to shower.” Trunks walked over to the bathroom door and paused looking back at Gohan. “Did you say something?”

“Thanks…” He whispered again and Trunks smiled shrugging his shoulders.

“Anytime Gohan.” The lavender haired boy turned to shut the door and pause with his back to him. “By the way, don’t let me catch you peeking in here just cause I saw you.” He turned his head just in time to see the mortified look on Gohan’s face and threw him a wink before he disappeared into the bathroom leaving the door open.

Gohan was at a loss for words. The light haired demi must have been reading his him because he swore he’d just been thinking about that when he said it. Oh how it flustered Gohan to know that he wanted to peek in on his friend showering so badly that he almost said the hell with it and stormed into the bathroom.

He decided the best thing for him to do would be to get ready and spend this time trying to get his overactive hormones under control. With one final look over to the bathroom door, Gohan stripped out of his towels and finished drying off before slipping into the black boxers Trunks had laid out for him. He pulled on the black slacks, noting that they fit just a little tighter on his hips then they did Trunks', and wiggled into the white tee, tugging the shirt over his head till his puffy hair popped through the top.

Now dressed properly, he walked over to the closet door and opened it admiring himself in the mirror there. His hair was still disheveled and he still looked rather pale, especially when compared to the rather bronze Trunks. All in all he could see nothing special that might attract the other demi to him. He didn't even have his tail anymore. It had been such a long time since it been there that he hardly even thought about it anymore, though when he did he missed it terribly.

Gohan heard the bathroom door swing open wider and the soft footsteps of Trunks as he exited the room. He turned to ask the younger demi something but stopped mid-breath when he saw him. Trunks stood by the bed toweling off his long lavender hair seemingly unworried by the fact that he was naked from the neck down. Gohan's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and his jaw felt like it hit the floor as he stared dumbfounded at the gorgeous demi-saiyajin, which caused his hard-on to double standing out prominently from in his pants, who continued to dry his long lock as if oblivious to the reactions he was causing in his long time friend.

Finally, and with much regret and a little whimpering, Gohan was able to tear his eyes away from the statuesque form of Trunks and focus his eyes on something safer, like carpet lint. All though even this right now made him think of the lack of hair, that he now knew for sure, Trunks had on his neither regions. He scolded himself and finally closed his eyes slumping against the wall chanting quietly to himself as he forced mental images of bunnies and others cutesy things to form in his head only to get some twisted discovery channel things going on instead.

Trunks peeked out from behind his cottony shield and looked at the struggling Gohan wondering if now was the time he had been waiting for. By the look of concentration and pain imprinted on the demi's face he figured it wasn't, and with a small sigh lowered the towel, wrapping it around his waist. He had made sure to grab a small one, so that once in place, it just barely covered him properly leaving a large slit up the side of one muscular thigh.

"Sorry." The younger demi walked over to the dresser against the wall and grabbed a brush off of it and turned to the tormented Gohan. "You think you could brush my hair back for me Gohan? My arms are still a little sore from the fight." He said with an innocent smile.

"H-hai, just..." Gohan peeked open one eye, looking cautiously at the blue eyed boy, licking his lips subconsciously as he drank in his beauty. Somehow the allure of Trunks' bare skin and privet regions now hardly covered by that skimpy towel only magnified his sexiness. The hidden flesh was now more mysterious then ever and Gohan wished he could get just another glimpse of the tasty morsel lying in waiting under that towel. He's previous view had only been enough to whet his appetite, now he wanted to gorge on the whole thing.

Kami listen to me, he thought as he tried to force such taboo thoughts from his mind. He was practically salivating over the thought of Trunks' member in his hands, so close his face he could smell his musky scent. Taking that throbbing organ into his mouth and just...

"Just what?" Trunks asked holding the brush out to him. He'd walked closer to the older demi and was now just a few feet away from him, more than capable of seeing the large bulge in Gohan’s pants. He smiled secretly pleased with himself and took another step closer putting the wall between himself and Gohan.

"J-just, uh." Gohan shook his head and stepped back as Trunks came closer to him till his back was pressed up against the wall. He had completely forgotten what they were talking about and had to search his memory for a few moments before he had it. "Oh, umm, could you put some boxers on?"

"Why?" Trunks smirked planting his free hand on the wall next to Gohan's head so that he was leaning over the nervous demi who seemed bound and determined to sink into the wall itself. "You're not feeling attracted to me are you...Go-hann..."

