Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer DBZ is property of Toriyama. Queen Zeal (for those who see the similarities) is also his property.
Vestia is all mine!
Thanks to Vimesy for the Beta
Please review.

The monster continued to take shape. He slowly became a blood red hound with flaming paws and bright yellow eyes. He roared as he was released into the physical plane. Vestia Trunks and Goten started at him in horror. Not only was he large, massive in fact, he was insanely powerful. Goten gulped and looked over at Trunks. Trunks just flashed a smirk at him as he prepared for battle.
The Queen laughed. “Come my pet, Barguest, destroyer of worlds. These children want to sacrifice themselves to you. Feast on their souls and become more powerful!” The large beast sat back and roared while the queen floated beside him. He snapped in the air as if trying to devour the very atmosphere. Then her reared back and charged.
Goten and Trunks flew towards the beast in unison together they gathered their ki and launched a barrage of energy at the beast. The beast simply ducked his head and let the energy bounce off of him.
“What?” Trunks yelled surprised. The beast lunged at him and he dodged out of the way. Vestia spun up into the air and gathered her own energy. She gathered it into her arms and flew in a downward spiral straight onto the top on the beasts head. Her attack was just as ineffective. The beast just swatted her onto the ground.
“You’re not even giving him a good workout.” The queen sneered with glee. She laughed. The power from these children would only make her pet more powerful.
“Ka-me-ha-me-ha!” Goten shouted launching his attack. The beast just snapped his jaws on it and ate the attack. “Trunks-kun!” He looked up at Trunks who was trying his own attacks which were also having no effect.
“Let’s get serious Goten.” Trunks said. He powered up and became a Super Sayiajin. Goten nodded and followed suit.
Vestia blinked as she saw the two golden warrior. She could feel their increase in power and was amazed that two small boys could generate that amount of energy. “Are they gods as well?” she wondered aloud as she rolled out of the way as Barguest’s giant foot almost came down on top of her. “Why the hell didn’t you do that before?” she yelled. “I guess I should get serious too.” She jumped up to the air. She frowned, while she heard stories about this, and knew the spells to summon him; she really didn’t know anything about this great beast. Other than it was very dangerous. She frowned; she really didn’t know if the three of them were enough to take care of the Barguest. “Hopefully this thing doesn’t have ranged attacks.” She said. “Trunks, Goten, Give me time. I’m going to try something new.”
Trunks looked at her. She was still gathering energy. “Yeah, but if your plan doesn’t work we are going to need some time too. I have a plan.” He looked at Goten. “Go left.”
Goten smiled. “Got it.” He flew off to the left side of the monster.
Vestia nodded. Her golden eyes sparkling with her ki. “Stay alive.” She raised her arms above her head and started gathering even more power.
“Hey ugly!” Trunks called out trying to distract the monster from the massive amounts of energy. “Come get some!” Trunks said as the two flew around the monster throwing ki at it at the same time. They attacked in unison each kicking, punching, and blasting an opposite side of the monster in an attempt to give Vestia the time she needed.
Vestia kept gathering energy above her. Soon she had a very large ball of fire. Hey! Since you like feasting on my energy so much, eat this.” She snarled as she launched it at the monster. Both Trunks and Goten felt the energy sphere before they saw it. As one they moved out of the way and the energy hit the monster straight on.
“She did it!” Goten cheered pumping a fist in the air. Vestia kept her position in the sky watching her as her attack hit the monster. But it didn’t seem right. Suddenly the monster launched itself through the flames at her. She held her hands in front of her trying to slow the monster once he got to her.
“Vestia!” Trunks called out. “Goten, lets fuse!” He landed on a ledge. Goten jumped down right next to him. The two boys positioned themselves for the fusion dance.
“Fu..sion..Ha!” They called out. A glowing light engulfed them. The monster kept snapping at Vestia. She felt pain as it bit her though her defenses. It reached up a claw and swiped her. She screamed in pain as she fell to the ground.
“Stop right there Mr. Big Giant Ugly thing!” The newly formed Gotenks said. “Why don’t you stop picking on girls and fight me.”
The monster turned away from the injured Vestia and faced Gotenks.
