Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon ball Z or the characters in it. I do own Vestia.
Thanks to Vimesy for the Beta
Please rate and Review!

“Doesn’t this thing have a weakness?” Gotenks asked. Vestia stared at the Barguest with wide eyes.
“If anything it’s gotten stronger. It’s like it is feeding of the entire planet.” She closed her eyes and tried to feel anything left. She gasped. “It’s the only thing left here. It’s horrible.” She looked at Vegeta. “We’ve thrown everything we have at it. How do we stop it?”
Vegeta powered up. And let loose a barrage of ki blasts. Gotenks hit it at the same time with his Galactic Doughnut holding it in place. Vestia used her ki whips to try and damage it. When the smoke cleared the Barguest was still standing. It jerked his head to dislodge the whips and Vestia let go of them before she was sent flying by it. The Barguest reared back and charged the three. Vestia dodged out of the way before it could kill her again. As she dodged she threw fireballs at it. Vegeta moved up and brought another ki blast crashing down on its head.
The planet continued to self destruct. The sky was now red from all the fire that was coming up from the ground. Suddenly the Barguest came crashing to the ground.
“Vegeta-san!” Gotenks shouted, “Whatever you did, do it again it’s working!”
Vegeta gathered more energy for another ki blast. If this thing would be weakened by hitting him on that spot, then that’s exactly where he would be hit.
“Stop.” A voice sounded inside their minds.
“It’s the old lady!” Gotenks said. “She’s still alive.”
“Seer?” Vestia said. Tears burned at the edge of her eyes. She hadn’t heard that voice since before she had been taken into the queen’s custody.
Soft laughter sounded in their heads. “I am going to use the last of my magic to bind the Barguest to the planet. He will not survive the planet’s destruction.” She looked up at them. “This creature feeds off of energy. He was created to protect the royal family. So do not attempt to attack him again. Please escape the planet while you can, if you keep fighting him he will keep getting stronger. I can hold him as he is now.”
Vegeta growled. Some old woman was not going to tell him what to do.
“Please Vegeta-san.” The old voice urged. “You all must leave the planet. Otherwise you may all die. Everyone else on this planet has already had their life force drained by him. If he gets any stronger I may not be able to keep him her.” The crone started chanting. Long black chain surrounded the Barguest holding him to the ground.
“You’ll die.” Vestia cried. This woman was the only family she knew. If she lost her she wouldn’t have anything left.
“I’ve lived a long time. Now go while you can.” The Barguest struggled on the ground and snapped in anger as it tried to break free of its bonds. It roared in rage when it realized it could not get free.
Vegeta flew down to Gotenks and grabbed him. Then he grabbed Vestia by the collar of her shirt and rushed them away from the battle. He carried the two up into the atmosphere until her saw Bulma’s spaceship. He almost smiled when he saw that Bulma had left the hatch open for them.
The crone looked up at Vegeta as he grabbed the children and escaped the planet. “Farewell my child” she whispered. She would die here, but she would die protecting her princess, something she failed to do before. She continued chanting as the world destroyed itself around her.
“What the hell happened?” Bulma asked looking at Gotenks, Vegeta, and then Vestia. She was shocked by how much blood Vestia was covered in, but otherwise they didn’t look too terribly banged up.
“Onna, get us out of her quickly. That planet is going to blow up.” He growled and walked over to Bulma leaving Vestia and Gotenks on the floor. “We need to be clear.”
“Right.” Bulma nodded and rapidly began plotting coordinates in the ships computer. She turned around to Vegeta and gave him thumbs up. The ship rushed away just as the plant started to explode.
Vestia stood up and looked out one of the windows in horror. The only home she had ever known was now gone. She struggled to hold the tears in. She honestly didn’t know what was going to happen to her. Vegeta walked over to her and stood behind her. “Your home is gone. You need to find a way to deal with it” Vestia turned around and looked at him wide eyed. She didn’t want to show weakness in front of anyone. “Go get cleaned up. There is a shower downstairs. You’re filthy.” Vestia nodded mutely and made her way downstairs; her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She honestly didn’t know what was going to happen to her, or what she was going to do. Revenge kept her going, and she didn’t even have that anymore.