An involuntary shiver rolled over Gohan and he dug his fingers into the wall, the material crumbling under his strong Saiyajin grip. His entire body was shaking with the effort it took to control himself. He wanted so badly to just reach out and take those full lips of his with his own, but he knew it would be his greatest folly to do so. The last thing he wanted in the world was to lose Trunks. Especially over something as stupid as his lustful urges.

"What...n-no. Heh, I mean...Of course not. Why would I-I...I'm not...I'm not..."

Trunks licked his lips staring into the dark pools of wanting before him. He took his hand from the wall and cupped Gohan's chin with it, lowering his face to his till they were only inches away.

"Too bad." He whispered as he pressed the brush into Gohan's trembling hands and stepped back from him. "So...will you do me? My hair that is."

Gohan was numb. Mechanically he took the brush that he was given as he stared after the younger demi. Too bad he had said. What in the world did that mean, too bad? What was he supposed to have done? Said yes, broken down and told him that he dreamt about him all the time and just wanted to holding him tight never letting go. That just wasn't possible, it wasn't right. Trunks could tease him all he wanted but he just couldn't tell him his fondest wishes, his hopes, his dreams...His desires.

Dreams he told himself following the light haired boy to the bed where they both sat, Trunks' back to him so he could brush out the mid-back length hair. They were nothing more than that, he scolded himself as he delicately ran the brush through the long hair that fell in rivulets around his shoulders. His hands worked quickly but gently as Gohan tamed the thick strait locks, pulling it all back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck and securing it with a tie he was given.

Once he was finished, Trunks turned to face his long time friend, both staring wordlessly at each other until the silence that collected around them seemed to roar louder than any noise they'd ever heard.

Finally, with a small sigh, Trunks slid his hand up to Gohan's cheek and cupped his face which Gohan responded to by closing his eyes, a soft purr issuing from his chest. Neither of them wanted to move, happily choosing to stay like this for all of eternity. Oh how much simpler things were unspoken Trunks thought as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against the dark demi's, when there was no room for these silly morals Gohan fought against as strenuously as he had Cell or any of their other enemies, where there was only room for their love for each other, the happiness they could only know together for they were Saiyajins, full blood or not, and there wasn't another creature in this universe that could understand what it was like to be Saiyajin.

Trunks bit his lip and pulled back from the trembling demi refusing to take him until he proved he was ready. He would gladly wait five life times for Gohan, no matter the cost, his love for the other demi-saiyajin only grew as time went on. He longed for the companionship he could offer, the warmth and the love he longed to feel from the dark haired angel on his bed. Someday, he told himself in his own silent oath, he wouldn't stop till he finally won over the stubborn beauty. It was their destiny.

"Come on Gohan." Trunks removed his hand and Gohan let out a small whimper before sitting back with his eyes cast to the side unwilling to let him see the shimmering of tears in his eyes that threatened to give him away. "Let's finish and get out of here. I have a surprise for you tonight that I think you'll like."

He pressed his finger to Gohan’s lips when he tried to protest and shook his head smiling at the head strong male.

"No arguing with me alright. We're going to go eat and then catch a movie, and tonight you'll get your surprise. And I promise it's not like the one you got the other night, its better."

A light blush stained Gohan’s cheeks. He had almost completely forgotten about the incident on his birthday, and with a small nod he and Trunks both got up and finished getting ready, Gohan making sure to keep his back to Trunks until he was sure the light demi was completely clothed. Trunks found a comfortable pair of sandals for them both then sat Gohan back down competently putting his hair up in a high ponytail so that the majority of his bushy spikes sprung out behind his head and against his shoulders.

Clean, clothed, and groomed, they left the house and got into Trunks' car, which he produced from one of his helpful capsules. Soon they were zooming through what was left of the forest, haven chosen to take a car rather then fly into town because most people in the city still reacted badly to the sight of someone flying unassisted above them. It wasn't long until they were in the thick of the hustle and bustle of everyday city life and Trunks located a nice restaurant to have lunch at.

Trunks hurried out of the car and quickly jumped over to Gohan's side opening the door for him as he got out. Gohan blushed and mumbled his thanks to the lavender haired demi before quietly walking up the side walk to the restaurant. He was doing a lot of blushing lately and it was a wonder, he thought, that with all the blood rushing off to other areas he still had enough blood to spare to fill his face with so much heat.