Vestia lifted up her head and pulled herself into a sitting position. The flesh on her right arm was ripped from the bone and blood was streaming down her body. She quickly looked away from her arm. She closed her eyes to keep from crying, but the pain was so great. She couldn’t be powerless again. It couldn’t end like this.
“No my pet!” The queen called out. She pointed to Vestia. “She is beaten ready to be devoured. Finish it, if she dies on her own her life force will be wasted!”
Gotenks waved his finger in front of him. “No, no, no. Bad dog. I can’t let you do that.” He puffed out his cheeks and made his ghost. “Kamikaze Ghost attack!” Hundreds of Gotenks ghosts rushed towards the Hellhound monster. He stood with his hands on his hips and laughed. The ghosts surrounded the monster. Every time they touched it they would explode taking a chunk of the monster with it. Vestia watched in amazement as her vision blurred. She could barely stand. She didn’t know if she died if she would be returned to full strength or not but even with This new person, or two people together she couldn’t really tell, if it was going to be enough. She must be close to death, because she thought that Trunks and Goten joined together. She really couldn’t tell. Her vision darkened she was beyond caring about this battle. Vestia collapsed to the ground.
Gotenks felt Vestia’s ki fade; he just hoped she would get up again. And he hoped that she would be able to fight if she did. The last ghost exploded and the monster while injured was still relatively intact. Gotenks started to form his galactic doughnut as the monster rushed him.
Suddenly In a blinding flash of energy the monster stopped and howled in pain. Vegeta then floated down onto the battlefield. Smirking he looked at the Barguest, “You must be terribly ineffective to only want to fight children. And to imagine I thought this was going to be a kind of vacation.” He crossed his arms and looked at everything going on below him deciding on his best move. It looked like the girl was dead and the brats couldn’t hold out much longer. He was concerned that something like this would happen, but he wasn’t about to turn a good battle down.
“Vegeta-san!” Gotenks said pumping his fist into the air.
Vegeta smirked. “I can’t allow a hideous thing like you to run amuck in this universe. And your dog isn’t much better.” He powered up into a Super Sayiajin and gathered energy.
“How dare you insult me!” The queen screamed. “Kill them all, my pet!” She pointed at Vegeta and the Barguest launched himself at the Sayiajin prince.
“I wonder if he will go away when you are dead.” A voice behind the queen whispered. The queen slowly turned around and found herself face to face with a bloody, but recovered Vestia. Vestia clenched her fists. “I put up with much because of you. You killed my mother before I could even know her. Then you bound and humiliated me. I shall enjoy this.” Vestia gathered up her energy and formed them into two whips. She immediately wrapped one around the queen’s neck burning her and cutting off her air at the same time. The queen’s eyes widened. Fear made its way to the queen’s face. She wished she was decided to kill Vestia’s mother before the child was conceived; now it was too late for those regrets. And all her mystics died bringing forth the Barguest. Nothing would save the queen now. She couldn’t even call out to the Barguest to save her. “A quick death is too good for you.” She hissed. “But I don’t have time to let you suffer like you deserve. I still have to finish off the barguest that you foolishly brought into existence.” She snapped the other ki whip back and it straightened into a long spear. She thrust it into the queen’s chest. “Rot in hell you bitch.” She said as the queen fell to the ground dead.
The beast roared in fury and earthquakes rocked the entire planet. Lightning flashed all around and lava started bubbling up from fissures. Vestia jumped up to join the other two fighters.
Vegeta glared at her. “Killing her caused the beast to lose control. This planet does not have long.” He closed his eyes. It was even more apparent that without its master the beast was drawing energy from everything it could to make itself stronger. It was ripping the planet apart.
Gotenks paled. “Bulma-san!” He exclaimed. Looking around for any sign of the spaceship.
“The Onna is already off of the planet.” Vegeta said. “We should take care of this trash and join her.”
Vestia stared at Vegeta. But she could see no deceit or over exaggeration in his face. He was truthful in his assessment in her home world being destroyed. She smirked. The newcomer was stronger than the two boys who came to her rescue. She just hoped it would be enough to kill the Barguest. She welcomed the help in stopping it. The fight she had been waiting for ended when the queen died by her hands. She wondered if she would mourn her planet. But now was not the time for such thoughts.
The three warriors stared down at the monster. They would have to destroy it before they could go home.