Gotenks sighed. Then during one last flash of light he was no more. “We did it Trunks-kun!” He said smiling.
Trunks sighed. “We didn’t defeat anything. The old women saved us remember.” Trunks looked at the stairs where Vestia had just gone moments ago. She really wasn’t that bad. “Papa?” He asked looking at Vegeta. “What’s going to happen to Vestia? She doesn’t have a home or anywhere to go.”
“I guess she can stay with us.” Bulma said before Vegeta could answer. She really only knew what the seer had told them about the girl, but she wasn’t about to turn a child away. She had to take Vestia in; she had nowhere else to go.
Vegeta stiffened, but he wasn’t all that surprised. He figured the girl would stay with them. Besides someone had to take her in.
“I guess she needs something to wear.” Bulma said softly. “I’ll have to take her shopping. And find a way to get her enrolled in school, plus I’ll need to get her a private tutor to get her caught up.”
“Gods, Onna,” Vegeta grumbled. “You’re going to make her wish she died in the explosion.” He smirked. “What she is going to need is training. She has power, but not enough control or technique. That was painfully obvious during the fight.”
“Why don’t you wait to see if she even wants to train?” Bulma said pointing a finger in Vegeta’s face. “She is a girl after all, and you really don’t know anything about them.”
“And you don’t know how to properly raise a warrior. Look at the brat.” Vegeta smirked. “But he isn’t a total loss; he isn’t as soft as the other brat.”
Trunks frowned watching his parents argue, they seemed to always fight about his training.
Bulma fumed. “I’m going down to see if she needs anything.” She spun on her heel and marched down the stairs. Goten and Trunks exchanged looks.
“Trunks-kun.” Goten whispered “Can I stay over at your house. It’ll be exciting for awhile.” Trunks laughed nervously. He really didn’t want to draw either of his parent’s attention on them right now.

Vestia looked around the room that she was given in amazement. True she had been a princess on her home world, but she never had a chance to experience the luxury of it. She sighed and sat down on the bed. Bulma-san had said the room and furnishings were only temporary. Temporary meaning that Bulma would be taking her shopping to pick out every little thing she needed. Vestia really didn’t think that was necessary, but Bulma wouldn’t have any of it. Bulma-san insisted that Vestia would have the best of everything. After all she would become her, and Vegeta-san’s by default, ward. Vestia laughed at the entire situation. Barely a week ago she was trapped in a dark cell, her only hope of getting out what she created in her own mind. Now she was living with the richest woman on another planet, to top that off Vegeta-san had promised or threatened, to make sure she had control and technique. All she had to do was train with him. This would be much easier than going to school with Trunks. Which she would have to do once the next term started. She frowned, she really didn’t want to attend a human school, but she really didn’t have a choice. If she had trouble, she could probably just copy off of Trunks’ work. Bulma-san would be sending her a private tutor to “get her caught up.” Vestia frowned even more. This wasn’t the life she envisioned for herself. She had hoped that once she escaped her cell that she would have the blood of her captors and all those who helped them running beneath her feet. But it was better than being in that cell, enduring the beatings, having her power locked away from her, and the other things she had to endure. A part of her was glad her planet blew up. Except for the crone there was nobody there who gave a damn about her. They either directly supported her aunt, or were too cowardly to help her. They were all worthless and deserved their fate. She knew without a doubt that everyone who took part in her humiliation was dead. No, she wouldn’t have the satisfaction of hunting them down, but they wouldn’t come back to haunt her. She got into her bed and turned out the light. She just wished she could say the same about her memories. They would never leave her alone. Vestia lay awake in bed for awhile reliving all of her humiliation, tying to keep the memories out, until a restless nightmare filled sleep claimed her.