Trunks reached the door first and once more opened the door for Gohan causing the dark demi to pause and look at his quizzically for a second before he went in. Trunks followed suit and soon a waiter showed them to a small half moon booth, more than big enough for two people, towards the back of the room where only a few other people sat giving them relative privacy. The waiter took their drink orders and left them with a couple of menus which Gohan quickly picked up and busied himself with.

"I hope this is alright with you?" Trunks asked as he casually glanced over his menu before setting it down already knowing it pretty much by heart.

"Hai," Gohan allowed a small smile to creep onto the corner of his mouth as he continued to pretend to read the menu. Trunks had remembered his favorite sushi place. He was amazed; he hadn't been here in years. "It's very alright Trunks."

Trunks smiled please with himself. He didn't want to press Gohan to fast again so instead occupied himself with opening the long packet of wooden chopsticks and carefully snapped apart the thin connection between them. It was funny when you thought about it. In many ways Gohan and he were just like those chopsticks. One small obstacle between them removed and they could function together as one.

In no time the waiter was back with a large pot of hot tea and two glasses of water. He took their orders, a mass quantity of sushi variations that would no doubt worry the sue chefs that had to fill it, and left with a small bow promising to be back with some appetizers.

Once more Gohan was left alone with Trunks and was soon fidgeting trying to find something to keep his attention. He opened his chopsticks and tried to break them apart with his shaky hands but pulled a little too hard and snapped them in two. Trunks chuckled softly and looked around spotting another pair on the table next to them and grabbed them, opening and separating them for the dark demi.


"Anytime." Trunks flipped over the small tea cups sitting in the middle of the table and carefully filled both with the fragrant hot tea passing one to Gohan. "So, thought about what movie you want to go see after this?"

Gohan thanked him again and daintily blew on his tea while Trunks smiled watching him as he took a cautious sip pulling back quickly at its heat.

"Not really. I don't even know what would be playing." He tried again this time finding the top cool enough to sip on. "I don't really watch T.V. much you know. Heh, don't even have cable at the apartment. Normally the only time I watch something is with my dad and brother at their house. Then it's usually cartoons."

A small smile crept onto Gohan's face as he thought about how strange that might sound to someone that didn't know his family. What and odd picture indeed, six in the morning and the three Saiyajins were up and oddly enough coherent for that early time. His brother Goten, his dad, and himself all still in their pajamas wolfing down whatever his mother made for breakfast, huddled together on the large Son couch so they could catch the Saturday morning cartoons together. Right after Gohan would tell them he had to go to work quickly leaving to burry himself in paperwork before his mother had the chance to query him on his social life, or lack of, but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to tell his little brother no when he asked him every week if he'd be coming over to watch cartoons with him and their dad.

Trunks liked the way Gohan seemed to be relaxing a little bit again. It nagged at him that to think that he would probably be a lot more at ease if he didn't keep riling him up, but part of him like to see the older demi flustered. He just wished he didn't get so depressed afterwards. At least he was recovering faster he thought.

"Well, how bout just a category then, and I’ll pick something good huh? Kami knows I see enough of those movie ads with Bra and her friends always hanging around."

"Alright" Gohan nodded already feeling better and anxious for the waiter to come back with their food. He sat back for a while and pondered on what type of movie he'd prefer to see. Anything romantic was out of the question. He didn't really mind them that much it was just that he didn't need to give himself anymore ideas. Most of the action movies now a days just didn't have the same effect on him, he supposed it had something to do with the fact that he'd been through a lot of the types of fights that the hero was going through himself, and horror movies were kind of the same way. Once you've seen one bad you've guy you'd seen them all.

"Ok, a comedy then."

"Hai." Trunks reached into his pocket and pulled out a small electronic device and began messing with it looking up movies and show times while Gohan silently watched the light haired demi.

His distraction with Trunks didn't last long though for soon their waiter returned laden with two trays of food that announced their first round of lunch. Gohan's mouth watered at all the yummy appetizers that were set before him. He hungrily grabbed up a handful of edema and began popping the small pods open catching the beans in his mouth. He made easy work out of three of three bowls of salad and quickly moved on to a few choice pieces of sashimi soaking them in a generous mixture of soy sauce and wasabi. He looked up from the bowl of noodle soup he was noisily slurping down and noticed that Trunks was still preoccupied with his electronic gizmo. Mischievously, Gohan picked up a rather large sized edema pod and aimed it at Trunks who was busily punching away at the gadgets screen. With one switch movement Gohan managed to squirt out all three of the small beans at once and sent them flying at the light demi's forehead.

"Hey! What the-" Trunks rubbed his forehead looking around in bewilderment trying to figure out what had hit him.

"What's wrong Trunks?" Gohan decided to play innocent tilting his head in concern at the startled boy.

"I...don't know. Something hit me." Trunks' forehead wrinkled with a frown as he gave the room one last look over. "Just, odd. Eh..."

Gohan almost couldn't hold in his laughter as the azure eyed demi went back to his movie searching. His cheek practically ached from the effort of not bursting into a hysterical laughing fit when he had seen the beans bounce off Trunks' head and disappear behind their booth. Feeling lucky, Gohan selected another large pod and took careful aim once more shooting for Trunks' forehead. The beans shot out and connected with their target perfectly. Trunks growled slightly and felt around on his lap picking something up from it.

"A soybean? Where the Hilf did a soybean come from?"

Gohan couldn't help himself as he snickered softly behind his napkin trying to act as natural as possible.

"What's so-?" Plink. Another bean bounced off his chest and he looked over at the now red Gohan who was unable to contain himself any long and began roaring with laughter.

"Ha! It was you eh. Well how do you like your own medicine!" Trunks asked as he tossed the small bean back at Gohan pegging him on the cheek with it. Gohan just continued to laugh and picked up the piece of food popping it in his mouth happily.

"Oh boy...hehe. You should have seen you face...hahaha"

"Yea I’ll bet." Trunks smirked rolling another small bean between his fingers. This time Gohan caught the small edema in his mouth as it came flying at his head. "Having fun?"

"Mmm." Gohan nodded and slurped nosily on a large clump of noodles before finishing off the broth. "So, what movie we gona see?" He asked between bites reminding Trunks an awful lot of both of their dads when he ate.

"Well, there a few good ones out, I figure we'd decide once we get there. We got..." He looked down at his wrist watch comparing the current time to the movie schedule. "Actually we got a little less then and hour, but we should be ok."

"I guess that means we should hurry up and eat huh." The dark hair demi mumbled around a rather large tako roll.

"You hurry anymore and I'm gona starve Gohan!"

Gohan stuck his tongue out at the other demi sending both the boys into a giggling fit. Soon the waiter returned with another load of food, this time procuring the assistance of another waiter to carry the mass quantities of food they had ordered. Trunks and Gohan were both more or less silent while they ate and ate, much to the dismay of the chefs who watched in disbelief as the two demi-saiyajins packed away enough food to feed a full days worth of customers.

Finally sated the two friends sat back rubbing full stomach and sipping on the warm tea as they let the wonderful meal digest. Trunks looked back at his watch and nodded to their waiter asking for the check. He paid and stood up stretching his slightly distended stomach with a groan.

"So, are we ready?" He asked Gohan holding his hand out to help him up from the booth.

Gohan took the proffered hand with a smile and got up stretching similarly. They left the restaurant, leaving some very humbled chefs behind, and got into their capsule car heading out down the street. The city was a fairly busy as was the norm, with people bustling about on the road and hustling to and from all the many shopping centers. Trunks stayed to the smaller less traveled back roads and in no time they arrived at the movie's parking lot. It wasn't too hard finding at spot to park in the large paved lot since most people did not populate the theaters at this time on a weekday.

The two demi's got out and strolled up to the ticket vender standing back a bit as they decided what to watch. While Trunks was busy prattling off movie titles and descriptions Gohan looked around unnerved as he felt eyes on them. There was a small group of girls, two of them looked like they were probably still in high school, and they were whispering and giggling huddled together in that little secretive way they had. Every now and again one of the girls would look over at the two demis and point as the rest of the flock burst into tinkling titters.

Gohan had seen this before and wanted no part of what those girls were thinking. Instinctively he pressed closer to Trunks turning in towards his chest and grabbed his arm holding tightly to the lavender haired boy. Trunks looked down slightly startled but smiled as he saw Gohan burying himself into his side and the cluster of girls making quiet a spectacle of themselves as they started to approach the two boys. Trunks wrapped a protective arm around Gohan's shoulders and hugged him tight to his muscular frame shielding him from the giggling girls as they swarmed around.

Trunks tried to ignore their twittering and noxious perfume focusing instead on what movie he was going to take Gohan to. Finally, one of the girls, a cute auburn haired one with a bright green sweater and a black skirt, was elected to talk for them and was pushed out in front of Trunks interfering with his reading.

"Hehe hiya, I'm Ashley. We were just wondering..." She motioned back to the other girls who waved shyly all giggles and whispers before continuing. "What movie you two were going to go see, and whether you'd mind some company."

"No thanks." Trunks said mechanically as he looked over her head and continued mumbling about what to watch.

"What? Why not!" She asked planting her hands on her hips deliberately moving back in his line of sight. Obviously she had not expected that kind of reaction from the handsome boy. She flipped her brown hair and pushed out her generous chest taking his rejection personally.

Trunks felt Gohan groan against his chest and he stroked his shoulder sighing softly himself. These girls were going to be difficult he could tell that before she had even started to talk, but there was one thing that usually got girls to leave him alone while he was at collage, maybe it would work here.

"Honestly, because I'm gay. This is my boyfriend." Gohan sagged in Trunks grasp when he said this and the light eyed boy had to practically hold him up to keep him from falling. Man he hoped Gohan didn't freak out too badly but it was the only thing he could think of, and in a way he supposed it wasn't too large of a fib.

"Yea right. Prove it!"

Damn, she'd called his bluff. The other girls around them were now getting bolder crowding in closer and tossing in chants like do it and prove it. Trunks pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand cursing under his breath and wishing these girls would just go away and leave them alone.

"I don't have to prove anything. Please just leave us alone."

"Nuh-ah. Not until you either tell us the truth or kiss him. Otherwise we're going to follow you into any movie you go to and badger you the whole time!" It was a win-win situation she figured. Either the boys would give up and take them to the movie or they'd get to see a little forbidden kissing going on.

"You really are a piece of work." Trunks mutter as he thought about his options. He really didn't have much of a choice, beside; the idea of kissing Gohan was much preferred over the thought of having the girls ruining their movie.

Quickly, before Gohan had time to stop him, Trunks swung the pale looking demi into his arms wrapping his arms around him and pressed against the small of his back holding him tightly. The surprised look on the older demi's face was priceless as a large hand guided his chin up to Trunks face where his lips were captured in a soft but full kiss. His first reaction was to pull away but Trunks had anticipated this and held firmly to the dark demi until he felt his resolve weaken and his body melted against his. The small kiss quickly turned into a hungry battle for dominance as Trunks forced his tongue between Gohan’s lips smothering his tongue with his own. Gohan was overwhelmed by the passion in that kiss as threw his arms around Trunks neck pushing his own tongue back over the younger boy's as Trunks hands wandered up and down Gohan's back, one finding its way under his shirt sending shivers up and down his spine.

Gohan was lost in the heat of the moment, for one brief glorious minute forgetting completely about the human's stigmas on same sex relationship and fell head over heels for Trunks all over again. His lips tasted like honey and his hot breath washed over his face carrying the spicy smell Gohan had come to associate with his love. His head was spinning and he willed himself not to pass out and miss this beautiful miracle that was happening.

All too soon the kiss ended, Trunks pulling back till their lips were only lightly brushing together. He stared down into Gohan's deep charcoal eyes his own clear blue ones so full of an urgent passion that Gohan reached up and once more claimed his lips with his own. Gohan tangled his fingers in Trunks' long hair and pressed his head firmly into the bruising kiss till he felt Trunks' heart beat faintly between their skin. He felt the gentle moan against his mouth as he pulled away, embarrassed knowing Trunks had only meant to call those girl's bluffs and get them off their back, but the kiss had been so real, so full of emotions that he just hadn't been able to help himself.

Blushing deeply, Gohan buried his face back into the safe confines of Trunks' jacket tightening his grip around the younger demi's neck as he heard the ohhs and awws from the still giggling girls behind them creep into his awareness.

"Now will you please leave us alone."

Trunks soft blue eyes turned steely as he stared down the pouting girl who seemed to have been hopping that he really wasn't gay.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Come on." She said as he turned to leave with the other girls who would no doubtably be talking about that kiss for some time to come.

"You ok Gohan?" Trunks peeled back a corner of his jacket and Gohan dug deeper into his chest like a vampire hiding from the sun’s rays. "Come on, you don't have to come out ok, just walk with me."

Trunks carefully pulled Gohan along as he went up to the ticket booth and paid for their tickets then entered the large theater lobby. A man tore their stubs, giving them a disapproving look over, and they proceeded to theater 9. The theater was softly lit and the screen was full of advertisements, but luckily for them there was only one other couple in the room and they were nestled up in the highest corner. Trunks led them to the middle row and guided Gohan, who refused to come out of the jacket, into his seat taking the spot beside him. To make it easier, the lavender haired boy slipped out of his jacket and used it to cover up the older boy then leaned over and hugged him tightly.

"I'm going to go get some drinks and snacks. Can you stay here by yourself a few minute honey?"

The jacket bobbed up and down and Trunks took this as a yes. With a sigh he gave Gohan another long tight hug then got up and went back to the concession stand for some snacks.

Now alone, Gohan still was unable to leave the confines of Trunks' jacket. At first he'd just been mortified at the idea of facing Trunks after what had happened, but now Trunks was gone and he still couldn't bring himself to move. It wasn't so much out of fear now, rather, snuggled deep inside Trunks' jacket he could pretend that he was still snuggled up tightly to the lavender haired angel of his dreams. The spicy aroma of Trunks was penetrated deep into the jacket's fabric making Gohan feel so warm and safe that he never wanted to give the piece of clothing up. His lips still tingled from their kiss, and even if it had just been a onetime thing he could still be happy knowing what it could be like to be loved by Trunks.

He pulled his legs up to his chest drawing himself up into a tight ball and rested his chin on his knees closing his eyes as he listened to the background noise of the theater that his sensitive Saiyajin ears could pick up when he let them while he waited for his knight and shining armor to return.

It wasn't long before he felt the familiar ki of his friend return and he smiled to himself when a warm body pressed against his side as Trunks sat back down. The buttery smell of popcorn wafted through the leather jacket teasing the older demi just enough to brave peeking out only to be greeted by the smiling face of his crush.

"Peek-a-boo." Trunks shook his head chuckling when Gohan pulled his face back under the black fabric hiding from the lavender haired boy. "Ah, well. Guess I'll just have to eat all this popcorn by myself then huh?"

Now popcorn was something Gohan had always like, especially at the movies. He could go through bowls of the stuff when he watched a movie at his dad's, so needless to say the steamy aroma coming off the salty snack was enticing enough to coax him to come out of the jacket, even if he did still keep it tightly wrapped up around his chin.

"That's better beautiful." Trunks said as he pushed a stray lock from Gohan's face. A blush lit up the dark demis face and he took a piece of popcorn Trunks offered him licking the salt and butter gingerly from the younger boy’s fingers. "Heh, so, you excited about tonight?"

Gohan looked at him quizzically his brows knitting together. "What's tonight?"

"How quickly you forget my sweet eh? I promised you a surprise, remember."

He did now. He supposed there had just been so much going on today that he'd let it slip his mind. He'd promised it would be better than the last surprise his friends had given him, and that wouldn't be to hard considering what a bad time he'd had then. Part of him felt bad for hogging all of Trunks time, and for his own being here instead of work. Not to mention the fact that he was finding it nearly impossible now to control himself around the hunky heart-throb.

"Really Trunks, you don't have to do anything for me."

"Bah," Trunks flipped up the armrest between them and pulled Gohan over to him so that he was leaning up against him, one arm draped around the older demi's shoulders. "I want to do this Gohan. 'Side, like I said, I think you'll love it."

As if on cue, the theater grew dark and the screen turned black and silent for a moment before it suddenly re-illuminated signaling the start of their movie. Trunks set the popcorn in Gohan’s lap and reached over with his free hand taking one of the dark demi's hands in his hand as he settled back focusing on the movie. All Gohan could do was freeze at first waiting to see what would happen. Slowly but surely he relaxed till he was happily laughing along with Trunks popping popcorn in his mouth, head comfortably resting against the younger boys shoulder.


Two hours later both boys left the theaters still in laughing fits wiping tears from their eyes and holding their sides. They reached the car and Trunks stumbled around a bit before finally finding his keys and unlocked the doors. Both demis fell into their seats giggling like school girls when they looked at each other. The movie had been absolutely hilarious and Gohan couldn't remember a time when he'd laughed harder. Trunks had to use his shirt to wipe tears away as he sat back trying to calm himself enough to drive.


"Anytime." He knew he said that a lot, but he meant it. It really was such a joy just to be around his friend, he would gladly stop anything, anytime, anywhere just to hang out with him.

Trunks smiled and looked over at the flushed Gohan who was buckling himself in. He nodded and started up the car turning on the heater. The temperature had dropped quite a bit while they had been inside and Gohan was still keeping a possessive hold on his jacket. He buckled himself in and they headed off down the road. He flipped on some music keeping it low and hummed along with it as they headed away from the city.

"Where are we off to now?" Gohan asked as he stared out the window enjoying the hot air that was coming from the cars vents.

"Well, I thought we'd head back out to the house and maybe get in some quick sparring before we got ready for your surprise tonight."

"Gah, you’re a glutton for punishment you know."

"Yea, but don't act like you’re not eager to spar again Gohan."

He was, and for more than one reason. When they were sparring all else escaped him except for the fight at hand; that was how it had always been. Once he started the fighter in him took over, but there was also that excited twittering in his stomach right before the fight when he'd get to admire Trunks in the tight blue spandex suit and know that in just a few seconds they'd be up and personal punching and grabbing and touching each other as they fought to win over the other person.

"Yea well..." Gohan shrugged and smiled. No Saiyajin could deny that he liked a good fight, especially against a friend.

It seemed like no time before they arrived back at the house. Gohan walked inside while Trunks put up his car before joining him. The charcoal eyed demi went to the fridge and grabbed a gallon of juice pouring himself a big glass. He bent down and put up the jug only to turn around and see Trunks finishing off the last of the juice. His blue eyes were sparkling as he set the glass down and smiled at him sheepishly.
"Thanks sweetie." Trunks planted a small kiss on Gohan's cheek and turned around walking back into the bedroom leaving a very shocked looking Gohan behind him.

After a few moments a deep crimson red stole over Gohan’s face and he felt kind of giddy as if he'd stood up to fast. Trunks was playing a dangerous game with him the older boy though as he got the juice back out and poured himself another glass. If he wasn't careful he was going to push him too far, which was the last thing he wanted to happen now. Now, when everything seemed to be going good and the last thing he needed was to get confused and start thinking that Trunks could possibly be feeling something like that for him.

He put up the juice and walked over to the futon sitting down as he slowly sipped at his glass deep in thought. Trunks came out from the bedroom clad in his blue training suite and sat down by the dower looking demi nudging him softly with his shoulder.

"You ok Gohan?"

"Hmm...yea. I'm ok Trunks. Just a lot of stuff on my mind." Gohan finished off his juice then smiled when he noticed the deep scowl his friend was giving him. "And no not about work ok."

"Hehe, reading my mind now eh'. Better be careful or people might think we're mated."

There it was again. Gohan stared at his friend contemplating what he had just said. Of course his face was painted with a bright blush but now he was also interested in what he had said. He'd never heard someone refer to humans as being mated, He knew animals mated but why would Trunks get off saying something like that about them? And why did he get a funny little tingle at the base of his spin when he mentioned the word?

"What do you mean mated?"

"Uh, you know." Now it was Trunks turn to blush as he realized he'd have to explain. "Like, you know!"

"No. I don’t. Tell me Trunks." Gohan sat the empty glass down on the small table beside the futon and folded his legs under himself turning to face the lavender haired boy.

"Kami, Gohan. You took science class..." Trunks fiddled with a piece of lint he picked off the cushion, eyes down cast avoiding the dark orbs that were still interrogating him.

"Yea, but what's mating have to do with..." Gohan put two and two together and blushed forcing his eyes off of the skin tight suite wearing demi. "Beside...humans don't mate."

Trunks frowned and looked up at Gohan feeling a slight disappointment in his words. "No, humans don't. Humans do stupid things like get married, and get divorces, and tell you who's ok to love and who's not for no other reason than it makes other pigheaded people uncomfortable to see two guys walking hand in hand. Ngh, Humans!"

Trunks got up and turned his back on Gohan walking into the kitchen. He leaned up against the sink planting his hand on the counter and shut his eyes tight talking himself down. That was the basis of their problems. Gohan was stuck on thinking like a damn human. Neither of them were human. They may have some incidental trace of it in their blood from their mothers, but that hardly qualified them to be humans. He'd rather be some half-breed mutt then a full-blooded human any day. He squeezed a dish towel in his hands rendering the poor thing into two pieces then sighed and let go letting it flutter to the floor. He turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water over his face trying to cool his heated temper. Man he just wanted to hit something right now.

"Trunks?" Gohan had gotten up and followed the light demi quietly, flinching as he ripped apart the small rag. When Trunks didn't respond to him he reached out and gently touched his shoulder not sure what he had said to make his friend so upset.

Trunks spun around startled and looked down into the deep midnight eyes of the older demi who was slightly cowered before him. He hadn’t meant to get so upset, especially not at Gohan. In an instant his anger melted and he scooped the dark eyed boy up into his arms hugging him tightly, kissing his forehead as he buried his face into his fragrant hair. He felt Gohan relaxed in his arms and it was all he could do not to reach down and kiss those soft full lips again. Instead he contented himself with stroking his fingers through his hair letting a soft purr roll around in his chest.

"Gomen Gohan. I'm not mad, I just..." He pressed his face deeper into the thick black spikes and took a deep breath wishing he could have even more of his long time friend.

Gohan didn't know why, but for once he didn't freeze up when Trunks grabbed him and hugged him. Instead he just felt like being happy. To know that Trunks wasn't mad at him was enough, he never wanted to make him mad or sad for any reason.

After a time Trunks let out a deep sigh and turned his head to the side resting his cheek upon the older boys head so he could be heard. "I'm sorry; there no way you really could have known." Gohan opened his mouth to say something but Trunks shook his head and continued. "My dad told me that back on Vegisia that a Saiyajin didn't pick and chose his mate like the humans do here on earth. There, two Saiyajin's are destined to be together, it’s just a matter of the two finding each other. It usually comes to them in their dreams as a deep desire for someone, they won't know who but they will have an urge to hunt out that certain someone and be with them, and once they finally meet they both know that the other one was meant to be their life mate. See, Saiyajin's mate for life and they have no discriminations between the sexes, not like these humans who seem to change their desires for a mate every month discarding the old one for the new."

Trunks leaned back so he could look down at the thoughtful demi in his arms who seemed to be trying to absorb all that he'd just been told. He couldn't bring himself to tell him about the dreams he'd had of him, about the longing he had for him. He had no idea how strong Gohan's natural instincts were and didn't want to completely push the dark haired demi away. He'd given him something to think about, the rest Gohan was going to have to figure out on his own.

Gohan looked up at the light eyed boy after a few minutes and looked as if he were about to say something but stopped as he looked away staring out of the window behind him. Trunks softly cupped Gohan’s chin with his fingers and tilted his head up to him bringing his face down to his. He stopped just before their lips met and closed his eyes letting out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry."

Trunks opened his eyes confused and pulled back so he could look at Gohan easier. "Why are you sorry Gohan?"

"Well, because I didn't realize how much our heritage meant to you. Dad never really mentions anything about Saiyajins, unless he's around Vegeita that is, and I suppose its cause he was brought up here. It's not like I don't care just..." He shrugged and laid his head against Trunks chest smiling when he felt a strong hand brushing against his back. "I guess I'm a little more like my dad then I thought. I didn't mean to make you upset."

Trunks shook his head and continued to stroke Gohan’s back as he spoke "No it's ok. I guess I'm the same way with dad always shoving Saiyajin traditions on me. I guess somewhere along the way I started to believe in them like him." He rubbed Gohan’s shoulders vigorously and smiled pulling the dark haired boy back a bit. "Come on sweetie. It's getting late, but we can still get a decent spar in before tonight if we hurry."

Gohan nodded liking that idea and hurried off to change. Trunks leaned back against the counter smiling thinking it had been good for them to finally talk about that when suddenly Gohan appeared back in front of him and planted a small ghost of a kiss on his cheek before running back off to change.

Trunks was floored. He had never expected that, and the small show of feelings moved him so much a tear slid down his cheek. He licked the salty drop from his lips and closed his eyes suppressing the grin that was threatening to break from ear to ear on his face. There was still hope, and as long as there was hope it was enough to keep him going.